Gregg Prescott @ – I Have Just Spiritually Awakened – Now What? – 1-7-16

Spiritually Awakened

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve taken that first step of spiritual awakening in your life. For many of us, it was a specific event such as 9/11 or the end of the Mayan calendar that brought us to where we are now.


But what if you’ve just woken up?

Your awakening will bring you many exciting revelations such as:

At first, you may hide your spiritual awakening from people who are close to you because you don’t want your loved ones to know about it but chances are, they probably have as many questions and interests in these same areas as you.

For example, my 21 year old daughter has psychic abilities. One day, she confided to her best friend about her psychic abilities and as it turned out, her best friend has them too, but was never confident enough to share this ability with others.

The following are a few ideas and suggestions on how to facilitate your spiritual awakening:

Many of us have already experienced the “Dark Night of the Soul” so if you haven’t experienced that already, then be prepared! The dark night of the soul is actually a blessing because it presents you with an opportunity for immense spiritual growth by overcoming life’s greatest obstacles.

You’ll probably lose a few old friends, as many of us have experienced, but you’ll replace them with MANY new ones who are like-minded.

If you look at your life, you’ll find that specific people have helped you become who you are today and have helped to influence your spiritual progression. You’ll also notice that specific circumstances happened to you over and over again because these are lessons that we must confront at some point in our lives.

For example, my mother is a Type A personality…. very controlling. In the past, I’ve been attracted to these types of women and always had the same result. As a Libra, I dislike confrontation but these relationships were telling me that I needed to confront my mother regarding her controlling tendencies… which I did in 2009. She backed down and we have a whole new relationship since then.

One of your biggest questions is how to find your life purpose, which I wrote an article about that provides a number of tips on this subject. You can also ask yourself, “If there was no such thing as money, then what would I be doing right now?” Once we take money out of the equation, it gives us an idea of what our true, divine purpose for being here is.



Remember this: No one can enlighten you. All anyone can do is to light the candle of enlightenment but it’s up to YOU to maintain that flame.

Ask LOTS of questions and most importantly, FOLLOW YOUR INTUITION regarding any specific topics to research. On some level, you’re being guided along a specific path.

Always remember that you’re NEVER alone on your journey. Chances are, there are MANY other people who are experiencing very similar thoughts and feelings as you, so be vocal and don’t be afraid to talk to other people about your experiences!


Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott <a href=Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

Michelle Walling – Spirit Guidance For Lightworkers, Starseeds, And Leaders – – 4-30-15

 Spirit Guidance For Lightworkers, Starseeds, And Leaders  in5d in 5d


by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer,


Would it surprise you to know that not all spirit guides assigned to us have our best interests in mind? As we learn more information and move toward a new level of understanding on the planet, it may be time for a change of the guard in your guidance on order to help you get to the highest level of service.

Levels of guides

It is very rare for a person to have just one guide with them helping from the other side. Guidance is assembled through a team that meets your vibrational level and knowledge needs. There is no set number of guides and there is no limit to the number of guides you can have. Guides may not always be with you as they may be assigned to help 3 or 30 more people at once, but they have an alert system that brings them to you when they need to be there. A spirit guide may be specifically assigned to you and no one else to start with if you are a high maintenance type, but this guide may get bored as you progress and may take on another person in order to keep busy.

Everyone who is born into a physical body is assigned a primary spirit guide that has taken an oath to be with you from the day you are born to the day you leave the flesh. This guide’s job is to follow the order or decree that is in conjunction with the life you agreed to have. This may include the people you planned to meet or the career you planned to have. Your own personal guide may know you better than anyone else and truly has a love for you that is palpable and supportive.

There are also information and task guides that come and go. For instance, if a person has chosen to be a doctor in this lifetime, they would have guides that are versed in that area that will be assigned to their level of expertise. If they decided to become a brain surgeon, they would probably have a team of brain surgeon guides helping to make sure they helped expand the doctor’s thoughts and guide the hand in surgery to make just the right delicate cuts and moves as to insure the very best outcome for the patient.

There are protector guides for those who have important missions. Sometimes humans make some really bad choices in their lifetimes such as drunk driving, thrillseeking, etc. that puts them at a higher risk of being killed. There are many factors involved in why a person would be allowed to either exit in an accident or to be saved in a miraculous way. The guides and their guidance councils are constantly working with a person’s free will and actions to keep them on the agreed path.

The dark side of guides

There can also be false light beings posing as your guides ready and willing to bring through misleading information. Mostly this would be to allow a person to be astral tagged through a “spiritual” ritual in order to be able to lay claim to siphon your energy.

Another reason for posers of influence would be to keep you from reaching a level of understanding that will make a huge difference in your life. As each person wakes up to the higher levels of understanding, it opens a door for many other people to walk through because we are all connected through a tapestry of light fibers of energy. As you can see, eventually this would be devastating for the dark’s control over humanity.

There are many tricks and traps set into place that have an agenda that involves letting your “good” team of guides go and allowing a “better” set of guides help you achieve power and paranormal abilities. Don’t worry, this can be reversed and is exactly what this article is going to help with.

How guidance is assigned

Most guides are there just doing a job to help you get on the right track. A “normal’ level of guidance is needed for those who are under the sleepy spells of this reality and no change is really needed of a person doesn’t make leaps and bounds in consciousness during a lifetime. These guides may even be under a spell of monotony themselves and not even realize it.

Most people had to go through the reincarnation trap set up by the archons that are running the show on this planet in order to come into a body. Part of the manipulation process involves allowing some sense of progression as an incentive to keep on living while they continue to run the show behind the curtain. Keeping a person distracted with work, money, survival, and simple pleasures keeps them from realizing that they are a slave providing an energy source to a small group of elite slave masters.

In a reality that is not controlled by a faction of people who need to siphon energy, we would normally return “home” or back to Source to decide where we wanted to incarnate next. “Re-incarnation” was invented by the archons to keep us from knowing who we are by wiping our memories and tricking us into making the choice to come back time and time again into their illusion.

The guidance assigned to a person may not be in their best interest if it was assigned through the reincarnation process, and a changing of the guard may be in order to help you to move to your highest and best path. As we awaken and grow, we will need new guidance and possibly even protection if we decide to put ourselves in a rebellious position of leadership into freedom.

Although we would like to think of all guides as being perfect for us, that is not always the case. If our minds can be manipulated, then so can the minds of our guides. Many people who wake up are easily sucked into rituals of “initiation” and “activation” in New Age mystery schools posing as the light. Discernment is not always perfected in the beginning stages of awakening because we are remembering how to follow our gut feelings.

When one is initiated into a false light teaching, new guidance is also issued which will insure that the beings on the other side will be able to “hook into” the person’s body in order to siphon their energy. Why would a guide working in your best interest allow you to fall into such a trap? The twisted answer is that guides are not allowed to break the law of free will, and through trickery and false light concepts, many times we agree to let the good guys go without knowing what we have done.

There are as many levels of guidance as there are levels of dimensions and densities. There will always be higher level guides waiting in the background to be called upon to rectify a situation. The key is that they cannot act unless given a decree from Source to do so, whether it is Source at a higher level or the Source that is within you.

If you were drawn to read this article then you are curious about whether you have the best guidance working for you. There are many reasons why you may not have the best guides available to you, including what we have covered here with trickery and growth. A simple declaration and request from Source will help you to make sure that you are getting the right help you need to fulfill your true purpose.

My own personal guidance experience

When I first began to question my reality in 2010, I read about guides and how to make contact with them. I made a declaration to them that I was ready to make contact and I asked for their help to lead me to a fast track of catching up to where I was supposed to be. While there are many people who can see energy and are psychic in that sense, I was not one of them. I had to find a different way of communicating with them in order to make sure that I was on the right path. Back then I used a crystal pendulum to begin communicating with my guides and I also went to psychics to receive messages from them.

I found out that one of my guides was my grandmother who had passed away back in the 80’s. It was a comforting feeling to know that I had her with me to drop ideas into my head and to help steer me to where I needed to be in life. She came through several times with messages and let me know that it was her that brought a certain idea into my awareness. Waking up is a very confusing time and I went through a few dark nights of the soul with my grandmother.

Because I took the fast track of awakening, I dedicated every minute I could spare on learning everything I could about what was happening on the planet and what to do about it. I went through what I thought was a Reiki initiation with one teacher, and looking back I’m not sure that was really what it was. I fell for many New Age and false light teachings, as well as a few that I am sure were black magic and satanistic in nature. I know now that that some were geared towards marking me as their energy source. As I learned about the traps and revoked what I had agreed to, I moved on each time to a new level of understanding. Somewhere along the way of stumbling and learning, my grandmother guide had to leave, saying that it was time for her to move on.

I was devastated to have to let my grandmother go. But in the other hand, I continued to ask for the highest level of guidance available to help me to fulfill my mission here on Earth. The deep desire to help humanity to end the domination and control on the planet was the driving force that pushed me to my limits of understanding, and I had to make changes in my guidance team to keep up with me.

As far as the rest of my team, innately I knew that I had to have some really lazy guides. I also knew that I was helping some of my guides learn the real truth of what was happening on the planet. I somehow knew that I needed to refresh my roster. Perhaps it was my good guides snitching on my lazy guides. On a deeper level, I knew I was about to go really far down the rabbit hole and I needed the right guides by my side.

Revocation and re-assignment of guidance

I made a declaration to Source and the Universe to bring me the guidance I needed to go above and beyond what I ever thought I would accomplish in this lifetime. It sounded something like this:

I am here, I am awake, and I know who I am. As a fractal of Source, I find myself in this human body, having this experience, and I know I am here to make a difference. In order for me to do the best job I can in helping myself move forward and to help humanity, I insist on having the best guidance available to me. This means I ask for a review of my guidance by my higher self, and a council of guides sent by Source to determine that the current guides that I do have are in my highest and best interest each day of my life. I am willing to cut the ties to those who may not have the knowledge of the higher levels or that I accepted through trickery or false light manipulation. I request they be replaced with those that are approved by Source and have my highest and best interest in mind. I thank all guides who have been a part of my life in the past, I thank those that are here with me in the present, and I thank those that are going to come into my life. And so it is done.

Be prepared for huge changes

Because I declared to the Universe that I was ready to accept the highest level of assignment available to me, I had allowed a new group of guides into my life. These guides would help lead me to the people I needed to meet. New circumstances would be allowed to unfold, and I observed my life changing 180 degrees. I divorced, moved six times, and spent four years un-doing several things in my life in order to make space for just the right people and synchronicity. It was not easy to give up the comforts of having money and anything I wanted in my life. But on the other hand it was having everything a person is supposed to acquire and still not feeling fulfilled that allowed me to question who I really was and why I was here. As I look back I am so glad that I trusted a change in guidance to help me each step of the way.

There is also some maintenance that needs to be completed every so often to ensure that the best help is available. As a person completes one level of understanding or learning in preparation to fulfill their highest role, there is always a whole new set of circumstances and synchronicities that need to unfold along with people that need to come into our lives. It is a good idea to refresh your guidance team as these new levels of understanding are met. I have learned that just when we think we know the truth, there is always a higher level of understanding that is just around the corner.

Lightworkers, Starseeds, and leaders need special guidance

For those who awaken to the feeling that they have a special mission to accomplish in this lifetime, an inner desire comes forth that drives them to dedicate their lives in service to humanity. These are the true Lightworkers that have come here from Source that answered the call to be here of assistance in this great time of change. These individuals are called Starseeds because they were living lives on other planets and even in other galaxies, before they came here to insert a part of their energy into this reality. These beings need guides who will grow and expand with them as they raise their light quotient and vibration, and there is no time for laziness in the spirit guide business for those on a mission.

We are living in a very special lifetime right now and those who recognize this will want to get the most out of the time they are in a body. They will want to learn as much as possible and to heal any negative energy they are carrying. Higher vibrational guides are needed to help these people to become spokespersons, healers, and teachers to those who are just beginning to awaken to the fact that there is indeed change happening on the planet. Everyone has a unique role to fill and may even have a specialty field to serve in. Special guidance is needed for those individuals and the change of the guard may happen quickly and frequently for these people.

Protection guides are needed for those who put themselves out in the open. The bravest of people who stand up for their own rights and others will be targeted by the dark forces as the strangleholds and illusions are dissolving. The secret to the illusions are being uncovered by people who know that they are more powerful that the illusionists. Source sends special guides to those who are doing the housecleaning and this is simply a reminder to go ahead and ask for all the protection that you feel you need to do your job.

The bigger picture

Guidance may be filled by an aspect of our soul that is outside of this matrix. In an organic experience on another planet that has not been taken over by dark forces, a person normally has the freedom to shift their consciousness back and forth through many other experiences and parallel lifetimes that are occurring in “no time”, or at the same time. Therefore some of our guidance can come from a free aspect of ourselves that has a higher level of understanding or wisdom based on other experiences. These are the best guides to call upon because their energy and ideas can be easily assimilated into our causal bodies and can merge into our physical bodies when needed.

When asking for guidance, one may as well get it straight from Source. Connect with the Source aspect that you are and grow and expand that energy as much as your body will hold. True guidance and wisdom comes from within and working with that will allow the highest and best potential in a lifetime. Until we are all capable of accessing all of the wisdom Source carries within us, we have guides that carry information and love that will help us to stay on the highest path available. Doors are opening each day that allow us more clarity and vision that allow us the co-creation of a new life on this planet.

There is more than just a change of the guard in guidance going on her on Earth. As above, so below, we are living out the microcosm of the Universal change of the guard and the whole system is being lifted up. Awareness, trust, and allowance are needed to give permission for the lowest level of reality to be shifted into a higher vibration.

Gratitude is necessary to thank all of the spirits that volunteered to be a guide to the brave souls that inserted themselves into the densest physical incarnation known to man. Guidance comes many times in the form of intuition, and learning to trust your own intuition takes a little practice. You can give yourselves a pat on the back, as only the best of the best knew that they could awaken from the spell and declare their freedom from a tyranny that has been rampant for eons of time.

We are truly changing this reality and are making a difference one person at a time. One day we will become the guide for another person on another planet while simultaneously living out parallel lifetimes in other galaxies. After all, this is what Starseeds, Lightworkers, and leaders do!

About the author:
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.

Archangel Michael via Ronna Hermann – Basic Truths of Spiritual Evolution – 11-4-15


Archangel Michael  via  Ronna Hermann   –   Basic Truths of Spiritual Evolution   –   11-4-15


Another older channeling from Ronna Herman in which Archangel Michael makes some pretty basic distinctions in as simple a manner as I can conceive of on almost everything important spiritually. Long but worth it.

“Archangel Michael ~ The Spirit and The Soul and a New Pyramid of Light Meditation,” through Ronna Herman, Feb. 27, 2013.

Beloved Masters,

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between your “Soul” and your “Spirit”?

What is the Soul? What is it composed of? Where did it originate? What will happen to your Soul when you die or transcend? Where does it reside in your body? Can you become a “lost Soul”? Does your Soul have to be “saved” because of past sins?

All these questions have been asked and pondered upon for all the Ages humanity has been on Earth. Allow us to give you some concise, [simple] answers to add to your new and fuller understanding of the workings of the universe and your Divine origins.

It will be up to you whether or not you accept these explanations as your truth. As always, we ask you to use your discernment and only accept as your truth those things which resonate deeply within your heart (and Soul).

At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are “Spirit,” a facet or Ray of Divine Essence sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator.

At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your “I AM” identity.

At the universal level, you are a Divine co~creator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.

As Spirit, which we will call your “God Ray,” you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving “Oversouls” or parts of your “Essence” in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout this universe. And, in turn, each of these great Oversouls also sent forth “Sparks” or “Soul” fragments of their “Essence.”

The “you” now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth is one of those “Soul Sparks” who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind.

Your physical body is a temporary vessel that you chose to house your Soul for a short span of time in the realms of material expression.

Spirit or Divine Consciousness dwells within your soul. It is the “Essence of life” and you will always have an unbroken lifeline to the Creator (no matter how small or dim that connection may have become in the past).

Your Soul is an immortal facet of your vaster “Spiritual Self” that has traveled far throughout space and time to gain experience and greater awareness of “Itself.”

Within your Soul is a record of all you have experienced throughout the many ages and your many lifetimes. Your Soul contains in the “language of Light” a condensed history of each lifetime, and it also records in a “vibrational soul ledger” all that needs to be balanced and returned to harmony.

There comes a time when the Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its journey of separation, and is ready to begin the journey of “Reunion and Integration” once more.

The Soul is gradually infused with a Divine discontent which slowly filters into the consciousness of the human mind. And hopefully, that is when the human entity begins to turn inward, to tame the ego and reconnect with the Soul, the Oversoul, and multiple facets of Its greater Self.

In past lives and past Ages, this “reunion of the Soul and Spirit” was a very individualized and personal event, not one experienced by the masses, only by the few.

This is no longer true. It is now a time of “mass awakening,” a time of global, galactic and universal reunion and ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit-infused consciousness.

You now have the potential to connect with the many facets of your Soul family, your Higher Self, your many Oversouls and your God Ray (I AM Presence).

At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living Flame of Life via the Sun of your solar system.

The Soul could be described as a Seed Atom of pulsating life force energy which resides in the area of the heart (within the core of this Seed Atom resides your Diamond-shaped multi-faceted God Cell which is now being activated and infused with greater Creator Light).

The Soul may be only a small Spark of Life within the heart area in those who are still ensnared in the illusion of the lower dimensions. However, as it blooms and blossoms into its full dynamic power, it expands and becomes the “Solar Heart Center,” which encompasses the solar plexus, the heart, and the thymus and throat area. This is often called The Three-Fold Flame, and the heart has been called the “Seat of the Soul.”

The Soul communicates to you via both your emotional and your mental bodies, the emotions through the heart center, and with the mind via the pineal gland and by igniting the packets of Light Wisdom stored within the higher vibrational portions of the brain.

When the connection is complete, the physical vessel begins to reap the rewards via better health and vitality, as well as a deeper connection with the Body Elemental.

We tell you empathetically that you cannot become a “lost Soul,” if by that you mean “lose” your connection with the Creator. You may lose your way, and you may lose, or become diminished, in Creator Light, but your Soul is immortal and can never be lost or destroyed.

You “save” yourself from pain, suffering and the illusion of being disconnected from the Creator through the integration of your Soul, Higher Self (or Christ Self) and your own God Ray.

The Great Beings of Light came to Earth to be examples and to show you the many paths that lead to illumination.

Choose the path that resonates within, but it must include the reintegration of your Soul/Spirit Self with the Creator through the myriad facets of your Being that reside in the multiple dimensions of Creation.

We have recently spoken about what happens to the Soul when it leaves the physical vessel, and what takes place in the higher planes of existence.[1] At this time, we will focus only on those Souls who have attained a certain degree of harmony, and who have begun to reconnect with the multiple facets of their Soul and Oversouls.

During these times of great change, you do not have to leave your physical vessel in the midst of this process, and many of you are moving swiftly along the path of integration at this time.

Some time ago, we gave you the meaning of the Golden Promise, and this promise is that you have the ability to draw forth to you all the Essence of your God Ray (I AM Presence) that you can contain. However, you must integrate and use for the greatest good all that you draw forth.

