KAREN DOWNING – Own Your Energy – Own Your Power – 6-13-15

Karen Downing


People often ask, “What is the best way to move into a higher state of vibration?” The simplest answer is to take ownership of your personal power, how you use it, where you give energy to and how you facilitate your emotional state.

One of the most common ways in which power is given away is through fear. Whenever you fear something happening/not happening you are in fact giving energy and power to the very outcome you do not wish for. It is extremely challenging to be the master over your fear, as humanity has been taught for eons to listen to it.

Fear comes from the Ego telling you that it does not feel in control of a given situation. That situation could be health, money, relationships, government, etc. Look at the areas of your life where you feel fear and anxiety. Ask yourself, why do I feel fear when it comes to my family, but not for my health? Or, why do I feel fear when it comes to my money, but not my relationships? Your answer, while you may think it is mere logic, is rooted in your past life history, and what you as a soul have personally experienced before.

Learn how to safely dive deep into your fear, so that you can dig it out. Imagine like it is hidden pockets of dust inside of you. You are made of light energy, the light energy is a natural cleaner of the dust. But just like dusting the house, you have to pick up and look underneath items, clean behind the bookshelves, and under the bed, in order to get it all cleaned up.

Much is the same with fear. It can hide behind a certain emotion, or experience, and lurk within your inner child. Explore these places and spaces within you, or work with an expert who can safely assist you with that exploration. The more fear your transform, the less likely you are to give your power to it. The more of your power your own, the more your energy grows.

There are other ways in which you can give your energy away. Another common way is through anger. Anger and passion are often confused. Anger comes from an intention of destruction; rage, revenge and so forth. Passion comes from a strong feeling to positively change a situation. Anger is: “This person, or that situation, pisses me off.” Passion is: “I need to change the energy with this person or that situation.”

The words you blurt out in a time of reaction, will tell you if you are operating from a place of anger, or a place of passion. Often anger hides deep within the subconscious, and fools us into thinking it is passion. Learn to understand the words you say, or the words you think in your mind. They speak volumes as to whether you are intending passion or anger. Anger only leads to more anger. Passion leads to change. We have lived in a world built upon anger and fear, the only way to change that is to first change it within yourself.

So, how do you own your energy and own your power? Learn detachment. Detachment is about remaining peaceful NO MATTER WHAT is happening. When you are in peace about something, your intuition can speak clearly through you, and advise you when it is time to act. If you are not at a feeling of peace, it is much easier for the voices of anger or fear to influence you.

Detachment is not ignorance. Detachment is about giving over to intuition completely. There will be many things popping up in the headlines designed to upset you and incite fear, or anger, or sadness. However, if you remain in detachment, you will be able to view the events as a movie. This allows your intuition to remain pure, so that you are not spurred to act by another person’s seed of anger/fear energy. This is vitally important. Owning your energy and your power, means that you do not allow the words, deeds and actions of another to move your emotional state in any direction! This is not about being numb, it is about managing your own emotional state.

Whenever you feel yourself feeling anger, fear, sadness, doubt, shame or any other similar emotion, all you need to do is to ask for it to be transformed in the highest energy. Here is a simple process that you can use:

  1. State aloud or in your mind: “I ask that only the Highest Energies of the Light surround me, offering me protection, clearing, healing and guidance.”
  2. Take a few breaths at a relaxed pace. You want to feel your body and mind begin to slow down.
  3. Visualize yourself surrounded by a golden-pink light. This is the blending of the Divine Spirit and Gaia (Mother Earth). Continue to breathe at a relaxed pace.
  4. Now visualize that beautiful energy entering each cell of your body, see your cells opening up to allow the energy in.
  5. Now see your solar plexus (stomach region) open a release valve. This release valve only works in one direction, to funnel out of the body the emotions you are releasing.
  6. Now see this valve release the emotions like a fountain, in one big powerful stream of energy. You can say “Whoosh, they are gone.” Or “I release you now” or any simple phrase that comes to mind. This is a rapid energetic blast from the body, and the energy of your emotions is immediately transformed into Light and Love energy upon release.
  7. Now the release valve closes.
  8. The golden pink light continues to pour into each cell, filling in the space vacated by the emotion you just released.
  9. Say “Thank you,” and trust that transformation has been done.

Each time you do this, you are going in and uncovering those hidden places where the dust hides, and doing some deep cleaning. If you discover that you are having difficulty with a reoccurring emotion, or challenge, then it would be a good idea to work with someone who can help you with the release process. Often those pieces of emotion, are stuck to past life memories and emotional control patterns needing to be explored and removed in entirely.

You have the power to choose in any moment, what you are going to give your energy to. Are you going to give to fear, or are you going to give to peace?

Looking for some extra assistance in transforming your fears and owning your power? I have developed a 5 Day intensive program, where I personalize it for you, your strengths and for where you are in your development process.


Lee Harris – Releasing Fear – 2-27-15



Lee shares an exercise for dissolving fear during the February 2014 Live Q&A broadcast in the Lee Harris Energy Portal.

These live broadcasts are held monthly in The Portal and also archived there for viewing at any time. Members are invited to ask their questions via live chat with moderator Patty Sherry.

To join or for more information about The Portal please visit http://www.leeharrisenergy.com/portal

Jesus via John Smallman – Let Go Of Fear – 2-11-15

Jesus Comforts Girl

Jesus Audio Blog for Wednesday February 11th

God Is . . . The life force that flows through every spark of consciousness ever created is God’s Love for His creation, and it flows eternally, unceasingly, and abundantly.  Every spark of consciousness – every human without any exceptions at all is a divine spark of consciousness – is of inestimable value.  There is nothing created that is “worthless.”  What God creates is of eternal and infinite value, and nothing never moves out of that state.  There is no one on Earth now, nor ever has been nor will be, who is is not of infinite value, a perfect divine creation.

Judgment is an aspect of the illusion that has arisen as a result of your collective choice to experience separation which led you into an illusory state of terror.  Let go of judgment, it does not serve you well, it just helps to maintain that totally unreal state of separation, the state from which you are in the very active process of leaving, permanently.

To be actually separated from your divine Source is utterly impossible because there is only the One, and all are forever One with the One.  To imagine yourselves as separated, as you did,was terrifying because suddenly you were apparently surrounded by unknown beings that were not of the One – other human beings! – but you know within the depths of yourselves that anything that is separate is unreal, non-existent, and yet that mental image is what terrifies you.

You envisaged an unreal state in which you were no longer fully alive, in which you no longer existed in God’s ever-loving Presence, a state in which it seemed that God’s Love was withdrawn from you permanently.   And that is a terrifying state to imagine, especially when it seems so real.  Your collective imagination is very powerful!

Consequently the illusion does seem totally real while you are experiencing physical form as a human, along with all the suffering and limitation that accompanies thatform.  It is a nightmare from which you are shortly to awaken.  Many of you wonder how that could be possible because it seems that the vast majority of humanity lives in fear and is totally but mindlessly engaged with the illusion and is thus supporting and maintaining it.

Well, that is partly a reasonable concern when you focus on the depressing string of news stories that the mainstream media reports, apparently supporting the all-encompassing and endemic sense of fear that worse things will follow on from today’s news: “Watch again tomorrow and see what frightful new event has occurred!”  The media fear hype is continuous, and your attending to it is like volunteering for brainwashing!

The collective decision has already been made by humanity to awaken!  You know that, because, along with the fact that at the depths of your beingness that knowledge is eternally embedded, you have also been told by unimpeachable sources on numerous occasions that this is so.  Humanity is very firmly established on the path to its awakening from which there is no turning back, no retreat.  You have a phrase: the tipping point.  Humanity is at that point.  The dark ones, the ones you frequently refer to as the Dark Cabal, are desperately trying to prevent the balance from shifting out of their control, but they have lost their footing, they have lost their grip, and the balance has shifted irrevocably towards the Light.

The fact that so many appear to be so dumbly asleep is rather like in the well known fairy tale “The Sleeping Beauty,” where the whole court fell asleep at the moment that the princess did.  When the prince arrives and kisses her everyone awakens, and that is the tipping point.  The decision to awaken was taken when the prince began to hack his way through the jungle of undergrowth, and having finally reached the castle he will shortly find the princess, and as she responds to his kiss – Divine Grace – and wakes up so will everyone else.

Today’s message, therefore, is: “Let go of Fear.”  You know deep within yourselves that it is unreal, so go to that quiet sanctuary of inner peace and ask me, or whoever of your favorite angels, saints, or holy ones you normally address and converse with, for a powerful love squeeze – we are ALWAYS here ready, willing, and delighted to be asked and to respond.  You will feel our loving energy, and it will uplift and soothe you.  Remember, we are ALWAYS here for you, that is why we watch over you, to be on call in every moment to answer and assist you.  I do acknowledge that your own personal doubts can make it difficult for you to feel our presence within your own personal energy fields, but I assure you that when you call we always respond, you are never unheard or ignored, trust me on this.

It can be helpful for some of you to look back on your lives to times when unhappy and painful events occurred that have since been resolved.  At the time it may well have seemed that your whole world was on the point of collapse, and yet now, having moved on from that moment, you can probably see that there was indeed a lesson there for you that you now at least partially understand and appreciate.  There truly are no accidents, everything that occurs has a divine purpose, namely to bring you ever forwards towards your inevitable awakening – your return to full awareness that you are eternally in the Presence of God – and to the untold joy that that awareness will provide.

And if at present, any of you again feel that your whole world is on the verge of collapse, that disaster is inevitably approaching, that there is nothing you can do to prevent it, then give the situation into my capable hands.  Having done so, relax, go and make yourself a cup of tea, or some other soothing and comforting beverage, and sit gently with it, allowing calmness to envelop you, as it will.  You are over-lighted by and held securely within the divine field of energy in which all that is conscious has its eternal existence.  Just allow your awareness, your faith that this is so to inspire and uplift you because you know that that is the only truth.

Don’t forget that I love you all most dearly, your loving brother, Jesus.


Steve Beckow – Moulting Fear and Arising as Love – 12-27-14


Steve Beckow

Perhaps it’s time for a report from one who’s agreed to go through his Ascension publicly.

Like a crab, we could be said to be moulting one shell for another. The old shell is carbon-based and the new one is  crystalline-based.  The old was run on two strands of DNA. The new is run on twelve. The old one brought fear; the new one brings love.

All of that operation is being supervised by the celestials and organized by higher-dimensional beings from lifestreams seemingly distant and apart from ours. Ours is the first time that such an operation has been attempted.

That’s the body’s biolrrogy and about it I know very little.

What interests me more and is perhaps my special work is the transmutation of the heart and mind that’s taking place as we rise into higher-dimensional vibratory regions.  I’ve always been most interested in our inner mental, emotional and spiritual workings.

Certain moods tend to fall away because our energetic floor rises.  It’s been a long time since I felt depression, for instance. I exist in at least happiness now and at some moments in joy and on occasion in bliss.  Depression seems no longer reachable.

Like a man in an elevator, I cannot reach the basement once I travelled to the first floor; once on the second, I can no longer reach the first; and so on it goes as the elevator leaves one floor behind and rises to another.

So my mood is rising as well and I don'[t fall back into the lower regions any more. Well, not much.

All the behavior patterns – the numbers and rackets, games and strategies – I used to resort to to get my way in life are now rendered obsolete by the baseline experience of love that I’m lost in most of the day these days.

That having been said, the 3D part of me is still resisting going back to the old rather than simply surrendering to the new.

It isn’t so much that love has become a new strategy to get my way. It’s that I need fewer things when I experience love.

Many things, like reassurance or acknowledgement, are passé now.  I ask for something now and I’m fine if I get it; fine if I don’t. I’m no longer in extremity, fixated, or compulsive.

I’m more satisfied with life all around. I’m quieter, less driven (not bad for a Type A personality).

My equanimity has risen in tandem with my experience of love.

I feel a need to be more compact and yet more organized. I’ve been shedding possessions and those I have are all put away in a very organized fashion. I even have a list of all that I own and where it’s kept.  Life has been simplified by both undertakings.

I follow a routine of exercise and meditation each day now.

I’m eating healthier. I used to kid Graham Dewyea about the “green sludge” blender drink he used to make for himself and drink on our InLight Radio calls. Now Archangel Michael has recommended the same drink for me and so here I am now having joined the ranks of people conscious of what they eat. (It had to happen.)

I’m slowly losing weight while my muscle mass (or collagen or whatever it is) is equally-slowly returning. I sleep sometimes till 5 in the morning these days, which is unusual for me.

Heavens, I hardly recognize myself and the change has been so gradual and imperceptible.

I no longer think in terms of accomplishments. I now think more in terms of inner peace and completion. I’m complete with life.  I don’t plan to leave but I’m also not worried about any particular outcome. Except the utter financial failure of the blog, which is a big enough worry for one person, I suppose.

It’s been at least a couple of years since I realized that I had done all in my life that I wanted to do. I’ve written more books and articles than I can keep track of and in fact I don’t keep track of them any longer. I have no recollection of what I’ve done.

Other books I’ve written and they sit in drawers. I’ve never been ambitious and now I’ve lost whatever little scrap of ambition I may have had.

Life now is about experiencing love and sending it out to the world. That’s become my meditation and my means of further transformation. Nothing seems to create growth faster and more extensively than simply sending out love to the world.

