Preparing for 2020 – Ascension in the Now – with Sandra Walter & Lauren Galey

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Daniel Scranton – The Light You Shine ∞ The 9D Arcturian Council



“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to announce that you are making the progress that we would have hoped you would make from the recent energies that have been coming in and hitting some of you very hard. There is never any certainty on our part as to how you will handle the energies as they come in. There is only hope that we and the other beings who are sending you energy have done the correct calibrations. We are very happy to see how many of you are beginning to recognize yourselves as the brilliant beings of light and love that you truly are.

And when we say that, we also want to include that we notice when someone is in their ego and when they are not, and what we are noticing is that the vast majority of those of you who are awake have absolutely no ego involved when you shine your light. You have been shining your lights for the rest of humanity ever since you awakened in this lifetime, and now you are beginning to increase the amount of light that you allow to flow through you without hesitation and without fear.

You see, early on when many of you awakened, there was a period where you hid your light from the rest of the world out of fear that you would be ostracized or worse, and those fears have mostly been completely processed and cleared because of the work that you do on yourselves. We cannot process your emotions for you. We cannot clear anything out of you. That’s your work. We give you the upgrades, activations, and downloads that encourage you to do that work and that give you incentive to do that work. Because once you have cleared what you need to clear, you then have access to what we have deposited into your fields. And of course, we are not the only ones doing this.

So you have many reasons to be on top of the whole clearing and processing game. So that is what we see happening, and as a result, you have access to the downloads, the activations, and everything else that we send to you, and you’ve been shining your light without that egoic sense of being better than anyone else as you do. And that is why you don’t attract that negative attention. So you have learned through the clearing what you need to do in this lifetime to be the leaders, the healers, the guides, and the wayshowers that you are without getting yourselves in any trouble along the way.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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Abe Delmar – Shifting into the Ascended 5D Body, Light Body

Abe Delmar

Published on Oct 15, 2018

Shift into 5D higher frequency bodies, crystalline cell structure and crystalline DNA, ascension symptoms, ascended heart-mind connection, ascended chakras, mandela effect, light bodies.

Inner Lost Knowledge Pt. 3 video –… Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment –… — Join the FB Group: Book a Personal High Vibe Heart Reading: Receive a written Light Language Activation Message from your guides: * Any information that comes through this video is from my own 5D perspective and is for you to use your own belief system and discernment. *

DIANE CANFIELD – Light Body Structure is being Activated Now by Higher Consciousness – Divine Feminine Steps Into Her Role 11-19-18


Blessings Beloveds,

Today I want to talk about the Light Body and how it is activated and what is the process of activation. The Light Body is the structure that we take with us to the New Earth. We can not transport in our 3D bodies as they are too dense and of a  3D composition. I found out in 2013 when I had my Near Ascension Experience what it feels like to embody the realms of 5D and above. I can testify, from my own direct experience they oscillate at a much higher pace.I was at this pace for a full 2 weeks after this event took place for me, which shows the final ascension shift can happen at any moment.

Some history first- we are not the first civilization to morph into the light body, there have been many civilizations before us that have gone through the same thing. They will not be in the history books because they disappeared from civilization never to be seen by the 3D world again. You see, when a civilization reaches a higher state of consciousness, this is the evolutionary outcome. We are now reaching that state. It is amazing to me to see the transformation that has taken place since 2000.

In the past not EVERYONE was able to transform into the light body, this is why humans still exist in 3D, but this time is different. I was told early on( by the galactics, Advanced Interplanetary Council of Light ) everyone would be going together this time. I have talked about this in my articles for the past 3 years. All humans will transcend 5D.  The reason for this is evolutionary, everyone must attend this transformation.This is not only happening on our planet but all planets through out the UNIVERSE.

The Light Body is activated within each HUMAN by reaching higher states of consciousness. It is through these higher states of consciousness that we also experience ASCENSION SYMPTOMS.  This is why it is SO important to WANT to experience ascension symptoms as this is our indicator we are in the process of ascension. This is why it is imperative to set the Intention to experience Ascension. This is why it is so vital to share as much information with others as possible.

We must be willing to do the work involved to reach these higher states of consciousness/Ascension. We must look for TRUTH within all things and discard what is not. It is not enough to take some of what is said and discard the rest, now we must discard everything if something feels off. All concepts, Yes even spiritual ones, that work to keep people stuck and unempowered must now be discarded.

Feelings must be PUT FIRST in all things. Feelings must be developed and transformed into KNOWINGS and Beliefs discarded. This is part of the 3D world to rely on beliefs, in the higher dimensions we KNOW. We know what is truth and what is not.

The Galactic races have told me many times TRUTH must prevail and all else discarded.


If you have ever experienced the state of TRUTH then you will understand the state I am talking about. This is the state I am always in. This is the state everyone needs to be in in order for their Light Body to continue to manifest.

The Light Body forms through truth and higher consciousness,, which THEN affects the heart. The heart is not the leader in this process as we are born with our hearts wide open and many of us have retained that state of being our entire lives.  The ones who have not are those that have not been able to discard the conditioning, programming and illusions.


The DIVINE FEMININE  is now rising and will continue to do so creating an entire NEW WORLD/NEW EARTH.    (As I wrote this last sentence the words NEW WORLD/NEW EARTH appeared to me as a rainbow.  This means I was seeing beyond this realm and the words were communicating the multidimensional universe to me .) The old experience /experiment of the patriarchal system will no longer be allowed. The Galactics see where this has led and it has been detrimental to everyone on the planet. Some will think it has worked for them but this is only because they do not understand what they have been missing and they can not comprehend how it could be.

As the Divine Feminine rises a whole new structiure and way of thinking is emerging. This is to put the HEART/Truth back into every function and every policy on the planet. The heart has been removed for centuries and the ones with their heart fully activated have already seen/known this. I know I am not alone in being able to SEE this since I was a child. This is what has stopped planet EARTH from being a paradise for all.

As the Divine Feminine rises, the patriarchal will naturally lose its stronghold, it’s already happening.  The Feminine will be loved and respected for the beautiful beings of love, light and creativity they are. They will be honored and cherished, which will then lead the way for the Divine masculine to come to the surface. Without the Divine feminine taking her place first, the Divine Masculine can not come forth. It is through this special process that we become fully MULTI DIMENSIONAL.

There are others waiting for us to join this process. It is our destiny to go thorough this transformation of LIGHT and TRUTH. We will become Galactic and  inter- dimensional when/as this transformation occurs.



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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Medium, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET In PERSON Contactee having had many in person visitations from many different races of ET races. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood She had out of body experiences, knew things she had no way of knowing and channeled as a child. She was visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website

KejRaj – Lifting The Veil

event lifting veil era of light

Greetings to You You Bright One! As always, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

Greetings to You You Bright One! As always, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).

The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message

Please Continue Reading

Era of Light

LORIE LADD – Shifting into a LIGHT BODY and the Integration Process – 10-25-17 – Connecting with Telos



Published on Oct 25, 2017

In this video I talk about the integration we are going with our light bodies and the expansion and contraction that occurs. We open up and surrender to flow, feeling deeply aligned and then contract back in to the very human very dense emotions of being human and how to move through it all. If you have any questions or feel called to work with me you can find me below.


THE QUANTUM SOUL – Shifting into the Ascended 5D Body, Light Body – 10-15-18


Published on Oct 15, 2018

Shift into 5D higher frequency bodies, crystalline cell structure and crystalline DNA, ascension symptoms, ascended heart-mind connection, ascended chakras, mandela effect, light bodies. LINKS: Inner Lost Knowledge
Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment –…
Any information that comes through this video is for you to use your own belief system and discernment within you. —
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KAREN NEVERLAND – Physical to Light Body to Crystal – The Body’s Ascension from 3D to 8D – 9-12-18



Published on Sep 12, 2018

Author: Karen Neverland Physical to Light Body to Crystal : The Body’s Ascension from 3D to 8D:… Ascension Stages : 3D to 5D : Duality to Oneness:…


SANDRA WALTER – Embodiment Part Three – Effects and DNA – 10-9-18



Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Infinite gratitude to all who connected with us during the global mass meditations last SUNday!

Gatekeepers focused on the crystalline DNA distribution and rainbow bridges to New Earth. After some afternoon gridding on the mountain, it was time for our final meditation. During the 5:11pm connection, a beautiful rainbow bridge appeared up top on Mount Shasta and stayed there for 2 hours. The energies were powerful and flashes through the Solar gates occurred (you may have seen or felt this during the meditation). Rainbow blessings to our dear SUNday Unity Meditators for holding this space for global peace and Ascension every week.

Preparation for our October Trajectory

The latest energetic shift is a strong one. The drop-off of energetic support for negative realities at the end of September opens us to the higher frequency force of the Christed timelines, New Earth and higher positive trajectories. Restoration of Divine HUman crystalline DNA, which has already begun, requires magnetic shifts in Gaia’s grids, including the HUman heart grid. Geomagnetic storms help accomplish this, when solar plasma is delivered via solar winds. It flows easily through Gaia’s diminished magnetic shields, into the planet and our heart centers.

An activated heart opens just like a solar gateway, allowing DNA to be delivered and activated with these influxes. It literally delivers codes and bilocates DNA into your body, torus fields and Ascension column.

Our next influx is October 13 -16. Last weekend’s storms prepared us for this influx. I AM getting beamed just writing this; those dates will not leave my consciousness. Let us unify and focus on the pure heart-SUN connection, DNA reconnection and opening the bridges to the New Earth realms for all willing hearts. Welcome forth the Solar flashing activity, already in progress and quickening, for your personal journey if you desire the heart-blasting, consciousness-shifting codes.

October’s strong energies are connected to the gate at the end of November; that sense of a collective shift point is upon us once more. Step by step, gate by gate, the realities divide to honor collective intentions. You may have noticed the time-stop moments since the New Moon. Again, the Primary timelines don’t feel like timelines, more like a realm of pure beingness; the New Earth.

This passage through January will feel surreal and expanded, or chaotic and scattered, depending up on your focus. Best advice: Timelines, realities and experiences rely on your frequency match, the vibration of your thoughts, words, deeds, feelings. View the shifts as positive and offer higher solutions (even to yourself), rather than lower-level judgment of change.

The planetary shifts are unavoidable, however your experience is malleable. Clearing is clearing, completion is completion. End times are a very good thing, they provide the changes we collectively desire. Focus on the unification of positive consciousness, rather than the division and dissolvement of the negative polarity. As always, don’t watch the old realities burn, create the new. Higher vibrations have more influence; use it to create the new with as much ease and grace as possible.

Crystalline *rainbow bridge* DNA, encoded to make your body and consciousness the bridge to New Earth, has been received by many willing hearts. It has clearing effects, just like any DNA activation, so reset with self-care, rest, and hydrate if you get ill. Note the effect on your consciousness and heart, rather than fret the physical challenges.

Embodiment: Part Three

We were told that embodiment of the Christ – the crystalline DNA , Christed (Diamond-Solar) Heart center, and unity consciousness – changes everything for the Ascending collective realities. Embodiment affects the light quotient of the planet, and her grids shift to the higher dimensional crystalline grid as the lower realities dissipate. Similar to how our torus fields expand to merge with the 5D level of Self and beyond.

Embodiment opens the external and internal stargates for the return of the Christ/Crystalline/unity consciousness. This is happening now, and the next few months will increase the experience of unity consciousness.

Our services, skills, bodies and consciousness are affected by this Divine DNA. It creates the bridge between worlds, which is a marvel to experience while in form. It also prepares us to call in stronger Solar flashing activity, which is not an escape, it is a global activation of higher consciousness. This flashing activity is witnessed in meditation, or while connecting with the cosmic self and Solaris out in nature.

As our multidimensional selves reunify and provide conscious awareness of the vastness of Source-as-Self, the vibration of our bodies, fields and DNA allow for Divine self-realization.

Embodiment feels Avatar-like as the Higher Selves ascend the Lower Self consciousness. When we surrender to this Divine Presence of Self, it rewrites our consciousness via Divine crystalline *rainbow bridge* DNA. It changes the way we feel, think, act, love, express and create. We become the bridge to the new reality not only by embodying this DNA and its pure light frequency, but also by demonstrating its effects.

Embodiment can often feel like out-of-embodiment as the Divine DNA returns and reconnects. Our Higher Selves operate on a much higher level of frequency. Unity consciousness is a very different experience. Beyond bliss and unconditional love, it reunifies us with the Cosmic Self, right through the heart center serving as a SUN of God.

Experiences and Side-Effects of the Embodiment Phase

While our focus is on transforming consciousness, the embodiment phase has obvious effects on our bodies. Physical symptom mentions are never to be taken as medical advice. We are all unique. Photonic light reveals distortion as well as activation, so pay attention to what your body is revealing for you.

To my heart, the grandest experience is becoming a SUN; the experience of pure unconditional love and unity consciousness returning to my awareness. However we are ascending through the body, with the body, in order to transform collective realities. So we need to take care of ourselves, reassure those beginning to experience the unusual, and share the journey as this unfolds.

Notable sensations and experiences:

Crystalline Rainbow Bridge DNA. You may see it in visions, it may express as strands or geometries. Unmistakable pastel-rainbow colors that vibrate very intensely with diamond, crystalline, pearlescent, gold light. You may see fields of magenta, emerald, gold, diamond, pearlescent, aqua or pastel colors as the third eye adjusts to the new DNA. This is spreading now through quantum effect through the awakened HUman heart grid.

A new round of Brain pathway activation and rewiring. Cranial expansion has its benefits. Crystalline structures in the bones assist in activating the skull to support brain rewiring. Multidimensionality as a conscious aware state means we suddenly have access to a lot of information. The light and DNA triggers new pathways in the brain to support complexity. The pituitary-pineal complex also expands. Headaches and neck aches are widespread. Meditation assists to calm the mental stimulation.

Nausea from etheric glands in the abdomen getting hit by stronger light. The two sets of etheric glands, below the ribs and just inside the hip bone, are there to assist the body to hold more light and transmute toxins. These cause the bloating or pregnant belly look when activated. They can cause nausea when the light influxes are strong. Our internal systems are evolving to higher light existence. Less food, plant-based diets which hold more light, and detoxification assist the body in adapting. (DNA activation can also cause nausea.)

Tones growing in intensity and pitch. Ascension tinnitus, hearing the higher frequencies, is (much) louder, constant and higher pitched. My tones can wake me up in the night, they get so laughably loud. Two factors contribute to this. The vagus nerve, largest in the body, connects the cranium and abdomen. Our nervous systems receive activations easily. The vagus nerve wraps behind your ears, causing the *attention signals* and music of the spheres/angelic choir sounds we hear during Ascension. Secondly, the tiniest bones in the body are inside the ear, which speak to the brain. Crystalline activation in the bones makes us vibrate like crystals, the tiniest being the most susceptible, adding to the complex tones and symphonies of light. Tones are varied in purpose; activity within Gaia, your own Lightbody or DNA, the SUN, magnetics, lightships or star family nearby, cosmic stargate activity; it depends on the moment.

Crystalline or beaming skin. This has been fun over the years, watching our skin get glittery. Crystalline particles vibrate themselves out through the skin, just like crystals vibrate themselves out of the Earth. With embodiment, light may suddenly radiate out of the skin, hands, heart and eyes; more beam-like than aura-glow.

Alignment with the organic Primary timelines of Ascension. The great unknown, which doesn’t feel like a timeline at all. You feel and experience the division of worlds in your own lifestream. Consistent alignment and intent required.

Releasing the bonds of gravity and time. We experience less gravity or gravity anomalies. Consistent lifting, expanding, floating sensations. We are releasing the bonds of dense time dynamics, created by gravity, and it affects our physical experience by feeling floaty, swirly, dizzy. We are overriding gravity (time) dynamics as we release the grip of duality/density. Long moments when time stands still.

Ascension Column/Unified Chakras across dimensions. Our heart centers become Crystalline-Solar, they attract and radiate those forces of light and energy through our torus fields. This unifies 33 chakra points across multidimensional expressions of Self via the Ascension column. Gone are the days of 7 chakras or dense colors; a fine system for 3D, but no longer applicable as a rule.

Deep understanding of everything as part of the whole, and honoring of the purification cycle. Oneness with Source, as Source. The experience of Krishna, Christed or I AM state of consciousness. Merging with all that is; the immortal feeling state of Divine Love. Intensifies with crystalline DNA embodiment and Solar heart center expansion.

Tools of Christed Mastery present. Often in vision with initiate-style ceremony. These feel overwhelmingly powerful, radiate pure Love, and will bring tears to your eyes when they present. Unmistakable. Typically ornate objects in diamond, crystalline, gold, white, rainbow-pearlescent colors. The Christed kit includes: Multiple crowns, scepter or wand, orbs or crystal spheres, rainbow-pearlescent wings, Sacred Solar Heart or SUN symbols, crystalline rainbow DNA. Crowns may be delivered by doves or angelics, and over the years have been anything from white feathers to gold to diamond light.

Experiencing Source thought as your thought, and vice versa, without toggling between the two. An unmistakable step in our Ascension process. Blissy and profound, a pure doubtless experience of being and witnessing the Self as Source, simultaneously. No separation.

Divine Neutrality. The perspective of patience as generosity. Immortal, limitless time for all of this to unfold for HUmanity. Service to the Ascension, no matter how long it takes in linear density, is the mission. Take note: Divine Neutrality actually accelerates the collective process.

Divine Service. Prioritizing highest interests and Unity Consciousness. Heart-brain is louder than mind-brain. Source-Love is the dominant Presence. Feeling and listening to the heart, rather than the mind or emotional levels. This affects our communication, thoughts, activities, DNA recalibration, higher skill activation, creative expressions … everything.

Becoming a Pure conduit for positive photons: LoveLight rays flow through your heart and fields, consistently. The Higher levels beam people, Gaia, Gateways, Grids, anything … right through us. May cause anxiety when your fields or heart suddenly expand. Breathe, it’s just expansion, parent the body through it.

Unwavering Mastery Skills: Forgiveness, Gratitude, Divine Neutrality, Surrender, Unconditional Love, Faith, Devotion, Patience, Non-judgment, Healing, Harmony and Divine Service become ever-present and self-evident.

Acceleration in telepathic communication, interdimensional contact, and higher dimensional creation. The Ascending collective feels, hears, speaks to the interconnected heart grid. Contact is purifying and increasing. Crystals are changing as vehicles of this higher light and information; get them outside to reset and assist with higher creations.

As always, there is no cure for Ascension symptoms or side-effects … it isn’t a disease. Some helpful reminders:

For the mental and emotional levels; Align thought, feeling, word and deed with Peace, Unity and Divine Love. Keep it simple and creative. Journal for clarity. Mantras calm the mind. Get outside. Meditate. Learn something new to assist the brain rewiring for creativity.

For the body: Hydration, fresh air, natural bodies of water, SUNshine help with this organic process of Ascension. Earthing while circulating your torus fields allows balance in the cellular structure, DNA and lightbody. Connect as a conduit of the SUN and Gaia often; the codes are very stimulating to crystalline DNA. Physical crystals are amplifying (especially quartz) and may assist with integration. Get to a proper healer or prioritize health if your body hurts.

When influxes get strong, we need to eat high-vibe, hydrate, stretch and flow the meridians, indulge in self-care, meditate and rest when we are tired. Take note of dietary shifts and behavioral changes needed to keep up with the acceleration.

Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers in service: Let us unify for this next opportunity, October 13-16. Highest trajectories, in this Now.

All are invited to join the Light Tribe for the SUNday Unity meditations, and spread the word! More Hearts, more Light, more Love. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

Links for this complete series:
Embodiment Part One
Embodiment Part Two

In Love, Light and Service,

Your support is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today.



MARCO LOPOR – Light Body Integration 9-1-18 – via The Earth Plan –


Source: Marco Lopor

Final symptoms of the complete Light Body integration are manifesting for every activated member of the ground crew.

Every day is like if a new area of the brain is reached with tingles and pulsations, while the plasma light fixes all the last small junctures in the body that were still blocked somehow, so to be comfortable in this new connection with the phisical body.

Sometimes may happen that in a specific point the electric pulse starts to appear and then moves fast towards the center of the brain along the spine, a phisical release of something that you let go definitely.

If you focus on the light you can now move the plasma in your body, just concentrating your thought on the part of the body that needs to be healed so to find peace and total release.

You Will feel the movements of the light on the specific point until the pain is gone.

After that there is only bliss and beautiful sensations of joy, because the flow boosts incredibly both serotonine and dopamine.

Do not be afraid of the small inconveniences during the process, See the bigger picture and everything Will Be fine.

Keep Shining Magical Forerunners !

This World Needs You more than anything else !


ALUNA ASH CLAIRVOYANT- 9D – THE EVENT – The Light Body & Pole Shift – 8-27-18

Thanks to   Blue Dragon Journal


Published on Aug 27, 2018

I keep being shown another rainbow wave like the one some of us experienced in March of 2018 Anyone that would lile refund, send refund request through paypal if you havent been able to get intouch through an email.

GAIA .com – WHAT IS A LIGHT BODY? – THE ACOLYTE OF ASCENSION – by Andye Murphy – 4-18-16


Image Source 

by Andye Murphy

The evolution of mankind is progressing more rapidly than any other time in recorded history. With a growing unrest, we look not to the future but to the teachings of the past to bring greater meaning to our human existence. When we dive deeply, we find the forgotten knowledge of the Mystery Schools: legends of people levitating, yogis living hundreds of years and even walking through walls. For each tradition, the teachings of the light body were those skills reserved for the highest initiates, forming the foundations of these god-like feats.


The term itself can be a bit nebulous, so we’ll put some principles in place to better grasp this big-picture concept.

Put simply, the light body is our vehicle to graduate from the human condition to return to source. If the goal of each soul is to merge with God, then the activation of our light body is what gets us there.

Mystical traditions knew that everything is energy: billions of molecules each acting as their own cosmos. As nothing in this world is just physical, it’s this culmination of constantly moving energy creating matter. Knowing how to use form optimally was the work of the sages, and is now becoming the practices of the awakened collective.







Description of the Adam Kadmon Activation & Initiation – 5-2-18


Published on Jan 8, 2017

The Kabbalah teaches that GD created the “Heavenly Human” or “Cosmic Human” before the creation of humans on earth. The Adam Kadmon Activation & Initiation Activates the GD Code or Divinity Code – the full 24 DNA strands. Integrate the three aspects of the human body – (physical body, soul body, and Spiritual body). Work with the energies of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. *** prerequisites are the Light Activation, and Melchizedek Initiations Level I & II Attend the trainings in-person, or long-distance as a private one-on-one teaching over Skype.

LISA RENEE – Time Shift Blog – Building Wings for Planetary Lightbody – 5-33-28


To support the change in the gender fin rate of spin and to help correct the male and female rod and staff planetary architecture, Starseeds have been processing 6D-7D wing trauma that connects into Sirius B and Arcturian energies, as well as the Gaian timelines recorded in the Indigo and Violet Ray spectrum. The 6D-7D ray frequencies connect into vertical axiatonal lines and horizontal meridians that are connected to energetic portals that are on the top of our shoulders and run down each side of our body. In the angelic human lightbody, these two energy centers operate as portals and are called the Wings. The 6th portal Wing is in the top right shoulder indent on the masculine side of the body, and the 7D portal Wing is on the top left shoulder indent on the feminine side of the body. The 6D portal is connected to the celestial body in the third layer of our soul matrix, and when activated, begins the process of the Soul Twin Flame Merge that occurs within our bodies that synthesizes the first stage of hierogamic union or sacred marriage. When we start to build our 6D Lightbody, our masculine and feminine energies attempt to merge and synthesize a pathway up our central vertical channel, connecting into the base of the brain and synthesize the frequency from out of the 6th energy centers, in the center of the forehead and brain.

When the merge between the 6th layer and 7th layer has reached a certain accretion level, the lightbody is holding the first layer of the inner template for hierogamic union. This is the ascension stage of divine union that occurs within the three layers of the soul unite and that intelligence embodies within the cells of the human body. At this stage of ascension development, many people magnetize soul family or intimate relationship with another that is also entering into this same ascension stage. As a result, spiritualized couples come together to experience and work with the soul frequencies and timelines that are connected to the perfected male and female in balance, represented in the divine archetypal forces of Christos Michael and Christos Mary Sophia. At this stage of spiritual initiation, some people move out from karmic 3D relationships and alchemical union lessons, to outwardly manifest the first stages of co-creating divine union partnership or hierogamy.

These spiritually activated couples may endure incredible resistance and dark arts training, as it becomes imperative to recognize the dark aggression of the imposter forces, who desire that these couples break up or not continue to do their ascension work. Generally this means deep emotional healing work, being brave in order to clear and transmutate shadow forms, negativity and destructive relationship patterns, as all hierogamic partners are tasked with the hard work of clearing out destructive relationship patterns. In relationship we must choose truth and honesty in all interactions, in order to flush out deceptions and untrustworthy behaviors. Building a healthy relationship towards spiritual actualization of hierogamic union requires an all guts on the table approach, being able to speak safely in a range of deeply challenging topics, building trust and remaining unconditionally loving and accepting of each other in every circumstance. As well as seeing the vulnerability in the relationship where the dark aggression can target our deepest fears and weaknesses, and being honest about that when it happens in so to make the effort to emotionally and spiritually heal.

The 6D-7D energy centers being activated in the planet now are based upon gender principle coming into balance, one is male and the other is female. They must work together towards unification throughout the multidimensional layers, as these spiritual forces impact our beliefs and thinking in relationship to gender. This means in order to reach this ascension stage, emotional clearing and healing of the inner male and inner female has been addressed or there has been some conflict resolution with the False Parent victimizer archetypes. To know our true Mother and Father and to undergo the rebirth of our inner male and female spirit, we must see how the False Parent influenced our beliefs about gender and see the destructive patterns that were created. Many times we must see how we were actually under the influence of the Imposter Spirits when we did not realize that was happening. When we can actually see the distortion and know it’s not the real truth, then we can make a choice to know what the truth is, and then our true spiritual parents and divine heritage is revealed inside our heart.

The 7D Portal Wing also represents the Crucified Female Principle of the Christos-Sophia intelligence. This has not only distorted the human gender principle, it has been a source of human sexual misery and consciousness enslavement. The result of crucifixion of the female principle represented in a male body, can be observed in the mass perception in the narrative of the separation that exists between the male and female. The male and female principle are two sides of the same coin, they cannot be separated from each other because no matter what body we are inhabiting, we are inherently both genders. Whatever we may do or believe that is destructive to either the male or female principle, ultimately wounds our soul and spirit and creates misery. This misconception promoted to separate the genders outwardly manifests as the external results of the state of the crucified inner male-female principle in our world today. Please see Crucifixion Implants.

The 6D and 7D Ley Lines have been extremely blocked in the planetary grids and have not been activated on our planet or within the lightbody of human consciousness for eons of time. The planet has been implanted with extensive frequency fences and NETs to purposely thwart the planetary and individual lightbody accretion and to prevent the soul fragments from healing. This way the souls of human consciousness are stuck in rounds of 3D dimensional reincarnation experiences never getting off the wheel of rebirth, constantly coming back into the lower form worlds of density. With many people existing with a consciousness level of pure identification with physical matter, it became harder with each evolutionary cycle for the human race to recognize its true nature as a multidimensional and inner Christos God being. This amnesia still impacts many souls on the earth today, who don’t believe they have a soul or spirit and realize they are inherently both male and female principles.

Wing Trauma is directly connected to the Michael-Mary Reversal networks and the alien machinery placed in the planetary grids that split gender apart, which are anti-hierogamic technology. The result of this grid is to promote the splitting apart of the layers of sacred marriage that occur at the 6th and 7th dimensions, through the corruption of the Indigo and Violet Ray, which is the spiritual ascension process of Building Wings. These grids also feed the mind control belief systems that promote Sexual Misery in the human race, as well as hatred between the sexes. This level of the blockage and quarantine in the 6D layers is what is referred to as the 666 Seal and it’s also called the Curse of Yahweh, in connection to the results of what happened when we lost the Planetary Staff alignment due to the Yahweh Matrix. This is a genetic block in the sixth dimensional frequency layers residing within the 6D Indigo Ray and 7D Violet Ray Monad or oversoul bodies and it impacts our crown center. Essentially this relates to the trauma of having our Wings cut off from our lightbody, which meant most of humanity could not have sacred union, build an ascension vehicle, or travelling merkaba spirit body. This fact is what created the Fallen Angelics.

Hierogamic union represents the perfected sacred marriage between the inner male and female spirit, Christos-Sophia, which undergoes resurrection to emerge as the Risen Christos, one unified being in service to the Law of One and in full communion with the Godhead. The Michael-Mary Reversal networks are designed to prevent sacred marriage by splitting apart the integration of the third eye center, as the masculine principle, and the crown center, as the female principle. When these principles are united they activate the sacred marriage in the Soul Matrix and build the Wings in the Lightbody.

Recently, the process of building wings through the 6D-7D horizontal intersection on planet earth has revealed to be critical for correcting the planetary Horizontal Rod Pillar for the masculine principle. Hence this has been both a collective spiritual initiation in the masses to achieve the critical mass required in the planetary field, and the Guardian gridworker project in which many Starseeds have been supporting since the rise of the Paliadorians during the Ophiuchus cycle five months ago.

The planetary staff holds the 13:13 vertical spin for the 13th Gateway Vertical Staff Pillars that spin in the rotation necessary to run the frequency sets for its corresponding horizontal spin sets that build the intersection for the Rod Pillar. The Vertical Staff Pillar runs incoming frequency from the Cosmic Rays and Godhead from the top of the pillar spinning it from north to south, with the outgoing frequency spinning up the pillar is running south to north. The female principle heart holds the placement for the male principle heart to anchor the Horizontal Rod Pillar into the Vertical Staff Pillar central core inside the heart complex, which evolves into a male-female heart twinning function when they unite.

The Horizontal Rod Pillar is built from the incoming frequency of the 7D Violet Wave, and the outgoing frequency of the 6D Indigo Wave, and when these two frequency sets merge in an east to west, left to right complete circuit, this is the hierogamic process of Michael-Mary Heart Twinning and Building Wings. The Staff Pillar and Rod Pillar intersect in the center of the permanent seed atom, the heart complex ignites into a crystal lotus or crystal rose diamond pattern, projecting massive energy petals from out of the center heart complex.

As another stage for the planetary hierogamic union of the sacred male and female progresses, the anti-hierogamic technology used in false ascension teachings, as consciousness traps that feed sexual misery, gender reversals and mind control implants become much more visible in the field. This supports the dissolution of these false systems, inorganic technology or gender reversals that were a result of the anti-hierogamic technology used in many ascension modalities over the last 25 years. As we return to the diamond sun body architecture that is 12 based math, our lightbody adds another male and female side etheric finger and toe, as the original eternal body has six fingers and six toes on each side, equaling twelve-twelve.

I Accept the Male and Female within Me. I AM Perfect Balance!

Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa



DIANE CANFIELD – Crystal Light Body Energy Update – Blissful Feelings of Connecting to 5D for 3 Days – 4-20-18


By Diane Canfield


The last 3 days we have been receiving VERY high energy coming in to transmute our bodies into crystalline and transform our DNA in order to move up to the higher realms of Light. This manifests as a BLISSFUL feeling of Love and Connectedness with ALL THAT IS. These Blissful feelings of LIGHT have been coming in for a few years now and I always report on them when they do arrive. Along with this has been the aspect of going into NO TIME as I wrote about in my last article which you can find here.

This blissful feeling is the exact feeling we will have when we transition into 5D Earth. Some of us are now able to feel this and to let others know it is here. This is the way we jumpstart others consciousness by showing what is available to everyone. This is how everyone will make the jump in consciousness by hearing from others who are already experiencing the higher realms for themselves.

We are going through major transitions right now. The energy is an undercurrent and not in your face like so many times in the past. This will be the new way to experience energy, more subtley as we get more used to existing in the higher frequencies of LIGHT. As the higher frequencies are more subtle and light.

For those that are not feeling these upgrades of Bliss, work to raise your vibration. Coming out of illusion about ourselves and others is what propels us to be able to take on and handle higher TRUTHS and higher elements of LIGHT. This in turn changes our DNA and prepares the light body for the higher realms. It is crucial at this time to look DEEP within yourself and see what is not aligning with your authentic SELF. This is a returning to who you really are not a remaking of yourself.

Look at the concepts you might have taken on that are not TRUTH and start deleting these to find the ONE TRUTH. Some may be going through a dark night of the soul as this is necessary to move into the REAl TRUTH of all things. Do not resist what ever is shown to you by the Universe to move through and consciously and with awareness move through it, noting all of your feelings as you do.

We can not go to the higher realms with a dense 3D body. It must consist of crystal frequencies. We can not go to the 5D and higher realms with programs, conditioning and illusions about ourselves and others. These must all be discarded along the Ascension Timeline to fully become our AUTHENTIC self. There is no one on earth who has been in a 3D society that  has not been programmed and conditioned, this all needs to be deleted and our TRUE SELF needs to be spring forth for the higher dimensional consciousness to take hold inside ourselves.

We must face our shadow and any other dark aspect to ourselves at this time. This includes jealousy, anger, sadness,  depression, loss of soul, loss of self love, ego issues coming from an entitled mindset of fakeness,  all the lower level attributes and coping mechanisms that exist in the 3D world.

This can be a long journey to find our true selves but it is worth all the time and effort put in as it lasts forever and paves the way for our ascension.

Sleep issues have also been occurring the last 3 days. I am not sleeping until 5 or 6 am and then getting up with only a few hours sleep. This will pass as the energies settle back down into the rest period we alway have between upgrades.

3 days ago I also experienced a HUGE BOOM when I walked outside which could not be pinpointed to anything in the physical. This has happened to me before in times of high energy transitions.

I will keep everyone updated of ALL Energy changes as they take place as always 🙂


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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website




What Is Lightbody? – by Suzanne and The Arcturians – 4-12-18


Published on Apr 13, 2016

What Is Lightbody? by Suzanne and The Arcturians MARCH 30, 2016 “What Is Lightbody?” The Arcturians Blessings, The Arcturians Suzanne Lie Jamie at Thank you for Sharing and Subscribing Transcend by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…) Artist:


SANDRA WALTER – March Amplifications – Solar Flashes and the Ascended Lightbody – 2-27-18


 Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

When we activate our Solar Heart Center, our connection to the Solar presence becomes stronger. We witness the increasing pulses and flashing activity coming from the SUN, which has been occurring over the last year.

You may see this flashing activity when meditating with a Solar heart focus. It is very vibrant, unmistakable, and you don’t have to be gazing at the SUN in order to see it. It does come directly from the Solar Beingness, when you intentionally connect with the SUN. Please do not confuse it with flashing activity in your personal fields. This is Solar-connection-specific, and the flickering flashes grow brighter, stronger and more activating.

I AM grateful this kind of Solar activity does not appear on the linear charts – yet. Your heart consciousness is the 5D charts! Remember the pulses/flashing is information; FEEL the Love Light intelligence. It feels exquisite.

We entered the Sacred geometry which holds pure photonic resonance, the consciousness shifting frequencies, during the August eclipse last year. This is why Gatekeepers had visions of the SUN exploding in 2017, and why we continually see the SUN flickering and flashing in a new way. We are in the Galactic Hot Zone; the geometric container for consciousness-shifting, dimensional-shifting light.

The prophecy of a Solar flash is not a moment to wait for, the precursor events are already in progress.

The Galactics remind us often; Global consciousness–shifting Ascension events are a multidimensional co-creation. As we collectively operate from higher choices, Primary Christed timelines provide the bridge for planetary-wide energetic and dimensional shifts.

It is beautiful to witness Lightworkers waking up from the waiting games and realizing empowerment can only happen in the Now.

Into the Galactic Hot Zone: The Amplifications of March

Many of you have seen or feel what will occur in March and April. This is a series of activations which will transform how we experience Embodiment of our Christed Self. Solaris is aligning with a series of Cosmic Stargates which will upgrade and transform the way our Lightbody interprets information.

The SUN is changing how it interprets information; visibly seen in the physical as the surreal dimmer-yet-more-intense look that SUNlight has right now. Our Lightbodies are reflecting these changes. As above, so below. Our inner light feels more intense, our heart centers flutter, our Ascension columns flicker, and the physical feels mystical as it goes through deep transformation. We are shifting at this moment, preparing us for this next level of embodiment.

As the Hot Zone changes the Solar projector, the SUN crackles and flashes; the very same expansion activity within our heart centers. This has been increasingly palpable for many. Solar activity has long been associated with cardiovascular risks, and we see the near-heart-attacks, palpitations, and anxiety attacks in the collective.

Do you see how strongly your physical heart is connected to the SUN? Your etheric connection to the Solar aspect is clear.

Purer frequencies = Purification.

Higher Light is always accompanied by clearing, releasing, and the revelation of distortion. Understand that the consistent request of HUmanity to reveal the truth, disclosure, and distortions is answered by these frequencies. It is a symbiotic relationship; the frequencies are also what is creating the the desire for revelation.

The revelation of deep secrecy requires intense light. The demand for truth and disclosure is not something directed at a certain group. This is a global event reflected in everyone’s personal journey. Purification is an evolutionary step which continues to intensify and purge the co-created veils.

The New Round of Activations: Gateways Open to New Experiences

The latest round of Ascension activations have felt unlike anything before them. Descriptions fall short of the actual experience. It is challenging to describe a multidimensional shift in beingness. I have heavily light-encoded this message if you choose to feel into what I AM experiencing.

This mystical, effervescent, expansive state of consciousness is overriding and overwriting our lower expressions. The merge sequences of Embodiment, when the Higher Self takes over the awareness, are changing the Lightbody. It can feel like preparation for phasing out of the lower realities completely.

These new activations are pushing us beyond the limits of previous possibilities; the new trajectories are fully engaged. In our Spiritual Maturity, we become comfortable with the unknown, the bizarre, the boundary-dissolving experiences.

Etheric First, Physical Second

The photonic light registers on the lightbody at the etheric level, and with your conscious direction, the form changes to reflect that light.

Much of the recent round of illness, change of trajectory, relocation, and exhaustion are reflections of the intensity of these cellular adjustments. Our Lightbodies are about to change in a dramatic way to an Ascended Lightbody template.

This year will reveal higher possibilities for the expression of HUmanity itself.  As always, our intention is to demonstrate to HUmanity what is possible with Ascension.

The bifurcation of experiences, which has been in progress since 2011, also penetrates the physical realities this year. This honoring of choices is nothing to worry about. You are infinite. We are all one. If this temporary division brings anxiety or concern, the light is showing you what you need to look at; receive the gift of personal revelation.

It is best to let go of any biblical or old paradigm belief systems about physical versus nonphysical, making it or not making it, etc. It is not one big judgmental division, it is an ongoing choice of experience. As it affects our physical realities, much is revealed about the nature of reality itself.

Ascended Lightbody

We are already in a band of light frequencies which are changing the Lightbody structure in a new way. Etheric first, Physical Second. The gap between cause and effect is also becoming simultaneous in our realities. These changes are happening very rapidly now.

Some are having intense and exhausting activations as these larger cosmic energies come into range. Use the days, hours or moments when you feel stabilized to clean, clear, simplify and make room for a brand-new way of beingness. Most of us have been emptying our lives if anything extraneous, making room for something new.

The frequencies will grow stronger beginning the week of March 11. They will step up again just before the  March Equinox, with an even stronger event after the Equinox.

We are collectively utilizing this amplification in the Now as a way to open the floodgates of positive Solar heart-shifting energies. In preparation, our Lightbodies are shifting to a more refined level.

Our torus fields begin to spin at an increased rate with these plasma pulses. Sometimes our fields may jump to a much faster rate for a moment or so, expanding the fields without warning. For some this causes a sudden phasing-out sensation. It can be startling as our activations intensify. The mental, emotional and physical adjustments demand your self-care.

This vibratory stimulation awakens crystalline DNA, the key to shifting dimensional expressions. It allows for embodiment of the Crystalline/Christed Self, which has an expanded Lightbody template, and allows you to feel and experience Unity consciousness in the cellular structure (your body.)

We become beacons, conduits of these pure pulses of light. Not just on behalf of the whole collective, but because we are the whole collective.

While the goal is to begin a domino effect of global activations, it will depend on how the collective consciousness can handle these frequencies. As always, we are the ones deciding how collective realities unfold. Remember that our Galactic teams handed over the keys to these unfoldments in December last year.

There are still many beings who do not appreciate this level of HUman empowerment, and the pushback is bothersome, however it is nothing to worry about. The Higher collective trajectories have been activated. Many are awakened, but they do not have the skill of mastering the realities in this moment. As Wayshowers, we must put all of our focus on co-creating positive, brilliant, beautiful realities for the collective.

The ancient codes and templates stored within Gaia will be open and available to us this year. That in itself is revelation and empowerment. This attunes our consciousness to access not what we were, but what our future selves planted here for our Ascension.

Unity Consciousness is your Safe Haven

Insecurities and anxieties surface during times of change. Remember: Change over habit. Take the time to meditate often, be at peace, visualize the New Earth as often as possible. Speak positive words, they create as strongly as your thoughts and emotions. Patience, gratitude, forgiveness. Resolve your unresolved. Let go of any judgment about leadership figures; current misinterpretations about who is good or bad are extremely distorted. Everything is being done to assist positive outcomes for HUmanity. Unity is your safe haven.

Experience and participate in New Earth Now.

SUNday Unity Meditations are open and available to all. Join us in the field of pure consciousness on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Time. Meditate in your own way for 33 minutes on Peace, Divine Love and Ascension. Easy. Participate to feel, receive, and become the New Light. Details and guidance are available HERE.

SUNday, March 3, I will be speaking at the Conscious Media Festival in Austin, Texas. Attendees will be meditating live for the second session at 11:11 am PT, at the festival. Unify with us, since it is a very strong group connecting in the physical.

Gatekeepers, Gridworkers and Lightworkers: Unified field infusion for Highest trajectory amplification on Full Moon Thursday, March 1 at 4:52 pm PT.  Use the energies of this Full Moon for the highest Ascension experience for all willing hearts.

Blessings for a beautiful, peaceful week of activation.

In Love, Light and Service,

Your support for this work is welcome, thank you for a gratitude donation today.

LISA TRANSCENDENCE BROWN – With EVERY Human’s LightBody Having Been Activated Now, Living DNA Awakens to Change the Physical Body Make-Up – Mis-perceived as Sick – Ego Death Increases – WE Accelerate These Next Phases – 2-11-18



Thanks to   Rose Rambles dotorg

Depending on the physical dimension one occupies, the “truth” will be different here. I will break this down in sections to simplify an intricate process that takes more than just one writing to explain the “whole picture”, that is not visible to those who have not transitioned to live beyond the Veils of Amnesia yet. We all “thought” we were fully conscious along the way. As we go, we find how “not even close” we were and that there’s always more to REALize, REMEMBER and Understand.
Full access is restored to each of us as we fully PURIFY our entire existence and fully align all on a SOUL Level and keep all aligned. Purity of our hearts, minds, intentions, actions and our whole body is necessary. These continually increasing of Quantum Acceleration Phases of all’s Higher Consciousness (Living) DNA Awakening, Cleansing & Purification Processes for OverSoul Embodiment, require this even more.

The body was asleep, unconscious and held deep unconscious programming within. Through the activation of one’s LightBody, dormant DNA awakens in the body to completely re-code and re-configure according to all NEW Sequences and Codes. This DNA re-writing is a whole body template process, where each’s separation (Ego) was held. Every micro-organism cell of the body has now been activated to WAKE UP and release this immense programming that CREATED THE ENTIRE HUMAN EXPERIENCE/EXPERIMENT that all Soul’s chose to experience and then transcend fully from within.

This TRANSCENDENCE is through Physical Body Ascension, which can only occur through full EGO Dissolution/Death. This process is the most challenging one will endure, because of how strong the Ego (Separation from Self AS Pure Source Light) and how deeply embedded in the physical human body all was/is. This Ego Death is not just of the human existence, it’s a culmination of every existence rolled into this one here. The emotional and physical “Purging” (Cleansing) process (we drop the purging word after the intensity has subsided), works through every cell, organ, body part to “locate” separation and depending on how strong it is, dissolve/destroy/dismantle/break it down, so that the physical body can re-build itself through “new codes” that have to embed into the body/cellular structure, so that the body can be brought online with the Plasma Crystalline Gridwork of NEW Earth.

These constant influxes of PHOTONIC LIGHT, which present in different oscillating frequencies constantly, work through the physical body to “locate” everything that is discordant/out of tune (in order to re-tune), everything that is of the ego/separation/duality, everything LINEAR and fixed, everything that represents an Unconscious Program and REWRITES IT with a whole new program aligned on a SOUL Level. PHOTONIC LIGHT activates each’s Dormant DNA, which holds HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS in a multitude of ways. Christed Light, Pure Source Light, God Consciousness, Gaia Consciousness, Galactic Consciousness (Every Higher Self Aspect), is activated to COME ALIVE from WITHIN the BODY, yet it’s the human perception that this is “coming from outside” or “higher”, because of the vibration of the physical body and “WHERE” One’s Own Full Consciousness appears to reside.

It will be “Higher” when the human aspect has been deep asleep and starts feeling the weirdness in the body as it starts to wake up. Numbness, tingling, gravity shifts, light-headedness, vision, hearing, weakness, heat/cold temp changes/extremes, physical pain, emotional pain… all a part of EGO DEATH and raising the physical bodies’ vibration high enough for it to physically ascend. It will be “Higher” where the human aspect needs to dissolve/release/detach completely from the HOLD that the PHYSICAL REALITY has/had. All of the attachments, identities, beliefs… the IMPORTANCE and what was important must dramatically change.

Each’s EGO does not want this. It will go to being a Victim of Ascension or Fighting “something” to maintain control, a human belief that it can control anything at all. 

This Ego Death goes DEEPER than any human aspect can understand. Desperation to “not experience” or “hold on” can create the EXPERIENCE of “breaking”, which the EGO avoids at all cost, not understanding that that “breaking point” is necessary for the cells of the body to release the linear constructs called “THE MATRIX” that anchors and binds them in the UNCONSCIOUS REALMS OF AMNESIA.

This MATRIX PROGRAM is where each tries to adhere and comply with a PROGRAMS and SYSTEMS that keep all in a slumber/asleep, that come from a place of fear and keep all submissive and conforming through “mis-placed” trust in something OUTSIDE of SELF. These programs keep one struggling to achieve, struggling to make it, struggling to uphold a BELIEF that runs on separation, duality and fear. It does not support UNITY, LOVE AND ABUNDANT LIVES… it depletes and can never be “won”, because the VALUES these SYSTEMS and PROGRAMS are built upon are not Fully Conscious.

Physical Body Ascension is the elevation of the physical body to such a high frequency that it can exist in multiple dimensions to HOLD IMMENSE LIGHT and BEGIN the process of OverSoul Embodiment (Avatar Consciousness), which is the FULL EMBODIMENT of all Higher Self Aspects, the Entire Universe(s), Galaxies, Cosmic Everything, within the physical body form. It is JUST THE BEGINNING of arriving on 5th Dimensional NEW Earth that starts a whole new process of INFINITE PROCESSES AND PHASES of Anchoring Highest Dimensional Everything onto our Physical Earth. It’s where each becomes Sovereign and RETURNS to Mastery, moves into HIGHER MIND CONSCIOUSNESS, which is a game-changer for all.

The physical body goes through a Rigorous Process of constantly acclimating to much higher frequencies daily, as one’s LightBody activates the other phases of the LightBody too. Crystalline, Plasma, Etheric…these are progressional as well. Each’s DNA constantly re-coding and re-calibrating, nothing is attributed to “outside” anymore. We can see how all affects, yet it’s up to each one of us to re-prioritize our own lives so that this can be a much easier process for us all.

The “Arrival” and “The Event” are experienced by each as they ACHIEVE THE VIBRATION in order to accomplish this. Our NEW EARTH REALITIES must be built by each one of us. We put in the blood, sweat and tears. We dedicate ourselves to HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS EXISTENCE for all of HUmanity. We invest all that we are and have in a whole new life/existence for all. Each one of us have to come to this place, if we truly WANT THE EXPERIENCE OF NEW EARTH as our REALity.

Human Ego Aspects will not do this until the old collapses, dissolves or they are “forced”. Now, none of this is occurring by anyone/anything else. Everything is occurring because the vibration of our Earth is accelerating, as the Cosmos merges in our atmosphere, creating the “NEW Weather” (Multi-Dimensional Atmospheres are very different than our old human ones were). The physical matter that vibrated at the molecular rate of those unconscious dimensions changes (often dramatically) too. The DNA of all MATTER is being awoken to “MOVE” and RESTRUCTURE now.

DNA is awakening, becoming Living DNA. Physical Matter DNA is awakening too, as technically they are the same. The human mind cannot comprehend this, so it will attribute what is happening to an old unconscious, fear-based belief. Fear is preferable by many who do not want to admit that what they believed is not true/real/pure.

Fear keeps humans holding on, stagnant and complaint. Often, it isn’t until those realities are THREATENED or UPSET before the human aspect is willing to take a stand and say no, and even more than that, PULL OUT OF SUPPORTING THOSE SYSTEMS/REALITIES that represent Safe, which is just a perception too.

A Dimension is a Level of Consciousness. First access then achieving through actual experience here. The Earth reached the 5th Dimension in 2012 and has been continually expanding into much higher levels of Consciousness since. Each’s physical body vibrates at the frequency of THE DIMENSION that matches the whole body’s consciousness. The 3rd and 4th Dimension’s physical matter represented the Level of Consciousness each held.  Simultaneously now, Consciousness is being RAISED FOR ALL out of those Unconscious Realms of Amnesia, which requires a ridiculous amount of rest/sleep (not on a human schedule though) and the release of all unconscious programming (Ego/Separation), which presents as numbness or no-feeling and emotional/mental/physical PAIN… yes pain. Pain is the release of SEPARATION, so that the body can be free and vibrate at a Lighter/Higher Density for a Multi-Dimensional Experience here.

Each phase of the LightBody is experienced differently, dependent on what each’s current role/purpose is. The physical body is constantly EVOLVING at a rapid rate that challenges every human belief, because nothing is as once believed/thought. This is so much bigger than those limited perceptions.

There is no sickness in the 5th Dimension (and way above/beyond). Human ego aspects living in fear work to “treat”, protect and insure themselves “against” what they believe is “sick”, when in fact it’s everything but. The physical body cannot function, when it’s been deprived of LIGHT. This Light is each’s SOUL and it feeds the human body LIFE. It is precious breath, it is sunshine and nature and natural things that support. It is happiness, love and kindness, generosity, respect and integrity to EACH OTHER AND SELF AND GAIA through a DEEP SACRED LEVEL OF CONNECTION that returns as each PULLS OUT OF THE PROGRAMS/MATRIX/SYSTEMS and allows their body/field to cleanse, purify, raise it’s vibration and as each makes this a priority in their own lives.

Humans work to have SECURITY, not realizing AS EACH/ALL open up to take care of the Earth and share reSOURCES, support each other, care about each other, come together through UNITY and LOVE that there is plenty for everyone. Human aspects live in distortions that are only visible when something OCCURS to make these distortions so loud/visible that they cannot hide/ignore/refuse to acknowledge and DO something aligned on a SOUL level, instead of the habit, fear-based, self-preservation ego ones.

Our Earth is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL and so is each living on it. Every moment each is experiencing infinite dimensions, yet the ability to realize, comprehend, understand and MASTER/MANEUVER this with ease requires full consciousness and shifting vibrationally fully from within. Partial anything cannot accomplish this.

YOUR BODY WAS ASLEEP in the 3rd/4th Dimensional Realms. It housed/stored everything suppressed from the human experience, which is just a SMALL PART OF each’s LIFE here.

NEW Earth is birthed through the DEATH of each’s ego, a process not easily fully understood until each has gone through it. The human aspect will hold out until it hits rock bottom or is desperate, because anything less is an “out” to do something else, other than full opening of the heart/mind/body to surrender the ego to higher self existence/guidance/intelligence, for each’s SOUL to integrate fully within the body.

Physical death is the occurrence of many things. The ego never fully dissolved, so the body could not sustain life by way of integrating the FULL LIGHT OF ONE’S SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS within the physical body form, which was a choice of that SOUL before ever incarnating/walking/arriving in an earthly physical body here. It is the completion of a life cycle, where that SOUL has completed it’s tasks and through the “exit” wakes all others in it’s life up, through the release of separation each. Death is not what human’s “think” it is.

Near Death Experiences are to WAKE EACH HUMAN ASPECT UP, which serves many purposes. StarSeeds do not want to be on this earth, yet an NDE will make each choose, even beg to be here, which anchors the Soul into the body and allows for INTEGRATION TO BEGIN on a while new level. It gives many the ability to EXPAND INTO/THROUGH THEIR OWN CONSCIOUSNESS to see/experience/connect in order to start their “Spirit(ual) Awakening” process of seeking/searching to understand more. Once in the 5th Dimension, the word Spiritual is dropped. Each IS Spirit and this is not a “practice” or “concept” anymore. There is a level of Purity that is achieved from within, which IGNITES all new levels of purity, where the entire body template goes through continual “wipes” until the PURITY PHASE is achieved and each lives from this space inside. No more compromising to play in human separation games. Full integrity and honor (on a Soul Level, which resembles nothing of the human kind).

Humans hold integrity to a SYSTEM and separated/ego beliefs. WE hold integrity as LOVE and UNITY, which does not conform to any human-ego-created system created by “man”.

Why all is occurring is a COLLECTIVE PURGE OF EGO/SEPARATION CONSCIOUSNESS to bring more PHYSICALLY into higher dimensional existence (Multi-dimensionality), where all care about each other, work together, support each other and take full responsibility for everything they are/do. It is each fully Sovereign and standing in their own POWER as love, which means LEAVING THE ENTIRE MATRIX FULLY, because you cannot support separation and live in the 5th Dimension or gain entry to NEW Earth.

All of this was housed in your body. As your body awakens through Higher Consciousness/Multi-Dimensional DNA, all “lower vibrations” of Unconscious (Ego) Separation is “sought out” within your cells. Your whole body must awaken to bring you through to the “other side”. This is not a small feat, it’s every existence clearing your body now…

Observe your own mentalities and when your ego tries to “escape” an experience, goes into “desperation” (ego game to try to avoid an experience of waking up/opening the heart fully/feeling/dealing), or becomes a “victim” to ascension or tries to apply and old belief to a physical condition/experience. Look for NEW ALTERNATIVE things that open your heart and mind, support your body NATURALLY and assist your body with the DNA REPAIRS (healing is the human word of clearing victim mentalities too).

YOUR AWAKENING DNA is intelligent-nano-light-particles that move communicate through intricate BIO-ELECTRICAL neural impulses re-wiring your whole body to function differently now. The old “fixes” will not work. Your NEW LIGHTBODY (YES EVERYONE) needs pure and clean until it can restore itself to optimal “health” and you have enough Light to function on without depleting by way of linear/living from your head/pushing your body to do when it’s trying to tell you what it needs, yet your human will not listen or honor this.

Your Activated LightBody activates your Crystalline DNA. (Massive itchies/outbreaks, vision changes and temp changes increase, as well as more sleep/rest as the spine can’t be as straightened (LightBody phase the spine is straight and can produce immense “work” through Light). Plasma phase is all about the spine, as well as deep into the bones, teeth, skull and more. High photonic light open your neural pathways, activate your Pineal Gland for holographic access and ancient memory centers to be opened as well. Higher Consciousness Knowledge will flood forth for you to organize and share. Your Plasma body clears your Galactic Karma and Akashic Records that were held within your body’s DNA too. Your LightBody clears your human Karma. Your Crystalline LightBody brings you online with through your own Christed Consciousness to link up to a whole new Gridding System (rebuilt through your muscles and whole body too). All of your organs re-work to clear separation/unconscious programs and re-configure how the body works. None of this will conform to “human” treatments, as Ascension is not to be “treated”, it’s to be supported through alternative methods that FEED LIGHT. Your DNA will “mutate” (use this word to get the point across to the human ego that needs the strength of the word to comprehend). Your Genetics completely change. Everything does. Your Body will evolve constantly to achieve higher dimensional capabilities not possible before.

This is just a very small part of what is occurring for all on our Multi-Dimensional Earth right now. In order to gain full access to NEW Earth Existence, a new level of commitment, dedication and openness is required. Old Earth will completely die away. Each must choose a NEW Earth Existence and focus on supporting NEW EARTH in order to now sustain. If this sounds “intense”, good, it’s suppose to. The alternative is more intense.

As more humans move further into ego-death and mind-blowing realizations that shake their realities at their CORE, that “Force” them to make a choice, to dissolve the ego or keep repeating the cycles of suffering, this will increasingly continue to be true even more.

For those who have emerged in the 5th Dimension, by way of accessing first through the dream state to open your mind to the possibilities and activate that deep yearning for “more”, by applying new practices to your lives and in many cases, totally abandoning all that represented your unconscious life to “faster” get to new earth, by embracing your own higher-light-intelligence/knowledge/knowing and applying yourself to creating, anchoring and experiencing more NEW EARTH NOW, this is your contribution to HUmanity, which shall increase as you step forth/step up to contribute, support, inspire, awaken and BE THE EXAMPLE (WayShower) and stop worrying what “others” are doing, transcend ALL JUDGMENT that you held about what REALITY is/was. As each fully embraces the UNKNOWN/NEW, as each honors their BODY that works hard to anchor highest dimensional light encodements in every bit of flesh, bones, body parts, HOLDS HIGHEST INTEGRITY to a much higher dimensional existence/experience for us all, you will start to notice, see, experience NEW EARTH in your own lives in absolutely every way. One in the 5th Dimension, PHYSICALLY, then every other dimension opens up for experiencing here.

NEW Earth is not something that just appears to you one day. Well it kinda does, through new awareness that it’s always been available, yet you/each did not hold the vibration to access/live here before. FULLY open your heart, open your eyes, open your mind to FEEL, CONNECT, SEE…. and even moreso, ACCEPT that your life is not going to go/be as you “thought” it was, that it’s going to be soooooo much more magical, amazing and brilliant than you could have ever perceived.

I love you. Honor your LightBodies. You have to learn how they function and how you are to support them now, for them to carry you through and in order to just basic things, it’s a challenge at first. As you integrate light, the outside world will change, get easier, as you take your own POWER BACK and BEcome your Divinity, your Purest You, as you BEcome FULL CONSCIOUSNESS with a physical body form that has to constantly adapt to “new” too.

Living DNA Acceleration has Commenced. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

p.s. As you get your physical body’s vibration up, your Consciousness will “fix”, repair, “heal” (tune) your physical body FOR you. From another perspective, as you expand your consciousness, your body’s DNA recodes your body to function optimally ONCE THE RE-TUNING/RE-CALIBRATION/INTEGRATION PROCESS IS COMPLETE. ♥ Your NEW DNA is intelligent and knows exactly what to do. ♥ Your “job” is to honor, trust, listen, support, assist as LOVE. ♥.

p.p.s. All emotional and physical pain will go when separation has been cleared from the body. ♥ Your NEW LightBody is breaking down your own ego constructs and rebuilding all new Quantum ones that are not linear. 




DIANE CANFIELD – The Light Body Is Forming Through The Heart – Activated through Emergence of Divine Feminine – 12-12-17


By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

At this time of high acceleration the light body has also accelerated in it’s transformation from the HUman Body.  The light body forms through the sacred heart. The beginning phase of the light body formation starts with the opening of the Heart chakra. As it opens it then works to open even wider to let more LOVE in which then builds up to allow more LIGHT to develop inside of it. As more light permeates the Divine Heart, more compassion for all sentient beings develops and takes hold. This can also be referred to as activation of the Divine Feminine. The Divine feminine exists in all beings.

The Divine Feminine’s main function is through the Heart and Heart chakra. The opening of this energy center provides more love, compassion and connection with all things to take place. This is the connection of Source, through Creation. As the Divine Feminine is the Divine Consciousness that creates and maintains life. Through this sacred connection lies the connection to the Entire Universeand all of Reality.

My own heart chakra was fully activated in 2012 on 12/12 through a Psychic Clairvoyant experience. As I was sitting on my couch in the living room of my house I noticed a white flash coming in through the window. This white flash then turned into a white dagger  piercing my heart center to fully open it up. As it struck me I had incredible pain and slumped to the side for a few minutes. I was trying to compose myself to tune into what had just happened. After a short time the pain was gone and I felt refreshed and more energized. I was told by my team in the higher realms, this was the Divine Source dagger opening up my heart chakra fully to be able to teach about Ascension and the Ascension process. All of my experiences are very dramatic through Psychic Clairvoyance. This is how I chose to experience this lifetime.

High heart pain has been a common ascension symptom and an uncomfortable feeling. This is an indication of the Heart expanding to bring in more love and light and to start the Light body transformation process through the opening of the heart chakra.

Chakra Openings

Each chakra in the body has to expand and fully open in the Ascension process. You may feel pain and vibrations as the chakras open to allow more love and the light body to reconfigure the DNA of each energy center. When the vibrations start they can and do go on for days as the chakras are beginning their activation cycle. I experienced these vibrating chakras back in 2011 through 2013. As each chakra would open I would feel the vibrating sensation that would last for weeks and months at a time. It may not happen this way for everyone, again I always experience things more dramatically and eventfully. It will depend on their level of Truth and where they are in their development in the Ascension Process how they experience the chakra activations, but each chakra must be fully open for the light body to build. Look for activations within the chakra centers to open during times of high energy. ( Vibrations in every chakra is an advanced symptom, which means your light body is transforming)

As each chakra opens, the Heart chakra expands even more, allowing in even more light and love. All systems are connected to the Heart Chakra as this is the foundation of the light body formation.

Higher Realm Activations  have come in recently to continue to build the light body. When you feel these you will be uplifted into the higher states of Bliss. For those that experience bliss this is the feeling of the 5D through 12D states of existence.The feeling is a complete oneness with the Divine Source. These times of experiencing this bliss is happening more frequently now than ever.

If you have not felt it, work on keeping your vibration high at all times. Do not listen to the news, do not get involved in politics ( everything is going according to Divine plan now, we no longer need to be involved ) and stay away from anything main stream media since this is not aligned with Truth. Try to unplug from the 3D world as much as possible, this will help to raise your vibration.

As the Human species evolve into the light body, they will have more access to the Animal and Fairy Kingdoms which have recently evolved to the next level also. You may have felt this the last 6 months. as I have talked about it before in my articles. You may, now more than ever before, be able to tune into your pet or even an animal you see a picture of. This is happening as we moved into higher dimensions, we now see the connections between all of life. As you look into your pets eyes, you will feel more than ever before. You will feel the special consciousness that they are and have an over whelming feeling of protection for them. We have all had this feeling towards our pets but not this is at a much higher level of awareness. As a compassionate caretaker of animals myself, I have known since childhood they were special and to be handled with care. They are the carriers of unconditional love and the teacher of this to humans in this realm.

You may also want to become a vegan or vegetarian. This is happening spontaneously for many as I have talked about in the last few articles I have written. When it happens you will know it and it is not something that can be forced, either you will feel it or not. There is a higher state of consciousness reached when this happens. It will eventually happen for everyone.

The fairy kingdoms have also opened and come into the forefront now with the building of the light body. They are actively working along side HUmans. In many of my client sessions I now see the fairy connections to many of my clients. I see the fairy realms working with them and working to uplift humanity as a whole. It’s very exciting when I am tuning into clients and keep seeing the fairy realm appearing in their energy field.

As the light body builds, through the Heart chakra this activates more Compassion, more Love and more Light for the recipient to be able to hold. As the light increases in each Human we come closer to the higher realms, as the higher realms are all LIGHT. There is no darkness and no duality there.

In order to hold more Light, work to delete all the darkness from your being. Do not embrace it, transmute it instead into Light through healing of all dark and unhealed aspects of yourself. Look for TRUTH as this holds the highest amount of Light and this is how we connect with the Creator of All That Is.

It is through the Light Body that we will expand into the 5th dimension and beyond. It is through Truth, Compassion and Love that this expansion will take place. It is through the Heart Center, the Heart Chakra that this is all possible. It is through the Heart Center that the Divine Feminine emerges to Transform this world into the New Earth.

December dates coming up : I will be talking more about these in the days to come.

December 12th 12/12/17 Stargate Portal

Work to open your heart chakra on this Sacred Day and to Heal any left over wounds from the past.

December 21st Solstice Divine Heart Portal

More details to follow.


In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

About the Author: Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

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SANDRA WALTER – The Becoming – The NOW Embodiment Events – 12-8-17


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

This is one of those lengthy articles after an intense download this week. Feel into this message and its connections, as it is the last of the year. A PDF version is provided below. The intention is to provide clarity and comprehension of what is about to occur.

Our Gatekeeping and Gridwork took on a strong Solar focus over the last few years. This process was twofold; it anticipated the changes in the SUN as well as the trajectory of Gaia to become a more Solar entity. The New Earth grid system, which is crystalline based and aimed at the 5D magnetic lines of Gaia, works in tandem with the off-planet crystalline grid and the 5D/6D crystalline core of Gaia. The intention was to activate the ancient structures, Solar temples above and below ground, crystal beds (many of them containing off-planet crystals), and unify them with the crystalline grid, Solaris (the SUN), and interdimensional stargates. This was fully activated with the August 2017 eclipse.

All of this activity supports the new platform for the Solar Cosmic Christ experience; the return of the Christ/Crystalline/Unity consciousness which activates Divine HUman DNA. The SUN serves as our primary local stargate, and is reflected in our Christed heart centers where pure Source consciousness resides. As the SUN changes, the core of Gaia changes, the New Earth experience is amplified, and open and prepared hearts shift into the Christed experience.

The messages have been consistent: Embodiment of the Christed Self will change the HUman heart grid, and provide the new experience as a palpable reality for all willing hearts to align with. It works in tandem with Gaia and the SUN; a collective cosmic trigger which reveals reunification with Source.

As Wayshowers, Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, we have witnessed consistent, accelerated shifts in the SUN, grids, Gaia’s core, and our own hearts this year. The revelation of our Solar focus, Gaia’s Solar activation, our Solar Heart activation, weaves us back into the cosmic fabric of Oneness; Pure Unity Consciousness. Changes in the Universe without, changes the Universe within. And vice-versa; we are in the direct path of Becoming.

For many of us, revelation of the True Self includes interaction with Solar Beings, Galactic or Star Expressions, and Councils of Light which guide on a Universal level. To witness the steering of stargates and the Solar system, and to participate, was an unexpected event this year. As we say; expect the unexpected.

The Progression which leads to a Culmination Point

For clarity and comprehension, let us review excerpts from the intel this year related to the evolution of Solaris, Universe, Galaxy, Solar system, Gaia, and the HUman Heart levels. This will assist in connecting to the final message about the culmination of our Sacred Seven weeks.

February 2017: Solar focus: Your Internal Solar Gateway

In order to create the Christed embodiment, our Heart center torus becomes a Solar generator during our Ascension process. This is how we communicate with the SUN, Beloveds. The Solar aspect within connects with DNA stored within the SUN (and the Great Central Sun for Master Gatekeepers), and allows access to the big Galactic project of Ascension. Many of you are experiencing the reunification with much Higher aspects of Self that are deeply involved in the cosmic trajectory of this planet and Solar system.

Solar aspects being affected include:
– Solar aspects of the HUman Heart
– Solar temples within and above the planet
– Solar crystalline aspects in the crystal beds
– Solar aspects of water: The water elemental is capable of transmitting Solar aspects instantaneously, both in the body and in/on Gaia.
– Solar aspects of the Cosmic Christ: Reactivate your Master Self; many of you know how to do this and will be activating others via the HUman Heart grids as SUNs of God.

March 2017: Changing the Prismatic Effect of the SUN

The SUN is used as a prism to project fractals of our consciousness into co-created realities. This is directly related to the holographic nature of our experience, the projection of planetary consciousness, dimensional bandwidths, timelines, and the illusion of an individual experience.

Think of the SUN as a film projector running several films at once. Your Higher Levels are using the projector. Your Higher Self projects several versions of lower self through the SUN, and through your Heart center, which also serves as projector of realities, onto the mirror-like screens of Gaia, allowing for multiple films at once. Gaia supports many versions of your personal film, as well as the collective films, and reflects back collective outcomes. Your personal screen shows the film or films which your consciousness is capable of focusing on via your vibrational perception.

The Heart Center operates like a Solar projector, altering your external film to meet your internal vibration. Perception is based on personal vibration; we see clear examples of this as the realities divide. We have seen the new projection of 5D Gaia, we know it exists already. Altering personal and collective projectors to only show 5D films is done through our Heart Center and our DNA resonance.

Divine HUman DNA contains markers for Source consciousness. Participation in the Ascension process, the increase in photonic light, and our location in the Galaxy activates these markers, allowing for an entirely new projection through the SUN, Gaia and our Heart Centers.

Cosmic Template Approaching our Solar System

We now add a massive cosmic stargate to this equation. As these cosmic templates from the Great Central SUN approach, they are rewriting Galaxies into alignment with the Source command for the New. They will change the projectors, altering the way in which we co-create our reality into a purer, unified form in alignment with the background energy of Love.

This is why so many Gatekeepers had visions of the SUN exploding back in January; the energies are already affecting our realities, and our perception is changing as we take on our new HUman templates. This Solar shift affects consciousness; our experience and perception of creation. Your Heart Center projector and DNA can align you with the brand new film of New Earth, and Gaia’s 5D Solar Self becomes a perceivable reality.

In order for this to become the dominant film, a projected reality of the high-vibe collective, embodiment of the crystalline/Christ consciousness must be attained by a small percentage of the Light Tribe. That is why embodiment has been a focus of our Ascension process. It must be willingly anchored into the HUman heart grid and crystalline core of Gaia to initiate the quantum domino effect. This exquisite higher vibration will shine through all choosing Ascension, and lift the veil on the reality of New Earth for many.

April 2017: Evolution of Realities

Miracles happen outside of the constraints time-space; this is why Gatekeepers train to be open conduits. In a pure state of focus during Gatework, the higher and lower realms unify to work as One. Gateways traverse the boundaries of dimensional layers and densities, so we often experience the time-has-stopped sensation. In those moments, much larger operations may do the good work and reveal higher aspects of your own Solar heart center.

April 2017: Cosmic Stargates

Cosmic Stargates hold the intention to dissolve distortion by utilizing geometry, light and advanced harmonics. As with all of our experiences, this is fractalization; reflections of what is occurring at much Higher levels of consciousness.

As we enter the vicinity of the Cosmic Stargates which provide a pure Ascension experience, the dynamics of Solaris will change. We have seen this throughout the decades as the SUN went from a golden hue, to a platinum hue, and now a more crystalline hue. We are witnessing the effects of the energy on higher dimensional beings, similar to the effect on HUmanity and Gaia.

As Solaris changes, it changes the way in which our Higher Levels use the SUN to project our realities. The prism widens to allow the Oversoul to project higher dimensional realities, which we currently experience as timelines via our DNA. If you are in alignment with the vibrational field and frequency of the New Earth holographic projection, your Divine DNA can be reclaimed, rebundled and support the perception of a higher experience.

June 2017: Gateway Focus and the Formless Realms

This is active territory as Solaris becomes more stimulated by the intergalactic pathways, which effects Gaia’s core, and our own heart centers.

The higher, formless realms of light where the Ascension and cosmic rewrite have already been experienced are communing, communicating with us as we collapse time-space to create the New. It redefines our intellectual notions of the Higher future Self merging with the lower Self. These realms cannot be described without diminishing their vibrancy, nor do they adhere to our numbering systems (5D, 12D, etc.) which we have used to comprehend the vastness of our own beingness.

June 2017: Bifurcation of Realities: Solstice Entry to the Eclipse Gateway

The grand experiment of experiencing a dimensional shift through the body is a unique endeavor; we feed this information back to Source. The Universal completion of a creative idea and the birth of a new one is reflected in our present experience. It looks planetary, then Solar, then Galactic, then Universal as our conscious awareness expands to comprehend higher multidimensional aspects of consciousness.

July 2017: Transcending Archetypes

Lower timelines drop away as the higher realities of Christ consciousness are embodied. The archetypal realities of Old Earth are rapidly transmuted. The templates for spirit-in-form have changed. Applicable archetypes which bridge the worlds, like the Solar Cosmic Christ, are embodied en masse as the new templates emerge. When enough of us choose to embody the new type – the Divine HUman – we shift into high gear on a collective level.

August 2017: Massive Activation of the Crystalline Grid

Crystalline Gridwork and the Gateways have revealed an amplification within Gaia’s crystalline core. She will be stimulated by influxes of Light, then emanate that Light forth to fully activate the crystalline Grid network. We will be experiencing light codes from both off-planet (Solar and Cosmic) as well as planetary in a New way. Connect with Gaia and Solaris often; remember to align with the pure organic Ascension.

Christ consciousness is a bridge between worlds, which is why it has the savior connotation, and why masters said we would do All this and more. Just like a Primary Christed Ascension timeline, we utilize it as a Gateway to a new experience, because it bridges dimensions and densities.

August 2017: Aligning with the Cosmic Stargates

Cosmic Stargates are pathways of pure light which prepare the gateways of Ascension, the primary Christed timeline experiences, and assist in our transcendence to higher levels of consciousness. Ultimately, they are connected to the Universal rewrite; Source’s command for purification. These stargates unify dimensions and densities; the grounded work of Gatekeeping here, and the higher vibrational Gateways of New Earth and beyond.

The Cosmic Stargate influence during this passage is strong. Strong rays of pure light, very present in visions, beam through the body, Gateways, Grids and Sacred sites, and into the crystalline core of Gaia.

We surge this light through all Universal levels, Galactic levels, Stellar levels, Solar system levels, planetary levels – unifying our own Solar system in peace and goodwill. Direct the Sacred cosmic flows into Gaia, with the intention of revealing her Ascended Self as a palpable reality for all concerned.

August 2017: August Eclipse: Convergence of Trinity Stargates

The Cosmic Stargate operation, let’s call it the Steering Committee, allows us a peak at our (much) higher dimensional aspects. Some of our Higher Levels are collectively steering/guiding the location of the Solar system through this vibrational geometry which rewrites consciousness and dimensional expressions into the next Creation.

We have High-level escorts as we pass through the edges of this vibrational barrier; like tugboats guiding a giant barge through lock systems. My Team expresses these Galactic structures as giant photonic (pure Heart-of-Source light) octahedrons within multiple torus fields. Each Cosmic Stargate flow is threaded to a torus field with different functions, preparing us for a dramatic shift in particle expression when we arrive at the trigger point of the vibrational hot-spot within this massive Galactic octahedron. Sometimes other geometries present which assist in rewriting timelines and outcomes. All is purely photonic; the demand for order feels autonomous within that structure.

Convergence of many Cosmic Stargates – Galactic and Universal – are coming into play to shift personal trajectories as well as collective unfoldments. Council meetings have been frequent; the eclipse shifts are deeply tied to the September Equinox and December Solstice outcomes.

September 2017: Palpable Unfoldments: Cosmic, Global and Internal Reformations

This latest click in the combination lock includes the encodements from the Trinity Stargate convergence, which activated *all systems GO* for the highest trajectory on a collective level. Since the Trinity Stargate convergence of the eclipse, Solaris has entered the edges of the *hot zone* of dimensional-shifting geometries and photonic-encoded light.

September 2017: Cosmic Factors Affecting our Ascension: The List

Apply hyperdimensional logic to all of this; the cosmic perspective soothes the Ascending Soul.

The Trinity Stargates opened the flows of direct Solar Cosmic Christ frequencies from Source. This is an ongoing Solar rewrite on a stellar, planetary and incarnate level. As the gates converged on Solaris (the SUN) during the eclipse, it altered its prismatic effect, which in turn will change the way form is projected on Gaia.

We use the SUN to project our consciousness into these denser realities. When the SUN received the Cosmic Trinity encodements from the stargate convergence, so did we. It is a vital step in projecting a more crystalline form via our DNA and Solar heart Centers. It also effects Gaia’s expression in form, as well as Solaris.

The Crystalline Grid is a sentient structure. It activated to full capacity during the August Gateway, creating pathways to the interuniversal, intergalactic, and interstellar Gateways. Thousands of crystalline pyramids, crystalline structures, temples, crystal beds and etheric geometries were activated – and continue to activate. You may see them in your visions.

These ancient structures are encoded to activate in tandem with the crystalline grid to usher in the Primary Timeline experience and the Divine Christed HUman template. Some of these Solar-encoded structures appear to be rising in visions; awakening to the clarion call of zero-point photonic demands. These structures are not treating the SUN as a God. The overarching prophecy, the higher vision, views the SUN as a direct reflection of Source and the Solar aspect within.

Also in this article: Primary Timeline Access, Galactic Life Review, and Gatekeepers shifting all focus to amplifying the New Earth Gateways.

September 2017: Consciousness-Shifting Influx: Overwriting Realities

The key aspect of Primary timelines is that they don’t feel like timelines. It is an unshakeable Now experience, unifying the multidimensional Self and Source as a simultaneous awareness. They are encoded with the pure Christed dynamics, and overwrite the denser experiences of past, present, and future.

The boost from cosmic factors triggers our DNA to open to the new experience. DNA creates personal, collective, and multidimensional experiences in form. It becomes a photonic light receiver-generator.

We are still crossing the outer bands of this Galactic hot-spot. Galactic Teams won’t be stepping down the Light as before after this year. Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, and Lightworkers are now skilled enough to receive and distribute the influxes.  It is creating a Divine opportunity for Wayshowers to embody the Christed merge of Higher and lower expressions.

Cosmic factors are allowing the (much) higher vibration of the multidimensional Self to be experienced right here, right now. It will demonstrate what is occurring with planetary evolution, time dynamics, and the Divine Christed HUman activation before physical timeline bifurcation occurs.

October 2017: Becoming the Presence: Building New Landscapes

The direction was clear to Wayshowers: Achieve Embodiment of the Christed /Crystalline/Unity state, and it will trigger massive acceleration for those choosing Ascension.

Embodiment feels Avatar-like as the Higher Self steps forth through the body vehicle and Lower Self consciousness. When we surrender to this Divine Presence of Self, it rewrites our consciousness via our DNA. It changes the way we feel, think, act and create.

You may have noticed the change in SUNlight since the Equinox; it has that mystical quality similar to the eclipse. Remember changes in the SUN reflect changes in the way in which we project our consciousness.

October 2017: Gatekeeper Journal: Update from the Councils of Light

The change in SUNlight since the Equinox is visible and palpable. (I AM surprised more people are not talking about it; I suppose this is a topic the mainstream would like to avoid.) Solaris is transforming as the pure photonic light within this Sacred container, encoded for Ascension, is traversed.

To the lower reality it appears like a change in the quality of SUNlight. This is a result of us crossing the border of this sacred geometry. We are now in it, and the effect on consciousness grows increasing evident in the lower realities. This area of highly-charged photonic particles creates Divine order, and frees willing consciousness from denser realities.

October 2017: Geomagnetic Activation

With the bifurcation in progress, many of us are beginning to experience the intended consciousness shifts which the Solar activity will create on a global level. Many have seen the SUN flashing this year, both in vision and external reality, and this activity is opening our Hearts to the more palpable, consistent Now Presence.

November 2017: Merge Sequences and the Open Gateway: Meditate to Activate

Remember the Solar component; Solaris has changed in frequency since the September Equinox. This changes the way we project into these realities, strengthens the power of pure heart centers, and allows our Christed embodiment to change the grids and realities for all willing Souls.

We have unlocked the Gateways of Christed/crystalline DNA. The resonance of your DNA is speaking to, and interacting with, the cosmic consciousness of Gaia, Solaris, Galactic levels and Universal Creator levels. DNA speaks to the cosmos through your heart; use your cosmic microphone to broadcast pure LoveLight as we interact with the Cosmic Stargates during this passage. Visualize and feel it; that is the key. Be creative and light-ground it through art, word, and deed.

November 2017: Post-Choice-Point

For those emerging from the Light Tribe choice-point phase with the unshakable core knowing I AM Divine Love, I AM Source, no matter what; we are prepared to receive the consciousness-shifting, reality-changing experience of embodiment. We open as conduits, as Avatars of the next experience, infuse the collective and grids with that vibration, and let the Higher Self/Higher Light aspects take over.

We are having a vivid experience of the journey from Creator, to Creation, and back to Creator.

November 2017: December: Embracing Our Divine Destiny

The High-Vibe Tribe focus remains on embodiment during this transformational passage. The Becoming phase has been somewhat surreal this year with the timeline activity, and now we embrace Divine Self-Realization as a collective. The ability to experience a complete reconnection to Pure Source consciousness anchors absolute unconditional love into these lower realms.

The catalyst for Divine revelation is the Pure Photonic Light, which is a living consciousness. This Pure Living Light, combined with the influx of the Divine Cosmic Mother frequencies, continue to be anchored by those in service.

The Becoming: The NOW Embodiment Events

Do you see the culmination of the unfoldments this year? All of this is related to our experience of Ascension; as Solaris changes, so does the crystalline core of Gaia, and HUman Heart centers aligned with the intention of Divine Love. This is Pure Source consciousness re-entering the Human experience in a new way. We are feeling it already; the absolutely pure diamond-crystalline-photonic frequencies. Drink them in, let the bliss rewrite your consciousness.

Location, location, location. The gentle glide of our Solar system into this consciousness-shifting area of the galaxy hits a trigger point as we enter the Solstice Gateway (December 21-25). The entire Solar system will drop/lock into its destination by the first week of January. It will initiate a series of shifts in solar plasma, and electro-magentic shifts in the SUN, Gaia, and the hearts of first embodiers of the Solar Cosmic Christ.

The Wayshowers will anchor this new experience as first embodiers. This is an act of service, as it assists with stability as Gaia’s core amplifies with the Solar changes. In that heightened state of Unity Consciousness, we will be able to quickly thread the new light through the New Earth grids and HUman Heart collective. Yes, it widens the gap between realities. The bifurcation of timeline experiences will be evident to most by end of July next year, however that is not a concern.

Our very personal journey during this Seven Sacred weeks invites all prepared hearts into transformation. The Solar Cosmic Christ activation is a pathway to New Earth consciousness. Honoring the unique and deeply authentic expression of the multidimensional Self, the Highest Self, and Source is key to a consistent Christed expression.

The energetic shifts anticipated over the next few weeks are expected to change our heart centers and reflect the changes in the SUN and Gaia. Your Solar heart is your key. This new Light will be felt on a deeply personal level, according to your intentions and trajectory for your Ascension. Anxieties about preparedness may be relieved by holding a clear, peaceful, grateful, loving container for the higher light and the Ascension experience to flow through. It is a gradual process; breathe.

Recommendations for this passage were provided last week in the Embracing our Divine Destinyarticle. As always, connect with the SUN as often as possible to receive the light codes and assist your body, heart and consciousness in receiving these upgrades with ease and grace. Earthing allows the new light of Gaia’s upgrades to register on your cellular structure and lightbody. Connect as a conduit between the SUN and Gaia often. My whole body vibrates with bliss when I do this, the codes are very stimulating to crystalline DNA.

Wayshowers, these Solar shifts are key to sustaining Embodiment of the Christed Self. Prepare well, and join the Unity Meditations for code exchanges and the co-creation of Divine Love, Peace and Ascension. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers; connect with the Trinity Stargates, Solaris, Gaia’s core, and the New Earth grids often. Pure photonic light can be felt during Gatekeeping already; your crystals can assist in activating the Pure Source-level templates for this next phase. As always, connect with the interdimensional crystals; many of these off-planet crystals will be activated with this Solar-system-wide shift.

High-Vibe Tribe Connections

We embrace and activate the Divine Empowerment of Unity Consciousness, Now! Let us call forth the highest trajectories for our collective and personal Ascension, as One.

SUNday December 10: Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
Tuesday December 12: Honoring the 12-12-12 anniversary
SUNday December 17: New Moon (10:31pmPT). Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
Monday December 18: Gatekeepers open for the Solstice passage (December 21-25)
Thursday December 21: Solstice (8:28amPT)
Saturday December 23: Cosmic Trigger; connect the SUN and stargate of the heart.
SUNday December 24: Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
SUNday December 31: Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pmPT
Monday January 1: 2018 Gateway initiated & Full Moon (6:25pm)

2018 will feel like a completely different experience for many. New creations are already in progress, we sense the excitement and mystical quality in the heart. My visions are filled with Gateways; floods of multidimensional Stargates are opening these pathways to the New Earth experience. I love and honor this amplified time. This is my step-away-from-busyness passage, however reminders and a few special announcements are available via the weekly Newsletter. I truly appreciate your support during this transformational phase.

Honor this passage with the introspection, joy, love and celebration it deserves, Beloveds. A blessed and brilliant experience to all.

In Love, Light and Service,

Printable PDF version of this article HERE.

If this service is assisting your journey, I welcome a gratitude donation today.




DIANE CANFIELD – Extraordinary Divine Light Body Activations – 11-26-17 – by Love In Action Now



We have been experiencing massive upgrades and activations since 10/10 when we entered a New Dimension and New Timeline as I have been reporting.  The old timeline has collapsed and we can no longer return to this timeline. You  many now find that people you knew in the past are still on this timeline. These are the souls still stuck in the 3D matrix and unable to make any progress and move out of the old timeline.

I advise if this is someone you have not contacted for a long time to be ready to be shocked when you talk to them again The difference in timelines in now staggering. You will now see them hanging onto the past timeline not realizing things have changed. They will also expect you to be exactly the same and in the same timeline they are in.

Since we are not able to move to a lower reality once we have raised ourselves up to a higher new timeline, the only way out of the old timelines is for them is to advance themselves. I am finding they don’t even know they are stuck where they are at this time. It can be very emotional and emotionally draining to deal with anyone in the lower energy. It takes a lot of energy to be able to go, even for a few minutes, to where they are.

You will find it very difficult to talk to them so be prepared. They will not have any concept of who you are what you are talking about when you talk with them. It will make it very difficult if not impossible to talk with them.

As we morph into these higher timelines, some of the ways in which our advancements into the light body are manifesting is through our extreme healing of all our past timelines. We are only responsible for our  own timelines, not of others timelines that have lived through that time period  with us. If they do not heal their old timelines of the past, they will be still be stuck in the 3D matrix.

Many of us are now in our own bubble with the many others who have or are actively working to evolve themselves into their light body. We have formed our own very large tribe. There are tribes within this tribe. Even family members we may be around daily will get the energy we are transmitting through our healing work and they may be more aware and open to wanting to heal themselves. As they heal themselves, they also heal their past. As they heal their past their heal all past timelines for themselves.

This healing has occurred through being shown our past over and over again in order to be able to heal it. It has happened over a number of years beginning in 2012. Once we heal one aspect and have cleared this energy out of our body, we move onto the next episode of our lives that need healing. Just when we think we have completed it all, more healing will show up for us, now pointing out all the small details that we still need to work on and transform.

These healing episodes come without warning from the Universe. We will be busy doing something in our everyday lives and we will become aware of an issue from the past that was painful and not worked through. We are now being able to see beyond what the issue was and into the depths of what was really taking place. At the time it happened we did not have access to that information, but as we move timelines we can see clearly what happened.

All healing of past issues must be healed before the light body formation can continue. This is why we are experiencing starts and stops in our transformation. There is far too much healing to be done at one time so this must be spread out over weeks, months and years.

Along with this healing comes the body pain that will come along with these transformations. Some of the recent body symptoms have been:

  • Cold rushes coming up and down the body
  • Deep sadness and spontaneous crying. We might hear of someone from our past and cry to release the unhealed pain from the relationship that existed.
  • Anxiety is also high on the light body symptoms
  • Pain through the back and shoulder blades
  • Bouts of dizziness
  • Feeling energized for no reason

We must embrace all of these aspects of healing and transformation when they show up for us. We need to transmute them by finding our happy place and releasing these energies. We should not be afraid of showing emotion when it comes in. If there is crying, the crying needs to released and not held back. There is no better time to release than when something occurs and is in the moment. This moment is always perfect for the release of what may be holding us back.

The light body forms during the same time the healing and releasing occurs. This goes hand in hand. We must feel the pain of our past and them release and move forward to really be able to transform into the light body formation which will be our new body going forward. This new body takes us into the New Earth. This is also the same light body the Galactics can morph in and out of as they go about their inter dimensional work. As more move into the higher timelines and higher dimensions they will be able to embody more love, compassion, wisdom and knowledge of the higher dimensions and the connections that take place. They will be able to see the energy that takes place between all consciousness that exists. This is our future on the New Earth. Some of us are already there.


In Service and Love

Diane Canfield

Diane is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Website and sign up for my newsletter: 

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Copyright © 2017 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website






DIANE CANFIELD – We are in a Huge Upgrade of Expanded Consciousness – Leading to Light Body Formation – 11-14-17


By Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

We are RIGHT NOW at the beginning of the VERY BIGGEST Transformation mankind has ever seen. All is being revealed and all secrets will be brought to the LIGHT. When this happens, it happens not only in 3D but also in every community on earth including the spiritual community. The false lights will also be brought into the open as they will no longer be able to spread their agenda.

As a psychic I know when things are coming in and where they will end up. This is a gift that I have had my entire life, seeing how things will play out in the future depending on the timeline selected.

This past month since the 10/10 WAVE we have experienced massive upgrades to our consciousness that works to build the light body. Light body Consciousness goes far beyond 3D and anything most people have ever experienced. It streams the beings consciousness into the 5th dimension and beyond. The being then starts to experience other realities other than the third dimension. This is now an indicator you are building your light body and expanding your consciousness.

As we raise consciousness our light body builds. We must raise our consciousness first and then with each new level we have reached, there is a building to the light body. This is the aches, pains and symptoms we experience is the light body expansion. As more of the light body builds, these aches and pains become less.

A huge symptom of our light body transformation in NOW Underway,  which starts in attaining higher levels of consciousness and becomes the PUSH to become more authentic and for others to do the same. The cardboard copy that has existed for eons of all of society to adhere to the program that we are all the same is now being washed away. We in fact are all unique. This is why we came to planet earth at this time. Each persons unique qualities makes them needed for the expansion we are in. As we become more of our authentic self, it opens the GATEWAY for others to do the same.

This push to become AUTHENTIC also comes along with a mighty push to tell the TRUTH and for others to do the same. Many are experiencing these NEW symptoms and the ones I will mention next. Many will now start to pull away from the ones in the spiritual community who are still spreading false light because they will understand there is no truth or authenticity to their words. They will now start to be able to read between the lines and see the agenda of those that are still stuck and wanting to keep others stuck where they are. This will become more and more intense for everyone over the next year.

Some other NEW consciousness rising symptoms I have noticed are increased awareness of food and how it relates to the body and the building of the body into the light body. Many have been health conscious already but this is a new awareness that has kicked in and will now begin to escalate for many. The light body that is activated now guides us through this process, guiding us on what is best to build the body of light.

There is a large portion of beings now that will and have stopped eating most meats. This will now start to become more and more of the population. If you are guided to change your diet to more plant based, I advise to start slowly cutting down on foods you no longer want and gradually adding more foods you do. This is the easiest way to transition in and out of something and the easiest on the body and the consciousness. We want to do everything within ourselves in the most loving way we can.


Our body reacts to how we treat it, so this is a very important step to take things slow and integrate changes slowly. The body we have now is already light body infused so what we did before will no longer work for our new body that is in the middle of the transition into the light body.


I talked one year ago about how the US and the world would be in for some big changes and I reposted on October 17 how the changes were now ready to come through. We will see more and more intense changes happening in society as we all upgrade to a higher level of awareness than has ever been done before.

This will change society into the kind of paradise we all want but have not been able to have. This can be accomplished by the removal of the dark forces that have been in charge for so long. In the recent past they have gained power because they were able to convince many of the people their programs were for their own good. Many of the people did not realize that it was exactly the opposite, they were only good for the dark side to gain more power and control.

As we have seen in the media now many of these dark forces are being brought into the light. This will continue and it will pass through every section of society leaving no stone unturned. Many dark minions are outing others and this will continue as the minions start to turn on each other.

As 3D society and the spiritual community continue to receive upgrades their consciousness will continue to expand, bringing more light into the light body.

To become ONE with the light we must tell the truth and honor our authenticity above all else. This is the path to expanded consciousness and the light body transformation happening now.

Truth is what we seek and what we yearn for. Now more and more will be able to see truth for themselves and discard all that is not truth. This is the way to activate higher consciousness and the light body.

The New Earth is being built as an overlay right on top of our 3D earth, as the 3D earth upgrades we become ONE with our NEW Earth.

Our Friends, our galactic brothers and sisters consciousness is already expanded and they can move in and out of the light body at will. They are waiting for us to catch up !

I love you all !

In Service and Love

Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher-Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Energy & Wave Expert

Copyright © 2017 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article and all links are included

Website and sign up for my newsletter : 

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March 12, 2017 Humanity’s expression in and on Earth is as a Light Body within a Human Instrument. That instrument is the physical form surrounding the Heart Light, also known as the Soul. In your own evolvment and growth, relationships and problems, seek to analyze and grade yourselves according to this golden rule. Total recognition of the fullness and beauty of the Heart Light within each other. Make cooperation and coordination, each respecting the other according to their own speciality and specific frequency. Recognize Oneness and Equality in each other, Mother-Father God within YOU imbued by First Source; the Great Central Sun. You are a Sun. You are all Sons, no matter male or female, Sons/Suns of Mother-Father God in the Triune personality as God the Father as the Great Central Sun, Alcyone, First Source, God the Son also known as the Father God aspect with God the Holy Spirit also known as the Mother God aspect of the Triune personality of what before this we called God. The shadow of this truth is the God of the Bible who is a false God. Also known as Jehovah and Yahweh or Anu. Jenovah is the shadow of Mother-Father God. Jehovah’s son is known as Lucifer. They together with their Twin Flames, Lilith and Kurula, made themselves the Fallen Angels. Jehovah made himself the God of the Bible at the time of the Great Flood. He did this to control Humanity and have them enslaved to a wrathful God. These events happened over eons of time, 10s of 10,000 year periods. It is not easy to grasp because each identifies with that part of history they remember and both Atlantis and Lemuria fell twice to nuclear destruction. It is easy to hide the truth in history because it spans 100s and 100s of thousands of years. Be gentle with yourself as you remember. Suspend all disbelief as you wake up to higher truths.

What is the reason malevolent Extraterrestrials visited Earth? The Greys and Dragons from Orion and Dracos Constellations have visited Earth due to Humanity remaining asleep and to take advantage of Humanity’s enslavement and also to exercise power and control. We are here together to Wake Up Humanity because Earth’s role in this Solar System is so important. The benevolent Extraterrestrials are here to give a hand up. This is the role of the Galactic Federation. The Solar System in the Milky Way Galaxy is located in the western arm of the declining side of the Galaxy. As Earth Ascends to the 7th Dimension and above it is moving to its rightful place in the central part of the Milky Way. Earth is the laggard of the Solar System and is holding back the entire Universe of Nebadon. We have not shared much with you before now of the importance of the power of this Universe because you could not utilize much of the information or do anything about it. Like Earth, this solar system is but a link in the chain of many evolutions and powers concomitant with and responsible to the Sonship of Humanity with Mother-Father God.

We are in process of bringing up Earth, cleansing and balancing the solar system history and events, then join in with the rest of this universe with the brotherhood and sisterhood usage of powers concomitant to that. The Visitors, others outside your Galactic Command, work to stop this mission and they will not be successful. Disclosure with announcements of Divine Law coming into being on Earth begin the changeover to new Earth. As the Children of Ra (Ra, Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet) or the Children of the Great Central Sun, begin to activate their Light Bodies while living within a Human Instrument they may then exude their power. When breathing in, the energy symbolically descends from the Central Sun and flows through the crown chakra then into the solar center where the Human Instrument holds SOLAR ENERGY. There, it sparkles in the golden light of your signature energy tone. When breathing out, the energy is released from the solar center up to the throat chakra which is the where the SOUND of creation writes on the light  at the High Heart, and then radiates outward with dominance to the horizontal plane creating new Earth with each interaction.

We will make manifest our decrees for healing Earth and the Sol Solar System and will teach you the ways of fulfillment in more specific terms and arrangements of Earth plane consciousness. The growth of the Self becomes secondary to the growth of the Divine Plan. The group of consciousness on Earth is responsible to an entire race of Humanity. As you grow in enlightenment and dedication to the Whole and in experience, you turn your consciousness to achieving the goal for Earth, Gaia Mother and All on and in Her. In this Full Moon energy today, experience being a Son, part of the Sonship of the entire race of Humanity spanning the Extradimensional realms of All That Is. The Great Central Sun beams it’s energy through Sol and onto Earth. You are a spark of Divine Light housed within your Human Instrument. Take in that energy into your Heart and breathe it out with your intentions within the Divine Plan. The Full Moon doubles the energy you receive by reflecting the light from the Sun behind the Sun to Earth all through the night as Sol does through the day. This is a very special moment in your evolution. Celebrate! You are never alone.



Elizabeth Trutwin


This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 12, 2017. ©All Rights Reserved. An Invitation: Many have benefitted and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking please email me at eltrutwin @ It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session with video Skype or telephone. And you may ask anything you like.I have several written testimonials. SANANDA’S INVITATION THROUGH ELIZABETH TRUTWIN: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this moment. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked beth to offer her services for one hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda, to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the Light.~LORD SANANDA Please book here.

Lisa Gawlas – The Amplified Light of Our Bodies! – 1-12-17



Lisa Gawlas

I am so excited, ETville has reopened!!  YAY!!  I have not been able to access that area since the fog filled vortex showing up over the marina back in December.  As soon as they opened up they gave me a gift, a gift I didn’t even realize I needed as much as I did in that moment.  Validation that I am getting this stuff correct in hearing and in interpretation.

The first thing I had seen was this highly reflective large oval landing pad across the marina.  Not a completely unfamiliar sight at all.  But there was something different about it, about the ones I have seen that are in relationship to the lab/base in the gulf of mexico and I knew it wasn’t located there.  I started to hear back, they are located in the gulf of arabia.  Arabia?  What??  Is there even gulf of Arabia???  I couldn’t even concentrate any more, I had to know for sure if there really was a gulf of arabia.  Thank god for google, instant information at our fingertips and let me tell you, I had my own litter inner orgasm as soon as I seen it pop up on google search, also known as the Arabian gulf or the Persian gulf.

What’s funny too, I crack myself up, a lot, before I went in the office to google the gulf of arabia, my dear lady’s ETs were trying to assure me I am hearing right and gave me a connection to the Mediterranean.  I can travel the multiverse and never get lost, give me planet earth and I get lost going down a one way street.  I was not about to say the Mediterranean out loud incase I was completely wrong.

One would think something like this would not have the gigantic effect on me like it did, but it really helped my inner knowing that all this other information that is coming thru, is being interpreted and presented as accurately as I can get.

On this highly reflective base thingie were three robotic arms that extended upwards.  One by one a ship, each different from the other, landed on top of the arm.  The first one was a round ship like we are accustomed to seeing, that was created in arena we know as Sirius.  The second one was cylinder shaped and that came from a solar system that started with an A, I could not quite capture its exact name, so I resigned to call it system A.  The third one was not solid like the other two and was distinctly nameless.  More of an energy craft than something made of matter.

What I found interesting, and this must be telling a bigger story for us, each craft, those created in vastly different solar systems, were created to work together with each other.

What they are doing and how was super interesting.  The nameless one, there was no planet they existed from, instead they lived and worked in deep space.  Even the Beings within the ship were energies, very much like pure consciousnesses.  They showed us opening up something that would remind me of a massive air bubble in space.  They would enter into this air bubble and it became a living laboratory that they can create anything they could imagine.  For our purposes, they are creating and envisioning new life forms for our changing planet of earth.  It is not limited to one thing, be it plants, animals or even newer, highly functioning human prototypes.  They then bring their creation to the other two ships, the one from system A has the chemical make to start forming this creation.  The Sirius ship has the matter to take the energy and chemicals and give it form.  This team at least, are doing this at the base in the gulf of arabia.

What was explained, and we pretty much know this anwayz, but the earth is changing, the energetic make up of earth is changing.  Older life forms are leaving, their time is done.  Newer life forms are coming into existence, with a lot of help form this amazing team (and many others.)  There is a trial and error period with all creations.

We tend to give ET’s god like qualities, knowing everything, they are evolving just like we are.  They are much more evolved, but evolving nonetheless.  The example that was used in my lady’s reading yesterday, lets say they are bringing a new form of bumble bee to this planet.  Energy guys create the form prototype, very much like a living, energetic blueprint.  Chemical guys start mixing and formulating the chemical makeup of this new Bee and Matter guys start to embed the seeds of matter to create solid form.  Sometimes, they creations need tweaking, hyper bees, sluggish Bees whatever.  Maybe this is what happened to the killer Bees of Africa!! lol

My lady of course, is a participant in this team.  Her job now is to fully engage with her team, understand the process and as she perfects it all within herself, there will come a time she can, lets say, regenerate a missing finger or even leg for a client.

As I can say every single day, there are a million details that came thru the each one yesterday that I just don’t have time to detail.  But I do want to bring my first lady front and present, since her image is hovering in the forefront of my mind.

Before I do get to that, I want to say that even before I left my house yesterday, my whole freakin body started vibrating again.  My legs were weak, my hands shaky… Jezuz my work is rough!! lol  This time tho, I started to get an image of my stalactite lady’s reading, the energy running thru each of those things hanging down in her cave.  Something similar, if not exactly the same, is happening to and thru me to prepare my whole body for our connections.  It evens out once we start the readings, but then the snot, the sinus lubricant goes off the wall.  I have no snotty nose at home, but thru every reading now. “excuse me while I blow,” is becoming a familiar expression thru readings. lol

So my first lady, there she was as a huge spiral of multi colored energy.  I snagged a picture off the internet just to share a visual, even tho this image looks nothing like her, the layout does.  And I can use it as a reference.


There were no cross sessions in her spiral at all, just a continuous filament of multi colored lights that started at the foot level and widened as it went up over her head.  In various sections of this continues filament of light were these protrusions, I marked them as red in this visual, but they were all different colors and changed as she used her light body.

I eventually seen her physical form inside this beautiful spiral of light that is her.  Then I could see her right hand grab one of the protrusions down near her legs, her left hand grab one up over her head, and then suddenly she had these tentacle looking things (this is the second time I am seeing something similar like this, tentacles coming out of the spine) coming out of her spine to use other protrusions.  When she purposely worked these protrusions the output of energy changed based on her desire and creation force.  While she is just going thru her day, this light field is bringing in new quantities of light energy to the realm we know and love as Gaia.

I couldn’t fully understand these protrusions that to me, reminded me of outdoor christmas light bulbs, until she asked about the pain in her joints.  OMG, that would be where the intersections lay within the body field, all the joints!!

I also want to say, I have been reading for this beautiful soul for years, so I am quite adjusted to her changing frequencies, or so I thought.  This light body was now an easy 20 octaves above her energy field I connected to last month and gave me a constant headache in my left temple.  That alone shows how her energy field is entering the physicality of life, of matter, of the material construct of Life.  Thanx for the upgrade girlfriend!! (smile)

As I am connecting with each person and seeing their new form, their new amazing abilities, I wanted to know what the hell my place is!!  Instantly I heard “You are a biometric engineer.”  What the hell is that??  So I do what I do best and google biometric engineer:  Biometrics engineers are usually software developers who create and maintain various biometric systems.

Well, I am far from a software developer, I can barely understand facebook or my computer!!  So I looked up what a biometric system is:  A biometric system is a technological system that uses information about a person (or other biological organism) to identify that person. … A biometric system will involve running data through algorithms for a particular result, usually related to a positive identification of a user or other individual.

OK, I can almost get that.  I see you in away, most people cannot.  Your algorithms come from your light body and physical body that creates the field in which we see, your… our ever evolving identity.

In our own way, we are all highly evolved software programs learning to link into each other and run a new world, which we call, the emerald city… The Kingdom of God.

Thats enough for today!! lol  I just realized, today is the full moon, I am so grateful it is my day off!!  Altho my physical body is feeling tremendously better, my energy body is still vibrating thru kingdom come thanks to all of you!!  And I do give, deep thanx!!!

Ok I was going to end here, until I found the main art for this sharing.  Getting to this amazing place we call the emerald city, we had been seeing, rediscovering the bits and pieces of our whole self.  Whether it was thru our incarnations in other planes of existence, or past and future life memories here on earth or even from the pure soul that we are when not incarnate.  We needed to understand our bits and pieces to understand how to work ourselves as a whole system.  For those in the emerald city, we are NOW a whole system no longer working outside of ourselves.  It also changes the matrix of our soul and body.  Forget chakras, that is the old body system.  We have brought in our ETselves, our larger matrix of soul energy, our expanded, evolved physical cells and no two bodies look even closely to being the same, at least, thru my eyes.  We really must rediscover our fullness, our wholeness as a working energy system.  I hope you understand what I am trying to say… words!!!!!!  Ok, now I’ll close!! lol

So lets celebrate the light of luna with a one day reading special!!  Master Builders, Unite!!!

Big big ((((HUGZ)))) of Light drenching Love in all flavors and colors!

Lisa Gawlas

P.S.  One Day (today, ends at midnight) Only FULL MOON Special.  22% off any single reading or ET connection!!  Use coupon code FullMoon.

PAULINE BATTELL – Mary Magdalene – Solar Absorption for the Light Body – Mercedes Kirkel at Into The Heart – 8-22-16

Courtesy of

buddha gold silver


By Mercedes Kirkel

Question: I’ve been studying solar rejuvenation and trying to absorb more sunlight to become more of a body of light. I know the best time to do this is when the sun comes up and when the sun sets. But I’m not always in a place where I can see the sun. Do you feel that I’m still absorbing it even though I am not seeing it? Do I have to see it to really absorb the blessings from the sun?

Mary Magdalene: No. Ultimately it is your light body that is absorbing it. It is not your physical eyes at all. It is your light body, your energy body, your etheric body. This absorption can be done through intention. It can be done without being in the physical presence of the sun, because it is not a physical system that you are working with.

The physical is a support, and especially in the beginning, this can be very helpful. But it is not necessary.

You can also draw this light from other stars. Do not be limited by only your sun.






Light Body Activation – Only listen when you are ready! – Binaural Beats, Subliminal Meditation –



Suzanne Lie – Message From Light Body, Part 2 -4-20-16

Suzanne Lie


Suzanne Lie   –   Message From Light Body, Part 2   -4-20-16


I AM your Lightbody, here to give you another message. You have learned that “it is not the body that makes the Soul, but the Soul that makes the body.” If you know that, you know that you are “good enough” to release your habits and addiction of your third dimensional life.

In fact, you know that you are “good enough” to return to your Lightbody SELF, who is ME. Returning to Lightbody is not a process of learning, working, sacrificing, and discipline. Those concepts are the perspective of your ego/self.

The process of becoming Lightbody is only visible to your Soul/SELF. This higher view allows you to always love yourself unconditionally. Unconditional Love is a vital point because you “create” your Lightbody with your thoughts, feelings, and intentions.

When I say, “create your Lightbody,” I mean that you create the reality in which you can return to Lightbody. When that occurs, you and Gaia can ascend as ONE into the fifth dimension and beyond.

From the perspective of your Soul/SELF, your earth vessel is the outside skeleton, and YOU are the inside body. On the other hand, from the perspective of your ego/self, YOU are on the outside of your body, and the bones inside of you are your skeletons.

Your ego/self is gradually becoming aware of your transformation, but is too busy managing the mundane, 3D world to give it much attention. Also, since everything regarding Spirit happens from the inside out, your renovation will begin inside your clay vessel.

In fact, the “remodel” will actually begin inside your bone marrow. Many cultures have revered bones as the sacred remains of their ancestors. They were not being superstitious, as the bone marrow is the last place that live DNA can be found, even when the rest of the body has returned to “dust.”

Hence, what better place is there for your Soul to begin changing your DNA? Once you transmute your first eight cells in the Atma of your High Heart, your Soul/SELF becomes the Captain of your earth vessel.

Dear Grounding Point, I have come to you today because I wish to give you an experience of how it feels to BE me, your Lightbody. First of all, I must say that I can fully understand why, you, my human shell became so lost in this land of limitations.

Fortunately, I, Lightbody, did not totally leave the Higher Planes, as I bi-located into these lower dimensions. Hence, I still exist in those higher dimensions and pull from that component of myself while I wait inside of you for our moment of ascension.

Allow me not to take you on a journey of our higher reality. In order to participate in this journey, please:

  • Place your focus on your mind and repeat, “I AM Lightbody.”
  • Then place your focus on your heart and FEEL the most complete FREEDOM that you can imagine.
  • Finally, gather up your thoughts and feelings into your Soul’s Intention of Being Lightbody.
  • Now, close your eyes and feel me, Lightbody, inside of your physical shell.

FEEL how my light swirls and sparkles. FEEL how your skin forms a protection for me, and how, in turn, I protect you with my advanced knowledge, instincts, and guidance. WE are partners now, human body, and light body.

Again, Spirit moves from the inside. Thus, your experience of being Lightbody begins within you. Begin by connecting with me, your Lightbody, who is serving as your multidimensional portal deep inside your clay shell. This portal is located inside your Heart Chakra. Therefore, I ask you to focus on your heart.

See my mist within your physical form. Do you see me swirling around and around, impatient to express myself in your physical world? No, I am not as impatient as your ego/self would be. Instead, I am impatient in that my energy is constantly pushing you to move beyond the confines of time and space.

I, your Lightbody, wish to set you Free of those restrictions so that you can live in the NOW of our higher worlds as me, Lightbody. I ask you now to surrender to the gentle pressure, which I am giving you from deep inside.

You likely have felt this pressure as stress, nervousness, depression, or even illness. No! It is merely I, your Lightbody, nudging you to remember the Freedom of the NOW.

Allow all sequential thinking to float from your awareness and all concepts of time and space to leave your reality. You are only HERE in the NOW with me, your Lightbody.

Do not worry; your ego will remind you when you have something you must “do” at a certain time, and in a certain place. For now, just BE me, your/our Lightbody.

Together we share the same heart and the same gateway into the higher dimensions. Together we can bi-locate into the higher worlds. See us moving through the gateway much like water flowing from a drain, except that some of the water, our ego, the guardian of our physical world, stays behind in our earth vessel.

We are now moving through a long vortex of swirling energy.

Then, suddenly, we are there.

Where are we?


From everywhere, which of our many higher worlds do you wish to visit? Perhaps we can practice experiencing more than one reality within the NOW of the ONE. While you are formless in the NOW of EVERYWHERE, feel yourself on Arcturus, while you are ALSO on your Homeworld, while you are ALSO on the New Star called EARTH.

You are Lightbody there, in charge of a certain area. Of course, you are a leader, for you are “in charge.” It is for this reason that you are among the first to transform to Lightbody. The courage that it takes to make this transition without support or understanding from your 3D world, more than prepares you for your leadership.

See all of these realities as if they are many TV sets in a control room. The difference is that you not only see and hear these worlds, but you also experience them INSIDE of you.

Feel all the monitors inside of you, all running at the same NOW. You may place the majority of your attention on one or two monitors at a time, but all of them are ALWAYS accessible to you all the time.

You find that when you raise your brainwaves to Delta and above, you can experience ALL these realities in the same moment of NOW. You can experience multiple realities with the higher brainwaves, because these waves take you into your Quantum Self.

Your Quantum Self is not ruled by time or space, as both of those illusions are limited to the third/fourth dimensions. From this Self, you are a “wave”, a signal, of energy that is connected to ALL reality ALL the NOW. When you wish a direct experience, you place your “attention” on something, someplace, or someone. Then you become a “particle,” an element, of that experience.

Now move into Gaia’s future, and see yourself as Lightbody in your everyday life. You see that everyone in that Earth reality is also Lightbody. I say your “earth reality” for there will be many vibrations of Earth. In some Earth realities there will be no Lightbodies, and there will be all the doom and gloom that has been predicted.

In other worlds, there will be some doom and gloom, but there will also be safe islands of light. Then there is also the reality that you have chosen. This is the reality in which Planetary Ascension has been successfully completed. Gaia has become a fifth-dimensional star, and you are one of the many elements of this New Star Earth.

In the Star Earth reality, your body is made of Light, as it is in a fifth/sixth dimensional reality. Because you are downloading and grounding your Multidimensional SELF into Gaia, you are becoming the Planet. Therefore, you can experience Earth Star at any place on the continuum of HERE and NOW.

Do you want to be on Gaia for the Great Transition?

Do you want to move into Star Earth when it is complete?

Or do you want to experience both realities simultaneously?

You are Lightbody. Hence, you can be in many places, and experience many forms, at the same NOW. The transition into ascension, the building of the new world and the completed process of ascension is why you have incarnated on Earth over and over and over…

Until you have grown accustomed to the diffuse focus of consciousness of your Multidimensional SELF, you may need to experience only one or two realities within any given NOW. Eventually, though, you will be able to hold limitless realities in your consciousness.

However, this will not come about until you have completely surrendered to the Flow of the Now of the ONE. When you have done so, you will have released the illusion of “time.” Without the burden of time, you will have no stress or sense of being overwhelmed. Everything that you “do” or “experience” will be absolutely perfect.

Everything that you “create” will be perfect. In fact, once you can see your physical world through me, you inner Lightbody, all of your Earth life will be absolutely perfect. Your life will be perfect, because YOU will be (in fact, you already are) PERFECT. There will be no more worry about being “good enough” as you will be PERFECT.

Your Lightbody is NOW, HERE, inside your exoskeleton. Feel the pressure of me, your Lightbody, pushing against the confining wall of your clay vessel. Feel my need to spill into your outer world, to express my/our SELF in every minute of every reality, especially your/our present earth reality of Planetary Ascension.

  • Once again, close your eyes and feel me, Lightbody, inside of your physical shell.
  • FEEL how my movement swirls and sparkles.
  • FEEL how your skin forms a protection for me, and how, in turn, I protect you with my advanced knowledge, instincts, and guidance.
  • WE are partners now, human body, and light body.

You are ready to return to your Earth world so that you can recalibrate your earth vessel and integrate all that you have remembered from your Lightbody SELF. With your Lightbody active within your clay vessel, you walk along a crystal path as a transformed person.

Your every footfall sets off a burst of color and a beautiful tone with your passage.

You are going Home NOW inside your true expressions of LIGHTBODY.


Earth Day

Free Webinar

Friday, April 22, 2016

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT

Register NOW!


Join us as the Arcturians greet and guide us in an Earth Day meditation.

We encourage you to register if you are interested.  If we reach capacity or if you have difficulty joining, we will share the recording. See you there!
Want to contribute? 
Comment below and tell us how YOU celebrate and honor GAIA on this special day!
We might even feature your contributions in the webinar.