Drunvalo Melchizedek – The 17 Breath MER-KA-BA Meditation

Drunvalo Melchizedek - The 17 Breath MER-KA-BA Meditation in5d in 5d

In5D April 1, 2015 Meditation

t the In5D Return To Atlantis Conference in 2013, I met a fascinating 84 year old man who has activated his light body by doing the following merkaba meditation Below the instructions, you will also find a guided meditation for this.

by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Like the sun, we must breathe, radiating out to all life. And from all life we will receive our manna. Begin by creating a place in your home that is used only for this meditation. Make a space where no one will walk through or disturb you, possibly in your bedroom. A small altar with a candle and a cushion or pillow to sit upon may be helpful. Make this place holy. It is here that you will learn to create the MER-KA-BA around your body and make conscious contact with your higher self.

Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time comes when you are a conscious breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection with God. To begin the meditation, first sit down and relax. Let the worries of the day go. Breathe rhythmically and shallow.

Be aware of your breath and relax. When you feel the tension begin to fade, begin to open your heart. Feel Love. Feel Love for all life everywhere. Continue to breathe rhythmically, being aware of your breath, and feel the Love moving through your spirit.

When the FEELING of love is in your beingness, you are ready to begin to move towards the experience to the MERKABA. Without this Love, no amount of knowledge will create the MER-KA-BA. To the degree you are able to Love, will be the degree you will be able to experience the MER-KA-BA.

The Merkaba Field is a permanent and highly ordered Merkabic structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic counter-rotating energy spirals that exist as an integral part of ALL CREATION The following is an overview of the meditation to reach the MER-KA-BA.

There are seventeen breaths to reach completion. The first six are for balancing of the polarities within your eight electical circuits, and , also, for the cleansing of these circuits.

The next seven, which are quite different, are to re-establish the proper pranic flow through your body, and to recreate Spherical Breathing within your body.

The fourteenth breath is unique unto itself. It changes the balance of pranic energy within your body from third dimensional to fourth dimensional awareness.

The last three breaths recreate the rotating fields of the MER-KA-BA within and around your body.

RelatedOrmus And Monoatomic Gold — The Manna Mystery

The instructions: The following instructions will be broken down into four areas: MIND, BODY, BREATH and HEART.

FIRST BREATH: Inhale HEART: Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you must at least open to this love as much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.

MIND: Become aware of the male tetrahedron (the apex facing up to the sun, the point facing to the front for male, the point to the back for females) filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body. Visualize it the best you can. If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it surrounding you.

BODY: At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first finger touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or any other object. Keep your palms facing up.

BREATH: At this same moment, with empty lungs, begin to breath in a complete yogic manner. Breathe through your nostrils only, except at certain places which will be described. Simply put, breath from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest.

Do this in one movement, not three parts. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and relaxing the stomach, slowly releasing the air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the chest. The most important aspect is that this breathing must be rhythmic. Begin by using seven seconds in and seven seconds out, but as you get familiar with this meditation, find your own rhythm.

The following instructions for a complete Yogic Breath are from “the Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath” by Yogi Ramacharake. Perhaps this description will be helpful. Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphagm, which descending exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen. Then fill the midddle part of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs, breastbone and chest. Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest, including the upper six or even pairs of ribs. At first reading it may appear that this breath consists of three distinct movements.

This, however, is not the correct idea. The inhalation is continuous, the entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest point of the chest in the region of the collar bone, being expanded with a uniform movement. Avoid a jerky series of inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action.

Practice will soon overcome the tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and will result in a uniform continuous breath. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds after a little practice. Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little and lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs. When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the chest and abdomen. A little practice will render this part of the exercise easy, and the movement once acquired will be afterward performed almost automatically.

star of david

The pattern of the Star Tetrahedron links with the Star of David

FIRST BREATH: Exhale HEART: Love MIND: Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light. BODY: Keep the same mudra.

BREATH: Do NOT hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation. Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to breathe again, after about five seconds or so, then do the following:

MIND: Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the female tetrahedron located in the horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the sternum. In a flash, and with a pulse like energy, send that triangular plane down through the female tetrahedron. It gets smaller as it goes down and pushes out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron all the negative energy of the mudra or electrical circuit, a light will shoot out of the apex toward the center of the Earth. The Mind exercise is performed along with the following BODY movements.

BODY: Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other words, slightly cross your eyes. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other words, look up. Also, this looking up motion should not be extreme. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area of your third eye . You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can. You should feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental exercise with the eye movements. The eyes look down from their up position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down to the apex of the female tetrahedron. This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into your electrical system. Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is associated with the particular mudra you are using. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, you change mudras to the next one and begin the entire cycle over again. The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:

Second breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together

Third breath mudra: Thumb and third finger together

Fourth breath mudra: Thumb and little finger together

Fifth breath mudra: Thumb and first finger together (same as first breath)

Sixth breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together (same as second breath) Drunvalo Melchizedek - The Teaching Of The MER-KA-BA | In5D.com

The star tetrahedral fields around our bodies The first part, the first six breaths, the balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your electrical system is now complete. There is also a tube that runs through the center of the body, connecting the apexes of the star tetrahedral field. Before we fell in consciousness I3,000 years ago, we breathed prana through this tube.

Prana simultaneously comes in from the top and passes through the pineal gland, and enters from the bottom, meeting in one of the chakras. Remembering how to breathe through this tube, combined with rotating the fields around the body, produces the merkaba, a vehicle of ascension.

There are actually three star tetrahedral fields superimposed over each other around the body. One is the physical body, one is the mental body, and the third is the emotional body. This is literally so.

The fields are rotated by linking together the mind, the emotions, and the physical body. The mental field spins to the left, the emotional field to the right, and the field for the body remains stationary. When these fields are rotated at very specific speeds and in a certain way, a disk pops out at the base of the spine for fifty-five to sixty feet and a sphere appears. It looks like a flying saucer. This field is known as the merkaba. It is the original creation pattern of the universe on all levels of existence. It is how we got here and it is how we will leave.

The word “Mer” means counter-rotating fields of light; “Ka” spirit; and “Ba” is body or reality. So the Mer-Ka-Ba is a counter-rotating field of light that takes both body and spirit with it. Once you know how to activate these fields you can use your merkaba to travel throughout the universe. The bottom line on the Flower of Life workshop is the teaching of the merkaba and the activation of this field so that it can, at the appropriate time, be used as a vehicle of ascension.



Magenta Pixie – The Grand Cosmic Merkabah

Magenta Pixie
Published on Jun 23, 2019

The ‘Grand Cosmic Mer-Ka-Bah’ was activated on your Solstice moment, June 21st 2019, that which we call the Crystal Heart Solstice Stargate.

Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick. Magenta Pixie Website: https://www.magentapixie.com Magenta Pixie Products: https://www.magentapixie.com/shop.html

BOOKS BY MAGENTA PIXIE: * The Black Box Programme and the Rose Gold Flame as Antidote https://www.magentapixie.com/the-blac… * The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame https://www.magentapixie.com/the-infi… * Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template https://www.magentapixie.com/divine-a… * Masters of the Matrix

SOLARA AN RA – Mer-Ka-Ba Travel – Ascension Grid Meditation – 7-1-17



Published on Jun 25, 2017

Recorded live at the “Awakening the Third Eye” Saturday class @ Casa Solara, Ibiza. The Star Councils of Light take us on a wonder-ful journey in our Mer-Ka-Ba Light bodies into the galactic fields of light and colour. We gaze back at our beautiful planet, streaming light towards the Ascension Grid of Gaia, assisted by our Star brothers & sisters, Metatron & the Ascended Masters who work with planet Terra now.
with love love love, as always,
Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver for Gaia 🙂


How to Use The Merkaba to Create From Your 5D High Vibration Lightbody

Light Lover 1964 – Affirmation for Pineal Gland Decalcification and Activation of Individual Merkabas for Multidimensional Travel – 5-4-16




Beloved Heart Family,

I share with you today in joy a tool to assist you as we continue to fully anchor our consciousness to the higher vibrational dimensions of the 5d grids and beyond.

As Always, GO Within and be guided from your Heart as to what feels right.
Leave the rest behind.