I now go out simply for exercise. I make an excuse to busy some small thing just to get me out.

Today I’m going out to buy a picture frame. I don’t absolutely need it. It doesn’t have to be now. I could have chosen to buy some zip-lock bags instead.

It’s just an excuse to go out and rub shoulders with people until Kathleen comes back from work. And smile and love and enjoy the crispness of this winter day.

Each day now after the solstice will get longer and longer and I’ll bet the same could be said for my (and our) experience of love, peace and joy.


Jenny Schiltz – Guide For Surviving the Releasing Process and Downloads – Going Beyond Cutting Cords – 12-22-14


Jenny Schiltz

We have entered a new phase in this ascension process. Instead of downloads coming at determinate times, they are non-stop now. The light codes are intense and are changing everything in our world, but even more so, it is changing us. No longer will we see huge leaps taken in groups upon planet alignments, solstices and other events. Now, more so than ever this process has become very personal and individualized.

Our bodies are going from a carbon structure to a crystalline structure. The only way it can do this is for us to clear and remove all things that no longer serve. This encompasses so many aspects of our life and it can make this process long and painful. Understand that with the switching on of our DNA to begin accepting the downloading of the crystalline codes, we are going through a physical and mental cleansing. Most of our pain, physical and emotional is actually us resisting change. Our body is confused, stressed and needs extra care taken. Our emotional and spiritual states can feel like we are in a blender of up and down emotions. Often we are resisting releasing and don’t even realize that we were resisting in the first place, this can make letting go even harder. With each piece we release, we make room for the crystalline light codes to be downloaded and processed within our bodies.

Below are techniques that I use to move through these downloads with as little pain as possible. These are my techniques and they work for me in this now. I say, in this now, because as I evolve, my techniques change and evolve too. This is an ever changing process and we need to avoid getting stuck in a rut. Feel free to try them and if they work, great! If one works and others don’t resonate, great! If you read this and none of it seems to click, great! You’ve just crossed things off your list in your search for what brings you peace.

First, water is your best friend.

You need to drink it and if you can, soak your body in it often. My guides explained that our crystalline structure will be like the Quartz crystal, which is neither a liquid nor a solid, Consuming water helps this trans-formative process greatly.When you are feeling anxious, depressed, or even angry, drink a glass of water. Dehydration can make us feel that way and this process of downloading and processing light codes is very dehydrating.

Bathing in water with crystals (my favorite are quartz, rose quartz and amethyst) can help soothe and clear our aura. I add a 1/2 cup of baking soda to help pull toxins from my body. If I am achy I also include Epsom salt which can supply us with a good dose of magnesium. Rose essential oil is also wonderful to add as it helps raise your vibration. Sit for 40 minutes. Water is also a good place to meditate and speak with your guides. It magnifies all psychic ability and communication. Many people have visions while resting in a tub.

Secondly, Daily Maintenance of the your energy body helps.

My routine is approx 5 minutes and I find that it helps me a lot. I cut cords, thoughts, clear chakras, my aura and ground my energy. On particularly rough days I will do this more than once. Don’t be intimated or think that you don’t have the ability to do this work yourself, you can and I will detail what I say, modify it to fit your needs and style.

Here is what I do daily with visualizations and explanations to help ease this process, I will post just the words for ease at the end. :

Say: I call light to myself now

(visualize a tube of light coming from source above, encompassing your body and aura. Breathe in this golden light and feel it going into your body, healing you and raising your vibration)

Say: My aura is now cleared, healed and sealed in this golden tube of light

Say: I cut all cords, attachments, agreements and contracts that no longer serve me. I cut them going past, present and future, across all time lines, aspects of self including past lives. I now release all thoughts, thought patterns, beliefs and old programming that no longer serves my highest good. I gently let go of them, going past, present, and future, across all time lines, aspects of self and past lives.

(visualize all of these aspects as things, as dark threads coming from your body. Cut them. Visualize a golden pair of scissors if this helps. I prefer a sword of light that swiftly removes it all. A lot of old programming and beliefs are held in the jaw and teeth. I pay close attention to this area and see them being removed gently).

Many of us know the importance of cutting cords, attachments and agreements. If you are unsure of why it is important please refer to this blog post: http://ramblingsascensionprocess.blogspot.com/2014/03/cutting-cords-agreements-and-contracts.html . However, I am finding that for myself, I was missing a vital piece of clearing. I wasn’t working on clearing my thoughts, beliefs, and old programming that no longer serves me. All things are energy and even if we don’t realize it we create things with our thoughts. They can cling to us and keep us from letting go and moving forward on this ascension journey.

Say: I align all my chakras all the way from the Galactic core all the way down to the Core crystal of the earth. I ask that all my chakras spin together in the correct direction. I ask that all my chakras open fully and release all they are holding that needs releasing. I ask that all my cells and DNA gently lets go of all that is no longer in my highest good.

(I see this as a black mist leaving my chakras, and coming from my pours and turning into sparkles of light. The amount that comes out and from where depends on the day and what is being cleared.)

Say: I send a cord of light from my open heart chakra down through all my chakras to the core crystal of the earth. I ground myself into the Core crystal of the earth.

(The core crystal of the earth is now a rose quartz, this happened when we were connected back to the galactic and were taken out of quarantine. See your heart cord connecting with her, your cord sinking into her, feel the connection and the love she sends to you.)

At this point I just sit in silence until I feel it’s time to stop. Feel free to add or take away anything that works for you and your process.

When I am struggling during the day with a particularly strong clearing/downloading process I will do the last two steps more. I find telling my body to release all that it’s holding even if I can’t consciously name what the block or resistance is, helps a lot.

If you have any techniques that help you, please feel free to share them in comments.

Condensed version:

Say: I call light to myself now

Say: My aura is now cleared, healed and sealed in this golden tube of light

Say: I cut all cords, attachments, agreements and contracts that no longer serve me. I cut them going past, present and future, across all time lines, aspects of self including past lives. I now release all thoughts, thought patterns, beliefs and old programming that no longer serves my highest good. I gently let go of them, going past, present, and future, across all time lines, aspects of self including past lives.

Say: I align all my chakras all the way from the Galactic core all the way down to the Core crystal of the earth. I ask that all my chakras spin together in the correct direction. I ask that all my chakras open fully and release all they are holding that needs releasing. I ask that all my cells and DNA gently lets go of all that is no longer in my highest good.

Say: I send a cord of light from my open heart chakra down through all my chakras to the core crystal of the earth. I ground myself into the Core crystal of the earth.


Susan Suehr – Overcoming the Fear of Being Judged for Your Mistakes –

Sad Woman


Susan Suehr



“Live your life for you not for anyone else. Don’t let the fear of being judged, rejected, or disliked stop you from being yourself.” ~Sonya Parker

For years I struggled with a nagging feeling of guilt. This was not for actual things I did, but just a feeling that anytime something went wrong in my life, it was somehow my fault.

I came from a religious family of eleven kids. My dear mom, bless her heart, occasionally punished us all because she just didn’t have the time in her busy day to find the perpetrator.

My older brother, the perpetrator of most of our punishments, found this all to be quite humorous. The rest of us did not.

Was it our desperate appeals to him to be better behaved, or our mom’s reaction whenever she learned of his latest subterfuge that he found humorous? Such are the trials of growing up in a big family.

It didn’t help that the nuns in school reinforced the necessity of admitting guilt and the importance of being in need of exoneration. If something bad happened to you, like skinning your knee, well it was just God punishing you for something you hadn’t been caught at.

One would normally think that guilt stemmed from believing you might have hurt someone. It took me some time to figure out the reasons for my feelings I hadn’t hurt anyone, but I felt guilty.

How Do We Untangle This Web of Guilty Feelings?

I wanted to know why I was hanging on to these guilty feelings. Self-awareness is about setting aside things that others have said about you and paying attention instead to what you know about yourself to be true.

I figured my guilt was very much attached to what I believed others might think of me.

I was using guilt as a defense mechanism. I would blame myself first, hoping to find and correct my mistakes before anyone else found out. I hoped that extra alertness might allow me to avoid criticism and judgments from others.

My true nemesis was the fear of being criticized. Keeping a ledger of past mistakes was my way of being vigilant to crush any mistakes before anyone found out.

My ledger of mistakes: the things that I did or said because it was easy and convenient, what I did not do or say when I could have, blaming others in my thoughts or not showing kindness when I could have. I even kept track of my embarrassing moments so I would never do them again.

I worried that if my mistakes were exposed, I would be judged, rejected, or disliked for them. And so I punished myself for them before anyone else could.

This fear of being exposed led me to walk through life feeling guilty for who I was and for all the mistakes I’d made. These fears were controlling my life.

I believed and feared that these mistakes were who I was, and if they were exposed, I would be exposed.

So How Did We Conquer Those Fears?

Fears are challenges that put us out of our comfort zone, and they are opportunities for real growth.

I found my growth happening when I mustered up the courage to experiment. What would happen if I lived my day the way I wanted? What if I stopped worrying about others judging me?

I started just doing my best.

I sought out new skills when I wanted my work to be better, just to make it pleasing to me. I stopped trying to impress others and hide my faults. I let them see me so I could understand and get to know them better and learn from their experiences.

Most of the time, I wasn’t judged or disapproved by others. Guess who was the biggest judge? Me!

By facing my fears, I reduced them significantly and could live with them. Knowing that others didn’t criticize me was not enough. I still had to resolve the negative self-judgments I still thought about myself if I was going to really accept myself and be free of the guilt.

So How Does One Get to Self-Acceptance?

Accepting ourselves is about recognizing that we’ve done things that we are not proud of, and this is part of being human. There is a process for dealing with regrets: sorrow with compassion, remorse, then leading to forgiveness.

That same process works for resolving those nagging guilty feelings for doing or not doing things that don’t have apparent negative impact on others. I’m talking about those times when I had negative thoughts or opinions about others, yet didn’t express them, or when I didn’t take a higher road when I could have.

Our guilt becomes this reservoir of mistakes we made in life. Mistakes are part of being human. Sometimes we are just not prepared for situations.

Having compassion for my humanity, I forgave myself for my mistakes. This opened me up to genuine acceptance for the human that I am, and that we all are.

I got to know my real self. The real me was that person who took the risk of being judged by others.

I was not my mistakes. I started getting to like me.

Then something unexpected….

I can still remember this moment. I had this feeling of love for me—faults and all. I am talking about the kind of love that you feel for someone you love deeply. I had never before felt this way about myself.

You can do this too.

Time to Be Done With Feeling Guilty

If guilty feelings are nagging at you, there is a way out. Be self-aware by knowing what is true about you. Get out of your comfort zone and face those fears of exposure.

You can change and make it better. Forgive and accept yourself inside, for who you really are. Be free of guilt and be yourself. One day you’ll find yourself loving you.


Sad woman image via Shutterstock

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About Susan Suehr

Susan Suehr is a blogger and has a web site and a blog about Changing Beliefs. She also is the creator of Miracle Grid Products, clearing tools to live a free passionate life How to Change Beliefs & Be Inspired, which she sells on Amazon.

Yael and Doug Powell – The Antidote to Fear – 10-31-14

Beloved ones, I Am in you. Always we are one. I Am sending you messages from your heart that burst forth in splendor to show you who you are. These are picked up as echoes by the little mind and taken in like beacons in the night to lead you home to the truth. And your heart is ever bursting forth new expressions of this wondrous Love that a million, trillion holograms are born to create a living, swirling, dancing matrix of the wondrous whole of God. And in this joy you forever live a sweet expression of My consciousness and the wondrous gift of My heart.

Any false ideas of fear are created by the ego-mind and spring forth from the idea that Love is not enough. But beloved ones, I promise you that it is. You need only take a moment to find the truth of your heart, and you know this. You feel the truth that you are made of life. You are filled with Love. You are surrounded with the great abundance of God. That you might taste this truth, breathe this energy, become the intention of Love’s glorious outreach and step forth in trust that I Am also beneath your feet ever and always here to support you, this is what is before you now.

Everywhere you look I Am here. Within and in what seems to be outside of you but is in fact a reflection of your beliefs. I Am here to show you that you can claim the endless good, the wondrous joy and the limitless abundance of this Love. And claim it, beloved ones, you shall. For that is the thrust of these times. I Am clearing the illusion, opening up the true vision of your heart, establishing your awareness of the real consciousness of light that you might walk in faith that Love is everything. And when it is lived you become this light and all illusions of darkness must fall away.

So if you are seeking answers to situations outside of you, remember if they are less than Love they are created of shadows. Let me light your heart that you might become the torch that burns so brightly all shadows disappear. That which seemed to be fearsome, to be made of darkness, turns out to be absolutely nothing. For Love, beloved ones, is always here and you are ready to be aware of it.

So come into this moment with Me and let Me light the fire of this Love that you remember who you are. This living conflagration of the endless and glorious powers of God. That each of you may burn so brightly that the limited ideas of less than God simply have to disappear. Even one of you that truly remembers can totally change the whole world because every heart is part of Mine, and every heart knows the truth.

You are ready to be lit by Love, to be so powerful in your experience of the truth, to be so alive in this communion with your heart that every step is suddenly clear, every moment beautiful. You are living in the time of the end of fear. When that which has been creating false evidence is returned to the truth of the living whole.