You have the potential to become a living, breathing, fully functioning, solar-level Ascended Master in the flesh. That is one of the miracles of these times.

We would have you understand that there are many levels on the spiral of ascension. It is never-ending as Creation ebbs, flows and evolves.

We would also have you know that there are a great number of dear souls walking the Earth who are very near to galactic ascension; however, this would entail leaving the physical world and moving into a vibrational level whereby they could not be seen or could not function in a human vessel. They have agreed to forego their own ascension in order to be of service and to assist others on the path of en-LIGHTEN-ment.

It was an agreement they made before they incarnated in this lifetime, and they are dedicated to their task and determined to complete their mission. We know who you are and we honor you for your great dedication and service.

We have told you that “You are the In~breath of the Creator.” These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being, and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God’s plan for the expansion of this universe.

Are you not ready to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs, and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering?

Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit?

The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.

Some time ago, we gave you the gift of learning how to build your Pyramid of Light/Power in the Fifth Dimension.

There is now firmly established in the high Fifth Dimension a magnificent Pyramid of Light that contains a holographic replica of the Earth. There is a crystal chair reserved there for each of you, where you may go in your quiet time to radiate unconditional love to the Earth and all humanity.

We have also taught you how to build your “work” Pyramid, and also your small private sanctuary Pyramid. We have also helped you build many group pyramids at the various seminars our beloved messenger has held around the world.

Make no mistake, these are powerful, dynamic, pulsating energy sources whereby you can tap into the pure, primal cosmic Life Force substance of Creation.

Now, we would like to help you build and give you access to another Pyramid of Light/Power. This will be a multi-function Pyramid of the highest order, one which will attract the greatest level of Creator energy you are capable of accessing and integrating at this time.

After you read these instructions several times and have them firmly in your mind, we suggest that you breathe deeply until you attain an Alpha State of awareness as we take you on this journey — a reunion with your cosmic brothers and sisters and with the multiple facets of your Self.

* * *
“Please close your eyes and move into the Temple of the Heart where your God Cell resides. Take a deep breath as you envision a golden door opening, a portal into the Inner Dimensions of awareness.

See yourself in your shimmering garments of Light, the shining Essence of the true You.

However you perceive, sense yourself taking flight as you move higher and higher into the rarified realms of Creation. You will stop somewhere in the Fifth Dimension, the perfect level for you at this time.

See before you a radiating, pulsating Pyramid of Light. You move quickly toward the door and step inside. There are many crystal chairs surrounding the raised platform in the center. More chairs will be added as needed, but for now there is a sufficient number for those who will be coming to join you.

Just off-center on the raised platform there is a fountain which contains a blazing Violet Flame of Transformation.

Standing next to it in the center of the platform is a luminescent white flame that is fed by the great Generator Crystal that hangs from the apex of the Pyramid.

This flame is being fed by the pure Essence of the Supreme Creator and is offered as a gift for anyone who is ready and willing to partake of this Divine gift.

First we ask you to take a moment to bring to the forefront of your mind those things which you most need to release in order to further the process of returning to harmony within your physical vessel.

Focus on one or two, no more than three, things that you would most like to resolve at this time. See them symbolically taking shape in your hands (allow these energies or thought forms to take whatever shape they wish).

Now, see yourself stand and move up the platform to the Violet Fire of Transformation. Say to yourself, ‘I bless and release you to be transformed into a higher state of Being. SO BE IT AND SO IT IS!’

Now step into the Creator Flame in the center. Feel yourself being bathed in the pure Love Essence of Creation from the heart of All That Is. Do not be concerned. You will receive the perfect amount of Life Force/Love/Light at this time to help you move forward on your path with ease and grace.

Feel yourself being infused with the sweetest love you have ever known deep into the core of your Being.

State to yourself at this time, ‘I AM now ready to receive the greatest amount of Creator Light that I can contain. I affirm that I will use this gift for my highest good and for the greatest good of all. SO BE IT AND SO IT IS!’

Now step out of the Flame of Spirit and be seated in one of the crystal chairs. Slowly breathe in the refined breath of Spirit and slowly breathe out Love/Light from your heart. Do this several times and then sit quietly for a moment as you integrate the gift of the ‘New You.’

Know that in this sacred space, I am with you.

Call on me and I will join you. Speak with me as you would with an old friend, and I will answer you.

You do not need an intermediary, for you have a direct connection to any of the Beings of the higher realms. Who would you like to join you in this sacred space? Call, and they will come and sit with you.

You may also put out the call for your soul family to come join you in this “Place of Reunion.” Also, ask that your Oversouls and the other facets of your Being come join you here when it is appropriate.

As you learn to release more and more of your imperfections into the Violet Flame, you will make way to incorporate more Creator Light and also more of the facets of Your Self.

Slowly move your consciousness back into your heart center as you integrate this dynamic gift of Spirit. Breathe deeply as you bring yourself back into full awareness.”

* * *
Come to this place often, Beloveds. The more energy you draw forth, the more will be magnetized to your Pyramid and the more real it will become.

Each and every time you visit this place, you will bring more of this rarefied energy back with you into the realm of the physical world.

You will be building an ascension column where you reside. And through your efforts, the vibrations of Love/Light will radiate outward further and further around you.

Each of you can be instrumental in assisting your neighborhood, your city, and your country. You are much more powerful than you realize.

Stop now and feel your “Soul Song” vibrate and hum throughout your body. You are attuning to the Symphony of the Spheres of Light.

Welcome to our world, Beloveds. Come, let us go forward together.

You are loved beyond measure.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Source:Channeled through Ronna Herman and taken from…

DR. SIMON ATKINS @ AAE tv – Wave X – Future Economic and Spiritual Revolution – 10.24.15

PCTV – Kerry Cassidy Interviews Karen Tate – GODDESS SPIRITUALITY – 10-8-15

Matt Kahn with Teal Swan – join together for a discussion on the most important spiritual practices today, the shadow, self acceptance how to approach self help

Teal Swan


Matt Kahn and Teal Swan join together for a discussion on the most important spiritual practices today, the shadow, self acceptance and how to approach self help.

more of Teal Swan at

Matt Kahn

Waking Times – 8 Steps to Towards Non-Attachment – – Spiritual Cleansing – 8-22-15

Flickr - Free Bird - Luz Adriana Villa A.

Déesse Indigo, Contributor
Waking Times

During our lives, we tend to form many attachments to various types of things. Many of us are so attached to the physical world that we become enslaved and possessed by the very things we adore.

Detachment is when someone has complete freedom from all that is seen or heard and doesn’t let any possessions take control of them. Practicing non-attachment gives us power over our emotions and feelings in relation to the attachments in our life.

Many people wonder, why does detachment matter? Why does it matter whether or not we’re attached to something? The answer is simple, if we’re not careful our attachment can lead to tragedy and heartbreak when change takes its unstoppable course. Attachment is the root cause of our suffering. Non-attachment is the ultimate form of self-mastery.

The first and most important concept when trying to incorporate non-attachment into your life, is consciously acknowledging that everything that’s manifested in our physical world is temporary, not forever.

When you notice your attachment to anyone or to anything, ask yourself the following questions: “Why do I really desire this? What permanent advantage would I gain by possessing this? How would this possession help me towards greater knowledge and freedom?” Over and over again, the answers to these questions show us that the desired thing is useless in the long term and also may be potentially harmful by driving us into ignorance and bondage. Sometimes we may become aware that the things we desire, is something simply to fulfill a mere restlessness in the mind.

The mental state of non-attachment may come slowly, but even during the earliest stages of practice are rewarded by a sense of peace and freedom. Guaranteed success will come from being consistent with this spiritual discipline.


Practice Non-Attachment in 8 Steps

1. Ask yourself what realistic permanent advantage you should gain if you possessed your desire.

2. Let go of your attachment to money by making a donation or helping out someone in need.

3. Befriend yourself- your self-worth should come from within you, not from other peoples approvals.

4. Don’t seek security in people or things.

5. Overcome your attachment to entertainment

6. Let go of the need to be dominate or influential over others.

7. Stop living in an illusion- don’t overly attach yourself to your possessions or even your hopes and dreams.

8. Understand that all things naturally come and go. It’s unavoidable.

Non-attachment is easily misunderstood by many people as they might interrupt it as having to give up their possessions to feel “free”. This is far from the truth. Detachment is simply not feeling owned by the things you possess or desire.

There will be moments when impatience of frustration arises. But that’s alright as long as you allow the emotions to rise and dissolve. Do not feed or fuel the negative emotions.

The Benefits of Non-Attachment

  • Expectations no longer rule your life.
  • You see things for the way they are.
  • You’re not bothered much by the physical world (but you don’t tolerate harmful behavior).
  • Your heart grows even bigger and you love more because you don’t feel the need to control everything.
  • You’re not attached to outcomes.
  • Detachment is releasing vibrational resistance, allowing the law of attraction to work effectively for you.
  • Be attached to nothing but be open to everything. Non-attachment is a freeing practice which will help you a lot when it comes to adjusting to change that takes place in the future.
About the Author

Déesse Indigo is a self help and Law of Attraction coach. On her free time, she loves to write simple essays for people to enjoy so they may grow or understand themselves better.

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This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

Waking Times

Wes Annac – The Mission (and Purpose) of the Spiritual Revolutionary – 8-21-15


“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it”  ― Gautama Buddha (Credit: Good Reads)

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

All around the world, people are awakening to spirituality, the corruption of the people in power and the necessity to change our ways, and whether we realize it or not, we’re all on a mission to wake up and help the rest of the world become aware.

I think there’s a difference between our ‘mission’ and our ‘purpose’. In my opinion, our mission is to spread love, knowledge and awareness so the world can wake up and make a positive change, and our purpose is whatever medium we use to do that. Some people choose writing; some choose music, painting or something similar; some speak publicly on a number of issues that have to do with a new paradigm; and some share the information and art that’s offered by the rest of the conscious community.

No matter what we consider our purpose to be, we do it because of the mission to help humanity wake up and evolve, which we take up once we awaken. The wise man recognizes that he must first tend to his own awakening and evolution before trying too hard to help others, but once we take the first steps on our own evolutionary path and become clear about our mission and our purpose, we can share enlightening and empowering information with the masses and encourage others to find their purpose too.

The world is waking up. Credit:

Slowly but surely, people are becoming aware of everything that’s been hidden, especially in regards to spirituality. As they do, most of them ask themselves how they can share what they’ve learned with other awakening people who are willing to hear what they have to say.

Once they figure out their purpose and approach their work (and their personal evolution) with confidence and the willingness to keep going in hard times, their mission becomes increasingly important to them and their excitement to contribute grows as much as their social and spiritual awareness.

This is happening all around the world, and a new class of creative and spiritual revolutionaries is arising that recognizes that we’re all interconnected and, as much as the elite want to convince us otherwise, there are no differences between us. We’re realizing that all of the differences we’ve been convinced we should fight over – the color of our skin, our religious or political views, our sexual preference – have been overplayed to keep us from understanding that we’re one and coming together.

Now that we’re aware, we’re dismantling the false systems that have been kept in place by the powers-that-were, who want us to keep fighting so we don’t notice their blatant crimes against humanity, and one of the biggest false systems that needs dismantled is the division of the masses based on our perceived cultural differences.

We know better than to keep falling for manufactured division and hatred, and we need to make others aware of the elite’s social engineering, which requires us to be divided, so they too can use their voice to make a change.


Above all, we’re here to share our love, knowledge and awareness with those who are starting to awaken. We’re here to help people understand that we live in an intricate and deeply spiritual reality, and we can become aware of this inherent spirituality by looking within, meditating often, staying creatively dedicated, and most importantly, returning to the heart.

We’re here to help people see that life doesn’t have to be the difficult, stressful burden we’ve convinced ourselves it should be, and however dualistic this will sound, life is meant to be fun and we’re meant to be happy.

We aren’t meant miserably slave away at some uninspiring nine-to-five job that makes us loathe life and never want to get out of bed in the morning; we’re meant to do something that inspires us to live life with love, passion, creativity and invigoration.

Life is meant to be a constant adventure, and sometimes, we have to create the adventure for ourselves. We can’t wait around for anyone else to make life better for us (especially our governments, who’ve never had our best interest in mind), and we have to create the joy and exuberance we want to experience.

These are some of the many things we’re here to help the world become aware of, and we obviously have to become aware of it ourselves so we can create a life that inspires us. We have to look deep within, bring our potent inner love up to the surface and use it to create an inspiring, joyful life, and we can’t expect the rest of the world to do it if we don’t.


Let’s invite the world to take part in this conscious revolution, because we have a lot to say and a lot to do and it’d be easier if we had everyone else by our side. It might seem naïve to think that the world, which is still largely divided, broken, and rooted in hatred and selfishness, could actually wake up and make a change, but if we can, then other people can too.

When we can permanently access our heart-centered intuitive guidance, we can invite the awakening masses to empower themselves with the knowledge that our love and spirituality make us infinite. If we have an open heart and we understand the spiritual nature of our existence, we can create a life that’s worth living for everyone who knows that personal and planetary transformation is crucial and inevitable.

We can become true spiritual revolutionaries, and we can invite others take part in the fun. The first (and most important) step is to look within and determine if there are any personal changes we need to make before we can properly help the world, and once we start that ongoing and infinitely fulfilling process, we’ll be well on our way to awakening the minds and hearts of mankind.

Most people are subconsciously desperate to reawaken to all of the amazing things their higher consciousness will reintroduce them to, and we can help them begin their evolutionary process and contribute to a worldwide transformation. This is our mission, so let’s find the medium we want to use to fulfill it and get active, while remembering to get very still and quiet often so we can learn a thing or two about reality.

“I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed in the morning, the devil says, ‘aw shit, he’s up!’”Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience (Credit: Good Reads)

Transcript: Saint Germaine – Eliminating the War Within – Channeler Linda Dillon – Interviewer Steve Beckow – 8-6-15

St Germain

An Hour with an Angel

Linda Dillon – Channel for the Council of Love

Steve Beckow – Interviewer

Thanks to Erika for this transcription.


SB: Good evening, Linda.

LD: Good Evening Steve. And we welcome you all to this incredible time. Steve and I were chatting just beforehand that so much is happening behind the scenes, and it just feels, for me, anyway, that everything is about to pop.

It’s like you’re 12 years old or 6 years old and you have to go to bed, and you know Santa Claus is coming, and you have presents under the tree, but you have no idea what’s inside those boxes.

SB: Right. And you energetically are blowing your energy circuits I understand.

LD: Yes, we are. And when we did the Core issues series, the webinar, we blew all the circuits of our house and had days on end, actually over a week on end with AT&T from the most direct tech to the managers in their shirts and ties camped out in our backyard. And that was an experience, I thought – ok they’re really getting a blast of the Tsunami of Love and the Council of Love.

But sure enough again over the past week, about an hour a day at least, every day our Internet has been going down, which has been difficult because it’s during a time when we have been establishing and migrating and transforming our new website for the global conversation which is

But yesterday, just as everything is pretty much tied up [laughing] our entire system blew- our internet, our phones – everything went. And AT&T was at our door within minutes, as you knew, Steve, because we were chatting, but it took all day and 4 different trucks.

So they were camped out by our house and in our neighborhood again. And finally the resolution was to give us a single designated port in the main frame of the control box.

And my theory is that the energy that is coming through these various phone lines and the Skype lines and the internet is so strong, that the frequency and the vibration is so high and so strong that the system really doesn’t know how to deal with it, and I think that’s why it keeps blowing.

So there’s a solution, the human solution at this point is to separate our lines out. Apparently they have this big sticker on it, do not change, do not remove! [ laughing]

SB: And Linda, this happened in the middle of us having a reading,

but your phone held up for the extent of the reading and then it stopped, right?

LD: And then it stopped. It absolutely was dead in the water until about 6 o’clock last night.

SB: That’s incredible. Well, I understand too that you’ve been speaking to St. Germaine this morning – why don’t I let you transition.

LD: Alright. A delightful guest.

SB: I’ll tell our listeners a little bit about St. Germaine – he is known to the world as an alchemist, musician, and diplomat, and also as the founder of secret spiritual fellowships and schools like the Rosicrucians and Free Masons; he inspired the novel the Scarlet Pimpernel, he inspired Robert Watt to create the steamboat engine, and George Stevenson to create the locomotive.

He would leave diamonds on place cards at his parties and surprise people by appearing as the same age 50 years after their first meeting; he’d walk through walls to make his exit and be seen simultaneously at places far distant from each other- I never tire of listening to the exploits of the Count of St Germaine.

Welcome, Sir, to An Hour with An Angel.

Saint Germaine: And welcome to you. Welcome to you Michael Fara, welcome to all of you this evening, this day this night. I am eternally grateful. And might I suggest at the beginning that each of you, regardless of where you are or where you think you are or where you believe you are, also have reason and just cause to be eternally grateful, for we are all born equal and free under the auspices and with the grace and the very fiber of the love of the Mother- how could we not be grateful?

Now that does not mean in any way, shape or form that I do not understand, comprehend, and empathize with the situations that many of you find yourself in. Yes, as master, as keeper of the violet flame and the I AM presence, I bring you a huge array of gifts, of blessings, of wisdom, of healing, and of understanding.

But let us preface this by saying, I do understand in a very human way, not simply from a position of elevated mastery, but as one who has walked the Earth for hundreds of years, I understand the various challenges that face each human being, whether it is in the African desert or the cities of New York- I understand.

Now many of you have heard me say multiple times that I have no intention of returning to Earth at this time or in the near future, and it is because of these various challenges. It is because there is still so much to course-correct, so much expansion- yes, even as you go forward, the difficulties, the challenges, the obstacles that each of you face, either are or can feel enormous. Now, are they in reality something that is insurmountable? Of course not.

Many times I have suggested to you to take my violet flame, to eliminate, to break down, to bring clarity to the situation so that you, my friends, can truly see what it is that you are creating or co-creating or participating in that is creating such a turmoil within your heart or within your external life.

Now these are the areas that I wish to speak of somewhat this day. Not because I ever wish to focus on what you may view as the negative, quite the contrary, we visit these areas of difficulty so that you may come to understand, not only what remains to be seen, what remains to be done, but how to do it. I am at your beck and call.

My passion is not merely to create physical diamonds that people may understand the ease of creation; it is to create the diamonds within. It is to create the treasure within that becomes so obvious that even the most shortsighted or myopic individual may see what is buried within the treasure trove of you.

You have incarnated – my beloved warriors, my freedom fighters, my liberation legion – you have incarnated in a time and space where you are not retreating to the caves, you are in the thick of it; you are anchored in the hubbub of the human race whether it is in a city, a city of light, in the chaos of war, or the quiet of the country-side – it matters not.

You, most of you, the majority of you by far have volunteered directly to the Mother, to the legions of light, to be the agents of transformation, the agents of radical change that has never been known upon this planet.

When you consider this and the nature of such an undertaking it is not surprising, is it, that there are areas of challenge. Now you have been given, yes many gifts, perhaps most importantly the Mother’s ongoing and never-ending, never ceasing Tsunami of Love.

