Violet Flame – Saint Germaine – Transmute Karma – Purify: Physical, Etheric, Mental, Emotional Bodies


Messages From Ann and the Angels – 5-31-14



Messages from Ann & the Angels – 05/31/2014



My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Rejoice when you find things within yourself that you think are less than perfect, less than loving, less than beautiful! Rejoice because now you have found areas in your spirit that are in need of love! No longer are they lurking in the darkness controlling you quietly and subtly. Instead they are coming to the surface saying to you, “Look at me! Love me! Transform me!”

Suppose you have said something unkind or insensitive. Perhaps you have done this unconsciously many times in your life, but suddenly you notice. You feel badly. Rather than beating yourself up, celebrate! You’ve seen something within you in need of love. Breathe deeply. Go inside of yourself. Ask the part of you that was less than kind, “What do you need? What do you really want to say?” and then wait for an answer. Every little part within you that you would judge is simply in need of love.

Suppose you have a health challenge. Again go inside and ask the parts of you that are diseased or in pain, “What do you need? What function do you serve? How are you trying to help me?” Acknowledge the service. Bless it. Thank it. Everything, and we repeat, everything, that arises within you is attempting to serve a loving purpose… no matter how strange or unbelievable that might sound.

So dear ones, this week strive to notice the things inside of yourself that you would judge. Ask these facets of yourself how they are attempting to love you, or how they are attempting to seek love. See if you can’t find kinder ways to fill those needs. And in so doing, you bring all that is dark, misunderstood, in pain, or in illusion within you to the surface, to be transformed in the light of the love.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


Gregg Prescott, M.S – Wake Up Humanity! – Confirmed By Two Sources – This Is Our Last Chance – 5-31-14

Gregg Prescottby Gregg Prescott, M.S.


If you knew that this was your last chance to either awaken or turn into literal space dust, would it change your life? What if this planet was a grand galactic experiment that went horribly wrong? What if this was your last opportunity to finally get it right, spiritually?


Look around you. In general, are people compassionate about life? Are they service to others or are they entrained in just existing as an economic slave for the corporate elite? Are they more concerned about the latest reality show or sporting event versus making a positive change in the best interests of humanity?


It’s all happening, right on schedule

If people knew their true spiritual potential versus what they are settling for, they would change their ways immediately, but many people have been brainwashed beyond recognition to even be able to perceive a world without economic subservience or organized religion.


Ironically, money, government and religion are all collapsing right before our eyes, yet because it is not mentioned by the mainstream media, no one is noticing. In 2008, after the collapse of the banking system (with the exception of the “Too big to fail/jail banks), I posted a video on the In5D YouTube channel called, “Banking Collapse Announce The Beginning Of The Golden Age“. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, so this was not a surprise as Pluto will tear down everything that is not in humanity’s best interests. In more recent news, numerous banksters have been suicided, clearly showing us that the crap is going to hit the fan, really soon.


Because of the lack of confidence in the global gold market, those “in the know” are expecting a major false flag event as an attempt to cover up the crimes within the banking system.

Kevin Annett has been exposing the Roman Catholic Church for their crimes against humanity while numerous revolutions are happening all around the world, yet the typical person who is enthralled with reality shows and sporting events have no clue about how money, religion and government are all collapsing.

Related: It’s All Collapsing, Right On Schedule!


As many of you know, I do not post many channeled messages on In5D.  While I know that channeling is real, I have seen way too many channelers who are full of hot air and BS, in my opinion. 

What do the ET’s think about us?

There are several genuine channelers who I talk to on a regular basis and I have been told about many things that will be happening in the very near future.  One channeler is a very successful businessman who has no ulterior motive to confide in me about his channelings.  I am hoping to have him on In5D Radio as an anonymous guest to talk about a MAJOR event that will occur around 2023 (ironically, this is at the end of Pluto in Capricorn). I am not at liberty to say what this event will be at this point in time but its bigger than ANY news you will ever hear. Plus, I really don’t think people can handle it right now. He’s told me many things in the past that, for the majority, have come to fruition.


One of the things he mentioned was that our galactic neighbors do not think we are going to make it as a civilization.


I spoke to this contact again yesterday, who stated there is not one single ET race who thinks we are going to make it as a global community. They are pulling for us but are not able to interfere, due to the Law of Free Will. He added that giving us Free Will was one of their biggest regrests as we have not used it for the gift it truly represents.


Many of these ET races are our genetic lineage. They are, indeed, helping with the shift of consciousness but cannot physically interfere or intervene.

Second source of info

I met a woman at my local dog park who, as a child, was contacted by a galactic being who said that he has something very important to tell her.  Because she was so young, she told him to go away.  I asked her if she regretted telling this being to leave and she said, “Yes”.  A few weeks later, she told me about a dream she had.  Without going into details, her dream analysis clearly stated that her ability to channel this being would be returning real soon.


I saw this woman at the dog park yesterday and she told that, indeed, her ability has returned.  The important message that she was supposed to hea,r when she was a child, was about her mission here on this planet, which is to reveal the truth about religion and how it is being used to control humanity.  She stated that we need to worship the God within ourselves instead of a manmade construct that is full of info and disinfo.


She also concurred with my other friend’s message about how our galactic neighbors do not think we will make it as a civilization.

The ET’s are right

Objectively looking at this planet, we are poisoning our air, water and food supplies.  Because we are not doing anything about it, we are basically acquiescing our consent to allow it to happen.


Albert Einstein is quoted for saying, “If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left.”

Objectively looking at this planet, we are poisoning our air, water and food supplies. Because we are not doing anything about it, we are basically acquiescing our consent to allow it to happen. Albert Einstein is quoted for saying, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left." 

A recent article on NaturalNews stated Neonicotinoids are collapsing the honeybee colonies.  How much time is left?

Here’s where it gets really interesting…

She told me that this is humanity’s last chance on this planet.  Either we each raise our vibrations or our souls (those who have not raised their vibration) will be completely destroyed.  Completely.  This is not the same as dieing and returning back to Source.  This means that the soul and all previous lives, will literally be turned into space dust.


Related: Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important


Perhaps this is what Dolores Cannon meant when she said that people will begin to fade away from those who have awakened, as if they no longer exist?

To those who are awakened

Please continue to share your light and wisdom with others.  You are needed now more than ever.  This is your calling!!!

To those who have not awoken

Think of it this way:  The Earth is a prison planet and this is your last chance to get pardoned.  It’s never too late to awaken and to make the right choices in life.


We are intentionally being distracted from what is REALLY important.  Too many people are more concerned about their favorite reality show or sports team to even pay the slightest attention to what is going on in the world around them.


Those who are unawakened need to make a major lifestyle change as soon as possible.

How serious is this?

Imagine if a UFO were to land in your backyard and the extraterrestrials gave you an option to either stay here on this planet, while the political elite destroy humanity, or to go aboard their ship and return to your planet of your true, genetic origin.  Also consider that you wouldn’t be able to confer with your loved ones about your decision and that you will never see those who choose to stay behind. What would you do?


The gravity of the above example is the type of importance that we are facing as a civilization. It’s literally now or never.


Please do not construe this as fear mongering.  Nothing is carved into stone.  The information is presented to give those who are unawakened the OPPORTUNITY to advance in their spiritual progressions.


Regardless of what happens, or doesn’t happen, I have great faith in humanity and will continue helping as many people as possible in their awakening process.


I have asked this second source if she would be interested in writing an article for In5D about her experience as well as to be a guest on In5D Radio.  Stay tuned to In5D for more info.



Addendum: I debated myself whether to publish this or not but had to do what is in humanity’s best interests. I would NEVER intentionally mislead anyone, so when two strangers tell me the same exact story, I listen. There is no way to candy coat this information, it is what it is. I am sure there will be many people who see this as fear mongering but if you knew information that was given to you by two people who do not know one another (one being a successful businessman with no ulterior motives), what would you do with it?


Update May 30, 2014 2:04PM


I just met with my female source today and asked for clarification on a few things.  She said there are souls who are so evil, that they will not make it.  Most people will.  She added that as long as people are working to better themselves in at least some way possible… and even if they’re just treading water and making no progress, they’ll be fine.  It’s those soul who are regressing who will not be incarnating again, ever.


She also stated that there are beings here who came in with more responsibilities to humanity than others. If these beings allow things to happen that they could have prevented, then this will work against their spiritual progression.  If the same thing happened to someone who wasn’t as far progressed, then that would also be taken into account.  Old souls should always be making the right decisions in the best interests of humanity.  There is no way possible, if this is all true, that I could not say anything and not give everyone an opportunity to move their spiritual progression forward.  I love humanity too much and feel like a father who has to scold his child, knowing that it will hurt them as much as myself. It’s all done in the name of love, not fear.