Your choice is to support this awakening heart. To give everything you are to the ending of fear. But there is no need, beloved ones, to confront it, to believe in what the mind presents as fearful. Instead please take your attention away from it. Your powerful focus that brings forth the creative power of your heart. Instead light other hearts from yours. Burn so brightly with this Love that sparks fly to catch other hearts that all may see that there is only Love and nothing else is real.

It may seem, when looking through the eyes of the dualistic ego-mind, that there is as yet a truly fear-filled world and that much of humankind is yet struggling simply to survive. But the truth of Love moves under the surface. It moves in the quantum energies and it is fully engaged. Sweeping through the hearts and consciousness of humanity ready to burst forth to create a new star to light the whole world so brightly that all shadows disappear forever and can never return.

Beloved ones, become this light. Come to Me and I will ignite you. Bring this light as quickly as you can to everyone that you can reach until this illumination is so bright and so powerful that the old ideas of a world of suffering, of duality effortlessly fade away and Love is fully acknowledged.

So anywhere in your lives where there is fear, light the light, burn as Love, lift your vibration into the glory of My presence until you fully connect with all that you are. It is far beyond remembering, deeper than visceral. It is the essence of your true nature. And it has never been gone. It has just been ignored.

It is your heart that will lead the way and make the truth effortlessly visible. That will allow the light you are to sweep the world effortlessly and to bring the whole of humankind on board until that which lives in your heart at last becomes reflected as your world.

The time is here and you are ready. If you find false evidence appearing before you, you already know it isn’t real. And you know also that it is here to assist you to remember that you can take your stand for the truth – for the heart – and blaze so brightly that the illusions disappear in an instant. That you might take each next step in total trust and in confidence that you are supported by Love.

Only a thin veneer of the old world is still in existence. It truly has no substance and very little energy. It won’t take much to bring forth this remembrance, to increase the light, until the shadows disappear.

So everywhere it seems you are being tested, anywhere old ideas still hold sway in your life, turn up the fires of Love. Become the explosion of creation itself and remember that we are one and that Love is the only truth.

I love you, I strengthen you in this. I Am the torch that lights you now until this world reflects one heart and every seeming representation of less than Love shifts into the light. All you see then is that which is living in joy: perpetual Spring-time. Trees bathed in colors that easily change back to green. Animals that live in respect of each other. And most of all the reflection of the wondrous heart of humankind as the most extraordinarily beautiful complexity of the ever-expanding Love we are, that you might live the promise for which you came – the return of this world to the truth of only Love.

You can feel the buildup of energy. You know that humankind is reaching a crescendo, that that which has been ignored or suppressed – the light – the life – the power – is on the brink of re-emergence. Give thanks, beloved ones, continuously, and leap into the fires of the heart. All of creation’s energies are you – are yours.

Dial it up. Say yes to Love. Become this attunement to the truth of God. And when your heart is open then your vision is clear. Because rather than receiving echoes of the truth, the light is so bright, the Love so profound that the little mind – the ego – can no longer pretend to be anything other than Love as well.

For a little while fear may still seem to visit as old ideas of the ego’s world still hold sway. But you, beloved ones, are connected to your heart. You are aware of what lives within you, of what you are and you are ready now to express it.

Once again, beloved ones, let me remind you to take your attention away from it. Do not look at the false evidence appearing real. Don’t lend it your creative energy. Instead, shift to the heart with all the dedication that you already choose to live. Place your vision on the truth and live in our communion until the light you are erases the false evidence.

Everywhere you look, through every vehicle of perception, be it part of the egoic dream or the pure perception of the heart, all will be in accord, seeing the truth of Love. Rejoice in this oneness that is also so filled with rich diversity as the exploration of the possibilities of Love. Expand and every electron of life celebrates your resounding “yes”. Your “yes” to Love, to life, to truth and to living the heart, being the center of the universe and living as this shining light forever.

Take each other’s hands and light up the world. Light each other’s hearts as well until the only thing that stands is truth and not illusion. And everywhere you look is the unity of God and the majestic endless exploration of all the aspects of this Love.

Beloved ones you are such a gift to Me. There is a meaning to Creation that lives in our communion. In it you are given the key to the awareness of living both/and. Both as the pure, indivisible, unending Love and the unique conscious expression of your aspect of My heart. It is a dance, it is celestial music, extraordinary in its nature and ever more increasingly blessed. And the world, beloved ones, is poised on the threshold of becoming its own expression of My heart. And this is extraordinary as well.

Let every breath, beloved ones, be gratitude breathing. And every moment be ready to explore just how you can light other hearts and show the glory of consciousness to this wondrous experience of life.

You have come to live in an amazing time. A time that is the end of time. Love is already awake beneath the surface. You need only reclaim the light that the truth of your hearts becomes visible and that it shines forth as the world.

I Am with you as I Am also in you. And you are forever in Me. We are one breath of unity breathing and we are the heartbeat of creativity exploring new ways of being Love.

The Lighted Ones via Andrew Martin – Even Fear Is Growing Tired of Fear – 10-29-14

Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin
 Channeled by Andrew Martin   –  October 27, 2014

Greetings Dear Ones,

As the month of October is coming to a close, we understand that many of you feel like you have no idea what is next. You may find yourself shifting from joy, to fear, to sadness, to anger and then back again, all the while marveling at how surreal and incredible this whole month has appeared! Many times it seems as if you are outside of yourself observing the whole thing through a two way mirror. Watching with detachment and keeping the illusions of drama and chaos at an arm’s length. Then suddenly you find yourselves in the thick of the action surrounded by emotional upheaval and reactionary patterns that you haven’t engaged with in months, or even years!

You may find yourselves picking up old habits of thought and belief and in the very next moment remembering how outdated they are and remembering that you have long since discarded them. You find yourselves laughing at what once used to cause you fear…not out of a lack of compassion for those who still choose the path of fear but out of a recognition of how far you have come. Your amusement is of the remembrance of how those paper tigers used to immobilize you but how you now see them for what they are: Merely an opportunity to see past the illusions that once used to keep you so transfixed.

So many at this time are still becoming accustomed to the energy of detachment. When you have spent so much time trapped in the illusions of fear and separation, detachment can feel very uneasy. We remind you that worry is not the same as compassion. That being upset about something isn’t a gauge of how much you care. Creating drama is not evidence of your concern. It is only through your steadfast alignment with and offering of Love that you can be a pillar of strength and a beacon of Light. The only pandemic that exists upon your planet, is a pandemic of fear. Anything else is only a manifestation of that fear.

There are many groups upon Earth right now who are beating the drum of fear and anxiety…screaming at the top of their lungs for everyone to “Beware”! Yet it would seem that even those groups are like an actor who has grown weary of their performance. The lines they have been tasked with speaking have lost their resonance and they no longer care to play the parts they once agreed to play. Even the fear that used to hold so many of you so tightly in It’s grip is fading. It is almost as if fear doesn’t even believe in itself any longer. It is putting on a show that fewer and fewer people are showing up to take part in.

For the sake of this message, we would like to personify fear for a moment. It is like an actor who used to pack the house to the rafters, and now sees fewer and fewer people showing up. Fear ends It’s nightly routine and as it sits in the dressing room, removing the makeup and taking off the costume, it knows that It’s successful run is almost over. Fear is elated at this development, because fear can only continue to perform It’s one man show as long as people come to watch. It agreed long ago to play the part it has played so that there would be contrast available to ensure you had another choice to choose. Fear is just as eager to retire It’s illusory act as we are to see it retire. Playing the part of the villain is exhausting and is only rewarding as long as there are people in the audience. When you see fear rear it’s costumed head, bless it and thank it for all that it has done. Say “Thank You” for the service it has provided and remind it that it no longer has top billing and that it is now retired.

How appropriate the upcoming celebration of Halloween is at this time. It is a wonderful opportunity to externalize your internal monster. To dress it up and make it a caricature of what it once was. To drag the boogey men from the closet and out from under the bed and to invite them to dance and play with you brings an immediate shift in your energy. When you reassert that fear is not only no longer in charge but that it is no longer necessary, you free up the energetic space that it once held in your vibration. You are only bound by your perception of that which you are. When you are choosing to let fear exist in your field, it will lovingly show up to play the part that you have requested it to play.

We remind you that when you desire something, that you are immediately provided with the essence of what you have requested. Whether the essence of it is Love or fear, you will be provided with the means to realize your request. When you begin to observe the fear based structures in your life as you would a child having a tantrum, you comprehend that it is not the tantrum that needs your acknowledgement, for the tantrum is the symptom. When you see fear show up in your life, merely ask it what it needs for you to see, to hear, to feel and it will immediately show you. Once you see that the fear is only a masked aspect of who you are you can poke through the illusion and love what has shown up masked in fear. Just like the children who will show up on your doorstep with refrains of “Trick or Treat”! You will not run in fear that it is an actual goblin that has shown up, but merely another childlike part of you that has emerged for you to acknowledge. Once you have acknowledged it, you can then asses whether or not it is an aspect that needs healing and release or healing and integration. Either way, the fear is not the truth, but merely the aspect that is hiding behind the mask of fear.

Continue to practice compassionate detachment when you see others locked in the choice of fear. Continue to love and bless all aspects of yourself that show up seemingly with the intention of causing you fear. They are no more than an aspect of All That Is dressed up in costume playing the part that they agreed to play.

In Love and Light we leave you.



Copyright © Andrew Martin. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter or edit it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice link: http://www.thelightedones.com


Supportive Steps To Dissolve Fear and Illness – Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene via Natalie Glasson – 10-19-14


Discussions on Supportive Steps to Dissolve Fear and Illness

by Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 17th October 2014- www.omna.org

Mother Mary : It is with the vibration of the 9th Ray of Light I greet you today bringing forth the brilliant colours and vibrations of a blue and green light focused upon soul integration and exploration as well as the merging of the heavens with the Earth; light with matter. Please allow me to dowse you in the blue and green light permitting it to seep into your entire being. As the reality of the blue and green light of the 9th Ray of Light surround you, let yourself breathe in the healing vibrations, wisdom and transformational shifts this aspect of the Creator promotes.

Soul integration with all aspects of your physical, emotional and mental bodies is essential in all periods of ascension and yet it is at this stage it is vital. There is an importance and a need for you to have confidence in the divinity, truth and sacred abilities of your soul that transmit through and embody all aspects of your being and reality upon the Earth. This is not to understand the mystic and sacred abilities individual to you, more so it is to understand the basic tools and abilities your soul brings forth and enhances within your being which can be recognised as the same within all beings. This is the time for humanity to unite together in a deep understanding and confidence in their spiritual and natural abilities to alter and shift circumstances on the Earth and personal realities. The belief systems of the Earth and created by humanity which preoccupies and governs ev eryday life upon the Earth now need to be erased completely, with new beliefs born from the soul of each person created and anchored as the new consciousness of humanity.

Mary Magdalene: Fear is simply a door way before you which can be opened to allow you to embrace new higher vibrations of love and truth especially within your reality upon the Earth. A door before you only becomes a blockage or a hindrance when you believe you do not have the ability or the strength to open the door. I will share with you, remind you and empower your confidence and courage as I say to you that you have the power to open the door and experience the powerful loving truth of the Creator. The Creator does not wish for you to suffer with any form of attachment to or experience of fear or illness. The Creator wishes for you to dissolve all forms of attachment to fear and illness realising your power to move through your ascension creating only loving positive blissful experiences for yourself. Attachment or detachment to the creation and experience of fear and illness are now your choice. You make this choice through your thought process and that which you choose to believe in.

Do you believe that fear limits you, causing your energy and power to crumble, thus causing you to be helpless? Do you believe fear is yours to accept and experience in your reality? Do you believe illness is your divine right or is inevitable when evidence of illness is present in your reality or in the worldwide Earth? The Real questions put to you now which hold the most power and influence in your life are;

Are you ready to disregard what seems to be evidence of illness and the creation of fear on the Earth in favour of knowing your own power and knowing you can choose the reality you wish to experience? Are you ready to create a world beyond fear and illness even if you are bombarded with evidence that states otherwise?

Mother Mary: It is time to accept your power and realise that whatever occurs upon the Earth you have the choice whether you wish to experience it. With the spread of illness upon the Earth you have the choice to decide whether you will be infected with illness or not. With fearful situations arising and occurring to others you have the choice whether you wish to adopt and emanate fear or not. If you choose to adopt fear then you will be attracting experiences that cause you fear into your life.

Your life is your choosing, no other person can decide or dictate your life to you. It is time to accept this truth and begin to live in a way that expands, enhances and embodies this same truth within your being. You can choose to say ‘No,’ to experiences of fear and illness and ‘Yes,’ to experiences of love, peace and continuous health. Your life now lies in your beliefs about everyday things and your dedication to cultivating that which you desire to experience. It doesn’t matter what another being shares or experiences, you are the creator of your own reality and you have the constant support from the inner planes, guides, angels, ascended masters and goddess beings.

Mary Magdalene: I wish to share with you some techniques to support you in moving into a reality where you create the options and experiences you wish for your reality.