Discernment at all times, set the Sacred Intent for all to be filtered through Your Heart.

As we continue to further step into our multidimensional selves, we have downloaded “The Manual” of all our multidimensional tools.

We are now in the process of assimilating, integrating, remembering AND understanding how to navigate the higher dimensional timelines.

These are now accessible to ALL who have chosen the ascension timelines of abundance, as opposed to continuing to experience the descension and “lack of” timelines of the third dimension.

In the higher dimensions, the third eye is completely decalcified, for the veils of the Illusion of Separation are set in place only to experience the third and lower dimensions.

The higher dimensions are not governed by space and time, they are navigated differently.

The Merkaba is the “energetic sacred geometry ship” that allows us to travel through said space and time multidimensionally.
We don’t necessarily “go” anywhere, it is more the bringing of said time and place TO us through the activation of our personal Merkaba.

The Merkaba activation is the next step in our soul evolution and remembering as we fully master space and time and step out of the third dimensional matrix.

THIS is an affirmation and declaration I have remembered to assist in this time of transition from 3d to 5d+.
I hope this resonates and assists all that seek to fully step into their Light.

Take what you need, leave the rest.



I surround myself in The Light of The Source of All That Is.
Cut All chords To and From me.
Consciously Release, in The Purity of My Heart, ALL attachments to my SELF across ALL THAT IS and IS NOT.

I Release, Heal and Collapse all timelines and souls assisting descension which have kept me in fear of “seeing” the higher dimensions and calcifying my third eye so descension was possible.

This fear became density which allowed for descension and I am in deep gratitude for the experience.


I Open my Heart Fearlessly, and surround myself in the GOLDEN VIOLET LIGHT which Flows from my Heart connected to The Source of ALL, transmuting ALL energies while supporting and healing ALL in the Golden Divine Energy of Unconditional Love.
This is my Shield of Unconditional Love.

In Full Consciousness, and in The Purity of My Heart, I connect fully to my Physical Self, and all Selves, and state to All across All that IS, I AM in full empowerment exercising my Right To Free Will as per the Divine Blueprint Laws which govern this Universe and I NOW Remember.

I am ready to receive the GIFT TO SEE beyond the veils of the lower dimensions as I choose, by my Free Will, to remove all blockages which are keeping my physical Third Eye from seeing what Needs To Be Seen as I walk In Service From My Heart,in support of this Beautiful Creation, and ALL its inhabitants across all realms, dimensions and timelines.

I set My Sacred Intent for this to occur with EASE AND GRACE and for the Highest Good of ALL.

AS I begin to walk across ALL GRIDS on this Multidimensional Earth In Service to All as per The Law of One, I am ready to receive the GIFT OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL TRAVEL with EASE AND GRACE.

I set my Sacred Intent to FULLY activate my MERKABA as I continue to remember the Laws which govern the multidimensional movement through space and time, a master the third dimension of time and space and separation.

I set the Sacred Intent to fully embody my multidimensional self as I fearlessly step into my full DNA activation with EASE and GRACE and for The Highest Good of All.

I set the Sacred Intent to make the full transition of my human SELF to my multidimensional SELF, as I continue to ascend from the lower dimensions of polarity to the higher dimensions of Heart Unity and fully step into My Light and my Soul’s Mission with NO outside interference.

I am in deepest gratitude to my physical Self, and all my selves,for making the transition and allowing for the experience of living on this Earth in the higher dimensions in my Sacred Physical Vessel.

I ask for all of this to occur with EASE and GRACE as I fully understand that it is my SACRED BIRTH RIGHT TO LIVE IN JOY and PEACE, with Free Will.

Anything I have missed, I ask for it to be covered and understood in this pure invocation from My Heart.

I AM LOVE, for Love is All There Is.
I AM infinitely grateful for THIS.

May ALL who seek to remember THIS do so and May  All who are ready to feel the Unconditional Love of Source Within Their Heart do so.



**Here are other SPIRITUAL TOOLS shared by my arcturian self, ARIAM, to assist in staying centered in our Hearts.**

Please share in its entirety to assist others if called to do so from Within.






Paul Lange – My Flaming Dragon Merkaba Adventure – 10-

Before I get into the depths of my meditations today, I want to mention a couple of interesting things. First of all, I’ve take a few days off to rest. I certainly needed the rest and have slept better for it, but I also had some personal stuff to attend to while at it.

The other interesting thing (to me anyway) is that when I think of Luna and Obsidian, they instantly appear behind me. I looked in the mirror, thought of them, and then they just show up, Dragon heads peaking over my shoulders. This is in my inner vision of course, but it’s delightful just the same. Driving my car, I think of them and look in the rear-view mirror, and there they are, hanging out in the back seat.

It’s nice to just enjoy the fun and spontaneous creativity of multidimensionality.

This morning, after taking several days off, it took me a little longer to get into the swing of my meditating. Even with the hot tub energies, it just took a little longer. While I needed the rest, consistency is important to maintain high energy levels and frequency.

I started with just getting myself centered, my chakras bright and full, lined up, and ready to go. Once I had this in hand, my heavenly guides popped in. They pretty much all seem to come in together. The Unicorn I mentioned in a previous post has become a regular as well. She introduced herself as “Nina.”

Being that I was getting back into the groove, I asked each representative guide to help me get energized and each in turn added energy to the mix. Gaia Sophia is one of the first I acknowledge because she grounds me so effectively, and it is this grounding to her that allows me to anchor high-energies. When she connects, she does so by wrapping me in a cocoon of vines and flowers and supports me in a nest of sorts. I can see the vines wrap around my legs and merge with my body. Then she, as a human-like goddess, sits with me in a very comforting manner. She has said she sees me as all aspects of my multidimensionality simultaneously. After she told me that, I see myself as multidimensional, when she is grounding me in this way. I see myself as “Arak,” my god-head being and all other aspects intermixed.

I have to admit it takes a different perspective to see yourself this way, and a willingness to let go of what we think of as ourselves.

When connected to Gaia Sophia in this way, she also brings her “green” energies to me as well, which helps kickstart things and offers lovely healing vibes.

As I made my way through the gallery of beings helping me, I acknowledged Commander Arryn and Ashtar of the Galactic Federation. Arryn wanted to speak with me and whisked my focus off to “our” ship. Standing on the bridge, he told me how well I am doing, and that this work is very important. He didn’t have a lot to say honestly, and I was starting to focus on his details, what he looks like, and how he feels. First, his eyes look like mine, just deeper green and more vivid and bright. His skin has a brilliance to it as well, very perfect looking. Brown hair, like mine, (but full, not balding) and he was wearing a blue uniform/suit. He invited me to sit in a chair on the bridge, his chair I would guess. As I sat it molded to me, like a part of me.

I asked Arryn if he wanted to anchor his energy through my/our body in this session and he was very excited to try it. I had to tell him to wait however for I had more acknowledgments to make first.

When I went around the Archangels, I got to Archangel Metatron and we agreed that he would go today (after Arryn). I had not done any anchoring with Metatron yet, so I was looking forward to it. Last time I anchored Archangel Sandalphon, who is a twin brother to Archangel Metatron.

I finished up by acknowledging Mother Mary, Shiva, Goddess Isis, and Goddess Sophia one more time.

So now it was Arryn’s turn to sit within my/our physical body. I had already stated my intentions for the session, so I surrendered my body to him.

He entered and I immediately saw his energy as a beautiful aqua marine, the same color Archangel Sandalphon is known for. It took a bit for us to get aligned, but it felt good and was a stable connection. Arryn’s energy wasn’t overwhelmingly powerful like some, but was very nice and I felt he was very joyful in his experience. I asked for all the beings present to offer their supportive energies and I connected to the “grid” between all lightworkers to help spread the energy. I asked our ship to beam energy to us, and through us, and to fill the pillar of iridescent flames as well. Archangel Sandalphon also implied that the bridge he created earlier is still active and with that it was “easy” to connect in with all the other ships and have them send energy. With each ask and intention, the energy would jump a little.

