Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff – The Quality of Harmony – 1031015


Archangel Gabriel


Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as harmony.

Harmony is a prime and natural law of the universe. It is an energy that vibrates within and around all of life in a continuous manner, connecting all living things with each other including the Earth and its kingdoms. It connects life with the constant flow of universal energy and the events that take place.

This energy can greatly expand one’s potential to be the change they would like to experience in themselves, within their relationships, and within the collective consciousness of humanity. When an individual focuses on the harmony they desire to experience, they connect to that power until they manifest this state of being and have many harmonious experiences to enrich their life.

When they create harmony within self and with others and align harmoniously to the universe, things in their life start falling into place. Assistance comes to them from many unexpected places to help their vision move into manifestation. They receive the helpful and needed information in perfect timing through wonderful coincidences and synchronicities. They feel the rhythm and harmony of the state of universal joy.

Every thought from one’s mind is a communication with the universal mind. The choice as to how one lives their life determines the state of harmony within one’s being. When an individual becomes aware of how they spend their physical and emotional energy, they consciously choose peace, harmony, trust and empowerment in every situation. They make a loving commitment to work together with others in harmony and peace.

By aligning with the divine, they are in harmony with its loving intention for their highest good and move into the flow of its blessings. They experience more clarity in all that they do and live a balanced life that is in harmony with self, others and the universe. They train their minds and hearts to immediately send love to everyone they interact with or think about. They give to others without attaching conditions or expecting anything in return. This creates a harmonious balance between what they have given to others and what they receive in return.

There is a harmony, unity, and oneness between every one and every thing; all are bound together by the same divine essence. In harmony of being, life becomes a glorious adventure filled with joy and wonder and brings one a sense of inner peace. Personal moments of harmony occur when one is quiet and relaxed.

They are connected to a deep reservoir of stillness and well being where the chattering of their conscious mind ceases and they experience the beauty and grandeur of their environment. This results in a quiet mind which helps them to experience beauty in the current moment instead of thinking thoughts of the past or the future. This practice increases the flow of harmony and peace.

The state of harmony connects them with higher spiritual influences which assist them in making changes that are good for all of life everywhere. These harmonious influences facilitate a more rapid personal growth. Experiencing quietness within allows their mind, heart and body to settle into a state of harmony.

Each individual is constantly trying to find the most encompassing harmony in all that they do. Harmony within is grounded in love and respect for one’s self and others. When one has achieved inner harmony, it opens them to a greater discovery of themselves as a fully integrated being that is a part of the whole of life.

The state of harmony supports a person to act from a place of authenticity and integrity which allows them to be at peace within their own being. Inner peace within gives them feelings of harmony, tranquility, happiness, goodness, self love, and stability on a consistent basis. Inner peace and harmony entails a deep trust in one’s self, and the world around them.

One must believe that they live in a benevolent universe and expect that things will always turn out well. They believe in goodness and have a positive outlook towards everything in their life. They are always true to themselves, to their own unique intelligence and abilities and have a sense of internal security and self confidence which leads them to the experience of inner peace and harmony.

Understanding and maintaining balance within oneself is a gentle movement towards harmony and a sense of deep respect for the natural world. It requires a viewpoint that does not seek to dominate, control or impose ones views on others or upon nature but is tempered by respect and a desire for harmony and compassion for all things.

One seeks to celebrate nature and restore the harmony of their planet, their society and each individual who is a part of it. When one’s connection with the divine becomes the inspiration for all that one does, their body becomes the instrument for the direct experience of love, harmony and beauty in this world.

They attain the fullness of life which they have been longing for as they follow the guidance and deep inspiration of the still small voice within them. In the pure harmonious depths of their own heart, there is a fountain of truth, love and understanding, and a flow of profound guidance which is far greater than anything that their conscious mind can offer.

Their heart readily understands that which their head has been overlooking. In this way, they reunite their mind, heart and body with the divine in a direct experience of love, harmony and beauty. They find enduring peace, satisfaction and joy in their everyday life.

May your inner harmony and happiness guide and inspire you toward experiences of greater love and beauty always.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

© 2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

“Archangel Gabriel: The Quality of Harmony.” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff. October 30, 2015, at

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff – The Quality of Wisdom – 10-23-15

Angel of Light - gabriel - marleneArchangel Gabriel  via  Marlene Swetlishoff   –   The Quality of Wisdom   –   10-23-15

Beloved Ones,

I want to have discourse on the quality of love known as wisdom.

In its essence, wisdom is the truth of the divine. It rises from within one’s inner guidance clearly, purely and simply as a knowing that something is absolutely true for them.

One’s inner guidance is always speaking to them and one exercises the quality of wisdom when they attune and listen to its quiet voice. In this way, they are guided to navigate the river of their live with divine intelligence.

Following one’s inner wisdom fills an individual with a sense of love for self and others. Wisdom is an undeniable knowing that a course of action is the wise choice to take and that one will be given all the guidance they need to do exactly the right thing.

When they trust their higher wisdom and inner guidance doing what feels good, they feel at peace within their heart knowing they are always led in the right direction. When they allow this inner wisdom to be heard, their life unfolds in mysterious and wonderful ways. It is a surrendering of personal wants and desires to the universal flow of life, the loving intelligence that is greater than anything one’s mind could conceive.

A mind that is united with inner wisdom becomes more proficient at fulfilling one’s deepest and most authentic desires. When one commits to discovering self with a sense of awe, curiosity and passion, they connect to a deep happiness that is unshakable by chaos, criticism, or current circumstance. Inner wisdom is the ability to access the language of the heart, the language of love and the language of feelings. It is a heartwarming sensory experience.

In order to hear one’s inner voice of higher wisdom, one needs to be mentally relaxed, physically and consciously aware and emotionally open to receive the guidance that comes forth. When one employs this inner wisdom to investigate their feelings, they become clear about what is currently happening in their life.

With this higher level of conscious awareness, they have the freedom to choose, knowing their feelings are providing important information about any given situation that is before them. When they allow their life to flow along with their inner wisdom, they feel happy in their heart. When they try to force things to go in a certain direction, it does not feel good to them, they lose their rhythm.

As they allow their life to unfold, each step they take gives them feedback with the answers that they need to set them back on track. They come to realize their body is their secret messenger that gives them clues which their inner wisdom is providing. It is important for each individual to become aware of how that occurs. They must be willing to act on it, to trust that it is taking them to the next step on their journey and is the right one for them.

As an individual is willing to meet everything that is arising in their experience by exploring it, their true direction in any given situation will become clear. Bringing compassion for self into this exploration is essential. As one surrenders to stepping into the unknown, they are allowing the flow of guidance of their higher wisdom. When they turn deep within and ask their inner guidance to help make the right choices, they are never led astray.

The more one listens, the easier it becomes to discern the correct answer when needed. One realizes that being an astute listener of their loving higher wisdom makes for a blessed life. When they follow their truth, they are allowing themselves to let their inner wisdom guide them rather than listening to their own personal desires. Their life is far more peaceful, centred, loving and gentle when they develop their inner listening skills. When they make a choice and do their best, every life situation offers the learning and growth that they need.

As each person aligns to and listens to their loving higher wisdom, their minds and hearts are filled with creative expression, new ideas and promptings that come from a place of fullness, a place of love and fulfillment. They know innately that they are aligned with a consciousness that speaks only truth and is characterized by feelings of trust and love, humbleness and gratitude, compassion and mercy, peace and harmony, and tolerance and forgiveness.

The more one identifies and aligns with their higher wisdom and consciousness, the greater their spiritual power becomes and things start to manifest in their lives through amazing synchronicities. The answers they receive make sense to them on more than one level because truth reveals itself on all levels. They come to realize that the power inside them is the same power that creates worlds and that part of their life purpose is to learn how to utilize this power to create the peaceful world they want. This has a wonderful positive effect on their life!

May your connection to your inner wisdom prompt you always to listen to your heart.  It is the creativeness of the universe speaking through you. It is a valuable guidance from deep within.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – You are an Ambassador of Light and Peace – 10-19-15


Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff   –   You are an Ambassador of Light and Peace   –   10-19-15

Beloved Ones,

As the world moves further into the higher frequencies that are available now, there will be a long period of adjustment, with a series of intense energy downloads and then there will be a resting time to allow the body to align and fully integrate with the new enhanced version of self.

There are so many of you struggling to surrender former limitations and thought patterns that limit further movement right now. This activity will become much easier to accomplish now that a shift into higher octaves has taken place.

There will be a lifting of the mental and emotional blocks that have kept you from taking your rightful place on the stage of life in the new world reality. You are now, even more than before, energetic powerhouses and are able to influence the energy dynamics around you in a most beneficial way.

It requires that you intend to be a blessing in this manner and that you make this a focus each day and verbally state this intention. Just by being who you are in this moment, you bring blessings to others. Those of you who have successfully integrated the new frequencies so far and have agreed to on the higher levels, are being utilized as conduits to disseminate these higher frequencies that are available now.

Every one who reads or hears this message is an ambassador of the Light and an ambassador of peace. You have become more discerning in the way you utilize your focus and energies and this is having a beneficial effect on the work that you do and the gifts that you bring to the world. Each person on the planet has at least one special gift that they bring to share with others.

We see more of you beginning to go deep within in order to align with your Divine Essence to stay on track with the work that you came here to do. You are venturing beyond your learning curves into new territory and it can sometimes feel uncomfortable. You are being encouraged to persist, to see beyond former expectations to that which lies waiting, as yet unrevealed.

As always, it requires your willingness and determination to move to the next level. It is your journey and you are the one to walk that path, no one else can do it for you, no one else can make your dreams a reality, it requires your action. Once you make the choice and decision to move forward, you receive help when you ask and by now, you know that this is a given.

As you do this, you will begin to recognize the synchronicities that unfold in your everyday life. You are being given the boons that you need to get to the next step. These are blessings and assurances that you are on the right track as you struggle to go where you have not gone before. You are capable of so much more than you have believed possible and these possibilities are now opening for you.

Seize the moment as it comes and dare to make your new life one of incomparable majesty. Allies and friends surround you at every moment, you have but to reach out to recognize them, not only from the world of spirit but also on the physical plane. These ones support, nurture and strengthen you on your personal spiritual journey. As you walk your path, their good will strengthens; delights and upholds you and helps you to live a balanced life. You will know without doubt that you are never alone.

As you become more established in your new beginning, you will embrace and see more easily how you may transform your intention into one of action and this will give everything you do the potential to become more than you dreamed was possible. This will assist you to breathe new life and possibility into even the most mundane activities.

As you tap into the bottomless fountain of life, you are renewed and filled with a joy that transforms everything it touches through a heightened awareness, the understanding of truth and the hope that this brings. This renewal and enthusiasm radiates from you, spreading outward to all those around you. You ignite their light and this in turn helps them to open to greater possibilities for their own path and direction.

As you walk your path with honor, remember to appreciate the world which sustains and supports you and contributes to your well being. Honor the people, places and things for the effect they have upon you in every aspect of life upon this planet. Accept others for who they are and celebrate the differences and diversity in this dance called life. Learn to look beyond the obvious as this may lead to richer rewards and a joy that knows no bounds.