I personally hope the message is wrong but in case it’s true, then I have an obligation to tell everyone… even at the risk of being called a fear-mongerer.


Put yourself in my position.  If you knew this information, would you sit on it or would you try to help as many people as possible?  I’ve asked numerous people who have commented on the article the same thing, and no one has answered me. I am always going to be on the side of humanity.  It wasn’t an easy decision to make.


My interpretation of what she said is that as long as you’re at least 51% positive, then everything will be fine.


Please know that I am ALWAYS working in humanity’s best interests.  I hope this isn’t true, but if it is, I have an obligation to let people know.



Update May 30, 2014 5:24PM

Impromptu interview to discuss article and new info


About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit.  He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.

Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.


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in5d·345 videos


Mother Mary – You Touch Source With Your Deep Reverence of Yourselves and Others – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – 5-31-14

mother mary

Mother Mary:

Hello Sweet Ones. I come before you and within you today to bring sweet refrains of Love Essence that you are delving into and refining ever so much. I bow to your essence as you bow to mine and together we mesh in sweet abundance of Love everlasting.

Come with me now as we go deeper into your Love Essence, into your sweet all-encompassing abundantly-aware LOVE, for you are ready now to go deeper and to own more of your essence, your sweet essence of LOVE everlasting.

The fabric of your life is changing, dear ones. You can feel it, I am sure. You have entered a new sojourn, a new level of refinement. Have you noticed, dear ones, that you are more refined in your capture of your Love Essence?

What you once thought was only possible to feel in the presence of ascended beings is yours for the taking and experience now, for you have refined yourselves ever so much.

This has taken much work on your part. Yet it has been a “labor of love”, has it not? Feel the softness of your energy now. Feel the depths of it. Feel the sweet delicate texture of it as you float within, and upon, and in, and with LOVE.

This is your signature now. You have reached the core of your essence. To stay there is another matter. For refinement of this new presence of yourselves will take steady dedication and persistence and determination to stay there.

But you are all so capable, dear ones. We are within all your hearts helping you refine your essence – As you breathe your essence into deeper being.

You touch Source with your deep reverence of yourselves and others. You touch it and enfold it and it is becoming a sustaining part of you all.

My dear ones, your excellent deliverance of your true nature in your constant discarding of the old paradigm is revealing for you new vistas and new feelings and new possibilities. Take it on its wing and fly with it dear ones.

I am your mirror in excellence, in Divine Excellence, as you breathe in your True Self, breathe it into being with all your acceptance of yourself, with all the Love for yourself and for others.

Beauty is there for the taking and for the realizing, dear ones. You are its maker and its keeper and you live within a new milieu now. Can you feel it? It may seem different and a little disconcerting because you cannot quite always put your finger on it. But allow it to grow and flourish within you by your capture of your Now Moment and Now Essence in complete and total LOVE.

By now you are beginning to realize that we in the Celestial Realm are just a refined element of you. So continue to cast off those pieces of duality you have been wearing, and feel the refinement and the sweet essence of your angelic and galactic nature.

You have entered a new phase, so please keep going with it, even when you don’t know where it is going, for you are indeed arriving Home.

All my love is yours,

Mother Mary


©2014 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, beautiful synchronicity and this notice and links are included.

Ben-Arion – Lightworker 101 – Into The Rabbit Hole


Image Source   –   Blue Ray Lightworker

© Copyright Ben-Arion – Awakening E-Zine. This article is written for “Ben-Arion – Awakening E-Zine”.
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This Article can be shared freely if Copyright info and links are displayed.

E-Zine Article Author:
J’Tariah EnRa El

Whether you are reading this to see what Lightworker 101 might be, or to simply study the Universe, you are on a quest.  Oh, yes, you and I — and billions of others — have been upon a quest for some time…  This is because we are all intergalactic adventurers.

Every Being reading this now is an ancient spark of life who has been in the Cosmos for millions of years…since the beginning of time!

Whenever you entered this 3rd/4th/5th dimensional reality, you were given a great deal of amnesia called veils. When these numerous veils started slipping away, you began to wake up. This process is not the same as learning about it…as The Matrix so aptly says, “There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

So, you started awakening to your quest with insistent questions… What is the meaning of Life? Why do I feel like I don’t belong here? Why am I always homesick for a place I do not know the name of? …And, thousands more!

Let me assure you that you have begun at a good place —
Lightworker 101 — which most of you are now enrolled in aboard the Ships (above) at night while you are “sleeping.” (I *know* you remember the dreams that look like you are in a school stadium. You are in a ship at night. More specifically, you are in the Lightship that you are assigned to. Yes, you already have a home within a ship in the sky right now!)

Like it was uttered in the film, The Matrix, “I can only show you the door. You are the one that has to walk through it.”  The strategy of both waking-time and dream-time learning is so that you *all* can waken to quests within the Cosmos.  And, I promise you this –- once you discover your magnificent divine purpose — you will never feel alone or bored again!

Just like the challenging words promised in The Matrix, If “you take the red pill — you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.” So…let’s start with some definitive answers to some of your many questions that we all – as one – have when we first awaken to a New World of light:

Astral Projection:
The process of leaving one’s body and journeying within other dimensions. Usually this is done while the body is asleep; hence it is also called Lucid Dreaming and sometimes called Night-walking.

Ascended Enlightened Master:
The proper entire term for a benevolent master or being who resides primarily in higher dimensions — and visits individuals upon Earthshan — to help them upon their path towards the Light.

The process of following a personal, planetary, and moral path of Lightworking in order to reach higher dimensions and help (Mother) Earth reach higher dimensions.

A place (perspective) which has a specific set of rules for a) matter; b) cellular travel and; c) manifestation.

(also called Shan or Mother Earth Gaia) 1) The planet which Earthlings (Terrans) live upon, and; 2) The planet which Pleiadians refer to as “The Laboratory” because of the history of Pleiadian incarnation upon and within Earthshan.

Galactic Federation:
Also known as the Galactic Federation of Planets, this organization has millions of locations which include multitudes of great halls. The Galactic Federation office for the Milky Way is in the Sirius Star System (Sirius A; Sirius B).

1) A being who dwells in higher dimensions who can be called upon for help, or; 2) A higher being who directs individuals  to make decisions towards Light, Love – and ultimately – enlightenment or mastery.

A  specialized Lightworker aligned with Lord Sananda and/or the Galactic Federation who works on the most covert assignments, often assigned to risky stations/ missions involving: a) raising consciousnesses, and: b) ending or exposing reigns of “controllers” who are not of the Light.

Jesus the Christ Sananda, the Cosmic Christ:
1) Jesus the Christ (who was born upon Earthshan around 2010 years ago), and; 2) A great ascended and enlightened Master who was sent by Source [God] to ground Light into the Earth to save her Creation, and; 3) A great Master who is [now] the Cosmic Christ living in Higher dimensions taking care of Earthshan, and; 4) A great Master currently Co-Commanding a fleet of starships with Lord Ashtar and others, including The Great White Brotherhood. Note: Jesus the Christ is the same soul-personality of the Master currently called Lord Sananda.

1) One who is committed to raising the vibration of Earthshan and all of her life forms, and; 2) One who consciously connects with the Light and Love of the personal and planetary ascension process; or 3) One who carries, works with, and spreads love and knowledge about and for raising conscious vibrations.

Lightships (Spaceships):
1) A multidimensional vehicle which is able to travel through space and dimensions, and/or; 2) A life-supporting space vehicle which can ascend and descend in dimensions and within atmospheres and environments of planetary bodies.

A series of three interlocking permanent tetrahedrons around every earthbound being which can be activated for movement, protection, invisibility, and flight. In psychic sight, it looks like ever-moving 3d-triangular shapes interlocking of silver, white and gold.

1) Actions and activities one is contracted to do in this/present Earthshan cycle/time during one’s lifetime, or; 2) A task (or series of tasks) to serve the Source [God] in order to progress one’s soul.

Nature Spirit:
1)  An energetic high-frequency 4d/5d/6d Earthshan Being who has a specific job holding energies and patterns for various lifeforms, to hold them in balance, or; 2) Any member of the Devic Kingdom, including all beings in the Faerie Realm as well as tree spirits and plant spirits.

1) One’s perspective from which an individual launches and/or spiritually travels to greater growth, or; 2) The work one does in order to become enlightened or to become a Master, and; 3) The steps which sustain one’s mission for the Source [God].

One who contracts with another human who wishes to end his/her Earthshan contract, to take over use of the human form in order to achieve a mission in a shorter time. Note: Braid-Ins are a type of Walk-In which involve 2 or more entities or a soul-group being within one body.