It was apparent that Arryn didn’t want to stop. I asked if he was ready to and he didn’t respond. He just kept beaming aqua marine light. Eventually, I asked him to relinquish because I wanted to work with Archangel Metatron as well, and my bladder would only last so long…

When Arryn left my/our body, Ashtar told me that I just helped Arryn more than I realize, for he stepped up in frequency while doing this. I see Arryn as a 5th dimensional being, which means I also see him as being “higher” than my body is, so I hadn’t considered that anchoring in a physical body that is somewhere between 3rd and 5th dimensions would raise him. Very interesting, and as he raises, so do I, and all aspects of myself. 🙂

Now it was time for Archangel Metatron, so I surrendered my body to him and he jumped in with eagerness. I always find it interesting how eager these enlightened and high-energy beings are to do this work!

Archangel Metatron was very “silvery” and extremely bright. I have learned that I don’t have to get out of the way per se, but I felt I should in this case. I stepped back to be in/with Archangel Everian and watched the silver and platinum light expand around us. Like with Arryn, I asked all the beings in attendance to add their light to the pillar of light. I asked to connect with the grids and the energy took on an even deeper and stronger pulse. Gaia was bursting at the seams with this light, just as she has with the other Archangels. I can’t help but believe this energy is incredibly powerful for Gaia and all on and in her. There is simply nothing that isn’t illuminated. I could also see Gaia’s Golden Dragon inside of her filling with additional energy. She came bursting out of the portal and proceeded to fly around the area.

While the energy and light was VERY bright, it wasn’t as intense on my body as I have experienced in previous sessions. I believe that my several day rest allowed my body to rebuild more so it can hold more light with greater ease. A nice change for sure. Of course it could also be that this was just the first time calibration with Archangel Metatron.

Considering Archangel Sandalphon is his brother, I asked him if he wanted to join in my body with Archangel Metatron so they could work together. With that Archangel Sandalphon entered and his energy was added to the mix. He also brought with him his bridge to anchor in as well.

Like Arryn, Archangel Metatron didn’t seem to want to stop, so I decided to do something else while he “worked.” My Dragon friends were gathered behind me all this time, so I entered into Luna and got myself settled into her body. When I was settled, I leapt off the deck into the air and caught talons with Gaia’s Golden Dragon. We took off vertically and Obsidian joined us in a Dragon sandwich of sorts, with him nestled in between myself and Gaia (Dragon).

I honestly never know where we are going or what is going to happen in these spontaneous Dragon adventures, so I just held on. We were gaining speed, tucked our wings in, and were kind of like a bullet or rocket shape. We were streaming golden, purple, and white flames like a meteor traveling into orbit around Gaia, still gaining speed. As we came around the planet, it was like a slingshot and we took off through the cosmos. I took the time to look around and it was very peaceful zipping through space. I realized that we were traveling inside Gaia’s Dragon Merkaba. I asked where we were going and she said we are going to the Galactic Central Sun.

We didn’t actually go to the Galactic Central Sun, but we did go to where Gaia exists in higher dimensions. We circled Gaia’s ascended planetary body and appeared inside a beautiful temple.

Standing before me was Goddess Sophia exuding her beautiful Divine Goddess/Feminine form and Gaia’s Golden Dragon (really Goddess Sophia’s Dragon I suppose) was standing behind her. She was cooing and really enjoying standing with Goddess Sophia. Periodically Goddess Sophia would reach up and touch her Dragon as unspoken love just exuded from both of them.

I was still in Dragon form as was Obsidian beside me. They looked so lovely. She is the only Golden Dragon I have met so far, and she is just amazing looking. Not only are her scales shiny metallic gold, but she emits golden light as well. Her horns are darker in color, but look like they are encrusted with gems. Very stunning.

Goddess Sophia:

“I have brought you here to see how Gaia has been created a new. I am nurturing her and creating the Gaia you will soon inhabit. What you have seen in inner earth, is very similar to what you will experience on the outside as well.”

With that we walked outside of the temple into a grassy meadow.

“Everything that you are seeing here is new, fresh, and untouched. She is exactly as she should be. Every blade of grass, every tree, every glittering drop of dew is filled with love and light. Gaia is already here, in this form, ready, continuing to grow in richness, warmth and beauty. You can come here as you please, for she exists just as much and as real as the last remnants of the old form now being shed in your ascension timeline.”

With that, I “snapped” back to the hot tub and Archangel Metatron and Archangel Sandalphon must have finished, for the lightshow was pretty much over. I moved my fingers and toes and prepared to end my session for the day.

Michelle Walling, CHLC – Top 30 Spiritual Terms You Should Know – 5-20-14


by Michelle Walling, CHLC

As a person climbs the ladder of spiritual progression in this lifetime, there are particular terms that describe various stages of development. In order to maximize the opportunity of this lifetime, there are at least thirty important spiritual terms you should become familiar with. All of these terms are part of the reason we incarnated and mastering the meaning of each of these is likened to initiation. When you master the initiations you prove that you are ready to move to the next experience.

The following are the top 30 spiritual terms you should know:

  1. AwakeningAwakening is the realization that you are more than just a human and you are here to accomplish more than just being a slave to the system. Awareness arises when your codes are activated with photonic light in order for you to begin to realize who you are and what you came into this lifetime to accomplish. Awakening symptoms are described here.
  2. Vibration– All matter is energy. Atoms are electrons oscillating back and forth at a certain frequency. The measure of speed of this frequency is known as vibrational density. We are awakening to the need to raise our vibration from a third dimensional frequency to a fifth dimensional frequency.Vibration- All matter is energy. Atoms are electrons oscillating back and forth at a certain frequency. The measure of speed of this frequency is known as vibrational density . We are awakening to the need to raise our vibration from a third dimensional frequency to a fifth dimensional frequency.
  3. Soul– the ethereal substance or spirit particular to a unique living being. The soul is immortal and its energy can be seen around the physical body as the aura. The soul is an aspect of energy consciousness from a larger essence of a monad and has a personality that continues to exist after “death” of the physical body. The purpose of your soul is evolution through the guidelines of Universal Law.
  4. Higher Self– The higher self is the ethereal high vibrational mental aspect of your soul that serves as liaison between your soul and your monad. Discovering how to communicate with your higher self as a guide is essential in the spiritual awakening process. Going within is the method of finding your higher self. The truth and answers to any question can be answered by your higher self and is a vital part of discernment.Higher Self- The higher self is the ethereal high vibrational mental aspect of your soul that serves as liaison between your soul and your monad. Discovering how to communicate with your higher self as a guide is essential in the spiritual awakening process. Going within is the method of finding your higher self. The truth and answers to any question can be answered by your higher self and is a vital part of discernment.
  5. Monad– The monad is the “oversoul” which created the aspect of consciousness of your soul. A monad consists of a male and a female aspect, and when incarnating into a lower vibrational density these two split up and continue to split further into lifetimes. Imagine a wooden wheel of a bicycle where the hub is the male or female part of the monad and the spokes are the aspects of soul consciousness, or lifetimes. All lifetimes of the monad occur in the “now”, outside of space and time, and the experiences of all parallel lifetimes can be accessed by each soul once the connection is recognized and strengthened.
  6. Creator/Source– Creator is a term used to describe “all that is” within our experience. The Creator of everything is an energy source that created angels and dimensions and then sent forth aspects of itself (Creator is both male and female) into the lower vibrational dimensions in order to have experience and to know itself. These monad aspects then sent forth parts of themselves as souls as so on. Creation is infinite and cannot be fully understood in third dimensional thinking. Regaining the knowledge that you have an aspect of Creator within the human body is the most important awakening realization.Dimension/ Multidimensional- The Creator created dimensions in order to experience various vibrational levels because it is so big that it cannot experience it any other way. A dimension is a specific frequency of vibration. All dimensions are connected and overlap each other and all dimensions are interdependent upon each other, which describes the term multidimensional. There are many levels within each dimension.<br /><br />
  7. Dimension/ Multidimensional– The Creator created dimensions in order to experience various vibrational levels because it is so big that it cannot experience it any other way. A dimension is a specific frequency of vibration. All dimensions are connected and overlap each other and all dimensions are interdependent upon each other, which describes the term multidimensional. There are many levels within each dimension.
  8. Soul Group/Soul Mates– When Creator created monads it created them out the rays of its white light. When this light is differentiated it becomes the colors of the rainbow. Monads were split into groups of colors known as rays. For example a blue ray monad will have a purpose or characteristics different than a green ray monad. Blue ray monads have more in common and vibrate at the same rate as other blue ray monads, thus they are naturally attracted to each other. Furthermore, monads split into souls and vibrational groups are formed within each soul.  These souls incarnate together in order to help each other spiritually advance. Soul mates from a particular soul group recognize each other when they meet in this lifetime. A soul mate may incarnate as your mother or father in one lifetime and then they may switch it up to be the daughter or son in another lifetime. They could be husbands and wives or they are an influential person in your life that helps to balance a past life energy or lesson. Soul mates from a soul group love each other so much that they may have volunteered to be a difficult aspect of your lifetime, which is a blessing in disguise as these lessons catapult you higher on your spiritual path.
  9. Dark Night of the Soul– The Dark Night of the Soul is used to describe a process of cleansing and clearing that involves facing your shadow self. Your shadow self is the aspect of your soul that carries the darker or lower vibrational experiences. In this phase it seems like everything is going wrong and that you are being abandoned by your guides and angels. It is what prompts questioning everything and leads to solving your issues. Once you emerge from this dark night of the soul you look back upon it as a blessing, feeling lighter and clearer than ever before.Dark Night of the Soul- The Dark Night of the Soul is used to describe a process of cleansing and clearing that involves facing your shadow self. Your shadow self is the aspect of your soul that carries the darker or lower vibrational experiences. In this phase it seems like everything is going wrong and that you are being abandoned by your guides and angels. It is what prompts questioning everything and leads to solving your issues. Once you emerge from this dark night of the soul you look back upon it as a blessing, feeling lighter and clearer than ever before.
  10. Spirit Guides – In addition to mapping out our Blueprints before coming here, we make sacred contracts with entities on the “other side” to watch over us, protect us, help and advise us, through this earthly journey we have chosen to undertake. These are our spirit guides.