Third wave, fourth wave, fifth wave – we have lost count on this side, because like your oceans it never ceases, and her love and this penetration of your very core will not cease until the job is done, and to that end you have been given her gifts of clarity, of purity, of grace, again to equip you for this massive undertaking – the transformation of what it means to be human, of what it means to be Gaian.

Sweet Angels of Light, beloved starseed, starbeing, Earth keepers, ground breakers, Gaians, pathfinders, portals, gate keepers – what are these except titles, reference points, that indicate and point to the significance of what you have pledged.

You have come to this planet in your mastery; many of you turn to us as the masters for assistance, for insight, for wisdom, for compassion, for transmutation, for alchemy, and I, with my beloved friends, gladly, joyously share and give this to you.

But let us be clear, we honor you as the transformers in physical reality of this ascension, of claiming, of anchoring, of declaring your freedom within the knowing of the I AM presence. Is there anything more spectacular? Well, yes, there is reunification back to the One, but in terms of experience and journey upon this beloved planet, my friends you have a corner on the market.

Can you imagine? I have lived and seen the wonders of the world, I have witnessed the turning of many tides, but the turning of this tide, of anchoring divinity within the physical form – how is this done? And is it done? Is it completely achieved by those who have no concept or ideation of mastery?

I would suggest not. And then I hear you say, oh no, that means the human race who sees themselves as regular, as normal, as not spectacular; we’ll never make it! What I say to you my friends, is look in the mirror, look within, claim your heart, and claim your mastery. It is already there. You are already there.

You are in the Mother’s new times, jumping like Mexican jumping beans up and down and all around. Center and anchor where you choose in this spectrum of time to anchor Nova Earth ascension, nova being, and the truth and freedom, the liberation, not only of who you are, but of the entire human race. We are your assistants, we are not the ones that have said to the Mother, I will go, I will assume form yet again – no, no not me.

I will return after this has been completed, to walk and talk and to break bread with you, but you are the ones that are filled with valor, with wisdom, with compassion, and patience. So I bow to you on this night and I wish that to be known prior to speaking of any areas that might still require containment, remediation, reconstruction, expansion. But first and foremost let me say, I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you.

Now my old friend, Steve, where do you wish to begin?

SB: Well thank you very much for that introduction. We’re hoping to get from you a state of the world address here, because it’s very quiet on this side of the curtain. I’m sure it’s not very quiet at all on your side of curtain, and we’re hoping to find out a little bit about what is happening.

You’ve been talking to Linda this morning about violence in society, so why don’t we stop there. And I just want to mention one thing, and that’s that there have been a lot of instances of police pulling people over and shooting them if they didn’t get out of their car, and then conniving with their fellow officers to tell a story about how it happened.

So there’s even violence from our police enforcers, can you talk to us initially about the violence that still remains in society, please?

SG: I will talk about this. I will begin with this because this is the foundational shift that has need and is taking place.

Now you say to me, my dearest friend, it seems rather quiet on this side of the curtain, of the veil – it is anything but! But you are accurate in your statement that it appears to be quiet, because the bulk of what is transpiring in terms of the shift, of the awakening, however you conceive of this, is the internal.

We have been in a process with you, with all of you, but particularly with what you would term or think of as the light worker or light holder, love holder, communications, and community, the platform, the conversations, etc.

It has been a time of education, of learning, of mastery, of coming to understand the various tools, the tasks, the mission, the purpose, the journey that you have had. And there has been great communication and exchange and teaching from our side to you, but also great unseen intervention.

And we have spoken of this, we know that Archangel Michael has spoken of this of late, so I do not need to go into it, but there has been much intervention from nuclear war heads to mass murder. There have also been shifts in terms of large groups of people leaving the planet to return home, complete their mission, and to help with the ascension process from this side.

What the focus is right now is on shifting, eliminating – shifting is too mild a word – on the alchemical elimination of that war within. Now there have been many names given to it – yes, they reflect in core issues because that has been part and parcel of your war within, but what is it that creates a situation, and even more abhorrent, creates a situation that is viewed as somehow acceptable that those who are in authority, those who have theoretically earned a position of trust, have tacit permission to commit murder.

Now let us call it what it is, violence is violence, murder is murder whether it is on a war battlefield or whether it is within a home or within a community, what is it about the human condition at this juncture of human evolution, of quantum leap, that somehow within the collective consciousness still allows for murder in any way, shape or form, and violence in any way, shape or form to be acceptable, because it is not – not upon Gaia, not within your galaxy, not within your universe or anywhere else. It is abomination. It is an act that is born of control and hatred and entitlement.

Now you may say to me, St. Germaine, in the times when you have lived, there has been murder, there has been war, there has been a great deal of poisoning; particularly in the royal groups.

I have been in many duels, always trying to avoid them. So why do you think that this is still permissible? Because you are here hundreds of years later and it is still going on, and not only is it still going on, it has exploded.

The number of deaths, of murders, yes by those in authority, but even within the home, of self-inflicted murder called suicide, of murder of loved ones, of massive abuse of spouses, of children – how in an evolved society can this in any way be acceptable?

There is a collective expression, a political expression that is driven by control and power and greed and money that somehow sets that engagement in so-called “just” wars is acceptable.

So this sets the stage to say, oh well in some situations it is acceptable to murder – I leave you to ponder that because it is a foundation of most of your societies. It is atrocious and it is incorrect.

I have been present at the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence; the right to bear arms against unjust, controlling forces was never intended to mean that everyone was permitted to carry weapons to harm one another. Never.

And that time and the attitudes that it has sprung are incorrect. They are not of self-protection; they are not of political right; they are born of the belief that one has the inherent right to harm another, not to defend.

So let us get right to the issue here – it is the belief that if you are in a rage, if you are in a desire to control, if you wish to eliminate someone who is annoying you for whatever reason you have the right to act out, to maim, to kill, to murder. Where is the self-love in that? Where is the honoring of the divinity in another?

And let me even expand this thought, for I do not so much offer you answers, and even guidance and suggestions, I am posing the questions: on a planet, on this beloved planet that is so generous with her resources, why is it considered acceptable that some may go without food, that some may not have clean water to drink? This is not a question of karma, this is a question or a situation of entitlement.

So you are willing as a planet to assign resources to violence, and not to humanity, not in equal measure. So then, you who care and do love and do toil so deeply and so compassionately and so consistently – what is the solution?

It is the healing of this sense of violence within the heart, within the ideation, within the emotional field that societies, countries, nations, institutions, structures – they are constructed in ways that do not allow or encourage or promote the war within to be resolved.

Rather, it gives permission for the war within to express externally, and that is not the symbol of an advanced race, it is the symbol of a very primitive race.

Now am I saying that you are primitive? Most certainly not; I have already prefaced my remarks by saying that you are here against all odds; you are here in your mastery.

So how do we, together, heal the violence, the rage, the mayhem, the war within so that it absolutely ceases to express in the without and the external reality, whether it is the torture and mayhem of ISIS or the streets of Chicago, whether it is police brutality or a spousal attack.

You say, well, St. Germaine, when you put it that way, I feel helpless. My beloved comrades – my purpose is not and was never to make you feel helpless, quite the contrary.

When you hold the light, when you step forth in small ways, in grand ways, in baby steps, in giant leaps, when you role model behavior, when you speak your truth, when you ignite the violet flame within and without, when you join Michael’s legion, when you embrace Gabrielle’s joy you are affecting, shifting, substantially altering, fundamentally changing each and every heart upon this beloved planet.

You do not know – and that, if I say one thing this night, you do not understand completely and fully the power, not the abuse of power, but the power that you hold within your hands, within your voice, within your words, within your heart. You are the agents of change; and yes, from Michael to the Mother to Maitreya to the Buddha to Quan Yin, to all of us, we have asked and continue to ask – in your way, step forward in action.

Now I expand on this because this night I am asking of you, I am guiding you, I am suggesting as an old friend who has done this himself, step forward beyond your comfort zone. Now previously as part of this ascension process we have asked of you always to do your best, and we have not defined this for you. But it is a time of transformation, so what I am asking of you is to step forward a step beyond your comfort zone.

Now for some of you that will be a casual comment in the check out line when they say, “Did you find everything you needed today,” and you say, “Well I couldn’t, but my angels showed me where it was.” For some of you it will be vociferously speaking about the atrocity of murder, the atrocity of violence, but when you take – and I know whereof I speak – when you take that one step past your comfort zone, you explode.

What it does is it breaks down the self-imposed barriers of what you think or feel, because of what you have experienced thus far and in other life times upon Earth. What it does is it breaks down those barriers of what you think you are capable of; it is not only an action of liberation, it is liberation.

It is a declaration of freedom and what you will find, my dear friends, is that as you do that you will take the next step and the next step and the next step, and when you see someone spanking their child and the child is crying and desperate in the middle of the grocery store you will speak up.

And when you see a woman with a black eye pretending that she has not been hurt you will speak up, and you will offer not criticism about, how could you do that, you will offer compassion, and training, and teaching, and showing a way that is of love, not tolerance, but compassion – and they are very different.

When you turn a blind eye, when you deny the violence within your heart or within your community, or within your planet, then you are denying the truth of who you are, and that is no longer acceptable, and it is not even any longer possible. That is why so many of you, correctly, are turning within, you are delving the mysteries of your beloved heart and soul, your are delving the mysteries, not only of what hurts, but of what is possible.

You are saying, this is what I choose to create, and I am saying, let’s go, here is my violet flame, use it as an agent of alchemy, use it as an agent of change, use it as an agent of transformation. You have traveled leagues as a collective and as a lightworker community. You have established…not establishing…you have established a new realm.

You are inter-dimensional beings, you have been flying through the ascension portal for ages; you keep coming back because you know that you love, you cherish, you care about all of humanity, and you know that that violence that is occurring too often, internally and externally, is not only unacceptable, it is not the truth of who any of you are.

You are the clarion call, you are the voice, the action, the role-model, the guardian of these changes. Are things quiet upon the planet? They have never been so busy.

SB: Well thank you for that. I feel a little depressed because the other day I was at a restaurant listening to a father verbally abusing his child, even though I was really quite incensed I didn’t say anything about it, and so you reminded me of that. Well, I think the next question on so many people’s minds is how the dismantling of the Illuminati economy is going, and the cleansing of the banking system?

SG: The cleansing of the banking system – is that not an interesting turn of phrase? But then again you are a wordsmith – you are brilliant.

SB: Thank you.

SG: And it comes that you say this in non-judgmental terms, and for this I thank you.

The cleansing goes extraordinarily well, extraordinarily well. And I will share with you – I am very involved with this as you very well know, for it is part of the trust but it is much bigger than that as well.

Now Archangel Uriel is also very involved in this transformation, as is Jophiel. They are very involved in the establishment and the anchoring of the future, and they are bringing the silver light of illumination to this situation.

And what they are doing to those who refuse – and there are many, it is called self-interest – but those beings are being continually placed in containment by the thousands, and when they refuse, they simply continue on in containment or leave their bodies, and that is happening daily by the thousands as well.

The system is being cleaned up, lightened up, literally, from the inside out; the transformation of what you think of as financial systems, what I would refer to as equity and equality, of freedom, financial freedom, which results in physical and spiritual, and all kinds of freedom – I am very aware of the human condition – is moving along, not only at the speed of light, but of love.

Now. Is it apart from what you glean from newspaper articles or television reports or internet revelations here and there? It is hard for you to see because most of this – yes, this is where we are useful – most of this is being done behind closed doors. Now are there human agents involved, very deeply involved in this transformation? Of course there are. It cannot take place without our famous “boots on the ground.”

The reason that much of this transformation takes place behind closed doors is so that there will not be mass-hysteria.

Now you have had glimpses of it here and there. Currency fluctuations have been significant in the last few months; you have seen situations, for example in Greece, that have been up and down and up and down and all around; you have seen discussions, or perhaps heard of discussions in the international monetary fund.

There is a great deal of discussion about the economy of China – it is all in flux. Not – and I wish to really address this – not that you are going to find yourself in dire straights, lack of water, lack of food, lack of groceries, etc. there was already far too much lack and limitation and starvation upon the planet.

The work that we do in the transformation of the monetary, financial situations is to expand access, not to narrow it. But it is already well underway. I will not use the word that is so infamous in these conversations, “soon.” No, I do not say that. I say to thee, it is already under way.

So my beloved friends, it is not about stocking your shelves, your pantry with canned goods, and hoarding water; it is about making sure that your financial wherewithal is in order.

SB: What does that mean, St. Germaine, that our financial wherewithal is in order?

SG: What it means – and I do not mean that you simply have your bank statements – what I mean is what is your attitude, your feeling about money?

Let us be practical in this regard – yes, I am fully aware and conversant that our beloved Michael has always referred to spiritual currency for that is much of his realm, and it is right and appropriate.

But as you know, I am a being that worked with the practical, with the bringing forth of diamonds, and treasures, and wealth – what is your attitude, what is your relationship with money, with financial abundance? Are you still stuck?

And I’m not talking about the physical, I’m talking about your heart now – are you stuck in the belief that you are in lack and limitation, that you are at the mercy of others, or are you in a place where you think and you feel that financial freedom, whether it is 10 cents or a million dollars, that money and abundance and being taken care of is reflective of your self-worth, your self-love, that you are loved and cherished enough, that you are powerful enough to create and draw to yourself every type and single piece of resource that you not only need and require, but that you deserve and desire and want for yourself and for others – this is your financial wherewithal.

So yes, of course, having what you think of as orderly relationships with not only your internal relationship with money, but your external expression of it. Are you in a position to receive? Have you established situations whereby you can receive? Do you have a bank account, do you have a PayPal account, do you have a FedEx account?

Now I am not suggesting that you need all of these, but do you have in place, documents, trusts, whatever you would need in order to go forward in practical reality as well?

So it is both. It is the balance of the within and the without. Are you prepared in a practical sense, in a psychological sense, in a spiritual sense, in a heart sense to receive, not because you feel entitled but because it is part of who you are? That is what I mean.

SB: Hmm. And part of our light work too.

SG: That is correct.

SB: Yes. The next question on my paper here is when will we see the media rise up as an independent and uncorrupted voice?

SG: Now I will pose a question to you my friend – what media are you talking about?

SB: Well I’m certainly not talking about the alternative media. The mainstream, corporate owned media.

SG: But I am talking about the alternative media. Because that is the voice – that is the voice of the new tomorrow; that is the voice of trust; that is the voice of One because you are unhindered by threats, by self-interest, by control, by greed.

Now if you think – we are working on the media – is it our first line of defense? No, you are. The alternative media rises up, that is where we put much of our energies. The old which is filled with self-interest and greed and corruption, not totally, but it fades away because as people become heart-centered and heart-focused, and demand reflections of love and worth they are not interested in hearing the lies, the half-truths; who wants to hear – now there is a role, if there is a police murder does it need to be exposed?

Of course it does, because it brings to the forefront injustice, it requires that truth be known. So do we work with the mainstream media? Yes. But is that our hope and where our focus is?

What you think of as mainstream media will be completely infiltrated. Yes, so many of you have been told, you are of the blue ray, you are communicators, you are agents and angels of change, your are pillars, you are transmitters, you are anchors of the new realm. Many of you will find yourself involved in media because it needs to be transformed and the truth needs to come forth.

But the power structure of corruption, and even when it is not corrupt – I dare say, not in a judgmental way, but it is, it’s so facto, it is morally corrupt. It has need to be infiltrated, changed, morphed, and reborn. So do not anticipate great exposure by the existing media. The infiltration has started so there will be bright lights here and there, but what we suggest is you look to alternative media for truth, for balance.

SB: Very, very interesting. Thank you for that. We’ve heard a lot about the announcement of new governments. How is that going to take place, St. Germaine, if it’s true? Are we really going to see, for instance, President Obama step down?

SG: No, you will not see President Obama step down because let us suggest to you that this one is a star brother and he has not completed his mission and purpose, and there are people that have been positioned to do a variety of tasks all over your planet. Now does government change? Yes. And people say, well how? Well it will not be by a bloody revolution, it will not be bloodshed and mayhem in the streets.

I have suggested, well I have shared with you today that I have been present, and can I say somewhat involved in the Declaration of Independence. Now many, most of those in power at the time thought this was a fool’s game, that this would never come to pass, that the right of ruling was a god given blessing and it did not belong to common men.

Well I dare say that that has been proved wrong, and in many nations time and time again. Now has the purity of that vision, the unfoldment of that vision been truly held? No, unfortunately. But there is a time, yet again, not simply in this nation or that nation, but as a collective, where you in fact raise your voices, raise your votes, and declare that the systems of government all over your planet are inadequate.

And it is not merely because they are corrupt or unwieldy or bureaucratic; first and foremost it is because they do not reflect and meet the needs of the people, the very basic needs; freedom is not honored, it is in fact declared unnecessary in terms of a greater good of national security, which is simply wording for permission to wage war and mayhem either on other nations or within the nation itself.

People of this planet find this unacceptable. But it is not the example of ISIS creating revolution, off what they have called revolution, is also unacceptable. So it will be by the masses of the people, again coming together in a modified form of what you may think of as ancient Greece and redefining in a global way, in a workable way – what does democracy mean?

It does not mean privilege, it does not mean being ruled by the few, it does not mean having your inalienable rights trampled upon; it means together finding workable solutions that build community that reinforce community and the value of the individual, not over and above the collective, but certainly in tandem and equal – so your massive bureaucracies will be broken down.

You will think of it more as a city-state, not as independent entities, but interconnected, cooperative entities. There will be regional interests, regional interests not national interests, so it begins to shift.

Are those who refuse to go along with this shift being removed? Not by public disgrace, but simply gently but powerfully removed, yes, because it does not work; it is not the fulfillment of the Mother’s plan therefore they can’t stay. It is quite simple really, when you bring it down to that.

SB: Well thank you for that. We have just – [laughing] Suzie has just texted me, can we get rid of Chris Christie then? – We have about two minutes –

We have just a few minutes left and I’d like to spend that time on a particular situation of pollution – we know that Fukishima is being contained; we know the oil spills and industrial pollution are being cleansed from the ocean, but there’s one situation that I don’t think our listeners might appreciate as being a global situation that could have resulted in omnicide, and that’s depleted uranium; it is so powerful that the cloud of depleted uranium that was released from the Iraqi war could have killed this planet, and I think the galactics are handling that are they not? Can you tell us about that?

SG: Yes. It has already been addressed by your star beloved family, and it has been not only contained, but it is being transmuted into useful energy that will be available to humanity in different form.

SB: That is truly remarkable. I’m not sure our listeners fully appreciate that that action alone has saved the planet.

SG: Your star brothers and sisters, unbeknownst to you, take care of so many of these situations and particularly this one that would have destroyed life on earth, period.

So it is a great nod, eternally grateful is the term that you would use for your star family.

SB: Yes and without any news coverage, without any request for thanks.