This new change in direction brings with it a restoration, a transformation and a re-energizing of your entire being. As you walk your chosen path, the flame of timeless truth that you hold within your heart ennobles and enriches you with an aura of the highest integrity, which propels you to face the future with open and willing eyes and heart.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Watch video version here:

© 2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. This is in cooperation with Hilarion and the Legions of Light who work with him who have informed the author/scribe/channel that they are embedding and transmitting higher energies and frequencies into the written and spoken words that come through this channel in relation to the messages that are transmitted through her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Source:“Hilarion: You are an Ambassador of Light and Peace,” Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, October 18, 2015, at

Upliftment – Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff – 1-24-15

Angel of Light - gabriel - marlene

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as  upliftment. This quality within an individual allows them to experience a wide range of emotional experiences and still have the ability to create some of the most inspiring creations.

They believe that the best response to any situation in life is to be patient, grateful, gracious, and most of all, positive. These individuals believe that an uplifting attitude is beneficial to them and is inspiring to those around them.

They believe that all good things belong to them and that even situations that are not ideal will work out for their benefit in the end.

One must always look for the good in others because they know that pointing out the good in others uplifts their spirit and makes them feel valued. Their family, coworkers, and community members know that they can count on this person to have a positive point of view in every situation.

Their attitude towards all situations in their life is infectious and causes others around them to become positive towards them with an outpouring of love.

Their uplifting attitude ignites others to emulate them and reciprocate their attitude by being pleasant toward them. Such uplifting spirit is strong because they choose to remain positive, regardless of the circumstances they may face.

Uplifting emotion is a creative force which uplifts an individual and takes them on a journey of discovery and delight into new possibilities. It is the doorway to new perspectives; the doorway to change.

It creates a powerful and positive momentum by maintaining a moment-to-moment awareness and a focus on feeling good. When an individual carries an uplifting attitude each day and practices unconditional self love, it uplifts their emotions to a higher level of positive optimism and utmost freedom.

When they interact with others, they make it a point to genuinely compliment them. They recognize others for their good heart and kind spirit, making every effort to focus only on the positive attributes of others instead of their shortcomings.

The giving of one’s loving efforts to help others makes one feel powerful and uplifted. These individuals count their blessings and spend more of their day thinking with gratitude about the things in life they truly love.

People who are grateful for what they have are more alert, enthusiastic, determined, attentive, and energetic than people who do not count their blessings.

By maintaining this quality of love called upliftment within them, everything that happens is viewed as an opportunity to provide and experience contentment, understanding, perspective, and guidance to the people around them.

It is up to each person to be responsible to live their best life. One becomes very careful what they think about, and very selective as to where and what they give their time and attention to.

It is important that one’s thinking involves their heart. When one is in harmony with spirit, nothing can hinder them, as they always do what makes their heart sing.

When they give someone a hug or a smile, it uplifts the atmosphere. Their soul is expanded and they discover that they love every moment of their life.

By creating this important shift in one’s personal consciousness and taking a moment often to be still, to be quiet, and to just be, uplifts their emotions and does wonders.

Indulging oneself by basking in the sun, going for a walk in nature, absorbing the wonder and amazement of the beauty of the world around them creates a spiritual upliftment within them.

By changing one’s attitude, everything else in one’s life improves. One’s attitude is the key to creating behaviors in life which are highly effective and lead to the greatest happiness.

Genuine happiness is a state of mind, and is always a personal choice that an individual makes. They have the courage to follow their own heart and intuition. Their genuinely good character always radiates from within them and uplifts and inspires throughout their life.

Everyone values the gift of unexpected assistance and those who supply it. When one makes a positive impact in someone else’s life, they also make a positive impact in their own life. All are uplifted and empowered to a higher level of feeling.

By sharing the rich experiences of one’s life and the wisdom that comes from one’s unique point of view, by being vulnerable and willing to share one’s failures as well as one’s successes, others will relate to their example and be inspired and uplifted.

Others will understand that they are not the only ones with challenges. Being happy with whom one is now, and letting their positive attitude inspire their journey into tomorrow, helps encourage and touch those around them.

Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad; it just depends on one’s personal perspective. And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should.

As an individual stays positive and appreciates the pleasant outcomes and learns from their every experience, they can uplift themselves in a greater, more expansive way.

What people must realize is the tremendous amount of influence they can wield on those who surround them. What an uplifting person does best is to make everyone they interact with feel empowered or validated.

They are pioneers of the new age. Their job is to heal the world and elevate and uplift everybody. They pay attention to their motives and look for ways to uplift and purify them to a state of love.

They find happiness just from doing something well or from finding ways to give happiness to others. Everyone wants to feel valued and validated. Taking one’s time to talk to someone about their interests, their goals, and their talents places confidence where it was potentially lacking.

People always do better and thrive with compliments and positive direction. One’s emotional state and their thoughts travel out from them like ripples on a pond.

They radiate energy that affects everything and everyone. Their happy emotions radiate outward and affect those around them in a positive and uplifting way, and contribute greatly to the future unfolding of the higher destiny of the planet.

May your hearts stay uplifted and inspired as I take my leave.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

“Archangel Gabriel: Upliftment,” channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, January 22, 2015, at

Source Link: The Rainbow Scribe: Archangel Gabriel 2015

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Hilarion 2014 – Marlene Swetlishoff



Blessings  of the season to all! Marlene


January 12-19, 2014

Beloved Ones,

The times that are before you are filled with energies of new beginnings and this creates a feeling of anticipation while at the same time needing to bring completion to all outstanding issues, and there is a sense of waiting in a void between two worlds. It is a strange time for those of you who have been earnestly working to align with the higher aspects of your self, for you know the work is in completion yet you find that the way forward is hazy and undefined. This is because you are creating your world as you move through each day and you are not used to consciously creating. This feeling will pass and is temporary in nature, all that is required is a willingness to be fully present in each moment and integrating this new idea of yourself. Conscious creation is the next step in your spiritual evolution and requires more attention from you.

Create a plan for what you wish to create and experience in your personal world. Make a list of what this might look like for you including feeling the emotions of having what you want, seeing yourselves having the experience with a sense of exhilaration and well being. Visualize every detail as much as you can as often as you can. Then when you feel it is complete, release it to the universe and know that it is manifesting for you. This method is best employed at the times of the new moon phases to begin your creation, working on visualizing and owning it until the full moon phase at which time you release it to the universe knowing it will become manifest in divine timing for you. You are becoming conscious creators in your everyday world. Some of you may need to maintain this practice until it becomes easier for you. Remember that nothing that is just started comes instantly but with greater practice and training, you will become proficient.

Those of you who have pulled back in the last year are now ready to move forward once again. You are receiving your second wind, as they say, and will find yourselves beginning your work on self mastery with renewal and great enthusiasm. This time, the way forward will be much easier than ever before. You will be filled with a sense of higher purpose and many of you will come to a conscious realization of your part in the divine plan. You will also begin to see how perfect each experience you have endured on your journey to this point has helped to bring you to a feeling of confidence and personal sense of your own power. Every experience had its own gift to give you and now you can utilize what you have gained and learned with more understanding and proficiency for the benefit of yourselves and others around you. You have been enriched with a greater sense of your own magnificence and capabilities.

It is important to treat yourselves with greater kindness within your thought processes and remember that all that you have experienced in your life is what your soul desired to partake of in order to bring you to a greater sense of mastery. This is now where you stand on your journey. Celebrate this accomplishment by rewarding yourselves with some action or item of significance to you. Let it be something that brings you great joy and helps you to remember how far you have come on your path of initiation into higher consciousness and understanding. And we ask that you celebrate the moments as they unfold for you, for it helps to keep your frequency level in tune with the ever increasing energies that flow through the atmosphere to flood the planet without ceasing.

Connect each day to the Earth and stay grounded. Eat foods that impart the higher frequencies into every cell in your ever transforming bodies. Affirm each day that you are an eternal powerful being who can stop the process of aging and renew yourselves on every level. Thoughts and intention are the things that bring the reality into your experience. Write your intentions down and repeat them every day, ideally at the beginning of your day but what is most important is your consistent persistence. You are creating your new reality by this practice and every day is a new fresh start. Fill it with the most positive and benevolent intentions for yourselves, your loved ones, your community and your entire planet. Love is the answer in all situations and this is becoming more noticeable in your personal world.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


Message From Hilarion – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff



November 9-16, 2014

Beloved Ones,

You have all received a great influx of energy in the past week and this is now beginning to assimilate within your human operating systems. This higher energy creates a greater cleansing and purging to occur, bringing up memories and triggers from the past that set you into reaction rather than thoughtful response. When this happens, realize that it is part of the process of integration and assimilation by your body system and forgive yourselves the irritability and lack of patience in your interactions with others. You are doing fine, so do not berate yourselves too much for not having enough patience to recognize old patterns of behavior before you respond to others who have triggered the old and well worn patterns. You know there is another and better way to view and respond to the situation but it comes up anyway in the same old pattern. This requires from you an observation of yourself during those moments so you can set the intent to respond in a different way next time.

As each DNA strand is activated, it brings up all the accumulated ‘stuff’ brought into this lifetime from previous lifetimes and also from your ancestral lineage. Each person you are interacting with has come into your life in order that you assist each other to heal all that needs to be acknowledged and balanced. This is what is occurring within your daily lives right now. Tomorrow is another day and a new and fresh start. It will go better than it did today. Each of you is on a pioneering path upon which not many others have gone before and the process of resurrection while in the physical body has not been attempted before. Take each day as it comes with whatever it brings you and try to regain your equilibrium as quickly as you can. That is what the path of mastery is all about, gaining mastery over self and detaching from the human personality perspective and seeing and acting from the higher perspective.

Daily record all the wonderful breakthroughs that have occurred within your mind, your feelings and within your physical vehicle. There are many and if you record these and acknowledge the changes, it will help to keep you on track with your highest intent and vision. By calling on your guides and angels when in the midst of this process each day, you will be assisted in whatever way is necessary. When in the throes of these changes and transformations, asking for upliftment into a lighter and more positive and empowering energy can be most helpful. The angelic guides that surround you do not judge any of your fiery outbursts when they happen, they only surround you with their love and healing energies. Remember to send your love and compassion to the one who triggered the old reaction and stay in empowerment within your inner space.

Move forward when you are able and renew your intentions to be the beacon of light, love and healing to others and begin on your path again. One step at a time is the way to move through this journey into the higher dimensions. Your mind is the builder so do your best to infuse thoughts that focus on that which you desire to create and experience in your lives. It is perplexing to your family members to be witness to your fiery moments and so they try to avoid using the triggers that set you off. Your nervous system is bearing a great load of energy and doing whatever can help you relax during this process will help. Receiving these energies into your system is like having a higher voltage turned on and until your physical body has integrated and assimilated these, being as kind as possible to yourselves is advisable. Those around you who don’t understand now will do so in the future.