I wish to advise you to first listen to your reality the messages and beliefs you hold and the messages and beliefs given to you by others, by media and by seemingly factual evidence. With awareness choose which you wish to accept and which you wish to discard. For example, if you hear that illness is spreading across the world, choose to send love to all that are experiencing illness while choosing to affirm and make your truth that you are free from illness, always healthy and filled with vitality. Know with deep certainty that the simple belief will ensure your health and wellbeing at all times. Another example could be if an experience occurs in your reality or in the world and this creates fear within yourself and others, say No, to fear, choose to release and let go of fear knowing that in doing so you are de-energising fear within you and within other people. Then create a feel ing of love and safety within your being, think thoughts of love and safety, affirming to yourself the reality you choose to experience. Remember you are the Creators of your reality; you have the divine right to choose that which you wish to experience, this has never before been so important. If each person and soul on the Earth was to realise they have the power to choose that which they wish to create all illness, fear, poverty and any other harmful energy would be powerless and non-existent.

Belief is a resonance and alignment to an energy, when you believe in love, safety and health, no matter what evidence is shared with you to dissuade you, you align with and become love, safety and health.

Mother Mary: Call love, light, peace and vitality into your being, let these energies shower over and through your being, imagining, sensing, acknowledging their colours, vibrations and positive influence upon your being. Believe in love, light, peace and vitality, see, sense, and acknowledge your entire being emanating these four energies constantly from every aspect of your being continuously.

Call upon the 9th Ray of Light to merge the higher energy, aspects and consciousness of your soul into your physical body and auric field so you will be influenced positively by your soul accessing the guidance and intuition of your soul. Your soul does not resonate or align with fear or illness, because of this it will act as a protection and a guiding light in your reality and being.

Mary Magdalene: Let the love of your heart and soul be your answer and response to all situations, beliefs and experiences. Love is the answer, the result and the experience eternally for you, if you choose it to be, dedicating yourself to cultivating this reality for yourself. You can create it for yourself only and yet your dedication will impact upon all souls and beings on the Earth because they will align with the vibration you emanate: the vibration of love. Love is akin to a magnet, everyone is attracted to align, resonate as and with love, it is contagious! It is also fulfilling for you and acts as the strongest protection of all and a powerful creator of truth and divine wellbeing in your reality, thus in the realities of all. Let your love shine out so bright in every moment of your day and ask us your guides and the Creator to magnify and enhance the love you share and expe rience.

Mother Mary: Take time to choose the reality you wish to experience, energise your choices through affirmations, visualisations and asking for light empowerment for your choices from your guides and angelic beings.  The greatest shift that is required to take place is the understanding you hold the power to choose that which you wish to experience, no person, group or government can dictate to you your choices and experiences and yet you can live peacefully alongside any energy or within any community.

Please be aware that we are speaking of making choices within your mind predominantly, this doesn’t necessary indicate that any action or demonstration needs to take place. This is a peaceful shift within you which no other person need know about. It is a time when you detach yourself from general consciousness of reality, quietly within your mind you choose your thoughts, knowing they will manifest within your reality. It is also important to realise that all forms of manipulation which you may create will only anchor you deeper into being manipulated by others. When you focus on love, light, peace and health in your life, knowing they will simply manifest causing enhancement and fulfilment to your reality and all then you will be supporting the expansion of love upon the Earth and within all.

Let our words inspire a gentle shift in your mind which creates happiness within your being and reality. This gentle shift encourages the question with great compassion, ‘What do I choose to make real in my reality?’ the answer is filled with abundant compassion, love and truth that is beyond the ego, desires, desperation and needs.

With truthful love, blessings and inspiration,

Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene via Natalie Glasson – Fear, Healing – Your Greater Ascension Evolution – 10-18-14

natalie glassonGreetings dear brothers and sisters of the light, I honour your journey and existence upon the Earth at this sacred time. It is my wish to bring forth the wisdom of the New Era of Love in order to build your connection, alignment and belief in love within your reality and ascension process on the Earth. There is so much love to be experienced and to be embodied within your being and all around you pulsating from the source that is the Creator. It is time to truly dedicate and commit yourself to the Era of Love, if it is your greatest desire and wish to experience such a reality upon the Earth. It is my wish to share with you wisdom and enlightenment I have received from the Era of Love energy vibration while imagining it as a wave flowing from and through my own being.

It is first appropriate to acknowledge that love is always present and yet will not be present for you unless you choose to acknowledge and accept love. This means that if you do not believe in the presence of love in your reality or that you are unworthy of love then you are resisting the love of the Creator, choosing to ignore the presence of the Creator’s love. In this situation you may even create circumstances to encourage you to believe in the lack of the Creator’s love within your reality. Similarly if you allow the circumstances and experiences of the outside world, which may be negative or demonstrate pain and suffering, encompass your mind and create your beliefs, then it may also be difficult to accept the presence of the Creator’s love within your reality and being. The Creator’s love is so precious it is like a jewel or a treasure, it can only truly be seen when one is willing, choosing and truthfully wishes to embrace its presence within the universe, entire world and every being upon the Earth including you. Without your belief in the love of the Creator and your belief that it can lovingly influence and support your reality then it can be challenging to accept the existence and to have experiences of the Era of Love.

It is secondly appropriate to acknowledge that your natural existence is the love and harmony of the Creator. Like a magnetic pull you cannot help be attracted to recognising yourself, other, your life and the world as the love of the Creator.
This magnetic pull is so strong because you are composed of the love of the Creator and yet you pull with all your might in the opposite direction to the magnetic pull. Such actions cause chaos and disharmony within your being and creations thus creating challenges for you. It is very tiring to constantly pull yourself away from your natural existence, natural attraction and natural energy. In this period of ascension you are being asked by your soul and the Creator to dissolve everything that stands in your way or that you place as an obstacle to the natural magnetic pull to be in harmony with the Creator’s love. It is now time to quiet and soothe everything within you to allow for harmony and alignment with love to prosper and develop thus creating ease, perfection and fulfilment within your being and reality. The greatest fulfilment for your soul and entire being is to be as one with the Creator and especially to experience a deep harmonisation with the Creator. In this state everything evolves and manifest perfectly, allowing you to emanate contentment and happiness in every moment of your reality thus magnifying the love of the Creator. You may wish to affirm:

‘I allow myself to move in harmonised alignment with the love of the Creator and to greater union with the love of the Creator. I release all obstacles of my own creation emanating from my own being that challenge my natural instinct of
harmony with the love of the Creator.’

It is thirdly appropriate to acknowledge that fear and love complement each other. Fear and love are akin to two extremes of the same energy. Your natural energy of fear is actually very loving towards you and extremely protective over you, wishing you to be safe and secure at all times. Your natural vibration of love wishes you to be safe and protected as well but aspires for you limitless expressions and experiences of love, prosperity and fulfilment within your reality. Your natural love vibration and energy wishes you to experience the love of the Creator in everyone and every situation within your reality, creating a prosperous abundant reality of magic. The energy of fear creates limitations in love while the vibration of the Creator’s love creates limitless experiences; both are required in harmony and balance with each other. If fear is always demonstrating to you the limitations then you cannot experience the limitlessness of the Creator’s love. If the Creator’s love is always demonstrating limitless experiences then you may find you never truly ground and embody your
experiences of the Creator’s love.

At this time in the ascension process and unveiling of the Era of Love every being upon the Earth is beginning to erupt like a volcano with fear. The presence of love signifies that fear or negativity cannot be present. This holds truth and yet
honestly we speak of the controlling, suffocating and disempowering influence of fear which is unable to be present. When the love of the Creator is accepted more fully within all aspects of your being fear transforms into a powerful protector, yet gentle and observant in its approach to instilling safety and a radiance of protection through your being. Fear no longer warns you but simply asks you to be gentle and loving with yourself, being fully conscious at times. In order for the gentle natural role of fear to manifest the controlling bulling aspect of fear must now be released and transformed. This is where the image of you erupting like a volcano comes into play. All controlling and bulling aspects of fear that belittle your safety and disempower you are coming to the surface to be recognised and released. This has been occurring for some time now and is a natural experience when the presence of the love of the Creator is evolving. Fear is flowing from the depths of your being, from long forgotten thoughts and experiences and even from areas you previously concluded had been healed and transformed into love. In no way does this diminish your ascension process or the growth and expansion you have achieved, it actually symbolises being at the edge of accepting a fuller, deeper, fulfilling love of the Creator in existence within your being.

With such fears rising and bombarding you now, it will create emptiness within your being and especially at an emotional level allowing a deeper resonance with love to move into and fill the space. Thus you will acknowledge, recognise and
perceive the beautiful love of the Creator in greater depth and resonance within and all around you. Please know you are moving through a powerful process of overcoming the control and power of fear within your being and therefore your
reality. Let these fears erupt from within you, let them bombard you leaving their debris at the surface of your being and awareness because you know by doing so you are hearing, sensing, seeing the natural magnetic pull of the Creator’s love
as you also realise you are magnetically attracting the love of the Creator to you from within and outside of you. Your greatest realisation is you are so magnetic to the love of the Creator it is unstoppable; this is due to the fact you are the

Do you believe yourself to be strong enough to withstand the eruption of controlling fear within your being wishing to escape? I honour and believe in you because you have the greatest tool and ability to greet each fear that rises; you can greet fear with your unconditional love and acceptance as you gently usher it out the door.

The Era of Love vibration speaks much of encouraging the constant use of unconditional love and loving acceptance, describing these actions, their existence within you and expression from you as the miracle master healers of your being. The Era of Love encourages you to call upon its energy, consciousness and vibration asking to be supported completely in cultivating, expressing, valuing and empowering your natural abilities of sharing unconditional love and loving acceptance, first with yourself and then with others. Such a request can easily be placed by simply calling upon the purest
vibration and consciousness of the Era of Love to surround you, penetrate your being and to pour from within you. Then simply express your request to be supported in exploring your abilities of unconditional love and loving acceptance in your reality.
The Era of Love consciousness speaks to you and guides you; it is actually the new wisdom, the wisdom of the new age coming forth to be accepted, embodied and to transform all from the old era into a civilisation dedicated to love. The Era
of Love simply invites you to listen and sense its energy, awaiting patiently its revelations of wisdom and enlightenment.Then addressing or experiencing the controlling or bulling aspect of fear you may wish to state:

‘Fear I greet you with unconditional love and loving acceptance, this is a safe space for all aspects of myself to exist in harmony and loving truth. I honour you Fear for your protective and altering nature, I am thankful for your presence in my life and I now release and let go of the controlling bulling, unneeded aspects of you Fear that disempowers me.  I heal and balance you, Fear, with love so we can work in perfect harmony, empowering all that I am and all that the Creator is with every present moment. Supported by the Era of Love, I am strong and empowered by love, easily and lovingly letting go of disempowering Fear. Thank you and so it is.’

Then simply sit and imagine the fear being lovingly embraced in your miracle master healers; unconditional love and loving acceptance. If the fear fills your entire being, let your entire being be embraced with your miracle master healers;
unconditional love and loving acceptance. Know unconditional love and loving acceptance require activating from the heart chakra especially when controlling fear is present. Take a few moments to breathe in and out through your heart
chakra and say ‘I activate my miracle master healers; unconditional love and loving acceptance.’

It is important to remember and be conscious that when a disempowering fear arises it is a gift of accepting and experiencing love, it is a part of your ascension process now and it is a moment to empower yourself, manifesting the Era of Love for you and all.

With unconditional love and loving acceptance,

Mary Magdalene


Karen Dover – Releasing the Fear of the Unknown – 10-13-14


For many of you at this time it may be a time of utter chaos, as the old 3D earth created constructs begin to dissolve there are no reference points that your human logical mind can reach in this frequency and so the human logical mind goes into a panic.  Many of you may have felt the increase in energies over the past few days especially just on or at the full moon.  At a human conscious waking mind level this may play out with roles and patterns being shown for what they are in TRUTH.  The triggering that is done at a human conscious waking mind level may be intense with very physical symptoms that may appear in various forms.

It is to be noted that in order to allow the flow and the movement of the New Earth energies then you must move from being a “solid” to “melting” to “fluidity”. The “solid” form being the static, solid that the old 3D earth created construct teaches you to be in order to be present and live in human form upon this planet.  As this is released then this form moves to “melting” mode, where the energies begin to flow and movement begins to occur. It is in this movement that your deepest fears will begin to surface as you have been taught to hold tightly on to them and to create from WITHIN them.  As they begin to move to the surface you may begin to believe that they are real and that you must “do” something with them.  All you are required to do is to acknowledge them and then to allow them to flow. Attempting to address them or ignore them will see them begin to be “fed” with the very frequencies that you are trying to allow to release and dissolve.

This is done on ALL levels of your BEing so can be felt on ALL levels and will play out on all levels. Many of you at this time may be tempted to try to hold on to other lifetimes and try to live through these lifetimes by bringing them into your current waking reality. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth, only TRUTH is supported and TRUTH JUST IS.  The human race are moving into evolution, they are NOT recreating another reality that exists on any other dimensional level and this must be acknowledged and accepted and released fully.

The dance with other dimensional realities will have you remain in the “loop” of frequency from which this was/is birthed and will see you blind to the loop whilst feeding it.  The “unknown” has been taught to the human race as the “enemy”, to allow SELF to expand is to walk in the unknown and be in TRUST and FAITH of SELF at all moments of all moments, this does not mean that the unknown is indeed unknown for you are creating this at higher levels of your BEing and then allowing the expansion into said movement.

At this time there is much panic in the world, energetically a race that has been kept in isolation and kept in containment has just been handed the keys to the jail cell but much like a prisoner who has been kept caged and has subsequently adjusted to said cage the walk out of the jail cell may feel to be very scary indeed.