SG: They do it very quietly. They know from a broader history than humanity has full access to at the moment the devastation, destruction of this nature. There is no win in it. It simply delays and sets back the plan of the Mother immeasurably. So they, from their place of what you think of as a higher dimensional frequency, take care of things like this for you because there is this great social contract, a heart contract that exists between you, between your star family, between your numerous forces, fleets, that exists hovering above, and all of humanity that they will do whatever they can.

They are fully committed to this unfoldment, to this ascension; they understand the challenges that you as light workers and as a collective, face. They know you have your hands full and you wouldn’t know what to do with this type of cloud, so they quietly and lovingly relieve you of that burden so that you may proceed with your piece of the unfoldment. It is a gift of love.

SB: Well it is truly an act of salvation for the planet as a whole. I’ll make sure to put up a reference to one or more articles of you as the unknown professor at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, St. Germaine, because I certainly found that a most inspiring event. And now I’m afraid we’re going to have to close out. So do you have any closing comments you would like to make?

SG: Well first of all I thank you, my friend, my brother, and I thank all of you. We have talked of difficult matters this day, but let me end where we have begun and that is in the expression of gratitude not only from my heart to yours but from all of us to all of you.

You are loved, you are cherished, you are honored, you are respected, you are masters. Proceed one step past your comfort zone, I will be there to take your hand.


SB: Thank you very much, Saint Germaine. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.

Wes Annac – 5 Obstacles on the Spiritual Path – 7-30-15


Wes Annac

Deciding we want to commit to the spiritual path is easy, but it can be harder to live up to our commitment. At the first sign of trouble, we could easily depart the path in favor of a lifestyle that doesn’t challenge us as much, but if we do, we’ll miss out on all of the incredible things the path has for us.

We’ll miss out on spiritual evolution and the wonders that come with it, and we’ll eventually realize we’ve taken a wrong turn. We might try to steer our ship in a more positive direction by then, but we would’ve been much further along the path if we hadn’t stopped in the first place.

I’d like to share five things that can distract us from the path, so we know what to look out for and what can hurt us.

The common spiritual seeker has to be diligent in this day and age, because there are all kinds of distractions out there that can halt our progress if we let them. Now’s a better time than ever to increase our dedication and find out how far we can go, but we have to watch out for the things I’ll list here and anything else that can stop us.

1. Fatigue, laziness, complacency

These three qualities can halt our progress by encouraging us to stop, relax and think more about the ego-driven self than our path or the people we want to help. If we give in to fatigue, it can take away our inspiration and encourage us to do little more than sit on the couch, binge watch our favorite TV shows and generally fail to get anything done.

Laziness compliments fatigue, because it encourages us to be unproductive for long periods of time.

Complacency is the icing on top of the cake that encourages us not to care that we’re no longer getting anything done. Complacency can encourage long periods of careless laziness, and if we can recognize and try to combat fatigue as soon as it starts to affect us, we can get away from all three of these qualities and continue with our inner work.

2. Difficulty


We’ve heard from practically every spiritual source that we’re infinite, and if we have love in our hearts and we can persevere in times of trouble, there’s nothing we can’t do. This includes keeping up with our spiritual practices (meditation, prayer, etc.), but we can easily convince ourselves that keeping up with them is just too hard.

If we convince ourselves we can’t keep going, we’ll naturally set them aside and we won’t pick them up until we once again find the motivation to give them a try. I’ll repeat what I said earlier: If we hadn’t set them down in the first place, then we’d have made a lot more progress by the time we were ready to pick them back up.

It helps to understand the role of love and perseverance on the spiritual (and creative) path, and the only time we fail at something is when we give up. None of us are failures until we allow ourselves to fail, and when it comes to our spirituality, that’s the last thing we want to do. If we’re serious about elevating our consciousness, we’ll quickly understand the importance of dedication and refusing to give up.

We might surprise ourselves with how much we can achieve if we keep going, and before we know it, we’ll be in a higher place each day and our radiance will become apparent to everyone in our vicinity.

3. Forgetting about love

I mentioned love earlier, and I can say from experience that forgetting to call on it can make the journey more difficult; especially if creativity is a big part of it. In my opinion, we can’t have true creativity or spirituality without love, and love makes it easier to keep on in hard times.

Love gives us the inspiration to keep going when our stresses pile up and we don’t feel very enlightened or inspired, and to fall away from it is to fall away from the greatest creative, spiritual, inspirational source around. The journey’s a lot easier and more worthwhile when we have love, and without it, life can seem empty and hollow – and not in the good way.


Plenty of spiritual teachers encourage emptiness, but love offers a unique type of emptiness where the mind is empty (as it’s meant to be) but the heart is full of inspiration, creativity and the willingness to tackle our most difficult challenges.

We’ll still have a clear, open, empty mind, but we’ll also be aligned with the creative force that’s responsible for our existence, our planet’s existence, and, in my opinion, everything we create. It all comes from love, and we’ll understand this when we’ve done the most potent inner work that gives us access to higher dimensions where everything is clearer and more amazing.

4. The distractions of our mainstream culture

You probably don’t need me to tell you how our mainstream culture can distract us from the path.

Imagine it’s a Friday night and you feel inspired to meditate, write a spiritually inspired article or compose some spiritually inspired music. Perhaps your better half tells you they’d like to spend some time with you, and instead of the plans that were forming, you decide to watch a movie or catch up with a television show you both enjoy.

I’m not saying that spending time with loved ones will take us off of the path, but pay attention to how you feel once you’re done indulging in those movies or TV shows. Depending on the type of content you watch, you could feel awful or completely uninspired to do anything that has to do with your spirituality.

In fact, it could go in the opposite direction. All those influences swirling around your mind could encourage you to partake in more shows, movies, etc., and finding inspiration again could be difficult. You could fall prey to more and more distorted cultural influence, and as you all probably know, there are a lot of negative influences out there.

Television and movies are filled to the brim with negative, brutal and lusty programming, and they have a greater effect on our mind and our subconscious than we realize. If this type of programming takes hold in our subconscious, it can make us want more and more of it to satisfy the subconscious craving it created.

We might want to avoid these things altogether, and this is why so many spiritual seekers and organizations have removed themselves from the influence of western society. Its influence can keep us from making valuable progress, so instead of indulging, maybe we can find a healthier way to spend time with our loved ones.

5. Loneliness (i.e. the absence of people to share our spirituality with)


Being a spiritual seeker can often be lonely, because some of us are the only ones in our area who embrace spirituality or the various concepts that come with it. This might be different for people in western states like California, where there are a lot of ‘conscious’ people with various beliefs, but a lot of spiritual seekers are alone in their knowledge, their awareness and the way they feel about life.

This can discourage us from making progress, because there are plenty of people around us who’ll talk about trivial, cultural things all day long. It never feels good for a spiritual seeker to take part in mundane discussion, because they’ve begun to tap in to the secrets of the universe and this quickly becomes their only interest.

Can you imagine having all these thoughts and feelings about enlightenment, UFOs, meditation, etc. burning deep within, but all anyone around you wants to talk about is the debt ceiling or everything wrong with the liberal or conservative parties? It can be maddening, and if we subject ourselves to too much nonspiritual influence, it can slowly take hold in our subconscious. Before we know it, our minds are once again on all those trivial things we wanted to get away from and we have to start the process of personal liberation back over again.


These are just a few things we’ll want to avoid if we want to successfully elevate our consciousness, and they’ll no longer hinder us when we reach a certain level of progress. We’ll have learned to stay away from most of them, but even the ones we can’t stay away from will stop affecting us like they once did.

The path will get easier as we learn to avoid things that keep us from making progress and embrace things that elevate our progress, and as long as we’re dedicated to the process and our intent is genuine, getting past the obstacles that stand in our way will be a breeze. We’ll no longer feel disconnected from our creator, our higher consciousness or anything else that liberates us, and with our love-fueled connection intact, we’ll be able to emerge into the world and make a positive impact on others.

For now, let’s keep in mind what helps and hurts us on the path, and in all situations, let’s call on our inner love to make things easier. Love is always here for us, and it can always help us through the challenges that could otherwise bring us down. Routinely calling on it can make life easier, more flowing and more worthwhile, and we’ll enjoy all of our challenges when we approach them with love and the willingness to stick with our spirituality in the face of all odds.

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness, July 29, 2015 –

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger, musician, and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site. The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

Owen Waters – Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness – 7-14-15

Owen WatersLife can be a treadmill of mundane details or it can be an inspiring adventure of uplifting experiences. Through the regular, daily practice of meditation, you can start each day by raising your frequency of consciousness above the mundane, work-a-day level into the spiritual realms of consciousness.

Here are seven facets of spiritual awareness which unfold as a result of daily meditation. Any technique will work. The Ultimate Meditation Technique is particularly effective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number One – Flow

A sense of flow attracts synchronicity into your life’s events. This almost magical sense enables you to always be in the appropriate place at the appropriate time in order to gain the most out of the experiences that the complete you, your inner self, planned for this life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Two – Unconditional Love

You develop a sense of unconditional love for the inner, spiritual essence of all the people that you connect with in your life. Even the difficult people, as they are often holding up a mirror for you to understand an aspect of past habits which, deep down, you would like to examine at this time.

Your sense of unconditional love naturally includes full acceptance of yourself, just as you are, with the personality that you adopted for this lifetime of experience. You can catch those old thought patterns of self-criticism and remember that you live in a universe which is naturally full of love and unconditional acceptance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Three – Abundance

Accept abundance as the natural flow of the universe. Forget those opinions about there being something wrong with money. It’s a form of energy and the universe is filled with energy. Life gets a lot more convenient when you are abundant. It gets really inconvenient when you are not.

When you follow your innermost joy, you find yourself doing work that you love and find absorbing. When you find your work absorbing, you become very good at it, without feeling that it took a lot of effort to become that highly skilled. When you are good at your work, employers and customers alike hear about you by word-of-mouth recommendation and they seek you out. The more in-demand your services become, the more they are worth. Following your inner joy is the secret to finding and developing an occupation which brings natural abundance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Four – Intuitive Insight

Both men and women find that, with regular spiritual practices, their sense of intuition develops smoothly and naturally. Soon, your insights grow to become very valuable in dealing with the challenges of life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Five – Creativity

A growing sense of creativity becomes apparent when spiritual practices become your daily routine. You discover new ways to achieve results because you see situations from a broader perspective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Six – Wisdom

Advances in spiritual wisdom and understanding come with deep meditation. In meditation, it is important to let distracting, surface thoughts dissipate so that deeper realizations may surface at the time that they are needed.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Seven –
Raising World Consciousness

When you detach from worldly concerns and express a higher frequency of consciousness, the conflicts of the lower frequencies of consciousness become automatically healed. When you let go of any form of conflict within yourself, you are able to rise to a higher frequency of consciousness in a state of harmony and balance.

Higher frequencies of consciousness hold a higher power. Not just a slightly higher power. The power ratio of spiritual consciousness to conflict-oriented consciousness is many thousands to one. If you allow balance to enter your life through a spiritual state of consciousness, it will manifest immediately and very powerfully in your daily life. You will also be helping to raise the global consciousness in a very powerful and constructive manner.

“Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness” by Owen Waters, July 12, 2015 at

Original link: Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness

Found at:

Owen Waters – Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness – 7-14-15

Owen WatersLife can be a treadmill of mundane details or it can be an inspiring adventure of uplifting experiences. Through the regular, daily practice of meditation, you can start each day by raising your frequency of consciousness above the mundane, work-a-day level into the spiritual realms of consciousness.

Here are seven facets of spiritual awareness which unfold as a result of daily meditation. Any technique will work. The Ultimate Meditation Technique is particularly effective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number One – Flow

A sense of flow attracts synchronicity into your life’s events. This almost magical sense enables you to always be in the appropriate place at the appropriate time in order to gain the most out of the experiences that the complete you, your inner self, planned for this life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Two – Unconditional Love

You develop a sense of unconditional love for the inner, spiritual essence of all the people that you connect with in your life. Even the difficult people, as they are often holding up a mirror for you to understand an aspect of past habits which, deep down, you would like to examine at this time.

Your sense of unconditional love naturally includes full acceptance of yourself, just as you are, with the personality that you adopted for this lifetime of experience. You can catch those old thought patterns of self-criticism and remember that you live in a universe which is naturally full of love and unconditional acceptance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Three – Abundance

Accept abundance as the natural flow of the universe. Forget those opinions about there being something wrong with money. It’s a form of energy and the universe is filled with energy. Life gets a lot more convenient when you are abundant. It gets really inconvenient when you are not.

When you follow your innermost joy, you find yourself doing work that you love and find absorbing. When you find your work absorbing, you become very good at it, without feeling that it took a lot of effort to become that highly skilled. When you are good at your work, employers and customers alike hear about you by word-of-mouth recommendation and they seek you out. The more in-demand your services become, the more they are worth. Following your inner joy is the secret to finding and developing an occupation which brings natural abundance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Four – Intuitive Insight

Both men and women find that, with regular spiritual practices, their sense of intuition develops smoothly and naturally. Soon, your insights grow to become very valuable in dealing with the challenges of life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Five – Creativity

A growing sense of creativity becomes apparent when spiritual practices become your daily routine. You discover new ways to achieve results because you see situations from a broader perspective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Six – Wisdom

Advances in spiritual wisdom and understanding come with deep meditation. In meditation, it is important to let distracting, surface thoughts dissipate so that deeper realizations may surface at the time that they are needed.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Seven –
Raising World Consciousness

When you detach from worldly concerns and express a higher frequency of consciousness, the conflicts of the lower frequencies of consciousness become automatically healed. When you let go of any form of conflict within yourself, you are able to rise to a higher frequency of consciousness in a state of harmony and balance.

Higher frequencies of consciousness hold a higher power. Not just a slightly higher power. The power ratio of spiritual consciousness to conflict-oriented consciousness is many thousands to one. If you allow balance to enter your life through a spiritual state of consciousness, it will manifest immediately and very powerfully in your daily life. You will also be helping to raise the global consciousness in a very powerful and constructive manner.

“Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness” by Owen Waters, July 12, 2015 at

Original link: Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness

Found at:

Eve Hogan – Meaning of Life, Unconditional Love – 7-13-15

011_Eve_Dec2011__4304Nicolae Tanase: Eve, what is the meaning of life?

Eve Hogan: When I was thirty I went to India to see a holy man that I had known when I was a child but hadn’t seen in nearly 25 years. In a private meeting, I sat across his desk and for quite a while he didn’t say anything, neither did I. However, in the silence I knew he was intuitively summing me up. Suddenly my entire life flashed before me much like they say it does when you die. On some level, I knew that he knew very passionate moment, every indiscriminate moment, every beautiful moment, every lie, every truth—every encounter I had ever had. It all seemed to play out before both of us like a silent movie spilling the secrets of my life.

Remarkably, all I felt from him was love, true unconditional love. I knew that he knew every thing there was to know about me, and he loved me—anyhow.

Now one might think that is a beautiful feeling, and indeed it would be, if I had felt like I deserved it. Unfortunately, however, I squirmed in my shame and embarrassment, uncomfortable with having my life’s choices revealed.

In that moment I realized that we got the concept of “Judgment day” backwards. The “judgment” doesn’t come from God, it comes from ourselves in the face of absolute unconditional love as we have to come to grips with whether we feel deserving of such a blessing.

Hence, as far as I can tell, the meaning of life is to live a life that allows you to know you deserve the love. This requires being mindful in every moment of your words, thoughts and actions and aligning them with your Soul-Essence (rather than your ego-mind). In so doing, we align our actions with the highest good for all involved, such that when basking in unconditional love, all we feel is delight.

The great news is that we don’t have to wait until we die for this blessing, as soon as we know we deserve it, we are able to feel the love— all the time.

~Eve Eschner Hogan, transformational Educator, Author of several books, Blogger for Spirituality and Health Magazine, Labyrinth Facilitator, and Retreat leader of

Copyright © 2015 Excellence Reporter

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. – 7 Essential Steps for Spiritual Growth – 7-7-15

7 essential steps for spiritual evolution

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D.   –   7 Essential Steps for Spiritual Growth    –   7-7-15

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D.|We all have an innate desire to grow and to become the very best expressions of ourselves. This is why we spend our lives learning, evolving, and striving to align with a way of life that both supports and fulfills us. To achieve this requires  that we transform from where we are now to where we want to be. Growth, progress, and even our very survival depend on us transforming our lives and our world for the better.


1) Breakdown & breakthrough

2) Dissolve & purify

3) Separate and identify


Deepak Chopra – Ten Keys to Happiness In Spirituality – 9-14-14

Written by Deepak Chopra M.D.
Here are my 10 keys to happiness:
1. Listen to your body’s wisdom, which expresses itself through signals of comfort and discomfort. When choosing a certain behavior, ask your body, “How do you feel about this?” If your body sends a signal of physical or emotional distress, watch out. If your body sends a signal of comfort and eagerness, proceed.

2. Live in the present, for it is the only moment you have. Keep your attention on what is here and now; look for the fullness in every moment.Accept what comes to you totally and completely so that you can appreciate it, learn from it, and then let it go. The present is as it should be. It reflects infinite laws of Nature that have brought you this exact thought, this exact physical response. This moment is as it is because the universe is as it is. Don’t struggle against the infinite scheme of things; instead, be at one with it.

3. Take time to be silent, to meditate, to quiet the internal dialogue. In moments of silence, realize that you are recontacting your source of pure awareness. Pay attention to your inner life so that you can be guided by intuition rather than externally imposed interpretations of what is or isn’t good for you.

4. Relinquish your need for external approval. You alone are the judge of your worth, and your goal is to discover infinite worth in yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks. There is great freedom in this realization. When you find yourself reacting with anger or opposition to any person or circumstance, realize that you are only struggling with yourself. Putting up resistance is the response of defenses created by old hurts.

5. When you find yourself reacting with anger or opposition to any person or circumstance, realize that you are only struggling with yourself. Putting up resistance is the response of defenses created by old hurts. When you relinquish this anger, you will be healing yourself and cooperating with the flow of the universe.

6. Know that the world “out there” reflects your reality “in here.” The people you react to most strongly, whether with love or hate, are projections of your inner world. What you most hate is what you most deny in yourself. What you most love is what you most wish for in yourself. Use the mirror of relationships to guide your evolution. The goal is total self-knowledge. When you achieve that, what you most want will automatically be there, and what you most dislike will disappear.

7. Shed the burden of judgment – you will feel much lighter. Judgment imposes right and wrong on situations that just are. Everything can be understood and forgiven, but when you judge, you cut off understanding and shut down the process of learning to love. In judging others, you reflect your lack of self-acceptance. Remember that every person you forgive adds to your self-love.

8. Don’t contaminate your body with toxins, either through food, drink, or toxic emotions. Your body is more than a life-support system. It is the vehicle that will carry you on the journey of your evolution. The health of every cell directly contributes to your state of well being, because every cell is a point of awareness within the field of awareness that is you.

9. Replace fear-motivated behavior with love-motivated behavior. Fear is the product of memory, which dwells in the past. Remembering what hurt us before, we direct our energies toward making certain that an old hurt will not repeat itself. But trying to impose the past on the present will never wipe out the threat of being hurt. That happens only when you find the security of your own being, which is love. Motivated by the truth inside you, you can face any threat because your inner strength is invulnerable to fear.