And…in the very near future (the next Now), Lightworker 202 will cover the following exciting intergalactic information, including names of ships, planets, races, and more!  Meanwhile, have some coffee, stay awake, and remember that you are not *Home* yet…

“Lightworker 202: Starseed Signals and Star Races”
(Coming next month or so…from your *Wake Up Crew* aboard the SS Phoenix)


E-Zine Article Author: J’Tariah EnRa El, “Wake Up Crew” now aboard the SS Phoenix,

Change Has Finally Arrived – by Marc Gamma – 5-28-14


Dear Readers of my Blog  –
Do you sense it too? Are you able to recognize it? Finally “CHANGE” has been manifested in Reality. We now have arrived in the so called “NEW ENERGY” – the “NEW TIME”.
We – i.e. all of us are meant here – we eventually have arrived at that point where CREATION wanted us to be. We finally have reached this great mutual target of ours by way of well-directed messages, energies of manifold kinds, mutually working together with many lightworking people and last not least with some great assistance from the realms of spiritual hierarchies too.
At last we turned into the last lap of the leap the socalled “Finish Line” and we now may concentrate fully and wholly on our very own individual ASCENCION.
Manifold matters our mentors/teachers from the upper spiritual hierarchy have taught us. Many matters having been foretold us never manifested into reality and many of them which they explained turned out to be now somewhat differently than at the time of their publications. And you are very right when asking why that is so ? Spiritual hierarchies makes use of our way of expressing ourselves in wording, thinking, our very metaphors and understanding of texts in order to make something more comprehensible to us for something for which Spirit has no knowledge of words.
With Spirit everything is a matter of Energy. There are no concepts of language, expressed in words, emotions and everything else which is substantial for our human being – all this does not exist in the realm and level of spiritual experience. There is only and solely ONE MATTER in existence viz. “LIGHT AND LOVE”.Well, what is it originally about LIGHT and LOVE – you will query yourselves and I may explain thereto : “they are only one expression of Spirit in order to bring closer to us something for which they have neither words nor any conceptions. And what is it that is existing in the spiritual realms?
It is “EVERY-THING” and NO-THING” in existence there and this always at the same time for ever and ever. To explain this fully Spirit is not capable since All is solely ENERGY.
There is – or there is no energy at all and such is the entire knowledge of Spirit and HE attempts to bring this idea closer to our imagination and perception. Soon Spirit will not be complied to give us further explanations because we shall wake up and may then perceive everything they have tried so hard and with much patience to explain to us.
Do you sense now all this change having arrived in your inner core? If not – all is well and if you do – all is well too. It is irrelevant as everybody has expressed his/her wish how to experience his/her very time of ascension. Everything is alright and will come at the right time. Each one of us will achieve it if is laid down in our soul-contracts. Everyone being prepared and set for it in his/her heart will have felt it already and those without such sensation – they will get to this point – I cann assure you. Nobody will be left here and has to stay on here for everybody will be able to ascend. It all is solely a question of time.
By the way Spirit told us always she has some sort of problem with “TIME As Such” and that is why she never gave us any informations in respect of “exact points of time” nor any forecast when certain events would occur. Do you feel this is right? And if I tell you now that Spirit knows quite well – on the contrary – how to go about with ‘Time As Such’ will this become some sort of disappointment or surprise for you?

SPIRIT IS and CAN DO EVERYTHING! Even regarding the matter of time Spirit may apply on all levels for it is their very speciality. Since ‘Time” is her allied partner for with “Time” is well playing with and it may be applied in some wonderful ways in case to bring some matter or issues closer to us mankind which are not being perceived by us entirely and exactly.


Very soon all such spiritual teaching will be given to us and we shall be shown accordingly how spiritual realms will exert their influence on “Time as such”, events, emotions, and simply on Everything-there-is – in order that we may go through our experience of learning. Be curious and eager for everything that will come! Everything will be clear and transparent then and everybody of us all will recognize what it is to AWAKEN.


All my love is for YOU.



Copyright © Evamaria H. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.
For German Original please click link: Die Veränderung ist angekommen – von Gamma Marc ~ 28.05.2014
c   –   English Version by Contramary=Evamaria   –

Saint Germain via Méline Lafont – Radio show – The One People Oneness – 5-3114

Hi sweet friends, Below I share the most important messages that were shared by me in the radio show of “the one people oneness” with Amy and Tammy.  We discussed a lot , see below.  I made a transcript of the parts that are important and also the channeled message of Saint Germain in the show, but there is much more shared during it.  Much love to all! Méline
Here is the link to the archived radio show, we had some technical issues in the beginning of the almost 2 hour show, so skip to 17 minutes where we begin to talk.  After 1 hour the technical issues seem to dissolve more.  Thanks for your patience! it was a fun show with lots of current happenings, personal sharings, messages and tips.
In this Radio show we talk about:
  1. An update on the current status of the planet concerning Ascension as seen from Méline’s and Saint Germain’s perspective.
  2. Clearing process and our embodiment
  3. the weird dreams that are going on
  4. Anxieties that were felt during the week of May 21st
  5. Twin Flames and re-union
  6. Light quotient of Humanity
  7. Are we close to a choice point?
  8. Holding space and releasing for the collective
  9. Getting in the heart
  10. How to BE in the NOW
  11. What is the collective going through
  12. Staying low profile
  13. Message from Saint Germain on show
  14. Support and brotherhood
  15. Remembrances of “Home”, the past time lines
  16. Labeling and names
  17. Light workers and the difficulties with money
  18. Creations and issues that block the creations to be manifested
  19. Self Love, Self acceptance
Channeling course and services from Méline
Q: Update from yours, Saint Germain’s perspective on the current status of the Planet:
Meline: The current wave of energies are emanating on this planet and it is through a deep exhale of creation that we are seeding ourselves in this reality at this time. We are bringing forth our Divine essences through BEING, which is the embodying of our Christed Self and our I AM Presence. Along we bring these energies forth through creation as well, for we are re-blending with all realities of our being, thus we create all our fractals of these Dimensions and realities through the embodying of these Higher levels of our being.
The current state of the Human Collective consciousness and the planetary Ascension is the following from Saint Germain’s perspective and point of view:
There is a deep Planetary shift in full unfoldment at this time, which has been instigated through the full moon or the Blood moon of the month of April. The Grand Cardinal cross has functioned as a large pillar of Light that descended on the Earthly sphere to bring things into the light as it has been triggering to bring things into the Light as it has been triggering and shaking things up, to say the least. Reviews have to be done since than and this in our personal lives as well as in the Human collective. Things and energies that you have to let go of become more clearer and obvious. The Grand Cardinal Cross has been shaking the Planetary energies and leaves nothing untouched. The eclipse at the end of April has seeded the new seeds for the next Planetary level of evolution, you are still running through these energies and entering a loop of a next purification stage of release. The mass consciousness is being initiated to the next levels of their Higher consciousness through being.
Q: There seems to be a lot of clearing going on but not so much tangible changes in the body yet.
Meline: We underestimate the transformational process of our bodies. We have billions of cells and structures in our physical expression that contain light. Our body is really dense and heavy of structure and each cell contains Light that is being inflamed and activated at this time in order to restructure our physical body into a crystalline body. This takes levels of processes and time and as time goes slower here, it looks like it is taking ages in our minds. But as we are embodying more and more of our pure consciousness, we reach the times of the Now and we even will be constantly in the Now.
At that point everything will already BE so and it will happen in a blink of an eye because all already is in the NOW. So this process will and IS speeding up already because we are releasing so much and holding that space of our pure Divine consciousness more and more.
We are already going at such a rapid pace, that we could blow up as our bodies are denser and need more time to adapt to what our consciousness is shifting in.
Q: What is the Light quotient of Humanity and where are we with triggering/entering the shift. Are we close to a choice point?
The Light quotient of Humanity is at the threshold of shifting into greater gears of the Self acknowledgment of the own Divine Self. The choice point of most of Humanity has been made: whether to BE on this plane with full Illumination and to shift the consciousness into the Divine expression OR whether to not BE in that plane of full Illumination and to continue the path plane of full illumination and to continue the path through other means.
Every day new souls are arriving to assist this grand reawakening, every day new soul-choices are being created and executed, and every day new paths and realities of consciousness are arising to assist everyone’s highest best to evolve and grow back to their SELVES.
We are currently working with closure. Closure of soul contracts, of karma, of old relationships and realities, closure of situations that are needed to be resolved, let go of or be forgiven. Most of it is done during dream state as you are then the most open for it. We also are still dealing with purifications, healing and release in our awake reality, because we must also be aware of what we let go of as we learn from it and evolve because of it through Self Mastery. It would be the easy way to go through this all if everything is done through sleeping state. We need to partake consciously as well and do some Self work.
The masses of Humanity have made their choices by heart and so everything is in its flow of unfolding. Hence all is a conscious choice from the Higher perspective and you create this to be, but all choices can be changed as well. But at this time many of the world population are dealing with their own personal release and confrontations of the ego mind. It is an intrinsic part to be able and transcend duality, so welcome this gift. Many may have a hard time to endure, but those too will come to a point where a shift will be made. As a matter of fact, this is going on as we speak.
We are at the tipping point here: walking on a rope, where we need to hold the balance while being on a weak rope or on the tip of a mountain where we can be pulled back into the depths of the old. We need to maintain balance in order to hold the new Earth and the space for creation with Light and our God Selves within.
Twin Flames
Twin Flame union is happening through union in the now, union with YOU as your Twin flame is you, another part of you. It is the most beautiful extraordinary process one can experience and embody. It is the bliss and the Love.
We tend to seek completion in another Human being because we feel emptiness, the missing and a ‘hole’ inside of us. As a human being you seek a partner to feel complete again and you find that it is not that, so you seek another partner and you find maybe after a while that it is not that either. It is being shown to us that what we seek is actually our SELF.
When we realize that, then there is a union, you will be happy and complete, in balance.
You see and experience your Twin flame outside of you and behind the veil because you see your Twin flame as being something separated from you. When allowing this part of you to merge with you in Union again, in the inner heart, you embody your Twin Flame part and become one. So you will be with your Twin flame at all times through embodiment within you, and you can experience the Twin Flame at all times and in all levels.
Message from Saint Germain through Méline during Radio show
Greetings to all of you dear friends.
My Love for your hearts is here for you, present within thy own Self. Allow me to bring you all a short message for it is my great gift to you all dear friends.
Awakening is happening.. It is happening in the dear hearts of you all. Times and realities are shifting as never before, because this is a grand and Global awakening that is taking place within as as well as with your embodiments. How Grand is that, Master beings of Light? Hmm?! Yes indeed!
Altering your current realities, brings forth a deeper understanding about your God given powers, which is your essence and your Divinity. You have the power within you, so it is you that change it all in this Grand Master piece. Don’t you see?! You have the power within you!
Waves of change are hitting the planet as we speak and there is no time to take a break. Breathe yourself through the rhythm of the waves, ground yourself and allow what needs to take place within you, my friends. You are being brought in an acceleration of light infusions, incoming transmissions and release.
Hold on my true light bearers, for you are the way showers and change makers of this world. Hold the space of your light within you at all times and be nice and loving towards another. Support and brotherhood are essential at this time. There is no competition here, only Love and compassion for ALL.
I AM your Brother,
Saint Germain