Spend time each day in quiet contemplation, silence and meditation. It helps to align you with your higher aspects and your higher vision of the life that you want for yourselves and all those you love, and indeed, for all upon the planet. Even ten minutes a day to align with intent can make a big difference. Talk to us, your guides, and give us an update on what you are going through and ask for assistance. We are with you always and desire to be of ever greater assistance. The times you are now experiencing and on into the future are setting the template for all others who follow so we are eager to support you in anyway we can.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for this information and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion – Hold the Vision High of the New Earth made Manifest – 10-19-14

Matt Muckleroy




October 19-26, 2014

Beloved Ones,

We call upon all lightworkers in the world to hold the vision high of the new Earth made manifest. We ask that you discipline yourselves to not be distracted or sidetracked from your purpose by the created illusions that beset the world during these times. You all have ability to discern what is real and true and to create what you desire to experience and this is where your attention should be focused. Peace is a reality if you can bring this into your own experience. From this, it flows outward into the world around you and has an exponential effect on everyone and everything. The new epoch is being created by your adherence to the highest ideals that you can envision and hold as your focus. The key here is to identify with your divine origins on a daily basis and act as the daughter/son of the Divine.

One does not have to be a magician, one has only to believe in their own goodness and integrity and uphold it. Leave others to choose their own way. It is by personal example that the wayshowers inspire and uplift their brethren. It becomes necessary to uphold the higher virtues and qualities of conduct now. Others around you will see, sense or feel these emanate from within you, they then have the human templates and examples of the divine human that they can become inspired by and emulate in their own lives. It is time to let your light shine, to let your goodness and purity of heart shine, to let your deep love of the Creator shine. Decree daily the light that you are and do not falter in this practice. It is necessary to add this field of protection around you as a shield or sphere of light.

Spend as much time as you can on activities of light in the form of mantras, prayers, invocations and decrees in order to constantly increase and maintain your higher vibration. Spend time in nature to connect and ground yourselves into the Earth and let the cosmic energy flow through you in balance and harmony. Keep the activities of your life as simple and uncomplicated as possible for this helps you to remember your reason for being here on Earth during these times. Daily communion with the Divine is essential. By this we mean that time spent in solitude and silence is very important to help with the integration of the higher energies and downloads that are now occurring. Do everything that you know that helps keep you in equilibrium and stability, so that you do not lose your way.

Focus on creating the feeling and state of joy, for this state is a higher vibration that one can easily create by focused intention. There are many experiences that each of you had in the past that can be tapped into in order to bring this state to you in your moment of now. Make a list each morning of all that you are grateful for and again before your bedtime. Do this daily, as this practice brings more than you can conceive to you. If you are experiencing challenges and difficulties, you must train yourselves to retain these practices of giving gratitude until they become second nature to you. As energy alchemists, you turn all that comes into your experience into a higher and lighter energy. You already do this each day and it only needs your conscious awareness of it in order to give it more power.

Again we remind you of the need for adequate hydration by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. The increased energy downloads may make you feel tired and depressed. You can assist your endocrine system with supplements such as the herb Maca, which is a natural way to regulate and support endocrine health, for it regulates metabolism, energy levels, and helps the glands to produce the vital hormones that create a sense of health and well-being. Eliminating processed foods and replacing with raw and unprocessed foods as much as possible can help, as well as learning relaxation and deep breathing techniques. Exercise for at least half an hour each day, even if you must break that time up into 10 minutes, three times per day. Moving your body parts are essential to keep the energy downloads moving through you. One hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two hours of sleep after midnight and your adrenal glands are rejuvenated by this practice. These are some of the ways to give practical assistance to your physical body during these times.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for reading it and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and both websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion Weekly Message – Humanity Now Awakening – Hearts are Opening – Great Desire to Live in Safe World – Souls Experience Wonders Around Them – Peace, Harmony and Prosperity – 10-5-14

HillarionBeloved Ones,

Love abounds and permeates everything. Tune into this warm and gentle but powerful energy and drink your fill each day. Experiment with different tools and techniques that will help you to do this. An easy way for most people to do this is to imagine a time or situation in the past where you experienced this feeling that brought a smile, joy and warmth to your heart and then try to bring that feeling into your heart in the present moment. By this practice you are drawing down the love of the Infinite and bringing it into your own auric field. It is important to keep bringing in these higher energies on a daily basis in order to bring in the new human template and anchor it firmly on Earth within your own bodies which then expands your own light which in turn expands the light of those around you. As the living conduits for the cosmic energies, you perform an invaluable service for the highest good for all when you do this.As Ambassadors of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to walk your talk, to BE that which you proclaim and intend in every thought, word and deed, to serve as living examples of the divine human here on Earth right here and right now. Perfection immediately is not an expectation, rather, the sincere intent and desire to be that which you in truth ARE, a radiant and powerful being of Light and a mighty force for good. You are each much too hard on yourselves in your expectations of achieving perfection or your perception of that which is perfection. We say that each of you must take time out to just BE and to enjoy the many precious moments of exquisite beauty and wonder that surround you within the elemental kingdom, the nature kingdom and the animal kingdom. These are the jewels that create an extraordinary life experience. It is the little things in life and your notice and observation of these that can help you to expand your own sense of self and the part that you play in the greater picture.

As each of you rides the waves of love that are currently inundating the planet, you help to magnify and expand this by first experiencing it within yourselves. In order to know your own divinity, you must have direct experience of it through the natural mirrors you have been provided and the world around you is filled and overflowing with the magnificence and divinity of all life which has been showing you your own magnificence. All that you have experienced in your life to this point has been enrichment and empowerment to give you the experiences that your soul needed, to enable you to open yourselves up to greater mastery in many different facets of your lives. You might say that each of you have become ‘well rounded souls’, able to understand others with love, empathy and compassion in a way that gives what is needed without depleting your own energies. As you tune into these current waves, you will find yourselves surpassing the former perceptions of limitations and life will be experienced in a more joyful and harmonious way.Humanity in vast numbers is now awakening. The hearts of all people throughout the world are opening in a great desire to live in a world that is safe, where souls can experience the wonders around them in peace, harmony and prosperity. Humanity as a whole is so very tired of the old paradigm of fear, war and strife and they want to move forward. This heartfelt desire within each person is creating a vibration of Oneness with all living things upon your planet. This is becoming more and more evident if you but look and observe. The animal and bird kingdom has been emulating this new way of being for quite some time. The ‘law of the jungle’ has changed to the law of love and Oneness.Each of you are deserving of all the good in the world. Open yourselves to receive from the universe that which you have sent out in this and other lifetimes. It is time to become filled with this love and this light that now permeates the atmosphere. Become like a sponge, soaking up the goodness. Shine, shine your goodness! It is now safe for you to do so. Release the shields around your heart space, take a deep breath and allow the expansion of your divine authentic self to begin.Until next week…

I AM Hilarion



Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff

©2009-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for this information and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and the Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Message From Hilarion – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff – Earth moves into Spherical Time Belt – Many Ancient Remembrances and Knowledge – Your Consciousness Seeded With Ideas to Help Humanity – 9-14-14





September 14-21, 2014

Beloved Ones,

It is time to divorce yourselves from the endless distractions that present themselves in relentless attempts to take you from your inner core of knowing. Look instead to the heavens and to the alignments that are taking place in the cosmos. This is, indeed, big news and important for you to take note of as you go about your daily activities and duties upon the planet. There is much that is now available to be discerned and re-discovered. As the Earth moves more into a spherical time belt, it brings into focus many ancient remembrances and knowledge. These are ready to be re-introduced into the evolving civilization that you are a part of. Get centered within and see if you are ready to bring them forth. The atmosphere of Earth has been seeded with new knowledge that is just waiting to be brought into focus by ones such as you, pulling knowledge from the past that only needs to be updated to be of great use in this time of now.

The world is ready to embrace more knowledge and new methods that are aligned with and in harmony with Source in a way that leaves no footprints upon your planet and harms no one and no thing upon it. It IS a potential that is now ready to be manifested into your new reality. We are calling forth those ones who volunteered to bring these forward in order to assist during these times. Deep within you, you have this knowing and this call from the higher dimensions will activate that knowing. We anticipate that many will answer this call and will put the betterment of their planet and its kingdoms as their main priority, instead of involving themselves in the endless quest for personal gain and power, for this former concept is now becoming a pile of ashes. You come from places in the universe where the highest and greatest good of all is foremost in the collective and cooperative consciousness and where all have everything they need as and when they need it. You carry the templates of these within yourselves and are now ready to anchor them into your current reality.

Some of you may be surprised by the knowledge that surges through you, for it will be in an area that was not looked at before with any great seriousness but if you examine your past, you will see that the potential was there, simmering in the background of your lives. Let it flow through you and trust the process, in whatever it comes through. Realize that each of you is here at this time to add your unique and valuable gifts to your emerging new society, in whatever form they take. It just requires your belief and confidence in yourselves. The abundance of the universe is flowing into each life and many doors are opening that hitherto were closed to them. In order to receive this abundance, you must open yourselves to receive it and this is done through daily stillness and inner silence. This abundance we speak of comes on wings of love in the form of creative ideas that must be acted upon, for action is necessary in order for the manifestation of any idea to come into fruition.

With this said, it is incumbent upon each of you to seriously keep a daily journal of all the ideas and thoughts that come to you during each day. Keeping careful track of the times and dates is important also which could be helpful to you at a later time. Your god sanctioned guides are working with you now to awaken those aspects of your authentic being by impressing words, thoughts and images into your mind. These are intended to help you and to give clues and hints to guide you on your path. Some of the promptings you receive may seem impossible to implement in your current situation but if you record these carefully in your daily journal, you will have a record that will remind you later when the time for these to manifest is upon you.

We, your guides, strive to work with you to further your spiritual progress and also are able help in whatever situations you are currently trying to cope with by helping you to see alternate solutions or by planting new ideas and perspectives into your consciousness so that you are enabled to make your life work. We cannot do your spiritual, mental, emotional or physical work for you, for that is solely your responsibility and is the domain of your own soul guidance, but we can and do very often, uplift and inspire and empower you to see your way through the challenges that befall you by being incarnate upon this planet. During your times of stillness and silence, talk to us and ask for our assistance with your daily life – for without your conscious request, we cannot be of assistance, for we must adhere to the universal law of non-interference with your god given free will choice. We are here and we are ready.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion – Call To Action – Send Light to Those Areas of the World which are Experiencing Upheaval and Destabilization – Marlene Swetlishoff – 8-5-14


Beloved Ones,

 It is important for each of you to maintain your centeredness and calmness each day. The energies as they move in waves upon the planet bring changes in every facet of human life. As the increased light flows outward, it ignites awakening in many other souls and as you know, awakening is quite often a painful process that requires the assimilation of many truths that were not recognized or even thought of before. You have already experienced this process and can relate to the profound effects that these revelations create within the newly awakened ones and their desire to facilitate powerful changes in their world. They are eager to make a difference and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is why your stabilizing energies are so needed during these times. Send light to those areas of the world which are experiencing upheaval and destabilization. Do this whenever you hear of it, just taking a moment to send light gives assistance in more ways than you know. All you need is intention and during this process, ask the Angels of light to go to these places and heal the area, the land, the animals, the elemental beings, and  send light to assist all the people who live there.