A New Earth and a new way of living is birthed through moving into expansion in ways never experienced before, it is not achieved by revisiting other dimensional timelines and trying to replicate something that has already been experienced despite how “comforting” or “secure” this may attempt to make you feel it is further distortion.  THIS is the only waking reality in which the New Earth can be birthed with off planet and inter dimensional distortions seeping into and throughout the old 3D earth created construct it is not  TRUTH to interact with them on any level. They will seek at all times to pull you out of balance and to pull you out of alignment.

At this time you are asked to allow the melting and the subsequent flow of energies through you, around you and within you, noting that at first this may seem overwhelming and may seem to be the very opposite of what your human logical mind wants to happen. ALL JUST IS and ALL IS BY DESIGN.  FLUIDITY has been prevented from being experienced by the human race until this moment and you are asked to BE.  As the outer waking reality begins to move into fluidity you will instinctively know when to move and to shift and to align fully with it.  It may feel as if you have been visited by an emotional storm, any storm has a calm centre and this is the place to BE whilst the storm rages and re-aligns the outer waking reality.  The shifting will be at a speed that you allow and can expand with, attempts at stopping the movement will see you in emotional pain and constriction and is not supported by the New Earth frequencies. By allowing the flow you allow expansion into the “unknown” which then shifts to become the known.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.



Jesus via John Smallman – Release Yourselves from Fear by Embracing Love – 10-12-14

Jesus postingJesus: Release Yourselves from Fear by Embracing Love. Channelled by John Smallman, October 12, 2014. http://wp.me/p1B8dY-ko

Waiting is difficult for you. Here in the spiritual realms, where time is not an issue, we do understand this aspect of the illusion as many of us have had lives as humans.

In the spiritual realms all is always just as it should be, perfect. Within the illusion more and more of you are opening to the Tsunami of Love and to the awareness that you are, each and every one of you, on a spiritual path or, if you prefer, a spiritual mission to assist humanity to awaken and dispel the illusion.

To do that you have to be human! And that means that you are, to a certain extent – in fact to a very large extent indeed – unaware of the absolute brilliance with which the Divine Entity that each of you is shines forth, constantly. You were created perfect and you remain perfect for all eternity.

But to enter the illusion as humans to assist humans in the awakening process it was essential that you became like them, lost, confused, and seemingly abandoned in a fearfully threatening and unforgiving world.

It is unreal, but it seems wholly real, all that exists, to the vast majority of humans, and death seems like the end, the termination point of a brief, unsatisfying, and pointless life. An unfair and unreasonable experience that gives you no choices of your own that would allow you to alter it to suit your rightful needs and desires.

The illusion is your conception, your institution, your dream or nightmare depending on how you are experiencing and interpreting it. For eons it seemed that it was a given that you had to accept and cope with, but in the last hundred years modern psychology has begun to show you that you can change your experience by changing your mind about it.

You can choose to feel overwhelmed by the situations that seemingly envelop you, and collapse under them remaining a crushed and helpless victim of circumstances, or you can choose to accept life as it is presented to you, deal with the situations with which it apparently confronts you, and move forwards.

Life is always about this now moment. However, you have managed to lose sight of that, and you focus massively on the past in vain attempts to prevent it from recurring in the future, or to ensure that it does recur in the future. But, there is only the now moment, and everything that affects you, that influences you in any way happens in this now moment.

The other problem for you is that the now moment seems so brief. Could such a brief, ill-considered thought, word, or momentary motion or activity truly cause such an enormously unexpected outcome? The answer is a resounding yes!

You do create your own reality by the thoughts, words, and actions with which you engage. Your problem, as humans, is that in the restricted environment that you appear to inhabit it is very difficult to foresee the possible consequences to which they lead. You collectively chose to build an environment that was severely restrictive, limiting, and uncertain, because you wanted to experience that uncertainty and the confusion that it produced. And now, after eons of pain and suffering, you have collectively decided that enough is enough.

Having made that very sensible decision you have then needed to ascertain the way forwards out of your endless suffering and into a state of lasting peace. “How is peace possible?” you ask one another as you observe the vast number of conflicts, distrusts, and betrayals that you observe all across the world?

Peace is impossible you declare, because of all those unstable and violent ones who would maintain a constant state of war because it gives them power, control, and wealth. And so you conclude that armies and weapons are an essential form of defense against those misguided ones in order to maintain peace. That is an insane belief, as you know in your hearts, but fear prevents you from acknowledging that one truth that would set you free.

As all the channels are repeatedly telling you “LOVE is the ONLY answer to all the problems that you experience.” Yes, if you embrace Love, it seems to you that you are laying yourselves open to permanent abuse, pain, and suffering by making yourselves insanely vulnerable. But, on the other hand, you know deep within yourselves that Love is THE answer.

What the spiritual channels are doing, and what you Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Wayshowers are doing is fearlessly embracing the Love field that eternally supports you, and demonstrating by your faith, and by the results that occur in your immediate lives, that this is true.

AND where people are refusing the Love and refusing to trust, the conflicts, suffering, and betrayals continue – endlessly. There are now more than enough of you on Earth actively demonstrating Love as a way of life – the only way of life, the Real way of life – to bring lasting peace to your confused and suffering multitudes.

Keep on Loving and watch your relationships – personal, societal, business, and international – stabilize, warm, develop, forgive, accept, and become as One. You know it makes sense, and that nothing else does.

Remember, you are eternally and infinitely supported by your loving Father, and therefore by all sentient life forms that our Father has created. The only opposition is from a few, a very few, a tiny minority of insane ego-driven souls in human form who can only achieve their aims if you support them.

Just stop supporting them. Your only reason for doing so is because you are fearful, believing that you are small, insignificant beings in a vast and threatening Universe, and you fall for the egoic blusterings of these few insane and utterly misguided ones who would persuade you that Love is weak and that you need their strength – but they have no strength! And to fall for that line of reasoning is also insane.

You are all Divine Beings created from Love by God for eternal joy. That state is available to you right now! Wake up and embrace your Father, the Divine Field of Love, the Tsunami of Love that surrounds and supports you in every moment! Release yourselves from fear by embracing Love, and watch with amazement as those few misguided ones who would control you fade away into the unreality of the dissolving illusion.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


PL Chang – How Fear Weakens Your Energy of Empowerment



By PL Chang

Empowerment is an expression of energy that has the potential to empower your soul to the point where no amount of fear can scare you into giving up your freedom, sovereignty, and natural rights. If used wisely, this energy of empowerment can prevent fear from weakening your soul, because it can act like the light of a burning candle that pushes the darkness away, giving you tremendous courage, strength, and spiritual power.

What is fear?

Fear is the strongest thought form in the negative polarity. It is often experience through negative emotions that cause you to feel nervous, scared, or uncomfortable. Fear is the negative thought form that weakens your soul, because it puts your mind in avictim consciousness state. This negative state of mind prevents you from appreciating the gift of love, making it hard for you to understand others and appreciate life. Fear also brings chaos into your life and prevents you from accessing your higher thinking ability. These negative effects of fear are the reasons why the Controllers (Elites) like to use fear to control the hearts and minds of the people.

How fear weakens your energy of empowerment

Fear weakens your energy of empowerment by making you scare of facing things that you are fearful of. By not facing your fears, you are making it impossible for you to understand and overcome them. The lack of understanding your fears will cause confusion, doubt, and anxiety, leading to psychological and emotional problems. If these psychological and emotional issues aren’t healed properly, they will negatively affect your mind, body, and soul, causing you to lack self-empowerment. To prevent these negative effects of fear from consuming your vital energy, you need to be more responsible by facing your fears instead of running away from them.

Fear is your greatest weakness because it promotes confusing, anxiety, and cowardice. These negative effects of fear lower your intelligence, preventing your from thinking clearly and understanding your fears. Because fear is your greatest weakness, it is one of the best “mind control” tools to use for controlling your mind. The Controllers are well aware of how powerful fear is as a “mind control” tool, which is why they are always using their mainstream media to broadcast news related to fear, such as wars and terrorism. For strong evidence of these claims, read this controversial article titled How Mainstream Media Deceives You with Its Magic Tricks.

One of the worst things that fear does to disempower you is by interfering with your ability to connect to the divine energy that supports your existence. This divine energy is the loving energy of Creation that focused your body and soul into being. Without this energy connection your body and soul will cease to exist. When you lack the connection to this divine energy, it weakens your intuition, creative thinking skills, and intelligence. Fear also lowers your frequency, which in turn makes you vulnerable to illness, emotional problems, and manipulation.

How to overcome your fears

One of the best ways to overcome your fears is to face them with love and courage. You will also need to learn to observe your fears, so that you don’t allow your fears to control how your body process your emotions. By doing these things, you can build up the courage to face your fears without letting them disempower or control you. Once you understand your fears to a certain point, you can overcome them to a great degree.

Another great way to overcome your fears is to learn how to turn fearful information into knowledge of empowerment. When you fear something, it is because your mind has been conditioned to process that information in a way that causes you to respond to it in a negative way. Most of time this occurs because you don’t understand what that thing is. This lack of understanding creates a type of phobia in your mind that disempowers you, causing you to subconsciously freak out whenever you see or sense something that you fear.

By conditioning your mind to turn fearful information into knowledge of empowerment, you can control how you respond to fearful information. For a great article on how to use knowledge to empower you, read this empowering article titled Turning Knowledge into Wisdom and Using It for Empowerment.

Reducing the power of your ego to overcome your fears

Conditioning your mind to overcome your fears can be hard, but if you learn how to reduce the power of your ego, it will make it much easier for you to overcome your fears. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that our ego is an “evil” entity in our head. This belief isn’t accurate. The ego is actually a part of our personality that has lost a great portion of its connection with other sections of our mind and higher self. This sense of separation gives the ego a false sense of finite life, causing it to live in a false state of fear and loneliness, which is why the ego always feels the need to consume whatever it can to survive.

The ego loves putting you in a state of victim consciousness, because this state of mind disempowers you, which in turn increases the ego’s power. To prevent the ego from putting you in a state of victimhood, you need to be a more responsible human being, so that you don’t give away some of your responsibilities to your ego. The more you give up your responsibilities to your ego, the more powerful it becomes and therefore the easier it is for your ego to control you. For more empowering tips to overcome your ego, click on the previous link.


Mary Magdalene – Fear, Healing – Your Greater Ascension Evolution – 10-3-14






Image Credit

Mary Magdalene  / Image Credit

Fear, Your Greater Ascension Evolution and Healing by Mary Magdalene

Channeled through Natalie Glasson  /  3rd October 2014  /  http://www.omna.org


Greetings dear brothers and sisters of the light, I honour your journey and existence upon the Earth at this sacred time. It is my wish to bring forth the wisdom of the New Era of Love in order to build your connection, alignment and belief in love within your reality and ascension process on the Earth. There is so much love to be experienced and to be embodied within your being and all around you pulsating from the source that is the Creator. It is time to truly dedicate and commit yourself to the Era of Love, if it is your greatest desire and wish to experience such a reality upon the Earth. It is my wish to share with you wisdom and enlightenment I have received from the Era of Love energy vibration while imagining it as a wave flowing from and through my own being.

It is first appropriate to acknowledge that love is always present and yet will not be present for you unless you choose to acknowledge and accept love. This means that if you do not believe in the presence of love in your reality or that you are unworthy of love then you are resisting the love of the Creator, choosing to ignore the presence of the Creator’s love. In this situation you may even create circumstances to encourage you to believe in the lack of the Creator’s love within your reality. Similarly if you allow the circumstances and experiences of the outside world, which may be negative or demonstrate pain and suffering, encompass your mind and create your beliefs, then it may also be difficult to accept the presence of the Creator’s love within your reality and being. The Creator’s love is so precious it is like a jewel or a treasure, it can only truly be seen when one is willing, choosing and truthfully wishes to embrace its presence within the universe, entire world and every being upon the Earth including you. Without your belief in the love of the Creator and your belief that it can lovingly influence and support your reality then it can be challenging to accept the existence and to have experiences of the Era of Love.

It is secondly appropriate to acknowledge that your natural existence is the love and harmony of the Creator. Like a magnetic pull you cannot help be attracted to recognising yourself, other, your life and the world as the love of the Creator. This magnetic pull is so strong because you are composed of the love of the Creator and yet you pull with all your might in the opposite direction to the magnetic pull. Such actions cause chaos and disharmony within your being and creations thus creating challenges for you. It is very tiring to constantly pull yourself away from your natural existence, natural attraction and natural energy. In this period of ascension you are being asked by your soul and the Creator to dissolve everything that stands in your way or that you place as an obstacle to the natural magnetic pull to be in harmony with the Creator’s love. It is now time to quiet and soothe everything within you to allow for harmony and alignment with love to prosper and develop thus creating ease, perfection and fulfilment within your being and reality. The greatest fulfilment for your soul and entire being is to be as one with the Creator and especially to experience a deep harmonisation with the Creator. In this state everything evolves and manifest perfectly, allowing you to emanate contentment and happiness in every moment of your reality thus magnifying the love of the Creator. You may wish to affirm:

‘I allow myself to move in harmonised alignment with the love of the Creator and to greater union with the love of the Creator. I release all obstacles of my own creation emanating from my own being that challenge my natural instinct of harmony with the love of the Creator.’