Judith Dagley – This Is 2014 – This Is Paradigm Shift – 5-31-14

judithI’m getting lots of questions lately like this one– “I feel like I’m trapped in a fog these days, and my mind just keeps running in circles– how do I stop making myself dizzy and get OUT of the fog?”

I definitely understand this question! In fact, I’ve spent the last week zeroing IN on that fog, as well as tracking every “thought step” on that repetitive brain treadmill. If you also relate to the question, I’ll tell you what I’ve discovered.

The “fog” is the result of having NEW intuitive awarenesses that are not coherent with the lower frequencies of old, habitual thoughts. The brain doesn’t know what to do with them, therefore, so it just keeps running in circles.

The way OFF the treadmill is to notice what thoughts repeat the most. Whatever they are about is what you need to stand in your power to face and RESOLVE.

Once you’ve found those gems, then write all the thoughts down and find the common THEME(S). They will reveal the energy pattern you need to focus on mastering over the next 6 weeks.

Understand that your repetitive thoughts won’t go away until you face them because they are at your service. They are offering you revelations about how you hold yourSELF back… and you won’t be able to expand beyond  “holding yourself back” unless you know HOW you do so.

Bottom line– Recognize the Paradigm Shift. This is 2014, the Year of Integration. EVERYTHING is at your service NOW, to get you “up to speed” with your own evolution…even your brain. Perhaps especially your brain, for there is far, far more to it than the “3rd dimensional treadmill.” (As you will soon discover, I’m quite sure!)

Copyright(c) 2014, All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

Pleiadian Prophecy – The Great Changeover – 2013 – 2017

Golden Ascension·11 videos

The Pleiadians predict the future from 2013 to 2027, channeled by Barbara Marciniak 03/17/13. The Anunnaki, chemtrails, autism, and other topics are also discussed.

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman – Accessing The Earth’s Seed Atom Record-Keeper Crystals – 5-31-14

ronna1aBeloved Masters, in your mind’s eye, however you perceive, envision that you are viewing the Earth from a great Light ship, and together we, the angelic Forces and the multitude of universal Light Beings who represent our Father/Mother God, are bringing forth the energetic vibrational patterns of the wondrous Divine schematic in preparation for humanity’s inhabitation of the Earth. During the intricate, complex stages of preparation, great sentient crystals were implanted deep within the Earth in strategic places around the planet. A portion of each huge crystal rose from the Earth’s surface as a sentinel which radiated energy and information out into the cosmos, as well as functioning as a receiver of Divine Light, Wisdom and Power from our Father/Mother God.  Over the many aeons of time, as Earth changes took place whereby mountain ranges rose into the skies, land masses sank beneath the waters, and continents shifted and changed shape, most of those great crystals were shattered and buried deep within the Earth and the waters.  However, many remained intact deep within the waters, in great caverns, and many more lie close to the surface of the land hidden only by a thin covering of earth or vegetation, waiting for you to discover them and bring forth their powerful gifts and ancient memories. They are the Earth’s Seed Atom Record-Keepers, and you hold the key which will give you access to the wisdom and the power of manifestation that lie dormant within them.

Each one of you bears within the Essence of your Soul, your DNA and your personal God-self such wondrous gifts, such magical energy and a vast memory bank of universal information and history.  All of these stories that are now being told and the ancient memories that are being accessed, don’t you realize that you were there?  Perhaps it was not always specifically you in physical form, but at times it was a close member of your soul family.  You do not have to personally experience everything that has happened during this great journey throughout the universe and on Earth to be a part of it or to have it in your memory bank, for you have a lifeline, a soul memory connection with your immediate soul family, which creates a link whereby they will gain the data and wisdom from your experiences, and their experiences are seeded into your memory storehouse as well.

Many of you are in a phase of transition whereby you are feeling disconnected and alone as you strive to adjust to the next level of cosmic vibrational patterns. Humanity is gradually emerging from the restrictive illusion of the lower astral planes as the expansive, accelerated frequencies of the higher fourth dimension permeate the Earth and all its inhabitants at one level or another.  Know that your column of God-Light is widening and becoming stronger, so that more and more Divine Elixir of life can pour down into and through you, as it saturates your body and radiates down into the Soul Essence of the Earth.  This rarified energy is critical for your host planet, as this Great Being struggles to return to balance and harmony within, as well as to lessen the intensity of the cataclysms on its surface. The higher frequency vibrational patterns are especially important in the process of purifying and returning the auric field, which surrounds your planet, to its original blueprint of perfection. As you purify your four lower bodily systems so that you may consistently increase the amount of Adamantine Particles of Light that you can magnetize to you and radiate from you, it is a duty and a Divine gift to be able to assist your beloved planet to evolve as well.

As the Supreme Creator increases the flow of the Elixir of Life throughout the Omniverse, it is affecting all Creation. You cannot hide from it. You cannot deny it. Your lifeline to your Source is growing stronger and more compelling all the time. The magnetization factor is growing stronger, and you are magnetizing to you in stronger and stronger measures that which you have claimed as your reality. If you believe that you must live in poverty and chaos, those thought forms will be reinforced and magnified in your life.  If you have accepted the truth that you are entitled to a life of beauty, joy and prosperity that reality will unfold before you (if you follow through, and take the proper steps as outlined in our past messages).

The return to harmony and balance begins within each of you.  Unity consciousness can begin with you, here and now, in this moment.  First, it is vitally important that you acknowledge and bring forth into your consciousness all of those unbalanced fragments that you have created during your many lifetime experiences–those things that control you, those things that have created an emotional and mental prison around you in your auric field. Then, you must become aware of these fragments and how they affect your reality, and through your conscious intent you must create a desire to change and to fill those fragments with transformative Love/Light energy.  We are always ready and willing to assist you in your positive endeavors, but you must ask and give us permission so that we can reinforce your resolve, so that we may give you the necessary knowledge along with swiftest and best way to accomplish your transformation with ease and grace.