 You are the ones who are aware and must exercise your power by calling on the Angels for assistance and directing them to the areas where they are needed. Begin to observe the information communicated through the news media in a different way, not as passive observers but as enlightened beings who can take note of where the light is needed and direct it there immediately. Your input on a daily basis as you assign the Angels and helpers to chaotic areas of the world helps to stabilize those areas. It only requires that you focus and call upon the forces of light to direct them to those areas. Understand that each of you has an army of light at your command and you can make a difference by sending these forces into volatile areas of the world when they are needed. Your intention to affect the highest outcomes wherever your focus is directed will bring harmony and your attention to this focus with dedication each day will create the lasting peace you so desire to experience on your world. Send light to the natural kingdoms as they are an integral part of life upon this planet. Send light to everything upon your planet and do not forget to surround your loved ones, family members and pets with white light each and every day, surround your home, properties, vehicles, places of occupation, bank accounts and daily activities with the white light of protection each and every day.

You are the awakened ones and you are responsible for the area in your sphere on influence which can be many miles in diameter. Intend that this sphere of influence grows in radius each and every day so that a greater area is covered by your efforts. Intention is everything and you can do this! Be an open door for God’s light to be manifest in and through you. Maintain a vision of something better always, such as one great planet under God. Throughout this year stay in your spiritual consciousness and know that your spirituality is what defines you.  Do a weekly review to make improvements in your life so that your spiritual growth continues. Have you balanced all your karma, have you fulfilled all your soul contracts? Did you pass all your tests and initiations? Are your initiations completed? This lifetime is your last lifetime upon Earth because this opportunity to experience life in a physical body on a planet of duality will not happen again and it is incumbent upon YOU to ensure that you complete everything your soul plan intended to complete. In any sticky situation or issue that comes up, ask yourself, “What am I teaching myself here?” “What is the highest outcome that can manifest here in this situation and what can I do to make it happen?”

Go beyond your human ego promptings and look at your life from the higher perspective. Do you want to create divisions in relationships that could be healed by overlooking the perceived transgressions of others? Will you let ego pride take control and create separations? Know that love is the answer in every situation and use this power in every facet of your existence and relationships with others. The bottom line is how much do you love? Learn to love with the love of God who loves us all unconditionally with no judgement. Become the enlightened being that can rise above any situation and see a more loving perspective. Surrender and release all that no longer serves the path that you have chosen to walk. Resistance to the enlightened being that you really are is futile. Look for the good in all things. Fill your heart with the flame of love and let that flame grow and expand out into the world around you. BE the change!

The game has changed, Dear Ones. No longer can you sit on the fence reluctant to make a clear choice. The time is NOW to move into the light of higher consciousness with constancy in your heart. It must be done in every cell of your being. You are worthy of great things,  know that every thing will work out and things will get better. You are blessed in more ways than you can imagine. The Universe supports you, all of life supports you and this is becoming more evident with each passing hour. You are a child of the Divine and your magnificent future awaits your attention and your intention. BE HERE NOW!

 I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Message from Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – The Pressure Within Increases as the Energy Intensifies from the Cosmos – 7-27-14

Beloved Ones,

The pressure within increases as the energy intensifies from the cosmos. The activity of purification is intensifying in all quarters of life. There is no escape for anyone or anything upon the earth plane. All are as one in the eye of the cosmic storm that is passing through. The energy sensitive among you will find yourselves moving into the next step of your journey in wonderful and unexpected ways. With a suddenness that is startling, you will find yourselves in a blessed space as you find the longed for peace within. As this alignment and recalibration takes place yet again, you enter a new phase of healing within your human operating system. The healing will become noticeable in your daily life as you go about your duties. There will be more energy flowing through you and you will have the energy to create all that you desire in your lives. Your ability to remain focused upon your goals will see a marked improvement.

There will continue to be a choosing of the crossroads for each and every soul upon the planet and it can be difficult for many as the rifts within families and friendships continues to occur. Many times, these rifts are temporary as those who are confused about what is occurring or totally unaware of it move away in rejection of the awakened ones. Hold your ground and remain centered in your own truth. Each person on Earth is responsible for their own choices and decisions at all times and must accept the consequences that come about as a result. Those who hurt or harm others will find that energy coming back to them in numerous ways that will keep them having to look within themselves in a clear and honest manner until they understand that the energy they give out into the universe comes back to them in equal measure, no matter if it is positive or negative.

In times past this energy took some time, sometimes years, to manifest within a person’s life but what will now start to occur with more rapidity is the manifestation of focused thought so it is wise to become disciplined in your thought processes so that only good will come to you. When you notice recurring thoughts that make you feel unhappy and sad, let them fall away and immediately replace them with empowering thoughts or ideas. As you practice this regularly, life will take on an added lustre as you begin to see life through the lens of joy, beauty and contentment. People everywhere will start to do things for others just for the pleasure of bringing joy to others. There will be spontaneous and random acts of kindness that will blossom all over the planet. The spirit, energy and force of love will uplift the hearts and minds of many people as they feel into these waves of love coming into the atmosphere, into and from the very Earth itself.

The now floundering and chaotic shadow energy will become balanced both within each person and within the outer world in daily life. Each person will see in their mind’s eye, the outcomes of each energy input they choose to make and will be able to instantly correct any action, thought or behaviour that could bring them an unhappy experience. As this continues, the mastery of self on all levels of being takes place and opens the way for the further downloading of one’s higher essence into the physical human operating system. More enlightened beings walking upon the planet bring a more enlightened society and civilization. This is already taking place and will only grow stronger as each person brings in their higher essence, the higher aspects of their soul.

Love is the greatest force in the universe and this force will have its effect within and upon the planet. The unseen will become visible and will open up a new vista of experience and sensory delight to all who have attained this level of frequency. As more people attain this level, it paves the way and makes it easier for others to rise to greater levels of consciousness and understanding. The golden age of Terra will rise in glory and majesty remembered and lived.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Message From Hilarion – Divine Feminine Loving Energies Intensify World-Wide – Shadow Activity Can No Longer Hide – Weakened Magnetic Field Requires Lots Of Deep Breathing For Energy and Fuel – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff – 7-20-14

July 20-27, 2014

Beloved Ones,

The people of the world are uniting in greater and greater numbers to stand in the streets to let the leaders of the world know that they are no longer willing to be silent witnesses as they watch senseless destruction of the world’s people and their homelands be destroyed. As the powers that be lash out to create fear in the people in order to keep them under control, awakened humanity across the planet are rising up in swelling numbers to create change across the planet. The mainstream news continues to suppress the reporting of the momentous movement of people’s protests in major cities of the world and this has become glaringly clear to the majority of the world’s population. The lies, deceptions and cover ups from those in power are becoming more obvious in every moment.

As the loving energies of the divine feminine flowing onto the planet deepens in intensity, that which is not in alignment with love will stand out in glaring contrast. There really is no place to hide shadow activity any longer. When each person’s heart is filled with love, they have the ability to sense and feel deception in another. This is what is occurring now throughout the planet. People are seeing behind the masks into the real motivations of their leaders and what is really happening, and they are demanding the truth. Great subterfuge is afoot in these ones on an unimaginable scale. These activities demand the awakening ones to stand in and speak their truth, for they know at a very deep level that the time of choice to remain asleep is over.

The sun’s rays are now stronger than before and it behooves each individual to protect their body by limiting exposure during the intense times of the day and to wear protective sun glasses at all times when outdoors in the daytime. It is better to go out in the early morning to acclimate one’s body to the changing weather patterns. The earth’s magnetic field is more depleted and it requires the human body to take in greater amounts of air in order to fuel their energy levels. Deep breathing exercise each day is very helpful during these times as it is the magnetic field that radiates energy to all parts of the body through the nerves and nerve relay centers and their branches. It is important to increase the strength of one’s magnetic field to bring one’s body and mind to the highest level of health and vitality.

We ask the awakened ones to continue to stay calm and hold the light during these turbulent times. Your light is much needed now. Look for and recognize the positive traits in others around you and empower these individuals in any way you are guided. Give support to those who risk their well being by speaking their truth and standing in their light. Spread the message of the new earth reality to all who are ready to receive. It is in these times as you stand in the eye of the storm that you can direct uplifting, loving and compassionate energy and thoughts to your brothers and sisters as they come to terms with the revelations of the awakening process.

For each soul who is experiencing physical expression, it is the action of struggle and effort which reveals to each their own unique gifts and qualities of spirit. When they cease to resist the inflow of opposing energies which bring greater light into their being, the journey of discovery becomes a journey into realities that were not available for exploration before. It is important to keep the faith and keep the forward momentum flowing and to remember that the entire universe is supporting each one during these times. The repertoire of higher dimensional beings that stand with each awakened human is greater than ever before. Accept the love and guidance that they bring to stay in balance and equilibrium. No one during these times walks their path alone.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff – Serendipity – 7-20-14

archangel GabrielArchangel Gabriel: Serendipity, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, July 15, 2014, | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as serendipity.

This quality is available to be utilized in every person’s life. The universe works constantly to bring every individual whatever they have been seeking or asking for, be it answers to one of life’s most burning questions, or the desire to meet or connect with someone, or information that they are needing for a project.

There are many other instances of answers that are sought, and these vary as much as the individuals who seek them. As these individuals ponder their need, the universe conspires to bring them what they desire and through messages, signs, lucky coincidences and a series of synchronicities, the answers arrive serendipitously to the recipients when they were not even consciously expecting them.

Sometimes when an individual is looking for something in their life, something unexpected and beneficial shows up that was due to an entirely wrong turn on their path of life, and which hindsight reveals was a fortunate choice.

This meaningful event is serendipity in action, and in all likelihood the individual would not have found this direction had they not taken the wrong turn, and thereby gained something entirely different from what they had been striving for.

By trusting that their unexpected good would prevail, they were in the flow of the universe, and knew that something good would come of it, and even better than they could have dreamt.

Whenever individuals set an intention with conviction and passion, and feed it with energy and fervor, the Universe gives them clues to what they need through signs, such as synchronistic events, so they can fulfill their intention.

As they begin to watch life through a different perspective, they begin to approach new experiences with wonder, and they become attuned to the subtle influences of the universe playing out in a cosmic dance with them.

The synchronistic happenings provide meaningful information, and they realize that it is their intention that brings their events to life, it is their intention that creates the things they need, and it is serendipity which brings it to them.

Their intention can create the fabric of their life, and is the mechanism through which spirit manifests into material reality. It brings to them lucky encounters and fortunate circumstances in the form of people, places, and events in happy accidents that happen by chance.

Serendipity is the ability to tap into, and align with, the magic of the universe, and to recognize that there is a higher power at work in people’s lives. It brings to them the important events of their destiny.

Serendipity is the force, power, or energy which connects the dots in their lives, weaving the golden threads in the beautiful tapestry that is their individual life. It ensures that they are always in the right place at the right time, doing exactly the right thing.