10. Understand that the physical world is just a mirror of a deeper intelligence. Intelligence is the invisible organizer of all matter and energy, and since a portion of this intelligence resides in you, you share in the organizing power of the cosmos. Because you are inseparably linked to everything, you cannot afford to foul the planet’s air and water. But at a deeper level, you cannot afford to live with a toxic mind, because every thought makes an impression on the whole field of intelligence. Living in balance and purity is the highest good for you and the Earth

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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Stand Up For What Is Good –

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Within the human being is a seed of hope a divine blueprint that has promised never to leave. A seed that stays planted no matter how bad the weather and storms of life may be. So many people have worked so hard only to see their dreams laid to rest in a barren thirsty soil. They have followed their divine blueprint into a desert that grows little and a land that does not support.  They have extended themselves financially, emotionally and physically plowing a land that is unfriendly and desires not to support what their heart yearns for.

As their dreams begin to wither in the high noon sun of earthly chaos and manipulation the light of hope seems to fade, the heart begins to close the door on hope. We become robot like as we struggle not to feel the sadness in our heart. We  don’t want to give up on what lives in our heart but we do not see the seasons changing in our favor.

All hands of the planet reach out to take what little you have stretching you into more fears and tears.  The price of all goes sky high as you continue to make ends meet the rope gets tighter and tighter around your dreams seeming to squeeze the very life out of them. We begin to feel like silly putty bouncing off the walls and only absorbing the pictures that others give to us.  We try hard to escape this harsh reality but life swims toward us with an open mouth hungry to take any and all.  Any illusion of control is held tightly in the body as pain as we announce to the world what we are not going to do louder than what we will be forced to do via life and circumstance.

Our bodies kick and scream and our soul pirouettes spinning out of control as the seasons of time demand our undivided attention. All personal considerations go on hold as these vast energies enter our field of inquiry. Fight or flight gallops thru our biological system as adrenaline glands pump hard like horses in the Kentucky derby.  Like neighbor kids in a snowball fight, no harm intended but it still hurts. We feel helpless and hopeless as our dreams seem to whither on the vine. Our ability to nurture has turned into the need to survive. We begin to panic looking for the escape hatch, anything has to be better that all of this planetary upheaval.

All of these events have been predicted for many years but we did not hear and we did not want to see that particular future. We now sit in space and time asking to be rescued by anything or anyone. In this place of vulnerability the scent of danger is sensed, as we become victims of a changing world. How can little ole us fight the oil companies the government the choices of people that do not seem to know what they are doing? How can we correct the balance of a world and economy on tilt?

Well dear ones it is time to get off our humbled haunches and stand up for all we believe to be good and light and truth and honor. We have been schooled for this time and energy our entire life. We are not little in light or purpose we are destined to make a difference person by person thought by thought without fear of consequence.

We have the light to shift the molecules that seem to own us taking away our freedom of choice. Yes we are adrift on a sea of manipulation by all that seems grander than we do. Yes we are padding to our hopes and dreams in a beautiful pea green boat, on a sea that changes its currents every day. We are not someone’s puppets to be played with and restrung at a moments notice. We are the rescuers of a world that has come undone. It is up to us to hold  the vision of peace, praying for the greatest good of all concerned.

We can shift our world thought by thought starting with our own little personal universe. We are not blind victims in a con game, we have come into this with eyes wide open, and no matter how hard we try to close them we can still see clearly.  No one on this earth has the right to shrivel our dreams pushing us from the cliffs as we strive to climb to new heights.

We have a great promise that lives in our soul over-shadowing all disbelief. We can not and will not let others decide our destiny. Are we so small and meek that we are afraid of everything. How can we let such things make us give up on our dreams of doing and becoming? We are greater than what befalls us. Our life force has better things to do than swat at what is small and pesky.  We have people to love, an earth to heal, and life to live to the fullest.

Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted

With Love and dedication to the Light by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Ed. Note: On a personal note, this post really hit home. By finding the courage to survive my greatest loss, I’m discovering  Divine Grace and an inner peace greater than ever imagined.

The harder they push, the taller WE – who are POWERFUL, MANIFESTING CO-CREATORS – stand in our Eternal Essence Embodied, absent ALL limitation as we move forth to Co-Create a New Paradigm based in peace, prosperity, compassion, healing ourselves and the planet in Eternal love. 

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MICHELLE WALLING @ – Have You Experienced Interference With People Close To You? – 6-14-15


By Michelle Walling, CHLC,

Those of us who continue to raise our vibration are moving away from the realm where we can be energetically attacked. Because of this, the Draco/Reptilian Archonic agenda has ramped up to affect those around us. This ploy is designed to attempt to lower our vibrationthrough interpersonal contact with those that we have contact with.

To get to a place where you can no longer be triggered by negativity and Archonic programming, it takes a lot of grounding and centering through connecting with your higher self within, as well as communing with Source. It takes declaring your sovereignty and being aware of situations that opened you up to the gremlins. Keeping a hard core golden aura barrier in tact is a guaranteed method of protecting yourself and keeping the door locked to influence.

However, as we do this, we also increase our light quotient and set off the monitoring alarms for the negative beings who are keeping track of the light quotient. The focus now turns to trying to diminish your light so that the overall minimum required light quotient that we are holding will be affected in the collective human consciousness.

It is obvious to me that the Archonic forces are desperate. I am recovering from an attack that I never thought would occur to me personally, and I feel the need to share this with you in case you are noticing this in your reality as well.

It is obvious to me that the Archonic forces are desperate. I am recovering from an attack that I never thought would occur to me personally, and I feel the need to share this with you in case you are noticing this in your reality as well.

For those who are not awake and aware and are not in control of their own body, thoughts, and actions, they have become prime targets for the puppet masters to act through their bodies in order to affect those who can no longer be triggered. In the last two weeks my son, a worker who was painting my house, and my disabled sister were all bombarded with negative and sadistic energies and were turned against me in order to try diminish my light. Each attack was so unbelievable that I found myself in shock from the brazen demonic desperation to take me down.

One of these people was actually awakening and knew he had been triggered all his life, and was seeking help from me on how to defend himself. All it takes is a siesta from your awareness through alcohol or drugs to open the door to be taken over, which is what happened in this case as his consciousness left his body and the Draconians stepped in.

One of these people was actually awakening and knew he had been triggered all his life, and was seeking help from me on how to defend himself. All it takes is a siesta from your awareness through alcohol or drugs to open the door to be taken over, which is what happened in this case as his consciousness left his body and the Draconians stepped in.

During the attacks, I had to expel an amount of energy that any normal human would not be able to keep inside. Feelings of anger and hurt flowed through me and I probably reacted more on the negative side than I should have. However, I learned so much from this and I could never have held those feelings inside of me. I had to allow them to flow through me and transmute them into balanced energy.

As I was recovering and powering up my supply of light within, I also had inner guidance that reminded me to retract all of the negative thoughts and emotions that I had created while my loved ones were being triggered. I made a declaration outloud to retract all of the negative energy I created from these incidents. Then I was reminded to go all the way back in this lifetime and then to every lifetime my oversoul has had! I used this magnificent body of mine to pull all of this negativity into my heart center and transmuted it while in the shower, with the amplification of my intent flowing through the water. I had communed with Mother Nature through the water and had asked for my higher guidance to help me draw these energies back to me and allow them to flow without sticking to me.

Although I have a wonderful team of protection around me and I have declared my sovereign free-willed power, the people that they are attacking had allowed them in unconsciously through their willingness and/or incapacity to defend themselves. This really pissed me off because although my family has enough protection to keep them from being seriously harmed, they cannot stop the attacks if their free will opens the door. Also, as I mentioned, they can gang up on them and over power them.

I made a declaration out loud that they had screwed with the wrong person when they decided to go to my close family and various people in my life. I asked the Universe to take those who have proven that they had no chance of rehabilitation to Source to be reconstituted back to another form of energy so that they can no longer harm anyone. I was delighted to later read Serena Woods’ version of this as posted HERE This was my confirmation that other people had been through similar situations. It also seems that Mercury in retrograde helped to allow for these incidents to have the ability to manifest.

Finally, the last thing I had to do for now is to remove my friends and loved ones temporarily from my life. It was a very hard thing to do, but cutting all ties will protect them from being triggered and the negative forces will move away from them. I have come to realize that it is my energy they want, triggered through people that I care about. So far it has worked and the only way for me to get through this is to be the observer and to know that one day my friends and family will see why I had to leave them.

The tricksters still take every opportunity to screw with any person (besides Gregg) that I come into contact with. This includes hotel clerks, grocery clerks, people driving in cars, construction workers, TSA airport security, door to door salesmen, and the list goes on and on. The way I deal with this is to laugh my way through it. Eventually by raising the vibration of the situation in the here and now, the tricksters get defeated and move on. It is really great having Gregg as a witness to these situations because he understands what is happening and keeps from getting triggered as well.

As a side note, I also take Himalayan sea salt and baking soda baths in order to keep my energy cleared and balanced, and Gregg is really good at smudging the house and our bodies by burning sage. Any method you prefer to use that keeps you protected and allows you to concentrate on raising your vibration is important during and after such attacks. I cannot stress enough communing with nature as a way to center and ground yourself.

The bottom line is that the negative forces that are trapped here with us are trying to bring us down. This is the last showdown and those of us that are shining our lights on the shadows are bringing attention to ourselves but cannot be interfered with as long as we stay conscious and aware of what they are trying to do. Staying grounded and working hard to keep your vibration raised and your energy field cleared are imperative in getting through these attacks. Sending love and forgiveness to those who have been used against you in an attack is important because most of the time they do not realize what has happened, and in some cases their memory is wiped of the whole event. It truly is amazing to watch this last battle unfold, but we are winning this war on consciousness and the evidence is in the desperation and failing attempts of energy vampirism cloaked in ridiculousness.

Click here for more articles by Michelle Walling!

About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for In5D.
All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.

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OPEN WEB FOUNDATION – True Nature of the Spiritual Warrior – 6-7-15

By Open   –   2nd June 2015

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

What the world needs most of all right now, is for the new breed of ‘Spirit Warriors’ to step up and step out. It needs people to dive into centre stream; to take a risk, that we can truly change the worldwide reality by having the courage to change our own.

It is said that madness is doing the same thing day in day out and yet expecting different results. Well, there’s plenty of madness out there right now! So where do you stand?

Are you one of the New Spirit Warriors?

Here’s how to tell…

22 Ways to tell if You are a Spirit Warrior:

1. A Spirit Warrior recognises that they, and only they, create their reality. In other words, they fearlessly embrace every person, situation and circumstance that they have drawn, as their own manifestation. And they’re prepared to deal with that (see Law of Attraction unveiled).

2. A Spirit Warrior realises that ‘fearlessness’ is not to be without fear; rather it is to be continually confronting and breaking through fear in the moment it arises.

3. A Spirit Warrior does not blame or project at others. Not even the crazy situation we now witness in the world. She accepts the outer mirror created by group karma, and works tirelessly to unravel it (understanding karma).

4. A Spirit Warrior doesn’t complain or constantly try to fix the ‘pain’. They recognise that the pain is the place where the light enters, and that transcendence of the physical is the path to immortality. Therefore, of the pain they say… “bring it on!”

5. A Spirit Warrior is not afraid to let go of a creation or manifestation once it has served its purpose. Which could mean moving on from a de-energising relationship, job or location. Even when the path forwards is uncertain, they dive all in (see Manifesting Miracles with White Magic).

6. A Spirit Warrior knows the difference between surrender and giving up. Surrender is aligning with the truth that they can feel unfolding, whereas giving up is being wishy washy, and too easily accepting of ‘anything goes’.

7. A Spirit Warrior knows the difference between judgment and discernment. It’s vitally important to call reality the way it is, in order to navigate the path between the obstacles in life. But to judge another or a particular circumstance as always being the same, is to ‘condemn’ it, and then form a fixed relationship to it (see The Ray 4 Diplomat in You).

8. A Spirit Warrior is careful with the word ‘never’, so as not to condemn a particular situation to a particular fate. He is aware that ‘always’ may change.

9. A Spirit Warrior is not afraid to go against the herd, even at the risk of getting trampled by it.

10. A Spirit Warrior is not afraid to suffer, or to die, for a cause greater than themselves.

11. A Spirit Warrior knows that death is merely the passage into a new life. And therefore fearlessly lives the life they now have.

12. A Spirit Warrior is profoundly honest with themselves.

13. A Spirit Warrior is not afraid of the truth.

14. A Spirit Warrior fearlessly expresses themselves, no matter what the outcome. Yes, diplomacy and tact are important to them too, but that doesn’t mean compromising your own soul. It’s all about ‘the dance’, finding the most accessible and appropriate way to express your truth (see The Seven Rays of Divine Impulse).

15. A Spirit Warrior is selfless, yet not afraid to express the self. The self is far from being some bland, colourless or wishy washy existence. It is vibrant, alive, full of animation, charisma, colour and expression.

16. A Spirit Warrior is forgiving of himself and others. She recongises that all life’s circumstances are created for learning purposes: that there is no such thing as evil intent. All create according to the reality model that has been built up inside. Forgiveness helps unravel the distortions that people hold onto (see radical forgiveness).

17. A Spirit Warrior understands the difference between non-efforting and commitment to a cause. Yes, it is essential to let go of struggle and attachment. But nevertheless, it is going to take commitment, patience and perseverance to bring light through the darkness.

18. A Spirit Warrior knows when to put something down, and when to pick something up.

19. A Spirit Warrior lives day to day, moment by moment from their intuition. They’re constantly tuning within and asking “what would you have me do now?” and “how would you have me do it?”

20. A Spirit Warrior is constantly witnessing the objectivity of synchronicity, allowing it to reveal what’s really going on in the moment, not accepting the filter the ego might be placing on it.

21. A Spirit Warrior allows others to make their own mistakes and walk their own path. He may lend support, but doesn’t disempower by taking ownership of their issue.

22. A Spirit Warrior truly understands the nature of love: overcoming that which separates oneself from other sentient life, and instead compassionately embracing that which unites all (see video Who are You, and How to Be That?).

The Spirit Warriors are here!

There’s a new era of Spirit Warriors emerging. These spiritual warriors are not afraid to feel their fear. They have the courage to be vulnerable through the deepest challenges and to be profoundly honest with themselves. They are committed with every fibre of their being to unravel the layers that keep them bound to the lower paradigm, no matter what it takes! They come from all walks of life, of all ages, joining hands, finding a common thread of beingness and are hiding NO MORE!

The question is… are you one of them?



Connecting to the Devas and the Unity Field – My Spiritual Journey – Donna @ – by Georgi Stankov – 5-29-15

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Connecting to the Devas and the Unity Field   –   My Spiritual Journey

by Donna, May 29, 2015   –   by Georgi Stankov



I submit this personal journey to you and Carla. After reviewing the information in its entirety I trust your discerning eye and keen instinct to know if it will be useful to the Planetary Ascension Team.



Dear Donna,

I read the three parts of your remarkable spiritual journey and very much enjoyed it. I will start preparing it today for publication but it will take some time to edit it completely. I must admit that I have some difficulties to understand how you have arrived at some of your latest perceptions and conclusions as they differ from mine and that of most of the PAT. But I fully accept that each spiritual pathway is absolutely unique and that there is no such thing as an objective standard. It is very stimulating to read how you have perceived these same major energetic events, such as 12.21.12 and later on from your individual point of view and I think that the PAT will profit from this personal presentation.

With love and light



Short Background

As a child of 5 years old growing up in the 1950’s I was aware that I was here to ascend. I would have dreams of helping people ‘lighten up’. I would have recurring dreams of the end times and being able to read energy.

I really didn’t hear any people talk of ascension until the late 80’s around the time of the Harmonic Convergence.

In the early 1990’s a local shop opened up close to my home that sold crystals and began selling books and offering classes on metaphysical and ascension topics. I signed up for a class on Geomancy. After class I asked the instructor if I could tag along on the next adventure. I was given a time, date and place to show up. I ended up tagging along rain or shine a couple of days a week for over a year.

I don’t know why but I had an overwhelming feeling that I had to discover something and I had to do it on my own. I began going to any place I could find that had a few trees, a stream, waterfall, cave, rock formations, fields, pond, lake, or beach.

I would look for a spot that looked inviting in the differing areas and if I found such a place I would just sit there, quiet my thoughts, be present, and look around for a short amount of time. Often I would be naturally drawn to an object such as an interesting rock, shimmering water, a flower, an unusual tree, or a general feeling of the area. I started noticing that when I placed my attention on the subject, appreciating its beauty or uniqueness the energy shifted. It opened a space of new relationship with not only the subject but my surroundings as well.

A deeper respect for the natural world and Nature began to develop. When approaching a natural area, I began greeting the area respectfully as saying hello to a friend. I was getting a response back. For example, a hawk would fly close by, the wind would swirl around me, I would start to hear deep undertones in the stream, a ray of sunshine would burst through the clouds, or a butterfly would land right next to me.

I was present in the moment and Nature responded enthusiastically. I also had no expectations or preconceived ideas. There were times while sitting in a spot, my thoughts would sometimes wander muddling over personal issues. Amazingly I would feel compelled to look in a certain direction at something that would somehow sooth or offer example to my dilemma.

Finding My Spot

Then one day I discovered the most amazing little place in Nature close to my home. I concentrated my visits there for several months discovering and interacting with all the different spots on the small diamond-shaped island.

I particularly enjoyed the top bedrock point of the diamond-shaped part of the island where the waters parted to the right or the left. Just watching the constantly shifting part was mesmerizing, knowing the choice to the right was very fast paced while the left was meandering. There were long shale striations just south of the top point and after thunderstorms you could feel a beat up through your feet as the water would chop over the shale.

There was an area of lush dense greenery. I got a kick out of singing by the small waterfall; “doo wop” with the deep “glub-glub” under tones. There was a bridge to the island over rapidly rushing water. I learn not to sit there too long, very draining. Another spot had deeply twisted tree roots. It was very sandy at the pointed base. Once I fell asleep there and was awakened by a snake. Note to self: pay more attention to what appears to be a floating stick! But that snake was there for a reason as the light body process was beginning and kundalini energy became active.

One day I noticed a spot that I hadn’t visited. There was a pyramid-shaped boulder in the middle of an oxbow in a stream. I waded out to the boulder, sat down and closed my eyes. I have no idea how long I sat there before opening them. All I could see was light particles, folds and waves in such a chaotic fashion that I was going to be sick to my stomach. I focused my attention on the particles and they took on more order and structure allowing me to become more comfortable. Absolutely everything was composed of these light particles that seemed to be responding to me.

My vision then shifted as I looked at my hands. They were luminous. I had light beams coming out of my fingertips and palms. I lifted my arm and pointed outward at the sky. The light shot out and through the universe impacting everything.

I looked down at my body and saw my abdomen had huge bands of light fibers emanating outward connecting with each tree, rock, and plant. Everything was absolutely connected. I managed to say, “Wow” and watched a wave come from my words. Instantly everything had access to it along with the intent implied but not spoken. I saw that thought roll like a wave out of my head.