In the past, you have tried many times to stifle or gain power over your addictions, your negative habits and thought patterns. You have resisted them, hated them and constantly thought about them, thereby reinforcing their control over your emotions, your mind and your quality of life.  Remember, we have said many times, for it is a universal truth, wherever and whatever you focus your attention on, you give energy to and reinforce, whether positive or negative.  You must free the fragments you have created by loving them and acknowledging that they have served you well, and by sending forth an impassioned thought that now it is time for them to be reunited and to once more be a part of you within your solar power center of the heart, to be filled with Light and to become an empowered facet of your God-consciousness.

Know that everything, at some level, is seeking the Light–seeking balance and harmony– seeking to return to that which it was in the beginning. Each phase of new awareness or expanded consciousness has its special miracles and benefits which are to be savored and enjoyed.  Each time you release some old self-limiting, painful thought form, habit or discordant energies within, you are transformed, and you remove a small (or large) part of your disguise, which allows you to integrate another facet of your wondrous God Self. In doing so, you are gradually creating a new empowered you. A new reality opens to you whereby you have access to many new concepts, as well as new talents, and your sensitivity to the exquisite nuances of Spirit miraculously unfolds around you.

If you could truly see the grid system, the web of life or the connection of all things, you would have a better understanding of the concept of Oneness.  It is not just the Earth that has an intricate grid system.  You have streams of Light that radiate forth from you and to you, one to another, back and forth amongst every person on Earth.  Some are stronger, some are weaker, but you are still intrinsically connected with everyone and everything on your planet and even within this Sub-universal expression.  This may be mind-boggling and hard for you to imagine, but it is true.   When we say you are all one, what does this really mean and how does this happen?  It is because there are those streams of Light that penetrate and filter through everyone, around and through all of the Earth. Yes, most of these streams of Light are very weak, but more and more of these streams of Light are growing stronger and are setting up a vibration of recognition. There is an echo from within that says, “Yes, I remember you. Yes, I know who you are, and I know we have been together before.  I don’t know where, but I feel and recognize your vibrations and your energy signature.  You touch my soul and make my heart strings sing.  Your loving Essence assures me that I am no longer alone.  Welcome into my heart.  I ask you to share my journey and to allow me to be a part of your journey as well.”

You are learning so much, so quickly.  It is often so mind-expanding that you do not know what to believe, and you think you cannot take in or integrate any more new information, but we tell you this is only the beginning.  You are becoming spiritual/human adults, whereas in the past you have been functioning as human children in a restrictive third- / fourth-dimensional reality, feeling as though you were disconnected from God and controlled by the whims of fate and nature.  As Self-masters and spiritual adults, you are learning that you are citizens of the universe, you are Starseeds, Light Warriors and the vanguard of the New Age.  You have soared throughout this universe and other universes as well.

You have heard that for a very long time there was a quarantine around the Earth, this solar system and even your galaxy, which has now been dissolved so that you may receive galactic, universal and Omniversal information. We now tell you that there was also a filter placed around this universe. This universe, in which we all are playing an integral part, is one of the most recent universes to be created from the Essence of the Supreme Creator, and therefore it is a universe that is situated at the farthest edge of Creation. We too have been limited in our knowledge of the workings of the Omniverse, as well as the amount of higher frequency vibrational energy that we have had access to. You see, the first universes that were created were the most powerful and the closest to perfection, for they surrounded the Great Central Sun of the Supreme Creator and contained the pure Essence of Creation.  As more and more universes, galaxies, star systems were created, ever-expanding and pushing Creation further and further out into the Great Void (and further away from the Supreme Creator), each refraction into density meant each new creation had less of the perfection of the All That Is. You must realize that we are ALL much stepped down energetic fragments, but still an integral facet of the magnificence of the Supreme Creator. And if we were sent forth with the command to create in the Creator’s name, for it was the Creator’s desire to experience more of Itself, why would the Creator tell us what we were to create?  We were given a blessed Divine gift as cocreators, and so were each of you.  You are a co-creator god in your own right, and that is not sacrilegious; it is a universal truth.  You must understand that is why you are here on Earth; that is who you are. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.   Remember, you are also responsible for your own creations through the laws of cause and effect.

Please understand that this universe was created with dramatically stepped-down and diluted primal Life Force Substance. Some are calling this universe a fallen universe, but we do not choose to call it that.  This is a universe which was created specifically so that we could experience duality and polarity.  The spectrum of Light and shadow was designed with the Still Point of Creator Light at its center, and the pendulum of duality was to swing only so far into the positive/negative, masculine/feminine, the Light/shadow, the yin/yang energy.  You must understand that some of the co-creator gods created less than perfection as they too learned to use their Creator-given rights.  Over the aeons of time the pendulum has swung further and further into the shadow land of duality, but it has always been balanced with the same amount of Divine Light substance. The duality/polarity of the Earth is now in the process of returning to Center, into its proper, designed spectrum of Light/shadow.

There have always been magnificent emissaries from the higher realms scattered throughout this universe, and particularly in this Sub-universe, your galaxy and on the Earth, for this is where the culmination of this Divine experiment in Creation is being played out in its final stages.  As we have told you before, the Supreme Creator is now taking an active role in the creative process of all the Omniverse, and the pure, rarified energy from ITS heart core is now streaming forth and affecting every facet of Itself from the greatest to the most minuscule. Creation does not contract; it is ever-expanding, and you have an integral part to play in that expansion.

You are at a grand crossroads, beloved ones. As you move through the process of clearing and cleansing the multiple facets of yourself, you are leaving behind the energies that created all the pain, suffering and distress.  Step back for a moment, and view these past months as an observer-are you beginning to get the picture of what the grand plan and ascension are all about?  Being aware and in control are important facets of mastery. If you have diligently worked with the lessons we have given you, you should be well on your way to reclaiming the many gifts you brought to Earth so many aeons ago.

Each of you is the center of your own universe.  You, as a cocreator, send out energy and intent which create thought patterns of a certain frequency. These higher frequency vibrations go forth from you as Rays of energy in an infinity sign, creating wave forms, which are a reflection of your conscious thoughts, intention and actions. As you learn to stay heart-centered and soul-focused, thereby always radiating unconditional love and balanced/harmonious vibrational patterns, your world and reality are gradually changing for the better, for you are functioning as an empowered master of cocreation–a true Divine emissary of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator. During these times of uncertainty and great change, remember, my beloved warriors of Light, there is nothing to fear and so very much to be gained. Feel the warmth of our sacred breath as it brushes your cheek, sense the aura of love in which we surround you. We are near: reach out and touch us. We will respond.   You are loved most profoundly.  I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : *

Cases Of “Chemtrail Cough” Exploding Nationwide

Ascension Guide Steve Rother, June 2014 – Predictions from ‘The Group’ – Great Earth Changes – Raising Your Vibration To Mitigate Coming Earth Changes – Entering Mini Ice Age – Coming Pacific Seismic Event – Redistribution Of Water On Earth – Crop Failures Worldwide – Earth’s Reset of Energy will Continue to Summer 2015 – Stepping Out Of Fear – Stepping Into Creation and Heal Our Earth and Humanity – June 2014

NOTE:   Steve Rother is an Ascension Guide ready to help us cope with big changes coming.  He channels what he calls “The Group”  who foretell coming changes that will affect all of us.  We each need to live in our Heartspace, be Centered, compassionate  –  mostly doing our own spiritual inner work, clearing our karma, fears, daily learning and practicing our lessons   –  working on our own Ascension.  The idea of knowing all of this information ahead of time, is to plan ahead – be as prepared as you can be.  Stand back and live your life fearlessly, staying light, feeling empathy and compassion with our fellow Humans.  Helping each other cope, live in Love.  Together, we will pull through this rough year and watch as conditions improve as our Collective Vibration rises to synchronize with Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Dimensions. Our Golden Age is approaching.  The Company of Heaven has some wonderful surprises ahead for us.  Let us be grateful to God and The Divine Plan that will bring all of us together into the most beautiful Goldn Age!