The universe is perfectly balanced by natural and spiritual laws which maintain order, and these individuals learn to depend on these laws, and live in alignment with this order to be “in the flow”, for they know or sense that what they sow in consciousness, they reap, and so things flow smoothly into their lives.

The guidance that comes fills their hearts and minds with a sense of rightness, motivates them, and leaves them in better spirits than before. Gratitude and patience are two of the keys to living synchronized and serendipity filled lives.

Each individual’s thoughts, the attitudes they assume, and the way they look at things, determines the spin and velocity of their individual wheel of life. These individuals determine where life is taking them, because they remember the bigger picture; that they are spiritual beings having a human experience, and they accept their role in it. They get synchronized with life’s rhythm by becoming aware of their own personal cycles and get in tune with them.

Like many of the finest things of life, like happiness, tranquility and fame, the gain that is most precious is not the thing sought, but one that comes of itself in the search for something else.

Serendipitous and synchronistic events are increased in peoples lives when they live their life with great expectations, holding elevated, loving, and higher thoughts of what they want, and staying conscious of all that is going on around and within them; observing messages or intuitions from their soul guidance.

They follow their heart, knowing that the Creator uses everything and everyone to communicate with them, and that they will know when serendipity happens because the truth of it will resonate in their heart and in every cell of their body.

By trusting their inner guidance, they live their lives insightfully, philosophically, and filled with love and passion; knowing that they will live their lives filled with serendipitous events. They will constantly experience synchronicities which bring many blessings to them.

I leave now in joyous anticipation of the flow of serendipity in the lives of all of humanity.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – Message from One Year Ago – 7-7-14

hilarion2Hilarion: Message from One Year Ago, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, July 7-14, 2013,

Beloved Ones,

As the completion of many issues comes to a close in your personal lives, know that there is a turning point approaching that will see you finally free of the heavier densities that you have been grappling with.

This was because many of you have chosen to take on and experience these lower vibrations as a way to facilitate a speedier cleansing of the collective field of humanity which surrounds the Earth.

The field has been cleansed for the most part, and this now makes it easier for awakening souls to deal with their personal issues, which are beginning to surface as the energies increase and intensify. That which you have completed is now being experienced by the general populace, but without the accumulated density from generations past to encumber them.

It is important for each of you to maintain your high connection with your higher self and your spiritual guidance at all times, and to avoid being drawn in to the personal and collective dramas that are occurring.

Your task is to remain centered upon creating and holding the vision of a new reality of a better life for all. Know that this can be a tricky process as those you love and care about will be going through their own growth process of awakening awareness, and this can affect your own equilibrium and balance in your desire to help them. Empower them as best you can while knowing that only they can go through whatever it is they are going through. No one else can walk their chosen path for them.

You it is, who are the light of the world during these times, so it is important that you continue to nurture and care for yourselves. As the downloads of energy activation continue, rest as much as you can, to assimilate and absorb these with greater ease and grace, and always maintain your daily disciplines to keep your personal energy field strong and healthy.

Picture and know yourself as a being of light, a rainbow bridge between heaven and earth, a conduit of love that is bringing in and anchoring heaven on Earth. Honor yourself for playing this role and hold steady. Your way is now becoming easier, as humanity as a whole is willing to take greater responsibility for all that occurs in the world around them.

The signs are everywhere that change is the impetus of these times, and this requires changes within society. All that was accepted as the norm can no longer be relied upon as a given, for all is now in a state of flux, and humanity must become adaptable and changeable as well.

They must dig deep within to find their own connection to Source and as the changes occur, this will be accomplished. They will realize that the acquisition of the things of this world was not the primary purpose for their being upon this planet, that these things can quickly disappear in a way that is out of their control, and that what is really important is the connection they have with each other.

Continue to stand firmly in your light, while being grounded into your planet as you pioneer the way forward. It is only upon your own connection to Source that you can count on.

Become the observer of all that comes into your own field of possibilities so that you can maneuver your way into the unknown. Know thyself, for this is the key to everything. You and you alone, hold the key to the kingdom within you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


Message From Hilarion – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff – Ascension Update – The Purification Continues – 6-29-14


June 29-July 6, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Although most of you have done the work of spiritually aligning yourselves to the higher dimensional perspective, there is still much that is coming up from your cellular memories to be acknowledged and released. It is a matter of understanding what is occurring as that helps to more quickly allow all that surfaces to be released without becoming engaged yet again in the emotional and mental turbulence. It is like wringing out a sponge that still has a bit of moisture left in it so that it needs a few final squeezes. By now you all have an arsenal of tools and techniques that you have accumulated to help you move through with relative grace and ease. You have what it takes to get through this. If you feel you need further help, then it is necessary to find a practitioner who can give you the assistance you require. There are many people well qualified to help you through this. Ask your spiritual guides to lead you to the ones who are right for your particular circumstance.

The outer world you live on is changing rapidly although your news media would have you believe otherwise. The power struggles between leaders in many countries of the world is a sign that the system and structures that have been in place for a very long time are now in need of radical change. Many foresee that it requires a new way of looking at things and new ways of accomplishing what needs to be changed but there are still those who stubbornly hold on to the power structures that have been established. The people of the world are no longer in ignorance of the widespread misuse of power in those who lead them and have begun to put their leaders under a microscope. The writing is on the wall for these ones, adapt and change what does not work or step aside. The rumblings are becoming louder in their spheres of influence.

As with all change, it comes about through friction and resistance. What humanity needs to realize is that they must work together to address the many challenges the world they live on is presenting. It requires the input of all good and sincere people. There are those who work with the grids of the Earth, there are those who have ability to bring healing and stability to various areas of the planet, there are those in the scientific community who are working on solutions to the many challenges that are required to be met. There are those in the economic sector who are endeavouring to create a more equitable economic system for all. There are those in the medical professions who need to truly meet the needs of their people instead of feeding the structures of the pharmaceutical companies. They need to allow their people to choose alternate and more natural options for their health issues. In every sector of society, there is a need to let go of self interest and start working for the highest good of all.

As these structures are realigned to a higher principle and concept of working for the highest good of all upon the planet, the beneficial outcomes for all citizens of the world will create a more stable and peaceful environment. When the basic needs of all of Earth’s citizens are met and the way forward is established through transparent communication and sincere and honest cooperation between all peoples and structures of the world, then life as they have known it will truly change for the better. The element of fear and suspicion in all human hearts will be eradicated and a more joyous and harmonious interaction between all peoples of the world will bring about tremendous and positive transformations.

It behooves ones such as the lightworkers and others of good heart and intent who are not familiar with this term of reference, to continue to visualize, intend and give strength and power to that which you earnestly want and desire to see manifest upon your planet. This is the focus that is asked of those who are aware and awake to the incredible opportunity that is before all of humanity in this moment of now. As the people of the world let go of all self centered desires from within themselves and see the entirety of the world at large as part of themselves, it allows the higher aspects of their divinity to come shining through. When humanity feels the call to be of greater service to each other, this will open up a grander experience of universal proportions.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – Intend That the Changes Must Be For the Good of All – 6-24-14

hilarion2Hilarion, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 22-29, 2014, | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Beloved Ones,

There has been a great influx of the energy of love and compassion which has been directed from the hearts of many light-workers around the world as they joined together in unity to bring about beneficent changes in the monetary systems of the Earth and within the hearts of humanity. And this energy has been magnified by the ascended realms as requested by many.

As mentioned before, the changes occurring on Earth are wrought in peaceful ways that carry the higher vibrational impact in a vision which include the intent that the changes must be for the highest good of all.

The impetus of this activity will now filter down to effect changes within the hearts of those who have long controlled the world’s systems in a self-serving way. When many are gathered together with focused intent for the highest good of all, there is nothing that can long delay the desired outcome.

The creation of a new world is being intended by those who carry the spark of the Creator strongly within their hearts. These ones are remembering that this is a part of the mission they came to implement in voluntary service to the Divine Plan. They are realizing that change begins with their input, and that they must take peaceful and loving action personally in order to bring these changes into manifestation.

They understand that appearances as they play out are not what really is, and they maintain their higher vision. The qualities of faith, hope and determination can move mountains, and this will become more noticeable as the events envisioned come into manifestation in the every day life of humanity. We of the ascended realms bow to all who work together in unity in these ways and encourage more efforts such as these to take place with regularity.

The Goddess energy is permeating the atmosphere of Earth and all her inhabitants, and this will affect humanity in surprising ways that will uplift the hearts of the majority of people on the planet. As greater balance of the divine feminine and masculine energies takes place within each soul, there will be balance in their outer world as well.

The intent and desire to live in a peaceful and prosperous world will come into fruition for humanity. This vision is required to be maintained and affirmed each day by all who understand the power that they wield by such activity. Let them also understand that they do not stand alone in this effort; that many unseen forces are assisting and encouraging this work to continue.

It is the inner thought processes of humanity that meld together to create their reality, and when more people realize this, the changes to their world will be phenomenal. It is most important to join minds to recreate a new type of civilization that will serve all upon the planet.

As more people become governed by spirit, they begin to release and let go of all that has been holding them back from pursuing their dreams with passion. Their desires will be in alignment with their soul’s natural inclinations, and they will begin to move into their best role in the new world that is being created.

Each person will live each day by following their natural passions and that which brings them joy, and this will help in creating a synchronistic and harmonious lifestyle for each. There are as many paths to the new world as there are souls upon it, and all are needed in their communities as these come into manifestation. They must be open to sharing with others and helping each other share their particular gifts, as each is needed to contribute in the best way for all.

As people in the new world are unfolding their inner capabilities, they are beginning to have a greater ability to discern the intentions of others, and are able to more easily deflect these frequencies and energies from interfering with the direction they have set for themselves and their world.

Keeping focus on their higher aspirations will ensure that only those who are in tune with their intentions can influence them, and many there are who are awakening to the knowledge that they do not need governance by any external force as long as they follow their own soul’s path.

Each person is being guided to the highest contribution they can give to the collective of humanity to create a new and rewarding life for all humankind. The possibility of creating something beyond what has been dreamed of is now upon the people of Earth. It is a most exciting time to be a part of and here you are, poised for take-off!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. http://www.therainbowscribe.com Thank you for including the above website links when posting this message.


Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – People become Governed by Spirit – 6-22-14

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Swetlishoff – Let us have Discourse on the Quality of Love known as Grace – 6-20-14



Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as grace. This quality is present in an individual who realizes that their life here on Earth is a gift, and they seek to live in harmony with the supreme power that creates everything in the universe which brings spiritual, emotional and mental freedom and profound feelings of happiness. They realize that the universe contains infinite blessings which support them with abundant life, joy and prosperity. There is a recognition that there is always a flow of good into their lives, even though they feel that they have not done anything to deserve it.  When a person lives in alignment with reality rather than struggling with illusions, they are living in a state of grace and their expanded awareness inevitably leads to intense gratitude and actions motivated by compassion towards others. Grace frees an individual from the impulse to act on feelings that serve anything less that the highest good.

Giving service to others is a natural expression of grace, and its associated feelings of kindness, love, compassion, radiance, joy and serenity. Grace gives from a sense of abundance. When one is in the state of grace, service to others never feels obligatory or has any trace of resentment in its expression. By maintaining balance and equilibrium in the face of challenges and obstacles upon their path through life, a person lives in a state of grace.  Grace is a process of enlightenment and gives one the ability to discern priorities from the countless distractions that clamour for one’s attention. In the grace of unity with the ultimate source, one is able to let love flow through them, allowing for a deeper intimacy with others. Grace allows one to see their connections to those beyond their biological family so that even as they see flaws, one can also see their divinity.

Grace is the warmth in one’s heart that gives the courage to carry the knowledge that love will prevail in the face of seemingly impossible predicaments. It is having so much love in one’s heart that giving up is not an option. This expanded awareness leads to intense gratitude and actions that are motivated by compassion and the realization that the power that creates the universe, (Creator, Source, God) supports the individual and that if they align with these forces, they can co-create a life of abundance and joy by effortlessly surrendering to living in harmony with reality. When one has developed the ability to thrive with grace under challenging conditions, one develops faith that one can attain grace at any time, knowing this individual is certain that their thoughts, feelings and actions will always be in harmony within them, no matter the uncertainty about the outcome of a situation.

Grace is feeling gratitude for all that is. It is feeling gratitude for one’s blessings, despite the circumstances. It is the individual’s realization that trillions of cells in one’s body all coordinate to give them life and they become aware of all the events, synchronicities, and coincidences that must happen to support them in their life. Grace is a state of mind in an individual in which they freely acknowledge the adversities in their experiences and which they transcend by rising above them. As an individual moves in unison with all beings, all things and all events, it leads to a deep sense of belonging and connection, which is a state of divine love. A person living in grace realizes the interdependence of all existence and depends upon no one person or thing. The individual experiences the realization that self and the other ultimately arose from the same place and are thereby not separate, but are connected as part of the whole. Grace is when one is at peace with themselves, their communities and the world. The state of mind in grace is pleasing to the Creator and such ineffable power enables one to maintain this state.

Grace is the sense one feels that the forces in the universe are conspiring on one’s behalf as they realize that they are being supported by something beyond their own individual power. Grace is all around each person like the energy of the universe. As a spiritual strength, grace allows a person to realize their convictions, to do the right thing even when it is difficult to do so, and it is cultivated by exercising right actions each day, nourishing one’s spirit, and taking breaks from the challenges of life in order to replenish one’s vitality and life force. All living things wish to survive and thrive. When humanity experiences grace, they know they are thriving in harmony with themselves, with all others and with the universe. Grace is a benevolent transformation into greater wisdom, compassion and joy as a result of communion and connection with the Source of the universe. All people, regardless of religion, personal history or ability have access to grace.

I leave you now with the thought that your hearts and minds be opened and filled with grace from above in the realization that everything is working for you and that the entire universe is conspiring on your behalf.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – Hold Your Light Steady – Crystal kingdom being Reprogrammed to Higher Frequencies – 6-9-14

hilarion2Hilarion, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 9-16, 2014, at

Beloved Ones,

The energetic downloads are intense and powerful, and will lead those who are attuned further into their missions and destiny. Many there are who are finding the transformation process a difficult one, and it is helpful to allow for times of rest and nurturance when feeling overwhelmed.

The Earth continues to move into a less dense level, and this will have a profound effect on all her inhabitants. There will be less stress within the human system and more increased feelings of contentment, joy, and peace. As you hold your light steady you are assisting the greater field to align to the light pouring from the celestial realms.

Rest easy within your hearts, knowing that however difficult these times feel to you in the present moment, you will emerge victorious. The more of the incoming light that you can assimilate and absorb, the easier it will be for you.

The crystal kingdom is being reprogrammed to the higher frequencies, and this will also have a catalytic impact upon the whole of the Earth and all upon her. Daily attunement to the crystalline grid is essential in order to be receiving the codes that are available to be activated with the DNA/RNA of the human body system.

Life is unfolding into a higher level of consciousness and humanity is being supported by the universe in unseen ways. Affirming daily your intent to be aligned to, and connected with, your divine essence will facilitate the process. The I AM Presence of every human upon the planet is endeavouring to bring in the greater light within each soul.

These are the days that require a steadfast vision that will raise the frequency field to a new level, and your powerful intent and visualization can accomplish miracles. Believe in your power to create change in a non-violent and loving way and maintain this vision in your daily existence.

You may be feeling the effects of the old systems as they begin to reset and start anew, many of which are bringing vast improvements for all upon the planet. Your patience is required as you meet with pockets of resistance from the old paradigm thinkers and doers. By remaining attuned to the greater light, this will feel easier than before.

The Goddess energy is growing in power and might and a balance between the masculine and feminine within is required to maintain one’s graceful transition into greater light.

Have faith in the process you are going through, and trust that you are being assisted in all that you are experiencing. This will be evident by the synchronistic and affirming validations that take place in your personal process.

Listen to the whispers of the angels and watch for signs of the hidden realms, for it is now becoming easier to discern. Interact with delight in the beings that surround you. Observe life opening to new perspectives and a closer connection with All That Is. Find the wonder and magic in nature, and know that you are an integral part of all that is unfolding.

Work your magic, Dear Ones, and continue to bless everyone and everything that crosses your path. Along with the seeming chaos of the crumbling paradigm that is now taking place, there is much to be grateful for. Focus on this, for it is gratitude that will bring more of what you are grateful for into your daily life. You can and you are, doing it!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tarn-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – Daily Attunement to the Crystalline Grids – Ascension Update – 6-9-14

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Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – What Seemed so Difficult and Unreachable Before – Will Now Come into Manifestation – 6-2-14

hilarion2Hilarion: What Seemed so Difficult and Unreachable
Before Will Now Come into Manifestation, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, June 1, 2014 at

Beloved Ones,

You have been passing through many portals through the last few months and now comes the process of assimilation of the energies and the shifting into a new perspective on your personal and collective journey. Many of you are arriving and perceiving, however dimly at first, the underlying potential that lies like magical seeds within the garden of your life. You are realizing that it is YOU who does the creating of the direction your life should go and it all involves the constant use of your focus and your thoughts.

It is important to remember that your thoughts are now in position to be more potent and more powerful than ever before, for the energies you have passed through have cleared many obstacles that were standing in your way forward. If you have been working on being attuned to these new energies, the way forward will fall into place in magical and wondrous ways. What seemed so difficult and unreachable before will now come into manifestation without too much focus from you.

With these potentials comes a warning to be responsible in your every thought, word and deed, for your power to create has been greatly magnified. Use self discipline and discerning awareness of the thoughts you are holding in each moment. As they come up, along with the associated feelings with them, learn to change all those thoughts and feelings that are from the old paradigm that were keeping you small in your perceptions of your own abilities and how you might use them.

Realize that you are no longer in that place and space and that now, you can be all that you have desired to be and that you can have all the good in your daily life that you have desired and deserved. You have done the work and now you are preparing to create the beauty of your new life. Celebrate each moment by rewarding yourself often. Surround yourself with the beauty of nature as often as you are able, for in this lies the power to regenerate and rejuvenate your human operating systems in a safe and conducive way.

Be kind to yourselves in the thoughts and feelings that you hold within yourself and immediately change any thoughts that are disempowering into ones that empower and uplift you. This may be challenging at first because you are still going against the mainstream of old and diminishing energies, but with constant repetition and use of this method, you will gain immeasurably in your own self esteem and confidence.

Picture yourselves in the positions of teachers, healers and masters, helping others to learn to balance and bring their own energy systems into equilibrium. See yourselves giving encouragement and upliftment to those around you and practicing random acts of kindness in which you expect nothing in return, only the joy and pleasure of giving to others in a way that uplifts you. This is good practice and a good way to begin to be of service to others without any need for recognition for your efforts.

As the Divine Feminine energy flows into the atmosphere of Earth, people will feel more connected to each other, and will be more willing to risk the opening of their hearts as they let down their shields of protective patterns of thought and behaviour which no longer serve the magnificent future that lies tangibly before them. Many on the Earth at this time are suffering greatly within themselves, for as they become awakened they are realizing that they could have done many things differently in situations that needed their attention.

It is important for these ones to realize that they did not have the same perspective at the time of these events that they now hold and to allow themselves forgiveness of their perceived shortcomings during those times. This also indicates that you have come a long way! Celebrate this accomplishment and reward yourself in a way that is meaningful for you.

Life on this planet is a journey of self discovery and just as one must hold the helm on a sailboat to keep it safely afloat, one must learn and adjust to the current that tosses them about as they sail on their journey through life. All of life is about the experience of it and this is how one matures and progresses. There are no judgements from the divine realms, only learning and growth within each individual.

Each of you has chosen your soul path in order to gain more awareness and power of the divine attributes of your divine essence and you are directly experiencing that path in your moment of now. In other words, you are fully participating on your chosen journey of life, with all its seeming ups and downs. This is the way that you as soul have chosen to bring into your earthly life all the people, situations and conditions that lie before you in your current moment.

Your attitude can make it a pleasant and empowering experience or one that you resist which brings with it, the corresponding feelings of not being supported by the universe. Your power of choice in the attitude you take can help you make a leap forward to a new and happier way of life. When one chooses the path of least resistance, life begins to unfold in a kaleidoscope of enriching and loving experiences. It is all up to you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Archangel Gabriel – About Responsibility – via Marlene Swetlishoff – 5- 22-14



Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as responsibility. This quality entails the acceptance that one is governed by this quality in all things. For each person must be completely honest within their own choices, decisions and deeds in order that their soul’s purpose for experiencing this world is fulfilled in all its many facets. Each soul desires to bring a greater expansion and a reminder to their physical expression here on Earth of the magnificence of their real essence, their divine essence. Holding this vision before them, the individual living their daily life upon this planet understands that no one else can do the work that is required to attain the highest expression of their true selves and that it is their recognition of this quality of love known as responsibility that will assist them to align with that higher aspect within themselves. They understand the solemn duty they have to honour their highest integrity in all interactions with others, for to do so enables the greater light within them to radiate more fully at all times.


When each soul in their physical expression uses this quality of love, they become more impeccable in all activities in their daily life. Upon the commitment of each individual to live their highest purpose rests this responsibility, this quality of love. It means that they must follow through on all their goals, desires and dreams for a better world, a better way. Taking responsibility for one’s own actions, words and deeds is a loving acknowledgment to one’s divine presence that one is sincere in their desire to walk a higher path back to unity with their enlightened aspects. When an individual answers this call, they become more attuned to their higher aspect and it soon becomes clear to them that they are walking their true path and that they are on the right track. When one always automatically attunes to their higher aspects in all things, the elements of doubt, fear and confusion fade away from their consciousness and the individual is confident and sure that they are following the right course of action.

When an individual always does what they feel is right and listens to the still small voice within their heart, they honour the guidance they are receiving from the higher levels of consciousness. This helps to keep life simple and easy to live each day. Any distractions from this path are recognized as such and the state of joy becomes a constant companion. By automatically eliminating the expectations and demands of others from one’s energy field, one remains true to one’s purpose here on Earth. Many times, people become confused when they want to please others within their sphere of influence and stray from the honouring of their own path. It requires self responsibility to adhere to one’s chosen way of life, for first and foremost it is responsibility to self that counts the most. When each individual is accountable to their higher vision for themselves and acts accordingly, they are empowered on every level of their being and it is not easy to move this person away from their center. Thus, such a person is not easily manipulated or dissuaded from staying true to their own unique abilities and purpose, their own divine plan for their life here on Earth.

In their interpersonal relationships with others, it is important that each individual accepts responsibility, this quality of love ensures that all commitments and promises are kept to the individuals they are interacting with. By honouring this quality in their relationships, other qualities of love such as trust and consideration come into play. When an individual is honest, sincere and responsible in all ways, the others in their life feel valued and appreciated knowing that here is one that will never let them down or disappoint them. This creates an environment of cooperation, respect and stability in their lives and all individuals are willing to take responsibility for the continuation of these qualities to be present each and every day. When each one assumes responsibility that all qualities of love are present in their lives, peace, harmony and happiness are the result. When all individuals experience the benefits of adhering to this quality of love known as responsibility, it becomes a joy to be in relationship with others.

When individuals honour their commitments to the outer aspects of life in a community setting, and take responsibility to be involved in certain ways, it creates a better community that all can enjoy. Using this quality of love in this setting takes each individual out of the realm of self interest and into the arena of highest good for all. If all involved take responsibility for working together in a cooperative fashion, there can be no limits on the works that can be accomplished. There is a flow of harmony that enables each individual to work tirelessly until the project is successfully accomplished and paves the way for other projects to be created in the future. It is on this quality of love that all other qualities can be manifested. It is a most important facet of love to be expressed in all individuals on the planet.

I leave you now to ponder on this quality within you.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Hilarion – via Marlene Swetlishoff – New Ways Of Living – April 27 – May 4, 2014


April 27-May 4, 2014

Beloved Ones,

The people of the Earth are all in the process of transformation on every level. Human life as they have known it is changing and from those changes comes ways of living that will be far better for everyone. It is not an easy time during this process and so there is a need for faith in the vision of a better world for all. Certainly the outer world does not reflect the higher vision during these times as it goes through the changes but it is already a template on the higher planes of life. This is where all changes begin and then work their way into the physical. Humanity as a whole has chosen the changes that are occurring and some changes happen suddenly and others will take a longer period of time. Patience is needed for those of you who have been doing the work for many years.

For those who are in the process of interfacing with their higher aspects, the task is to become their higher aspects. All that is not of the highest expression within each individual is now making its way to the surface to be acknowledged, learned from, blessed and released. As one is freed of long hidden aspects of oneself that lived in one’s very cells, it is important to practice forgiveness of self and all others with whom you have had interactions in the totality of your life during this lifetime and any others whose memory may surface during this process. After sincere forgiveness comes a replenishment of more light into one’s cells, and to maintain this light one then becomes a person who constantly blesses all people and all situations that may arise. It is in this practice that greater connection with one’s higher aspects takes place.

On the road to mastery, one learns to practice being the Creators ambassadors in every thought, action and deed. One becomes unconditionally loving of all life around them. There is no longer any room for the secret thoughts and judgements within each person’s mind as they interact with others. One must become an open book, honest and transparent in all interactions with others. This is, during these times, a difficult challenge for each one of you who are on the path so it requires wisdom and discernment in your dealings with others. Release all that you can and let discernment be your guide during times that bring tests. Let love and blessing be your constant refrain within your thought processes. This is how we who ascended became free of the lower influences that surrounded us.

We also lived our daily lives away from others so that we could become the masters of ourselves. Those who are reading this do not have this option. Most of you have already gained this mastery in other places and lifetimes so you have the capacity within you to walk the ways of this world and not be of it, however, it requires constant vigilance and discipline. Do not give up on this process because those around you choose to act in ways that are not expressions of the divine. Bless, bless, bless everything and everyone around you in your thoughts. This is your work in the now moments and you can do it, you have the capacity to do this.

Continue to find time to do nice things for yourselves, listen to uplifting music, treat yourself to a lovely dessert from time to time, take long walks in nature, celebrate every little victory you have made as you take the next steps on your journey. There is much beauty around you and by tuning into this beauty and feeling the sublime joy, appreciation and gratitude within your hearts and minds for these moments, you help to anchor those feelings on your planet. Such is the nature of your work , wonderful, isn’t it?

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion – via Marlene Swetlishoff – Anchoring Heaven on Earth – 4-20-14

UnknownBeloved Ones,

Many downloads of energy and recalibrations are occurring within you during these times. This can create discomfort within your physical bodies in many ways such as soreness and stiffness of the joints, ringing in the ears, pain and tenderness in various points of the spine, feelings of irritability, fleeting moments of dizziness, strong energy flows through the bottoms of the feet, and the list goes on, depending upon each person and the stage of expansion they are currently experiencing. The transformation of your physical, mental and emotional bodies continues in an accelerated manner. Those who are at the forefront of these changes are more sensitive to their effects upon the human operating system and they sometimes feel that there will never be an end to the feelings of stress, tension, anxiety, nervousness and discomfort in their solar plexus area. These are symptoms of your psychic senses opening more fully and being turned on.

Become more observant in your everyday life and look for subtle clues  which herald the opening of your expanded senses and perceptions. Each of you has a different way of using your expanded perceptions and abilities and finding out what particular gifts are the strongest and the most natural way for you is most important. As the greater energies continue to permeate your atmosphere, the abilities within each person upon the planet will continue to unfold in wonderful and magical ways. There will be the interim discomforts that must be patiently endured during this process and there is no way around them except to go through them. There are so many of you who have the ability to match the frequencies as they come into the atmosphere and this is a great help to you, as you are able to more easily integrate and assimilate these energies and to also act as conduits for these energies to flow into the crystalline diamond core of the Earth.

As you do this, you are anchoring Heaven on Earth and holding this thought will help you to persist in your efforts. It is important to spend at least twenty minutes each day in your individual spiritual practices in whatever way works best for you so that you can align yourself with your divine essence and make a strong connection. For those who have come to the Earth to ascend while embodying their physical vehicles, the goal is to fully integrate with your divine self. This of course, means that you must be ready and willing to release and let go of ALL that does not serve this higher purpose. All mental and emotional patterns that hold your consciousness in the lower vibrations must be purged and cleansed in the sacred fires of purification. Daily use and assimilation of the Violet Flame is imperative for this process. Cleansing your chakras daily is also a must and this takes only a few moments of your time and intention. This spiritual hygiene is needed in order to come into mastery of your lower human tendencies so that you can manifest as the expanded version of yourselves as the divine human with expanded multi-dimensional capabilities.

There will be moments where your frustrations and tensions will be expressed in expletives that are not of the highest vibration and when this happens it is important to understand that it is the extreme effects of the energies that your physical body has to contend with as the kundalini energies rise within you. It is important that you take the time to recalibrate when you experience these outbursts and be kind to yourselves. Rest, rebalance and relax, drink plenty of water, and spend time outdoors in nature absorbing at least 20 minutes of direct sunlight. Call upon your family of light and ask for guidance and assistance when needed. We are here beside you and you never walk alone.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – Moving into Light of Higher Consciousness – Act as Enlightened Being in Daily Life – 4-7-14

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Hilarion: The Time is NOW to Move into the Light of Higher Consciousness, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, April 6, 2013 at | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Beloved Ones,

It is important for each of you to maintain your centeredness and calmness each day. The energies as they move in waves upon the planet bring changes in every facet of human life. As the increased light flows outward, it ignites awakening in many other souls and as you know, awakening is quite often a painful process that requires the assimilation of many truths that were not recognized or even thought of before.

You have already experienced this process and can relate to the profound effects that these revelations create within the newly awakened ones and their desire to facilitate powerful changes in their world. They are eager to make a difference and they are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. This is why your stabilizing energies are so needed during these times.

Send light to those areas of the world which are experiencing upheaval and destabilization. Do this whenever you hear of it, just taking a moment to send light gives assistance in more ways than you know. All you need is intention and during this process, ask the Angels of light to go to these places and heal the area, the land, the animals, the elemental beings, and send light to assist all the people who live there.

You are the ones who are aware and must exercise your power by calling on the Angels for assistance and directing them to the areas where they are needed. Begin to observe the information communicated through the news media in a different way, not as passive observers but as enlightened beings who can take note of where the light is needed and direct it there immediately. Your input on a daily basis as you assign the Angels and helpers to chaotic areas of the world helps to stabilize those areas.

It only requires that you focus and call upon the forces of light to direct them to those areas. Understand that each of you has an army of light at your command and you can make a difference by sending these forces into volatile areas of the world when they are needed. Your intention to affect the highest outcomes wherever your focus is directed will bring harmony and your attention to this focus with dedication each day will create the lasting peace you so desire to experience on your world.

Send light to the natural kingdoms as they are an integral part of life upon this planet. Send light to everything upon your planet and do not forget to surround your loved ones, family members and pets with white light each and every day, surround your home, properties, vehicles, places of occupation, bank accounts and daily activities with the white light of protection each and every day.

You are the awakened ones and you are responsible for the area in your sphere on influence which can be many miles in diameter. Intend that this sphere of influence grows in radius each and every day so that a greater area is covered by your efforts. Intention is everything and you can do this! Be an open door for God’s light to be manifest in and through you. Maintain a vision of something better always, such as one great planet under God.

Throughout this year stay in your spiritual consciousness and know that your spirituality is what defines you. Do a weekly review to make improvements in your life so that your spiritual growth continues. Have you balanced all your karma, have you fulfilled all your soul contracts? Did you pass all your tests and initiations? Are your initiations completed?

This lifetime is your last lifetime upon Earth because this opportunity to experience life in a physical body on a planet of duality will not happen again and it is incumbent upon YOU to ensure that you complete everything your soul plan intended to complete. In any sticky situation or issue that comes up, ask yourself, “What am I teaching myself here?” “What is the highest outcome that can manifest here in this situation and what can I do to make it happen?”

Go beyond your human ego promptings and look at your life from the higher perspective. Do you want to create divisions in relationships that could be healed by overlooking the perceived transgressions of others? Will you let ego pride take control and create separations? Know that love is the answer in every situation and use this power in every facet of your existence and relationships with others. The bottom line is how much do you love?

Learn to love with the love of God who loves us all unconditionally with no judgement. Become the enlightened being that can rise above any situation and see a more loving perspective. Surrender and release all that no longer serves the path that you have chosen to walk. Resistance to the enlightened being that you really are is futile. Look for the good in all things. Fill your heart with the flame of love and let that flame grow and expand out into the world around you. BE the change!

The game has changed, Dear Ones. No longer can you sit on the fence reluctant to make a clear choice. The time is NOW to move into the light of higher consciousness with constancy in your heart. It must be done in every cell of your being. You are worthy of great things, know that every thing will work out and things will get better. You are blessed in more ways than you can imagine. The Universe supports you, all of life supports you and this is becoming more evident with each passing hour. You are a child of the Divine and your magnificent future awaits your attention and your intention. BE HERE NOW!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Message From Hilarion – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff – February 2-9, 2014


February 2-9, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Many upon the planet are now awakening to the understanding that each individual is the creator of their own reality and that the universe perfectly mirrors back what they put out through their thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes. Now by the laws of the universe, the good they have given out into the external world around them comes back unto them. At this point in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the law of grace is in effect and humanity is being blessed by the neutralization of any repetitive thoughts that come unbidden from the very depths of their being. These core issues invariably have their roots in a previous existence as life was experienced through a physical incarnation. The law of grace bestows the assurance that those of sincere heart, mind and intent, who have adhered to the path of light in service to their brethren, be given every opportunity to release these patterns of expression that well up into conscious awareness so they can be given acknowledgement and final release.

Gone are the days of tedious and painstaking efforts to become filled with more light quotient, for this is now a moment by moment occurrence as more light fills the planet and the strides being made in the advancement of the Divine Plan are beyond our wildest expectations. Many underlying changes are taking place within the structures of the old paradigm and are quietly being replaced by new systems which allow the rights of all to come into consideration. There is a different approach to the solving of common problems that is now in the beginning stages of implementation. A person needs to be discerning in the recognition of these areas of improvement and this in many instances, is not an easy endeavor, for rarely are plain and honest truths being spoken for all to hear. Rather, one has to become a sleuth of sorts, in order to uncover the real story behind the words given.

The tides of evolution are shifting in favor of the movement into higher consciousness for all upon your planet. It is through the opening into a higher awareness that humanity progresses into more enlightened stages of interaction with others of their species. As we have said before, this is a movement that is hardly noticed at first but is one which will rise into prominence throughout the coming days. Those upon the Earth who hold a high level of light quotient are asked to hold the higher vision of the world they desire to create. There will come a time when all your efforts begin to be seen, as miraculous changes for the betterment of all upon the planet rise into manifestation. Begin to keep a record of every small and positive change that you notice in the world around you and you will soon see your list grow and expand.

It is in the expression of the higher qualities of the spirit that the greatest changes will be noticed. People throughout the world are beginning to release the dualistic expressions and behaviors and are expressing that which they feel emanating from within their heart. The more kindness that is expressed and shown towards one’s fellows, the more this movement will expand exponentially. This practice also includes the expression of kindness towards one’s self, for without the acceptance of self, the love of self, the love for others and the expression of it, is impeded. This is the work that is currently in process. The layers of self negation and denial of one’s divinity are being peeled away and each individual is beginning to see and acknowledge the beauty and light that resides within their being.

When people can see and recognize their own beauty and divine qualities, they begin to recognize these qualities in their brothers and sisters and soon a shift, a change, is created within the dynamics of all relationships. Those who have been weary of seeing the lower qualities being expressed in the individuals around them will discern the changes as they occur and soon a greater majority of people on the planet will embrace this way of expression. They will turn away from modes of behavior and expression that have been manifested as acceptable in the entertainment industry and realize that is not the way for them any longer. The people will seek those venues where the magnificence of the human spirit is being portrayed and as more people do this, it will be seen as the true way and heartily embraced.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and both websites are included.

Hilarion – Learn to Navigate in the New Reality – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff – September 15 – 22, 2013


Beloved Ones,

We find as this month progresses that many of you are experiencing the release of many patterns of thinking that have been holding you back from moving forward into new perspectives and new beginnings. Call upon us to assist you in releasing these from your consciousness and from the cells of your body.

Make this request a daily habit until your goal of freedom from these is accomplished and know that we are ever at your side helping to bring balance and equilibrium and the ceasing of these discordant energies, for in truth, these are simply old energies that need to be dissolved. We want you to ask us to help you with these challenges, for the sooner you are freed from them the sooner you can accept and fully integrate the higher energies and your greater light.

By these actions, much discord is freed and transmuted from the greater collective field which then enables more of humanity to awaken and free themselves from old illusions and perceptions that do not serve the evolving soul. As more light becomes anchored here on Earth it creates a greater force of Light that can then be used to create new solutions and new beginnings.

The process of ascension into higher consciousness as we move through the fourth dimension is moving into its final phase and as it does so, it also increases the intensity of the thought patterns and emotions that well up within all individuals and it is vital for all lightworkers to understand the importance of holding the light steady during these chaotic energy fluxes. Stay centered in your heart center as much as possible.

Become aware of and acknowledge the moon phases and the celestial movements in the heavens. There is much that can be learned here as you use these forces to help you move forward at the appropriate moments. This practice will become more important as the experience of linear time is undergoing radical changes. It is by observing these cycles that the ancients were able to stay attuned with the forces of the Universe to reach beyond the world that they inhabited.

It is of utmost importance to develop this practice as a way of measuring the energy cycles that occur in order to align in harmony with them. This is another reason why spending much time outdoors in nature is of great benefit. It aligns each person’s inner cycles with these greater cycles.

As you learn to navigate in the new reality, you will find yourselves more at peace within your own core essence and you will inherently know the right step for you to follow as it is needed. It will also unlock spiritual abilities and gifts within each person, for these have lain dormant for many cycles and as the dross from the old paradigms is transmuted, these treasures within are waiting to be discovered.

It but requires the motivation, intent and persistence to become aligned with these greater soul qualities that come forth to be recognized and utilized in ways that empower each individual and the greater collective of humanity. When these gifts and abilities are used constructively for enhancing the experience of the beauty of life within all souls, great strides will be made in individual and collective evolvement.

It behooves each individual to truly know themselves and to be true to themselves, for what may be good and right for one individual may not be good for another. Each soul is on their own individual journey and as they align with their Oversoul and soul group, many wonders of creation will manifest upon your world. Each soul has unique and beautiful gifts to add to the collective experience so it is important to realize that your loving presence here during these times is much needed in order to enhance the positive experience for all.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

Hilarion – Acceleration Of Time – Humanity Wants Peace – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff – 1 September 2013

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Hilarion – Channeler Marlene Swetlishoff – August 18, 2013


August 18-25, 2013

Beloved Ones,

As the increased energies pour down upon the Earth, people all over your world awaken and begin to realize their potential for the creation of good on their planet. Many are participating in global focuses for the healing and empowerment of the Earth’s inhabitants. These focuses have more power for good than is currently realized by those who take part and is cumulatively energized by the higher realms. Truly we say to you, that where two or more are gathered, there we are also, assisting and magnifying your efforts. Your loving intentions as forces for good on this world never miss their mark. Everything that each of you do is noted and supported from on high and puts the unemployed Angels which surround you to work for the highest good of all, which they do with the greatest of joy.

It is important to note that the inspirations you receive and that you act upon are direct messages from on high and these come through the atmosphere as ‘seeds of thought’ which are then received within receptive humanity, and as you know, seeds must be planted and nurtured in order to grow into beautiful manifestations of the Creator’s Light. Each ‘seed’ that is planted with love becomes a living legacy, a force of energy, that reaches further than your own planetary boundaries and goes out unto all creation to heal and bless and make whole that which seeks wholeness. The force of Love is the mightiest force in all of creation and one is never amiss by responding in kind to it. Love begets love in response and sets the tone of joy, peace and harmony throughout the Cosmos.

As humanity continues to express and manifest Creator’s love in and through them, many wonderful miracles take place. These are usually never reported in your news media, nevertheless, it does not take away from the miracle itself and adds to the impetus of positive change upon your planet. Look around you and become more observant of the metamorphosis taking place within human society. You have but to explore the possibilities and you will find many instances of happenings that are astounding in their implications and import. The word ‘miracle’ means an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribd to a supernatural cause. As you explore, you will find these and they will inspire you to find even more such events.

These events are meant to show you that when humanity is willing to step beyond the limitations of current perception, a whole new world opens to their consciousness. This then becomes the catalyst for greater change within the collective consciousness upon your planet and shows you that what affects one person does indeed affect all and this is what is meant by unity consciousness. This is why so many of you have not given up your efforts to raise the consciousness of humanity to a higher level, for you know that at a certain point the Light will turn on within them. This is fast becoming the reality here on Earth.

In the next few months you will see many miracles take place within the events of your world. Realize, Dear Ones, that YOU are the creators and the driving force that has enabled these events to materialize. It is the dawning of the age of miracles, wonder and magic that you approach as you steadfastly hold your vision for vast improvement in the inner and outer workings of your world which is bringing in the new Earth reality of oneness, equality and freedom for all. Be in joy and gratitude as it all unfolds and hold that frequency.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

NEW! Video Format!

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 21 July 2013



Beloved Ones,

As you go about your daily activities and perform your earthly duties, know that you are also, on a higher level, serving in a capacity as the divine changemakers. By your high and positive intentions which you set each day, you set the template for the world to follow. As you each read or hear these words, you absorb the energies that are embedded in each word and integrate these into your five body system. These times call for individuals to be adaptable and flexible, to go with the flow of events, both in their personal lives and in the greater world around them and to remain firmly grounded into the earth with peaceful serenity and calm.

Many there are who are now searching for answers to their many questions, some do so quietly, following their innate inner wisdom and others seek outwardly by expressing their viewpoints in a more strident manner. All are reflecting the awakening that is occurring within. All need to be supported and nurtured in these changing times by being encouraged to go beyond their former perceptions to reach beyond previous limitations. They need to achieve their higher potential and reach to the stars. As they question and seek the answers to their many questions, they find even more questions to be answered. Such is the way of expansion and growth within each person.

You have set the standard for excellence by maintaining a higher vision of the world of your future and it now behooves you all to remain steadfast upon your paths. Maintain your focus as you continue to release the remaining remnants of the old paradigm thinking and perception from your cells and five body system. Set a strong image of yourselves as divine beings of Light, love and power. See yourselves in your Light bodies, feel yourselves as your Light bodies each day, if only for a few moments. As you do this, you begin to remember that you are, indeed, Light and this will empower and encourage you in a myriad of ways that bless you, your loved ones, and the greater world around you.

Hold the thought that your body is a temple of the living Light and that you are now returning it to the pristine purity of its divine origin. You are the ambassadors upon this planet to show the way by example. We realize that this can seem to be a dichotomy as the purging from within you continues as you set your intentions for the higher visions and versions of yourselves but we ask you to persist in your efforts. Forgive yourselves of all the emotional eruptions that seem to come out of nowhere and seem to make your intentions, beliefs and efforts a silly fantasy. Realize that it is merely the workings of awakening that are occurring and that it is temporary and cyclical in nature.

As your dormant DNA/RNA/LNA strands continue to be activated, you will continue to experience temporary side effects in ways that affect each of you differently. Be patient and loving with yourselves and in your relations with others.  Exercise self restraint as you go through your changes and transformations when possible, and we fully realize and understand, that sometimes, it is just not possible, for metamorphosis is a powerful process and must be outwardly expressed at times. Try to return to your center as soon as you can after such an episode and forgive yourselves your seeming lapses in behavior, growth and improvement. It is only the releasing of the patterns of the old world paradigm that are at work. It is all ultimately benevolent for you and your world.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.