Meeting the Deva

My vision shifted again and I noticed auric fields around everything individually. Within the fields I could discern a unique liquid-ish light field closely surrounding each living thing. Along with the light there was intelligence, effervescence that interfaced with genetic instructions and DNA codes.

I heard a voice say, “That is the Life Vitality”. I looked to the sky searching for the owner of the voice and saw the most amazing looking being beaming love and compassion. It looked unlike anything I have ever seen. My brain was struggling with a context for this and just as I heard the word “Deva” and not knowing what that meant, I slipped out of the altered state and back into the reality of sitting on a rock in the middle of the stream.

Much Needed Validation

Regaining composure and so freaking excited about what had just happened, I wanted to talk it over with a trusted friend. After all I was wondering if this was teetering on the side of sane or crazy. Finding her home I relayed the events and insisted she come to the place and meet the being. She had just received a gift (a deck of Medicine Cards and the book that goes with them) from one of our friends and she scooped them up and brought them with her. On the way I was trying to describe the Deva as an angelic/human white Bat-like being that was huge with white wings out stretched above the area, just so she would know what to look for.

We greeted nature, crossed the bridge and headed to the stream. She saw a grouping of trees on a rocky precipice on the edge of the stream and wanted to explore there. She tucked her medicine cards and book into a crevice and we started toning together.

We were there for about a half an hour and it was getting late so we were getting ready to leave. I climbed down first, turned and heard her exclaiming that her new book jumped in the water and she was going after it because it was floating toward the waterfall. Then I saw her socks and shoes fly in the air and heard her jump in.

Every common sense instinct I had told me to run along the bank downstream and try to get to the book. Then clearly and calmly I saw and heard the Deva. The Deva instructed me to go upstream. This did not make sense to me. I hesitated. The Deva calmly repeated, “Go upstream”.

I trusted and went upstream to a little mossy area right on the stream bank. From that spot I could see my friend wading waist deep in water reaching for her book as it appeared to get pushed just out of her reach. Then the book stopped and started to twirl on the surface of the water. It glided along the surface upstream against the current right to where I am standing. I effortlessly reach down and pull it out of the water.

The look on our faces was priceless. She got out of the water and I retrieved her socks and shoes. I handed her the book. She noticed that not all of the pages were wet. The book opened on the page that separated the wet and dry pages. The animal on that page of the Medicine Card book was The Bat.

First Lesson: The Breathing Process of Earth and the Evolutionary Cycle


My first encounter with this Deva was during the summer. The wings were outstretched across the area. Just before the autumn equinox I was asked by the Deva to be at the spot at the exact change over time. I arrived early. While getting to the spot I noticed a deep stillness around me. On spot I sat, tuned in and waited.  I was very surprised to see the Deva change stance. Those life-vitality/information light particles began pouring toward Earth from the cosmos. The Deva was performing sweeping and gathering motions collecting and circulating the light vitality. Not a word was said. I just observed. On a side note, throughout the fall season these movements were constantly occurring.


Being asked again to be in my spot on the winter solstice was a bit challenging but I arrived about ten minutes early. I sat, tuned in and observed. Again a deep, deep stillness was all around. Again the Deva’s stance changed. The deva embraced the particular energies and plunged her wings along with the particles deep into the Earth and held the posture. This posture continued throughout the winter season.


I was excited to get to my spot just before the spring equinox. Again arriving a few minutes early the deep stillness was present. With the Deva’s wings still deep within the earth holding the vital essence they suddenly bust outward and to the surface releasing the energies to intermingle and circulate vitalizing and exchanging information. I also saw the vitality information codes streaming way beyond Earth and into the cosmic ethers. This continued throughout the spring season.


Summer solstice arrived while I was instructed to be on my spot. As in the usual manner, just prior to there was a deep stillness. The deva’s wings outstretched holding light vitality/information particles as they flourished and exchanged information with the cosmos.

At that point finally the Deva spoke to me about what I had witnessed over this year-long observation. The explanation was how the Earth breathes with relationship to the evolutionary process.

The Visual

Picture the Earth as observing it from a distance. Spring in the northern hemisphere would be releasing what was held, incubated, and infused (winter) within the Earth into the atmosphere and cosmos. It would be held, incubated and infused (summer) within the cosmos. Then the cosmos releases the life vitality/information to the Earth in the autumn.

All the while the spring season in the northern hemisphere is releasing, the autumn season in the southern hemisphere is receiving. While the winter season in the northern hemisphere is holding in, the summer season in the southern hemisphere has emptied out to the cosmos.


About 10 years after the Deva had shown me this incredible cycle I had moved to another area. I had been searching for concurring information for some time. I found a book by Rudolf Steiner in a local library. I was so excited to read his description of this process although the Deva realm’s participation was not mentioned.

The seasons and years passed. My connection with that realm became instant and I no longer was required to be in my spot. I met many different over lighting Devas in locations as I traveled. The Devas would always teach that humans were meant to be the ones who co-created with nature. They likened themselves to the middle men holding that space and providing that service until we could take on the role.

December 2012

In early December 2012 the Devas stances and behaviors changed radically. They became extremely animated and were all performing their own unique maneuvers demonstrating ‘cover, duck and roll’. As December 21, 2012 approached I observed there was celebration among them that at the last moments the energies would support the shift. The Devas stances changed to ‘duck, roll, and jump up triumphant’.

I really had no idea what that actually meant other than I had never seen this kind of change in their stances. It must be something extremely significant and they were excited about it. On the winter solstice they ducked and rolled right out of this reality along with their buffering life-support role. I felt such a huge loss of their presence.

January 2013

Constantly searching for that particular Deva realm and coming up with nothing was very unsettling for me. I hadn’t actually realized how much a part of me had enmeshed.  Knowing the support they provided, I could not understand how we as humanity and a collective could actually accommodate this monumental change. Humanity must be ready to co-create? We must be ready, the Devas were so excited about this transition and I know how they were devoted and the eons of loving service they provided.

I closed my eyes and asked to be connected to any supporting planetary energy. I saw a white plasma type of field. This put my mind somewhat at ease as well as desire to connect and investigate.

In Retrospect

A very new journey was beginning and it didn’t take long to realize this was going to be new territory with the loss of the previous ‘buffer’ to our life support system. We started experiencing increasing CMEs, upgrades – then the body adjustments and cleansing to the core. We have been integrating dimension and time anomalies, along with profound feelings of connection, awakenings, and total transparency. The intensity continues and our bodies continue to adjust. The pain has been stifling at times and the accomplishment is magnificent as we seat into our roles as co-creators.

The following is a description of the timing of the New Earth framework as I individually experienced it.


Out of habit and looking for some kind of balance of harmony of the old system, I tuned into the spring equinox. Instead I saw myself floating on a golden lotus with a golden etheric light body. I was told “We (humanity) are the ones” who are to co-create the new earth. I saw a stabilization arch implemented to correct a warble from May 19-31st (the time when the first seven 4D earths were created; note, George). I saw how humanities’ enlightened grids can join together to lift dimensional grids.

The summer solstice message was “steady Resolve”.

The fall equinox a new energy system has come online. “The mission is a ‘go’”.

November some are ready to graduate and start working with the creational fields (November 28th, 2013 Carla and I ascended to become Logos Gods within the Unity Field; note, George). A super elastic bubble filtering material is being put into place around our individual fields to act like a biofeedback/ boomerang. The Field will protect its integrity while we learn to co-create.

December 12th A HUGE Field upgrade today releasing the gates. Our individual net fields are able to now dissolve into the greater field once our frequency matches.

(On Dec 12th the Council of Twelve of the Agarthans visited us in Germany to announce the postponement of our ascension and the change in the ascension scenario. The next day the Elohim told us: “You and your dual soul currently prepare the Ascension path through stabilization and constructive reinforcement of the ascension gateways/ portals… As you are already Ascended Masters, you both carry the necessary coding within your fields to lay the groundwork for the arrival of those light warriors of the first and last hour. Without the preparatory work, the others cannot follow. Indeed, the path is complete, and it is only the reinforcement that now takes place. It is as though you are building a train track for the train to follow – the rails are down and now the ties are applied for strengthening and ensuring the successful passage of the train. You two are the only incarnates who carry these energetic encodements, and the skill to engage them. Note, George)

December 21st the testing goes live today.

(On December 17, we created Gaia 5 through the unification of surface earth with Agartha, Shamballa and all past civilisations such as Lemuria and Atlantis. The Elohim told us:

“It is the time of the great arrival of the Christ Consciousness… A complete severing of the lifeline/ umbilical cord has taken place, which fed all discompassionate motives still lingering here, now… As full energetic disconnection has occurred and your dual soul (George) has set barriers in place to prevent any new connections/ re-connections, you are now asked to release the new energies of the Christ consciousness that have been present also during the period of deconstruction. 

Now, dear ones, flood the supra-planet with the love of the Christ consciousness, the sparkling gold and diamond-like light particles through your body vessels. It is a most powerful creation.  Send it all about your supra-planet and into the time-space element surrounding its path for All time.

Spread it with loving intention to every expression of life beginning with the Devic Kingdom, the elemental kingdom, Mother Earth, the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, to all humanity as well as all expressions of life within Mother Earth, namely Telos, Shamballa and all civilizations and natural life within, as these are also part and parcel of this “Supra-Planet”. The angels and archangels are with you for this celebration, this sacred ceremony of the dissemination of the Christ consciousness, through the divine masculine and the divine feminine energies, to All that the Supra-Planet represents as a wholly complete unified fifth dimensional living Being within All-That-Is! Spread it with joy! and love! and acceptance for All life!

This Unified Life, called “Supra Gaia” (upon and within) is a whole new creation within All-That-Is and is called “Gaia-Five“. It is ripe for the sowing, in this moment.


January 1st there is a deep sense of missing something promised. Tuning into The Field I saw an opalescence shield with a blue tinge come down to hold us back. Wait, it is not time. I felt so disappointed.

Plan B

February ‘We have gone quantum’ is the message I continue to get. I was warned health related issues are triggering for many now as result of trouble with integration of the new multidimensional field.

(Gaia 5 was created by us in December 2013 but its actual birthing took place on February 12, 2014 as the Elohim confirmed to us after my arrival in Vancouver, Canada:

“We are the Elohim and we greet you in great joy and enthusiasm for the record-breaking changes your Souls held fast to (created) within this great and final change of time for mankind… This moment, Now, represents the final expression, the final culmination of all triggers, of all experiences, of all representations that now build and release Gaia 5 into perfection through this ascension window. This massive portal creates a fully aligned corridor within the time-space matrix, connecting Gaia 5 with an infinitesimal multi-dimensional matrix, that is now over-riding all previous energetic organizations within this reality. The old world is gone forever, replaced by this new Earth, Gaia 5, where new thought forms based on truth, love, presence and clarity of purpose shall flourish and forever reign over the ancient ways, that are no more. This moment reflects a new way of life from this day onward! Great alignments replace old allegiance! New perspective shines all around! Embrace this new Earth, Gaia 5, and the new way of life, for it is here to stay!” 

March and April began the integration process of the physical body into multi-dimensionality. It was hard on the physical body.

May energy amplification propelled many to initiate a ‘back to the future review’ process in order to clear deep emotional and physical body issues (To compare Donna’s experiences check also the seamless chronicle of our energetic experiences on this website, which I will not mention in the following as notes. George).

June we continue to become clearer deepening our commitment as co-creators. At the solstice I asked to tune into the over lighting deva of my area and I tuned into me. That got a humble, really?-Chuckle.

July I was granted permission to touch The Field. It is multidimensional. I started getting an excruciating left temple headache with extreme restless. I pulled out.

August I began experiencing anomalies in time. A few examples:

August 5th at 3:45 pm while sitting at my desk I had a flash of massive upheaval. A dust cloud was in motion on an earth like place. It was like a domino effect and in motion across the planet headed right for me I didn’t know what to do but I wasn’t afraid. Precisely I lifted above it jumping to another timeline just before the total annihilation.

August 13th while driving I saw a piece of wood fly at my windshield. I ducked then realized it was only a vision. On my way home a truck in front of me flung a piece of wood at my car and I was able to swerve to miss the object.

September 3rd I was allowed full etheric body access into the field.

September 19th I was shown a different reality bubble structure off in the distance. I could see many spotlights. I was far enough away to see the lights as particles brightest closer to the source and more dispersed the farther in distance. The beams formed (I heard a specific word) ‘gradients’ from bright to dim. The gradient beams were moving. When beams intersected a holograph occurred.  I just observed the spotlights watching the multi holographic interactions. I tried to get closer but it was apparent I was not to be part of it. I was being shown a separation was about to occur.

September 21st 1 am I was awakened to observe the same reality bubble. The spot lights were now colored dull purple gradients fading to black and dimming out. It was alarming to me. This triggered a remembrance of all the many changes and choices that have gone through. I felt positive that I was where I was supposed to be during this split transition.

September 22nd I received confirmation to participate as co-creator in the change overs.

October 8th I woke this morning with a vision of a huge painting of rose-colored roses. The emptiness and emptying cleansing persist. There is a feeling of separating from everyone.

October 12th I feel so far away from everything like I have moved to a different level. There is a detached feeling as well. The field looks hazy and gauze like. It is misting codes that resemble snowflakes.

November 3rd and 4th odd days, I felt unable to focus on time. It seemed to disappear, stand still, and leap suddenly. When I closed my eyes and I was running from crumbling immense cloud of destruction. It felt like I was practicing techniques to jump to timelines. Every time throughout the day I paused and closed my eyes it happened. By evening I was ethereally practicing levitation and bilocation.

November 11th I’m experiencing a massive angelic descent into my body.

December 12th I saw a diamond grid encircling the planet with shimmering multi-facets. It was good to see return of the color silver.

December 23rd It has begun. The new luminous silver diamond grid has begun reflecting multidimensional mirroring calling for complete transparency.


Starting right off there was an honoring for our service by our star system brethren. There was a divine compensation of healing and protection and a heart activation stepping up our creational abilities.

Feb intense emotional review and assessment

March promptings to revisit aspects of nature that were significant to me.

April was a month of continuous clearing.

May slammed hard with body adjustments. There is a relentless overwhelming desire to clean house.

I was alerted on May 19th of vibrations coming up from the physical earth. It does not feel comfortable to predict what it may mean. We will experience it in our own unique way.

The actual physical Earth is the ground for our physical body. Earth’s spirit body Gaia is our partner on the spiritual ascent. With a new awareness of the new development seeking balance, I feel compelled to connect deeply to the natural world offering deep appreciation and love.

MICHELLE WALLING @ – 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School – 5-25-15
by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer, In5D.comWhat would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after successfully recognizing these spiritual truths?

1. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Before we came down into this physical body, we planned out the point in time that we would begin to awaken to who and what we are. The womb of our mother was the tunnel of forgetting, and we knew the challenge of remembering would be tough. The biggest risk we took was never remembering. We were never disconnected from our source of light, however the connection was stretched very long and thin to reach this part of the universe in density. Our challenge is to strengthen this connection and to grow our pillar of light in remembrance and recognition of who we truly are.

2. Our souls never die– we just change our focus. As a spark of light from Source, we are infinitely connected to the flow of experience. When it is time to disconnect the cord of life from our physical body, our spark rises up and out of the human physical body. We take the experience of our lifetime with us, but our focus is changed to a slightly different level of vibration. We still exist as the person we were in human form as well as the many people we have been before. Every lifetime builds experience and wisdom.

3. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. All living things on earth have consciousness, even rocks and trees. Every-thing and every-one is connected to a “tree of life” or an infinite energy source. We can connect to the consciousness of trees and rocks and can carry on conversations with them by tuning in to their particular vibrational frequency. Our bodies are 90% water and can be programmed and molded to a certain vibrational frequency via thoughts, sound, color, and love. When we understand vibration, we can understand how alternative and holistic treatments can cure any disease or ailment in the body by changing the water vibration.

4. Our thoughts create our reality. All thoughts are energy which manifest into what we see as reality. Always being aware of your thoughts is one of the first steps in responsible co-creation of your reality. It is a simple concept but takes awareness and work. If every person on earth changed their thoughts towards peace and freedom there would be no war or tyranny. Focusing on negative thoughts will create a lower vibrational frequency and focusing on positive thoughts can raise the vibrational frequency. Our reality is a manifestation of what we create through thought patterns.

5. We are the ones we have been waiting for. There are many races and dimensions of beings on the planet at this time. Cherubim angels, Seraphim angels, Archangels, Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, Arcturians, Anunnaki..…just to name a few. We volunteered to be here at this time, answering the call from the consciousness of Planet Earth as she cried out for help. We came here from other galaxies, universes, and cosmoses. Many came here each time there was a chance to achieve a “golden age” after the “fall”. Although those times were not completely successful, they were all preparation for this time.

6. Most of us incarnated here before– many times, in order to prepare for this current lifetime. There are souls who are here to be wayshowers and leaders and there are souls here who just wanted to be here to witness the raising of vibration of the human race in concert with the planet, which will affect the solar system, the universe, the cosmos, and beyond. For those who lead by example, our schooling never stops. We had many “classes” to take in order to prepare to master ourselves in this incarnation.  The scope of the effect this event will have on all of creation is one of the biggest secrets of all. Some say that the incarnation cycle has ended and this lifetime is the opportunity to release ourselves from the wheel of karma, or the need to balance our actions.

7. We are never alone. We could not exist here without help from our spirit guides and angels, or high vibrational beings of light who made agreements with us to help steer us on the path toward the goal of ascension. They exist in another vibrational level or dimension higher than ours- thus most of us cannot see them. They are always with us and are waiting patiently for us to ask for help, as we live on a free will planet. They abide by laws of interference because of our free will, but if we ask with our highest and best interest they do have creative ways of manifesting what you ask for. Most guidance comes from within- through a process of telepathy where you get an idea in your head. Messages can also come from other people- those who can tap into that vibrational level in order to hear what they have to say.

8. Time is an illusion. We have a past and we have already been to the future. The majority of our energy particles (our souls) exist in a place of “no time”. Time is created in order to experience and is part of the controlled experiment. Meditation or “going within” is the key to returning to the place of “no time” where all the answers lie.

9. Ascension does not involve going anywhere. It is a state of being, a focus of awareness and consciousness into a higher vibrational frequency. It is what we were created for- to “go forth and experience”, and return the experiences back to Source in an infinite loop of co-creation and mastery. The main reward of incarnating in the depths of “hell” at this time is rising like the phoenix from the ashes into the bliss and light of love. This is achieved by being love itself.

10. Love is all there is. Finding and reconnecting to love again is the most important thing we can do as humans. Source is unconditional love, and we are sparks of source- which means we are also love. Therefore we are that we seek. Loving ourselves unconditionally is the key to returning to source.

Change starts with each individual person recognizing these truths. We are not responsible for trying to convince others of our own truth, but instead all we have to do is to “be” truth and the rest will follow. How do we do this? Be the example by speaking your truth, and watch the world change before your eyes. By becoming responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions, we will have made one great leap toward the future of our children and the future of humanity as spiritual beings on a human journey. We have the greatest opportunity ever in the history of the earth to be the best version of a human being we can be. It is simply up to us as to how glorious we create the future of humanity existing on the spaceship we call Earth.