Steve Rother·661 videos

6PM Pacific Rebroadcast of the
Predictions Comments and Questions for June 2014

Albizia saman – Rain tree – Ajaytao

Ajaytao Botanical Photography

Albizia saman - Rain tree - Ajaytao Albizia saman – Rain tree – Ajaytao

Common name:Rain Tree, Coco tamarind, Acacia preta, French tamarind, Saman, Monkey pod, Arbre á la Pluie, Cow Bean Tree, Giant Thibet, Inga Saman, Algarrobo, Acacia, Akasya, Palo de China, Cow tamarind, False powder puff, French: Gouannegoul, arbre depluie, Fiji: Vaivai Ni Vavalagi,Vaivai Ni Vavalagi, Japanese: America-nemu, Guam: Trongkonmames. Hawaii: Ohai, pu ohai, Tongan: Kasia kula, mohemobe

Hindi: गुलाबी सिरिस Gulabi Siris, Vilaiti siris
Bengali: Biliti siris • Tamil: Amaivagai, Thoongumoonji maram

Synonyms: Samanea saman, Acacia propinquaMimosa saman, Pithecellobium saman, acutifolium Benth, Samanea (Benth.) Merr, Samanea,

Botanical name:Albizia saman, Samanea saman, Pithecellobium saman,

Family: Fabaceae (Touch-me-not family)
Genus: Albizia
Species: A. saman

Albizia saman (sometimes treated under the obsolete name Samanea saman) is a species of flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native to the Neotropics. Its range extends from Central America, Yucatan Peninsula…

View original post 1,552 more words

Growing Human Body Parts

MDTeditor·92 videos

On this episode of The Pulse, brought to you by MDT TV, we are regenerating limbs, building better brain implants, engineering 3D tissue, and measuring consciousness.

This episode features:

• Dozens of genes involved in planarian regeneration have been identified and learning more about them could help advance the field of regenerative medicine, and one day, even lead to the growth of human body parts.
• The Journal of Visualized Experiments has published a technique to accommodate two challenges inherent in brain-implantation technology: gauging the property changes that occur during implantation and measuring on a micro-scale.
• Researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology have developed a simple method of organizing cells and their microenvironments in hydrogel fibers.
• A tool to peek inside the brain and measure varying levels of consciousness may one day doctors might track consciousness nearly as easily as they check blood pressure.

For more medical technology news, go to


Saul via John Smallman – The way out of this exhausting and repetitious cycle is to let go of all your defenses – 5-28-14


The all inclusive and integrated oneness of God and all that He creates is becoming impossible for humanity to remain unaware of. Modern physics has made it abundantly clear that everything is connected to everything else! There is no separation; separation is an illusion that you have believed in and which has brought you much pain, but it is unreal. Because you believed in it you were fearful and felt the need to protect yourselves against others by building defenses – sarcasm, wit, humor, dismissal, judgment, and attack. Protection, defense, and attack are all reactions to your fear, the state that your apparent separation encourages you to believe in, but to engage with them is to inflict pain on yourself!

Everything you think, say, or do affects the whole of creation even though this is not apparent to you while you remain in your state of very limited consciousness. However, Reality, Heaven, Oneness with your Source can never be damaged or even offended because It is the supreme sovereign state of infinite Love, complete in and of Itself, containing and embracing all, and in opposition to nothing because there is nothing apart from It.

Any unloving – i.e. insane – activities in which you engage with in the illusion have severe and painful effects that can be extensive, but they are illusory like the environment in which they take place. Therefore if you choose to defend yourself or attack another the effects of those thoughts, words, or actions reverberate widely and painfully throughout your environment, increasing the sense of fear and insecurity that drives you into action in the first place.

The way out of this exhausting and repetitious cycle is to let go of all your defenses, and engage in every situation with love, your true and eternal nature. Nothing else works, which is why world peace has still to be established. However, because more and more of you are opening to the Love that is safely, eternally, and ineradicably established within each of you, and because you are choosing to respond lovingly instead of defensively whatever the situation you may be facing, the world is moving inexorably towards lasting peace. Deep within yourselves you do know this, so rejoice that the divine plan is unfolding as promised.

Signs of its unfoldment are to be seen all over the world as people refuse to be cowed any longer by the illegal, illegitimate, and in fact criminal suppression of their human rights that your so-called elected representatives in positions of authority have been imposing on you through the illicit laws that they have put on the statute books. Equally criminal is the use of civil or military “security” forces to make sure that these laws are obeyed. The immoral foundation on which the self-serving and illegitimate authoritarian positions that your elected representatives continue to cling to as upholders of “just” laws is collapsing beneath them, as their deceit and corruption continues to be unveiled by courageous whistle-blowers everywhere.

Refreshing changes are occurring all across the world despite the efforts of those in power – who “claim” to be working for your good and the good of humanity – to prevent them. So, celebrate! The old crushing and authoritarian regimes are effectively on their knees, as the extent of their self-serving and corrupt agendas becomes common knowledge, and as those who used to support them in their criminal and deceitful endeavors withdraw that essential support. Without cooperation and support no human endeavors can succeed. While accepting their apologies for the “sins” that they have committed, and to which they have admitted – for God is infinitely loving and forgiving, and so must you be, being inseparable parts of Him – do not re-elect them!

Personal self-aggrandizement and self-protection are the egoic natures to which they are clinging in desperation, because to face the truth of their self-centered ego-driven agendas, as so clearly demonstrated by their actions and intentions, is far too painful for them to even think of just yet. Their nature is Love, because all of creation is created from Love, and to acknowledge their shameful errors would bring them painfully face to face with their unconscionable and utterly unacceptable behaviors.

As a direct result of the whistle-blowers revelations they claim that they have, as a consequence of these incredible insights, mended their ways, and can now therefore be trusted to use their skills and abilities to work for you and with you – which is why you elected them in the first place. However, do not be fooled by the clever and inspired rhetoric with which they attempt to convince you that they have now truly understood the errors they have made, and for which they beg your forgiveness as they claim to be moving forwards to correct them.

They will do everything in their power to maintain the influence and control that they have enjoyed as authority figures over the eons and through many earth lives, regardless of the consequences for humanity as a whole. They have an intense need to hide from and disown the now revealed unconscionable behaviors in which they have engaged in this and numerous previous lives, behaviors which have now been most clearly revealed as shameful and even unforgivable, as their karmic debts are called in for payment in full in this lifetime.

They are, of course, just like all you Light bearers and wayshowers, beloved children of God. What seems to have happened within the illusory environment that you built to experience separation from God, from your Source, has not occurred. Consequently there is no need for forgiveness, nothing untoward has ever happened, and never could happen in the divine Reality, Heaven, that God created for your and His eternal joy. To forgive something that has never occurred is not possible, even though as humans in an illusory world much that is unacceptable does seem to have happened.

However, as humans undergoing intensely real seeming and painful experiences of betrayal and torture – psychological, emotional, or physical – it is necessary for you to forgive those who have apparently harmed you. While remaining unforgiving of these assumed and apparent mistreatments you close yourselves off from the Love that your Father offers you in every moment of your existence, because judgment, and resentment or condemnation cannot associate with or be in communion with Love. Love insists on unconditional acceptance of every part of creation, and there is nothing outside creation because the field of creation has no boundaries, it is limitless. By forgiving you release all within yourselves that is unreal – anything that is not in perfect harmony and alignment with Love – and open yourselves to the infinite and divine field of Love by which you are eternally surrounded, leading you forwards to your inevitable awakening. Forgiveness is an absolutely essential aspect of your awakening process.

To forgive is to admit to yourselves that nothing untoward, nothing unreal has occurred, and if that is the case – as it most certainly is – there is nothing to prevent you from awakening. At present your awakening is curtailed solely because, collectively, you are still holding on to resentment, to an intense desire for restitution. What you need to understand is that there is no need for restitution because nothing has happened, or could happen, that requires restitution.

You are all eternally One with God, the divine Source of all that exists, and God cannot be hurt, damaged, or offended, because there is nothing that is or ever could be in opposition to Him as He is all that exists. You are all, each and every one of you, essential and inseparable parts of that divine Source, so there is nothing that could attack or damage you. Accept this truth, open your hearts in Love, forgive all who appear to have hurt or offended you, and prepare to awaken. There truly is no other option, and why would you want one when this one promises you eternal joy?

With so very much love, Saul.

Andrew Bartzis – Galactic Historian – Akashic Records – Healer

Galactic Historian – the Trail of Tears

The Secrets inside your DNA – Linda Cosmos and Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian

Bioptron – Healing Light Therapy

Michelle Kwong·4 videos

Cosmic Vision News – Geoffrey West – News Around, Upon, Within and Beyond Our Planet – InLight Radio – 5-30-14

InLight Radio

Click Here To Listen To The Broadcast

News Summarries For This Broadcast

Karen Dover – Creation of Reference points in TRUTH – 5-30-14



Many of you may be wondering why I state that the old 3D earth created reality reference points are dissolving then immediately state that you will create your own personal reference points in relation to the New Earth.  This at first glance may appear to make no sense, the human logical mind will try to filter my words out if it senses there is little “logic” in the construction of the information.  This is why there is no logic in the New Earth reality unfolding and exactly why the human logical mind is now being moved from the “front seat” of your human vehicle to the passenger seat with your HEART space now driving your human vehicle.

Imagine if you will that you had never seen snow before in your life, then you visited a country where there was snow.  The actual experience of “snow” is your reference point, it may APPEAR that you have a reference point for snow already, you could google it for example, you could watch a programme showing you snow but in this analogy I am stating you have never PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED snow.  It is the EXPERIENCE that gives you the reference point that you require.  So when I say that the reference points for the New Earth reality are created for you by the experience this is exactly what I mean.




You can talk about energies, you can read about, you can discuss them but the actual reference point that is needed by the human vehicle is only created at the point you have the EXPERIENCE, this is the point of interaction with said energies. Up until this point you have only a human word that has been given a meaning, this is not experience and the New Earth is about personal EXPERIENCE.

YOUr SOUL knows this and it is this very experience and resulting reference points that YOUr SOUL is attempting to give to you through the people, places and scenarios that are now unfolding around you, through you and within you at this time.  This is precisely why you are moved into scenarios that take you out of PERCEIVED comfort zones, to show you the personal experience and to show you that that which has been “defined” for you is not necessarily that which is TRUTH.



Major Breakthrough in Free Energy: Overunity Demonstrated in the QEG

Hopegirl Blog Archives 2012-2015

overunity pic

Before we begin this ground-breaking post, we would like to share this important update that covers the events the FTW QEG team has experienced in the last two months of hands-on project work and traveling.

QEG Update – Taiwan, Morocco, Overunity and Next Steps

March 25th – April 14th

  • Opensourced QEG documents
  • Trained Taiwan team to reach resonance (go here for complete blog post)
  • Taiwan core shorted, was rewound
  • Due to delays in rewinding, overunity was not achieved before our trip ended (we changed our plans and plane tickets, prolonging our departure 5 days)
  • Made a wonderful discovery about the power in a QEG
  • Flew straight to Morocco instead of going home for a few days

April 15th – May 26th

  • Arrived in Morocco and couldn’t get the processed core out of customs for 2 weeks
  • Had parts shipped from US that had been difficult for the…

View original post 2,474 more words

Adventures into Reality – Veronica Keen, Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis

Galactic Historian·48 videos

Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis and Veronica Keen continue in this amazing exponsé of the current situation and their call to action this Summer.

Break Original Music courtesy of Frank Pisciotti

Audio recorded on 05-2014

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Galactic Historian Website:

Spiritual Contract Revocation – All Architecture Programming – by Andrew Bartzis

NOTE:  Andrew Bartzis is a Galactic Historian. He gets concerned about incarnates on Earth (Us) getting locked into soul contracts for future incarnations.  Complex Soul Family agreements,  and outside manipulators,  can cause You to be locked into an agenda you might not like.  In Ascension,  your Higher Self integrates into your body.  In the 5th Dimension, you have re-acquired your personal freedom, your Sacred Sovereignty.  Andrew Bartzis believes in the importance of making clearly-worded, recited out loud   –   in Your full I Am Presence   –  the document shown below this introduction.  Spiritual Contract Revocation, composed by Andrew Bartzis, is spoken aloud as a declaration to your Higher Self, Your Soul Family and the Universe.
Please read this, save a copy on your computer desktop,  have a meditation  consultation with your Higher Self for Guidance on this.  Your answer may be in the form of Intuition.  It is very important to live in Your Own Truth.  This document is a tool.
You can watch  a 20-part interview on YouTube between Andrew Bartzis and Lance White.
Thank You, Duane
“Alchemy” by Teal Scott

Frequency Artwork by Teal Scott

Spiritual Contract Revocation   –   All Architecture Programming   –   by Andrew Bartzis

I call forth a proper spiritual court of equity to hold space for the declaration of the I am presence.

In this ever present co-creative procreative moment I call forth all of the ‘I am selves”, so I may find remedy and resolve with all foundation architecture programming. I call forth the founder beings of earth. I call forth earth mother and all other beings holding space for unity consciousness, I call forth all ancestors past, present and future, to hold space in this spiritual court of equity.

I call forth all the programming of all architecture to be removed from my ‘no-time’ presence. I call forth all foundation architecture programmers, past, present and future. You are here by removed from any and all service past, present and future. I here by delete, all foundation architecture programming of the entire system of domination and control. I do not consent to the insertion of any programs that is not in complete and total flow with unity consciousness. I demand the instant and total removal of all programs from my soul matrix, I am presence, and all other versions of me existing in this dimension, time stream or any other dimension or time stream in this universe or any other universe.

I do not consent to any foundation architecture programming that re-sequences my DNA to match or mismatch my DNA for soul family representations. I demand the instant cessation of all attacks in this time stream and any others “I” may exist on. I do not consent to an covert or overt move through unprotected proxies or protected proxies. I do not consent to the use of any type of program insertion system in any way shape or form.

I here by declare in the mighty I am presence, I accept no part, bit, byte or soul formatted language that creates a back door for off world alien architecture. I do not consent to any off world interference. I do not consent to any form of manipulation for the purposes of creating victims or victimization programs. I do not consent to any form of archetype programming that causes me to do any harm to any sentience in any way shape or form.

The idea of a sacred space defines itself on many planes of existence. It represents the human need to have possession’s that help ground us in the world. Sacred space is the room we give our selves to be. We learn at a young age about beliefs people hold to be true. We continue to learn about others sacred space. At times we get confused about what is “your” sacred space and what is “others” sacred space.

It’s time to mark your space with your essence, your love and your human needs. It asks you to know who you have given permission to be in your sacred space. It asks you to tell those who are not welcome to leave. It asks you to stand up to your convictions and respect your sacred space. Enforce the rules you have set up. Release the rules that have allowed others to steal the serenity of your sacred space. It asks you to honor the sacred point of view you have been co-creating with mother earth.

The way of 2legged has come to a generational jump in wisdom once again. Every human being incarnating on this world has a great journey ahead of them. This next leap into evolution is similar to the process of returning home to that sacred space within each of us. This place of new found innocence in the great web of life that interacts with all living things.

Our 2legged habit patterns have changed so much in the last decade alone, one can barley recount all of the changes in one sitting. Here are a few, Cell phones and all the extended ways of communicating and conversing with cultures world wide.

Computers and the internet, connecting 2leggeds into a world in a global market of information and and monetary exchange for goods and services. Cable and satellite broadcasts connecting the global ideas of entertainment and learning to even the most remote areas of earth mother’s spine. 24/7 news stations recounting the smallest detail from the smallest corners of the world.

All these new tangible and intangible things weigh down 2leggeds spirit, defusing the earth mothers energies with 2leggeds desires before their need. When our needs are not understood on a primal connective level with the place we live in – a separation begins to take hold.

Separation pro-creates an uneasiness that eventually devolves the human spirit into a distilled human essence trying to figure out what is real and what is not real. This unending process continually breaks mother earths links to her children and grand children.

Time is a paradox, stretching between a “past and future” that have no reality except in our own minds. The idea of time is a convention of thought and language, a true social agreement. Here is the deeper truth, “We have only this Moment”. You can think and visualize the past and future, but you only can live in the present moment.

Time is a social agreement dating back to the dawn of mankind. This agreement has been passed down from generation to generation, civilization to civilization since Time Immemorial. Time is now quantifiable and measurable by the millions of previous past generations Core Knowledge Distilled down to a search-able database of Time-models and concepts. Time is mankind’s greatest gift to the multi-verse.

When the first sentient human-ancestor encountered the second sentient human-ancestor; they exchanged the basic understanding of daylight and darkness. From that point on a all encompassing social agreement was devised to promote breeding and healing for countless numbers of tribes spread through out the world. The First generation of human-ancestors began to perceive the world they shared many different understandings of time. Fast forward to our present generation.

What is Time?

When human ancestors began theorizing time travel did they see time as we do today?

The rules for karma in 2012 have changed. The whole world vibrates at a much faster pace now. The world will be the same to us from a perception perspective, though it will cycle life story’s much faster –now that the human species can exchange information in seconds rather than weeks or months. Just be who you are and continue to love all earth mothers creation as free willed beings exploring the multiverse with hands, feet, mind and spirit.

Whole new realms of exploration are with in 2leggeds grasp. It will take thinkers, mathematicians, atheists, scientists, philosophers, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jewish, Buddhists, native American and the rainbow warriors of the 5th world to come together as families, clans, states, nations, and all of 2legged kind to manifest peace, unity and harmony when we heal our earth mother as complete beings recycling the gifts of life.