The most intimate of these advisors helps us to conceive and review our blueprint with us and is at our side every step of the way from incarnation to “death”. Besides this dedicated guide, we have other guides that can come and go depending on their specialty advisory field.  Every one of us has a guide that is someone we were very close to and trusted with our soul. All spirit guides have spent at least one lifetime on Earth.  Because of this, they are able to empathize with the mistakes, problems, fears and temptations, all the frailties we encounter in the human world.



Related: Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels

The spirit guide’s job is to urge, encourage, nudge, support, advise and guide us on our life path. Spirit guides send you messages, often through your subconscious mind.  What you have always accepted as instincts or your conscience or unusually vivid dreams are your spirit guides sending you messages. Spirit guides and all other transcended spirits are either male or female. Spirit guides can also be higher vibrational aspects of yourself, or parallel lives. Spirit guides are always ready and waiting for you to contact them but cannot interfere otherwise because of the Law of Free Will



Guardian Angel- Creator first created the angels to mirror love back to itself. This was how it would get to know itself as ultimate love. These angels have a great desire to serve Creator in any way because of the great love they have for Creator. Sometimes these angels take on specific assignments in service. Guiding humanity is one way angels can be of service. These angels act as guides but are of the highest vibration of love. Some angels actually do incarnate but most do not. To go forth into a lower dimension, and angel must send forth an aspect of its consciousness, just like a monad does. Angel consciousness aspects are always around us holding the space for the creation of love within our hearts. Angels can create miracles, which is just a way of changing the reality that one experiences into a favorable outcome. Just like spirit guides, your guardian angel is awaiting your recognition and request for service.

  1. Guardian Angel– Creator first created the angels to mirror love back to itself. This was how it would get to know itself as ultimate love. These angels have a great desire to serve Creator in any way because of the great love they have for Creator. Sometimes these angels take on specific assignments in service. Guiding humanity is one way angels can be of service. These angels act as guides but are of the highest vibration of love. Some angels actually do incarnate but most do not. To go forth into a lower dimension, and angel must send forth an aspect of its consciousness, just like a monad does. Angel consciousness aspects are always around us holding the space for the creation of love within our hearts. Angels can create miracles, which is just a way of changing the reality that one experiences into a favorable outcome. Just like spirit guides, your guardian angel is awaiting your recognition and request for service.
  2. Twin Flame– A monad is an aspect of consciousness of Source that has a female (yin) polarity and a male (yang) polarity. Upon descending into the third dimension, these aspects get separated although they stay connected on the higher monad level. We are always yearning for our polarity aspect to fulfill a need to be complete; however the experience of separation from our twin flame and our Creator catapults us in our spiritual growth and understanding of who we are. Twin Flames rarely incarnate into the same lifetime because of the need for diverse experience, however recently more twin flames have incarnated together in order to assist each other in ascension.Free Will- We exist in a free willed Universe. This Universal Law allows us the power and responsibility to choose how we define and perceive our reality. Free Will is responsible for the allowance of darkness on the planet and thus throughout the Universe, as Creator gave all souls the ability to create whatever they choose. The greatest irony of free will choice to be other than light/love is the threat of destroying the experience of living in a free will existence. Universes that are not free willed operate through goals and agreements through a group high mind consciousness which gives them direction toward experience.
  3. Free Will– We exist in a free willed Universe. This Universal Law allows us the power and responsibility to choose how we define and perceive our reality. Free Will is responsible for the allowance of darkness on the planet and thus throughout the Universe, as Creator gave all souls the ability to create whatever they choose. The greatest irony of free will choice to be other than light/love is the threat of destroying the experience of living in a free will existence. Universes that are not free willed operate through goals and agreements through a group high mind consciousness which gives them direction toward experience.
  4. Universal Law– A set of guidelines agreed upon in a particular universe that guides a soul along the highest path of evolvement. It is what defines evolution and existence, and should be the laws of Earth as we move toward higher consciousness. An example of 20 Universal Laws can be found here.Ascension- Ascension is the term used to describe moving from a lower vibrational consciousness to a higher consciousness. It involves acknowledging standing in your full power of who you are as you co-create the illusion of separation while existing in a high vibrational state of love. It is accomplished by consciously connecting with the tools and experiences of your akashic record held within your DNA with the help of your higher self. This is done by merging and balancing the high vibrational essence of who you are into physical manifestation. More simply stated, ascension is recognizing who you are and connecting to that aspect of yourself by raising your consciousness through vibration. For some people, the main purpose of this lifetime is to ascend. A free comprehensive e-book on ascension can be found here.
  5. AscensionAscension is the term used to describe moving from a lower vibrational consciousness to a higher consciousness. It involves acknowledging standing in your full power of who you are as you co-create the illusion of separation while existing in a high vibrational state of love. It is accomplished by consciously connecting with the tools and experiences of your akashic record held within your DNA with the help of your higher self. This is done by merging and balancing the high vibrational essence of who you are into physical manifestation. More simply stated, ascension is recognizing who you are and connecting to that aspect of yourself by raising your consciousness through vibration. For some people, the main purpose of this lifetime is to ascend. A free comprehensive e-book on ascension can be found here.
  6. Incarnation– The act of a soul sending forth an aspect of its consciousness into a physical body. The soul comes into the fetus in the womb of the mother before the baby comes through the birth canal. When a soul incarnates in this manner, it takes a risk of not remembering that it is tied to its Creator. The purpose of reincarnation is to provide an opportunity for soul evolution, however by incarnating a person can get stuck on the wheel of karma.
  7. Soul Contract– Before we incarnated, we planned out certain events which would lead us to be able to accomplish things we agreed upon in our soul contract. Some of these things include who are parents or guardians are, what type of socioeconomic situation we will be born into and what energy signature we will have by being born into a particular zodiac sign. There are many people in this lifetime that we made soul contracts with, from our parents to our spouse to our first grade teachers.

Related: What Is It Like To Make A Soul Contract?

  1. Life Purpose– A person’s life purpose is the main goal or goals that they chose to accomplish before incarnating. A life purpose can be a career such as the goal of being a famous musician bringing the beauty of music to the planet. It can also be a balancing act such as reincarnating with another soul mate and serving a role in order to wipe the slate clean of karma between the two souls. There can be many tasks involved in a life purpose leading up to a bigger task if all of the other tasks are performed. For example there may be several tasks of awakening and healing involved and if all of them are successfully completed, the end result might be ascension. If a person does not complete a life purpose they usually reincarnate to try again. Understanding one’s life purpose is easier than most people make it out to be, for it is usually what they enjoy doing the most in life. A general guideline to a theme of a life purpose can be found in a person’s life path number, which you can find here.