This article was written within the ten hours of hours of power of the author’s astrological solar return, inspired by a reading by Lavandar.


About the author:
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.

Found at:

LISA RENEE – Guidelines To Positive Spiritual Contact – – 5-23-15

Lisa Renee - Guidelines To Positive Spiritual Contact  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Lisa Renee


We are poised for more direct experiences of Positive Spiritual Contact and that has some requirements to be careful of discerning the manipulation agendas.

1. Be aware of the bigger picture to comprehend that Alien Agenda’s are influencing human events that we see every day in the material world. Behind the face of any major influential human figure, is an Alien Agenda. There is nothing that the Alien agenda does not influence in the human world today, as humanity has evolved from extraterrestrial sources, not apes. To not be aware of this fact does not Alien Agendaserve any human being. Humanity cannot be free until made aware of this fact; that the Alien Agenda never left Planet Earth, and it has always been in existence and conflict here. This Alien Agenda has been concealed from humanity though mind control, frequency fences and the “half-truth’s knowledge” given through Mystery Schools (Religions). This knowledge was abused and distorted by Alien representatives to control and place fear in the human masses in order to create slaves.

2. As individuals learning to inherit the freedom of Cosmic Citizenship, one can be empowered to learn how to secure personal “spiritual identity” and then choose how to participate with the larger global impacts these Alien Agenda’s bring to the table. Understanding that Freedom is God, and Fear is Bondage, and making the choice of where one places their priorities, empowers the individual.

3. If one is willing to be open minded in order to be re-educated in the hidden human and planetary spiritual consciousnesshistory as sourcing from Extraterrestrial genetics and the Alien Agendas, through the progression of spiritual consciousness, humanity will be given access to heal damaged genetics and be immune to the possession, and mind control manipulation of these negative alien agendas. To be open to learn about this information without fear, using energetic discernment techniques, and by commanding dominion of one’s personal space in Gods Authority – allows Positive Contact to happen. Positive Contact will always interact with a human in the core principles of the Law of One or Law of Love – “I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free”. Manipulation Agendas reject that statement as a Truth.

4. Humans that are contacted (or have been abducted) have been chosen for their genetic relationship (hybrids) to that Extraterrestrial Family. Being clear about who is contacting you and making that choice – whether to live in freedom or fear based manipulation – is the individual’s responsibility. All damage from hybridized genetics can be healed through applied spiritual and consciousness development. Guardian or Krystal Hosts will Extraterrestrial Familyhelp and support all sincere heart based requests for spiritual healing, although building your 12D shield to prepare for positive spiritual contact is mandatory. (Due to the frequency fences and mind control, Guardian (Krystal) Consciousness has difficulty connecting to this density unless one builds a frequency platform and requests for their contact and protection. Some Starseeds have this built into their field automatically from their healed genetics, others need to build it with conscious participation. Every being has access to this 12D field – freely.)

5. The more a human dedicates their energy and devotes attention to inner spiritual development (and is willing to overcome the fear of what they may find out) the more knowledge and information will continue to be provided to expand and support that individual. It takes courage to leave human order and to listen to divine order. This does not mean blindly accepting information as the “absolute truth” by listening to a Guru. It means researching and compiling levels of information that one integrates and feels energetically resonant with. Test and verify your spiritual sources continually. God forces do not need to use ego to control or manipulate any human being. Only one’s inner spirit knows the real pathway to God and needs to follow that inner guidance. Sometimes that requires facing the darkness “head on” in order to know how to become fearless. The courage it takes is infinitely spiritually rewarded, as an investment is made in the permanent and its eternal consciousness, for its future direction. Mind control promotes values to be given to the impermanent structures of falsehood, rather than the permanent consciousness structures that hold the integrity of the inner spirit.

6. Become skilled at developing your inner spiritual identity by reclaiming your personal power and rediscovering your multidimensional spiritual anatomy. As you become skilled at focusing your mind and directing consciousness power, clearing fear based mind control, you will be empowered to heal your DNA, have Guardian positive contact and the incredible advantages of protection and consciousness expansion. The Hieros Gamos System (HGS) is one pathway of potential for that result.

Being aware of the bigger picture happening now (during the Planetary Ascension cycle) and having the context and clarity for what appears so disturbing at the global level, brings one the peace of mind, and awareness, to make decisions to interact with the energies as one chooses. Empowered with information and an open mind, one can then shift consciousness to discern what agenda is running, and consciously shift the placement of inner authority; that where one places energies, attention and value.

MICHELLE WALLING – Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School –

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught In School  in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit
by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer,
What would our world be like today of these top 10 spiritual truths were taught in our schools, in the mainstream media, and in our history books? How can we change the system to introduce these topics to our future generations? What will the world be like after successfully recognizing these spiritual truths?

1. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Before we came down into this physical body, we planned out the point in time that we would begin to awaken to who and what we are. The womb of our mother was the tunnel of forgetting, and we knew the challenge of remembering would be tough. The biggest risk we took was never remembering. We were never disconnected from our source of light, however the connection was stretched very long and thin to reach this part of the universe in density. Our challenge is to strengthen this connection and to grow our pillar of light in remembrance and recognition of who we truly are.

2. Our souls never die– we just change our focus. As a spark of light from Source, we are infinitely connected to the flow of experience. When it is time to disconnect the cord of life from our physical body, our spark rises up and out of the human physical body. We take the experience of our lifetime with us, but our focus is changed to a slightly different level of vibration. We still exist as the person we were in human form as well as the many people we have been before. Every lifetime builds experience and wisdom.

3. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. All living things on earth have consciousness, even rocks and trees. Every-thing and every-one is connected to a “tree of life” or an infinite energy source. We can connect to the consciousness of trees and rocks and can carry on conversations with Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School | In5D.comthem by tuning in to their particular vibrational frequency. Our bodies are 90% water and can be programmed and molded to a certain vibrational frequency via thoughts, sound, color, and love. When we understand vibration, we can understand how alternative and holistic treatments can cure any disease or ailment in the body by changing the water vibration.

4. Our thoughts create our reality. All thoughts are energy which manifest into what we see as reality. Always being aware of your thoughts is one of the first steps in responsible co-creation of your reality. It is a simple concept but takes awareness and work. If every person on earth changed their thoughts towards peace and freedom there would be no war or tyranny. Focusing on negative thoughts will create a lower vibrational frequency and focusing on positive thoughts can raise the vibrational frequency. Our reality is a manifestation of what we create through thought patterns.

5. We are the ones we have been waiting for. There are many races and dimensions of beings on the planet at this time. Cherubim angels, Seraphim angels, Archangels, Pleiadians, Orions, Sirians, Arcturians, Anunnaki..…just to name a few. We volunteered to be here at this time, answering the call from the consciousness of Planet Earth as she cried out for help. We came here from other galaxies, universes, and cosmoses. Many came here each time there was a chance to achieve a “golden age” after the “fall”. Although those times were not completely successful, they were all preparation for this time.

6. Most of us incarnated here before– many times, in order to prepare for this current lifetime. There are souls who are here to be wayshowers and leaders and there are souls here who just wanted to be here to witness the raising of vibration of the human race in concert with the planet, which will affect the solar system, the universe, the cosmos, and beyond. For those who lead by example, our schooling never stops. We had many “classes” to take in order to prepare to master ourselves in this incarnation.  The scope of the effect this event will have on all of creation is one of the biggest secrets of all. Some say that the incarnation cycle has ended and this lifetime is the opportunity to release ourselves from the wheel of karma, or the need to balance our actions.

7. We are never alone. We could not exist here without help from our spirit guides and angels, or high vibrational beings of light who made agreements with us to help steer us on the path toward the goal of ascension. They exist in another vibrational level or dimension higher than ours- thus most of us cannot see them. They are always with us and are waiting patiently for us to ask for help, as we live on a free will planet. They abide by laws of interference because of our free will, but if we ask with our highest and best interest they do have creative ways of manifesting what you ask for. Most guidance comes from within- through a process of telepathy where you get an idea in your head. Messages can also come from other people- those who can tap into that vibrational level in order to hear what they have to say.

8. Time is an illusion. We have a past and we have already been to the future. The majority of our energy particles (our souls) exist in a place of “no time”. Time is created in order to experience and is part of the controlled experiment. Meditation or “going within” is the key to returning to the place of “no time” where all the answers lie.

9. Ascension does not involve going anywhere. It is a state of being, a focus of awareness and consciousness into a higher vibrational frequency. It is what we were created for- to “go forth and experience”, and return the experiences back to Source in an infinite loop of co-creation and mastery. The main reward of incarnating in the depths of “hell” at this time is rising like the phoenix from the ashes into the bliss and light of love. This is achieved by being love itself.

Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School | In5D.com10. Love is all there is. Finding and reconnecting to love again is the most important thing we can do as humans. Source is unconditional love, and we are sparks of source- which means we are also love. Therefore we are that we seek. Loving ourselves unconditionally is the key to returning to source.

Change starts with each individual person recognizing these truths. We are not responsible for trying to convince others of our own truth, but instead all we have to do is to “be” truth and the rest will follow. How do we do this? Be the example by speaking your truth, and watch the world change before your eyes. By becoming responsible for ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions, we will have made one great leap toward the future of our children and the future of humanity as spiritual beings on a human journey. We have the greatest opportunity ever in the history of the earth to be the best version of a human being we can be. It is simply up to us as to how glorious we create the future of humanity existing on the spaceship we call Earth.

This article was written within the ten hours of hours of power of the author’s astrological solar return, inspired by a reading by Lavandar.

About the author:
Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.

Carmen Allgood – Spiritual Stepping Stones for Profound and Lasting Change – 5-18-15

Carmen Allgood

It is unfortunate that a lot of our time here will be spent trying to heal past pain. We come into this world kicking, screaming and crying, and many of us will depart in a similar fashion. Eventually we will embark on a path that we hope will lead us to enlightenment and save us from our lack of love of self.

The Poison and Antidote
For happiness to flood our mind there are steps that must be taken in order to be the recipient of this miracle. Happiness is a state of mind and every thought we choose results in either peace or conflict. Our choices will either make us a prisoner of our own thought system or set us free from suffering and release us to endless joy.

Simplifying the seeming problem results in a quick remedy once we fully understand that truth is our only option. Believing there is a choice is a lack of clarity. Confusion results in the strange belief that illusion — or the big lie — is just as true as reality. The impossible will never happen so we can finally relax and rest assured that the end will allow us to escape from “past pain.”

To lose sight of truth means we have placed ourselves among the poor and seem to suffer at the hands of unseen forces, failing to understand that “we did this to ourselves.”

Undoing The Past
Let us think for a moment about reality. We came from what is real and are part and parcel of what is. There is no distance between us and the truth, which is the same for everyone and everything that is.

In truth we need do nothing except stay out of the way of our own perfect creation. The one thought needed for healing is to remember moments when we feel safe and completely loved. These eternal thoughts will carry us forward and heal the past.

All of our striving should be directed towards undoing false beliefs and perceptions that keep us blind and in a state of uncertainty. Shutting our eyes or burying our heads in the sand never undoes the truth, but the truth will undo illusions when we are willing and ready to accept our natural inheritance and share the majesty of creation with our Source.

The world is an illusion for one simple reason: Love is eternal and nothing in the material world is capable of lasting forever. Our full focus can only be on the here and now, for this is where our truth is.

Getting our ducks in a row means to understand that the goal for any endeavor belongs at the beginning of the journey. To fail to establish what we hope to achieve implies we believe our life experiences happen to us by accident, fate, or arbitrarily.

What are the odds that in the face of the evolving universe we have a chance in hell of reaching our goal when the power of this premise is a means of proving that we are not really worthy of love? Our goal is always to love and be loved, but when most of our efforts are directed at proving we are not worthy, the dilemma becomes evident.

Mind training is going to be critical to remembering our reality. With a myriad of distractions it is easy to lose sight of the moment as we try to reenact the past and change it, or stand fearful of the uncertainty of the future.

Setting the intention belongs at the beginning and will establish the means of reaching the goal, which is to be happy and at peace.

Forgiveness – Apology – Gratitude – Acceptance
The fast track to the remembrance of peace revolves around our willingness to offer forgiveness instead of holding grievances. The value of the personal experience cannot be denied because only forgiveness is capable of releasing us from pain. Grievances are so crippling and debilitating it seems incredulous that anyone would even entertain the thought of holding grief in their mind, especially when they have experienced what forgiving thoughts will do for them.

Apology is not intended to project or accept guilt in any situation. It is simply a means of allowing both sides involved in an incident to “save face” and walk away as winners. Once the apology is extended and forgiveness has lifted the weight off their shoulders, both parties merge in one thought and love steps in to save the day. The only possible outcome from such an elevated view of any situation is gratitude. A heart filled with gratitude is happy and at peace.

Acceptance of reality means that it has true value for us. Acceptance is demonstrated by our willingness to share our love. Love overlooks all mistakes and prepares the mind for the peace and joy that are inherent in our essence to rise to the surface and make way for a brighter day – one that will last through eternity.

The Mind As Servant To The Heart
When our choice for freedom and being at peace trumps all desire to “be right rather than happy” we will know the meaning of love. Our ability to surrender our conflict in favor of unity and completion is the ultimate attraction and the primary goal for all human desires. History has shown this to be true down through the ages.

The full experience of the force that binds us all together is clearly revealed in a mind that holds no grievances. The shift that precedes this moment of clarity is the decision to offer healing in place of sickness; to extend love and bypass all fear and scarcity consciousness.

It doesn’t take any work or energy to be who and what we are! All of our strain and stress comes from conflict in the mind, which is the result of trying to maintain two diametrically opposed thought systems at the same time. Only one will endure. Only one is real. And only one will bring us our secret treasure.

Be willing to answer the call for love that is heard around the world and be counted among the Teachers of Love. Step forward in the mind and take a stand for what guarantees success with the ability to attain the goal we are all seeking individually and collectively. Do your part – think with your heart.

Seek the light, be the light, share the light, offer the light, extend the light and all will clearly see that Love is the Answer.

People Get Ready

“People Get Ready” by the legendary Al Green (with Linda Jones and Wanda Neal).


Andrea Schulman – Are You Taking the Path of Least Resistance? – 4 Questions – BodySoulSpirit – 5-12-15

Are You Taking the Path of Least Resistance? 4 Questions  body mind soul spirit Andrea Schulman,

When we move on the path of least resistance, we open ourselves up to greater abundance and easier manifestation.  This is why we all know people who just “have all the luck” and seem to magically get what they want out of life without having to try too hard.  People who float along the path of least resistance simply allow their dreams to be brought to them.  When they have a goal they usually stay relaxed about how they are going to achieve it.

Getting on the path to least resistance can be a little tricky for some of us, and this is because many of us believe that we have to figure out the way to our goals.  We think it is our job to identify every step and obstacle up front so we can be “prepared.”  We want to anticipate the traffic, the expenses or how other people are going to react.

However, this is a flawed strategy because we simply are not equipped to see the easiest and fastest route to where we want to go. The truth is, there could be an infinite number of problems and opportunities on the way to our goals that are simply unimaginable from where we stand.  So when we try to figure out the exact path we waste a lot of time and energy because we focus on a lot of things that might end up being completely irrelevant.

For example, perhaps we really want to get a promotion.  So, instead of just putting our wish out there and going with the flow we decide to show up to work earlier, work harder and cozy up to the boss.  We do these things because we believe they’ve worked for others before, and we assume this is the best path to promotion. 

Unfortunately, however, the easiest path to promotion is unknown.  Maybe there’s an unposted position that’s coming available, but you’ll hear about it while you’re out at a party.  Maybe you’ll impress the right person while having a laugh over lunch.  Maybe your boss has a “work smart not hard” philosophy and taking on more work simply doesn’t impress him or her. The best path for you is very likely down a road you haven’t even imagined.

Getting on the path of least resistance requires that we relax and hand over control to the universe. It requires us to understand that forcing things into place is a waste of time and it is more effective to let the universe take care of the planning. Though our vision and understanding is limited to where we stand, the universe has infinite vision and can see every possible obstacle and opportunity.  It is a much better captain for the ship.

So are you taking the path of least resistance?  Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself to determine if you are relaxed and on the path of least resistance or if you are holding on a little too tight.

The Path of Least Resistance: Quick Questions

1. Is it okay if your schedule changes throughout the day, or do you hold fast to your original plans?

2. When you are interrupted or cut off by people or events (like getting stuck in slow traffic) do you deal with the interruption calmly (without getting stressed out) or do you get mad?

3. When thinking about your goal, do you focus mostly on what you can do in the here and now or are you mostly thinking five steps head?

4. Would you generally say that you are relaxed and believe everything will work out for you, or are you more of a chronic worrier?

If you said “yes” more to the first part of each question, you likely spend a lot of time on the path of least resistance.  If, however you said “yes” mostly to the second part of each question, you are probably working too damn hard to reach your goals!

So, what do you do if you want to spend more time on the path of least resistance?  The key is to spend more time in the present moment.

When we find ourselves thinking too many steps ahead or worrying about things that haven’t yet come to pass, we are spending too much time in the future, rather than the present.  This is an indication that we are trying to figure out the route we need to get on, rather than allowing the universe to put us on the path.

The thing about the path of least resistance is that it is always unfolding now, and it can only be seen in the present.  So taking a deep breath and allowing your awareness to come back to the present moment is a great way to direct yourself back onto the path.

While awareness and deep breathing are great things to do to get back on the path of least resistance,  for many of us, forward thinking is so engrained that it has become a hard habit to break.  For this reason, if you find that staying in the present moment is a challenge, it’s also a great idea to add meditation into your daily routine.

Meditation is highly advised for those of us who are a little stressed out and work too hard because it helps to train our minds back into the present moment.  Often we have become so inundated with anxious thoughts that we have become lost in our own minds and unable to focus on the here and now.  Daily meditation is great “brain training” to help clear the clutter and relearn how to focus our attention into the now.

For a few alternative mediation practices to try out, feel free to check out this page on my website.

Work on placing your awareness back in the here and now to guide yourself onto the path of least resistance.  By trusting in the universe’s ability to show you the way you will waste less effort, encounter less frustration and get where you want to go quicker.   Instead of swimming against the current to reach your dreams,  surrendering to the present moment will allow the universe to carry you downstream.

About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.

Wes Annac – Muisc Can Show The Way


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If you read my articles often, you probably know that I think music is one of the most spiritual things we can enjoy. I have reggae music to thank for this opinion, and I’ve always been impressed by how Rastas and other spiritual musicians impart their perspectives and philosophies into their music.

No matter how we feel about life and spirituality, if we practice music in conjunction with meditation or another form of consciousness exploration, it can help us elevate our consciousness while filling us with a sense of excitement and eternal enjoyment.

Music harnesses the sacred power of sound to help us raise our vibration, and like meditation or anything else, all it takes to get the most out of it is commitment. Not only will we get better and better if we play continuously – we’ll also increase our reception to music’s spiritual properties.

The great thing about music is that we don’t have to play it to benefit from it, and we can listen to it instead.