It is thirdly appropriate to acknowledge that fear and love complement each other. Fear and love are akin to two extremes of the same energy. Your natural energy of fear is actually very loving towards you and extremely protective over you, wishing you to be safe and secure at all times. Your natural vibration of love wishes you to be safe and protected as well but aspires for you limitless expressions and experiences of love, prosperity and fulfilment within your reality. Your natural love vibration and energy wishes you to experience the love of the Creator in everyone and every situation within your reality, creating a prosperous abundant reality of magic. The energy of fear creates limitations in love while the vibration of the Creator’s love creates limitless experiences; both are required in harmony and balance with each other. If fear is always demonstrating to you the limitations then you cannot experience the limitlessness of the Creator’s love. If the Creator’s love is always demonstrating limitless experiences then you may find you never truly ground and embody your experiences of the Creator’s love.

At this time in the ascension process and unveiling of the Era of Love every being upon the Earth is beginning to erupt like a volcano with fear. The presence of love signifies that fear or negativity cannot be present. This holds truth and yet honestly we speak of the controlling, suffocating and disempowering influence of fear which is unable to be present. When the love of the Creator is accepted more fully within all aspects of your being fear transforms into a powerful protector, yet gentle and observant in its approach to instilling safety and a radiance of protection through your being. Fear no longer warns you but simply asks you to be gentle and loving with yourself, being fully conscious at times. In order for the gentle natural role of fear to manifest the controlling bulling aspect of fear must now be released and transformed. This is where the image of you erupting like a volcano comes into play. All controlling and bulling aspects of fear that belittle your safety and disempower you are coming to the surface to be recognised and released. This has been occurring for some time now and is a natural experience when the presence of the love of the Creator is evolving. Fear is flowing from the depths of your being, from long forgotten thoughts and experiences and even from areas you previously concluded had been healed and transformed into love. In no way does this diminish your ascension process or the growth and expansion you have achieved, it actually symbolises being at the edge of accepting a fuller, deeper, fulfilling love of the Creator in existence within your being.

With such fears rising and bombarding you now, it will create emptiness within your being and especially at an emotional level allowing a deeper resonance with love to move into and fill the space. Thus you will acknowledge, recognise and perceive the beautiful love of the Creator in greater depth and resonance within and all around you. Please know you are moving through a powerful process of overcoming the control and power of fear within your being and therefore your reality. Let these fears erupt from within you, let them bombard you leaving their debris at the surface of your being and awareness because you know by doing so you are hearing, sensing, seeing the natural magnetic pull of the Creator’s love as you also realise you are magnetically attracting the love of the Creator to you from within and outside of you. Your greatest realisation is you are so magnetic to the love of the Creator it is unstoppable; this is due to the fact you are the Creator.

Do you believe yourself to be strong enough to withstand the eruption of controlling fear within your being wishing to escape? I honour and believe in you because you have the greatest tool and ability to greet each fear that rises; you can greet fear with your unconditional love and acceptance as you gently usher it out the door.

The Era of Love vibration speaks much of encouraging the constant use of unconditional love and loving acceptance, describing these actions, their existence within you and expression from you as the miracle master healers of your being. The Era of Love encourages you to call upon its energy, consciousness and vibration asking to be supported completely in cultivating, expressing, valuing and empowering your natural abilities of sharing unconditional love and loving acceptance, first with yourself and then with others. Such a request can easily be placed by simply calling upon the purest vibration and consciousness of the Era of Love to surround you, penetrate your being and to pour from within you. Then simply express your request to be supported in exploring your abilities of unconditional love and loving acceptance in your reality.

The Era of Love consciousness speaks to you and guides you; it is actually the new wisdom, the wisdom of the new age coming forth to be accepted, embodied and to transform all from the old era into a civilisation dedicated to love. The Era of Love simply invites you to listen and sense its energy, awaiting patiently its revelations of wisdom and enlightenment. When addressing or experiencing the controlling or bulling aspect of fear you may wish to state:

‘Fear I greet you with unconditional love and loving acceptance, this is a safe space for all aspects of myself to exist in harmony and loving truth. I honour you Fear for your protective and altering nature, I am thankful for your presence in my life and I now release and let go of the controlling bulling, unneeded aspects of you Fear that disempowers me. I heal and balance you, Fear, with love so we can work in perfect harmony, empowering all that I am and all that the Creator is with every present moment. Supported by the Era of Love, I am strong and empowered by love, easily and lovingly letting go of disempowering Fear. Thank you and so it is.’

Then simply sit and imagine the fear being lovingly embraced in your miracle master healers; unconditional love and loving acceptance. If the fear fills your entire being, let your entire being be embraced with your miracle master healers; unconditional love and loving acceptance. Know unconditional love and loving acceptance require activating from the heart chakra especially when controlling fear is present. Take a few moments to breathe in and out through your heart chakra and say ‘I activate my miracle master healers; unconditional love and loving acceptance.’

It is important to remember and be conscious that when a disempowering fear arises it is a gift of accepting and experiencing love, it is a part of your ascension process now and it is a moment to empower yourself, manifesting the Era of Love for you and all.

With unconditional love and loving acceptance,


Mary Magdalene


Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman – The Illusion of Fear – 9-2-14

archangel-michael-desktop1Archangel Michael: The Illusion of Fear, channelled by Ronna Herman, September 1, 2014, at: http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html

Beloved Masters, will you pause with me for a moment and take inventory of your recent accomplishments, and what may seem like defeat or failure to you?

I would like for you to take a closer look and come to a better understanding as to what the initiation and Ascension processes are all about. You are getting a clearer picture of the workings of Cosmic Law and the magnificence and complexity of our Sub-universe as the veil of forgetfulness is lifted and you begin to tap into the wisdom of your Higher Self and Super-conscious mind.

However, you still have doubts and are confused when you are confronted with some of your old fears and emotions.

All humanity, without exception, is progressing by leaps and bounds – yes, even those who seem to be stuck or mired in victimhood, and karmic interaction of cause and effect, the drama of good and evil or duality/polarity consciousness.

Deep within every sentient Being there is a discontent, a yearning, a feeling that changes must be made – that they cannot continue in the same old painful patterns of existence. As you are witnessing, some will choose to vacate the physical vessel, returning to spirit form to await an easier, gentler time to return and continue the journey of physical expression.

Others are becoming bold as they reach out into the unknown and find we are waiting there to assist them – and so, they begin to hope and dream as they take control of their destiny.

Just as you must acknowledge, clear and release all negative memories and energies within your physical/etheric, mental and emotional structure, so it is with your Mother Earth as well. This is the source of the “destruction process” that you all fear so much, but it need not be as radically cataclysmic as has been predicted and as you have been led to believe.

True, all that is not in harmony with the higher frequency vibrations of the new age must be transmuted, transformed or lifted; however, this can be accomplished by becoming aware of the core beliefs which do not resonate with the more rarified higher fourth- and fifth-dimensional awareness of the future.

As you are aware, your Mother Earth is also striving to attain a higher level of God-consciousness. In order to do so, she must clear the negative stream of core memories within the astral plane/her auric field – the maelstrom of negative mass consciousness beliefs of humanity from many past ages. This is where many of you are having difficulties. You are not yet able to discern which are your own core beliefs rather than those created by the many different races, cultures and religions over the many ages past.

As you begin to become aware of and dip into unity consciousness, which creates great wonder, joy and a sense of no longer being alone, it also opens the door for you to tap into those ancient memories of fear, failure, betrayal and shame that others carry in their auric field. You do not get just the positive energies, Beloveds; part of your mission is to assist all humanity in becoming aware of its self-limiting beliefs, and the negative, destructive thought forms and actions.

That is why there seems to be so much senseless violence, why so many are lashing out in anger and pain. The world of form seems to be crushing and bruising those who cannot face their own creations and acknowledge that they have, indeed, created their own hell-filled world of fear and suffering.

They blame everyone and everything but themselves. For without allowing the soul or Higher Self to assist in the healing process, it is just too painful to face their creations, and the ego-desire personality becomes even stronger and more in control of the thought processes and behavioral patterns.

That is why we are “pulling out all the stops” you might say, in order to assist those of you who are the vanguard, those who are opening the way and creating the path for others to follow. The process must be clear; it must be simple and not complicated as the ancient wisdom teachings were, for in the past, the Ascension process was designed for the select few.

Those of you who are the teachers and the Wayshowers have had or are experiencing all the emotions, fears and setbacks that will confront humanity at large. Many of you have made a great sacrifice and agreed to pass or experience many tests that were not of your own making (but an accumulation of the memory/energy patterns of other parts of your vaster Being).

In other words, many of you came with energies composed of many different facets or expressions, which you did not directly experience as a soul, but which you agreed to have placed in your energy (auric) fields and your DNA so that you would have to balance and overcome these imperfections. So, Beloved Ones, do not judge a beautiful, awakened soul who seems to have had much more than their share of adversity. Honor them; emulate them, for they are smoothing the way for you.

And so, we ask you to observe the patterns of fear and doubt that are emerging, that which is keeping you from moving on to the next level of en-LIGHTEN-ment. Each level has its own tests, trials and pitfalls, and many of you are hindering your progress because you cannot let go of old deep-core energy patterns.

Many are still caught in a struggle for power, on the one hand, while creating and performing great deeds of goodness, but still trying to control or force their truths or ways of thinking on others. Many of those who still feel they must serve and sacrifice in order to grow spiritually are being taken advantage of by those who have not learned that what you take from others unjustly, ultimately, you are only taking from yourself.

Many are still imprisoned in relationships which are hindering and hurtful, rather than supportive and allowing growth and expansion. They are afraid to step out of the status quo or take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and well-being.

So many are afraid to face their nightmares and bad dreams, for they may come to realize they are of their own making, and that they are responsible for their own personal transformation. Stagnation and a sense of futility are the formula for death, Beloveds: death of the emotions, death of mental alertness, hopes and dreams, and eventually, death of the physical vessel.

What are your greatest fears right now, Dear Ones? What obstacles are keeping you from opening that next door to higher awareness and Mastery? Before you can accept and wield the gift of the First Ray of Divine Will, you must face and conquer your fears and demons. We have endeavored over the past years to give you the tools and wisdom to accomplish this, but ultimately the task is yours alone.

These next years are critical, and we have said this many times before; however, it is important that you become aware of just how quickly the process of evolution, or the Ascension of humanity is progressing. If you are to stay on track and keep up with the frequency acceleration of your planet and with those who are reaching for the stars on their way back home, you must come to terms with yourself, with your fears, and your sense of being disconnected from your Higher Self and the realms of Light.

Allow me to give you a gift, an exercise which will help you break through the restrictive walls of your fears and doubts and help you release those patterns that no longer serve you. We wish to impress upon you how harmful the energies of fear are – energies which are keeping you from claiming the gifts of Mastery – and how simple it is to move through them.

Stand before a mirror or hold a mirror in your hand and gaze into this mirror as you bring into your mind that which you most fear. Just as we have taught you to fill your body with Light, I now ask you to allow this fear to build as you create and imagine the worst scenario possible that has to do with this fear.

Feel it begin to permeate your body, feel it especially in your heart and solar power center, as you move your consciousness throughout your body and feel the restriction, the stress, the crippling energy creep in and permeate your Being. Now look into your own eyes, see the pain, study your facial expression as it changes and ages. Feel the pressure build until you know you can tolerate no more.

Now, Beloved Masters, take several deep breaths as you move deeper and deeper into your Sacred Heart Center and draw forth the Sacred Love of our Father/Mother God from within your Diamond Core God Cell – a precious gift that is always available to assist you through every trial and test. Call upon your OverSoul-Self to fill you with the healing frequencies of the Violet Flame, and with all your senses become aware as this wondrous gift pours through and around you. Can you hold on to the fear or does it dissolve into nothingness as this magic elixir of loving energy permeates your Being?

Again, look in the mirror and see how soft your eyes have become; how youthful is your countenance. Feel the expansion in your heart and the release of the stress and strain within your body and muscular structure. Fear cannot exist where there is Light – where there is Love.

Breathe in the gift of life – breathe deeply of the Essence of Creation that is being offered to you. When you are in fear, you restrict and cut off the flow of the Pranic substance of life. This may seem like a drastic exercise, but in truth it is a great gift, for many of you cannot progress until you face yourself in the mirror, and allow your fears to be reflected back to you. You will become aware that the fear does not originate “out there,” but from within.

More and more of you are becoming aware of your life mission and how important it is. Do not fear to boldly step out, Dear Ones. Because you are assisting in the healing and resolution of the negative frequency patterns of your ancestral lineage. As you move upward on the Path of Light, you will also have available to you the wisdom and wealth of positive experiences from all the many lives of your soul companions.

This is the wonder of unity consciousness. Have you not noticed how many teachers and messengers are bringing forth almost identical information, for they are experiencing the same emotional ups and downs, as well as receiving the same thought impulses?

Many of you have gone to gatherings where you felt a deep sense of coming home, of being reconnected with long-lost family or friends. Just as many of you no longer feel in harmony with your physical family, nor seem to have anything in common with friends of long standing. Do not judge; become the observer-allow your Higher Self to supply you with the wisdom you need to move through or overcome any situation or obstacle.