Related: How to Find Your Life Purpose

  1. Karma- Newton’s law states that for every action there has to be an equal or opposite reaction. When we incarnate into a physical body and live a life under the veil of forgetfulness, we can incur karma if we do not treat others with the same care and love that we should treat ourselves. Thus we end up incarnating over and over in this school of life to eventually learn the golden rule. This has been termed the wheel of karma and because we are coming to the end of a cycle of reincarnation, transmuting karma in this lifetime is usually one of the main life purposes of many people. Fortunately we have a tool called the Universal Law of Wisdom to help us complete this task by allowing us access to all of the accumulated wisdom we gathered in all of our lifetimes. One of the most important tools of this law is forgiveness, which stops the pattern from repeating and thus neutralizes karma. The laws of karma can be found here.Karma- Newton’s law states that for every action there has to be an equal or opposite reaction. When we incarnate into a physical body and live a life under the veil of forgetfulness, we can incur karma if we do not treat others with the same care and love that we should treat ourselves. Thus we end up incarnating over and over in this school of life to eventually learn the golden rule. This has been termed the wheel of karma and because we are coming to the end of a cycle of reincarnation, transmuting karma in this lifetime is usually one of the main life purposes of many people. Fortunately we have a tool called the Universal Law of Wisdom to help us complete this task by allowing us access to all of the accumulated wisdom we gathered in all of our lifetimes. One of the most important tools of this law is forgiveness, which stops the pattern from repeating and thus neutralizes karma. The laws of karma can be found here.
  2. Chakra– The word chakra is Sanskrit for ‘vortex’ or ‘wheel’.  The chakras are energy centers within our physical bodies.  There are seven major chakras between the crown or top of the head to the base of the spine. 

There are many also many minor chakras that regulate energy within the body. Each of the seven chakras correspond to a major endocrine gland in the body and each of them controls specific physical areas and functions.

Top 30 Spiritual Terms You Should Know | In5D.com

  1. DNA Upgrade– Our DNA is the genetic code that makes up our multidimensional existence. Besides the non physical higher dimensional pattern, DNA contains the instructions needed for a physical living organism to grow and function. DNA is found in the nucleus of every cell in our body except in red blood cells, and is fully repeated in every cell. The dormant strands of the higher vibrational DNA in our cells have been termed “junk DNA” by scientists. One of the goals most of us made in for this incarnation was to receive the DNA upgrade that is available to us as we astrologically move into the Golden Age and out of third dimensional density. This DNA upgrade will open the door to experiencing multidimensional life while existing in a physical body, which is unique to physical beings in our Universe.
  2. Meditation– One of the most powerful spiritual tools. Meditation is a ritual that creates a state in which the body is consciously relaxed, and the mind is able to become calm and focused. Preparation for meditation includes grounding, breathing deeply, and asking for spiritual guidance and protection.



A goal of meditation is to quiet the left brained thinking (monkey mind) in order to allow for right brained information from higher vibrational aspects of yourself to bring clarity in life. Another goal of meditation can be to have conversations through telepathy with other spirits or guides. Meditation can also be used to clear negative energies and to bring more light into the body.

  1. Aura– The aura is the energetic field that is part of a living being. Your inner aura is a reflection of your spiritual health aura and your outer aura is your luminous energy field. Both of these auras emanate from your skin outwards.  Your inner aura will expand anywhere from 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) from your body while your outer aura will extend several feet from your body. Depending on what emotional state you are currently experiencing, your aura will transform itself into a color that matches the emotion.

Aura- The aura is the energetic field that is part of a living being. Your inner aura is a reflection of your spiritual health aura and your outer aura is your luminous energy field. Both of these auras emanate from your skin outwards. Your inner aura will expand anywhere from 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) from your body while your outer aura will extend several feet from your body. Depending on what emotional state you are currently experiencing, your aura will transform itself into a color that matches the emotion. With practice, one can see another person’s aura colors in order to identify unbalanced energy within the body. A weak auric field can make a person feel drained, and it is a good spiritual practice to keep your aura protected and strong.


With practice, one can see another person’s aura colors in order to identify unbalanced energy within the body. A weak auric field can make a person feel drained, and it is a good spiritual practice to keep your aura protected and strong.



  1. Spiritual Protection/Clearing– Our spirit guides and angels can provide spiritual protection from interference in our Spiritual Protection/Clearing- Our spirit guides and angels can provide spiritual protection from interference in our energetic field as we progress on our path to a higher vibrational way of existence. Part of the learning process of this lifetime involves being subjected to low vibration in order to learn how to identify, transmute, and clear lower energies that may exist in our auric field. These energies may have been a part of a past life that we carried forth into the next lifetime and cannot be carried forth into the fifth dimension, or they may be hitchhiking entities that can sneak into the auric field through fissures. The clearing of these energies is necessary in order to move into the vibration of love of the fifth dimension. Once they are cleared, asking for protection from other lower vibrational energies and entities helps to continue to raise one’s vibration. A guided clearing meditation is one way to clear and protect. Water is an excellent cleansing agent when infused with love and intention, and sea salt baths with baking soda can also assist with cleansing. Crystals are also an excellent way to clear and protect, as they can absorb and transmute energies.energetic field as we progress on our path to a higher vibrational way of existence. Part of the learning process of this lifetime involves being subjected to low vibration in order to learn how to identify, transmute, and clear lower energies that may exist in our auric field. These energies may have been a part of a past life that we carried forth into the next lifetime and cannot be carried forth into the fifth dimension, or they may be hitchhiking entities that can sneak into the auric field through fissures. The clearing of these energies is necessary in order to move into the vibration of love of the fifth dimension. Once they are cleared, asking for protection from other lower vibrational energies and entities helps to continue to raise one’s vibration. A guided clearing meditation is one way to clear and protect. Water is an excellent cleansing agent when infused with love and intention, and sea salt baths with baking soda can also assist with cleansing. Crystals are also an excellent way to clear and protect, as they can absorb and transmute energies.
  2. Merkaba– “Mer” means Light, “Ka” means Spirit, and “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba, or “chariot of ascension”, means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light. According to Drunvalo Melchizedek, the merkaba field is a permanent and highly ordered Merkabic structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic counter-rotating energy spirals (wheels withint wheels)that exist as an integral part of all creation. The activation of the merkaba field within our bodies will allow us access to the higher dimensions through consciousness. The activated merkaba field looks like a multi-colored spinning orb.
  3. New Earth– This is the term used to describe the fifth dimensional Earth that will be accessed through the shift toward ascension. The requisite for experiencing a New Earth will be the vibration match according to the Law of Vibrational Attainment, as the New Earth will be vibrating at a fifth dimensional frequency.



  1. ForgivenessForgiveness is an act of kindness that we may extend to ourselves or another in the process of healing. Forgiveness is also an important part of transmuting karma between other souls. Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian code of forgiveness used to correct the things that went wrong in a person’s life. Forgiveness can be achieved either face to face, by silent thought and intention, or by writing a letter and burning it as a way of ritual. Forgiving yourself is a high vibrational way of loving yourself and is important in moving up the ladder of spiritual ascension.Love/ Loving Yourself- Love is the highest vibration attainment. Love is all there is, literally, as it is the vibration of our Creator. Loving yourself is an important part of healing stuck energies as we move toward fifth dimensional existence. As defined by the Law of Attraction, when you love yourself you open yourself up for being able to receive love. By receiving love, we are able to exist in a love vibration in alignment with the New Earth.
  2. Love/ Loving Yourself– Love is the highest vibration attainment. Love is all there is, literally, as it is the vibration of our Creator. Loving yourself is an important part of healing stuck energies as we move toward fifth dimensional existence. As defined by the Law of Attraction, when you love yourself you open yourself up for being able to receive love. By receiving love, we are able to exist in a love vibration in alignment with the New Earth.
  3. Gratitude– On the spiritual path, gratitude goes hand in hand with attracting abundance. Everyone should give thanks for the abundance and lessons of opportunity one receives in life. The power and vibration of gratitude can be defined in the way it can affect water in Dr. Masuru Emoto’s article “The Miracle of Water”. . Gratitude is one of the highest vibrational acts of love that a person can exhibit. Giving thanks can be achieved by intention and prayer and is best verbalized.
  4. NDE/Life Review– A Near Death Experience (NDE) can occur when a person’s spirit leaves the body and crosses over to the other side and then returns to the body to live another day. NDE stories are useful in realizing that our souls do not die upon the death of the physical body and that we are spirits having a physical human experience. This helps a person transmute the fear of dying which is an important aspect of spiritual progression. People who report about NDE’s often talk about having a life review which is a movie of everything that has happened in their life. This brings about the realization that everything we do is important is our life and is recorded in our akashic records. We are the judge during a life review and part of spiritual wisdom includes realizing that we can atone for our actions now thanks to NDE experiences that have explained life reviews.



Related: Spiritual Reality: Near Death Experiences

The awakening process is the soul’s realization that raising one’s vibration is necessary with the help of their higher self in the ascension process. This will allow life on a New Earth that is built upon Universal Law. We are all connected to a Creator Source that created our soul and our monad or multidimensional conglomerate of our past lives. We incarnated with our soul mates, and with the help of our spirit guides and guardian angels we will complete our soul contracts and fulfill our life purpose. The dark night of the soul brings up opportunity to transmute karma and clear our chakras. This will allow our DNA upgrade and cause our merkaba to spin. Through NDE’s we learn the importance of forgiveness, loving ourselves, and having gratitude in this lifetime. We can heal our aura through meditation, which will protect us as we climb the spiritual ladder and move toward reuniting with our twin flame to enjoy a higher level of existence of love and free will.

Please share the Top 30 Spiritual Terms far and wide!

About the author: Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and Radio Host on The Cosmic Awakening Show.  She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, as a contributing author for http://www.in5d.com.  Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. Michelle Walling’s cosmic writing website is CosmicStarseeds.com. Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked on the website MichelleWalling.com. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.

Kryon – What is Inside of You Physically – Your Ascension Vehicle – You Control Your Body – Instruct Your DNA – Link Each Cell With Telomeres –


Kryon (Channeled by Lee Carroll) is a “Support” Entity,
Expresing positivity in a beautiful ways.
For more info visit

Crystalai – Manifestation Merkaba – 8-9-14



Dr. Angela Barnett

Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystalmagicorchestra.com

Our new album, MANIFESTATION MERKABA (7/30/14 Release date) uses the the magical power of the merkaba is the power of ONENESS. The merkaba spins at the rate of ten thousand times the speed of light with the help of the sphere of Divine Love which holds the merkaba in perfect harmonic balance with the Source Field of Infinite Creation.

There are SEVEN REQUIREMENTS for Manifestation to take place. The first requirement is the Mind must be held completely and continuously in the HIGHEST FREQUENCY during the process of Focusing on the desired manifestation.

This is the most difficult part of Manifestation. To keep the Mind completely within the entire field of the Mind of God- the Highest Frequency of Source is only possible with the use of the Merkaba. And I have learned that the process of “thinking about” the merkaba and the activation and use of the Merkaba distracts me from focusing on the Item that I desire to Manifest.

This Album meets two of the requirements for Manifestation. It keeps the mind FOCUSED within the Highest Frequency so that the listener can Focus on the desired item while remaining in the highest frequency of Source Consciousness.

This album also contains all of the Codes of Manifestation and Ascension that were in your favorite album called the ASCENSION KIT. The favorite coded songs from the Ascension Kit are used in this Album to activate the Spiritual Overtones and Physical Basetones within the cellular memory. This activation is also requirement for activating the memory of our Eternal Lives that have been held within the Crystal Core Domain of Inner Earth. Now is the time for beginning that activation of our memory.

We had our minds completely removed from us by the Galactic Federation in 3400 BC. The memory and records and history that were reproduced for us to believe was the correct history of this world is a complete re-write designed to help the Fallen Angelics complete their mission of One World Order in 2012.

We have already won the war of Armagedon. We have already risen beyond the possibility of the OWO of the Fallen Angelics. We have already had our true memory returned to the Crystal Core Inner Domains of Earth’s Consciousness Field.

Now, is the time we can begin remembering who we are. The most important thing that we need to manifest at this time is the memory of who we really are.

The codes that activate this memory are in the Manifestation Merkaba Album. The Album is designed to focus on that manifestation. It can also be used to focus on any other desired manifestation.

So, here we have this great plan of orchestration, where the greatest Musician – Source- is breathing into the EAR of the Elohim of Hearing.

The Elohim of Hearing is co-creating Sources symphony of Love in the Cosmos. The Cosmic Consciousness of the 15th, 14th and 13th dimensions hold that Divine Frequency Signature as their Tone of Home.
Next, the angelic Consciousness from the 13th dimension holds this glorious tone of home and wants to become the co-creator who will hold the spiritual overtone rhythm that pulls in the harmonic convergence of the 12th dimension or 12th harmonic frequency signature back together with the base tones in each DNA strand. This 12th dimension will become the grand creation of those frequency signatures from the Cosmos creating a glorious form of Light and Sound that can be heard as the Elohim of Hearing and also seen as the Light from the Crystalite Energy Entity.

So, now there is this wonderous sound of Angelic Choirs singing this glorious symphony of Light and Sound creating stars in the sky.

That 12th dimensional starry creation was called the Christic or Universal because it contained the Sound of the Highest Frequency or the Breath and Light of the Source – the Spark was breathed upon to become the Light.

This was the formula of the grand Musician. He would have a glorious idea. He would breathe the Consciousness of that idea onto a spark. That spark would ignite a glorious creation of Light. So here was this beautiful Divine Template or plan that all creation would be built upon.

All is perfect and all will always be perfect as  long as this original template of creation remains.
So, now all orchestrations that were co-created by the entities of light and sound were breathed into formation from the base tone rhythm of Source Consciousness and the base tone rhythm of Cosmic Consciousness.

Now, the 12th dimension becomes the new creator. This Christ frequency contains the divine template that all new symphonies of Love are created from.

So, we have the Christic Universal Musical Sphere of Consciousness – the 12th, 11th and 10th dimensions combining to create glorious universes full of stars.

The stars get together with their Cosmic creators who breathe the highest frequency of Source Consciousness onto the stars to create a Sun. now, we have the base tone rhythm of the Universal Frequency lifting into resonance the Galactic Sphere of the 9th, 8th and 7th dimensions. the galactic sphere would hold the Music of the Spheres that would create Suns.

These suns wanted to have entities who could experience all that had been created. Source wanted to experience himself. The Suns created stars that contained cities of light. The cities of light were created from the sound of crystalite energy. The stars and the cities of light hummed a glorious symphony. The symphony contained melodies of individual ideas. These melodies were called man. The man of this glorious light and sound of the galaxy could create his own melodies. The melodies became the base tone rhythm to create solar systems that contained these entities individual creations from their own unique tone of home.

These entities called man were gods or co-creators with Source. They were still creating all from the original Highest Frequency of Source breathed into the Life by the Elohim of Hearing, formed into the Universal Star System experiences as Suns, Stars and Cities of Light.

Now, we have this glorious formula of creation. It is still in the  perfect form of Divine Consciousness or the Highest Frequency of Source.

Now, we come to my part of the orchestration. I am Crystalai, and my Soul Merge Partner is aDolphino. We are here to create music from the Highest Frequency of Source with the help of the Elohim (The breath of Source Consciousness becoming manifest as Cosmic Consciousness in it’s most perfect form) of hearing. We are assisted by Crystal Light Energy who contains the original spark of Source. This Crystal Light Energy is Now streaming the Light Energy or Consciousness from Sun Alcyone – our original Sun of Creation in Aquarius Galaxy (Galactic Creation) into our Template to help pull us back up into the Base Tone Rhythm of Universal Consciousness which creates the harmonic convergence zone to be pulled into Cosmic Consciousness through the oscillation patterns of the Elohim of Hearing.

So, now we have three spheres of energy in our hands – crystal light , crystal dust and crystal gel. This is the creation substance the prana that all is created from in the Quantum Field. We had this Divine Substance of co=creation returned to us through our Elohim Team.