Playing it might be a better or more potent way to uplift ourselves, but listening to it gives us the advantage of enjoying music that’s already written and composed and usually features more than one instrument.

If we play alone, we’ll only have one or two instruments unless we record ourselves and play over those recordings, so in some cases, listening might uplift us more. I’d recommend finding a group of conscious music lovers who are willing to play it with you.

I recently watched an interview with Foo Fighters’ front man Dave Grohl, whose music I’ve always enjoyed, and he mentioned that while a lot of ‘one man bands’ are out there and some people do like to write and play by themselves, finding other people to play and write with is a better way to go.


Why? Because having other perspectives on our musical creations will challenge us and allow us to see new points of view that we would’ve missed by ourselves. Not to mention that, personally, I’d rather have jurisdiction over one or two instruments than all of them, which’d be a lot of work.

Music brings people together, and playing/writing with others could form a bond between us and them that might not have been there were it not for the music. I’m not saying we shouldn’t play or write by ourselves, but we might benefit from finding other music lovers who are willing to join us.

The last point I want to make before wrapping this up is that, in my opinion, we don’t have to rely solely on music for a higher vibration or an expanded sense of spirituality. A lot of musicians do, and that’s okay, but there are so many other ways to raise our vibration and we might want to experiment with a few different things.

There are various ways we can move closer to enlightenment, and if we want to explore all or even some of them, we’ll have to make time for them all. I like to write, for example, and I also enjoy music and meditation.

I’m trying to get used to meditating more often because I think routine meditation is important, and I (or anyone else in my shoes) can embrace a combination of writing, music and meditation throughout the day.

It requires commitment, but I’m sure it’ll be more than worth it in the end when we’ve sharpened our creative skills and we can use them to connect with the Christ within.

Terence McKenna told us that art, creativity and self-expression can trap us or liberate us depending on how we use them, and if you’re reading this article, chances are that you’d rather use art, which includes music and writing, to find enlightenment than please the senses.

We have the musical power right in our hands. Credit:

Everything we’ve been given on this planet can be used as a means to a higher consciousness and a healthier outlook on life.

As long as we don’t burn ourselves out by relying too heavily on any one avenue (except maybe meditation, which, admittedly, can also have its limits), we’ll get the most out of all of the tools that have been placed before us.

So feel free to pick up your guitar, or any other instrument you enjoy, and play your heart out. And remember that, as Sri Chinmoy said, the music uplifts us even more when we open up and allow our higher consciousness, Source, etc. to play through us.

I’m starting to think we’re already embodiments of that higher consciousness just as we are, which, in my eyes, means that we’re perfectly capable of spiritual exaltation in our current form and we don’t need fancy practices to help us align with who and what we already are at our cure.

As long as we can open the mind and direct our thoughts, words, emotions, etc. to the higher consciousness we seek, these creative and linguistic tools will in fact liberate us and show us the way back home.

Creativity is beautifully empowering, and I sincerely believe that if we practice it in conjunction with other things that help us align with the Self, we’ll not only enlighten ourselves – we’ll help others find the higher vibration the world clearly needs.

Share freely.


I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

Teal Swan – What Is Shadow Work?

Teal Swan, The Spiritual Catalyst

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For a lot of people, the term shadow work conjures up all kinds of negative and dark associations. Because of those associations we have with the word shadow, it is easy to think that shadow work is a dark spiritual practice or that it is internal work that involves the more negative or sinister aspects of our personality. In truth, neither is the case. So what exactly is the human shadow? In this episode, Teal explains what shadow work is exactly.
Kuan Yin’s Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel – used by permission

Marc and Angel – 10 Things You Must Give Up To Get Yourself Back On Track – 4-30-15


By Marc and Angel, From The Unbounded Spirit, April 29, 2015

1. Give up pretending that you have to be who you used to be.

When times get tough, our worst battle is often between what we remember and what we presently feel.  Thus, one of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make is when to stay put and struggle harder or when to take your memories and move on.  Sometimes you have to step outside of the person you’ve been, and remember the person you were meant to be, the person you are capable of being, and the person you truly are today.

2. Give up berating yourself for everything you aren’t.

Being kind to yourself in thoughts, words and actions is as important as being kind to others.  Extend yourself this courtesy.  Love yourself – your real self.  Work through your fears (dive deep), your insecurities (speak honestly and loudly), and your anger (scream into the pillow – not into the mirror, nor the people you care about; they don’t deserve it.)  Instead of hurting yourself by hiding from your problems, help yourself grow beyond them.  That’s what self-care is all about.

It’s about facing the inner issues that make you believe that you are less than you are.  It’s learning to see that you are already beautiful.  Not because you’re blind to your shortcomings, but because you know they have to be there to balance out your strengths.

3. Give up regretting, and holding on to, what happened in the past.

When you stay stuck in regret of the life you think you should have had, you end up missing the beauty of what you do have.  Not all the puzzle pieces of life will seem to fit together at first, but in time you’ll realize they do, perfectly.  So thank the things that didn’t work out, because they just made room for the things that will.  And thank the ones who walked away from you, because they just made room for the ones who won’t.  As they say, every new beginning comes from another beginning’s end.

4. Give up getting caught up in the negativity surrounding you.

To be positive in negative times is not just foolish optimism.  It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of tragedy, but also of success, sacrifice, courage, kindness, and growth.  What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine how well we live.  If we look only for the worst, it destroys our capacity to do our best work.

If we remember those times and places – and there are many – in which people have behaved magnificently, and things have gone well, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning world in a different direction.  And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to sit around and wait for some grandiose and perfect future.  The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live right now as we think we should live, in defiance of all the negativity around us, is in itself an amazing victory.

5. Give up thinking that everyone else has it so much easier than you.

When times get really tough, remember this simple truth: Nothing that’s worthwhile is ever easy.  And when you’re struggling with something that’s important to you, and you feel like your life isn’t fair, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it’s just as hard as what you’re going through.

6. Give up wanting to be where others are in life.

Stop comparing where you’re at with where everybody else is.  It doesn’t move you farther ahead, improve your situation, or help you find happiness.  It just fuels feelings of inadequacy and shame, and ultimately keeps you stuck.  The truth is, there is no one correct path in life.  A path that’s right for someone else won’t necessarily be a path that’s right for you.  And that’s OK.  Your journey isn’t right or wrong, or good or bad – it’s just different.

Your life isn’t meant to look exactly like anyone else’s because you aren’t exactly like anyone else.  You’re a person all your own with a unique set of goals, obstacles, dreams, and needs.  So stop comparing and start living.  You may not always end up where you intend to go, but you will eventually arrive precisely where you need to be.  Trust that you are in the right place at the right time, right now.  And trust yourself to make the best of it.

7. Give up letting the judgments of strangers control you.

People know your name, not your story.  They’ve heard what you’ve done, but don’t understand what you’ve been through.  So take their opinions of you with a grain of salt.  In the end, it’s not what others think, it’s what you think about yourself that counts.  Sometimes you have to do exactly what’s right for you and your life, without giving a darn what your life looks like to everyone who doesn’t even know you.

8. Give up letting toxic relationships bring you down on a daily basis.

Not all toxic relationships are agonizing and uncaring on purpose.  Some of them involve people who care about you – people who have good intentions, but are toxic because their needs and way of existing in the world force you to compromise yourself and your happiness.  They aren’t inherently bad people, but they aren’t the right people to be spending time with every day.  And as hard as it is, we have to distance ourselves enough to give ourselves space to live.

You simply can’t ruin yourself on a daily basis for the sake of someone else.  You have to make your well-being a priority.  Whether that means breaking up with someone, loving a family member from a distance, letting go of a friend, or removing yourself from a situation that feels painful – you have every right to leave and create some healthy space for yourself.

9. Give up over-thinking and worrying about everything.

When your fears and anxieties have you looking too deep into things, it creates problems – it doesn’t fix them.  If you think and you think and you think, you will think yourself right out of happiness a thousand times over, and never once into it.  Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace and potential.  And life is too short for that.

10. Give up believing you aren’t strong enough to take another step forward.

It’s always possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems.  In time, the grief (the lessons) may not go away completely, but after awhile it’s not so overwhelming.  So breathe…  You’re going to be OK.  Remember that you’ve been in this place before.  You’ve been this uncomfortable and restless and afraid, and you’ve survived.  Take another breath and know that you can survive this time too.  These feelings can’t break you.

They’re painful and draining, but you can sit with them and eventually, they will pass.  Maybe not immediately, but sometime soon they’re going to fade, and when they do you’ll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resilience.

This post was written by Marc and Angel. If you enjoyed it, make sure you check out their site and sign up to their amazing newsletter.

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Susoni @ Rumor Mill News – Strange Things Are Happening To Astronauts Returning From Space! – 4-22-15

When astronauts go to space, they gain a profound perspective of not only our planet but the galaxy that surrounds us. Many astronauts will experience a ‘cosmic consciousness’ (also called the Overview Effect) while others undergo a spiritual awakening where they unexpectedly understand how we are all intimately interconnected with one another as well as our environment, including space.

Our world would change if we could all experience this together. Many people who are spiritually awakened can understand how everything is interconnected but due to the literal programming of the mind, we are taught to be individualistic and ego-centered while being distracted by a plethora of things such as moronic television programs, video games, politics and religion.

Dejan Davchevski – Spirituality vs Religion – 4-22-15

7 Differences Between Religion And Spirituality  in5d in 5d

by Dejan Davchevski

A lot of people mistake Spirituality for Religion or some mysterious, supernatural occurrence. Some even think of it as a sect but this is because of their lack of knowledge and their fear of being manipulated.

If we move past this and try to study and understand what spirituality actually is, we’ll come to a realization that it is nothing mysterious or supernatural nor in any way connected to a sect of any kind.

These 7 differences between Religion and Spirituality will help you understand what Spirituality actually is.

1. Religion Makes You Bow – Spirituality Sets You Free

Religion tells you to follow an ideology and obey certain rules or you’ll be punished otherwise. Spirituality lets you Follow Your Heart and What You Feel Is Right. It sets you free to be what you truly are without bowing to anything that doesn’t resonate as right with you nor to anyone because we are all one. It is all up to you to choose what you’ll honor enough to make it divine.

2. Religion Shows You Fear – Spirituality Shows You How to Be Brave

Religion tells you what to fear and tells you consequences. Spirituality makes you aware of the consequences but doesn’t want you to focus on the fear. It shows you How to Stand Despite Being Afraid, how to move on doing what you feel it’s right despite the consequences that may come. It shows you how to act on love and not on fear, it shows you how to control fear and use the best of it.

3. Religion Tells You The Truth – Spirituality Lets You Discover It

Religion tells you what to believe and what is right. Spirituality lets you discover it by yourself and understand it in your own unique way. It lets you Connect With Your Higher Self and see with your own mind what truth is because the truth as a whole is same for each one of us. It lets you believe in your own truth through your own perception of your heart.

4. Religion Separates from Other Religions – Spirituality Unites Them

Through our world there are many religions and they all preach that their story is the right story. Spirituality sees the truth in all of them and unites them because the truth is same for all of us despite our differences and uniqueness. It focuses on the quality of the divine message they share and not on the differences in details of the story they speak.

5. Religion Makes You Dependent – Spirituality Makes You Independent

If you attend religious events only then you are seen as a religious person and someone who is worthy of happiness. Spirituality shows you that you don’t need or depend on anything to be happy. Happiness is always found deep in ourselves and only we are responsible for it. We are always where we need to be and not just while attending at some events or buildings. Divinity is in us and that is why we are always worthy.

6. Religion Applies Punishment – Spirituality Applies Karma

Religion says that if we don’t obey certain rules there is punishment that awaits us which relies on our belief. Spirituality lets us understand that every action has its reaction and realize that the punishment of our actions will be the reaction coming from the actions we set in motion. It relies solely on the fundamental forces of The Universe and it doesn’t need you to believe in that force to be true.

7. Religion Makes You Follow Other Journey – Spirituality Lets You Create Your Own

The foundation of one religion is the story it tells about a God or Gods, their journey to enlightenment and the truth they have discovered making you follow their steps. Spirituality lets you Walk Your Own Journey to Enlightenment and discover the truth in your own way following what your heart tells it’s right because the truth is always the same no matter how you get to it.

Every religion came by spirituality, by the journey through which one person became God. The details of the story are not important they just help the character discover the truth. The message that shares the truth is what is important, The Divine Code of The Human Heart that resonates harmoniously through each of us. That is why every religion has something true in it, the truth.

originally featured on Life Coach Code

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This work by In5D is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported

Meline Lafont – As Clarity comes in on all Perspectives – Awaken Spirit from Within – 4-11-15

Georges Armand - Canadian Fashion painter - Tutt'Art@ (16) art

ART : Georges Armand - Canadian Fashion painter @ Tutt'Art

Méline Portia Lafont

The Lunar Eclipse Portal and Blood Moon has been intense so far. A real emotional roller coaster filled with happy, beautiful things as well as with sorrow. It started out for me personally, with some serious and profound tangible shifts in my physical vessel and all my energy fields being upgraded as to their speed of spinning. Which instigated a vibrational expansion in those areas. I wrote this brief explanation and personal sharing to my good friend and soul Brother Bill Ballard a few days ago:

“so much body changes and energy fields are spinning at a much faster pace. I love this shift! the only thing is that I AM SOOOO exhausted over nothing! But body is coping well, emotional body is being triggered for sure and old decisions which have been made previously are being affirmed and clear as to why they were made. There is no way of being in that old place anymore; it is just not possible as your body reacts to this very clearly. I love how I am starting to feel every cell of my body spinning and vibrating at times. Kind of a buzzing experience and having goosebumps all over. The ascension chakra is very open and pulsating big time. On we go!!!!”

And that is the thing which has become clear to me in the last days going up to a week: that for every personal reality and collective reality, things are becoming clear to each and everyone of us! Hence clarity is in the mix! On a personal level you are being showed in a very stern and clear way what does not work for you anymore, what still does and where you will have to draw the line as to how far you wish to go into some area and reality. Your bodies are responding intensively to the energies that are entering and leaving your plane, as well as to the energies of others. The past decisions which you may have made a while ago are being affirmed that indeed you made the necessary ones and if you still are inclined to not perceive this nor see that certain energies and thoughts are not serving you anymore and are part of the old world of being, it is being shown to you firmly and this as in RIGHT NOW. It even has become more than a sign in this case but something you may have to experience in all fibers of your being.

You may feel very grumpy lately, unable to cope with others’ energy, tired, fed up with things and especially short tempered. There is not much needed to leave you triggered, affected and touched. This is because you are releasing much of the old and the emotional body is being triggered at this time, especially since the Lunar Eclipse. It all boils down to unleashing old settled emotions which are leaving the bodily fields to enable a full expansion of the Higher Heart magnetic field that you can merge with and can settle within your emotional body. On the other hand because of this clarity that is being shown and therefore experienced by you, you will reset your values instantly to likely set up new ones so as to feel comfortable again, as this is what we tend to do to again feel familiar in a new comfort zone. In the end, we will be left with no set of values but only with the instant knowing of all ~ which is our Higher expansion and Higher expression of Being.

On the same note, we are seeing it also happening for the collective consciousness. When you look around it becomes clear as well. The clarity is showing us that the stability of this foundation we call society is not working anymore nor is it able to be implemented in our lives as a collective group. It is clear to all of us ~ even the ones who are still asleep ~ that this is not working anymore for human beings and that the foundation of its energy is unable to sustain itself as it used to. That is why you see so many being grumpy and having mood swings: all that was so comfortable to them is slipping away through their fingers and the instinct is to fight this and to hold on to it. There will be a critical point reached within no time where even this will not be possible anymore ~ to fight a fight that is not even real. There is nothing to fight against in the first place for you are just fighting yourself.

Change is underway indeed and it is happening now. Fighting for this and moving all your power into this form of society ~ thought forms ~ is just something we cannot do anymore. It is tiring and it is not working at all. Clarity comes in and all are feeling it, now it is to find the way ~ and that is different for each unique being ~ to go on from this point of clarity and to navigate yourself through this all. We know this, but how to move from here and bring the change in this all personally and collectively?

Clarity says: BE the change from within as there is no place else to BE than within your own heart.

Everywhere you look and cross paths you can see within yourself as within others that the same is happening: things are clear and being felt. Yet not all might surrender to this knowing nor show it to others but I can assure you that all are feeling it. There is therefore a long period underway that will be all about going inward in your own Temple of Being. The collective needs this and so do we, so we are being helped with this passage that may already have started as we speak. It will be about surrendering to the Self and trusting all that you are. Now is the part of the embodying and ability to Self Love coming in handy as without it there is no way you can trust nor surrender to your SELF. We and the Masters of the Light have not been repeating the same thing all over and over again (Self Love) for teasing or pleasure, as we always have felt compelled to stress this fact as strong as possible for the times to come. And now this time has been marked. You are underway in this notion.

So get used to and be comfortable in that state of knowing and being ~ with an inward focus ~ while sharing this moment with others who are doing the same and who are another part of you. You do a great deal for the Earth and the Collective that way as you feed the SELF which is the I AM and the I AM is the Oneness of ALL. It is thus all of us as the I AM is the I AM of ALL and not just One soul. There are many misperceptions of feeding your I AM or SELF to be only feeding you in an ego way. This is not the case as the I AM is the SELF of ALL. So you feed the SELF of ALL being ALL in Oneness.

All in all my personal sharing in this story of this Lunar Eclipse energy is that I AM experiencing extraordinary connections and Light body activations. I AM aware of so much more as a sort of melting with Multidimensional realities. Simultaneously as I am burning the bridges behind me and going on in the world I embark upon, old contracts are ending once more and new ones come in. On April 8, 2015 I had to say goodbye to my precious companion “Laika”. She was a Golden Retriever of almost 11 years old. This was very unexpected which made the impact even bigger on an emotional level. Because I have contact with her soul, it makes it easier for me to know what is going on and what has happened. It was a very special experience, which makes it so emotional for me. I’ve been crying non-stop, giving way to a paralyzed feeling of being numb for a bit. Even though I know she lives on and is not gone, the experience of a physical death transition has never been beautiful to me. I have seen and guided many and every time I see the body fighting and falling out which I personally experience as a harsh and ugly thing. I am aware this is my personal issue and something living inside me from past experiences. Again the emotional body is being experienced and worked through intensely. My children now know about reincarnation because of this transition as during such events, the soul is really open and innocent to receive. You can read that short story here.

Honor and appreciate ALL life, all consciousness, as ALL is such a unique and exceptional form of life. All life is an expression of the Divine I AM, and so are you! I invite you to enjoy life more and refrain from uttering harsh words and passing on judgment on all your companions, although this is so easily done to each other. Remember that what you think about and do to another, you ultimately think about and do to yourself.

I Love You

Méline Portia


A new Tool is available to assist you in the current energies: DEcoding and the DEactivation of the Human Mind.  A very special and powerful Audio Tool created by Méline and the Elohim.  Visit my Website and Webshop or Check out HERE.

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Copyright © Méline Lafont 2012 – 2015, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered and