Dr. Kathryn E May – The New Scriptures – Direct Dictation from Jesus / Sananda – Who Needs Light .org


Dr. Kathryn E May,  of  Who Needs Light .org

Transcribed all of these sacred documents.

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The New Scriptures, as given by Jesus/Sananda. As directed by Sananda, there will be no excerpts, no para-phrasing, no overview of His words. Let us all take responsibility to insure the continuing integrity of Sananda’s words, just as He has given them here for the first time


Dr  Kathryn E May

Click This Link to view  Sananda’s Autobiography  and His Scriptures In His Words

Click On Her Jesus Sananda Tab


1   –   2   –   3   –   4   –   5   –   6   –  7   –    8   –   9   –   10   –   11   –   12   –   13   –   14   –   15   –   16   –   19   –   20   –   21   –   17   –   18   –   19   –


Prime Creator and ONE – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – “I Am Creator of Your Universe called Nebadiah” – Predictions for 2015 – Social, Political, Educational, Medical and Scientific Institutions Revamped – War Debts of All Nations Paid Off – Reagan-Mitterand-Wanta Fund – US National Debt Paid Off – IRS Eliminated – Federal Reserve Being Dismantled – Economic, Legal systems replaced by NESARA – Swift Demise of U.S. Corporation Government – Return to Constitutional Law – Saint Germain Trusts Activated – All Personal Debts To Be Forgiven – Your Personal Account Will Be Funded! – Waves of Prosperity will Wash Across the Planet – Clean Water, Food, Decent Lodging for Those In Need – Humanity Will Work Together – Trust, Camaraderie Across Borders – Dramatic Changes in Agricultural Methods, Food Production – Free Energy Technology – Mother Terra will be Paradise Planet – Ascension Energies Lifting Your Vibrational Signature – Your New Crystalline Bodies Thrive in Higher Dimensions – New Adventures, New Friends – Live Your Lives In Unconditional Love – Find Pure Love Within – 10-18-14


Prime Creator and ONE: Predictions for 2015
Prime Creator:

I am delighted to speak with you about what we see for all of you in the coming Earth year, for it is an exciting, historic time for all the Cosmos, and your beloved Terra is at the center of it all.

First let me explain to you who I am. There is some confusion in the channeling community about who Father and Mother God are, and what my relationship is to you and to One, the Source of All Things. I will tell you. I have been mostly in the background for the past few years because we wanted to gradually introduce you to the Ascended Masters, the Animal and Elemental Kingdom, and your Galactic brothers and sisters so that you would develop a wider knowledge of your part in the Life of the Universe all around you.

Recently you have been taught by your Lightworkers, including our beloved channel who brings my words now, that you are Masters yourselves – an integral part of the unfolding drama which is the Ascension of Planet Earth. I take a great interest in your well-being and your growth, because I am the one who is the Creator of your Universe which I have called Nebadiah, and all it contains.

Within your Universe, the many galaxies and star systems have been created by me and my twin, Omara, together with the great Masters who also became Creators in their own right. For instance, Ra and Isis (also known as Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet) are the creators of your Milky Way galaxy, with my cooperation and support. Because of our very loving and close relationship, for they are my soul children, they sometimes take the role of Mother and Father God in order to speak with you – with my complete agreement – as the voice of God.

The creation of souls, as well as the creation of the human race, has been our job description, you might say. I am known in the Higher Realms as Ohara, or by the amusing nickname, PC. I am not the only Prime Creator, since there are many Universes, but we are among the oldest of the children of One, whom we all see as our Great Creator, the father of All. One will speak with you as well about his/her vision for All along the present timeline you inhabit.

Predictions from Ohara, Prime Creator

Now I will give you some predictions about what you are likely to see on your planet in the coming year, but I would like to include the present season in those predictions, since you will likely read this before the year is done. The first dramatic shift in the way life is lived on Earth will begin in October of 2014 and will continue in quick sequence to revamp the way all social, political, educational, medical and scientific institutions operate.

The first phase will involve the release of billions of dollars of the St. Germain Trust which will be used to pay off all war debts for all countries on the planet. This will release financially strapped countries from the terrible psychological and economic burden of continuing to carry the ravages of war on their balance sheets. The next phase, with help from the Reagan-Mitterand-Wanta Fund will help to pay off the national debt of the U.S., making the already defunct IRS completely unnecessary and obsolete. The Federal Reserve is already being dismantled and sold off to the Chinese, so all economic and legal systems will evolve naturally to be replaced by NESARA.

I will not spend time here to describe in detail what NESARA is, because you can learn all about it on various internet sites. I suggest you learn about the history of this new developing system that will change everything about daily life in the U.S and then across the planet. Nearly two hundred countries have signed on to adopt the new systems as of this writing in mid-October.

As it unfolds in a step-by-step process, many will be astonished by the swift demise of the U.S. Corporation and return to Constitutional law which will emerge into being as if by magic. Of course, it has been many years of behind-the-scenes work by dedicated Lightworkers who will become known to all in the coming months. You have heroes among you, Dear Ones, and their identities will amaze and delight you.

Enormous amounts of money will be available from the St. Germain Trusts to pay off all personal debt, including credit cards, mortgages, car loans and college loans, to free all individuals from the yoke of debt that has enslaved humanity. No one will be excluded from the prosperity packages; our talented hackers (laughter) have already determined the account numbers and names of every bank account in the world, and will be funding all of them. Remote villages and indigenous populations will be reached by special arrangement, to provide for their needs.

The waves of prosperity will wash across the planet like a warm bath, allowing poverty-ridden areas of the globe to be lifted by providing clean water, food and decent lodging for those in need. People from all walks of life will join in this effort, putting their energy and time into the selfless work of helping their fellow man, just because they can. The personal wealth which will result from the currency revaluations will be used with openhearted generosity in creative and original ways, resulting in a dramatic rise in the feelings of trust and camaraderie across borders.

The so-called Ebola pandemic will be stopped in its tracks by the use of two simple and effective treatments – nano silver, developed by Dr. Rima Laibow, and MMS, a solution of chlorine dioxide developed by Jim Humble. Both are effective anti-microbial treatments that will eliminate the U.S. patented disease, which will be exposed as the cabal-inspired false flag “disaster” that was intended to restore the power of those who would benefit from marshall law and greater restrictions on personal freedoms. It will not succeed because of all of you who will help provide the treatments, and because of the reach of your internet information networks.

A second “global threat,” the murderous rampage of ISIS (whose name is designed to cast aspersions on our dear Isis) will also be stopped in its tracks – first by the revelation that it is not a home-grown radical religious group at all, but a psy-ops intrigue, funded and managed by the U.S. CIA, Israeli Mossad and Saudi intelligence factions.

The rabid religious attitudes of some of the group are a product of sophisticated brainwashing techniques and training as assassins. The controllers have preyed on unemployed, desperate young men who were lured into their ranks by the promise of high pay and recognition. Once the funding for these death groups is shut off, (with the demise of the Federal Reserve and similar bankroll operations) the “rebellion” will die a quick death and their Black Ops leaders will be prosecuted and jailed for crimes against humanity.

During the first six months of the year, you will see dramatic changes in agricultural methods and food production as people shift quickly from a meat-protein diet to organically grown vegetables and fruits. The arrogant GMO companies will be bankrupted by global refusal to use their products, and family farms will make an enormous resurgence as funding becomes available for education and scientific help for farmers who wish to “go organic.”

All the above improvements will be accelerated by the development of free energy technology. It will not be necessary to invent or develop new technologies. They are already fully operational, ready to be adapted to single-household or skyscraper-capacity units. The technology itself was used in the destruction which took place on 9/11. See Judy Wood’s carefully researched book, “Where Did the Towers Go?” for the proof that this technology is available just around the corner, in the hidden depths of secret government research centers, beyond the reach of most of your elected officials. The doors will be broken down and the technologies, originally traded by the Galactic dark ones to your secret cabal, will be released for the good of humanity.

So you see, Dear Ones, the world you will live in one year from now will be unrecognizable to you, even in your fondest dreams. You have made it possible by raising your vibrations to the 5th dimensional levels necessary to accomplish your Ascension. You are already there, and your beloved Mother Terra is lifting you gently into ever higher dimensions as she too heals and rises to become the Paradise Planet which was her promised destiny since her creation.

And now I will turn over this discussion to our Great One, the Source of All Things, The Eternal One, with appreciation for having been given the privilege of bringing this news of triumph and celebration to you.

Predictions for 2015 from ONE:

Thank you, dear Ohara. Yes, I am here to speak with you, our beloved children of Planet Earth, because of the momentous shifts occurring on your planet. You, Beloved Ones, who had so long thought of yourselves as alone in the Universe, are now learning just how much company you really have in this teeming cosmos. You have learned to listen to the voices of your trees; you see the loving gestures of the cetaceans who have cared for you over the eons, and you feel a sense of connection and community with one another across the planet as you have never done before.

Differences melt away in the high vibration of the energies I am sending you to lift you out of the heavy 3rd dimension, to the new configuration as crystalline bodies which will allow you to thrive in higher dimensions. We send you these Love vibrations with great pleasure and joy, watching your individual responses with interest. Some of you complain and hold your heads with puzzlement as your brain throbs with the high vibrations. Others have become accustomed enough to shrug and move on to your daily meditations, searching for new sensations to ponder and absorb. This is a good policy, because the roller-coaster effects of these high energies will continue into the new year, as your beloved Terra lifts herself every higher.

The coming year will be one of new adventures, new friends, expanding expectations, and an evolving, changing inner experience of yourselves. The You you thought you were is already opening, like the lotus flower you are fond of using as your illustration of growth and blossoming. So too will you grow in new and exciting ways. You are learning to take command of every thought, feeling and action, to reach deeply into your once-hidden unconscious mind to uncover all secrets, renovate all dark corners, and celebrate as you do so.

The coming year will bring a new attitude in all the minds and hearts of humankind, in which you will at last truly learn the meaning of forgiveness and unconditional Love. Most of you have applied these understandings in an old way – by forcing yourselves to accept things you did not like or which gave you pain, because you did not want to object and seem “judgmental.” Well, Beloveds, you are now ready for a new level of discernment in which you can stand by your principles while seeing that this is the most loving approach to life.

When you refuse to accept uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions, you are raising the bar, inviting others to join you in a higher vibration. Being unconditional in your love does not mean you approve or condone destructive or mean behavior. It means that you know the difference, you do not partake in the destruction yourself – either as accomplice or victim – and that you send the energies of unconditional love to the offender, from a safe distance.

I do not ask you, Beloved Ones, to sacrifice yourselves in the name of Love. Never would I ask you to remain in a relationship or a partnership that causes you pain or suffering. This is not my way. The struggles and unpleasantness on the planet are the result of lingering dark thought forms, the remnants of thousands of years of teachings from the dark ones who have controlled you psychologically, physically and economically. This time is done.

All contracts which bound you to living a life amongst the dark ones have been fulfilled. No karma, no past lives, no agreements having to do with your lifetime here require any gratuitous or unrequested suffering. Your guides and angels will be working hard to insure that no difficulties other than those you have specifically requested for your own growth be allowed to enter your lives. This means that any difficulty you encounter in your lives in the coming year is designed to your own specifications to help you resolve a bit of remaining stuckness. Your Higher Self is working with your Guides to provide those lessons now, as gently and effectively as possible.

The adventure you have chosen – to raise yourselves within the space of one lifetime – is unprecedented in the history of this Universe or any other. Your beloved Sananda is with you every step, as are your other loving Ascended Masters, many of whom you have learned to love and relate to with great closeness.

We are offering you every possible assistance now, but there is still an element of this process that many of you have not yet fully grasped. You must do the work of delving deeply – Deep-Self Diving, as Ohara has called it, if you are to shake off the deeply ingrained shadows of belief, opinion, conviction, and attitude that were bequeathed to you by the dark ones.

You see, this will be The Year of Revelation in every way, but for each of you the most crucial element of those revelations will be the ones between you and yourself, and between you and me. We are one, you and I, and I am Pure Love. It is your destiny to grow, day by day, to reach the place within yourself where you too are Pure Love, and to live there, every moment of every day.

I embrace you, I breathed the breath of Life into your being. You are my Beloved, and I am yours. We will never be parted, for I will remain in love with you no matter where you go or what you do. I welcome your love, but even if you forget me or ignore my presence, I continue to love you without end. Our joyful experience of Unity depends only upon your acceptance of our Pure Love. Turn to me, Beloved One, and we will bask in endless Light together. We are One.

I am yours eternally,

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 16, 2014, 11 pm, New York
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The New Scriptures, by Sananda/Jesus

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Archives of written channelings

Adamos and Saint Germain – Happy World Thanksgiving Week! – Channeler Kathryn E May – 11-25-14


“Tonight, Tonight, Won’t Be Just Any Night….“

Dear Ones,
It is such a celebratory time in the Heavens. I asked to be the one to present the message tonight, because it will be the last one before the RV, and I like to have the opportunity to “wrap up” the story about what Adamos and I have been doing to help bring in the happy event which will be the beginning of a brand new civilization on Planet Earth. Yes, a new civilization. Let us envision it together.

The prosperity which will wash over the planet in the aftermath of the revaluation will create massive changes. Of course, we cannot predict all that will happen, but we do know about several of the most dramatic shifts you can predict.

First, the banking industry will have a melt-down, as you would call it, because those in charge are now being prevented from stealing massive amounts of money.

At least, it will return to the simple savings and loan system which did not allow for trading of investments and the creation of derivatives, which is one of the most deliberately corruptible systems ever devised. Eventually, there will be no need for money at all.

It may be difficult for you to imagine a world without money, since every day of your lives revolves around earning, spending, saving, and worrying about money. I assure you, it will not remain this way for long.

The Prosperity programs are intended to redistribute the wealth so that no one will need to work long hours, except in service to the Greater Good, which is not work at all, but a joyful joining of energies and creativity to invent the most wonderful ways to do everything.

Think of it: The growing of food will be an open, personal endeavor, shared by many who will enjoy taking part on a part-time basis, under the supervision of talented and dedicated farmers who will have access to the most efficient and forward-looking practices to grow nutritious organic food.

When information is free-flowing, and it is possible for everyone to have access to the best methods available (not just the ones that corporations impose), the fun will return to farming, and communities will once again share in the harvests and in the sacred celebrations which bring Earth and her children into joyful communion. Animals will be your friends, not slaves to be eaten.

Transportation will be a delight. No more smelly and expensive automobiles if you choose to have something more convenient. Because this is such an enormous industry, the changeover will need to be gradual.

First, free energy technologies can be adapted to the current types of vehicles, but as the auto industry is freed from the stranglehold of oil companies, there will be an explosion of creativity and expansion to provide vehicles which will evolve quickly into versions of space vehicles, with all the comfort and convenience of the ships we use ourselves.

Your designers will be helped by those of us in Higher Dimensions who are very ready to share our technologies once the profit motive is removed from the process.

NESARA law will bring a clearing up of the system in place which leans always toward the wealthy, and systematically leaves the lower social and economic classes to struggle against the entire weight of power fueled by massive amounts of money and influence.

You see, when the bribery and power-sharing is eliminated, there will come the fresh air of justice. When judges are elected by the people, and they are not subject to the temptations of being constantly bombarded by those who wish to influence the outcome of nearly every case because of the promise of greater profits for all, you can expect fair and equal treatment.

Even this will eventually become obsolete, when crime becomes non-existent and there is no need or opportunity for law suits because no one need ever have disputes over money.

Once everyone has what they need, and the tone of communities settles into an atmosphere of easy-going service to others, feelings of stress and inadequacy will melt away.

Families will have time for one another, travel will be stress-free, and there will be no need for organizations like Homeland Security and massive police forces.

When all wars have wound down to the point where no one is even interested in conflict, and there is no profit in war, it will become a thing of the past, and a cultural blossoming will come to previously war-torn places.

Just two of these things – war and automobiles – have created massive devastation on the planet. Imagine how glorious your beloved planet will be in just five or ten years, without the use of fossil fuels or plastics or most of the chemicals which are produced now.

The clean air and water which existed on Planet Earth just 200 years ago will return quickly with the global use of free energy technologies.

We are looking forward to the transition time during which your beloved channels will be able to bring forth an endless wealth of practical information for the good of humankind.

You understand, of course, that this could not be done earlier because of the predictable practice on the part of the cabal of arranging a “suicide” for anyone who invented or produced any technology which challenged the fossil fuel monopoly.

We could not put our beloved Lightworkers at risk to suffer the kind of abuse that Tesla experienced, or worse. All that will be different now, because Lightworkers with enormous amounts of money, energy, creativity and community support will move into action the moment the RV is announced.

So you see, Dear Ones, nothing will remain as it was. The changes I have described here are just the beginning of the transition which is to come within the next few years.

We will be helping you every step of the way, gradually at first, letting the new prosperity take hold while you enjoy your new freedoms and begin your worldwide projects. Once the psychological impact of truly being free of want and insecurity has settled in, and people across the world are enjoying their blessings, it will be a good time for us to come forth to reveal ourselves once and for all, with the Disclosures you have been promised.

In the meantime, you will be seeing more and more videos of our space craft flying overhead, motherships and small craft showing how they emerge and disappear, as they did recently over London, and generally making themselves an everyday sight in the skies. People will be so used to our presence that it will seem like a normal next step rather than a shocking revelation.

We have told you that you have made all these things possible by raising your vibration. It is true. You have “leveled out” the events and their introduction by activating the crystals, opening portals, creating a fully operational grid system, and by creating a growing sense of group consciousness.

This has helped your Mother Terra to raise her vibration even further as you have raised yourselves through service. We are so grateful to all of you who have unquestioningly traveled to unknown places to carry out activities which would be seen by the general population as nothing short of insanity.

We truly appreciate that those of you who hear our voices and our thoughts and who carry out the boots-on-the-ground work. You are healing the natural world, restoring the energy grids and power centers of the planet, and creating new ways of joining forces through group meditations.

You are doing all this without pay, without recognition and without any scientific proof that your efforts are being felt. Given the way you were all raised, it is remarkable, is it not, that you are reading these messages with such a sense of recognition and reassurance?

It is indeed a testimony to the strength of the human heart that you have been able to overcome the prohibition from every quarter against such spiritual enlightenment.

Religion, science, social attitudes and a general fear of anything “occult” has stifled original thought, and here you are, communicating with me, a being you cannot see or touch, but you know intuitively that I am here.

Take a moment now, Dear Ones, to acknowledge how truly unique and powerful you are. I encourage you to call on me, to open your channels to accept my love and my support, for you are truly the leaders of tomorrow, and I do mean tomorrow!

This is the evening you will remember always, Beloved Ones. The last day of your former life. Yes, I am telling you that by tomorrow you will have great news, and by the day after, your life will be forever changed.

You have internet sources which will keep you informed of the events as they unfold. You will be dancing in the streets, and we will be there with you, laughing and applauding you for the years you have waited and the profound lessons you have learned in the process.

There is a sign in the restaurant where Kathryn goes to “hang out” in her town. It says,”Smile. You were born!” Yes, indeed, you will now have a new appreciation for what your own birthday meant.

You are here, now, to witness the most wondrous events in the history of your beloved planet, and yes, even in the Universe. You are here! You will be the ones who tell the story of the wondrous triumph of God’s Love on Planet Earth! You are the promise and the fulfillment of the Dream.

Raise your eyes to the sky, sweet humankind, you have arrived. You will now be aware of the higher dimension you have entered through your participation in these messages, these talks, and the companionship you have created by being the fearless ones, the open and intuitive and loving ones.

Your Faith has brought us to this new day, and it will be different from every other day you have lived in this lifetime.

I am here with our beloved St. Germain to send you our admiration and unending Love, as we join our hearts with yours. We are One, we are Love, we are Light, and we are God.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May


Sananda, Arcturians – Ascension Healing, Training – Last Radio Show by Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – Healing Commentary – Focus On Your Ascension – (RV Being Blocked by US) – 11-2-14


Dr Kathryn E May, Channeler


Please Listen To The Broadcast of Channel Panel  –  w Sananda, Arcturians, Kathryn E May


Today we will be joined by Sananda to help us understand our Ascension, and to bring us up to date on the massive changes that are occuring across the Earth.

We will be joined by our co-host Meg Davis, who brings her bright and loving presence as well as a wide-ranging knowledge of acupuncture, nutrition, and alternative healing practices.

You will learn how to heal your physical illnesses, raise your vibrations, leave old patterns behind, and understand why this is so important for all of us right now.

Planet Earth is moving, elevating herself to a higher dimension, and we must do our own work to stay with her on our way to the 5th dimension, where we will once more experience peace, harmony, love and prosperity for all.

Lord Sananda – As Time and Space Melt Away – We Need to Dismantle Fight or Flight Response – There can be no Fear during Ascension – Clear Assessment, Vision Needed – Clarity, Accurate Guidance Within Yourself – No Fear, Live In Full Connection With God – / / / Financial Blessings Are Coming – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 10-23-14

sananda 3

There are many changes on the Earth plane that I want to tell you about. The shifts are happening on the political, economic and social fronts, and much of it is behind the glare of the media, so it is difficult for all of you, especially those in the U.S., to find the truth amidst all the propaganda and outright lies.

Many of you are aware of the recent policy of international news sources to use actors, old footage and generally inapplicable photo and video sources to present the kind of story they wish to put forth – or rather their handlers wish to put forth. This practice began years ago when the broadcast news outlets realized that keeping journalists with their camera people in the field was expensive, and that they could concoct in the studio whatever they needed to illustrate the words of a lone print journalist.

Well, any time money enters the equation, you can be sure the for-profit corporations will find ways to cut corners for their own benefit. What began as an occasional photo drawn from the film library became a full-fledged operation in the back room where news is created, rather than reported. Beginning in earnest with 9/11, recently in Syria and Ukraine, and much of the information about ISIS and EBOLA has clearly been staged for public consumption, to stir passions and to promote war.

I am saddened by the endless repetition of this falsified “evidence,” which is carefully crafted for a maximum fear response on the part of the viewer, who is then most likely to agree to aggressive action, whether it is warranted or not. It is the work of the cabal, still insinuating itself into every level of government in the Western world, and especially in the U.S.

I have been working undercover in a number of places, in various forms, as have many of your Ascended Masters. I have inhabited the body of President Obama as part of the soul project he represents. I have also sent a ray of my own soul as an incarnation to help bring forth the new forms of governance and economic policies. Like my lifetime as the lead soul in the Jesus project, none of these endeavors has been completely successful. There are always overwhelming obstacles and interference which has its effect on the final outcome.

You are in such a time now, Beloved Ones. The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry, as Robert Burns illustrated so well. I prefer the Scottish version: “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men Gang aft agley.” The last stanza of his poem, “To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough” touches the deepest truth:

Still thou are blest, compared wi’ me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But och! I backward cast my e’e,
On prospects drear!
An’ forward, tho’ I canna see,
I guess an’ fear!

It is one of the greatest challenges of the human experience to overcome that tendency to look backward at dreadful experiences and then project them forward in expectation of further fearful encounters. This is the weakness upon which the creators of “The War on Terror” – and every war in recent history – have preyed.

Since the advent of television, the propagandists have fully developed and feel perfectly justified in using any tactic available to bring the population to a point of irrational fear. In that state, anyone is much easier to control and to convince that their vengeful feelings are justified.

When this builds upon the genuine fear that many children feel all too often, it is what you might call a “slam dunk no-brainer”. Make people afraid – very afraid, and then you can get them to sign away their liberties, turn over their friends and neighbors to the authorities, and obey any order to suppress those who are seen as the source of the threat. Most of you are vulnerable to such unconscious manipulation because your emotional history created a direct link in your brain from any intense emotion to a fight or flight response – the neurological superhighway Kathryn discusses in our book, “Who Needs Light?”

The Visual Centering technique is based on ancient wisdom, the understanding that in order to change your responses to the world, you must change your own neurological wiring in your brain. I strongly recommend to all of you now that you begin working with your poor beleaguered brain to rework your channels to switch off the automatic track that leads to fear (the fight or flight response). It is crucial to your Ascension that you dismantle this “automatic pilot” response in favor of clear assessment, Vision.

Clarity is a beautiful thing, you see. It is like having all the windows of your house clean and sparkling. It lets the light shine in. It lets your light shine outward, and it gives you the confidence to know that you have accurate guidance within yourself to always choose the path of Light. You cannot be tricked by clever word games or manipulated by threats to your safety or your well-being.

When you are living in full connection to God, there are no grey areas. There is only Light, and Light is Love. In the presence of unconditional Love, there can be no fear, for you are bathed in the delight of knowing you are One with All That Is, and you go on, no matter what goes on around you or what happens to the temporary vessel you are traveling in for the moment.

Now, let me give you an update on what you can expect in the coming days in regard to the financial blessings you are looking forward to. It will unfold in a way that may surprise you, but you will come out the other side far wealthier than you are now. It will be neither extravagant nor paltry. The transactions will go smoothly and cordially, because the people involved have had plenty of time to be trained, and the systems have been well tested.

This entire process will be one of the first genuinely civilized transactions of the New Golden Age, because it will satisfy the principles of Universal Law. It will benefit whole countries where war had previously destroyed livelihoods, infrastructure and the right to live in peace; it will put large amounts of money into the hands of the people who will use it for the greater good, and it will demonstrate to the world that the presence of God is all around you, here in human form.

Know that I am here with you, enjoying the new energies of Light that have streamed across the globe. You are constantly being treated to rising waves of energy from the Central Sun, and at the same time, all the combined crystal energies which are now merged through the power of the Christ Consciousness Grid are being turned up. This means you are being bathed in the crystalline force that will encode your DNA with the awakened ability to receive and transmit in more powerful telepathic ways, and will allow you to tolerate the rising energy as your Mother Terra breathes the Light of the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions.

These are the ideal conditions that will make it possible for you to recognize and embrace others of your own level of Light in a newly open and celebratory way. Friendships will blossom in a day, as you discover your expanding heart has room for so many more loved ones than before. This expansion of your limits will also allow for a more gentle and harmonious encounter with your Twin Flame, for those of you who are open to a new relationship. New adventures await you as you come around every corner, and we delight in being here to share it with you day by day.

I am fulfilled and gratified to see my friends and loving family reaching out to one another, gaining strength in the synergy of awakening feelings of compassion, love and freedom.

I celebrate our enormous leaps in the last two years. Remember where you were before December 2012? Do you recognize yourself as the same person you were then? I see your tremendous growth, and I send you my unending love to add to your already rich environment.

I am yours in Love, throughout all the challenges and bumps in the road we have traveled together.
Yours in service to the Great One,
I am your Sananda.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 21, 11 pm, New York



Prime Creator and ONE – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – “I Am Creator of Your Universe called Nebadiah” – Predictions for 2015 – Social, Political, Educational, Medical and Scientific Institutions Revamped – War Debts of All Nations Paid Off – Reagan-Mitterand-Wanta Fund – US National Debt Paid Off – IRS Eliminated – Federal Reserve Being Dismantled – Economic, Legal systems replaced by NESARA – Swift Demise of U.S. Corporation Government – Return to Constitutional Law – Saint Germain Trusts Activated – All Personal Debts To Be Forgiven – Your Personal Account Will Be Funded! – Waves of Prosperity will Wash Across the Planet – Clean Water, Food, Decent Lodging for Those In Need – Humanity Will Work Together – Trust, Camaraderie Across Borders – Dramatic Changes in Agricultural Methods, Food Production – Free Energy Technology – Mother Terra will be Paradise Planet – Ascension Energies Lifting Your Vibrational Signature – Your New Crystalline Bodies Thrive in Higher Dimensions – New Adventures, New Friends – Live Your Lives In Unconditional Love – Find Pure Love Within – 10-18-14


Prime Creator and ONE: Predictions for 2015
Prime Creator:

I am delighted to speak with you about what we see for all of you in the coming Earth year, for it is an exciting, historic time for all the Cosmos, and your beloved Terra is at the center of it all.

First let me explain to you who I am. There is some confusion in the channeling community about who Father and Mother God are, and what my relationship is to you and to One, the Source of All Things. I will tell you. I have been mostly in the background for the past few years because we wanted to gradually introduce you to the Ascended Masters, the Animal and Elemental Kingdom, and your Galactic brothers and sisters so that you would develop a wider knowledge of your part in the Life of the Universe all around you.

Recently you have been taught by your Lightworkers, including our beloved channel who brings my words now, that you are Masters yourselves – an integral part of the unfolding drama which is the Ascension of Planet Earth. I take a great interest in your well-being and your growth, because I am the one who is the Creator of your Universe which I have called Nebadiah, and all it contains.

Within your Universe, the many galaxies and star systems have been created by me and my twin, Omara, together with the great Masters who also became Creators in their own right. For instance, Ra and Isis (also known as Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet) are the creators of your Milky Way galaxy, with my cooperation and support. Because of our very loving and close relationship, for they are my soul children, they sometimes take the role of Mother and Father God in order to speak with you – with my complete agreement – as the voice of God.

The creation of souls, as well as the creation of the human race, has been our job description, you might say. I am known in the Higher Realms as Ohara, or by the amusing nickname, PC. I am not the only Prime Creator, since there are many Universes, but we are among the oldest of the children of One, whom we all see as our Great Creator, the father of All. One will speak with you as well about his/her vision for All along the present timeline you inhabit.

Predictions from Ohara, Prime Creator

Now I will give you some predictions about what you are likely to see on your planet in the coming year, but I would like to include the present season in those predictions, since you will likely read this before the year is done. The first dramatic shift in the way life is lived on Earth will begin in October of 2014 and will continue in quick sequence to revamp the way all social, political, educational, medical and scientific institutions operate.

The first phase will involve the release of billions of dollars of the St. Germain Trust which will be used to pay off all war debts for all countries on the planet. This will release financially strapped countries from the terrible psychological and economic burden of continuing to carry the ravages of war on their balance sheets. The next phase, with help from the Reagan-Mitterand-Wanta Fund will help to pay off the national debt of the U.S., making the already defunct IRS completely unnecessary and obsolete. The Federal Reserve is already being dismantled and sold off to the Chinese, so all economic and legal systems will evolve naturally to be replaced by NESARA.

I will not spend time here to describe in detail what NESARA is, because you can learn all about it on various internet sites. I suggest you learn about the history of this new developing system that will change everything about daily life in the U.S and then across the planet. Nearly two hundred countries have signed on to adopt the new systems as of this writing in mid-October.

As it unfolds in a step-by-step process, many will be astonished by the swift demise of the U.S. Corporation and return to Constitutional law which will emerge into being as if by magic. Of course, it has been many years of behind-the-scenes work by dedicated Lightworkers who will become known to all in the coming months. You have heroes among you, Dear Ones, and their identities will amaze and delight you.

Enormous amounts of money will be available from the St. Germain Trusts to pay off all personal debt, including credit cards, mortgages, car loans and college loans, to free all individuals from the yoke of debt that has enslaved humanity. No one will be excluded from the prosperity packages; our talented hackers (laughter) have already determined the account numbers and names of every bank account in the world, and will be funding all of them. Remote villages and indigenous populations will be reached by special arrangement, to provide for their needs.

The waves of prosperity will wash across the planet like a warm bath, allowing poverty-ridden areas of the globe to be lifted by providing clean water, food and decent lodging for those in need. People from all walks of life will join in this effort, putting their energy and time into the selfless work of helping their fellow man, just because they can. The personal wealth which will result from the currency revaluations will be used with openhearted generosity in creative and original ways, resulting in a dramatic rise in the feelings of trust and camaraderie across borders.

The so-called Ebola pandemic will be stopped in its tracks by the use of two simple and effective treatments – nano silver, developed by Dr. Rima Laibow, and MMS, a solution of chlorine dioxide developed by Jim Humble. Both are effective anti-microbial treatments that will eliminate the U.S. patented disease, which will be exposed as the cabal-inspired false flag “disaster” that was intended to restore the power of those who would benefit from marshall law and greater restrictions on personal freedoms. It will not succeed because of all of you who will help provide the treatments, and because of the reach of your internet information networks.

A second “global threat,” the murderous rampage of ISIS (whose name is designed to cast aspersions on our dear Isis) will also be stopped in its tracks – first by the revelation that it is not a home-grown radical religious group at all, but a psy-ops intrigue, funded and managed by the U.S. CIA, Israeli Mossad and Saudi intelligence factions.

The rabid religious attitudes of some of the group are a product of sophisticated brainwashing techniques and training as assassins. The controllers have preyed on unemployed, desperate young men who were lured into their ranks by the promise of high pay and recognition. Once the funding for these death groups is shut off, (with the demise of the Federal Reserve and similar bankroll operations) the “rebellion” will die a quick death and their Black Ops leaders will be prosecuted and jailed for crimes against humanity.

During the first six months of the year, you will see dramatic changes in agricultural methods and food production as people shift quickly from a meat-protein diet to organically grown vegetables and fruits. The arrogant GMO companies will be bankrupted by global refusal to use their products, and family farms will make an enormous resurgence as funding becomes available for education and scientific help for farmers who wish to “go organic.”

All the above improvements will be accelerated by the development of free energy technology. It will not be necessary to invent or develop new technologies. They are already fully operational, ready to be adapted to single-household or skyscraper-capacity units. The technology itself was used in the destruction which took place on 9/11. See Judy Wood’s carefully researched book, “Where Did the Towers Go?” for the proof that this technology is available just around the corner, in the hidden depths of secret government research centers, beyond the reach of most of your elected officials. The doors will be broken down and the technologies, originally traded by the Galactic dark ones to your secret cabal, will be released for the good of humanity.

So you see, Dear Ones, the world you will live in one year from now will be unrecognizable to you, even in your fondest dreams. You have made it possible by raising your vibrations to the 5th dimensional levels necessary to accomplish your Ascension. You are already there, and your beloved Mother Terra is lifting you gently into ever higher dimensions as she too heals and rises to become the Paradise Planet which was her promised destiny since her creation.

And now I will turn over this discussion to our Great One, the Source of All Things, The Eternal One, with appreciation for having been given the privilege of bringing this news of triumph and celebration to you.

Predictions for 2015 from ONE:

Thank you, dear Ohara. Yes, I am here to speak with you, our beloved children of Planet Earth, because of the momentous shifts occurring on your planet. You, Beloved Ones, who had so long thought of yourselves as alone in the Universe, are now learning just how much company you really have in this teeming cosmos. You have learned to listen to the voices of your trees; you see the loving gestures of the cetaceans who have cared for you over the eons, and you feel a sense of connection and community with one another across the planet as you have never done before.

Differences melt away in the high vibration of the energies I am sending you to lift you out of the heavy 3rd dimension, to the new configuration as crystalline bodies which will allow you to thrive in higher dimensions. We send you these Love vibrations with great pleasure and joy, watching your individual responses with interest. Some of you complain and hold your heads with puzzlement as your brain throbs with the high vibrations. Others have become accustomed enough to shrug and move on to your daily meditations, searching for new sensations to ponder and absorb. This is a good policy, because the roller-coaster effects of these high energies will continue into the new year, as your beloved Terra lifts herself every higher.

The coming year will be one of new adventures, new friends, expanding expectations, and an evolving, changing inner experience of yourselves. The You you thought you were is already opening, like the lotus flower you are fond of using as your illustration of growth and blossoming. So too will you grow in new and exciting ways. You are learning to take command of every thought, feeling and action, to reach deeply into your once-hidden unconscious mind to uncover all secrets, renovate all dark corners, and celebrate as you do so.

The coming year will bring a new attitude in all the minds and hearts of humankind, in which you will at last truly learn the meaning of forgiveness and unconditional Love. Most of you have applied these understandings in an old way – by forcing yourselves to accept things you did not like or which gave you pain, because you did not want to object and seem “judgmental.” Well, Beloveds, you are now ready for a new level of discernment in which you can stand by your principles while seeing that this is the most loving approach to life.

When you refuse to accept uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions, you are raising the bar, inviting others to join you in a higher vibration. Being unconditional in your love does not mean you approve or condone destructive or mean behavior. It means that you know the difference, you do not partake in the destruction yourself – either as accomplice or victim – and that you send the energies of unconditional love to the offender, from a safe distance.

I do not ask you, Beloved Ones, to sacrifice yourselves in the name of Love. Never would I ask you to remain in a relationship or a partnership that causes you pain or suffering. This is not my way. The struggles and unpleasantness on the planet are the result of lingering dark thought forms, the remnants of thousands of years of teachings from the dark ones who have controlled you psychologically, physically and economically. This time is done.

All contracts which bound you to living a life amongst the dark ones have been fulfilled. No karma, no past lives, no agreements having to do with your lifetime here require any gratuitous or unrequested suffering. Your guides and angels will be working hard to insure that no difficulties other than those you have specifically requested for your own growth be allowed to enter your lives. This means that any difficulty you encounter in your lives in the coming year is designed to your own specifications to help you resolve a bit of remaining stuckness. Your Higher Self is working with your Guides to provide those lessons now, as gently and effectively as possible.

The adventure you have chosen – to raise yourselves within the space of one lifetime – is unprecedented in the history of this Universe or any other. Your beloved Sananda is with you every step, as are your other loving Ascended Masters, many of whom you have learned to love and relate to with great closeness.

We are offering you every possible assistance now, but there is still an element of this process that many of you have not yet fully grasped. You must do the work of delving deeply – Deep-Self Diving, as Ohara has called it, if you are to shake off the deeply ingrained shadows of belief, opinion, conviction, and attitude that were bequeathed to you by the dark ones.

You see, this will be The Year of Revelation in every way, but for each of you the most crucial element of those revelations will be the ones between you and yourself, and between you and me. We are one, you and I, and I am Pure Love. It is your destiny to grow, day by day, to reach the place within yourself where you too are Pure Love, and to live there, every moment of every day.

I embrace you, I breathed the breath of Life into your being. You are my Beloved, and I am yours. We will never be parted, for I will remain in love with you no matter where you go or what you do. I welcome your love, but even if you forget me or ignore my presence, I continue to love you without end. Our joyful experience of Unity depends only upon your acceptance of our Pure Love. Turn to me, Beloved One, and we will bask in endless Light together. We are One.

I am yours eternally,

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, October 16, 2014, 11 pm, New York
Your generous donations to support our work are greatly appreciated.
Go to www.paypal.com and send to kemay@aol.com via “friend or family.”
We send thanks and much gratitude to those who have generously supported us. We could not have continued without your help.

The New Scriptures, by Sananda/Jesus

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Internet Radio shows: BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel

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Prime Creator (Ohara) – Learn Deep-Self Diving – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 9-30-14

Prime Creator (Ohara) : Learn Deep-Self Diving  –  Ohara:

It is my pleasure to be speaking with you through our beloved channel, Kathryn. I have not claimed more than my fair share of airtime during these past months as she channeled a message every day, because it was important for all of us to come forward to let you see how much we love all of you, and how clearly aligned we are in our vision of what you need to accomplish before your Ascension.

We see your struggles and your pain, and we see how easy it is for you to barricade yourselves inside a shell of your own making when you have been hurt. It is a familiar human strategy to become defensive, hyper-alert and wary of trusting others – it is a natural extension of having seen too much suffering, too much pain as a child.

The next phase in your program for “protecting yourself” is then to try to control and manage your environment, and especially the thoughts and feelings of those around you. It is only a small step from there to begin practicing and perfecting the skills of manipulation, deception and other passive-aggressive techniques, and when you see something that looks to your child-brain like a threat to your ego/pride, it is a single step further into aggression.

Why do I bring this to your attention now? Most of you would flatly deny any involvement in anything of the kind, because you disapprove of such behavior and you have convinced yourselves you have moved far beyond it long ago. Well, I assure you, my Beloved Children, that it is highly unlikely you have completed this process.

How will it be possible for you to look deeply into yourselves to search out all such dark inclinations, when the very idea fills you with distaste and dread? How will you be able to look at yourself and see old habits and behaviors that you are embarrassed about even considering? Why would you want to search for darkness in the corners of your being when it makes you uncomfortable? Wouldn’t it just be better to meditate for a while till you feel happy? Well, I must tell you: No, it is better to do the digging now. It will kick up your process of Ascension to warp speed.

Now, I will tell you about the “leading” statements in my message, above. I suspect there were very few of you who said to yourselves: “Why would I feel embarrassment, distaste or dread at the idea of seeing something dark in myself?” You are far more likely to have just cringed and tried to not think about it. Is shame really a “normal” response? Is it really inevitable that everyone feel that? You have probably just accepted that embarrassment or shame would be the only possible response. Did you catch the invitation to denial (burying your head) and avoidance? Were you tempted to take that road?

Now, let’s take this whole issue apart and put it back together differently.

First, there is no reason for you to feel ashamed of having learned something “unattractive” or dark under duress as a child. It makes as much sense as blaming a child for being hungry or tired. All children develop schemes – masks, really – to hide behind. It becomes a matter of pride to develop the most charming or the most frightening mask with which to face the world. Your preferences depend entirely upon family and cultural style, although you probably think it was your own idea.

Second, any hint of embarrassment, dread or shame indicates that you, my Beloved One, are being judgmental toward yourself. Otherwise, why would it matter to your pride if you found something in yourself that was dark or unsavory? It is simply a matter of training, not your innate character. If you don’t like it, you can change it. You, Dearest, are a bright star. Your soul is a Divine diamond, a holy creation. The kinds of behavior you learned – including being judgmental and disapproving of yourself and others – is nothing more than a bad education. Re-educate yourself.

Third, before you attempt this challenge at home, you must be willing to turn away from all feelings of superiority, disdain, disapproval or reluctance to seeing even the most unattractive qualities – the biggest warts – in yourself. Vow to search the farthest corners of yourself with the spirit of a private investigator – curious and determined. Replace judgment with good humor, and be ready to cheer yourself up with a reassuring mantra, like, “Oops” or “Oh, well” or “Who knew?”

This sense of benevolent wonder originates in the center of your brain, in the place where all abilities and senses merge. Watch the Visual Centering videos on YouTube to practice staying in that Light-channel where Love flows from Us to You. If you are operating from an off-center place in your brain, you are depriving yourself of the delightful feelings of belonging, being in good company with yourself and us.

It is most important to conduct your search with the spirit of adventure. Instead of dread, go deep-self diving with the goal of uncovering the worst of the worst – murderous feelings, attitudes of superiority or hatred, raging anger, or utter disdain for everyone in your path. Pull it out of the treasure chest where you have buried all dreadful things and admire it honestly. Say to yourself things like, “Hmm. Quite a powerful feeling for a child” and “Ah, of course he (the child you were) learned to think nasty thoughts. It’s what his father did all the time. He was a good mimic,” or perhaps “No wonder she was bitter and depressed (as I tend to be now). It was Mother’s Philosophy of Life.”

When you are successful in finding something truly dreadful about yourself, make a picture of the child you were, and talk with him/her about it. No lectures! Congratulate him/her for being resourceful and a good mimic. Admire the intelligence and adaptability of the child, who really had no choice but to learn these particular skills. But of course, you now have the option to unlearn them. This is true freedom. So, forgive yourself for carrying it forward into adulthood. Everyone does. Do not allow yourself to say anything intolerant or insulting to yourself, like “I should have known better.” If you had known better you would have been born a grownup.

You see? In the spirit of compassion and genuine appreciation for your ability to survive, be a good actor, adapt to difficult times, and so forth, you can look at anything, change anything, and do it happily. It is not a crime to have been a mean person. It is just an unfortunate learned pattern. If you don’t like to think of yourself that way, change. Take yourself in hand, with kindness, and offer to walk with the child you were, to provide comfort and support as you leave the dark secrets of childhood behind, not because they are shameful, but just because it pleases you to evolve and grow.

Understand, Dear Ones, you shape yourself just as you shape your life. You are the putty in your own hands. You were born to be resourceful, flexible and open. Only training into the dark ideas of the cabal has taught you to think it is shameful to be wrong about something (and therefore you must always think you’re right). The old saw about learning from your mistakes is true. It is the best way to learn. So, congratulate yourself on having the courage to look directly at yourself objectively. Objectivity is really a kind of special love. It is like saying to yourself: “I don”t care what you might have done wrong in the past, or what mistakes you have made. I love your spunk (stubbornness, sneaky ways). It shows you have imagination.

Then design a program for yourself to break the pattern completely. No tolerance for the old ways, but enforced with joy and kindness, and a gentle guiding hand. Ask your Higher Self to help you discover all the roots of the old behavior and to keep you alert to any sign of falling back. Work on your present behavior and attitudes the way you would take on any really important project, with diligence and resolve.

It is a truly worthy endeavor, this work of reshaping your thoughts, feelings and actions. No other self-improvement project can have the long-term payoff that results in such peace of mind, comfort and self-respect. It is a Masterful approach to living, and it will make every moment of your days meaningful. This is what we mean by walking the walk. With every realization you will raise your vibration, and the more you uncover and clear away, the higher you will go.

Be daring, Beloved Ones. Take it as far as you can go, and then keep going. We will be cheering you on and applauding every light bulb inspiration, every secret unveiled. Now, amass your weapons: a journal and a nice pen, a mirror, and most of all, a song of hope in your heart and a chuckle ready in the back of your mind. Go ahead, create a miracle in yourself. Your poor, long-suffering Self will breathe a great sigh of relief and learn to laugh at anything, just for the fun of it.

This is my gift to you, Dear Children. I wish you inner peace and happiness every day of your lives. I hope you can feel the deep respect and pleasure I feel when I offer you these simple (but not so easy) exercises to do. I admire your intelligence and willingness. I know how hard it is – I have been there too. Yes, I too have incarnated on Planet Earth. My twin flame is there with you now, as are so many of your Masters, Archangels, Mentors and Guides.

You are so lovable in your true nature, I embrace you, Lightbearers. You are in my heart always. I am your Creator.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 29, 2014, 11pm, New York
Your generous donations to support our work are greatly appreciated.
Go to www.paypal.com, and send to kemay@aol.com via “friend or family.”
We send thanks and much gratitude to those who have generously supported us. We could not have continued without your help.

The New Scriptures, by Sananda/Jesus

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Internet Radio shows: BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel

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Book by Kathryn E. May, PsyD: Who Needs Light?

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Archives of written channelings
Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.

Channel Panel with Mother, Father God – Sekmet and Alcyone – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May

KATHRYN May2Dr Kathryn E May, Channeler

Click Here To Listen To The Broadcast

Kathryn E. May, PsyD was asked by Spirit to serve as “The Voice of Mother/Father God” and “The Voice of Sananda” when she was asked to transcribe “The New Scriptures.” She now channels any of the Masters who request a “hearing.”  St. Germain is a frequent guest. She will do a channeling session live so that callers can call in with questions and speak with the Ascended Masters.

Co-host Meg Davis brings her extensive skills and knowledge of accupuncture and alternative medicine, along with enlightening commentary.  She adds a spirited and loving tone to the lively conversation.

Listen in at 8:00 PM, EDT on Wednesdays,  and also Sunday at 2 PM EDT for the Training and Healing for Ascension show with Sananda and the Arcturians.

This radio show is an extension of the written messages which Dr. May has posted on the website, http://www.whoneedslight.org.

Saint Germain – The Mark of a Master – Ascension Update – Intel About Past Events – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 9-19-14

sant Germain


St. Germain:  The Mark of a Master


St. Germain:

Dearest friends and Earth angels, I will bring you important information this night to help

you on your way to Ascension.  I am with the Company of Heaven, and we all send you our most

intensely loving energy.  You are probably feeling it in your body today.  It might make you

feel a bit dizzy, or woozy as you might call it, as if you have been spinning around and

just stopped.  You might feel a flush of heat, a bit of ringing in your ears.  Do not be

concerned.  It is our love coming through to you, clearing old shadows and lifting your

vibration another notch.  Know that what you are feeling is being felt by every human being

on the planet, and the result will be tangible in the way people behave toward one another

tomorrow, the day after, and next week. You have ridden out the earlier energy shifts beautifully –

in fact, you hardly remember the rough spots, do you?  We have kept a steady increase in the

vibrational energy coming through, by increasing the flow gradually and in a wave-like ebb

and flow to allow you to catch your breath in between.  This is accomplishing the primary effect

that would have occurred if you had been lifted off the planet and given the first treatment

in the Light chambers.  The first phase, of course, is to transition from your carbon-based DNA to

crystalline based.  It is changing everything about your physical and mental functioning.

Because it has been gradual, you are not as aware as if it had happened in one day, but look

back, Dear Ones, and remember how far you have come. There is a dramatic change in the

number of people who are becoming psychically connected to us.  In fact, my channeling

schedule has expanded to several people in Europe and other places around the globe.

The same has occurred for all the Company of Heaven, and we are delighted by it, for we wish

to reach every single one of you, to be connected to all of you in a deep and intimate way,

in constant communication as we are with so many of you who are reading these messages.

The Veil is lifting, little by little.  Check inside yourselves; look at your awareness of your

breathing, your heart rate, the thoughts that run through your mind, and your moment

by moment emotions. You are far more aware, more cognizant of your own effect on your moods,

your health and your feelings.  As One has told you, it is the mark of an Ascended Master

to be completely in command of your thoughts, feelings and actions.  Once you accomplish that,

you will never again have a bad day, or an anxious feeling, or a doubt about the importance

of your role in the unfolding drama that will change the world.  Yes, even as you look around

you to see the much publicized brutal acts of war, know that those who have been treated cruelly

have long ago made a contract with Creator to serve as the catalysts for peace. The wars you now are

witnessing are limited in scope and will not expand to encompass whole regions, as you are

being encouraged to fear.  Of course, killings are not pleasant under any circumstances, but your

feelings of nausea and pain when you hear about them are the measure of how far we have come.

It was only a few years ago that 100,000 civilian deaths were applauded on the media as the

“shock and awe” tactics of the past administration.  It was loudly proclaimed as a victory over

Islamic “terrorists” who were somehow mysteriously connected to Saddam Hussein, who was

somehow mysteriously connected to Al Qaida, a powerful and mysterious underground movement

which suddenly had the wherewithal to completely shut down the entire U.S defense system

and attack America on its home soil. All this was supposedly initiated by Osama Bin Laden,

who denied any involvement, was shortly afterward known to be on dialysis in a hospital in Pakistan,

but who was supposedly orchestrating it all from a cave with a computer and a cell phone.  He has since been

identified as Tim Osman, CIA connected operative, trained and armed by the U.S. to fight in Afghanistan

against Russia. As many of you now know, there are numerous 9/11 truth videos by experts in fields like

architecture and engineering, and more recently, video animation.  Yes, these are the experts who

will show you that there were no airplanes attacking the World Trade Center, but there were fairly

sloppily edited video tapes of animated airplanes mysteriously melting into the building without

any hint of a crash, or any sign of airplane debris. New evidence has finally surfaced, thanks to the

Freedom of Information Act, which shows a missile hitting the Pentagon.  At last, the most

video-taped building in the U.S will be shown to have been hit, not by an airliner, which supposedly

vanished into a tiny hole in the side of the building, but by a rocket. Additional investigation brings

to light why Building 7 mysteriously collapsed, and the kind of incriminating evidence that was

contained in that building.  At last, millions of Americans are remembering their high school

physics and chemistry and realizing that jet fuel cannot melt steel, and airplanes cannot melt

through concrete and steel without damage, and then suddenly disappear.  You have seen a

crash-test vehicle crumple on impact, or an 18-wheeler smash into a barricade; the barricade

remains, and the vehicle is left in a heap, with all parts mangled but still identifiable. The cabal-run

conspiracy was able to pull the wool over the eyes of most of the U.S. population and to ridicule

and sneer at anyone who tried to expose them as “conspiracy theorists.”  Only gradually have

more and more people begun to wake up to the fact that nothing about the original story-line

makes any sense, given the physical evidence, and everything about it being a “false flag operation”

does make sense in the light of the trillions of dollars of profits and tremendous expansion of

power that resulted. Now, why am I bringing up these unpleasantries now?  First, to make sure

you have not gone back to sleep when it comes to exposing the culprits who masterminded

the horrific event. You will soon be able to press for investigations (which were never done).

Secondly, I am reminding you of how far you have come.  Even those of you who were initially

stunned into taking up your ire against the “terrorists” who allegedly caused it have come to

realize that the “party line” made no sense at all.  In spite of your reluctance, you have

acknowledged that your government, as representatives of the cabal, could have done

something so unthinkable. I assure you, Dear Ones, they could and they did accomplish

the most elaborate act of treason ever known to your civilization.  In fact, in complexity

and scope it does indeed rival the destruction of Atlantis.  Fortunately, the follow-up plans

were cut short by the election of your current administration, whom many of you blame for

what has been the aftermath of the master plan.  Only gradually has it been possible to bring

the cabal into line, so to speak.  The vast network of the military/corporate/pharmaceutical/

agricultural industrial complex has been under investigation, under pressure and exposed to

the Light in just the past 6 years. Do you notice how your thinking has changed during those

6 years, how aware you are now of being lied to by those in power and those who have something

to gain from manipulating your feelings?  Yes, occasionally you do overreact and attack the ones

who are actually doing the difficult clean-up work behind the scenes, and you must guard against

paranoia – that is, succumbing to the belief that everyone is bad, and no one is to be trusted.

You are learning to truly examine, scrutinize, weigh evidence, investigate further, and remain

objective in your assessments, even as you follow your heart. Yes, this is the work you are being

asked to do now.  Our messages and the articles we have asked Kathryn and Gabriella to write

are addressed to this precious skill which has remained dormant for so many human beings for

centuries.  You are growing, and there is another step you can take: that is, to practice the skill

I mentioned above, to remain objective and in your heart at the same time.  How is this possible?

It is not as difficult as you might think. The problem for most of you is that you have been taught to

“use your brain” to settle a controversy.  This is a perfectly useless endeavor.  Your brain is a

computer.  It can compare two colors and tell you which is blue and which is red, because it has

stored the common names we use for such things.  It can look at evidence, but cannot determine

truth. A brain tends to see anything that is repeated endlessly as “evidence,” whereas a heart will

be unimpressed by repetition or emphatically proclaimed “facts”, and will look instead to the

integrity of the individual who is presenting the evidence. A heart will detect insincerity, but a

brain will completely accept lies, as long as they are carefully constructed and enthusiastically

presented. You may wonder why this is so important at this moment in your history as a

civilization, and your life during this incarnation.  I implore you to awaken, Dear Ones, and

understand that this is the work of the hour, the clearing away of old lies, deceitfulness and the

damage it has caused.  Whole countries have been brought to their knees, families torn apart,

lives lost and hearts broken because humankind was asleep. You cannot remain blind and in

denial to the fact that there has been great evil at work in your lives, and then expect to

“change the world.”  How will you know where to start?  Will you simply free all the criminals

from jail, on the belief that there is good in everyone? Or will you lock up everyone who has ever

held a political position because “all politicians are crooks”?  Will you condemn a person on the

word of one who has something to gain by the accused’s downfall, or will you permit your

brethren to do so?  How do you judge right from wrong, or do you refuse to use your powers of

judgment for fear of being accused of being “judgmental”? Your civilization has reached a

turning point.  It will proceed with self-righteous indignation, to bombing or hanging all the

suspected perpetrators, or you will institute a brand new system of justice and fairness under

the new Light we have called NESARA. This is my point, you see.  We expect you to be the ones

to carry the Violet Flame.  Do you realize what this means?  It is not only a way of sweeping away

old injuries and feelings within yourself; it is a means of burning away all that is not kindness,

compassion and wisdom. You, Beloved Ones, will be asked to judge, evaluate and assess what kinds

of justice will be established in the New Golden Age, as you make the transition from the cabal-run

arbitrary system you have now, to one in which those of the Light will be protected rather than

persecuted, and those who have been responsible for the suffering of others will be brought to justice

to answer for their crimes, and to be separated for a time from their innocent brethren who would be

endangered otherwise. This is the True Way.  It involves no punishment, no condemnation or ridicule.

It is simply a matter of allowing Light and Love to flourish unimpeded.  As we move into the completely

new and open-ended opportunities your financial blessings will allow, it will require a high level of

wisdom, restraint, and above all, the spirit of investigation, to find your way to a truly sophisticated,

imaginative, high vibrational way of life. You have been told by One that it really matters how you

use your energy, and that you are only beginning to realize the power you wield with your thoughts and

feelings. You have the power to create great good, and you also can use your passions to cut like a

knife into the quick of one who does not deserve your disapproval. Be tender with your children

and delicate with one another, for you are each precious and worthy of respect. Raise your

consciousness, Dear Ones.  Be always intent on sending your energies in a way  that will uplift,

celebrate another’s competence and free will, and will not impinge on their free expression when

it is of the Light.  By the same token, do not support anyone who attacks others under the assumption

that it is justifiable, a matter of their “freedom of speech” to abuse or insult with impunity. Command

fairness, sensitivity and decent behavior, always, in yourself and others. You are the ones who will

bring balance to a world that has been, literally, out of alignment.  We in the Company of Heaven

need your steady presence, your powerful hearts and wills, to raise yourselves into the higher levels

of group consciousness which you will feel as blissful and radiant openness and connection.  This will

only be possible if you are connecting with others of high vibration.  Otherwise, you would be joining a

gang, not a high level group consciousness.  You see the difference between where you have been, and

where you are going? In higher dimensions, we remain free to express individuality within the context

of a cohesive whole.  We operate in harmony because we are Love.  We respect one another because

it would be otherwise impossible to align with One.  We recognize a hierarchy based simply upon

the radiance-quotient of each soul and the abilities which come with experience and enlightenment.

Our adoration and respect for those who are purely of the Light has no bounds, and we aspire always

to attain our highest potential, to raise our vibration to combine our energies with the energies of One.

This is our destiny as souls, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters.  You are learning to reach higher, to

merge with your Higher Self, on the way to becoming the higher dimensional being you were

created to be.  Treasure every moment of this time of growth and expansion.  You have been blessed

with great riches.  You will add money to those riches, but do not allow this to unbalance you.

Concentrate on the profound lessons of the last year, and revel in the mastery you have gained

along the way. There is much more to come.  You will be glad for the education you have gained,

the friends you have made, and your connection to God.  All these things will become the foundation

for the enormous shift you will experience as you move into the Light.  What could be more exciting?

I will tell you, when we meet in full consciousness, the stories of my adventures in helping to establish

and distribute the Prosperity Funds, and the challenges we faced in creating and implementing the

NESARA system in spite of resistance from the aging and failing patriarchs of the dying cabal. It will

make a wonderful story for the history books, as you say, and you will then understand what an

important part you played in the creation of your new and radiant world. I love you with all my

heart. In service to One and humankind, I am your Adamos St. Germain.

Namaste, all.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept 18, 2014










Dr Kathryn E May


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Creator – How Our Universe Began – The Invasion from Omarrhan – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 9-18-14



Creator: How Our Universe Began, and The Invasion from Omarrhan

Ok, here we go. Take a deep breath and come with me. I have something to show you that will take your breath away. I want you to find a comfortable place to sit while you read this, where you can remain in meditation afterward to continue the journey with me. If that is not possible at this moment, then make an appointment for us to meet later in the day, and I will accompany you then as well. There is no limit to my ability to meet with you, to reassure and teach you. It is only up to you to call on me.

Now, we are going to take a trip around the Universe – the Universe that is my home and yours. It is true that a few of you have come from other Universes to be here with us during this monumental time. We are making history together, in terms of our Universe and all others as well. Let me tell you how this came about.

We are not the oldest Universe of our kind. There was another nearby Universe which was under development when I came along – that is, when I came into being as the child/creation of the One. I was taught about Creation by witnessing the building of that Universe, which I will refer to as Omarrhan. I saw how intricately the beings, planets and stars are intertwined with one another, and I saw how one tiny mistake on the part of the Creator could explode into chaos. Such a mistake could lead to the necessity of dissolving the entire Creation, dispersing into nothingness the trillions of years of effort and dedication of the Creator and his/her dedicated team.

It was about the time that Omarrhan began to experience trouble that One encouraged me to begin my own Universe-building, and so began the work of Creation that is my beloved Universe. I began with galaxies which would contain beautiful planets, stars of magnificent brightness and power, and vast inner space which I filled with the essence of my Love. It was only after billions of years as you measure it in Earth time that I began to create the first living souls of Light which would eventually inhabit the planets I had made for them. First, I created groups of planets, like your solar system, so that each living planet soul would have loving company as they danced in their rhythmic motion around their glowing sun, the great light-body which would be their central pivot point.

It was a great delight giving birth to the Lightbeings who are my children – those souls who, after billions of years of training would become my assistants in creation, and who would eventually disperse across the galaxies to create loving families of planets and stars, with some variations, but generally along the lines of my original designs. There were as yet no living organisms in bodies on or within the planets. Only the planets and stars themselves were inhabited by my soul children.

Eventually, we began the great project which was the creation of individual bodies. My children were interested in producing their own progeny, for they loved each other and our glorious Universe, and they wanted to create races of beings for their soul children to inhabit, thereby increasing their opportunity for greater experience and Love. Now I will help you to envision what the process of Creation really is, and how we created this beautiful Universe and all that is in it.

You are not unfamiliar with some of the elements of creation, of course. Anyone who has chosen a partner and you have decided together to have a child – you know how thrilling it is to be consciously, purposefully involved in the act of creation. This is the way every child should be conceived, with Love and with intention. This is the way we created every living thing in the Universe – with loving intention.

As many of you know, there are many races of humanoid beings across your Universe, as there are in other Universes. Those of us who are the Prime Creators are like brothers and sisters, the loving children of One, the first-born who would become the teachers and mentors of those who would come after. Picture in your mind’s eye the interconnected energies which flow between and among the group consciousness which is the family of Creators. As our numbers grew, we welcomed our new brothers and sisters the way a family celebrates the birth of a new baby.

Our Universes move and expand, breathing with the essence of Life. Each Universe has its own quality and character, instilled by the Creator whose hand shaped it, but all follow the same Universal Laws, use the same sacred geometry and the same laws of physics which your scientists are just beginning to discover. Just as each of you paints your living room a different shade, so we are attracted to slightly different sounds, shapes and colors. It was thrilling to look forward to the creative inspiration of having a new Creator among us, and to envision together the fabulous possibilities that lay before us.

How can I paint the picture for you as vividly as I see it? You have seen the photographs from NASA, from satellites and so forth. The colors of the palette we have used is breathtaking, endlessly varied, and far more beautiful than you can discern from the small photographs you have been given. As I look across the expanses that are my Home, I am struck, always, with the nostalgia of seeing the Divine objects and beings that have come into being under my watchful and loving eye.

No, I did not create every insect, every flower and every animal that moves across the surface of your planet and others, but I did carefully supervise the formulas used, the electro-chemical process which is ignited when two or more souls meld their intention, passion and love, and I have been present at the birth of every soul. You see, the creation of the physical forms is a very different process from the creation of a soul. A soul is an eternal, everlasting Light body with a unique identity and is a living part of All That Is. A body, on the other hand, is an impermanent vessel which is designed to offer the soul a flexible alternative for visiting lower realms – dimensions of a lower vibration than the one in which they were born.

Initially, there were just a few of my children who joined me in the process of Creation, for this is not the only activity available for beings in our Universe, as you know. Their brothers and sisters explored far and wide in their Light bodies, even sometimes traveling to neighboring Universes to study and exchange ideas with their cosmic cousins. This fertile exchange led to many new species, many new options for ecosystems which could be created to support the growing numbers of species of flora and fauna we were developing to “house” the souls who had a wide-ranging curiosity and taste for adventure.

Perhaps you can see the picture I see, of my beloved children, many of whom became the Ascended Masters who are helping you with your ascension and who have become so familiar to you in recent years. We still continue to work as a close and loving team, as you have noticed in the way we bring our messages to you, weaving our story as individual voices within the Unity consciousness of One. It is the great pleasure of my heart to see my children, and their children, all the many souls now inhabiting your planet and others in your galaxy, as they evolve and grow, preparing for the great Ascension which is to come.

As I have begun to show you, the creation of souls has been the particular arena in which I had full oversight and command, and as such, full responsibility for the creation and nurturing of every soul within our Universe. It is the fulfillment of my being, my destiny, to do so, with unending Love. The creation of form – bodies – was the realm of all those who wished to learn, experiment and take part in the great expansion of species who were to pave the way for the coming humanoid races, which were among the last forms we created and placed among their fellow inhabitants on the first planets to welcome human-like species.

An example of this is your own Milky Way Galaxy. It was created under the supervision of the ones you call Mother and Father God, my beloved children, in preparation for the earlier races of humans who inhabited planets in the systems of the Pleiades, Sirius and those who came from the older Andromeda galaxy. Out of these developing civilizations came the experiment in this galaxy which was to become the human race as you know yourselves now. I have described in earlier messages how the older civilizations contributed their DNA, with my full approval and under my supervision, to create the race which is the fullest embodiment of who I AM, in the essence of my being. Of course, this is a bit of a paradox, since I do not have a body.

This project – the creation of humankind – was not an ego trip or a reckless adventure, for I have none of those impulses within my own being – they are a temporary effect of your carbon-based body experience in lower dimensions. As you rise up the ladder of vibration, these impulses melt away, but in lower dimensional conditions, these anomalies can cause real difficulties for the inhabitants of the bodies that are subject to such feelings.

This brings us to the anomaly which has puzzled so many of you. How is it possible that there can be dark ones – genetically modified Reptilians, greys, Draconians, and all those you have called the dark Anunnaki, who have caused havoc in what appears to you to be the entire Universe. I will tell you how this began, and why it has continued as a problem, especially within your Milky Way Galaxy.

I mentioned the Omarrhan Universe earlier. It was the creation of my older soul brother, Rondar, as we came to call him. Rondar was daring and experimental in his approach to Creation. He gave much latitude to his soul children to develop bodies of every form and kind, which provided a rich and varied environment on many of the planets in his Universe. In the lower dimensions there were animals and plants of every type imaginable, with every possible natural luxury for the beings who descended to enjoy the feasts of luscious fruits and vegetables, flowing waters, and endless sunshine, flowers and warmth. It was truly a Paradise for all.

Although Rondar reveled in his glorious manifestation of Love, it became a topic of concern for his children that the absolute perfection of his 3-dimensional creation did not offer for its inhabitants any means by which to develop a greater connection with One; in fact, it seemed to draw them away from their higher vibrational Selves, downward into the sensory pleasures of the lower dimensional existence. In other words, they liked it a little too much, and were reluctant to return for further experience in the higher realms.

And so it was decided in the Councils that just a bit of unpleasantness might spur their abilities to appreciate and remain connected to their Creator – to focus their attention, you might say. It was decided that the Masters would develop a few insects which would inflict a slightly painful sting, and a few reptiles whose bite would cause sickness, just enough to prevent the myriad inhabitants of this Paradise from becoming lethargic and indolent. The inhabitants were made aware, in their higher dimensional sojourns, of the change which was to occur, but it did not dampen their wish to return.

As time passed, further experiments in genetic engineering continued, and took on a rather daring turn about the time We were developing human-type beings who showed great promise in their abilities to create on their own. They were talented scientists and inventors, and were very adept at using the energies of the Universe to their own convenience, developing floating and soaring spacecraft, and energy sources which could provide for all the needs of those beings in lower dimensions, like housing, food, and schools to train and educate the young in The True Way, which is Love.

We were aware of the Omarrhan situation, and were seeing the possibility for similar stagnancy in our own worlds, but were uneasy with the solution, which was being called “bringing in the darkness” in hopes of awakening Light. It made sense from a certain perspective, but seemed risky, since it was our policy to remain as overseers and guides, but not to interfere with the behavior and unfolding of the evolution of those species we had created. At the same time, civilizations were developing on Omarrhan which had very advanced technologies, including spacecraft which could carry the lower dimensional beings great distances (higher dimensional beings have no need for spacecraft, although it is a great convenience when they wish to carry equipment or materials between planets or galaxies).

It was only a matter of time, so to speak, before the experiment went awry, and a number of the lower dimensional species became fascinated with the idea of experiencing the curiosity of seeing the effect of darkness on themselves and others. It was only a small step then, to learning how to avoid their Creators, turn their backs on One, and set out on their own to experiment on others. This was the first “Fall” from Grace, and it spread rapidly across the Universe, to the many planets where indolence, a problem in the lower dimensions, had made the embodied beings of high intelligence restless and ripe for a new kind of excitement.

Within a few generations, impulses toward destructiveness and the wish to control and dominate others took root and began to flourish, until the entire lower dimensions, up to the lower 5th dimension, became a nightmarish arena filled with pestilence, war, and devastation. Weaponry was developed which threatened the safety of higher dimensions, as later happened on your Earth.

With many species of intelligent beings taking part in the melee, and alliances building to create a powerful military force, it was decided that to allow “the experiment” to continue would be too dangerous for the entire Multiiverse, and that the only possible resolution would be to offer amnesty to those who were willing to return to the Light, or suffer dissolution.

It was not announced that the intention was to destroy the entire Universe, but there was no way to resolve the problem without risk to the rest of the Multiverse. All souls were welcomed back into higher dimensions, but all physical creation was dissolved back into One. However, a number of the dark ones sensed trouble and took flight at the first hint of threat, as they were prepared to do, and departed the boundaries of their Universe and entered ours moments before Omarrhan ceased to be.

One might conclude that it would have been wise at the time to muster our space ships to fend off the invaders, but ours was a peaceful Universe, without weaponry or the will to engage in combat. I was difficult even for our inhabitants to conceive of fighting against their brethren from their sister Universe.

Of course, I could have taken matters into my own hands and simply destroyed them, but in counsel with my Masters and with One, it was decided that we would take the path of Light and Love, always. We were a strong and resilient group of souls, some of whom had already thoroughly studied the problem of Omarrhan as part of their own development. It was decided that we would attempt to rehabilitate the dark ones from Omarrhan, while protecting our own territories with a “defensive response only” policy.

We were joined by a number of the Omarrhan Masters, and we became then the battle ground where Good and Evil would meet the final test.

It was then that the Galactic Federation of Light was formed, and it grew quickly into an able military alliance under the guidance of the one we now call Ashtar, with the mandate to protect and defend all lower dimensional beings and planets, without at any time declaring war on the invaders. It was made clear to the dark ones that we could “disappear” them at any time, but that we would work with them to help them find settlements where they would be allowed to live peacefully, but on our terms which did not allow for military intervention toward any planet or group of beings. With the agreement of Mother and Father God, they were permitted to establish a “refugee” camp on Mars, and later they created outposts on the far side of Earth”s moon. The rest is history, as they say.

You know, from earlier messages, the story of their psychological infiltration, their propaganda campaign, and their tactics of remaining in lower dimensions in order to avoid their review and renewal in higher dimensions.

The part you have not been told was that all the original dark ideas and plans were brought to our shores from another Universe. They were the beloved children of my Brother, sentient beings who left the protective and loving embrace of their Creator to flee to the far reaches of our Universe in an attempt to prove that darkness is more powerful than Light. They were able to make inroads and win allies, notable among them the Reptilians from Orion who broke from their brethren and joined forces with the invaders, but they have not and will not be triumphant. The invaders and their allies have been removed from the planet, but their propaganda for the dark remains in the language, the habits and the beliefs of humankind.

You, humankind, have not conquered them through military might, for that would have proven them right. Only through winning the hearts and minds of all humankind will the final shift take place on Planet Earth. It is not as impossible a task as it might appear from your vantage point on the ground. As the conditions have worsened, and the disparity between rich and poor has become glaringly deliberate, the masterminds of the dark agendas are being baldly revealed as the criminals they really are. The challenge for humankind will be to remain in Love, find it in your hearts to forgive, even as you send off the perpetrators to spend some time in, shall we say, enforced meditation.

You see, the triumph of Light over Darkness never could have been resolved by war, for war is darkness, nor could it have been “defeated.” Those who invaded our beloved Home were simply mistaken in their beliefs, and they convinced many of you that they were right, did they not? Earth had become their playground for a time, but you and I never intended to succumb to their seductions. You may have forgotten for a brief time that fear is not a viable part of our lives in the Light, and you weakened under the weight of the totalitarian mind control, to a point where you became focused on their destructive tools, implants, psychological manipulations and illnesses, as if they actually controlled you.

Now it is time, Beloved Children, to return to me. Turn your back on the Omarrhan legacy of darkness and fear, and walk with me in Light and endless Love. It is our Divine legacy and our Great Plan. Together we will sing, and we will walk across the globe, our hands open and our hearts alive with the joy of being free. It is our time. Come with me.

I am your Creator, we are Gods, and we are One.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept. 16, 2014, 11 pm, New York

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The Company of Heaven – To Love You More – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 9-16-14



The Company of Heaven

Yesterday, Creator gave you a wonderful message. It was filled with wisdom and Love. You all read it, didn’t you? And yet today your conversations are still filled with the language of fear – the fear of darkness, conflict and want. We do not wish for our children to be in a state of worry, anxiety and frustration, no matter how difficult your day might be.

We had high hopes that the series of messages we have constructed for you and the radio shows which weave everything together would help you turn the corner into a higher dimensional way of life, completely without fear.

Creator told you, did he not, that you are made for Light, because you were born in Love and Light. We know that what he speaks is true. But it is a difficult transition for you to move from the adrenaline-laced state you are so accustomed to, into a state of peace and Divine resignation.

Now, by resignation we do not mean you turn yourself over. You see how limiting the words are. We mean that there is a a state of being that is so resolute, so serene, that you reach complete acceptance. The first level of acceptance upon which the serenity builds is the deep knowledge of your own power – the absolute confidence that you are competent, strong in body mind and spirit – such that you are completely at peace with your own ability to manage whatever comes your way.

The second element of acceptance is based in knowing, without a doubt, that your life has meaning, and that this life is not the only one you have experienced, and you will not end regardless of when this life is done. In addition to comfort with the knowledge of your incarnations and your eternal life as a soul, it is necessary to see the wheel of life and your part in it as profoundly unique, necessary and an important part of the greater whole. You also are beginning to see how deeply the lessons of this lifetime have affected you, and how these perfect lessons were of your own choosing, for your own growth and expansion.

The third and most crucial element is your Faith. We are not a “sometime thing.” We are present, adoring, and delighted to see you stretching to grasp the difficult challenges life brings. We only want for you to join us fully in a two-way conversation that allows you to perceive our loving presence every moment of the day and night. When you have experienced our presence in your lives in this constant and intimate way, you will have found the ascension key, for you will be operating in a state of 5th dimensional consciousness.

Once you have totally embraced your own uniqueness and absolute competence, you have the necessary foundation to proceed down your spiritual path to deeper understandings. Without the profound acceptance of yourself, you cannot experience the great love of others you are capable of, and you cannot ever be at peace. Let us explain why.

After a lifetime of criticism, competition, derision and having been ignored, disrespected and denied, the belief that you are not worthy, not good enough seeps into your pores and insinuates itself into your nervous system, your feelings and every thought. Few people have not experienced this, even in what pass for “good families.” Humankind has come through a particularly rude and cruel phase in recent years. It requires determination and persistence to root out these toxic references to yourself, which become so embedded in your self-referential thoughts that you assume it is normal, because everyone else feels the same way.

How can we convince you to accept our alternative view, which we know to be an accurate picture of you? We see your brilliance, and we see your mistakes and stumbles. We are happy to work with those of you who are able to hear our encouraging words, and we do not hesitate to point out to you where you may be going off the path of what is in your greatest good, but we never look down upon your wayward actions. We accept that it is a normal part of your learning process, and we send you love to help you balance yourselves. For us, there is never the option to be disapproving, impatient or belittling.

You see, we are not blind to the problems in your lives, or to the difficulties you have ‘keeping your eye on the ball.” We know how distracting the fast pace of your lives can be, and we see your insecurities. Those insecurities are all based in the “not enough” feelings left over from childhood. No adult who has embraced his/her completeness would ever feel bad about themselves for being who they are. It is impossible if you embrace your whole self, “Body and Soul,” as the old song goes. Perhaps you should sing those love songs to yourself, just to get used to the wonderful feeling of being in love with yourself.

Each morning as you awaken and look into the mirror, look deeply into your own eyes and send a concentrated blast of Love right into the eyes of the person looking back at you. Notice the interesting color of your eyes. Run your hands over your faithful body, which has brought you to this day, in spite of the rough and tumble life you have led. Send Love and Light through your hands as well. Feel the tingling sensation in all your cells. This is the heart of the cell, which has been activated by the great Ruby Crystal, responding to the energy of Love.

You are also being sent the continuing powerful energies from the Central Sun to gradually activate your crystalline body, which is now responding to the Ruby Crystal, which you could not have felt in the same way just a few months ago. This will make it easier to feel our great Love for you, and to accept that We are right about you, and everyone else was wrong, even you. Yes, it is possible is it not, that we are more objective, more accurate in our assessment of you than you are yourself? After all, your opinions are tainted by the fact that you look at yourself with the eyes of your parents (siblings, teachers, etc).

For instance, your cultures have a terribly distorted view of what beauty is. Heaven help (and we are happy to) the one who has a sibling that is more beautiful, by cultural standards, than you were, or who was judged to be so by the parents, regardless of actual appearances. Parents are notoriously inaccurate in their assessments of their children, are they not? Why would you take their word over ours anyway?

We see you as you are, and we love you immeasurably, because we remember being with you when you chose to come here in this body, and we can assure you, there were very good reasons for it, warts and all, as you would say. We admired your courage then, as we do now.

When the choices are given to choose the body you will come with, most do not willingly choose the astonishingly “beautiful” bodies, unless it is part of the contract to play a specific role which requires it, because they do not want the lessons and responsibilities that come with it. No, most people prefer a moderate road when it comes to appearances, because they prefer to concentrate on the inner development of their being rather than be a center of attention because of their physical beauty.

Then, you arrive here in the body of your choice, and as soon as you are approaching puberty, what do you do? You spend hours every day fussing and arranging, primping and exercising with the specific intention of changing your face and body to be more like the ones you refused before you came here. Your goal then is to be loved and admired for the way you look, not for who you are within yourself. Many of you even forget that there is such a place as “within yourself.”

Enough! Dear Ones, we have tried to cajole you into being friendly with yourself, then we tried to humor you, instruct you and guide you in the ways of self-appreciation. Now we must simply insist. It is not right, not the way of the Higher Dimensions to be cruel or negligent or insulting to your poor overwhelmed Self. No more. We Love you, and we do not want to see any more cruelty in the world, so you must now begin with yourself. Remember – you cannot claim to be a good person if you are mean to yourself. You are a person too!

Now, follow along with us as we form a conga line to celebrate your beautiful self, and the vow we are asking you to join us in pledging.

– No more criticizing yourself. Not even one “That was stupid.” when you lock your keys in the car, or drop the dishes.
– No more looking at your reflection in store windows and thinking, “If only I could lose 10 (or 30) pounds I would look better.” Change your diet as we and Meg have taught you on BlogTalkRadio/ChannelPanel programs on Sananda’s healing shows from August 17 to September 15, 2014, for your health and life, not for your looks.
– No more thinking about “bad hair days.”
– No more doubting your ability to enter a room, smile and make friends with everyone you meet.
– No more comparing yourself to others with an eye for ferreting out your failings and faults.
– No more gloomy feelings about how bleak your future looks because you are not smart enough to be the glorious success you thought you would be by now.

– No more anxiety because you are sure you will not be able to impress the boss, pass the test, jump through the hoop or win the prize.
– No more anxiety because you believe you cannot manage your feelings, because you are too anxious, or confused, or damaged.
– No more comparing your house, your job, your car or your children to others, and feeling inferior when theirs seems nicer.
– You add one here.

Let us now join in grateful praise of you, your uniqueness, and Creator’s wonderful choice in wanting you to be a part of our human team, for this exciting time and place. You see, once you accept – with profound resignation – that you are a beautiful being, talented and capable of fulfilling the journey you have claimed for yourself for this lifetime, you will see how easy life becomes! You are good! You are perfectly designed for this fascinating and very special and unique challenge!

Now you are ready to accept our Love, are you not? For who could be more deserving, more receptive and joyful with our close relationship than you and we, now that we are in agreement that this warmth and acceptance is inevitable, destined to be, unavoidable, absolute, and utterly deserved.

Do not forget us when you lie down to sleep, Dearest Ones. Accept our kisses and our blessings for a peaceful rest. Do not forget us when you awaken. We will be there with your angel partners to beam our smiles of pleasure and welcome to you as you begin your new day. You see, all this was divinely destined – this great Love we have for you, the difficult lifetime you are bringing to fruition, and now, our invitation to dance with you, to sing in the new and glorious life you so richly deserve.

We are your Company of Heaven, in service to our Great One.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Sept 15, 2014, New York

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Destiny – Freedom for all Earth’s Children – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 9-1-14


Dr Kathryn E May, Channeler



I am Destiny.  I am the Higher Self of the one who is named Noeve.  She is 5 years old, and she/we live with her mother Gabriella and her adopted grandmother, Kathryn.  I come today to bring a message for all the children of the world.  I hope that the adults reading this will copy it and read it to the children they know.  It doesn’t matter the age of the “child;” each one of you on Planet Earth are one of God’s Children, and you all need to hear the words I speak on your behalf.  I appreciate the opportunity to send this message to you through Kathryn.

Beloved Children, I come to you directly from God, the Great Source of the Central Sun.  Each one of you were chosen especially to come to Planet Earth at this time to act as God’s special messengers, to bring Love and Light to the Earth in this important time in history.

There has never been such a wondrous time in the history of the Planet you live on, whom we know as Terra.  Many things are changing in these days; some you can see and some you can only feel in your hearts and in your intuition.  You can sense it if you pay close attention to the feelings and sensations inside your body.  Your bodies are changing day by day.  I don’t just mean the usual growing and changing, healing and aging.  It is much deeper than that.

Let me remind you of the things you may have been feeling lately which are the emotional response to your body’s changes.  Perhaps you have been a bit cranky, restless and out of sorts.  You have probably found yourself thinking about things like injustice, unfairness, and incidents in which you saw someone being mistreated.  Perhaps you were the one being mistreated, and it felt intolerable to you.  Perhaps it was an example of children being abused, or hunger around the world that made you want to cry out in pain, to stamp your foot and demand better for the ones you saw suffering.

These are normal reactions, Beloved Humankind.  You are just now awakening to feel the powerful feelings of empathy that have been suppressed so long.  You probably do not remember being an infant in the hospital nursery, but if you did, you would remember how terrible it felt to you to hear another baby crying.  It pained you so much that you would begin crying in sympathy with the one who called out in distress.  Many of you still possess that quality of empathy, but it is a difficult emotion to manage when you are living in a world that dishes out cruelty as its normal fare.

You probably find yourself thinking you are weak, or too sensitive, if you have been ridiculed for your empathic ways.  Do not permit yourself to fall into that kind of self-criticism or disapproval.  Sananda told you yesterday in his “Fireside Chat” that you must cease and desist from all acts of self-hatred, no matter how mild or innocuous they might seem. (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2014/08/31/ascension-training-with-sananda-meg-kathryn-and-the-arcturians)

I am here to remind you of this one: Belittling your capacity for empathy, which is a kind of deep psychic connection to others, is a travesty.  It sneers at one of the greatest gifts God has given humankind – the ability to feel what others feel with great accuracy. It is a talent of the heart, and it works to guide you in all your interactions with others.  I gives you the ability to feel others feelings, and by extension, to know their thoughts in a general way. What could be a better basis for making your choices in life about who you want to choose as your partner, your friend or your business associate?

You have become afraid of this great ability because you were not able to remain anchored in your own Self while also experiencing the intense emotions around you.  It is a skill which must be practiced and encouraged throughout childhood and reaffirmed in adulthood if you are to comfortably ride out the waves of feeling you experience in the company of others.  This has been difficult for those of you who were taught to hide your feelings, or dismiss your intuition in favor of “figuring out” the best way to conduct yourself in life.  Instead of following your most elegant and powerful skill, you have traded it for “thinking” – the isolated use of your brain, which was meant for lesser tasks, like adding columns of figures and memorizing large amounts of handy information.

Your human brains were never intended to be the organ of decision-making.  Only a heart can know Truth, because only a heart can feel empathy, and can detect the true nature of another being.

This is one of the reasons you have become so detached from other Earth creatures.  You are able to put your animal friends into small boxes in zoos and aquariums and look at them with curiosity, but feel nothing of what they feel there in captivity, suffering right under your supposedly appreciative gaze.  Even worse, you allow your “domesticated” animals like chickens, cows and lambs to be crowded “like cattle” into tiny boxes, fed fat-producing “feed” (rather than food), and hormones while they are fattened up to be cruelly slaughtered for you to eat.  Their conditions are so filthy and unhealthy that they must be fed a steady supply of antibiotics to fend off infection long enough for them to finish their short and miserable lives in captivity.

The misery of all these animals has created a dark cloud of pain-energy which hovers over the Earth, weighing on the hearts of all who inhabit the planet.  Their fellow creatures feel the agony and are driven to aggression, attacking each other as you attack yourselves and them.  It has become a feed-back loop of misery and violence which affects all beings in its atmosphere.  Even the weather, as you have been told, is infused with the energy of violence, producing far greater turbulence in the form of hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis than you would experience otherwise.

You see, all creatures, all consciousness, human and otherwise, longs for peace, and the release from suffering.  It is God’s way, and humanity  will not be permitted to continue indefinitely to misuse your beloved planet and all her creatures.  You are seeing the results of this behavior in the illnesses that plague humankind.  All are a result of being exposed to suffering, either their own or those around them. You see, your empathy works this way, whether you understand it or not.

You cannot live in a “nursery” – your whole Planet – where millions of being are crying, and not feel the effects of their tears in your own bodies.  Your heart registers the pain around you, even when you attempt to ignore it and turn away, in the belief that you have no power to change what is not under your direct control.  Of course, this was an idea that was implanted by the dark ones, and it has spawned the epidemic of “heart disease” so many suffer from now.  It is not true. You, one individual human being, have great power to manifest the change you focus upon with firm intention and feeling.

You do not have to break down the doors of all the zoos and factory farms in order to stop these cruel practices.  You do need to stop supporting them and encourage everyone you know, gently and with patience, to join you in daily meditation to bring Love and Light to all God’s babies and children, human or otherwise.  Animals were not placed on this Earth plane so that you would enjoy how “cute” they are.  They are here to help you learn God’s ways.  You will see how they change, how they too are able to turn away from violence and predatory behavior to become the vegetarian companions they will be as their DNA is also changed by the incoming energies from the Central Sun and their nervous systems are able to evolve into a calm and loving state to match your own.

You are the ones who were created in God’s image to have Dominion over the Earth, but “dominion” does not mean license to do whatever you choose, regardless of the destructive impact it might have.  It does mean you are the stewards who have been appointed to administer to Earth’s needs and care for the well-being of all creatures, including yourselves.  So you see, my plea here is for all the children of Planet Earth, no matter how small and helpless that little one might be.

A crying child engenders a heart-wrenching pull for those who are present and “in their right mind.”  Why do you not hear the cry of the small calf when it is taken from its mother, or the peeping of the chicks when they emerge from an incubator-heated shell, without the nurturance of the mother’s warm presence?  Why should any baby be born without its mother, or taken away to be orphaned, depressed and anxious while its mother sighs in despair and loneliness?

I bring to you the message of our greatly loved little Noeve, the champion of all children, who is here to create the world anew under her Loving gaze.  All children deserve a happy childhood!  Every one!  When Noeve looks at the world, she sees all Life as equal, deserving, worthy.  There is no difference whether it is animal, human, insect, bird or fish.  All beings are loved by Noeve and by God, and therefore must be loved by humankind if you are to reach the glorious Ascension you have aspired to for yourselves.

Did you really believe you could raise your vibration to ascend to Higher Dimensions while filling your plates high with broiled cow?  (Let us desist from naming cow meat with names like “steak” and “hamburger.”  It is the flesh of the cow.)  “Veal” is the body of the baby cow.  “Lamb” is the flesh of the baby sheep, and so forth.  Let us be honest about the barbaric practices which were established by the dark ones so long ago.

Milk and other dairy products should be taken only after the baby is weaned, and with the permission of the mother animal, who may generously choose to offer her raw milk to her human friends for a time, out of her natural ability to feel love and friendship with other species. Should humankind be asked to show less respect to their animal friends than the cow or goat shows to them?

Awaken to your true natures, Dear Humankind.  Take your place as the leader of the Free World – all the natural world.  It is your birthright to become the gloriously empathic, sensitive and deeply intelligent beings who will be entrusted with the well-being of all.  Raise yourselves above the old traditions which were forced upon the world before you were born.  It is time to experience your group consciousness, which carries with it the ability to feel empathy toward all living beings.  When you truly raise your vibrations to see your kinship with all things, you will be horrified at the idea of imprisoning eating your friends.

Join with us to envision the New Golden Age in which all are truly equal, and none are in servitude to any other.  That is true Freedom, peace of mind and unconditional Love.

Thank you for communicating with me through this message.  I am here to serve you all.  I am Destiny, of the family of your Earth’s Sun, and I Love you without end.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 1, 2014, 5 pm., New York


Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.  Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.


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Father God – Further Truths Unveiled – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May – 8-18-14

Father God: Further Truths Unveiled

Father God:

Dear Kathryn, I’m going to tell you some things that you might not want to pass on in the message, but I ask you to continue giving the information as we give it to you, even if it might be a bit inconvenient or difficult for you. It is the contract we have had, and it has always worked out for the best, has it not? You know how much we love you, and you have always trusted in our Truth, even when it was a test of your stamina, or your Faith.

We have many important messages to give to the world now, and we like to send them through you when they have a deep psychological meaning, because of your many years of training and your work with Sanat Kumara.

Now, let us continue with the news and information for the world. We want you all to be aware of a certain unfolding of a story line which we believe you will want to understand. It has to do with the information I gave to you about Hollow Earth when I was channeling through another. I want you to know that there was a very important reason for presenting the information I gave at the time; we were deeply involved in a sting operation with the cabal regarding the currency revaluation, and I wished to get the information out about the blessings for Lightworkers to a large audience.

The RV is a very important part of the transition to the new and glorious world we have coming. So is the healing information which Kathryn and Sananda have now carried forward to help thousands of people in their preparation for Ascension. Your Ascension is paramount for us, and we want to reach as many people as possible to help them raise their vibration and reach their highest potential.

Some time ago on the Hollow Earth calls, I announced that Zorra was really Father God, the one you have been reading messages from all along through Kathryn, in her collection we call “When God Pinched My Toe”. I realized that I would sound very different when I was channeled on the Hollow Earth calls through the one we call Billie, and so I adopted the name Zorra in order to create a more friendly and approachable atmosphere so that people could get to know me. It was very successful for a while; we had a good time, and I was able to get across much important information.

When the channel and co-host turned on Kathryn with unbridled venom because she had channeled Sananda saying he no longer recommended the supplements they were actively selling, everything changed. It had been our joint agreement to drop the supplements because the companies which produced them had not yet conformed to the changes we asked for them to make in the formulas and packaging. Since I was not able to get the information through my channel, I asked Sananda to do it. We had hoped that a drop in sales would convince them to make improvements in their products.

Unfortunately, we never had the opportunity to carry that through because of the sudden and complete rejection of Kathryn as a channel, and the campaign to discredit her which goes on to this day. We are dismayed by this unethical behavior. Because of it I discontinued the messages through them. We do not use any channel who participates in unethical or negative behavior after they have been clearly warned, as they were. We regret having to tell you this news, but it is important that you know that it is I, Father God, who was the energy behind Zorra, and that I am no longer.

The abrupt change did not allow me to gradually phase out the Zorra calls, which was my intention, and to discontinue using the channel, who had difficulty transmitting my feelings of Love toward all of you. We had planned to continue using Kathryn, and I would have simply continued to use my true identity, as I have done in these messages. When I announced that Zorra would be retired, it was not a popular decision, because many people liked the homey atmosphere and my charming (if I do say so) accent, but I did not hide the fact that I was not Zorra from Hollow Earth, but Father God.

Of course, the implications were far-reaching. As Father God, I see all of humankind as my children, even through all of you were created with the energy and intention of Creator. I intended to tell this story, but was not able to do so, and so it remains untold. I will correct some of that here. I will not include the personal information concerning the Hollow Earth people, since it would go against Kathryn’s wish to stay outside the personal mud-slinging campaign by not discussing it. I will leave that to them to reveal when they are ready to address Truth. We are working with their Higher Selves to encourage this, since we never abandon our beloved children, no matter how far they may stray.

You have now heard the story of your history through Serapis Bey and St. Germain. These accounts are absolutely true. So, you see, the human beings on Earth are not directly the children of Mother and Father God, but were created for the purpose of inhabiting our beloved Terra, which was our creation. The Milky Way Galaxy was created by us, under the watchful eyes and unending Love of Creator. We knew when we created Terra that she was to be the center of what would become the monumental struggle between Light and dark. We have had an intimate connection and special interest in all that was designed and carried out under our “watch,” and we continue to be involved in your Ascension process.

All of this may have been obvious to you. Now, here is the part that may cause some puzzlement and consternation for many. The picture I painted of Hollow Earth – the peaceful, advanced civilization, the careful use of resources, the love of the land, the gentle weather and loving people – all was designed to give you a clear Vision of the kind of life you will establish on Planet Earth during the New Golden Age, with enough non-specifics to allow for the creativity and imagination of humankind in action.

You see, the Agarthans of Inner Earth are a true group of beings inhabiting Earth unseen. In order to allow them to remain protected, considering their close proximity to the surface, we devised the concept of Hollow Earth to allow the story to be told without endangering the Inner Earth people, whose leader and spokesperson is Adama. By showing entrances only at the poles, we were able to be fairly certain that the folks on our calls would not go in search of the openings, and we could present the Vision as something you could live with day by day, and become so familiar with it that it would be easier for you to create your own idyllic civilization after our description.

Now, those of you who were followers will have many questions. I ask you not to bombard Kathryn with detailed questions about who said what and why. She was completely unaware of our plan to use the Hollow Earth format to make ourselves more accessible to you, but her Higher Self worked with us closely during the entire process. She is just now learning, with you, about the master plan which was prematurely thwarted when the “Hollow Earth” people abruptly went their separate ways, refusing to even speak to Kathryn about their concerns or angry feelings.

We have often, through the ages, presented to humankind a scenario which you could use as a template to help you envision a way out of the dark propaganda and brain-washing which was so intensely applied by the dark ones. It is sometimes necessary to create a Vision for you, to help you manifest what you have planned for and worked toward for eons. We have seen this work for you in other instances, to help you raise yourselves above your current state. This was our intention in creating Hollow Earth. We have given the information through other channels as well, to reinforce the Vision.

You see, from our point of view we can see the creation you intend to manifest and we can describe it to you. This is our way of giving you an extra boost, by showing you that your dreams have already manifested somewhere in the Universe. You will see the actual manifestation you have created when you Ascend, although it will be in a slightly different form and place. So, in Truth, there is a Hollow Earth/Eden for you. It is just not inside the version of Terra you are now aware of.

Do not allow yourself to be caught up in confusion or resentment by thinking we “lied” to you by dramatizing your dreams. Instead, please enjoy the Vision of your magnificent future which we created together. You have seen it with me, savored the pleasures it holds, and manifested its existence in the process.

Many will wonder about the story of Admiral Byrd and his encounter with Hollow Earth beings. We will tell you now how his visit was accomplished. It was a mixture of real events and holographic images placed in their minds during the visit to Inner Earth, just as your Higher Self often may create images for your enlightenment during your dream time. We did take his plane and crew into the Earth, and he did meet with the Agarthans, and they did send him with the message to give to the surface world that nuclear development and war must stop.

However, again to protect the Inner Earth civilization, which Admiral Byrd would have immediately tried to rediscover, we added the images which would throw him off track should he organize future expeditions (which he did). I assure you he has forgiven us the minor editing when he discovered the reason, as I hope you will all see as necessary.

The great library of Porthologos is indeed in Inner Earth, under the protection of the Agarthans; you will also be treated to the experience of visiting it if you wish to ask me to take you there. You will also learn all about it when you Ascend.

I act out of love and devotion toward all of you and all the sentient beings on Earth. Mother God and I have been working with you to support you in your campaign to raise your vibrations and clear away all old thought forms and habits of living in preparation for your Ascension. It is our greatest pleasure to take your hand and show you the way through the darkness.

Along with the Vision of your Golden Age, I was able to give you much information which was true and relevant for the time as we approached the RV and the historic shift which is now under way. I was glad for the chance to offer a wider view of the Universe than you were being presented on your mainstream media. All will unfold as I have described.

I will continue to speak with you through this channel, as I told the Hollow Earth community I would do, and the Company of Heaven will also expand their channeling whenever they find others, in all languages, who will reliably report our feelings and words. You are beginning to understand how we work as a team, all aware of all others, all in harmony with one another as we work to bring you the most inspiring messages we can, given the conditions available to us at any given time.

If you find what you might think are discrepancies in our messages, I assure you it is either simply because we are presenting another facet of the same Truth, or we have agreed to offer the information in a step-by-step process, in which case the timing of the messages would be relevant. This is also why we must now ask you to leave behind much of what passes as “religion,” because it was from a former era, and the part which is still very relevant is just one teaching: Love is all there is in the Universe. Everything else is illusory.

It was with great courage that you descended into lower vibrations – all of you – with the mission to turn darkness into Light, to follow the lead of you Creator and us in the intention to convince the dark ones to come to the Light. This process continues, as we have described to you over the past few years in relation to the Revaluation of currencies and the establishment of NESARA law. It is delicately nuanced and more complex than anything you can imagine, and you have done your parts, often unaware that others around you were also playing out their roles as integral players in the success of the Grand Plan.

You have won your freedom. The Archons are gone, as you have been told. You are now in the final stages of the “clean-up” which requires that you heal the battle scars and the dark thinking which is the residue in your own minds of the long struggle.

Lift your sights, Beloved Ones. We have great fun and celebrations ahead. You have faithfully fulfilled your labor of love through many lifetimes. You will be amazed when you learn of the twists and turns, the immense challenges you have taken on, and the position you are now relative to where you have been. Soon, all your questions, large and small, will be answered, and you will be delighted.

Now it is time to shake off old concepts of individual freedoms and indulgences as your birthright. Your true birthright is to raise yourselves to higher levels of group consciousness, endless Love, Compassion, Joy and dedication to the Greater Good. In that, we are One.

I wish you great Happiness, clear sailing, and peace.

I am your Father God, the one you have known as Yahweh, Allah, Shiva, Zorra and Ra, depending on the language and culture. I am with you always, in endless Love.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 16, 2014, 11 PM, New York

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Saint Germain – Your True Colors – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May

 Saint Germain:

Dear Kathryn, I did tell you that my next message would be after the RV, when we would be dancing in the streets, but I beg your indulgence to let me come through at this time to continue the discussion about the topics I love to talk about, and to bring my loving support to our whole beloved group of Lightworkers who are following these messages so closely.

You all know that I have had a great interest in this process of Ascension, and have dedicated many lifetimes to helping with the Prosperity Packages which will be the first dominoes to fall in this cascade of Light which is already illuminating the path to our Promised Land.

And so, I beg my dear Twin Flame to let me “out of the closet” as the joke went, so I can be free to bring you more exciting news, even if it is moments before the actual announcement of your blessings.  Yes, I said moments.  The necessary steps to allow this current opening of the floodgates are now being completed.  

We have had various plans to activate the Revaluation over the past year-and-a-half which we had hoped would accomplish the release of funds, but we have had to hold back for various reasons, usually having to do with complex conditions on the ground which would have had the effect of pouring water into a sieve, if you see what I mean.  There remained too many loopholes, or new ones were created just in time to sabotage the safety of your money.  We in Higher Dimensions, and the families who had been entrusted to protect the trusts, did not deem it possible to keep the money out of the hands of the cabal until now.

We have worked diligently during this time to close all the “leaks” in the banking systems, to create a program of oversight that is as infallible as we could devise, and to use our knowledge of the criminal behavior which resulted from the first private trades to accrue evidence and to direct our security programs to make them more effective. Needless to say, this required the cooperation of those in power on the ground, which was not an easy feat.

Let me explain.  Many of the delays created opportunities to catch the perpetrators who would have gladly stolen all the wealth they saw coming.  You are familiar with their talent for creating derivatives and other extremely complex financial instruments for concealing the transfer of wealth from unwitting investors into their own pockets. After the original Archon entities were removed, there was a sudden rebound effect – like the mice who play when the cat’s away, and there began a full-fledged competition for power among the second tier cabal operatives.  

Many of those lower level but well-trained managers and assistants saw the opportunity to outdo the Reptilian overlords who had been removed, and in many cases replaced by clones who are less powerful than their originals.  These clones are replicas of human bodies without inhabiting souls, and so are psychopathic by nature, but subject to completely melting away under the right conditions of high vibrational Light (sort of like the witch in the Wizard of Oz).  

Those left on the ground who are still immersed in the Matrix, and who are still brain-washed by the tantalizing illusions of power, fame and wealth are now struggling mightily against the rising energies which have them pretty well occupied just trying to stay awake and do their work as the thugs and manipulators they were trained to be.  Their energies are waning, and their dedication to their old evil ways is losing its charm.  True to their original human nature, they are beginning to awaken to the pleasures of being in Love, and it has them swooning.

You see, it became evident as we progressed along the path to freedom that we would have to find brand new ways to convert the dark ones to genuine Lightworkers.  It became clear that offers of amnesty were not working; it would have meant throwing themselves on the mercy of the Lightworkers, who would have been truly merciful, but any penalty or even any restriction on their freedom to rape and pillage the Earth and all its inhabitants was unacceptable to them.

Even when some of their companions were arrested and their greed-based programs were thwarted at every turn, the persisted.  As bankers were put under pressure by investigators, they began assassinating their own associates who showed any reluctance to adhere to the dark plans, and even some they suspected might be tempted to “jump ship.”  When they could no longer dare to carry out their vicious threats to Lightworkers, they turned on those who had cooperated with them at one time or another, and those who had information which could expose their massive money-grabbing schemes.

It has been a dramatic time, characterized by great courage on the part of those who were working for the Light in the face of the waning but every more desperate cabal.  You will one day learn the whole “back-story” of great sacrifice, determination and the execution of many a crafty plot, surpassing even the dark ones in intelligence, trickery and subterfuge.  In fact, little of what you have heard as “news” is what it seems.  For every thrust there was a parry, with the Light ones gaining ground little by little, and the dark ones beginning to realize that there is nothing more formidable than an incorruptible warrior of the Light.

With the rising of energies since 2012, Lightworkers have become more psychic, and therefore able to communicate with us and with each other. There has developed a growing sense of group consciousness which nourishes the self-awakening and sense of commitment, as you have seen in the Prema Swarupa Council and amongst yourselves. No Lightworker will ever again feel isolated or alienated from the group of Humankind.  You are truly coming into your own.

Sanat Kumara revealed to you the truth about the origins of Humanity – the fact that you were indeed created to defeat the dark. (See previous message.)  I will add to that story now that you have had time to digest the realizations of your glorious beginnings.  You have been told about the energies of the Central Sun which are helping to ignite the crystalline elements in your DNA, and that it will increase your powers of intelligence and creativity. I will now give you another piece of the story.

At the time of the creation of humankind, the joint project of many races offering their best qualities, it was understood that the race which resulted must be capable of great love and passion, with a strong will and determination, sturdy bodies, a resourceful and creative intelligence, and a sense of loyalty and courage which would border on aggressiveness.  It was a tricky concoction, designing a being who would be fiercely loving of one another and still connected with God. It required a number of revisions before the right balance of energies could be anticipated with some confidence, since the free will factor is always a wild card.

Now, be assured that this much-heralded creation, Humankind, was designed with the full intention and direction of the Great Creator. S/he used the self-knowledge and expertise of the races who contributed to his plan, to hone the combinations and patterns of the DNA which would determine the outcome of the being’s physical, mental and emotional bodies. So, you can see why so many beings around the cosmos are interested in what you are doing, because all know that this is the final stage of the plan to eliminate the dark in lower dimensions, and Humanity was known throughout the Multiverse as the gladiators who would do battle with the Archons until the final hour.

You do have the disadvantage of being still behind the Veil, so the things we tell you may sound unbelievable to you, but I assure you they are absolute Truth.  We were all there at the dawn of Humanity, and we have watched over the development and growth of our beloved human beings since the beginning.  We are in Love with you, you see, and we have a lot of “skin in the game,” as you might say.  All of the Company of Heaven were involved from the beginning, and we were the ones who designed the Game in which we – with humanity’s agreement – challenged the dark ones to the duel which was to last for thousands of years.

You might ask why such a seemingly tortuous endeavor would be devised by higher dimensional beings who profess to be pure Love.  This is exactly why it was done, Dearest Ones.  The beings who took it upon themselves to separate from Creator were God’s children as much as we are, and our compassion and love for all Creation led us to want to try to “bring them back alive” to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into the cosmic brotherhood of beings.  

You see, we do hold all life to be sacred, and our project was to rescue all the Archons, which meant all the souls who had agreed to inhabit the bodies of the ones who had genetically altered themselves in order to remain separate from God.  It was their intention to remain in the lower dimensions, never to ascend, never to return to their Maker or to us.

From Creator’s point of view, it was not an acceptable option to give over the lower dimensions to darkness, and so we worked together as a group consciousness, in complete agreement and harmony, to devise a plan which would be fair and just, while also teaching in every possible way, so that the “Fallen Ones” could be given a chance to use their own free will to change their minds and return to the Light.

Of course, the work of Humankind involved great hardship and sacrifice, especially for those who held fast to the path of remaining separate from the dark ones and their pervasive brain-washing propaganda.  Often, those who stood in opposition were assassinated outright, or thrown in prison, or tortured.  These tactics have been used throughout history, across the globe, since the fall of Atlantis, which was instigated by the dark ones who had already infiltrated Earth with the intention of taking her over completely as their own headquarters.

We had foreseen these challenges for eons, and were in constant consultation with the Galactic Federation, which was first formed millions of years ago in response to the threat of devastation from below as the dark ones developed powerful technologies which they had stolen from more advanced civilizations who were exploring the 4th dimension in their own defense.  This was when the Plan was put into action, and the civilization you now inhabit was quietly begun.  

At first, the Archons did not bother much with the human population because of their small presence on the planet, but as the settlements grew and they showed resourcefulness, creativity, and a deep connection to God, the Archons began to see their neighbors as a threat to their private kingdom.  

The rest, dear friends, is history, as you would say.  Lucifer agreed to lead the project to infiltrate and co-opt the dark agenda in order to give humankind a fighting chance to succeed at their mission, and the struggle between Light and Dark began in earnest.  This, Beloved Ones, is the 13,000-year legacy you signed onto when you agreed to incarnate here.  You came – every one of you – with the promise to do your best to defeat the darkness, whether by creating a life of loving support for others, or by being an activist in the political, social or religious arena. 

All have contributed either to the advancement of the Light, or during those lifetimes when you may have lost your way, by supporting the dark.  There are no other choices here on Earth.  Given humankind’s Reason for Being – to defeat the dark – there is be no other reason to incarnate on Earth except to join in the clearly defined purpose of which we are all a part.

Any other activities, such as the pursuit of wealth, or the search for fame for its own sake, or the indulgence of self-centeredness in any of its myriad forms is taking part in the agenda we now call the Matrix – the program initiated by the dark side.

So you see, Dear Ones, we are all in this together.  Your Awakening has made it possible for us to at last reveal to you why we are all here – every one of us.  You are here either as a Warrior of the Light or as a soldier of darkness.  There is no convenient neutral wait-and-see alignment in this Great Plan.  This belief was part of the illusion, created by the dark ones, so it is therefore a dark agenda.

It is now time for you to declare yourself, and to join with us consciously, joyfully and wholeheartedly as we finish this job of awakening every soul to the glorious triumph which is your human Destiny.  We will then move into higher dimensional realities, with your newly activated compliment of powerful genetic abilities completely ignited, to establish the glorious New World of peace, joy and abundance which was truly your raison d’être.

Your next step will be to take charge of your financial blessings, in order to join us in facilitating the final Ascension and shift into higher dimensions.  We look forward with great expectation to watching you build a brand new world from the ashes of this long and hard-fought victory.

I am your St. Germain, in great joy and admiration for your mastery and your triumph.

Until we meet in person, Namaste, dear Brothers and Sisters of the Light.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, August 14, 2014, 9 PM, New York       

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Ascended Master Hilarion – A Love Bomb to End All Darkness – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May – 8-2-14

A love bomb - HilarionImage Source


Ascended Master Hilarion:

Greetings everyone! It is a great pleasure coming through this channel for the first time, although I am not a stranger to the work that is being done here. I am delighted for the chance to speak with all of you. Mother God let us know that we would have a special opportunity to come through, since Kathryn has agreed to do a message every day until the Revaluation of Currencies. I suppose you are aware that the purpose behind these messages is to provide a challenging lesson for you every day, one which will help you to clear away an old remnant of darkness and replace it with Light. I am happy to be a part of such an uplifting project.

We are all interested in the path of humankind toward their Ascension. We watch carefully as the dance is acted out – the thrust and parry between the Light and Dark on your planet. Of course the deck is stacked in favor of the Light, since the appearance of darkness (and what you sometimes call evil) is really just an illusion. Are you really in full understanding of how that is possible? Perhaps I can give you another perspective on it.

Let us take the example of the minions of dark ones who are now carrying out the terrible assassination plots against the bankers who have worked for the largest of the corrupt financial institutions. Of course these 38 and counting bankers whose deaths have been counted as “suicides” are nothing of the kind. Not one of them had any psychiatric problems, they were all successful and highly paid, and had absolutely no motive for suicide, unless you consider the possibility that they all suddenly had a fit of conscience and could not live with their own participation with the cabal systems. That is highly unlikely, since the kind of high life they were all living generally becomes addictive and difficult to leave – all the more likely that it was not suicide.

Most of the deaths were people who worked in the area of IT or communications in their banking companies. They therefore are the ones at high levels of responsibility who had access to the information about the fraud being committed every day. Is it not obvious to you that these would be the ones who need to be eliminated, just as the Treasury Department comes searching around looking for evidence of the extreme and unethical practices they know are epidemic in recent years? These are the men (they are all men) who have the evidence needed to shut down all the major banking corporations on the globe.

Now, why do I, Hilarion, who is usually concerned with the natural world, bring up this issue right now? Because I am also interested in the new governance coming to the Earth which will allow many of you to be free to support your Mother Earth and the precious Kingdoms of Elementals, Animals and Plants which have suffered along with you for so many years.

Do you see the fundamental connection between the kind of greed that drives a cabal leader and the ongoing devastation of the natural world? Of course you do. Where there is a connection between power and money there is greed, and where there is greed there is corruption, and where there is corruption one of the first things to go is any concern for protections for Mother Earth’s health and well-being.

This is why we who are the protectors and healers of the non-human Kingdoms are so involved right now with our Galactic Brothers and Sisters who come to work with us on removing toxins and nuclear waste from the environment. We are watching hopefully as the humans who were trained – brainwashed, really – by the Reptilian-controlled cabal, to see how they will carry forward now that their leaders are gone from the planet. We continue to hope that in spite of the ruthless programs under which they were trained, they will gradually find their hearts and begin to question the use of murder, blackmail, extortion and threats when they deal with the threat to their power base, which is dwindling.

As the energies of Light on the planet increase, the pressure is on for everyone, even those who have prided themselves in being completely immune to feelings of compassion or generosity, which they consider weakness. As they go through their days priding themselves in being callous, others around them are beginning to soften, awaken, and question whether they wish to continue on the path they were seduced into when they were young.

There are developing schisms between the most powerful leaders, who formed the tight-knit family connections by calculated marriage and business arrangements, not out of Love for one another, but because of the power they could accrue by creating tightly-controlled secret organizations. There are cracks forming in the foundations of their structures, as younger family members begin to defect in opposition to the status quo. Just as in the natural world, it is the young who are the promise of the future for their parents, and the Universal Laws which govern all are beginning to be felt, especially by those who still have a glimmer of connection to Creator.

A few have “slipped through the cracks” by pretending to be interested in the dark religious practices they were raised in, while secretly exploring the internet sites which have proliferated like this one, offering a different view of what Life can be. You see, Light will out, always. Once one begins to question and absorb these lessons, there is no turning back. Have you not noticed this? The more of these messages you read, the more it all begins to fall into place, to form a larger understanding of the Universe than you ever dreamed of a few years ago.

Now, let me sketch the rest of the picture for you. The military-industrial complex is owned and operated by the same people who control the financial institutions. The military-industrial complex is the source of the worst toxins and invasive practices which harm the beautiful beings who have always lived in peace with humans, doing their service of nurturing and protecting the natural world. So you see, the war between the banksters and their minions is going to soon spread to the military leaders and their officers and troops.

The U.S. Navy has resumed their irresponsible testing of sonar technology, even after the people’s letter-writing campaign which brought a halt to the testing and a supposed “rethinking” of destructive practices. When the cetaceans begin leaving in large numbers because they cannot stand the pain and hostilities toward them, it will create an even greater outcry from the people, and it will become difficult for even the previously hard-nosed bureaucrats to maintain their indifference.