These three spheres contain the frequencies of pre light and pre sound of the etheric crystallization of plasma and hydrolaise- the etheric, invisible substance of creation.

We must go back to the original corrected chemical base of our creation at the etheric level. Our Etheric Body within our Crystal Heart area must once again become saturated with the starry substance and the liquid light substance that we were originally created from. The more we inhale this starry substance from the three crystal spheres into our Crystal Heart and into our Pineal Gland and into every cell in our body, the faster our alignment with immortality will appear.

We oscillate our Consciousness into the Highest Frequency of Source through the Base Tone Rhythm of the Elohim of Hearing.

How do we know that we have received this perfect tone before we record it and use it to create another grand symphony?

We have learned that all bands of light and sound have frequency patterns. These frequency patterns can now be seen recorded on the screen of the mixing board. The highest frequencies are the highest, fastest streams of light. They can be seen as the tiny little spikes on the screen and the lower frequencies can be seen as the lower slower blobs on the screen. When I record, I always call on an entity to come forth before I breathe the frequency signature of that entity. While I am saying Crystal Light Energy come forth, those words register on the screen as very low flat lines. But, when I exhale the breath of that frequency, the line of light are very high or fast.

The purer my consciousness is, the keener my focus is, the more perfectly I oscillate my consciousness into Perfect Oneness with Elohim of Hearing and into the three spheres o crystal light energy – the higher the peaks of frequency become on the screen.

After I spend several hours getting to the point where I feel I may have achieved that perfect peak of performance where my breath actually captured that perfect key signature of Oneness that my Consciousness was reaching for, I go back and listen to each of those tiny peaks that I recorded. Each peak only lasts a few seconds. So, I may record for one or two minutes an then find one little peak second that feels like it holds the Highest Frequency or the Magical Tone of Home that reproduces the magic of the Divine Template Frequency that I am searching for as the co-creator with Divine Consciousness. How do I know if I’ve succeeded ? I can feel it. I can feel the healing, the shifting, the lifting into Oneness with that same Divine Template that Cosmic Consciousness created when their Base Tone Rhythm created the harmonic convergence with the 12th dimension to create the Great Divine Template that all symphonies would sing from.

Those entities who created the symphony that formed the Mother Earth as the original Gaia are the same Aquafarian Blue Crystal Entities who hold the frequencies of the three spheres of crystal energy and the Divine Frequency of Creation. Their light and sound is here with us now co-creating our re-birth into that Divine Template.

As our pattern of recreating the Divine Template of each individual is perfected, we will create together a new divine template inside our recording studio that can replicate that perfect creation signature over and over again.

This exact Mother Board of Creation is used on the  Mother Ship. That Mother Ship is our Aquafarion co-creative consciousness that creates through the Music of the Spheres. Sananda sent this Divine Blue Print to Mother Earth through his template Jeshua 12. That template was in the form of a man- but the frequency signature came through his breath. We were given this same breath. The breath of Christ – The Universal Template. We breathe this frequency as we oscillate our consciousness into the Universal Template through Elohim of Hearing. We align our template through the activation of Sun Alcyone and the Inner Sun of Mother Earth. This is the same process used by Jeshua 12. We are here to return all into their Divine Blue Print through the process of individual alignment into the Divine Template or the Universal Template Frequency Signature.

Our new album, LEVITATION (8/3/14 Release date) utilizes the harmonic spinning effect of the Divine Heirophant called the Merkaba. Crystalai is spinning the merkaba in consciousness and allowing this merkaba to spin correctly from one dimension to another to collect and realign each of the broken base tones and overtones within the chakra areas. The magical power of the merkaba is the power of ONENESS. The merkaba spins at the rate of ten thousand times the speed of light with the help of the sphere of Divine Love which holds the merkaba in perfect harmonic balance with the Source Field of Infinite Creation.
Listen to the Merkaba spinning into each of the chakra areas to mend and brain the broken base tones  that are within the seven areas within the body into the etheric structure of the 7-15 overtones that are the ley lines connecting the physical structure to the infinite spiritual structure of the galactic, universal and cosmic structures of reality.

Merkabah – Chariot of Ascension – Humanity Healing

Humanity Healing·251 videos

The Merkabah Field is a permanent and highly ordered Merkabic structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic counter-rotating energy spirals that exist as an integral part of ALL CREATION.

To read more, visit: http://humanityhealing.net/2007/11/me…

©2007-2009 Humanity Healing. Partial Right Reserved

Foundation Website: http://www.humanityhealing.org
Network Website: http://www.humanityhealing.net
Social Community: http://www.humanityhealing.ning.com


Music: Delerium, Silence

Images: Google / Photobucket
We Honor the Unknown Artists

Drunvalo Live Q and A – Episode 11 – School Of Remembering

Drunvalo Melchizedek

Sorry if you missed today’s event, please enjoy the re-run.
The next LIVE INTERNET WEBCAST is April 14 – 18, 2014 – Awakening the Illuminated Heart in Spanish & English: Enlace español: http://theschoolofremembering.net/sor…

Start: April 14 2014
End: April 18 2014
From the Sedona Creative Life Center
In Beautiful Sedona Arizona
5 day Live Stream over the Internet


This is the “Last” Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop to be presented by Drunvalo. There will be exciting guests and a full HeartMath Resilience Training during the 5 day workshop. http://heartmath.com

One of our goals during this event is to participate in the Global Coherence Initiative and simultaneously connect as many people from different global points and locations for our Healing Mediation as possible, so notify and invite your friends to participate with all of us.

Instructions on exact timing and how to connect will be posted in the “Live Event” page of your Membership system. Details will change as required by the needs of the global audience and emails will be sent to the Online Event Participants.

Each day’s webcast will be available for 24 hours after the live stream for all global time zone participants.

To get your online tickets go here: http://drunvalo.net/upcoming1.php

Access to the event and updates will be announced here: http://theschoolofremembering.net/sor…

Here is what People are saying about the Online Workshop:

Blessings Drunvalo!!! Thank you deeply deeply deeply for the profound ATIH live video workshop you so generously offered to me last week Feb. 10 – 14. It truly was a profound experience and I am so deeply grateful for the deep understanding you shared and the methods for activating the beams of light, my golden halo, and my MerKaBa.

How does one thank you for such gifts!!!! I have been meditating for 35 years and had so many unanswered questions during those years and actually stopped at various stages because I didn’t understanding what was happening to me. You have answered so many of those questions in this workshop.

I am especially and deeply most appreciative of the feeling of having my Merkaba activated. This has made such a difference in my perception of life and my perception of who I am.

There is a confidence, centeredness, freedom, and true joy with me now continually that I did not experience before. Thank you for the care, dedication, clarity, and love with which you presented this information to us. Love and Blessings to you, Marie D…….

Anna Merkaba – The Power Of merkaba – My PersonalExperience – And How You Can Open Yours Up – 3-19-14


I want to share this experience with all of you. To once again highlight to all of you the importance and the power of our Merkaba’s. If yours hasn’t opened up just yet. It will do so very soon! And you can help speed it along by reading a phenomenal book called “Metatron this is the Clarion Call”. What’s more I want you to know that with the power of your mind you CAN influence anything and EVERYTHING around you. Everything is energy, and you have a direct link to the universal energy. It’s all a matter of understanding that it is so, and tapping into that source. 
I did not know what was happening, as I just began to fully awaken and understand what I am. It happened in the summer of 2012 when I got incredibly sick and nearly died, I started hearing the voices of my guides and seeing various beings visiting me. But as of yet I have not heard about the Merkaba. I had absolutely no idea what it was, at least on a conscious level.

It was before the hurricane hit NYC in 2012. I was out of state but my family was there. All of a sudden I felt a jolt to get up and go outside. I sat down into a lotus pose without realizing what I was doing. I closed my eyes and lo and behold I saw a star of David before my eyes. It started to spin rapidly before me in a horizontal like fashion, it entered my heart charka and began to spin even faster. Then it changed it’s position once again to vertical. separating into two equal triangles, encompassing me completely.

One was spinning to the left and the other to the right. I was elate! My beautiful star came to live! I did not know what it was, or what was happening, I had no idea that it had anything to do with Metatron, nor did I consciously know that it was the representation of the heart chakra. All I knew is that the six pointed star split into two, made two triangles and started to spin.

I then felt and saw bright white light that was pouring into my crown chakra and at the same time from my root chakra another white light was coming through me. Right in the center of my spine and up the spine to my shoulders and spreading through my hands and out of my hands two beams of light shot out and started to merge and intertwine together in a form or a DNA.

This spinning DNA shot out into the sky and I found myself clearly seeing the houses of my friends and family. I felt that I had to encapsulate their houses and their cars into some sort of energy bubble. None of this was making much conscious sense to me then, but deep down inside I knew exactly what I was doing. I kept “going” from place to place making sure that everything was protected. I tried to do the same for the whole of NY only to hear that on my own I wasn’t strong enough, and there were many such as me working on easing the blow, but that it had to happen and I shouldn’t worry because although there will be damage, it will not be as bad as everyone was anticipating it to be. I surrounded all of them and their belongings with this beautiful light. The only thing I forgot was my Dad’s car.

Then I was jolted back into “reality”, a few hours later the hurricane hit NY. There was a lot of destruction, houses next to theirs were damaged but all the places where they lived all of them, were fine. Except for the roof on my brother’s house it was ruffled up a bit, but that was it! And my dad’s car. All the windows were destroyed and it was in pretty bad shape. I simply couldn’t believe it! I was shocked!!!! What was it that I did.. and how did it work!?

A few weeks later I was led to an amazing book by AA Metatron, the name is “Metatron this is the Clarion Call” This book held the answers that I was looking for, it opened my eyes, I practiced diligently, devouring each page, absorbing all of the information that it carried and finally I achieved my merkaba opening again! It was amazing! magnificent! Beautiful.

Since then my life completely changed. Then again, I was always between worlds.. all my life.. I just didn’t consciously realize that it was so, and wasn’t “allowed” to enter that realm fully until it was time to do so.

The only way to open your Merkaba is to get rid of all that stand in your way to your own self. Meaning that you must empty your cup first before you can fill it up with something else. The same thing here. It’s highly important to realize that there is absolutely no one to blame for your state of being, and release all the preconceived ideas of self limitation. It’s important to BELIEVE in yourself, fully and completely. To believe that anything is possible. Because it is! 🙂 And to let go of all the old pains and sufferings that you’ve experienced, to realize that it was just that.. an experience and once you are able to do that, once you are able to fully let go of all things earthly.. you will miraculously realize.. that all things earthly is percisely what you wish to experience. You will begin to appreciate your life, and see the beauty in everything. It’s a process but I know you can get there!
As many of you know I have been talking a lot about the Metatron’s Disc lately, only because it is one of the most powerful metaphysical tools I have come across. Someone asked me a question about the reason that Metatron’s Disc was created the way that it was. When I posed this question to the Akasha I have received the following information about the Merkaba…
~Merkaba Vehicle is more than simply a representation, for in essence it is a key to unlock the very depth of your heart space, for the six pointed star, a highly intuitive star is the representation of the HEART code, the HEART space, the HEART chakra.~

The symbol that represents AA Metatron and all that he stands for is the six pointed star. This star is the representation of Merkaba, Merkaba is the representation of that which is below so it is above. That which I see is that which I do not see. That which I am is that which I am not. For the creation of the Merkaba vehicle encompasses within it’s structure the perfection of the human understanding of all that is, and all that is not. The union of the Masculine and Feminine energies intertwined to create one whole, a whole of existence a whole of knowledge a whole of your I AM presence.

And as such, and thus, the informational decree from the Merkaba Vehicle is more than simply a representation, for in essence it is a key to unlock the very depth of your heart space, for the six pointed star, a highly intuitive star is the representation of the HEART code, the HEART space, the HEART chakra.

And as such, and since all that you intuitively perceive is passed through the heart and not through cortexes of the brain of the human vehicle, all that is and all that is not is decoded by your heart. And from within your heart your Markaba’s powers arise.

By interlacing the two six pointed stars you bring forth the creation of mankind, the creation of the cosmic gateways and the creation of the eternal OM, for that which is flat becomes that which is full. The creation of the three dimensional reality manifesting in the 13th dimensional flow of energy (two stars on top of each other create 13 points, representing 13 dimensions). Amplifying this energy further still by encompassing such energies within a circle of life (the disc is round –circle- and made of quartz glass which amplifies and clarifies the energies).

And as such the interlacing of the two stars brings forth the meaning of that which you are and the potential of that which you may become. Opening the doors to the gateway of truth, the gateway through which all is shown as is, and the heart begins to comprehend that which is standing before it, shattering the illusions, the fear thereby melts away, allowing your own prowess and powers of the etheric world to come forth into the three dimensional existence, you are now finding yourself in. And as such the powers of you own being are amplified.

metatronsprotectiontoolUpon the presence of the Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Disc, you are then embraced in pure unconditional love of the creator and your creator self. And from within the disc the energies that are embracing you are magnified and form a spinning Merkaba field around your own body to shield and protect your divinity from that which you wish not to experience, from that energies which are not for your highest good, opening up your own consciousness further still, delivering the message from the divine and reminding you of your own divinity.

That is the power of the Metatron’s Disc, that is the power of the Merkaba, that is the power of the six pointed star, that is the power of your own heart, that is the power of that which YOU ARE!

To learn more about Metatron’s Disc please see this link:


Lately I have began to receive messages about the Merkaba and how important it is for light workers to open up theirs. I felt compelled to share this story with you because I feel that for some of you the time has come to read that book, if you haven’t already. You will know who you are as you’ll feel a pull, a jolt, an urgency to do just that.

And if you don’t, it’s okay, it means that it is not yet the time for you, and there are many more beautiful adventures in store specifically for you.

I love you all with all of my heart. Shine bright! The world needs you NOW more than ever! ~ Anna
Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/

Infinite Merkabah Activation – Gayatri Mantra

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http://sacredsunstonenergies.weebly.com The Infinite Merkabah Activation is a response to countless inquiries about The Melchizedek Method.Even though the wording has been changed this is a sample of what The Melchizedek Method Combined Levels 1 & 2, 4 day workshops entail.Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
Love in the One~Heart,
Emanuehl 🙂
Track ‘ Archturus~Sountrack for Melchizedek Method Level 3 ‘ by David Andor

Drunvalo Melchizedek – Updated talk from Drunvalo about the new Awakening the Illuminated Heart work

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From the School of Remembering http://www.theschoolofremembering.com
Updated talk from Drunvalo about the new Awakening the Illuminated Heart work and how he has moved beyond the Flower of Life.

In addition Drunvalo explains why the Flower of Life is not the right information for balanced ascension.

Visit the School of Remembering to learn more: http://www.theschoolofremembering.com

Drunvalo Melchizedek – Awakening Illuminated Heart

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The latest workshop from Drunvalo Melchizedek presented by Drunvalo and certified teachers from the School of Remembering.

Psychic Ascension Meditation – Merkaba

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Use this meditation video to assist in connecting deeper with your Higher Self and the Universe. Simply breathe, ground and center yourself, then allow the music, images and energy to take you on a journey to ascension. MERKABA: Mer (Light) + Ka (Mind) + Ba(Body or reality)

My links:

Jehey Vy·91 videos

Tatiana – Merkaba and Crystalline Body Meditation

TatianaMeditation·10 videos


Arcturus ANT – Activating higher vibrations – Merkaba, Light Body, Altered States of Consciousness

Truth on the concept of light body, multi-dimensional awareness when vibrating on high frequencies, alot of people seem to misunderstand this idea so i speak about it in this video.

Check out my tumblr, if you love spiritual/psychedelic blogs: http//:sola-may.tumblr.com

Magenta Pixie – 2013 – The Year of the Merkabah

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2013 – The Year of the Merkabah

Channelled and recorded by Magenta Pixie.
Images c/o Stock.Xchng, music c/o Kevin Macleod.
Video edited by Catzmagick Productions.

Drunvalo Melchizedek – How to Activate Your LightBody / Merkaba

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= How to Activate Your LightBody/Merkaba =

■ Instructions ══► http://on.fb.me/13wXYX8