As you move into nonjudgment and are willing to allow the highest outcome to occur in all situations, you will break free of the bonds of fear, and life will become a constant source of wonder, joy and thanksgiving. Claim the gifts that are being offered to you, precious Ones, you have earned them.

Move through the fog of fear into the Light of the dawning age. Walk boldly with a spring in your step, a smile on your lips and joy in your heart – those behind you are watching, my brave Warriors of Light, do not falter now. Show them, as we have shown you; take their hands and support them, even as we have done for you. Tell them that you cannot take on their tasks or burdens, but you can give them the benefit of your wisdom and experience.

You will not have to make claims or state what level you have attained. You will not have to try to impress or dominate, for you know within your heart who you are and that is enough.


You must learn to identify the source and deal with your own negative thought forms. Often your negative feelings are picked up from those around you, especially if you are a very empathetic person. Learn to surround yourself in a sphere of Golden/White Light in which nothing of a lesser vibration can enter and disturb your tranquility.

Everyone on Earth is in the process of clearing ancient memories and thought forms of the past. Be a passive observer when these feelings roil up within. Do not claim them, just observe and state to yourself: “This is anger I am experiencing,” or fear, depression, guilt or any other dis-empowering emotion. Envision a blazing ball of Light descending from your Higher Self, bursting into a million tiny, crystalline diamonds rippling throughout your body, transforming and balancing all discordant energies within. Do this as often as necessary.

Shut off your mental auto-pilot, and become the director of your journey and your experiences. Tune into your own mental receiving station as you seek thoughts, vibrational patterns and sounds that are uplifting and empowering. Negative, critical thinking is composed of lower, disruptive frequency patterns. If you don’t like what is happening in your world, lift your thoughts and change your mind so that you are projecting “balanced, uplifting frequency patterns of thought and intention.”

Learn to think with your whole brain – meaning, use both your linear, analytical outward-focused left brain, along with your intuitive, creative, inward-focused right brain. Tap into your genius potential or the Light Packets of wisdom stored within your Sacred Mind, which are attuned to the higher dimensional or the cosmic storehouse of knowledge.

Do not always express or project your emotions toward others. Allow yourself to feel and express whatever emotions you are experiencing, but first analyze and resolve them within your own sacred space. Speak and share only to clarify or clear up a misunderstanding, and always share your thoughts through a filter of love and compassion. This is the way of a Master.

Beloved Bearers of Light, as you integrate more of the plasma of renewal and become harmonious purveyors of Light, we are now able to more freely interact with you, and to work through you to create wondrous new things. By agreeing to do so, miracles beyond your greatest imagining will abound. We enfold you in the Light of Life from the heart core of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. I am ever near to guide and protect you.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : RonnaStar@earthlink.net

www.RonnaStar.com * www.QuestForMastery.com * RonnaStar@earthlink.net




Peggy Black and The Team – Antidotes to Pandemic of Fear and Hatred – AscendingWithPlanetEarth Blog


“We are here, witnessing the incredible chaos and conflict that is occurring on your planet. Many are saturated with feelings of discouragement and disbelief of the repeated scenarios of violence and conflict. We want to encourage you to shake off any discouragement and any feelings of hopelessness or powerlessness.

“These feelings actually add to the energy matrix that is being played out on your screen of reality. It is important to remember that you are a magnificent creator, you are a being of divine light and consciousness. You are here, so to speak, on assignment to support and transform these misqualified energies.

“However, the collective field of consciousness is intense with the frequencies of fear, struggle, hatred, and misuse of power. This collective field of energy and emotional vibration infects the thoughts of everyone. Everyone is empathic and feels this dense energy. Most suppress this because they do not know how to deal with it. Nevertheless they are a part of it.

“You could say that there is a pandemic outbreak of the deadly disease of fear and hatred.  It is manifesting in the actions of individuals as well as in the assembly of groups opposed to one another.  This pandemic of fear, helplessness and misuse of power is continually generated by the images that are broadcast in your evening news.

“We invite you to step back for a moment and acknowledge who you personally are. You are a transformer of dark, misqualified energies and actions. You are a member of the family of Light. You are a divine, magnificent, multidimensional starbeing who is here on this planet to uplift and shift all that is life diminishing.

“The antidote to this pandemic of fear, hatred, and violence is your awareness of who you truly are and your willingness to hold and anchor a new reality. Each awakened being who continues to radiate the frequencies of forgiveness, love and gratitude into the matrix and the collective consciousness is offering powerful work.

“You are not helpless in this reality. You are powerful beyond measure. So step up and step into this personal power. Begin to generate frequencies and vibrations that are life sustaining.

“When you recognize that you are judging the events that are occurring, STOP!   Reset your thoughts and projections which are only adding to the very thing you are disturbed about. This is a practiced skill that we are inviting you to master. You know this; it is a matter of remembering.

“We know that this is what you might call big work. Let us assure you that you are up to the task or you would not be here on this planet at this time.

“Your assignment is to observe events in your personal life as well as what is occurring in the collective and to offer an uplifting frequency of your focus of love and light into the very thing that wants to polarize you.

“Remember, negative emotions are addictive just as are your processed sugars and other types of drugs and behaviors. It is time for you to be honest with yourself and begin to honor who you are. You are a divine being who happens to be caught in the frequency web of this pandemic of fear and hatred.

“It is with your intention and your connection with the truth of who you are as a galactic citizen that you can offer your light frequency into any situation with the intent to transform it.

“As you observe the events that are broadcast on your television remember to not judge or condemn. This adds energy to the very situation you want to change.

“So begin to watch your news with the realization that you can shift the reality of what is broadcast and fed by the collective fear, judgment and misuse of power. Begin to see or call forth and anchor a life sustaining reality. See a positive result occurring, a miraculous unfolding happening. Bless each individual that is offering more negative vibrations than a loving frequency. Do your best to see these individuals as the divine spark that they are.

“Begin to envision the leaders of the world awakening and offering a harmony and co-creation of peace and well-being for all. It is you who can bring this about. When you judge their actions, when you condemn their actions, you are adding to their power.

“Imagine you could speak to each one of the world leaders in the enteric realms, reminding them of who they truly are. Begin to call forth their true magnificence. Invite divine beings of light to inspire their actions for good.  When there is a meeting of these world leaders, make sure you have also invited divine counsel to be in attendance to guide the decisions that are made.

“Be consistent with this work. Do not be discouraged when it appears that nothing is changing. Trust us when we say that you and others who are holding this new reality are bringing it forth.

“Call upon the non-physical beings of Light to support and assist in this transformation. Call upon the legions of divine beings and angels to minister to these situations of violence.  It is when each human owns their power and truly steps into that power that your reality will shift.

“Let us assure you that there are more and more awakened individuals who are beginning to anchor a life sustaining reality. Your numbers are increasing. Each one is adding more light, love, forgiveness and gratitude to the collective matrix.

“You are an important element to this unfolding. Join this increasing number of awakened conscious beings and begin to envision a reality that supports life, that supports well-being and the honoring of all. In whatever manner and at whatever level, begin. Each time you uplift your attitude or judgment of another, each time you offer a prayer of gratitude, each time you invite the support of the non-physical beings of light to assist you and the situation you have focused upon, you are making a significant difference.

“We have shared all the many ways that you can offer your awakened vibrations and thoughts. Join with others, have your own personal support group of like-minded individuals who encourage you to maintain your highest and most profound frequency and divine power and connections.

“Remember to shake off the limitations and the feelings of powerlessness. These are just an illusion that is a part of the pandemic. You are the solution, you are the antidote. It is your strongly held frequency of love, joy, and compassion that reinforces and anchors a foundation for change.

“We know we have engaged your attention. We know we have stirred your remembering of who you are and why you are here at this time. We acknowledge your courage, and your willingness to be a part of this wonderful evolution of consciousness. You are seen and you are deeply appreciated. We are always on call for your behalf, as are all the infinite beings of light, for the healing of this planet.   This transmission is complete. the ‘team’

“©2014 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may  share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.  www.morningmessages.com
“FREE 88 messages available.

A Comment from Peggy

“I have never before make a commit about the transmissions from the ‘team’. I know that many of you avoid watching the news because it is so disturbing. We must remember that we are the only ones who can anchor a different reality. I would like to invite each of you to spend this next month as a Conscious Alchemist watching the news and reading the news with the intention of offering an uplifting new reality to each situation. Send your light, love, forgiveness and compassion to every news article that you desire to be resolved and healed. Call upon all divine beings of light to minister to each situation in your neighborhood or any place on our planet where there is conflict. See this resolved to the highest and best for all; envision harmony, and peace. I have been doing news homework at the request of the ‘team’ for over five years and it will be wonderful to have a large group of conscious beings joining me. Let’s make the difference.

“Blessings of deep gratitude,



Saul via John Smallman – Fear Freezes, Misdirects and Confuses

John SmallmanSaul

Here in the spiritual realms – the numerous levels or areas beyond your illusory 3D environment – we are very busy preparing for your awakening and adding the finishing touches to the great celebration that has been prepared to welcome you Home.  And yes of course celebrations have often been talked about in reference to humanity’s awakening, so your interest now is undoubtedly in the actualization of those celebrations, in fact: WHEN!?  We try to suggest time lines bearing in mind that time is of the illusion, but time is what you experience and the seemingly endless waiting is very stressful, tiring, and disappointing for you.

The awakening will happen soon, and in reality it has already happened, because you never went to sleep for more than the briefest instant, but it still seems to you, caught up in the apparent reality of the illusion, that you have been kept interminably waiting for this wondrous event.  And we work hard to help you keep your spirits up while you wait by encouraging you to focus on its inevitability and its imminence.  Deep within you, and for the most part barely accessible to you, you do know that awakening is imminent and inevitable but, as you struggle with daily life and the hope and intense desire to awaken, that waiting can be exhausting, debilitating, and extremely frustrating.  That is why it is so extremely important to visit your inner and sacred sanctuary daily, and remain there until you feel a sense of relief, a strengthening of your faith, the warmth of our love for you, and even a sense of amusement as you consider that when you have awakened, and the illusion is gone, you will be absolutely overflowing with delight and merriment.

To remain focused on the inevitability of humanity’s awakening is essential, do not be distracted by the depressing bad news events on which the media and indeed the general populace place almost their entire attention.  As you go within, feel the Love, feel the intense inner knowing that the divine plan is unfolding just as divinely intended, and remind yourselves that the Will of God, the Will of the One, your will is always achieved.

We know how difficult it is for you to detach from the unreality of the illusion because your physical bodies are anchored there, and you are apparently anchored and constrained within them, experiencing all the physical sensations on which they depend for feedback so that they can remain strong and healthy . It is indeed confusing and unsettling for you, and even more so when you suffer illness or injury and the further restrictions those conditions impose on you.  For you it is an enormous paradox, an incomprehensible state of affairs, over which it seems that you have almost no control, especially as part of the experience of being embodied is to learn to control the body and have it behave as you desire.  We do understand, and we are deluging you with spiritual assistance in every moment.  To which you no doubt feel like replying: “Well how about some physical assistance that we can feel and enjoy?”

And you of course then answer that question immediately by reminding yourselves that you do feel assisted when you go quietly within and allow the distractions that plague you to fade away for a moment or two.  We are constantly with you, supporting and encouraging you, and we will never leave you on your own, even for an instant, because it is our lovingly assigned duty and a great honor to be with you while you work so diligently to bring humanity back to wakefulness.

You have all adopted the intent to awaken, you did it before you incarnated to experience this lifetime, and although you often forget your spiritual purpose as you go about the daily business of just being human, the intent remains firmly established within you.  It is an intent that will not be overridden.  The fact that you forget you made it, feel that you are not competent for the task you have undertaken, and doubt your ability to actualize it cannot in any way interfere with the divinely guaranteed outcome.  All will awaken!

Think of all those you know and love in this lifetime, remind yourselves how dear they are to you, bask in the feelings of warmth those thoughts of them bring to you.  When you do this the flow of divine Love through you, as a channel or conduit to humanity and to Gaia, strengthens and intensifies.  This was the vision that you embraced prior to incarnating, You, an unobstructed gateway into the illusion, through whom Love flows continuously, like a vast snow melt, as frozen hearts soften, dissolve, mix, and integrate into that wondrous all pervasive Tsunami of Love, the One, of which you are all essential aspects.

You are bringing humanity to wakefulness.  It is apparent everywhere when you open your eyes to see, instead of allowing yourselves be numbed into a state of severe depression and hopelessness by the outpourings of doom and gloom with which the mainstream media attempt to force feed you daily.  Prove it to yourselves by going on-line and just searching out some good news to counteract the depressive effects of the media’s never ending flow of misery that they would have you believe is the overall state of affairs planet-wide.

Yes, there is misery in many places, all of which can be remedied, and to be aware that this is so and to send Love to those who are suffering is a major part of your work on Earth.  BUT the good, the inspiring, and the uplifting happenings far outweigh, by an order of magnitude, what those who pull the strings on the world stage and in the mainstream media wish to direct and focus your attention on in order to keep you in fear.  Fear freezes, it misdirects, and it confuses.  Just look at some of the political discussions and arguments that are reported by the media.  They frequently do not address the real issues, just the symptoms, which are then dealt with at length and with little if any wisdom.

Love is your nature, humanity’s nature, and It will always be your nature.  Its apparent lack in the illusion is only apparent.  You see It flowing freely in areas where natural disasters occur, even if only fleetingly in the immediate aftermath.  Then fear is allowed back in as shortage of the necessities of life encourages people to fight for them.  But truly there are no real shortages, Gaia provides amply and abundantly for all on the planet. Shortages are constructed to enable the “authorities” to regain control.

You have all seen this happen.  And yet there are millions of kind and generous souls spending their lives far from home and loved ones to relieve these unreal shortages and support those in need.  They experience severe frustrations with the inadequacies of the systems, meant to assist them, that prevent them from doing their jobs properly.  The will to good is there, as is the Love to support it and ensure that it is achieved.  You see this happening after floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions as neighbor helps neighbor and even the military cooperate.  Then very quickly the “authorities” take control and the freely flowing kindness, compassion, and cooperation cease as agencies argue with one another over who is in charge.

When Love flows no one is in charge, there is no need because all can see what needs to be done and each does what is required and what her competence enables her to do, and a synergistic and cooperative flow ensues in which all are most effectively engaged.  Love is always the answer, whatever the situation, the problem, or the issue that needs to be attended to.  So continue to be loving, to extend love to all with whom you relate or with whom you interact, AND to those who appear to be causing the problems and the suffering that plagues the world, and by doing so awaken humanity.  That is why you incarnated, and I assure you that you are totally capable of achieving what you set out to do.

With so very much love, Saul.




Infinite Waters – 7 Reasons You Should Not Be Afraid

Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)·868 videos

You Are Worthy!
Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below:
My Website: http://infinitewaters.net

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council – Fear is Obstacle to Ascension, Consciousness – No Fear in Higher Dimensions – 3-10-14


Mira of the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner: March 2014

A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Channelled by Valerie Donner, March 2014. http://www.thegroundcrew.com/channeled_messages.htm

Greetings I am Mira,

I think most of you know that I am serving on the Earth Council to assist the Earth with the Ascension process.

We are your observers, your advocates, your teachers, your friends. We are with you and have been with you from the beginning until the end. We help you in many different ways. We are with you in person and not just in the skies. We love it when you wave to our ships and welcome us with you hearts and smiles. This encourages us to connect with you further.

Some of you are waiting for a “Big Event.” We know you are hoping it will be us coming en mass or that we will take away some of your lessons. Well, what I want to tell you about this is that you are in the “Big Event” now. It is the Ascension process and if we were to come en mass or if you were in three days of darkness most of humanity could not handle it.

You already know this, but holding the energies for us to come or for other massive spiritual awakenings is still paramount. It is part of your jobs. I am asking you not to put your lives on hold but to continue to do your inner work and keep opening your hearts. Continue to join with others in meditations and prayers for the planet. When you do this work it impacts the consciousness more than you know.

There is goodness coming to you. It will ease some of the burdens and make big differences in your lives. It will free you and help remove fear. Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to your Ascension and consciousness. This is why many of you are facing challenges in this area. Remember that fear is nonexistent in the higher dimensions.

We know your hearts and your beautiful faces. As Ground Crew you are welcome signs to us. Before your incarnations we planned together with you about how we would work together at this time. You will be stepping up the pace of your work. You will notice that there will be nudges for you to do something different or new. You will be guided to become more visible.

Many of you are with us in your dreams. We are busy going around assessing what needs to be done. If you wake up tired you might have been in a long meeting with us deliberating what needs to be done in various places. See, we are already working together. You know who you are and we will get together with you in person when the consciousness is right.

Continue being the sparkling Lights on the Earth. You are making a huge difference just being the Light. Keep your eyes on the sky and your hearts open to each other. We are One.

I am Mira in loving service.


Infinite Waters – What Does It Take to Become Fearless?

Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)·796 videos

Become Your Greatest Version!
Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below:
My Website: http://infinitewaters.net

Mooji – Overcome the Fear of Going All the Way

Moojiji·495 videos

“There is a feeling to merge now. But finally, as we are turning the key, some fear comes” …

This Satsang DVD: ‘I Am Not Looking for Right Answers — I Am Looking For You’, Zmar Retreat, 12 May 2013, Session 2 and music: ‘Zikroulahi’ from the album ‘Into the Deep Blue’ are available on http://www.satsangshop.com/music/543-…

Archangel Michael – Choosing Love Over Fear – 11-22-13


Oracles and Healers

Michael and Company

We begin today by once again offering our congratulations on your continuing progress.  You perhaps see nothing, although you are beginning to feel much, but we see amazing changes in the field of energy surrounding you.  A great deal of beneficial change has been initiated and is having lasting effects which are, perhaps just peeking into your awareness.  Think of it as the plantings in your winter greenhouses.  They shall be well along by the time your new season of growth arrives, able to be transplanted from your inner to your outer lives.  That season may occur sooner than you imagine.

Let us now speak of a heavenly happening which many of you are watching.  Some are watching it in trepidation and fear.  Some are seeing beauty and wonder.  It is, of course, your choice.  There is a great light, a comet, about to light up your nights.  We heartily recommend that you look upon this approaching piece of the cosmos, this approaching being, as a bringer of gifts, as a wondrous and beautiful holiday present, if you will.  As you know by now, everything gives you the opportunity to choose between fear and love.  What if you choose love this time?  How will that impact you and also your world?  It is a happening not seen in this magnitude before, and perhaps never again.  And it is, we affirm for you, a happening mentioned in some of your indigenous lore for quite a long, long time.

This will confirm for all who ‘have eyes to see and ears to hear’, as you like to say, that the time has arrived.  You are truly in the thick of it.  And although you may not see great change in your personal surroundings yet, we urge you to pay close attention to yourselves as a community, as a oneness.  As you learn to do that, you will begin to sense what we can only describe as an upheaval, a major turning point, that which you have all been waiting for.

It will not be a ‘flash-bang-what-was-that?’ sort of change.  And yet, when what has happened begins to sink in, you will see that it is exactly that.  It will be almost as quick as the change which did in your dinosaurs.  Of course your dinosaurs were not wearing wrist watches and following twenty-four hour newscasts.

So our best advice now is to welcome the changes, both inner and outer.  Receive them with gratitude and appreciation, after all, you have co-created them.  And continue to focus on the better world you wish to live in.  See it in as great a detail as you are able.  It approaches.

We hold you in our loving embrace and thank you for your fortitude and the amazing abilities which you have demonstrated and still do not see.  Good day, dear ones.

Oracles and Healers

Paula Moran – 3 Steps to Release Fear – Emotional Healing

Paula Muran·6 videos

3 Steps to Release Fear. Discover 3 easy steps to change around fear in your life. Use these three steps to change any fear in your life around.

I love a good challenge let me find your fear issues and release them for you. Visit my website http://www.PaulaMuran.com and learn more about what I can do for you. Or email me at askpaula@paulamuran.com. Namaste!

Infinite Waters – The Real You vs The Ego – The Search For The Authentic Self

Infinite Waters (Diving Deep)·746 videos

Lifting The Veil To The Authentic Self!
Feel Alive by Ralph Smart. The New Book Now Available Below:
My Website: http://infinitewaters.net

Jessica & Diego – Fear is the Cause of Depression, Anxiety, Sadness

Jessica Schab·250 videos

This is the first video i did with Diego, i wanted to interview him on his ‘End of Fear Project.’ We only knew each other for a week but perhaps you can see the connection and now we are together, he knew i did not at the time. Diego is a speaker and writer for Universities on Psychology conferences on Science of Consciousness and Mind Events in Sweden and the Department of Consciousness studies in Arizona.
for more videos from Diego http://www.youtube.com/user/bittekeine

Perceptive fear is the biggest energetic, psychological & emotional disorder. The fear i am referring to in this video, is not to be intended as natural fear, (as like fears toward a tangible threat, a real danger and so on, which are natural fears & are necessary too), but as ABSTRACT fears (that’s why i came up with the term ‘perceptive fear’).

First of all perceptive fear is a form of energy, (scientifically proven in terms of electromagnetic vibrations & communication within the neuronal activity), indeed it can affects not the mind only, but also the body, health & especially our own balance of consciousness creating: anxieties, depression, confusions, insecurity & malevolent conditioning’s. This can even include the body, dysfunction of reason and
unbalanced state of vision. If not even worse than that. No matter now how big and acute our fear is, nor from which reason it comes from, when we’re experiencing
perceptive fear every aspect of our life becomes affected by this unbalanced condition: (psychologically, energetically, physically, intimately, consciously & subconsciously). It
affects: the body, the mind, the decoding of our own memories, our relationships, our actions, the perception of our-self & everything else. Not to mention the connection itself between us &everything is around us.
Fear is the main source of slavery. within, then manifested outward. It is so mentally, as like it is so socially, intellectually and, specially, energetically. So the perceptive fear is,
primarily, an unbalanced energy which affects the thoughts projecting the mind toward delusions, depression or toward illusory solutions, creating struggles within struggles,
competitions within competitions, beliefs within beliefs, anxieties & doubts within other anxieties & other doubts or simply apathy (therefore losing our own source of
consciousness itself). That’s really the reason why people get depressed. It doesn’t happens because of the conditions in which they are, (or because of past events), but it happens because of the way, how people reacts toward their life’s becoming.
Usually, totally projected (& identifying themselves) toward the ‘solutions’ supposed & aimed to clean up their depression: (being afraid to not able to face their inner fears, or simply worried of being not willing to face them), or becoming totally addicted of/by the dense energy of apathy, delusion & sadness.
Diego Kricek Fontanive

F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real – The High Council of Orion October – 03-2013

Matt Muckleroy·1,027 videos

High Council of Orion — Channeled Message — 3rd Oct 2013
3rd October 2013.
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
F.E.A.R — False Evidence Appearing Real

Tony Samara – Being Fearless – How to be Free from Fears – Interviewer Lilou Mace

Lilou Mace·1,962 videos

Joy Kingsborough Meditation – Releasing Fear – Projecting Love – Frequency 396 Hz

Joy Kingsborough guides you through this 20 minute meditation with audio suggestion and Solfeggio Frequency 396 Hz. Meditation was recorded live in May 2011.


The Solfeggio frequency has been designed to rest the fight/flight system in the body that engages fear. With fear at rest, the body is free to expand awareness and enter into states of rest, repose, healing, and bliss.

To learn more about Solfeggio Frequencies visit: http://www.sourcevibrations.com/downl…

Dolores Cannon – Releasing Fear, Karma

starseedfilms·82 videos


A Message About Bad Days – Ask Teal Episode

TheSpiritualCatalyst·97 videos

Ask Teal Website – http://www.askteal.com
Enlightenment is only the beginning, because after enlightenment you still have to engage with physical life, and physical life was designed to be a means for creating expansion. Physical life is a learning hologram. No one who is alive is exempt from expansion and so, no one is exempt from contrast. And as long as there is contrast, there is the recognition of what is unwanted as well as the recognition of what is wanted present within you.

Most of us have a clear idea of the goal that we are headed towards. We want to be enlightened. We want to be absent of ego. Most of all, we want to be free of suffering. We have a picture in our heads of what we think that enlightenment looks like; our perfect image of the spiritually enlightened person. But what most people don’t know is that this image we are holding on to, is a lie that we keep telling ourselves.

Enlightenment is not like that. Enlightenment is no kind of retirement from life itself. It is no kind of retirement from the ups and downs. We create the illusion of enlightened retirement from the ups and downs when we feel resistant to the ups and downs. We invent the idea that enlightenment means perfect bliss twenty-four hours a day only when we are suffering and we want an end to that suffering. Enlightenment is only the beginning, because after enlightenment you still have to engage with physical life and physical life was designed to be a means for creating expansion.

Physical life is a learning hologram. No one who is alive is exempt from expansion and so, no one is exempt from contrast. And as long as there is contrast, there is the recognition of what is unwanted as well as the recognition of what is wanted present within you. If we were to reach a state where we were magically transformed into a permanent state of bliss, it would mean ended-ness. There could be no further expansion from that place and that would not serve the universe at large. What serves the universe at large is eternal expansion. So even once you have attained enlightenment, you still have to integrate what it has taught you. You still have to integrate the spiritual awareness you have achieved into your day-to-day life. Even though the samsara waves never stop coming, the more enlightened you become, the more your thoughts change. Your perspective changes to match the vibration of source perspective. And so the meaning of your experiences changes. The way you think about and deal with the ups and downs is what changes and so those ups and downs are not experienced the same way that they once were.

There is no shame in struggling. Having problems is not a character flaw. You have not failed if you have a bad day. Buddha had bad days. Jesus had bad days. Muhammad had bad days. You will not meet a single physically manifested being (whether they are an ascended master or not) that is exempt from contrast and so you will not meet a single physically manifested being who is in alignment twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

To expect this from anyone is cruelty. To feel embarrassment or shame if you are out of alignment is cruelty. To expect yourself to be in alignment twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week is cruelty. And it’s time that we stop perpetuating cruelty in ourselves as well as within this spiritual community that we ourselves are responsible for creating.

Spiritual practice is just that… It is a practice. It is still a practice for those who are spiritual masters. Alignment is something that we have to maintain. It is not a prize that we reach and then we are granted alignment forever no matter what we think or do.

Alignment and enlightenment is not something that is done to us once we prove ourselves worthy. It is something we constantly maintain. We choose to come into alignment or not in each moment. And denial is no kind of alignment.

So the question is: Are you bypassing yourself?