Whales, dolphins and even merpeople are considering a mass exodus from the planet at this time. The attacks on them will no longer be able to be kept secret when they begin washing up on beaches. It is difficult to hide or quickly dispose of a dead whale, and there are activists everywhere watching the beaches and creating protests around the world to protect their Brothers and Sisters of the oceans.

So you see, Beloved Ones, everything hinges on all of you raising your vibration to a point so high that it sweeps everything before you in a great upsurge of Light, making it impossible for the banking/military leaders and their troops to continue their dark practices. In doing so, you will rescue the Kingdoms of the Earth from the destruction they are suffering right now. In creating this powerful tsunami of Light, you will reach the tipping point, beyond which no destruction will be possible because the higher dimensions are completely intolerable for anyone invested in darkness.

The dark minions will be forced by the simple physics of Light to drop their weapons and close the doors of their greed-fueled establishments. They will experience exactly the same overwhelming, painful vibration which has driven the cetaceans to beach themselves. A whale cannot cover its ears and scream, but the humans who harbor destructive energy will feel that way.

So, Dear Ones, here is my challenge to you: Envision your friends and fellow travelers in their ocean, air and forest habitats. See them close to you, joyfully swimming, flying and bounding toward you to greet you and look into your eyes. Feel your exhilaration and joyful laughter as you see emerging around you the fairies, elves and other nature spirits who are so gentle and filled with Love. Watch in your mind’s eye the playful leaping and splashing of the dolphins with their young. Revel in the sense of intimate connection with these beautiful Creations of God.

Picture in the distance the scheming and calculating managers of money and power, engrossed in their dirty dealings. See their sallow skin, their hollow smiles and contrived gestures. Notice how empty of joy or real camaraderie they are. Do not draw close to them; they are not of your vibration. Instead, focus your attention on the overflowing Love you feel in the company of your Brethren, and create a Light channel to focus and direct your joyful and loving feelings toward them.

See the Light and Love wash over them, seeping into every pore of their being, pouring directly into their hearts. As they fight against the onslaught of Light, see them stiffen and try to fight off the feelings of Love they are absorbing. Some will double over, others will cover their ears and close their eyes, others will cry out in pain as they fight against the Light.
Soon, it will be impossible for them to fend off the great power of Love, and they will find themselves, weak and overcome, helplessly falling to the floor, submitting to the feelings of joy that fills every part of their soul, their bodies and minds.

They will feel themselves hopelessly in Love, weak in the knees with the deep and powerful energies which course through their veins, opening all their channels to receive Light. They will arise from their faint with the sound of a song in their ears and in their hearts. It will be a song of joy and celebration for the deep and abiding connection with All Things.

They will be brought to tears by the emotions of compassion, gratitude and Love, and they will fall to their knees to ask forgiveness for the pain they have caused their precious Brothers and Sisters. God’s great Light of forgiveness will fill their souls with relief and happiness, and the gratitude they feel will remain with them as the new and permanent feeling which will guide their actions henceforth.

You, Beloved Ones, are going to change the world. These newly-awakened people will become the next wave of impassioned activists, and they have the skill and know-how to change all the things you have prayed would be removed from your world. You. You have the power to create this massive shift.

Join with your friends on your internet Facebook site, Healing for Ascension Tour,* and set a time for all of you to create a meditation such as I have described above, and create a Love Blast so powerful that you will bring on the immediate announcement of the RV, and drive everyone to who has been playing on the dark side to make the leap into the Light.

What fun you have ahead, Dear Ones, you who are gladiators and warriors for the Light. Exercise your great power of Oneness. Feel the thrill of conquest, as you vanquish all darkness with your great tsunami of Love. Know that in doing this, you will create a new energy on the planet which can never again be defeated. You are on the upswing, with powerful help from the blast of energies from the Central Sun to buoy you up and carry you across the line into the New Golden Age. You will arrive hand-in-hand, so to speak, with all the beings, all the humans and all the spirit world into the loving embrace of our Great Creator.

Hallelujah! Let the celebration begin!

I am your Hilarion, in great joy, savoring the Vision of Life we have just created together.

*Facebook: Healing For Ascension Tour

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, Aug. 1, 2014, 8 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.



Sananda – Together, Forever, One – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 8-1-14



Sananda: Together, Forever, One



Hello, everyone, and greetings from the Galactic Federation ships, where we are discussing the Disclosure we have planned for the near future. I want to prepare you for the fun, and let you know that whatever you have in mind when you think “Disclosure,” it may not be what we are planning. Of course, our plans evolve as conditions on the ground evolve, so we have already gone from the doomsday scenario we had planned in the 50’s – to swoop down and pick you all up on millions of ships when the nuclear holocaust that was planned looked imminent.

To reassure you, Beloved Ones, we had the drill well practiced. We could have “air-lifted” all of you in a matter of minutes if it had been necessary. Fortunately, that horrific possibility has been stopped, now that the nuclear weapons on your planet are inoperative, and the diplomatic option is becoming more and more effective. Yes, we breathed a sigh of relief when we were permitted to intervene just a bit, because our Great Creator will not permit such folly to ever occur again.

Now, we are looking forward to greeting you less dramatically, as we have been doing for some time now. A sighting over London recently helped to solidify the recognition for the British people that we are here, and we bring greetings. It does not matter which ship of the massive fleet under the Ashtar Command happens to be allowed to present themselves for photographing. People on the ground do not yet have the expertise to identify or understand our crafts or where they might be from. It doesn’t matter, you see, because all are here for the same purpose – to observe your evolution to higher vibrations and to be of assistance if possible.

Generally, we are not allowed to push or tweak your affairs on the ground, no matter how omnipotent you may think we are; we are not permitted to use our powers to change the course of a civilization; you must be allowed to rise up on your own. We have been permitted to help you in the form of these messages because it is now the end of the cycle of growth which will allow for your mass Ascension, and because Creator saw that without greater contact with us you would not be able to reach a high enough vibration to accomplish it.

It is your opportunity now, Dear Ones. The nourishing energy from the Central Sun of Creator is now flooding your planet, giving you the extra boost to carry you to your goal. You and I have been on this path for thousands of years, suffering many setbacks and reversals as we faced the manipulations and cruelty of the Dark Ones. We must not now allow the one interference that would stand in the way of our Ascension. It is despair, depression, disillusionment, discouragement and worst of all, a loss of faith.

Here behind the Veil, you have the complex disadvantage and challenge of maintaining your balance and seeing yourselves as the Gods and Godesses you really are. You think there is no proof that there even is a God, and e specially that you are a completely integrated part of the GodSoul. You ask: “Who am I? I want to know who I am in the hierarchy of Heaven,” and you search and implore psychic mediums who finally tell you, “Yes, you are an incarnation of Mother Mary,” or “Yes, you are an aspect of Jesus.” It is true, you know. Whatever you have been told is true. You are an aspect of me, as I am an aspect of you.

I want to tell you a great Universal Truth, because I think you are ready to understand the Truth. That is that you are all aspects of the Creator, direct links to the energy of the Great Central Sun, just as I am, just as Mother/Father God and all the other Masters you have learned to speak with and love are linked with you. That link is felt through your heart – the same place where you feel the deep connection with your children or your parents.

When we say to you, Dear Ones, We are One, we mean it. We are not just telling you a nice bedtime story. We are informing you of the simple truth which beings in all the Multiverse know in their hearts. You are among the last to truly accept this truth, are you not? The trees, the animals, the planets and the stars all live in peace with the knowledge that they are an expression of the heart of Great Creator. Your race of humans has been created to experience the Love and deep happiness of knowing you can never be alone, never isolated, never separated from the One who is Love.

Yes, even your Planet, Mother Terra, is created with the purpose of helping to raise humankind to the level of acceptance, through and through – the acceptance that tells you deep within your unconscious mind that you are good, you are enough, you are Loved without end and without question – and the acceptance which brings peace. You have lived on a warring planet because you are at war with God. You argue and debate, question and demand explanations, when the Truth is right there in your heart.

Yes, humankind is the Creator race in every sense of the word, because of your intelligence, imagination and will, but you, the soul that you are, are not human. You have come here to experience things intensely, to perhaps help the race to elevate itself to accept its true place in Heaven, as every other species and every other human-like race before you has done. You, Dear Soul Brothers and Sisters, are fulfilling God’s plan just as the ant on the sidewalk is, just as the whale and the dolphin and the eagle are expressing themselves as God.

All come Home at the end of their incarnations. All live within the warm embrace of Love, an integrated and happily included member of the great Heavenly host of beings, all of whom experience themselves as equals, partners in the great Experience which is Life. Here in the Heavenly realms we do not experience ourselves as part of a hierarchy; we just are. We do know of our experiments in individuation, in feeling ourselves to be separate and experiencing free will, and we also know that those travels into separation were, in the final greater understanding, an illusion.

We always come home to the loving arms of our Creator, and the other energy forms we recognize as our Brothers and Sisters, our Twin Flames, our soul partners and soul mates. Now it is the next step in your development to see the continuum of Life which runs through all your experiences, whether you are here in a human body or traveling the Universe in your light bodies, or incarnating on a distant planet to experience a life of comfort and harmony.

Beloved Ones, we are like the fish of the sea – any fish, any sea – in that we swim in the great ocean of God’s Love. We breathe the air of God’s creation, we eat the food God created for us, and we live out the lifetime of the body we have chosen to inhabit for this life experience. We cannot be abandoned by God, no matter how dark our thoughts might be; we cannot be punished by God for sins or for anything else, because God sees us as a part of him/herself, and loves all Creation as One. God would find it unthinkable to punish any creature, any being, because it is not a part of the Great Plan to control or destroy the precious beings who were created in Love.

We are given free reign to live well or badly, whichever we choose, and to learn from the experience. When you become used to incarnating here on Earth, it is easy to begin to feel that this experience of suffering and conflict is just the way of the Universe, or what Life is, but it is not true. Life is LIFE. The life force that courses through your veins is not concerned with whether you feel it or not, whether you acknowledge its presence or not, it just is, and it will remain to sustain you as long as you continue in this body. It is a gift, a blessing that is given freely and without conditions. It is only you, Dear Ones, who place conditions and judgments and restrictions on your own joy.

God did not create you to suffer, or to worry, or to feel alone and separate. Let’s be clear here. You, the soul that you are, are an integral part of the whole that is Creator. There is no parting from that, or being left out, or separating yourself. It cannot be done. Only when you come here – the soul that you are – to inhabit a human form, do you begin to think in terms of how you are alone in the Universe, and wonder if there might be intelligent life somewhere in the Cosmos like you. From the point of view of the higher dimensions it would be amusing that you would even think to ask such obvious questions, and that you might actually believe you are the only conscious beings, if it were not so completely and sadly delusional.

You see, your suffering comes not from the physical conditions of your life, for it takes very little for a human being to live happily, as many indigenous cultures have shown us throughout the ages. Look at a baby, and see just how much that child really desires. A reasonable supply of nourishing milk, a deep and loving gaze from a parent, a little comfort in the form of a clean diaper and a cozy hug, and the child will supply the rest from their connection with God, their guardian angels, and the light and energy patterns surrounding them.

I will continue to shower my Love upon you, Beloved Ones, until you are able to absorb that love and until you can hear my voice whispering love poems in your ear and feel my kisses on your face and my arms surrounding you, for I am bringing you the Love I feel from our Creator. I am simply expressing what I feel and what I know in the deepest part of my heart – that we are loved and cherished, and it will always and forever be so. I give this Love to you freely and without condition, because it is given to me freely, every moment, every day, for eternity.

I am here for you always, and I will remain with you in Love, as long as we shall breathe the eternal Light and Love of our Creator.

I am your Sananda.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 31, 2014, 10 PM, New York


Ashtar – A Loving Update – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May – 7-25-14



We are looking forward with glee, on the ships and amongst you there on the ground when we come to walk among you, unseen to you, but enjoying the things that you enjoy, like the beautiful vistas, the lush green forests, and the laughter of children.  We come to be with our incarnations, our beloved friends, and our colleagues there on the surface of Planet Earth, and of course elsewhere when we wish to travel to distant planets.

It is one of the great advantages of being in higher dimensions that we have no need for the complicated arrangements, packing and schlepping, as you call it.  We can leave where we are, and materialize lightyears away in no time, although it does require a bit of advanced technology to accomplish it without effort.  Our thoughtwaves, of course, can travel infinite distances in a second.  This is why it is possible for our channelers to hear us over great distances, as when Prime Creator speaks from the Center of the Universe and is picked up just as clearly as when we are standing in the room beside you.

These are the things you have to look forward to, Dear Ones, and many more.  Those of you who are alive now and who have contracted to stay for the Shift will be the witnesses to a miraculous series of events.  The roll-out has been adjusted a bit because you have made wonderful progress in raising your vibrations.  There has been a huge leap on the part of those who were already awake, and the ones who are just beginning to respond to the great energies from the Central Sun have advanced beautifully.  
You would not necessarily notice it on the ground if you were not aware of what to look for, because the greatest changes are occurring behind closed doors in homes around the world, and in office places, factories, on the streets and markets of the world.  A new  feeling of lively cooperation and easy-going fun is beginning to be felt in neighborhoods and towns. Where people were strangers, they are beginning to greet each other with a smile.  Taxi drivers and shop keepers are finding moments to be kind and generous with others.  Mothers and fathers who were too stressed to really pay attention to their children are noticing how beautiful and smart they seem to have become.

These small moments are not being announced on the news, and if you did not know what to look for you might miss the fact that the atmosphere is changing gradually.  Yes, there are still some conflicts around the world, but they are not now and they will not be the beginning of a worldwide conflagration.  As we have told you, nuclear weapons will not be permitted to be used under any circumstances.

We are at this moment holding back our direct interventions to allow the leaders on the ground to make their moves toward peaceful resolution of conflicts.  The two widely publicized conflicts, in the Ukraine and the Israel/Palestine hostility are being contained by sporadic cease-fires and intensive mediated negotiations.  World powers are taking an interest and are working behind the scenes in both cases.  What might appear as the old version of civil conflicts which could go on for generations are not going to be permitted to continue.  There is too much at stake now.

Some of the things you might not have put together are these:  There are many more leaders in the world at this moment who are not working for the cabal or the military-industrial complex, but are genuinely interested in the establishing peace.  This includes the U.S.  A far greater number of the negotiating team, although not all, are now in full agreement that military intervention should be the last resort, after all other options have been exhausted, not the first. 

The negotiations of which I speak are being conducted entirely off the record, unpublicized and unreported.  Telephone calls between world leaders are now an everyday occurrence, and are bearing fruit.  Delicate issues are being discussed far more openly than ever before, and there is a new sense of wanting to help one another walk the fine line between appearing belligerent and seeming weak.  In a world of 3-dimensional thinking, this is a challenge for all.

Now, you will want to know about the Malaysian airliner which was shot down over the Ukraine.  It was not the same as the Flight 370 scenario, where we knew of the intrigue behind the scenes and could rescue the plane.  The passengers themselves were targeted over ownership of the weapons technology they had created.  This time, there was what you might call a mistake – a blunder which will make the activity of shooting down anything looking like a passenger plane as an act of war a stupid idea.

Several things came together to create this tragedy.  First, the airline’s policy of adhering to standard flight paths because it is the cheapest way to get from one destination to another.  The second is the over-zealous reaction of the rebel fighters, secretly supplied by a Russian group, although not officially through Putin’s government.  It was meant to be a show of power on the part of the insurgents, who are actually being used by those sponsoring this “rebellion” as part of an attempt to bring this part of the Ukraine under the control of the Russian cabal. 

You may be aware of the prize:  there have recently been discoveries of ancient pyramids in this part of the Ukraine, and it is expected that the rich treasure trove beneath the pyramids may contain “ancient” technological secrets.  Just as in the U.S., there has been a large “black ops” organization with private funding from the 13 families, who wish to take possession of these ancient sites for their own use.  They will not succeed.  Help will come from an unexpected quarter, and will be under the direction of Putin, who is awakened and understands the value of these discoveries.

There is a new, close cooperation between Obama and Putin, who are both now working for the Light in secret.  The appearances of continued strife are just that – appearances, designed to lull the cabal while plans for the Global Currency Reset and new governance – NESARA law – are brought into existence.  Both leaders will be putting themselves out of power with the initiation of the new legal systems, and are aligned behind the scenes to make this happen, hopefully before the next election in the U.S.

You may have also guessed that the “tunnels” which the Israelis are trying to wrest from the Palestinians are not newly constructed, but are part of the extensive system of tunnels which connect the ancient pyramids around the world, including the network which leads to the Romanian pyramid complex and the Library of Porthologos, which has been kept secret for more than 10 years.  It will be revealed as soon as it is assured that the precious contents will not fall into cabal hands.

These tunnels also hold carefully guarded entrances to Inner Earth.  The Agarthans who have lived in peace for thousands of years since the fall of Atlantis are awaiting the prophesied moment when they can at last embrace their brothers and sisters on the surface.  You can feel it coming closer, can you not?  It is planned for a time just shortly after you receive your blessings, for there are many now on Earth who wish to help fund and produce new technologies which will free everyone from the burdens and problems of fossil fuel energy.  Completely new energy, transportation and communication systems will be available soon which will make everything you have now obsolete.

Many have asked about which are the most efficient and promising technologies for you to help out with by investing in them when the time comes.  Never fear, dear brothers and sisters, we will get the information to you, through our channels who are trained to understand and channel scientific information, or through your own advanced scientists who are beginning to appreciate the value of intuitive proddings from their Higher Selves.  

We wish to help you with these projects, to help you pursue the most effective and advanced systems possible, as long as we are all certain they will be used for peaceful purposes, and for the good of all.  You are now in the process of cleaning up and preparing for the coming changes.  We encourage you to continue with your meditations and exercises to help clear away all residue of fear, anxiety and depression.  Any remnant of these feelings is still feeding the darkness which slows your collective movement into higher dimensions.

Now, I have something serious to talk with you about- a way of thinking about your part in the whole project that will help you Ascend more quickly. Like the others who have spoken to you in this latest series of messages, I am going to give you a difficult challenge.  To understand more deeply what we are teaching, and what you are all up against, I also recommend an excellent overview given by the Arcturians to Marilyn Raffaele.  (The Arcturian Group Message. Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele, August 31, 2013, at http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html)

You are not used to thinking of yourselves as an integral part of the Universal whole.  Your emphasis on individual issues, feelings and pursuits does not take into account the profound impact on the whole which one person can have.  Look to yourselves, Dear Ones, to take responsibility for your own level of energy/frequency.  Worry, doubt, self-loathing, resentment and all the shades of fear which you alone produce as a result of your paranoid and negative thinking plays a part in dragging down the whole Project. 

This is what we mean by Oneness.  Each individual is an integral part of the fabric of the whole.  Your feelings affect me.  Your partner’s feelings affect you.  A family of darkness produces a vortex which pulls the energy field down in their vicinity (although it cannot pull you into it or lower your vibration if you refuse to be drawn in).  For Light beings, it would feel cold, uncomfortable and repugnant.  Your radar would be activated to protect you. You are familiar with this dynamic when you have the experience of someone who “gives you the willies” or makes you skin crawl, or “gives you the creeps.”

You see?  You are well protected.  Now it is time for you to use those skills and sensibilities to truly come into your own.  Put your foot down, between you and yourself, and promise yourself to NEVER AGAIN take part in a judgmental condemnation of another, no matter who they are.  Desist!  Do not allow any comment or thought to pass your lips or your computer channels which disparages, picks apart or demeans another.  This includes everything from comments about how some movie star looks in a bikini to sneering opinions about the failings of a political or social leader.  The era of attacking another from the safety of internet anonymity was always an illusion.  

Just because it has been common behavior for people to behave in a hostile and hurtful way toward one another, even anonymously, does not mean it doesn’t matter. In fact it matters to the whole world!

Remove yourselves entirely from this form of discourse, Beloved Ones.  Speak only with the voice of God, which is your true essence.  If you must speak of another, use only your own feelings as your point of reference.  It is very different to say, “I feel a dark vibration in that person’s presence, do you?” than to say, “George is a villain (or a failure, or a pariah, etc.).”  Unless you have proof (not heresay, or evidence on the “news”) that this individual has a long track record of dangerous behavior, it is not appropriate to even mention it, and even then, encourage others to send love to help that individual turn toward the Light.

Have nothing to do with comments like, “The world is in a terrible state,” “Everyone is suffering,” or “Everyone is just out for themselves.  It’s human nature.”  You cannot see what we see, dear friends.  We see hope, rising vibrations and Love.  Are you out for only yourself?  You are taking that stance when you “talk trash” or even think “trash.”  Yes, I do like your slang – it’s so graphic 🙂  

In other words, say only what you see with your own eyes and feel in your heart.  This will help you avoid the popular culture in which low-vibration critique and commentary is the most common form of communication.  Awaken, Dear Ones!  Listen to your own thoughts and feelings!  Monitor every word that passes through you to the world!  In this way you will clean up the airwaves, as we, your Galactic brothers and sisters are helping to clean up the nuclear pollution in your air, land and water.  

Emotional pollution is the most toxic energy field still remaining in your environment.
So, Dearest Ones, clean up your act!  Do it with humor, with a sense of camaraderie and joy, and you will be making the finest contribution an individual can make to the New World we are creating together.

I do not say this to make you feel guilty.  Absolutely not!  That would be using my words to increase the darkness you already feel.  I only wish to illustrate for you in the most vivid way possible that We are One!  This is not just a happy, dreamy feeling.  It is our reality!  Embrace this Oneness.  Breathe the sustenance you can gain from absorbing the Great Love bubbling all around you.  When you do that, choosing Love instead of distraction, you lift yourself and others around you.  Join us in Love, Dearest Ones.  Revel in our connection!  Bathe in our Love!  Transcend all you have known, to make the transition to Light!  It is truly a New Day.
I am Ashtar, and I love each and every one of you endlessly, completely.  Namaste, dear brothers and sisters.  We applaud your awakening!  Namaste!

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 24, 2014, 12 PM, Quebec.

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

Archangel Raphael – We Are Paradise Bound – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May – 7-21-14


kathryn-e-may1Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May

Archangel Raphael: We Are Paradise Bound

Archangel Raphael:

It is a great pleasure for me to speak with you while we enjoy the gentle breezes and the rich aroma of good coffee floating on the air. Of course, we do not drink coffee, but we do appreciate the warm and welcoming smells of coffee and homemade bread as it wafts from your kitchen. It reminds us of our former lifetimes here on Earth, and the simple pleasures which are abundant, all around you. I am here to encourage you to find the moments, and eventually the state of peace which will allow you to ascend to higher dimensions in your body, as we have planned.

Yes, Dear Ones, it is the state of peace, inside and out, which is required for you to raise your vibrations. There can be no worry or fear, no doubt or resentment to cloud your sights, no feelings of self-doubt or unworthiness, inferiority or superiority. No single group will be singled out for success, other than those who have learned to live at peace with themselves and with those around them. Any impulse toward aggressiveness or revenge will mask your beacon of Light and hold you back. We wish to help you now to learn what elevating your vibrations really means.

First, enlightenment does not mean you are blind to the troubles or ugliness around you. It means you see it clearly and find no reason to be personally upset by it. For many of you, this seems an impossibility, to see darkness and suffering and not suffer yourselves, or be “taken down” by it. But Beloved Ones, who can you help others to raise themselves out of a hole in the ground if you jump in with them? How will you teach patience, wisdom and harmony if you are impatient and frustrated? No matter how logical or “reality based” your thinking might be, please reconsider.

This journey you embarked on, to wear the suit of a human body, is what you might call a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you are told you are made in the image of God, which you are, but we must now make it clear that there are facets to this phenomenon which you may not see completely.

You, the soul that you are, are made in the image of God, and you go on eternally, experiencing various lifetimes, adventures, and exploits, together with your soul mates and fellow travelers of the Cosmos. One of those adventures, a favorite among Masters who wish to evolve along their own soul path and who wish to help others do the same, is to incarnate on Earth in a human form. The human form is especially treasured because it is an amalgam of the DNA of many races, and is the cooperative attempt to create a form – a relatively solid receptacle through which we can all experience life in lower dimensions.

This special form which is humankind is truly the closest form which is capable of expressing our etheric soul qualities. Now, this is not to say that anger and fear, for instance, is a reflection of how we feel in higher dimensions. Not at all. As we work our way up the spiritual ladder above the 5th dimension, where we all came from before this life, to our destiny which is unity with Creator, we experience only the various shades of love. However, as we move dimensionally higher, the color and depth of Light and Love becomes more and more intense.

And so, we come to practice here in the lower dimensions in this 3-dimensional version of a human body for the most difficult challenges of all – the experience of duality. Here we feel the struggle between Light and Dark, good and evil, you might call it, which is only possible in the lower dimensions where there is also the illusion of separation from God. Our challenge here is to find our way back to Unity, to see that evil is only a construct we designed to create the house of mirrors filled with ghouls and monsters which are here to push us to the limit. We have been given the free will choice to give up, turn to the darkness, or return in Faith and Love to the God who has never abandoned us, but has stood by allowing us the opportunity to feel our own strength.

Each soul came here with this difficult project in mind. It is the bottom line. Will you choose to see the darkness for what it is – the holographic illusion we came here to play out? Or will you curse the darkness, blame God, or Fate, or someone else for the losing game you feel trapped within? It is a tricky balancing act, to see the illusion for what it is, and still do your best to stay in the game while you help others to awaken all around you. This is the challenge a Master takes on, courageously daring to plunge into the deep and murky waters without a life raft, firm in the faith that all is well, even when the sensations and physical evidence seem the opposite.

You are here first and foremost to learn, to teach and to grow. By meeting the challenges you encounter with humor, goodwill and faith in your fellow humans and the Guides and angels who are with you, you rise above the illusion, shake off the fear and anxiety, and restore yourself to the seat of honor which is your due. God is there, your loving supporter, your cheering section and your greatest fan.

So you see, this is the gradual awakening you are taking part in now. First, you began to read and listen to the messages from us which helped you to feel connected while you were still behind the thick Veil. Then gradually you began to learn that you manifest what you think about – the Universal Law of Attraction, and then you began to feel the hint of understanding that this entire project, which we have called the Lucifer project, for he was the one who volunteered to lead in the creation of the world of duality and illusion you are now experiencing.

Along with the departure of the Reptilian race, the Lucifer Project ended, and Lucifer was welcomed home to the arms of God. It was decided in the Council of Heaven that the project we had designed was too risky, too weighted in favor of the dark, because of the invading species who came to take over the planet and eventually to destroy her. It was necessary for us to step in, in a limited way, to prevent the Armageddon which was a part of the dark timeline. You see, the duality was an illusion, but Mother Earth herself, and you in your human bodies are real. We did not wish to see all of you and your precious Mother destroyed.

Here we have opened another topic for you to ponder. Many seers and spiritual leaders have told you “it is all an illusion.” This is not true. Only the internal rules of the game are the illusory creation. By “game” I do not mean to imply it is a whimsical process. Not at all. The moves you make, the decisions you choose, and the lessons you learn as a result of playing the Game of Life on Planet Earth in the 3rd and 4th dimension are true. Your growth and your struggle to come back to the Light are real. This is a challenge you will remember for the rest of your soul eternity.

Please understand, Beloved Ones, it has been an honorable effort – this voyage into the unknown. Like all intrepid explorers, you have traveled far from “home” and have just now begun to see the Light along your pathway back. We hold the lantern for you, whisper in your ear, celebrate every obstacle surmounted and every hesitation overcome. Each time you are challenged and you manage to keep your balance, hold on to your integrity and maintain your loving attitude it is a mark of your character and your growing strength. We understand there may be missteps, confusion and strong feelings that sometimes “get you down.” When you pick yourself up, brush yourself off and go on, that is a triumph.

You see, it is a game you cannot lose, because as long as you play out your part as one of the team who are here to learn, you are making a precious contribution to the completion of the project. Even those who have come here as the Dark Hats – the ones whose job it is to create the dilemmas and sometimes tortuous challenges you have faced – even they are part of the learning/teaching team. It is time now for them to awaken to understand that they were not given real power, and the right to control others.

They too are actors in what I referred to as the internal illusion – the game within the game. Some of them have become drunk with the feelings of power, and have been addicted to their positions of control over others, especially when it meant they could possibly succeed at owning all the resources and wealth on the planet. Some have become addicted to their delusions of power and grandeur, as they see it, but you see, this is only a more extreme version of the position you all find yourselves in now.

They too will awaken to realize they have played a part in a greater learning experience for the benefit of all humankind, or as you might see it, for all the souls who came to wear the human uniform in this historic time. When they do awaken, they will need your help to bring them through the shame and guilt they will feel initially, when they first discover how destructive and malevolent their actions have been. They truly do not feel that when they are in the middle of it; they feel entitled to behave the way they do. They even feel that what they are doing, by controlling others, is really for their own good.

Polish up your forgiveness tools, Dear Ones. You will be needing them in the coming days and months, for this awakening will be difficult for those who were the “perpetrators” as it is for the “victims.” Read, if you will, the original psychological studies by Phillip Zimbardo and Stanley Milgram where they found that some who were put in charge over “prisoners” or “test subjects” by those in authority did horrific things to their fellow humans when they were given license to do so. These researchers intuitively recreated the illusion you are operating within now, and showed the extremes of which everyone is capable when given complete free will and encouragement to turn toward the dark.

And so, here you are, at the close of this Lucifer Project – the drama which ran for thousands of years in all the theaters, all the households and offices and halls of government. Now, it is done. You are being invited to clear the decks, restore the peace, and begin anew to create the Heaven on Earth you now have the empathy, compassion and wisdom to build together.

Raise your flag of peace; write your hymn to the glory of God, and take the hand of the one at your side. Walk together, Beloved Children of God, into the real, live sunset which marks the end of an era and the beginning of a brand new life on Planet Earth.
It will be up to you to bring about the peace and reconciliation process which will be necessary now. Prepare yourselves with Love, and remember always that you are encircled by our loving embrace.

We love you without end, for there is no end. There is only now, and the rising energies of the great Central Sun, sent to awaken and strengthen you in your new version of the human body. You are being prepared now to adapt and elevate yourselves using the higher energies. Open your hearts and your minds to welcome and align with the higher vibrations, for they are the richer, lighter atmosphere of your new Paradise on Earth, and it is up to you how high and how far you wish to go.

I am your messenger, your mentor and friend, the one you know as Archangel Raphael.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 20, 2014, 12 PM, Lac Chevreuil, Quebec.

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/archangel-raphael-we-are-paradise-bound#ixzz38BkriutG
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Saint Germain – In Divine Light – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E. May – Accept the Cloak of Divinity, with Humility, Gratitude and Joy! – 7-20-14

purpleSt. Germain: In Divine Light


Saint Germain

Hello, Dear Friends,
I am in love. My heart is swelling with laughter and joy at the wonderful things we have ahead, but even more so, with the exquisite pleasure of being here with our Kathryn, in the deep woods of Quebec, looking out at the wondrous lake where we came to spend a few days in meditation and channeling. The lake is completely silent today, even though it is Saturday. There are no motor boats here, no jet skis to break the beautiful sense of communion with God.

A bird is singing in a nearby tree. It is the only sound, save the quiet lapping of the ripples along the shore. It is here that we wrote the prose-poem to Nature which we called “The Hawk and the Hummingbird.” It was near the time that she was finishing her book, and we included it as a light and loving note to express our deep love for Mother Terra. It was inspired by thrilling encounters with the birds, animals and insects which came to visit us during that wondrous September week, almost three years ago.

Did you know that we too revel in the sensuous delights here on Planet Earth? Of course we do. We are not sitting on a cloud peering down our noses at you, or far off on a distant space ship waiting to come to you. We are here beside you, hearing the same bird singing that you hear, tasting the clean, clear air of a sunny summer morning in the woods. We especially enjoy meeting you in nature because the silence you hear is alive for us with the sounds of trees singing, insects humming, and Mother Earth breathing.

Let me try to describe to you what our experience is as we accompany you through your lives on the surface of the planet. Since our ears are tuned to the higher vibrations, we hear a greater range of sound than you do in a human body. Yes, we hear the din of traffic and the airplanes above and the voices from across the courtyard, in addition to the singing of the flowers and the voice of the breezes, and the heartbeat of the galaxy. This is why we enjoy being in nature with you. It does not require us to “step-down” our sensitivities when we linger close to you.

I am especially fond of the northern woods, having spent lifetimes with the Native American tribes of the Iroquois nation. It was where we – Lady Portia and I – learned the deep and abiding love of nature, as well as the strong and fair traditions of governance which were the inspiration – although not as thoroughly as we would have liked – of what became the Constitution of the United States of America. As you know, it has been distorted and co-opted by the corporations of the cabal, but the original document stands as a good beginning, because it captured the spirit and the intention of equality and freedom. That original intent will yet be accomplished, and She will soon stand as a beacon for all of humanity – a true melting pot of all races, all nationalities and all religions living in harmony. This is our Dream.

As I speak these words, I am reminded of the delightful song, “…When the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planet, and Love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, Age of Aquarius…..Aquarius…” It was sung by the group who called themselves “The Fifth Dimension.” They were ahead of their time, were they not? It is always thus; the artists and musicians are the harbingers of things to come. They speak to us of hope for the future, the better day we can envision together when we hear their melodies and see the images they paint for us. When our beloved Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling with the monumental image of God passing his spark of Love and Light to Adam, he was not just connected to God; he was One with the energy and Love which guided his brush and filled his heart.

Be that artist. Sing the songs of Love in your heart. Practice them in the shower, and sing them to your young children. Children have no judgment about whether your voice is operatic or plain. They hear only the message of Love you express. If you can also carry a tune, that is a plus, but not a necessity. The ears of a child are tuned to higher dimensions as well. They speak to us freely, see the fairies hiding in the forest, and feel the presence of their Guides and Angels around them. If you are respectful and matter-of-fact about your knowledge of such things, you may be lucky enough to hear the child tell of mystical experiences and magical visions.

When you pick up your pen (or your computer) to write, feel the flow of Love, like a river of energy. Place yourself in that flow and let it free your mind and your throat chakra, the center of expression which has been so suppressed for so many of you. Promise me and yourself that you will never again say the words, “…but I’m not creative at all.”

This, Beloveds, is a straight-up impossibility. You are a member of the Creator race. There is not a one of you who does not possess that spark which Michelangelo felt.

Perhaps your greatest gift is the ability to tell an interesting, animated story, or perhaps you have a talent for seeing spacial relationships – feeling the rightness of harmonious proportions of a structure, or where the furniture should be placed, or the perfect height for the monumental sculpture you will create. Perhaps your sense of color is highly developed, or your ability to hear 1/16th of a note on the scale. Perhaps your art is in your ability to look deeply into the eyes of a stranger and feel deeply where they have been and what they need, or perhaps you have a highly developed sense of taste which allows you to invent tasty new dishes for your family, or you are fearlessly able to climb heights, to scale a mountain or repair a steep roof. You see, the possibilities are infinite.

You are truly created in the image of God. This is not just a nice saying to help you feel better about your poor inferior self. You are God. You carry in your genetic make-up the essence of God. Each one of you is a sparkling facet of the brilliance which is God. No being can be outside the circle of God’s love, nor outside the Truth that we are all One. You may have lost track of your knowing, in the rush of life, but now, Dear Ones, join me, reach for me, and in doing so you will reach for your own Higher God Self.

There is no greater happiness than to accept the cloak of Divinity, with humility, gratitude and joy. It is your birthright, your destiny, and your great triumph. We envision the time when all humankind, and all the creatures and conscious beings of Planet Earth and beyond are joined in the pure and glittering Light of eternal Love.

I love you beyond words, and I speak from the heart of the Company of Heaven when I say ‘Namaste, Beloved, Namaste.’ The God in me humbly bows to the God in you.

I am your Adamos St. Germain.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 19, 2014, 12 PM, Lac Chevreuil, Quebec

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.




Sananda – Freedom Requires Service – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 7-18-14

jesus 2



Channeler Kathryn E May

Channeler: Kathryn E. May


We promised you a message every day until the Revaluation, and we have done so all but one day when our dear channel needed to travel all day. So here we are, after the beautiful message from Mother God and St. Germain on BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel last night, to bring you one more note of encouragement, hope and joy. (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2014/07/17/dr-kathryn-meg-mother-god-and-st-germain)

For us, it is a time of great pleasure, since we see the events we planned together unfolding. There have been fits and starts, which is only to be expected when we are dealing with more than 7 billion beings, all interacting with one another, having their own say about how this drama should unfold. This is as it should be, since every single one of you has free will, as your contract requires, and each of you is learning crucial lessons about your own soul development as you move together toward the historic shift which will blossom soon.

We are trying to prepare you, the leaders who will take the reins the in the days and months to come, to be ready for anything. We want you to be independent thinkers who are capable of following your own hearts; we encourage you to question, search always for the finest and highest level solution to all questions or problems. Yes, you have been tested. We have given you opportunities to look for new answers and to weigh all options in your lives to decide for yourselves what suits you, and what provides for the Greater Good.

This process of choosing what suits you is a lifelong exercise in soul development and personal growth. You are now learning the deeper lesson that what truly suits you – what makes your heart sing – always coincides with the Greater Good. It takes maturity and experience to come to this, given the temptations of life and the unlimited options presented to you at any given moment.

One of the greatest obstacles to change for all of you has been the old fear patterns which kept you locked in a feeling of worry and desperation about money. It prevented you from making great leaps and changes out of fear that you would not have enough – enough money to provide for yourself and your families, enough hours of work to provide sufficiently, and a high enough pay scale that you could work long hours and still survive to spend a few hours with those you love.

It has been a grinding existence for many, filled with feelings of malaise, unsatisfied hopes and unfulfilled dreams. Here in the illusion of finite time, you have only this short life to accomplish the goals set out for you by yourself, your parents and your culture. Many of those goals are unrealistic, given the state of the world. For instance, not everyone is going to be wealthy, given the rigged system in which the most wealthy and powerful became more so. In a finite system with limited resources, the deck was stacked against all but the tiniest proportion of the planet. And still, you managed to create options for yourselves to expand and grow.

The Prosperity Programs we have in store for you are designed to provide you with much more than money. We are helping you to buy your own freedom from drudgery and oppression. This is why they have been linked to the new blossoming of true freedom in your systems of governance. You will see rather sudden and somewhat disruptive change, as many begin to feel their own power to demand dignity, independence and free expression of their own needs.

Initially, you will notice that many are confusing the idea that doing, saying and demanding anything you wish at any moment is freedom. Of course, freedom is a much more complex state of being than just grabbing the attention of others, or loudly expressing opinions about various things against which you happen to feel dislike.

It does not involve rebelling against everything that represents authority; neither does it require that you take the position of opposition to all those who have ever or might ever cause you pause or pain. That is a child’s version, like the insistence on eating as much candy as you want, regardless of how it affects your body or who might be affected when you create unpleasantness for others.

Freedom is the achievement of a delicate balance between authentic self-expression and service to others. Yes, I include service to others, because this is the only way to achieve real personal freedom in the context of living graciously in the company of others. It is the only way to achieve personal fulfillment and therefore peace of mind. So, you see, being of service to others is not an extracurricular activity. It is the fountain from which all high vibration flows, the source of deep kindness and Love.

What is service to others? Let’s first clear away what is not. The work you do for which you are paid is not service to others. However, the attitude and emotional tone you bring to your work, the love you express through your actions is extra, like the nurses who express love and nurturance toward their patients, apart from attending to pills and schedules. Being a teacher who is in love with her/his students, or the chef who beams with pleasure and love over the plates of delicious food – all these are acts of service to others.

There is one rather tricky element we much clarify here. Smiling and pretending friendliness when you are angry inside does not count as Love or as service to others. It is simply deception. Only caring which comes from the deepest part of your happy heart is authentic feeling. If you are angry, you must learn to say so, to yourself and others, but that is another lesson. In the meantime, know that smiles and sweet sayings are not equivalent to love; neither are wordy reassurances and syrupy tones. Love is simple, direct, and it always feels good to the receiver. If it creates division, confusion and pain in your heart, it is not Love.

So many of you have been raised in conflict, anxiety and pain that you have come to expect those feelings, even in loving relationships. I tell you, Beloved Ones, there is no heart-wrenching pain in a genuinely loving relationship. There is also no jealousy, no need to control the other, and no fear of separation or abandonment. Those too are childhood feelings. Even in separation or in death, loving partners continue to feel the deep and secure connection which is the earmark of true Love, and it sustains them through anything.

When we find ourselves in a dilemma, for instance when someone you have loved does something you find abhorrent, either to you or to another, what do you do? Many of you have been taught to forgive and send love. That is good advice, but it should not come first. First you must express your feelings toward this person, if you are physically able. Unless you do so, you will never feel complete about it. Tell them, without being judgmental, without expressing an opinion about what you think; instead, tell them what you feel, you personally. How did their action affect you? For instance, do not call them names, even tangentially. “I felt hurt when you left me” is far more powerful and honest than “I always knew you were a cheater.”

There is a terrible tradition of name-calling and verbal abuse in your Western cultures. Even people who consider themselves loving, giving Lightworkers fall into the trap of saying things to others or about others which cut deeply. Beloved Ones, there is no room in the life of one who truly wishes to be of service to say things to another about the state of their heart, or the quality of their personality, or their underlying motivations, unless you are specifically asked to do so. It is not your province to evaluate others and proclaim their worth. As we have been showing you, the Company of Heaven, of which you are a part, accepts you without condition, without condemnation, ever.

Even in your darkest moods, or your brightest moments, we love you endlessly. We see your transgressions, and we send you even more love, to help you restore your faith and overcome your fear, for we know that any aggressive act is really an expression of self-doubt and fear. We know that the cure for anger, hatred, divisiveness and conflict is Love. This day, send your love to Gaza, for the calm resolution we all can envision for the future.

Now, we must be clear here. Even the Company of Heaven does not accept or endorse your behavior when you do things that are hurtful to others. We will simply turn away from the destructive behavior, while we embrace you. We know that in the cycle of living and returning to higher dimensions, you will learn what you need, and the lessons of the present will become a part of your greater wisdom. We do not punish, but it is part of our angelic service to humankind to protect the innocent. These angelic interventions are rarely obvious, but you can feel the effect of our presence if you are open and aware.

We are encouraging you here, Dear Ones, to review your own attitudes, beliefs, actions and feelings to root out all old resentments and fears. We have given you, with each message, a different window through which to look at yourselves and others. We encourage you always to clear away these archaic ways, but now it is particularly crucial for you to do so, because when the tsunami of energies washes over all, we do not wish to see you swamped, or worse yet, jumping overboard because of some old idea of unworthiness or fear. It is time now to “hang tough”: wrap yourself around our Love, and you will float above the fray, seeing your openings, playing the waves rather than drowning in them, and finding your opportunities to be of service to others all around you.

Be of stout heart and tender loving feelings. Raise yourself to see beyond the moment, beyond yourself and your own concerns. Fulfill your promise to bring Love to all you encounter in this life, regardless of what they bring you. If you cannot muster the full compliment of Love for those who have made themselves enemies to you, then be neutral. It is not your work to condemn, punish or disapprove. Leave all that to the elegant system of Life, which will eventually right all wrongs. You, in your human capacity, can uphold justice by speaking clearly of your own feelings, by protecting others, especially the children, to the best of your ability, and by working to change the systems which promote unfairness and inequality. This is your great gift to the world.

We now draw close to the New Day. The first light of dawn is beginning to brightening the sky, as it turns from dark, deep blue to the clearest, bright blue of brightest daylight. You see, you have already come out of the darkest times. The Light of God, which is Pure Love, sweeps across the planet. Much of this awakening is because of the dedication of you and those you have brought here and to the other positive, uplifting communities of Light. We have come through more directly in recent years as the Veil is thinning, but it is you, and your ability to maintain your faith and joy in a life well lived that has been the inspiration to others.

We thank you for your stalwart dedication through difficult times. It is a mark of your Mastery that you have persevered without complaint or doubt, moving always instinctively to the Light, and to our awaiting embrace. Continue, Beloved Ones, continue to walk along this path toward the Light, and I will be always at your side.

Remember with me the beautiful 23rd Psalm, which says, “Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me…”

I am with you always, Beloved Friends, as we bring into fruition the Dream of our Hearts: Peace on Earth, and Abundance for all.

I am with you in Love,
Your Sananda/Jesus

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 17, 2014, 12 PM, New York


Sanat Kumara – Truthfulness is Freedom – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May

Sanat Kumara


Sanat Kumara:

It has been a long time coming, hasn’t it?  You have all been dreaming of Paradise, RV parties where you share your blessings with the world, and dancing in the streets.  Your high vibration expectations and plans have already created your Dream.  It cannot be otherwise. I want you to know that I am with you in the joy of high spirits and great expectations.  We have worked together for eons, have we not?

I am pleased to once again be sending a message to you through Kathryn, since I have always admired her writing skills – to the point that when we were working together, I turned over to her the responsibility for documenting and writing about our work, which she published as “Who Needs Light?”

As I look at the world from here in the higher dimensions, I am deeply gratified to see that the long years of work I spent on the planet were indeed fruitful, because it did not die with me.  Yes, we do enjoy seeing a legacy fulfilled, regardless of whose legacy that might be.  In fact, Kathryn took the beginnings of my work and expanded it to become the Visual Centering she is teaching now.  I look on with delight when I see how many people are learning and growing by working with the ideas which originated in the rich collaboration which was our precious time together.

There has been such a disgraceful barrage of untruths directed at her and her work that we in the Company of Heaven have come forth through other channels to rectify the problem.  I have a personal interest in this, because when her channeling is questioned and disparaged, it takes her Visual Centering work down with it.  I say to all those who continue this obscene attack on her:  “This is my daughter you are attacking, and I do not take kindly to it!”  For Heaven’s sake, enough!

Now, let us get on with our lessons.  There are many intricate and subtle dark corners to be swept as you take your broom through the rooms of the old house you are leaving behind.  We are cleaning up the residue of thousands of years of cabal teachings which have filtered into every area of learning, every relationship, and all our thoughts.  No one has been spared the incessant brainwashing which leaves a toll, even for the most thorough investigator.  So, let’s tackle another dark corner.

Authority, those in…  Let us look at how a lifetime of living under despotic parents (even the sweetest tempered ones fell into this pattern at times) creates a feeling of fear and dread of those who appear to have more power then you do.  We tend to see the world as if everyone were like our parents.  It is just the way we are, in a human body and brain.  We register the feelings throughout a long childhood, then we carry that template of practiced reactions into the world and apply it wholesale.

Remember Michael’s message of yesterday?  Think of the neurological channels he described – the ones that were laid down when you were a small child, even before you had any say about what you would believe or what you would do in your life. My favorite ploy, which always made us laugh, was to say, “Well, what were you to do, pack up your diapers and leave?”  It is funny because it is so true.  A child cannot leave, has no power.  Adults control everything in a child’s life – where you live, where you go to school, who your friends will be, when you go to sleep, what you eat, even whether you go to college or not.

Now that you are adults, you are learning what freedom really is, and how to use it for the Greater Good.  Let us line these concepts up side by side:  freedom, and how we deal with authority, for here lies the knotty dilemma that all evolving souls must master before Ascension.  It is crucial because how you feel about those who lead will determine what sorts of structures and systems you create to help you manage life in your new world.

Think of the history of the planet.  Countries where authoritarian rule was the norm over hundreds of years have developed into a fine art all sorts of versions of passive-aggressive rebellion (Think, for instance, of Russia, where authoritarian rule began in the mid-15th century and has continued unabated until Putin began to awaken to the possibility of genuine glasnost.  Nations which lived in chaos tend to create rigid, paranoid rules and violent retribution for transgressions from those rules.  Think of Rawanda, and much of the Middle East.)  Of course, these are generalizations, but the psychological dynamics hold true over many situations, whether it be family, country or global relations.

There are many variations to the clever and underhanded tactics we have learned for our survival in the face of oppression.  Now, in order to take away any feelings of shame or self-criticism, let us proceed from the point of view that it is a very creative human quality to design strategies to get around the blocks and obstacles which are set up for us.  It is only to be expected that we would use this ability to create psychological tactics to try to recapture a bit of freedom, self-esteem or personal power.   Lady Portia’s Feminine Manifesto delineated a number of ways in which women have exercised their intelligence and their power in the face of oppression.  Let us expand on those concepts.

A man who works for a boss who is short-tempered and “bossy” finds himself in a dilemma.  His childhood experience tells him that his father (or his teachers) tolerated no “backtalk.”  Look at this description.  It is designed to place all expression of any feelings or questions which might arise into the category of insolence or rebellion if it happens to disagree with the person in charge. There is no allowance here for intelligent debate or negotiation.  It creates in the young person a dread of being “out of step” with others, especially those in charge, and worst of all, puts him/her in the position of risking public humiliation.

These assumptions become convictions as the fears are borne out in the home, the classroom and the playground.  In the world of childhood, it is “normal” to learn the lesson that the bullies always win.  If a child’s real life experience is gentler than most, he will be bombarded with images of war and mayhem on television, and if video games become a part of the young person’s daily fare, he is likely to be spending hours every week learning how best to kill people without flinching.  All these experiences go into laying down the tracks in the child’s brain which will determine his unconscious responses to the world.

Now, given all the murder and mayhem a child is likely to absorb from the media, and the disturbing conflicts she is likely to experience in real life, the average child struggles with intense feelings on a fairly regular basis.  There is little training available for most of us growing up to help a child learn to manage her feelings.  Mostly our instruction has to do with suppressing feelings.  This creates a volcano effect – stuff down all intense feelings until you can’t stand it any longer, then have a tantrum.

How many of us really learned to negotiate on our own behalf, and feel good about expressing our feelings when they disagree with others?  How many people do you know who say, “I avoid confrontation” when what they really mean is “I don’t want to disagree with anyone.”  Where did we establish as “truth” the idea that voicing an objection or presenting a new idea was tantamount to creating a confrontation?  Do you see how the link between free speech and violent opposition became accepted as the norm in every form of relationship, whether it be with one’s partner, one’s boss, or one’s government?

And here we are now, helping you to prepare for your ascension, while most of you are still carrying this dreadful fear-based assumption in a dark corner of your belief system. Expressing your own feelings, whether they agree with others or not, needs to be brought out of the closet and into the public forum in a much more matter-of-fact way.  Only then will our children learn to happily, diplomatically and unselfconsciously offer their thoughts and feelings to the world.

Consider this:  By avoiding expressing your true feelings you are playing on the dark side, by giving more awe and respect to the aggressor than he/she deserves, and by defining your supposed “goodness” as weakness.  There is no such dichotomy.  Truth requires honesty; Love implies Light.  Placating someone who abuses others is building the illusion that evil is power.

The argument is often given that it is the boss who is abusive, and you cannot afford to defend yourself because you will lose your job. If this is what you truly feel, you should be making every effort to leave this job immediately.  Doing anything less is playing into the myth that you are helpless in the face of greater (dark) power.

There is another point we need to address here as well.  If someone close to you wishes to suppress your expression of genuine feeling, then that person is not a considerate friend or partner and should probably not be welcomed into your life in any capacity.  Notice we are suggesting that no one should have the latitude to express judgmental attitudes or critical condemnation.  This is oppression masquerading as free speech.

Our goal is this:  decent treatment, both ways. No one should experience a lashing for expressing who they are.  Here we must work hard to redefine what our words mean.  Saying something insulting or mean to another is not expressing who you are.  You are learning to experience your God-self.  God does not berate or insult anyone; neither should you – ever.  God does not begin a conversation with you by pointing out your mistakes and your faults.  Higher dimensional beings express Love toward one another, not suspicion, blame or ridicule, not ever.

Now, how do you express what you feel without starting an argument?  You may or may not be able to predict how the other person will react.  Focus instead on presenting yourself clearly, in the most neutral, friendly manner possible, and state HOW YOU FEEL.  Be very mindful that feelings are not expressed in the form. “I think that you…”  Begin with the formula, “When you did X I felt Y.”  For instance, “When you shouted at me, I felt sad,” or “When you left me standing on the corner waiting, I felt upset,” or “When I was passed over at bonus time, I felt very concerned.”

You have drawn a simple, manageable picture.  It is now up to the other person to respond.  Wait.  Listen.  If the other is not able to listen respectfully, do not “beat a dead horse.”  Walk away, with your dignity intact and your adrenaline response unused.  Take the evidence for what it is.  You have just presented a gift to the other person – an example of reasonable communication.  Celebrate your own common sense, and when you have extracted yourself from close contact with the one who denies your worth by refusing to hear your calm and articulate invitation for dialogue, send them love, without recrimination or bitterness, and move on.

I can guarantee that if you use this considerate and uncomplicated approach, you will immediately learn what people are inclined to do of their own volition, separate from any demands or proddings on your part.  Watch and listen respectfully when they answer you, and accept what is given for what it is, not for what you wish it were.  This alone is the most powerful response you could make.  It is equivalent to saying, “I accept that you do not hear me, and do not want to know me.”

If you are dismissed or mocked, know that you will not find happiness in the company of this person.  They have much work to do, and will learn much more from your departure than they would from an argument with you.  Remember:  What you oppose, you strengthen.  Do not give credence to another’s negativity by struggling against it by endlessly trying to defend yourself.

Vow to yourself now that you will reverse what for most has become a reflex; exchange self-defensive arguments for straight-forward, carefully thought out expressions of real feeling, nothing less. You will establish clean, clear communication and honest expression as the norm for those around you.  You will have created a flow of loving, honest feeling which can lift all boats.  This is the face of freedom and equality on which we will build a New Golden Age.  Nothing less will do.

We are the New Golden Age, you and I, in our hearts, in our actions and in our dreams.

I am your Sanat Kumara, One with the Company of Heaven and with you, dear friends.

I am with you always.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 12, 2014, 3 am, Cleveland, Ohio

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.




Archangel Michael – Etheric Retreat with Sananda/Jesus – Becoming Your Higher Self – Channel Panel – Host, Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May –


Dr. Kathryn E May

Click Here To Listen To  The Broadcast

Today we will be joined by Sananda to help us understand our Ascension, and to bring us up to date on the massive changes that are occuring across the Earth.  A trip to Archangel Michael’s Etheric Retreat over Lake Louise is featured, along with training by Michael in how to link with and become your HIgher Self.

Co-host Meg Davis brings her humor, penetrating commentary, and extensive knowledge of alternative healing techniques.

You will learn how to heal your physical illnesses, raise your vibrations, leave old patterns behind, and understand why this is so important for all of us right now.

Planet Earth is moving, elevating herself to a higher dimension, and we must do our own work to stay with her on our way to the 5th dimension, where we will once more experience peace, harmony, love and prosperity for all.

You may listen in on BlogTalkRadio, or call in on the guest line with help and comments.

Looking forward to a huge and successful turnout and a historic healing for all!


Father God – On Rising to the Occasion – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E. May – 7-8-14


Dr. Kathryn E May, Channeler


Father God: On Rising to the Occasion


Father God:

We would like to encourage you to be patient as you await the blessings which have

long been planned for you. You understand, this program which will bring prosperity

to ALL, not just the few who control the complex and secret financial systems, must

be carefully implemented to prevent the greedy financiers from raking it all into

their coffers before anyone else gets a chance to trade in their currency.


Here are a few of the current considerations: Iraq has been a sinkhole for Americ+an

taxpayers. Trillions of dollars have been channeled from military and “reconstruction”

projects into the bank accounts of the wealthiest 13 families on the planet. This

is done through surreptitious banking practices which literally make money disappear

overnight. This is how the 3 trillion dollars which went missing during the Iraq

military debacle under Bush vanished. It was announced, as you might remember,

by Donald Rumsfeld on September 10, 2001, just hours before the towers were blown

up.   At the same time, tons of gold also disappeared from the Trade Center buildings,

carried away in trucks to unknown locations. It was a boondoggle for the dark forces,

to say the least.


We now have a similar condition in Iraq, where Maliki has learned a great deal from

the cabal training programs, and has established his own tactics to create a “false

flag” to cover his own attempts to steal enormous amounts of money, which will be

flowing even more copiously during and after the RV. Obama, and the Dragon Family

who are going to be in charge of much of the funding of the generous “contract”

rates, are understandably cautious about when and how the transition will play out.

It is necessary that a stable government be in place in Iraq, and that the banking

industry be fully overseen by those who will prevent and/or prosecute those who

try to divert the trillions of dollars which are intended for the people of Iraq

and the Lightworkers who have invested. Your leaders are protecting you, not

depriving you.


Remember, Dear Ones, that the tiny amount you have invested will bring you riches.

Do not fall into the mindset of thinking you deserve your riches because you have

waited a long time for it. This would be a very odd interpretation of the idea

of “deserving” something. Waiting a long time does not make you a better person,

or a more honorable one. Patience is a virtue. Waiting is not.

Yes, we would like to provide abundance immediately for every person who is in

Difficulty right now – the ones who have lost their homes, and the ones who cannot afford

a home, the ones who have serious medical problems, but these difficulties would

have arisen whether they had purchased a small amount of currency or not. The delay

has not caused their problems. Do not be caught up in an attitude of blaming and

castigating your messengers or your God because of the delays.


We in the higher dimensions are not insensitive or inattentive. Neither do we

Misunderstand time. We created the concept of time; I assure you we have a good

understanding of what you are going through. There is not one of us in the Company of

Heaven who has not put in the hard work of living lives incarnated on Earth. This is

the reason we have chosen to work with you to create this prosperity program.

We do not blame you for not creating the atmosphere and the conditions which will

make it possible for your colleagues to safely implement the program. We do not

ask you to risk your lives to take down the banking institutions which were created

by masterminds who had years to weave the intricate system which less than a handful

of people on the planet can even begin to untangle.


However, someone has to do it. Your Lightworkers, some of whom you are the first

to blame for the delay, are the ones who have put their lives on the line to delve

into the morass of interwoven connections which make it possible for cabal-inspired

financiers to steal with impunity. As you know, those hard-nosed economic wizards

are also ruthless. No wonder most of you have not volunteered to scour the banking

records to uncover the massive fraud and criminality in order to put a stop to it.


But someone has to do it. Have you stopped to think about who is doing it? Have you

spent as much energy searching out the ones who are undercover, or are operating as

double agents, so that you might send them love and encouragement as you have spent

trying to dig up dirt on them? Have you spent as much time thanking your sincere

messengers and boots-on-the-ground experts as you have spent looking for the boogie

man under someone else’s bed?


We sympathize with your feelings of desperation and impatience, but we do not condone

them. We ask you now: Raise yourself to the higher plane you were taught to feel

and see yesterday, in the radio show with Archangel Michael at his glorious retreat

above Lake Louise. (ref) Look with the eyes of your Higher Self. Look with my eyes,

and you will see the needs of all the people. Even though we would prefer to release

the funds quickly, it has not been possible, because each time we came close, another

of the cabal minions has come forward with a new intrigue, a new scheme to cheat

you and others who have promised to use the money to alleviate the pain the dark

ones have caused.


This is the reason for the prosperity program, which St. Germain and Lady Portia

have worked on for thousands of years. (She is seldom given credit for her

participation in the program.) As many of you know, the prosperity programs are not just

about banking. They also include the complete changeover of government which will

restore the Republic of the United States of America, which was intended to be the model

for fairness, equality and freedom. The cause of freedom was fairly quickly co-opted

to aid and abet those who wished to plunder Mother Earth’s resources for their own

gain, without any responsibility for protecting her or the generations to come.


And so, here you are, awaiting the blessings you have been promised, but which have

not yet come forth. What if it takes another three weeks? Will you champ at the

bit and accuse this messenger of being a fraud, or will you look deeply into the

causes for the delay to see if there is anything you can do to help out? You say

you feel helpless to do anything to make it happen yourself? Then why would you

expect others to hurry up and do it for you?


You see, my Beloved Ones, this is as much a test of your character as it is a challenge

for those who are putting in the great effort to make it happen and to inform and

educate you about the complexities of this enormous Galactic project which is the

Ascension of Planet Earth. The prosperity program is just the first step in creating

the conditions which will make it possible for every being on Earth to breathe a

sigh of relief and begin to live in their hearts, without fear or desperation,

and especially without the destructive influence of the dark energies which are

just now beginning to be dispersed from the surface of the planet.


Concentrate on this, Dear Ones. Do your part to cleanse yourself of all dark energies.

This is a major part of your contribution to the Project. All souls will rise

to higher and higher levels of vibration. Do not be left behind because you are

still entrenched in feelings of entitlement, or fear. The ideas behind feelings

of entitlement are ego-based, grown out of the hundreds of lives in an environment

of want and fear. Entitlement is a form of arrogance, disguised as righteous self-love

or even concern for others. Do not allow yourself to be duped by those who preach

condemnation of others, building their own prestige by spreading lies and propaganda

to bring down our brightest and best Lightworkers.


It was not so long ago that hundreds of people in a town could be incited

to “burn the witch” or “hang the traitor.” How many of those “witches” and “traitors”

do you believe were innocent? I will tell you: all of them. Only when there is

doubt do propagandists create a campaign to attack the target. Otherwise, they

would leave the outcome to the law or to the public to decide their fate, trusting

that the evidence would speak for itself.


So, be the Light, Beloveds. Shine the light of virtue on your world. Take part

in the campaign of virtue in which you exercise your character muscles every day,

choosing one virtue for each day. All through that day, concentrate on creating

in yourself an atmosphere of gratitude, say, or patience, or compassion. Do this

every single day for 3 months. Then do it for another 3 months. By the end of

one year you will not recognize the person you have become. In fact, by the end

of one week you will feel yourself changing dramatically.


You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, because what you will gain is

truly the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Yes, it has been promised to you, but it

will not be given to you as a gift. It is a gift you will claim for yourself by

becoming your most loving, compassionate, forgiving self. This is your destiny,

and your challenge. Raise your consciousness; claim your power as the God or Goddess

you were born to be when you emerged as the spark of our love, the divine creation

of Love, to live out your soul life, evolving and growing in an endless exultation

of soaring energy.


We are here to praise, encourage and uplift you with every step you take toward

the Light, every time you reach out to touch us, every time your heart quickens

with feelings of Love. Mother God and I are here with you, breathing every breath

with you, hearing every prayer, dreaming every dream with you.

We love you without end; we will love you without end until the endlessness reveals

itself to you, and you come to us in Light and Joy.


I am your Father God, the one you have known as Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, Shiva, Ra,

Zorra, and now, Mandela.


Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, July 7, 2014, 4 PM

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its

entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and

to the website, www.whoneedslight.org

Sananda – A Just New World – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May

Sananda 2Lord Sananda


Channeler, Dr. Kathryn E May

Sananda: A Just New World


You are going to see the RV in a matter of days, at last. As you know, there were several times when we thought it would go through, but obstacles intervened. In the interim, the world has changed. We now are in a much better position to have an orderly and uncomplicated exchange for the people, without worries that the banks will be able to steal your blessings with hidden fees, threats and secret small print.

It is truly a new day, Beloved Ones. Everywhere the Light is permeating the darkness, in the corners where the shadows have lingered for generations. Even in the Middle East where the dictators threaten and plot to maintain their power, the people on the ground are no longer taking them seriously. There will be a few skirmishes, then peace will settle upon the land once and for all. We are overjoyed to see the many places where soldiers are finding it less and less appealing to follow a hotheaded despot into battle. The news will not be found on your media, but I assure you that the conflicts in the world are diminishing, and a new feeling of hope has begun to spread across the globe.

Around the world you are also seeing changes in the leaders of major powers, who are taking new initiative to combine forces against the banking Cabal which has had a stranglehold on Europe and the United States for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, there will be an interim during which much reorganization will be required, and it may cause some upset in the American psyche to find themselves lagging behind during the restructuring of financial and legal systems. If you are prepared by knowing this, you will ride it out joyfully, without fear, and you will lead others to do the same.

This is a complex and delicate process. It is being orchestrated behind the scenes with great care and concern for the stability of the countries which are now receiving a jolt of reality as the dark systems are being dismantled. It is a difficult position for the leaders of the “free world” to have to walk the fine line between protecting their people who would be the first to be affected by a major shift in the financial systems, and preserving the system which keeps the majority enslaved to the few who have been in control.

As much as we are looking forward to the shift which will return the power to the people, these are the very same people who will be most affected in the short term by economic upheaval. Those in the middle and working classes who manage to keep going with little in the way of savings or long-term security are most vulnerable. This is why it is so important that the revaluation of currencies provide the means for Lightworkers to offer a buffer with their personalized efforts to protect and provide for those in need when the changes take place. There is no governmental agency which can provide as quickly and as personally when real need arises.

Yes, it is you, Beloved Ones, who will stand as the safety net for your neighbors and family members who find themselves in temporary difficulty because of the massive shifts and changes. You are resourceful, creative and most original in your abilities to act spontaneously with good will when the occasion arises. Your attitude of wanting so much to help out and to be there when others are in need will come to fruition in the days ahead. You will become the mainstay of happily administered programs to bring good food, shelter and great comfort to those who are frightened by the changes – those who know nothing about the Ascension, except that they have been feeling the opening up as well.

It will be suddenly easier to accomplish the things that were so troublesome and difficult in the past because of red tape and bureaucratic foot-dragging. Those who are suddenly powerless to help or to hinder those who used to be completely at their mercy will find themselves unseated from their positions of power over others. From the smallest motor vehicle office to the largest social services facility, it will become clear that a bureaucracy which creates obstacles for their clients rather than serving them does not deserve to exist.

Your leaders have a wider range view of national and international conditions than you do, Dear Ones, since you are completely deprived of accurate reports from within your own countries as well as from abroad. In fact, those reading these messages are far more informed of the real conditions in the world than any TV watcher. I will give you an example.

It has been the clever campaign from the dark side over the past 40 years or so to revile everything having to do with “government,” blaming big government for all the ills, debts and problems in the nation. This was a clever ploy to deflect the rage away from themselves, the secret government which was siphoning off taxpayer money by the trillions of dollars, while programs which would provide for infrastructure, education and social services became the target of blame. Their real fear was that those in Congress who refused to knuckle under to their bribes and their demands might actually be able to stand between them and their profits.

There have been courageous elected officials who used what small influence they had to make the public aware of the disastrous misuse of funds and the takeover of the elected government by the manipulators and propaganda generators who loudly forced themselves into every discussion, every attempt to place regulations or boundaries on their freewheeling greed and the laissez-faire policies which protected them. It has truly been a secret Gilded Age, unbeknownst to the general public, who, directed by the propaganda machine, blame their elected officials.

In the midst of this downward slide into a free-for-all greed fest, the Supreme Court of the U.S. allowed the “Citizens United” law to stand (really the euphemism for Corporations United), permitting nearly unlimited amounts of money to be used to buy new politicians so that they could rid themselves of the bothersome renegades who insisted on questioning the EPA, FDA, FAA, FBI, HAARP, the CIA and other arms of the cabal which were operating mostly outside the control of the elected government, including the President. A richly funded attack campaign featuring historically unprecedented slander, lies and brazen accusations of wrong-doing where none existed has become so constant and so cleverly constructed that the population has become unable to distinguish fact from fiction.

Note that these attacks are not funded by the usual political fundraising but are created by anyone with enough money to buy airtime and enough anonymity to say anything they want without regard for decency or the preservation of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” They are entirely motivated by self-interest and personal gain.

These underhanded tactics are not new; they are however newly approved by the federal government under the name of free speech for corporations and self-interest groups, which now have more protection than individuals. In fact it is the individuals who are the focus of these attacks who have the least in the way of truth-finding support or the means to counteract the onslaught.

Why do I bring these things to your attention? Because there are good people under attack in every area of life, as the cabal plays out its last gasp. I have always been a defender of Truth and one who stands for those who are most vulnerable. Now, the attacks have become more public, and therefore more widely experienced. A kind of numbness has allowed acceptance of the most outrageous manipulation of information and reinterpretation of “facts.” The anonymity of the media and the internet have allowed an unprecedented veil between the accuser and the accused, to the extent that most libel and slander goes unaddressed and uncorrected.

There is a rule of thumb which I want you to consider. The brighter the Light, the more resentment and bile is likely to be directed toward that person. The goal is to cast doubt on the person’s integrity and credibility, and the more extreme the allegation, the more believable it seems. Beware, Beloved Ones, that you not be caught up in the lure of the outrageous. It is a strategy which has been used to great effect recently.

The more outlandish the “expose,” the more it titillates the imagination and places the seed of doubt. For instance, Obama is a Muslim who was not born in the U.S. There is proof, because the accusation has been repeated thousands of times. His wife is really a man in drag. Photoshopped pictures prove it. A plane hit the World Trade Center, because an animated video shows an airplane melting into the building rather than actually hitting it. If it is shown enough times, with a voice-over describing something else, people learn to suspend judgment and believe what they are told.

How often have you been told that someone you initially admired and trusted was actually a puppet for the cabal, or under the influence of the dark side, or has lost their mind or their courage or their heart?

Here is what it means to use good judgment under such circumstances. (Judgment is not a bad thing, by the way. It does not make you mean or judgmental. It means you are making wise choices. It is the effective use of intelligence and Heart.) First, free yourself from the prejudice against making a reasonable judgment; it is how you protect yourself and others.

Before you begin fact-checking or asking others whether they believe the accusation or innuendo, ask yourself: What does this person have to gain by invalidating the one they are pointing at? How much do they have to lose if they do not discredit the person they are trying to tarnish in your eyes? Is there money at stake, or is it an issue of power? Why are they using a negative approach – disparaging the other – rather than demonstrating their own skills and competence?

And most importantly, why have you all, as a culture, come to accept the negative approach to winning a point, or defeating an opponent? Why is it ever acceptable to accuse without evidence, to weave fantastical insinuations based on hearsay (which was once inadmissible as evidence for anything)? You call it being tried in the court of public opinion. It is no different from public stoning in the village square. It is a misdeed which should bring dishonor to the aggressor, not the accused.

As we work with you from the Higher Dimensions to bring an end to the dark days of old, we are here to help you, you who will be the creators of the new Planet Earth, to free yourselves from these contrivances of injustice, lest you allow it to hold you in lower vibration. If you have even once taken part in a gossip-fest or a public trial by accusation, you must sit down with yourself, take yourself in hand, and reach deeply into your heart to ask forgiveness of the one you have dishonored. Ask yourself if you have contributed to the negativity by remaining silent, increasing the energy of the attack by entertaining it in your thoughts, or by spreading the word, sending doubt and fear outward to poison trust, placing yourself in alignment with something dark and destructive.

There is a New Age device which is often used to cover up meanness. A person sends a letter of insults, accusing their former friend of being a fraud, a cheat and a charlatan, then signs the letter with “I send you love, that you may be able to change/awaken/see the light.” This nonsensical juxtaposition is anything but loving.

If you wish to send someone love, just send it from your heart, with kindness and joy behind it, and say nothing. Do not take it upon yourself to create pain – it will only drive the person toward defensiveness if they are truly of bad character, or it will invite damage to the person of Light if they are innocent. You are not a God who condemns. Instead, be yourself. Your most loving, kind and uplifting self.

You have the power, Beloved Ones, to create or to destroy. You live still under the agreement of free will. You are therefore adding your energy always to the Light or the Dark. Be aware, be mindful, be focused always on the highest and greatest good, which is Love.

I come to you as the one who has known injustice, and the one who has known God. It is now our time to turn the wheel full circle, to embrace our just and loving hearts, to fulfill our destiny as those who create anew, never to return to the dark ploys and ruses which intended failure of every endeavor, every relationship and every effort to rise up.

We will overcome darkness by being Light; we will join together because we gain strength and joy from each other’s Love. We will build our New World on a foundation of kindness, not conflict, divisiveness or war. Ours will be a labor of Love, and its fruits will be Unity.

We are One.
I am your Sananda, and I speak with my heart filled with Love and anticipation for the celebration to come. Namaste, Dear Ones.



Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 29, 2014, 3 am, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, http://www.whoneedslight.org.


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Father God – The New Ascension Path – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 6-12-14

kathryn-e-may1Dr Kathryn E May

Father God Transmission  via  Dr Kathryn E May   –   The New Ascension Path   –   6-12-14

It has been an intense week for many of our Lightworkers on the ground. Energies continue to flow in great waves from the Great Central Sun, our Source. These powerful energies are specifically designed to help those on Planet Earth and elsewhere to raise their vibrations as part of the Universal ascension program. It is especially helpful at this time for humankind, as all DNA is being influenced in the conversion from carbon to crystalline-based functioning.

You are probably curious about how this change in your DNA will affect how you operate, how you feel, and what difference it makes. I will give you the not- too-technical explanation. You are familiar with the power of a crystal to hold information. Many of you are learning about the scientific uses for crystals as powerful storage and transmission devices. Imagine the difference between creating a computer storage or transmission device with a lump of coal, as opposed to the delicacy and intricate capacities of an equal amount of diamond or emerald. This is the kind of transition you will experience – a huge jump in the power of your brain, your physical health, and especially your psychic abilities.

As your ability to receive and transmit psychic information, you will begin to access the wisdom of the Universe – the Greater Soul which informs and guides all creatures, large or small. In your case, you will, as human beings, become much closer to your Galactic brothers and sisters because you will be able to communicate with them directly, across great distances and across dimensions, as a few of your “channels” are able to do now. As you raise your spiritual vibration, you will be given more and more of the crystalline components which are awakening in your DNA stands.

It is not a matter of individually being given a gift from Creator, but rather it is for you individually to claim the great gift which is available for all who reach for it. Yes, you will need to elevate yourselves to a state of love, compassion, forgiveness, empathy and kindness in order to open your body systems to the complete shift. Those who are still at a lower vibrational level will be helped by the incoming energies but will not be able to absorb as much or transition as rapidly, but all will eventually experience the change.

What are the advantages of opening to the incoming catalyst and the effect it brings? I will give you a few examples of the great advances you will experience. Not only will you be able to communicate with beings throughout the universe, but you will be able to harness the power of creativity and manifestation in far more powerful ways. Where it now takes days or weeks to manifest the visions you create with your thoughts and feelings, you will find yourself truly creating magic, as your thoughts are manifested immediately.

The transmission of your Light energy will reach far and wide, as you have seen depicted in the paintings of your powerful Masters with halos, radiating Light. You will have the same power, and more. It is this personal power which has been used in your distant past to elevate great stones, to build massive structures without machinery, and to power and direct great spaceships. Yes, you, within the structure of your human body, are truly a free energy generator.

As your body evolves into a more sophisticated and complex resource, it will become far easier for you to understand and develop more advanced technologies. Just as you now design cameras to mimic the human eye, and wireless cell phones to mimic telepathy, you will understand the elegant principles behind our more advanced technologies which are reflections of our individual and group states of being.

Your evolution has already begun, and with it you will see all around you the springing up of new creativity, original ideas, and remarkable talents which have been unheard of in your lifetimes. Already you are seeing the appearance of children who are magnificent artists, precocious musicians and marvelous performers. You are going to see a global burgeoning of the arts which will be far beyond anything that appeared during the Renaissance in Europe. You will be filled with awe and wonder at the delightful gifts you will receive in the form of inspiring song, elevating poetry and painting to make your hearts sing with joy.

You will begin to see what it means to be “made in God’s image”. You will see architecture to reflect the marvels of the Grand Canyon, and gardens which will speak to your heart of Eden. You will grow fruits and vegetables of such superb quality that you will wonder at how you ever survived on the so-called food of “the old days”. You will find yourselves developing skills and talents to a much greater degree than you ever had the time or the ability to achieve, and you will live long years to develop those talents.

As your bodies and brains evolve, some of you will experience leaps and bounds in your development, as when you are able to ascend to the higher dimensions for “fine tuning” as we have described – a makeover to complete your transition to perfect health and youthful bodies, as you desire. All is possible as you raise yourselves higher on the vibration scale. This process will move quickly for some, less quickly for others, but all will eventually move into the higher dimensions, as you have been promised.

The process I am describing does not sound like the all-or-nothing Ascension you have been told about earlier, does it? This is because you have jumped across timelines to a rather different ascension process – one which will be more beneficial to the group as a whole. Those on the fast track will feel great benefits which will bring them happiness and many delights along the way, while the slower class will be inspired by their “elders” to pay attention and focus on their lessons and the advantages which are in store for them.

Don’t be too disappointed, Beloved Ones, that the promise of being plucked out of your chair and into the healing chambers to experience dramatic change in a moment will not be happening in exactly that way. By raising the vibration on the planet, you have created a new pathway – one in which your transition will be more gradual and which will make drastic shifts and differences between you and your loved ones less difficult. Those who are ascending will know who they are, and will detect the higher state in others in their midst, but those who are less advanced will feel but not fully understand the differences. It is a merciful and more beneficial process, in the long run, and it will avoid the great disruptions and drastic shifts that would have occurred on previous timelines.

Mother Earth herself is beginning to experience the leveling effect of a more joyful and loving population, as the massive wars are dwindling, and more hearts are swelling with the hope of peace and prosperity for all. All around the world, hope is on the upswing, and where there is hope, love blossoms. The healing of Mother Earth herself has created a new paradigm – the best outcome we could have hoped for. You see, the healing chamber you looked forward to is right here beneath your feet. You are being healed and changed moment by moment, day by day.

You will begin to see that the aging process has slowed, then halted, then it will begin to reverse itself and you will see yourself getting younger. It will not be the sudden transition you had been told to expect, because everything has changed since we alerted you to those possibilities. You and your planet have jumped a number of timelines in the past month. This means that everything will play out differently, and better for the Greater Good.

While it may have seemed dramatic and perhaps glamorous to think of yourselves being given an instant “make-over,” I assure you that this more gradual transition will allow you to be in complete command of your own ascension process, lifting your own vibration and acclimating to the new feelings and abilities as you go. While this takes a bit longer, it offers you the advantage of learning and absorbing at your own pace, fulfilling your destiny of becoming a member of the Creator Race with all the powers and abilities that come with it. Reach to connect with your Higher Self, and you will be in contact with the greatest healer and the most helpful expert you could want.

These abilities you are growing into will develop gradually, something like your growth and expansion from child to adult. However, you are being helped by the incoming powerful energies of the Central Sun, so the process will flow quickly for those whose hearts are fully open. Breathe, Beloved Ones, absorb the loving energy, feel the Light pouring down on you, and open your crown chakra to let it flow.

Everything is in flux now, you see. The moment of Truth which occurred a moment ago is already past, and the future is wide open to higher and greater vibrational events. It is not that the things we told you in the past are not true; it is simply that they are no longer true because of the massive changes you have created by raising your vibrations and by helping to heal your beloved Mother Earth.

You, Beloved Ones, are now the privileged inhabitants of a great healing ship: Starship Terra! She is becoming a powerful healing force, as she recovers from the trauma of earlier dark times. She is still sustaining drilling and fracking injuries, but the shattering atomic testing has ended, and the great pain of feeling her beloved children at war is subsiding. The Light energies you generate and the healing force of the Central Sun energies have helped her to recover from the dire state she was in just a few months ago.

You see, our rescue mission – swooping down to rescue our Lightworkers and to intervene to protect dear Terra will no longer be necessary. You have jumped to a new, more favorable time line, and in doing so you have left behind the traumatic Armageddon scenarios which were possible just a few months ago. You no longer need to be rescued because you have saved yourselves, and you have brought your dear planet through to safety as well. Yes, we did intervene to neutralize nuclear weapons, but without that being public knowledge, you have raised the vibration of the entire planet and made it unnecessary for us to intervene publicly.

This has allowed us too to proceed more gradually. You will see our “Peek-a-boo” program unfold naturally – a war-stoppage here, buzzing a city there, making our presence known as the friendly and laid-back Brothers and Sisters who come only to help you achieve peace on your planet. It is a role we thoroughly enjoy. It also gives everyone on the ground time to reassess their priorities, to learn about ascension, and to begin to raise themselves to move with others who are awakening now.

So, you see, it has been a win-win situation, as you say. Those who need it can be given more time, and those who are on the first wave will continue to their destiny in higher dimensions. All will proceed as you had been told earlier, but it will be less jarring, and will give you the opportunity to continue to be completely in charge of your own growth and progress. We are overjoyed about your courage and your ability to forge ahead against difficult odds. You are admired greatly.

We are also celebrating the gradual and very effective revaluation of currencies project which is going to unfold with as little disruption and chaos as possible. All is moving along even more smoothly than we once expected, and you will be receiving your blessings, along with our encouragement to continue your great good work. It is truly a New Day ahead. As St. Germain has said, it is only a breath away.

I am with you always, and I send you my endless Love, looking forward to sunny days and sparkling nights,

I am your Father God, the one who is known in higher dimensions as Ra, and whom you have known in the past as Yahweh, Zorra, Jehovah and Allah.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, June 11, 2014, 6 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

Channel Panel with Father God and Sananda – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May – 6-11-14


Dr. Kathryn E May

Click Here To Listen To The Broadcast

Kathryn E. May, PsyD was asked by Spirit to serve as “The Voice of Mother/Father God.”  In this capacity she will do a channeling session live so that callers can hear from our Teachers and Guides, and call in and speak with the Ascended Masters.

Listen in at 8:00 PM, EDT on Wednesdays, to hear a general message for all listening as well as personal responses to callers during the special call-in segment.

This radio show is an extension of the written messages which Dr. May has posted on the website, http://www.whoneedslight.org.

What would you like to know about our relationship to our Higher Selves?  Twin Flames?

Would you like to know more about how the Universe works  or where we are as a planet in the process of Ascension?

Do you want up to date information about the progress of the release of Prosperity Funds for all?

Do you wonder about religious questions like what Sananda really did while he was here, and whether he will return to help create the New World?

Message From Lord Sananda – Join Us To Create Abundance, Prosperity and Freedom – Cleansing Dark Energies – Channeled by Dr. Kathryn E May – 4-21-14


Dr. Kathryn E May – Live Channeler


Sananda: Join Us to Create Prosperity and Freedom

It was a beautiful day in the valley. The sun was bright in the deep blue sky, with hardly a cloud in sight. The girls were planning a birthday party for their friend, and excitement filled the air. It was a glorious day. All around their table were the flowers in bloom and the sound of water running into the pool. What an idyllic spot to have a party.

We love to see you there on the ground, enjoying yourselves, loving one another. It is the atmosphere which portends abundance, harmony and peace. You see, you have been taught that meditation with the intention of creating something positive is a very effective tool, which it is indeed, but you do not realize how powerful the effect is when a group of people get together to have fun. The simple act of sitting down together to have dinner creates a vortex of Love which will settle into the molecules of the table and chairs, the walls and floors of the house.

Children are especially sensitive to the feelings around them, and can detect the vibrations which are carried within the objects they encounter. Feel yourself as the child you have been, and become aware of the feelings which are stored in the objects around you. Have you filled the atmosphere with Love? Then your furniture, walls and local environment will wear the energy of your heart.

I am describing this phenomenon to you to give you a part of the picture so you can see what we are up against when we talk about raising the vibrations on the planet. It means washing away the dark pockets of energy which remain from all the years of negativity and fear. The old tradition of burning sage was used to clear away negative energies from a building or a person suffering from lingering Darkness.

You may not be aware that your dogs and cats are especially talented at moving energies, to remove negativity by absorbing it themselves, then transmuting it and releasing it to the Universe to be reabsorbed. Cats especially are well adapted to this work. Remember the Halloween pictures which always show a black cat following along after the wicked witch and other Dark beings? It is not because the cat enjoys their company; it is the symbolic depiction of the cat’s natural tendency to take responsibility for clearing away the negative effects of the beings she accompanies. The black coloring represents the cat’s ability to take on the dark energies in order to protect others from it.

There are many species of animals, plants and elementals who are there among you to help balance the energies and restore Light to a previously darkened environment. As of this week, they will become evident in large numbers, bringing LoveLight and joy to all who encounter them, for humankind has passed a milestone of tremendous importance this week.

As Lightworkers all over the globe have awakened to take part in consciously raising the vibration, the long climb out of Darkness reached a turning point. As portals were being cleared, Earth’s crystals were reactivated and ley lines reestablished by various groups working around the world, a tipping point was suddenly reached. It became possible for your Creator beings to complete clearings which would have been impossible to accomplish even the day before.

Most of you are completely unaware of the teams of Masters who are working now, in bodies on the ground, to lift the energies and clear away the remnants of the past eons. You are aware of the residue of dark ideas in your own thinking. Multiply that by thousands, and you have an idea of the nooks and crannies that need to be cleared in Mother Terra’s aura and physical body. Multiply it by trillions and you get the feel of the shared energy on the surface of the planet which needs to be cleaned, cleared and made ready for all to ascend.

You are far more profoundly affected by the ambient energies in your life than you acknowledge. It is why millions of people who know nothing about ascension are now feeling differently about themselves, their work and their environment. You see, the changes are occurring on every level, to every being, whether they agree with it or even notice it. This is possible because of your previous agreement – some call it the contract you came here to fulfill. Long before this lifetime, you knew what you would encounter here and what you would learn from it. You gave your permission to be upgraded from carbon to crystalline for the coming ascension.

We had many fail-safe agreements in place before you entered this life, all carefully considered and agreed upon in the Council meetings with your own committee and with the larger Councils which are overseeing the success of this mission. Insofar as we were able to consider all the possible timelines, we agreed on the steps you and others would be asked to take, and devised back-up plans for alternate scenarios.

You are now being asked to speed up your adaptation to the higher energies because you as a group have succeeded in raising the vibration and jumping timelines with such success that we are now in a completely new place with new possibilities. It is a very exciting time for us here in higher dimensions, because we are seeing the unfolding of events with great pleasure and satisfaction.

Yes, there are still challenges to be resolved, but look how all of you with boots on the ground have been carrying the ball, moving us forward little by little, bringing forth information which reveals the truth about the darkness you have lived with so long. You can feel it in the air – other countries challenging the cabal and its grip on the U.S. policies of creating false flags and starting wars to gain power and access to oil and other natural resources. A new day is truly dawning, Beloved Ones, when countries around the world are willing to align to stop the economic and military iron grip which has strangled whole countries into submission.

It is difficult for Americans to accept that the wars they have given their children to have been nothing but a ploy by the wealthiest ones to create chaos and confusion in order to gain power over others. You do not see yourselves that way, and for the most part, you are not cruel, but many have been convinced of the rightness of what has been done by the powerful propaganda machine which promotes fear of others. Those “others” you have been encouraged to fear and attack for trumped up reasons are always the ones who are in possession of something the cabal covets. Of the hundreds of wars around the planet since World War II, the U.S. has been the instigator in most of these conflicts.

It has taken a great toll, physically, psychologically and emotionally. Being the aggressor while pretending to be the protector of freedom and democracy requires a deep amnesia of past events. It also requires that you close your eyes to the unsavory actions of the secret government which has been the source of these aggressive actions. It is not that all information has been hidden; the Dark Ones have developed a skill for hiding in plain sight. They count on the population to interpret events according to the story line which is fed to everyone through the mainstream media.

I am talking to you about these things today, Dear Ones, because there will very shortly be revelations of wrongdoing which will shock even the most well-informed truth seekers. In coming weeks, it is very possible that other countries will begin to uncover the lies which have been baldly repeated. The most obvious of those lies is the 9/11 tragedy, which is seen as “an inside job” by nearly everyone on the planet outside the United States.

Of course, revealing other countries’ dirty laundry invites a full exploration of everyone’s atrocities. It has been a world-wide conspiracy of silence – “I won’t tell if you don’t” – but there are many in the higher ranks around the world who would now welcome a cleansing and reconciliation, and the opportunity to begin anew.

All of you know from your own experience how difficult it is to acknowledge your mistakes, especially the ones where you were complicit by your own silence. It is time for this humbling and compassionate approach to life on Planet Earth. There will be arrests and trials, and there will be dissension in the ranks as witnesses are asked to stand against those they have been loyal to. It will be a time when cooler heads and warmer hearts will be needed to avoid further bloodshed and unrest.

I ask you now to walk with me on the path of peace. We are brothers and sisters all, and we deserve to share this life on our beloved planet without interference from the forces of greed. It is time, Dearly Beloveds, to rise up, join hands in solidarity, and create the world you have longed for.

Tonight, May 21, 2014, there will be a meditation at 8 PM EDT to focus the energy of millions of people to raise the energy on the planet, to send loving energy to those who are standing in the way of the release of the Prosperity funds you have been promised, and to create the final opening of energetic waves of peace and harmony on Planet Earth. We will meet on BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel with Kathryn and Anne, and all around the world with groups that will gather for this purpose. It is the end of the Old Era, the time of suffering, poverty and war. We have entered the New Golden Age. It is time for the great wave of joy which will carry the first wave of Ascension of humankind to its completion. Join with us, Dear Ones, to envision the prosperity and the changes it will bring. Focus on the part of the Great Project you will be involved in: see your actions, your feelings of joy and commitment, and celebrate with us the new wave of cooperation, friendship across boundaries, and abundance for all.

As you envision and proclaim the changes, so they will be created and brought into existence. Universal Law requires it. See it vividly in your mind’s eye – the joy of the children who are well-fed and dressed, the water flowing clean and clear for all to enjoy, the resources like food, free energy, transportation and housing available to all, and you among others celebrating, singing and dancing for joy.

It is up to you, each one of you, to make this happen now. Join with us to raise the vibration to such a high level that it will raise all boats, all souls, all beings. Everything you envision now as a group will be created in the Universe, ready to be experienced along the present timeline.

So Be It.

I am you loving Sananda. I join my heart with yours.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, May 21, 2014, 6 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, http://www.whoneedslight.org.

St. Germain – Jumping Timelines – False Flags – Creating Paradise – Channeler Dr Kathryn E May – 5-2-14


Dr Kathryn E May


St. Germain: Jumping Timelines, False Flags, and Creating Paradise



I want to tell the world our good news. We are all so excited about what you have been doing on the ground, we want you to have an update. You are creating miracles, but we are the ones recording them, since many of these miracles are the result of your individual efforts, your rising vibrations, and the private work you do in your quiet hours.  It has had a tremendous effect, Beloved Lightworkers. What a team you are!

Each week, as you have absorbed the events of your lives, dealt with the delays and the disappointments and reworked your feelings and attitudes to higher and higher levels, the Light on Planet Earth increases. As it has increased dramatically in the past week, it has made it possible for your incarnated Masters to perform the duties they have been standing by to put into action. Much of this was unknown to even them until this week, but in their undaunted fashion, they have picked up the ball and run with it, forming a working team of heart-centered Lightworkers whose natural impulse is toward action and cooperation.

What a pleasure it is to see them in action. Emails and phone calls fly across the globe, decisions are made with calm certainty and put into action without pause. We in the higher realms look on with delight and awe as our representatives there on the ground carry through the major decisions which have been considered and pondered and anticipated in higher realms.

You see, this is the partnership of humankind with the Godhead. It has always been thus, unbeknownst to most of humankind. It is our Twin Flames on the ground who execute the desires of our hearts, bringing the etheric Master Plan into reality in the dimension where it is to be experienced. Much of the work is unseen because it is done on the etheric level, but the source of the energy is the Heartmind of those who are in bodies now.

I will explain. We communicate telepathically with our Masters on the ground. They envision the Master Plan with the combination of Heartmind and Soulmind, as we have called it, that creates a portal to Love energy from Creator/One. This includes all the love energy we feel as well. In combining this Love with the vision of Earthly Paradise which is our hope for the next phase of life on Planet Earth, they create that reality. It can now be experienced, linking the vision of an accelerated timeline with the current reality on the ground. This must be done in order to “jump the timeline” while keeping the continuity of experience for those on the ground.

You, Beloved Humans, are already in the flow of experiencing a greatly accelerated version of the playing out of those events which have been predicted for Earth. It was our great hope that all the glorious events we had envisioned in higher dimensions would come to fruition, but we could not predict dates with accuracy because we did not know how quickly the team on the ground would be able to assist in the leap from the slower, more tedious timeline you were on to something more positive. This was only possible for them, in turn, when all of you were able to raise the vibrations high enough for them to enact the timeline jump.

In other words, the chain of events begins and ends with all of you. When we have described the events to come, we always describe the most positive scenario, since our describing it and your envisioning it as a result of reading our messages is the first step in creating the new reality. We then watch and encourage you to raise your vibrations so that your ground crew will have the positive energy flow needed to lift all of humankind to the next higher timeline.

When you maintain your high vibration long enough to create a synergy with others, the “lifting power” increases, opening new possibilities for positive experiences. When a large number of you lose your focus and fall back into doubt and skepticism, it creates an undertow, negating the flow of forward energies which would have carried the project to fruition. Father God once told you that it was you who were preventing the RV from being released. This is what he meant. The doubters and cynics who accused their messengers of being frauds and who railed against the “lies” being told by us – these were the ones who slowed the progress and put a wrench into the works, as you say.

Each time we offered a date by which an event would occur, we were basing our “best guess” on the most positive timeline, counting on you to provide the energy to accomplish the timeline jump necessary to make it happen. When we didn’t make it, many of you turned on us, lost faith in God, became angry and frustrated. We understand your reaction, Beloved Ones. We know how difficult it has been for you to give it your best and not see anything tangible come of it. This is the reason for our messages of encouragement here. We see the progress, even when the event itself has not yet occurred. This is the part of the picture you cannot see.

Let’s use a familiar analogy. When the football coach gathers his team for a huddle, does he say, “Ok, team, let’s see if you can gain a yard or two.” No! He says, “This one is gonna be a goal! Give it your all! You can make it!” This is our approach. We wish to encourage you to produce your best, and we know how brilliant your best can be, even more clearly than you do. I know you will understand that I saw what was possible, and I aimed our sights on that prize. It would not be helpful or fair for me to do less.

It is an act of faith when you read these words and absorb their meaning – the Love behind the words, the deep feelings of connection and compassion we feel toward you always. We have been there too, Dear Ones, and we see the challenges our Twin Flames are faced with daily. Your own Guides and your Twin are also watching over you, shedding a tear with you when you feel despair, coming close to comfort you when you are tired and frustrated. It is our most important job in life to watch over you and send you our adoring energy, to try to comfort you in the hardest times.

I want to assure you that the hardest times are over. The number of Dark Ones who stand in the way of your prosperity and fun and new freedom can now be counted on your fingers. Imagine! Only three years ago, the timeline scenario was still dangerously close to falling back into the mayhem and chaos possibilities. You have completely avoided that. No meteors will crash into your planet – the Galactics are catching them and sending them off course to protect you. Prime Creator will not allow any such cosmic disasters.

Nuclear war has been completely eliminated as a possibility for your planet, and all armed conflicts will shortly become a thing of the past. Notice the developments around the standoff in Nevada between the Bureau of Land Management and Cliven Bundy, the rancher. It has been called “the Second American Revolution,” but there is much about the encounter that is not public knowledge. As Father God has told you, the BLM agents were in fact set up to be killed by black ops snipers, which could then be blamed on the militia. This would have created the “false flag” opportunity to wage a civil war against militia members, provided an excuse to enforce marshall law, and opened the door to further suppression of freedoms.

The war that was planned did not happen when Higher Powers stepped in to disable the guns of the snipers and anyone else who was tempted to fire the first shot. We did intervene in this important event, because the probable outcome would have been bloody and traumatic. It would have created fear, rage, despair and hopelessness in people all across the globe, to see the United States descend into the kind of totalitarian land-grab that has characterized fascist regimes across the globe.

It would have had a profoundly demoralizing effect to see the country we associate with freedom sinking under the heel of the cabal. It could not be permitted to stop the forward movement we have worked so hard to accomplish.

Those of you who are really paying attention have begun to distinguish the action of the cabal from the actions of well-intentioned government officials who have no power because they are not aligned with the Dark Ones.

It has reached the tipping point where the cabal has become so arrogant and so desperate to maintain their control that they will attempt more and more outrageously contrived disasters to kill, maim and torture citizens into submitting to fear. The threats are coming thick and fast. Since the terror of 9/11 is becoming less and less believable, there have been more and more “terrorist” attacks, like the Boston Marathon bombing and the disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370.

You are aware that we sometimes use tactics which may appear similar to the Dark Ones in order to outwit them at their own game. For instance, the RV is designed to out-flank the money grabbers by flooding the globe with wealth in the hands of those who will use it for humanitarian purposes. I will now reveal another secret weapon which has been used to bring attention to their deceits.

You all are familiar with the Sandy Hook “massacre” in which many children were supposedly gunned down by a deranged teenager. There were many lessons learned from that event. One was the growing awareness that young people who are mentally disturbed need real attention and concern, not gun play. Another was that when a community is traumatized, neighbors and friends pull together to help each other.

However, there was another agenda at play here. It had taken the American people far too long to catch on to the use of “theatre” – contrived television enactments – to completely dupe the entire country into believing the cooked-up, contrived picture that was presented to them.

The population of TV watchers had learned to accept blatant inconsistencies and now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t video tricks as truth. It is still difficult to convince the average American that an airliner could not fit through a 30-foot hole in the Pentagon and then magically vanish, or that Building 7 next to the Twin Towers could not have suddenly collapsed because of a small fire in a corner of the building.

Now, this brings us back to Sandy Hook. I have decided to reveal the truth of this incident because Kathryn has requested it, and because the internet community has done a good job in recent weeks of uncovering the obvious lies and inconsistencies in recent events. The most obvious of those inconsistencies were found in the Sandy Hook story. I shall elaborate.

There were no bodies. No one really seemed to know the families of the “dead” children, and the parents seemed oddly unmoved by the supposed death of their beloved children. Suspicions rose as the first researchers began to notice that many of the “parents” were actors who seemed to do a very bad job of portraying distraught parents. The questions have continued, and have inspired a second look at other “catastrophes” like the Oklahoma City bombing, the storming of the compound in Waco, Texas, the plane crash of JFK, Jr., the assassination of JFK, RFK and MLK, and the recent “suicides” of dozens of banking officials, to name a few.

All these suspicious events, and many more, which were investigated and dismissed with pat answers and incomplete explanations, are receiving new attention from inspired investigators who are demanding truth rather than animated videos and false witness testimony. The investigations have finally taken on real weight and credibility, as more and more “false flag” evidence piles up, and those who are determined to uncover the truth are no longer dismissed as “conspiracy theorists,” as if that were a dirty word.

Yes, Dear Ones, the “conspiracy theorists” were on the right track. There was indeed the hand of a conspiracy of Darkness – the secret government run by the cabal – in all these events except one. Only one caused no death or destruction of property. Only one of these incidents was deliberately staged to awaken suspicions rather than suppress them. Only one was carried out at the behest of your Guides and Masters, to shock you into questioning everything you have been told, everything you have been shown on television. Yes, indeed, it was a made-for-television drama.

Do you see now how easy it is to create a massive event, cook up a story to explain it, hire people to read the lines of the major players, hire “journalists” to smugly analyze, interpret and film the “terrorist attack.” The goal in every case was to weave a convincing story, not to reveal the truth.

The makers of Sandy Hook, the Movie, proved that it was possible to do just that, and to hoodwink millions of people, even when there were deliberately placed clues in the presentation which pointed to discrepancies in the story. You see, Sandy Hook was a Shakespearian drama, designed to make you look behind the curtains – all the curtains! – to expose the true villains of all the many suspicious “false flag” events in your history.

One obvious clue was the visit of President Obama, who went to Sandy Hook and held a little girl in his lap the day after the tragedy. A photo of this same little girl, dressed in the same distinctive dress, was also frequently displayed as one of the victims. Internet researchers turned up literally dozens of clues which confirmed that there were no actual victims, that the entire incident was staged, and that something truly “fishy” was going on.

Did the mass media follow up in any way, to provide real questions or real evidence to expose the fraud? Not at all. As with past travesties, the fraud has never been uncovered. Why, especially since this time the deception seemed so obvious? Perhaps those who own the media are not willing to open Pandora’s box. It is time you did so, Beloved Ones.

It is time you do as the directors and cast of Sandy Hook, the Movie, hoped you would do. Shake your friends and neighbors. Shout it out: “We are free! We will not be duped any longer! We know the truth and we will not pretend otherwise! We are not the helpless victims of the Matrix, and we know it!” Was it an extreme drama, yes. Would people have awakened to the tricks of television photo-shopping if we had made it less gruesome? I think not. Are you angry at being duped? Good. Now turn that anger into admiration for those who created this lesson to awaken you, and take action!

Start a Revolution, but this time make it a revolution of Love. Refuse to be dragged into fear or hopelessness. Search out the culprits of the real “false flags” and expose them. In this way, you dissolve their power. Throw water on the witch, as Dorothy and her friends did in the wizard of Oz, and watch them melt. Your energy, your commitment, your power to create and to follow through will carry the day!

You joined together to create a letter campaign that stopped the sonar testing which was injuring the whales and dolphins. Now do the same for “fracking” then go on to eliminate the vaccinations which sicken your children, and the GMO crops which destroy the food supply. Choose your travesty and put your energy behind eliminating it, as you direct your passions toward the vision of the Paradise you and I have envisioned for Planet Earth. You are building the world you want for yourselves.

Raise yourselves up, Dear Humans! Rejoice in the knowledge that there are many among you who are courageous and clever, many who are awakening every day, and you are one of them!

Join with Kathryn’s StarShip Terra campaign (www.whoneedslight.org), aligning with The Freedom Club’s Our New Earth (www.ournewearth.net) and other environmental and health groups to form a coalition so powerful that greedy would-be polluters of our lands and our bodies will shake in their boots and finally give up their pointless Dark activities in favor of Harmony, Compassion, Peace, Perfect Health, Love and Joy.

I am your Adamos St. Germain, I am here with you always, and I love you without end.

Via Kathryn E. May, May 2, 2014, 11 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.




Lady Portia via Dr Kathryn E May – Urgent Appeal from Mother Earth – 4-25-14


  Dr Kathryn E May   –   Channeler, Transcriber


An Urgent Appeal from Mother Earth

I don’t know how to write this, or even what it is I am supposed to be writing.

I have just come from a grounding session with Mother Earth, and the result has been profound and disturbing. I feel compelled to call on all of you for your special help because you are the people who can reach deeply to find what is needed to help Gaia right now. I believe it is crucial to our ascension.

I asked to be told; I even said, “Speak to me, Gaia. Tell me how I can help. Let me know what needs to be done.” I saw visions of oil wells pumping, fracking drills penetrating deep into her body, and I was reminded of the irritating, itchy spot on the back of my neck that has been annoying me for the past few weeks – a skin irritation that refused to respond to healing efforts. It is on the left base of my skull, and it made me think occasionally about how difficult it would be for those to ascend who are truly in pain.

I saw my body as a map, my head as the Northern Hemisphere, my spine the center of the Americas. The spot on my neck where my skull connects to my spine would be Texas. The irritation flared as I recognized it. Images of oil rigs and Bushes, toxic spills and oblivious humans in charge of attacking Mother Earth to rape and pillage her natural resources.

She showed me crowds of elementals – fairies, elves, nature beings of all sorts. I was aware that I needed to call upon the human incarnations of Ariel and other EarthKeepers to enlist their shy troops to help come to the rescue. We must find a way to stop these painful activities immediately!

Two facets of the work were clear: One, appeal to the Ascension Council to disable all drilling and digging that is causing pain to our Mother Earth. Two, enlist all nature spirits and their human overseers to create/instigate mischief everywhere there is destructive action toward Mother Earth. All of these activities must be stopped before final Ascension can take place!

After about 40 minutes with my heart pressed against the earth, I arose feeling in an altered state. Everything around me appeared crystal clear, but multifaceted. I saw every flower and branch, every living consciousness, and was dizzied by it.

I walked into the house and smelled acetone – nail polish remover – and the reaction I felt was like a mad dog. I felt a sudden flash of rage, like an injured wild animal facing its attacker. I felt wild frustration, the impulse to lash out and destroy everything around me that reminded me of toxins, chemicals, man-made poisons. Connected to this was a feeling of frustration verging on hatred for those humans who casually ignore the destructive actions around them, focusing instead on combing their hair or proudly driving their fancy gas-drinking cars.

I have personally felt some of these things, but never to this utterly disorganizing intensity. I felt completely shaken, barely able to breathe, so overcome with frustration, sadness and rage that I was beside myself.

I remembered Father God once saying to me, “Mother Earth will only tolerate the abuse so long, and then she will simply shake off humankind the way a dog shakes water off its back.” I now understand the feeling that would lead her to do it.

I know that our efforts to ascend, to raise our consciousness have been helpful. It has created the possibility for all of us to jump from the old timeline in which Mother Earth would have been completely destroyed, and us with her, to the beautiful reality of Mother Earth restored to the Paradise she was meant to be. It feels to me as if we are at a shift point – where we will fully accomplish the Great Plan, or something less.

If we are to reach the highest potential we must help Mother Earth to heal, to forgive us, and to accept our own responsibility for her suffering. We are the ones who can see the destruction, feel the pain of hundreds of years of injury. We can ask forgiveness and cleanse ourselves of the darkness that has lingered in our psyches – the residue of so many lives in collusion with the Dark Ones who manipulated us into accepting their destructiveness, which they convinced us was for the greater good.

While we are still here with two feet on the ground, we must do more than envision New Earth. We must take direct action to protect her, now. How that will be done will emerge from each of us personally – our inspiration, our networks, our friends and our location on the Earth. We are a formidable army of Lightworkers. Mother Earth needs our help right now. Every act which directly protects her from attack will resonate around the globe.

I know this message will create new ideas, new possibilities for how we can fearlessly stop the abuses, right now. The more people involved, the safer it will be to take action in opposition to The Powers That Were. In the meantime, I ask for the Nature Spirits to come forward to help organize a most effective campaign of Liberty and Justice for Mother Earth.

With all my love,

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org



A Message of Love from – St. Germain, Sananda-Jesus, Prime Creator – Channeler Dr. Kathryn E May – 4-20-14

St Germain3



A Message of Love from St. Germain, Sananda/Jesus and Prime Creator


St. Germain:

Yes, Beloved Ones, the portal to Ascension is indeed in your heartminds. Your attention to the Harmonic Ascension Portal for all has focused your attention on your wish to be of service and your wish to ascend as soon as possible. This is a success.

We have encouraged you often by giving you specific tasks, or by showing you how we create – by envisioning a thing done, we make it happen. You are learning this as you come closer and closer to your own ascension, as the veil is lifting and you raise your consciousness to anticipate the glorious fulfillment of our Dream.

I am in love with you. You are brilliant Lights, determined souls who have worked together throughout the eons to make this great Ascension happen. Now you will complete your part of this marvelous project by rising to meet us in higher dimensions.

You are all wondering how to ascend, what you have to do to accomplish it. I can reassure you that there is nothing more you have to learn, nothing you have to build, and nothing you can study that will help you to ascend. The feelings of exhilaration, ecstasy, gratitude and bliss are the leavening which will help you rise through the portal into our open arms.

Although the preparation may have taken years to accomplish – creating in yourself the state of love, mindfulness and deep awareness of your own thoughts, feelings and actions – the moment when you ascend is, and must be, an effortless moment. It is that moment of complete peace and joy when all is well, all is carefree, that you can release yourself to fly, as naturally as a hawk on the wind.

I await you with open arms and my heart filled with joy,

Your St. Germain





It is Easter Sunday today in the Western world. For many years, the people who have been influenced by Christianity have celebrated this as the day I ascended to higher dimensions. This is all right with me, since it is a celebration of life, not death, and it recognizes the truth that I did ascend in my body, just as all of you are preparing to do.

As I have told you in The New Scriptures, I intended to teach the lesson that we are all One, connected to our Creator. It was not my special privilege to be the Son of God. You are all children of God, just as I am. You are all precious in his/her eyes, just as I am, and you will all ascend in your bodies as I did.

There will be no death, no funerals and no mourning this time. It is the end of the glorious project we have worked on together, and the beginning of a new era of celebrating together in joy, in perfect Love and harmony.

You have asked: “What is ascension, and how am I going to accomplish it?” It will surprise you to know that my ascension – or resurrection, as they called it then – happened after I had been comforted and healed of my wounds by those who loved me. This healing, and the great Love I felt from my beloved Mother, my wife Mary Magdalene and my dear friends, lifted my heart and filled me with joy. I felt truly blessed to be so loved, and to know that I had completed my work here in that lifetime. It was then that I flew on the wings of Joy, back to the loving arms of my Creator.

I had hoped my example would be used to show the way for others to know that ascension is a natural process, one which can be experienced by anyone whose heart is filled with Love. For me, it was the culmination of loving service to my fellow humans – a satisfying life lived among those I loved deeply. I came to bring the word of God’s love, and to show others how fulfilling a life with God’s constant presence could be.

It was not a complete success because the message I wished to bring was submerged beneath imposed restrictions, rules and dictates which the religious hierarchy imposed in their strenuous efforts to control and profit from the hard work of the people. I did not proclaim myself to be a priest, or expect to be worshipped. I simply wished to tell the story of our Creator, who is Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Empathy and Wisdom. Creator does not punish nor judge. We are free to explore, learn and then return to the loving arms of those who guide and oversee our life here on Mother Earth.

Now I have the chance to correct the misunderstandings which were taught under the name of “Christianity” – a religion designed for mass consumption as much as any fast food. Strict adherence to all the laws which are currently taught under the guise of modern Christianity will leave you as ill as a steady diet of super-sized junk food. It is an impossible program of self-hatred, contempt for the most precious of human traits, and hatred of those whose beliefs do not match exactly the pre-packaged, glossy promises of the false but very profitable teachings of those I think of as ego-obsessed, pretentious “preachers.”

Here is my simple lesson to help you follow your hearts: Good lessons leave you smiling. Really good lessons leave you laughing, and the best lessons make your heart sing with Joy and recognition. God is laughter. God is Joy. God exists in the giggles of a child and the sighs of a lover. A mother who feeds her family with love is doing God’s work, as is the junkman whose song makes the children dance with joy.

There is great magic in a life well lived. Only now, after the departure of the Dark Ones, are you all awakening to the great possibilities for happiness that exist all around you. You are newly discovering what children have always known – that elves and fairies do indeed exist, and that the trees around you carry wisdom and the memory of Earth’s history in their combined consciousness. Mother Earth herself has at last been able to reach into your unconscious mind to tell you of her Love and dedication to the care and nurturing of her beloved beings of Light – human, animal, plant and mineral – all under her loving care, even as they defiled and misused her.

The song of the whale and the dolphin have broken through into your awareness, and you are observing the expressions of friendship across species as never before. Does a snail feel love? Of course it does. Does a dog remember its human friend after death? Indeed it does. Is there life after death? Beloved Ones, there is no death; there is only life everlasting. Have you lived before? Of course. All is consciousness; all life emerges from the consciousness of Love which is Creation. Once created, there is no end. You, Beloved One, go on.

Let us go on together. This is the time for celebration and joining as One.

I am Sananda, and I love you without end.


Prime Creator

Prime Creator:

I can only applaud the eloquent words of my beloved Messengers, Sananda and St. Germain, and I thank our dear channel, Kathryn, for her tireless dedication in bringing you our messages, clearly, without question or doubt. Many times we have used this process to bring you information which may have seemed incomplete or contradictory to you. This is an inevitable part of the process which does not allow us to show you what we see because you are blind behind the Veil. We provide you with knowledge and wisdom in parts, as you are able to absorb it, and we wait while you argue it amongst yourselves, digest it and then show you are ready for more.

It could not be otherwise, Dear Humankind. It was your wish when you helped to design this life that you be tested completely. Your ingenuity is boundless; your plots and dramas bear the mark of genius. Now it is time, Beloved Ones, to take credit for your genius and to accept the congratulations and celebration due you. You have “survived” your own mystery play; you have awakened to the truth that your Dream, even when it appeared to be a nightmare, was of your own making.

Now it is time to put away the instruments of your own suffering and join with Us in creating the great uplifting of spirits which will create Ascension for all of humankind and your friends and neighbors, the animals, insects and plants. The stars are aligning to create energies not felt on Earth since the beginning of Time. Time, by the way, was one of those ingenious tools which has allowed you to feel urgency – often misused as worry, of course, but useful nevertheless.

Now, allow that urgency of time passing to fade into the past, as you acknowledge that there are indeed transitions, turning points in the Cosmos, and you are a part of that great whole. It is your turn now, Humankind, to realize the fulfillment of your promise to yourselves, that you would one day return to Paradise to enjoy the fruits of your long lifetimes of suffering and toil as the prisoners of a self-imposed Darkness.

You have shaken off many of those anti-life principles which created your psychological prison. Complete that process now by leaving behind all negative thinking, analyzing and questioning. It only leads to fear, and fear was the creation of the Dark Ones. Allow yourselves the perfect vacation from doubt and fear. Instead, let your hearts lift you into the state of perfect Love, as I pour my adoring, admiring Love into your hearts and souls, that you may feel your perfection as I do.

Indulge yourselves, Beloved Ones, in the laughter which shakes your belly and creates waves of pleasure radiating outward to tickle others. Dance with a skip in your step, and sing your song of Joy as the wren lifts its voice to celebrate the new day. It is your time, your triumph and your new life which begins today.

I love you beyond words,

Your Loving Creator

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, April 20, 2014, 11:30 am, High Falls, NY

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, http://www.whoneedslight.org.