Recycling the gifts of life is the key to understanding this day, moment and second we perceive time as an omni-directional social agreement that extends to our brothers and sisters beyond earth mothers blanket of protection.

Great mystery reminds us we are freewill co-creators in this dance of life. Sometimes the dance comes to a rhythmical pause. Can you recognize the pauses and sudden starts to this dance of life. When the fire of ceremony has ended and you’ve returned to your home, can you still connect to the dancer, dancing this dream we all live in?

Great mystery lives with in every thing and every one. The forms may change but the energy of creation remains the same. Great mystery created great spirit to be the creative flow of the uniworlds, which include all levels of the universe and all understanding about the creative force of life. Great mystery will never be solved.

Today at this moment in time the healers of the southern skies call to your inner child looking at the nighttime sky. We ask you to use this frame of spirit-time as reference to rekindle the youthful spirit who is able to look at the sky with ecstasy and the joy of a creative exploring mind. Let your mind wander above the coming winter clouds. Soar above the city’s and freeways. See the complete interconnectedness of the whole world acting in symphony with all creature kind.

This interconnectedness is the root of spiritual evolution, expansion and development. All things born of earth are her children. All her children are blood relatives and kindred spirits exchanging life force as a community of spirits expressing free will on this planet we call Earth.. Some are aware and some are unaware. It is not your place to judge or misjudge.

We look into the fires of creation past the point of no return in a world of infinite energies in continuous evolution and expansion. A single frame of human reference comes forward. Image of a Human and his interconnected DNA intertwines with all life force expressing freewill. All incarnated beings can commune with their genetic code on a deeply spiritual and human level if they should choose to explore in freewill the metaphysics of mind body and spirit. We ask you to include this into your weekly development patterns.

As the winter solstice draws near people will begin their process or recalling the last year, freeing up stagnant energies from months past. All experience this recalling of energy in a different way. Its written into our DNA – so we can connect with the past events to learn, evolve, create and co-create with all creature kind.

As the days get shorter and shorter the veil will be lifted from the eyes of many people. This veil will reveal the early twilight of winter nights. This veil will be the cycle of night and day. It has no more meaning than the rise and fall of day and night. A cycle that has been played out since man has looked at the stars.

During the winter solstice is the time and place to learn where the magic still lives in your soul. Belittling this times takes away form our ability to understand our creative force with in. Learn to recall energies during the dawn hours. Make a conscious effort to let go of old habit patterns as the light of a new morning cycle comes over you. Learn how to let go of unanswered prayers as the sun goes down. There are times when we pray and yet do not send it to our highest level of spiritual expression.

These prayers get stuck in the heart, cause strife and metal misconduct if they are left to fester for to long. Each prayer needs time with the placenta of great mystery. – Allow this time into your life. It is not a striping of Id, Ego or personality. It is the recalling of life events or memories in long term storage – Let the stars above your head or the clouds floating in the sky be the silent auditors of your past years fate, destiny and expression of day to day life. This is not for those who use ceremonial time as their only means of spiritual expression. You must be ready with a system of prayers that help define your year and upcoming year. Healing is a process not an event like the shortest day of the year.

Now is the time to reclaim the prayer pipe from your medicine allies. Relearning to pray in a whole new way that interconnects all past systems of personnel prayer with your current method of spiritual locomotion. For a short time the coming winter spirits will provide 2 opportunities to commune with the winter thunder beings. It will be your service to mother earth to be aware of thunder on the distant horizon. Thunder and lighting in winter is a rare gift of medicine during these times of personnel change. Each rumble of thunder and flash of hidden light will be your opportunity to express to all living things your true nature unhindered by the camouflage of civilization. Each crack of winter storm thunder will aid you in understanding the self created illusions – friend dragonfly will be your guide during these moments. She will come to you in spirit form because her body is now hibernating in egg time before she hatches a new generation of dragonfly. Learn from friend dragonfly during these times. Let her show you the flowers on the spirit trails or the waterfall where great clouds of gnats form a food chain cycle each time they gather in-mass.

What waits for you is a time of confusion as new abilities and understanding take root. Learn how to tell your ever evolving story to the winds. It will be your greatest service you can provide to mother earth. Tell her your alive. Tell her your life story in spirit song.

As you learn to walk in balance friend whale will come to your medicine spread. Her song will touch parts of your body with vibration. This vibration will start a process of remembering your past. Take time to heal, learn and prosper with friend whale as your new medicine teacher. Swim with her as part of the great pod of spirit whales exploring the universe with song.

Dream on brothers and sisters. Me dreaming you and you dreaming me. We are the dreamers and the dreamed, dreaming this co-creation in an ever present procreative moment of infinity.

Frequency Artwork by Teal Scott

Tanaath Update – Free Yourself From the Matrices – Protecting your Identity – May 28, 2014


Image Source


Silver Legion Announcements
Freeing Yourself from the God Matrix
by Tanaath on 05/28/14


thanks to themadhatter for informing of the update…..



One of my associates, the Silver Legionnaire who has written several kundalini reiki meditations which have been posted to the Facebook, made a very interesting, and important, discovery. There are a number of matrices involved in suppressing this planet (not just one); however, she discovered one in particular that is definitely contributing to the reinforcement of some of the more vicious jailing techniques.

Everyone here has heard of some or another mythological god. All cultures have them, or had them, before various conversions took place to other faiths. I’m talking about gods like the pantheons of the Greeks, Celts, Chinese, etc., all the gods of the world (and there are thousands of names). Additionally, there were legendary figures, like demigods, angels, manitous, saints, etc., all these famous personalities whose legends filtered through our history into our stories and myths and legends. This is, I should think, a basic fact to anyone following my material – these beings are real and many of them have histories on this planet.

Here’s where the fun part begins. Many of these beings incarnated here. Some of these famous names are running around, living human lives – and some of them know who they are. Many don’t discuss it, because no one wants to be made fun of or be accused of being delusional or having a runaway ego because they honestly remember being a god or hero of legend, or have to deal with the unrealistic expectations of others – and it’s pretty damn obvious that being one of those people doesn’t confer any special powers or privileges in this time and place. Others aren’t sure whether to believe their own memories and feelings on the matter. And in an even more confusing-for-Terrans twist, some of these entities have incarnated into multiple separate Terran lives simultaneously – some of whom are aware that there are others, and some of whom are not.

So yes, there are incarnated gods, heroes, angels, saints, demi-gods, etc., people represented to us in myth and legend. Yes, they’re here, no, they don’t get any special powers… and their identities are being used to chain both them and every other human being to this planet. One very tricky thing that has been set up is an identity trap for gods and legendary figures, tied to one of the matrices which keep us bound here. The more attached an individual gets to their own identity, the more that tie tightens around them, and the more it in turn reinforces the matrix it’s attached to. And since so many of these gods and legendary people have multiple names, any one of those identities can be used to bind that entity. Many of these ‘goddess portals’ and other events calling upon the identities of heroes, gods, and legendary people have only served to reinforce these chains by tying those entities even more to this planet.

There is a way to break this. One must consciously reject all ties to one’s identity, break all contracts associated with one’s identity, and make a conscious determination to reject anything attempting to bind or enslave one. This does not mean rejecting the identity itself. But all the things attached to it have to be severed and discarded in order to break these chains.

It’s not necessary for these individuals to out themselves. This severing and breaking of contracts can be done without informing the world of who you are, if you happen to be a famous name.

I’m posting a meditation (Found below) and (it’ll be on the Downloaded Transcripts tab of this website) , and it will also be available on the Cosmic Voice facebook. This meditation is designed to help individuals free themselves from identity-based chaining. If you feel called to do this meditation, please do it. It’s not mandatory; individuals can devise their own ways to sever these attachments and connections in their own way. However, some people find it easier with something to work with or to help guide them. This meditation was developed by the Silver Legionnaire who has previously developed kundalini reiki meditations, which some people have used and found to be helpful. She was also the one who discovered this matrix of chains based on god and hero identities.

While there is nothing wrong with embracing one’s identity, make sure you do so as a free and sovereign being, and accept no ties based on other people’s expectations, or supposed contracts that were made (many of which were falsified).

Now, a little housekeeping: Comments have been disabled. The ones that have already been posted are saved, but apparently disabling comments also removes from view those which have already been posted. Yes, I did this, and yes, it was deliberate. I’m starting to feel too much like a recess lady in a boisterous school yard on the first nice day after a long snow. Additionally, there’s no way in hell I can answer all the questions flung my way, particularly with the network of assumptions underpinning some of them. Comments will remain disabled for the time being. Unfortunately, there’s enough problematic content that permitting completely unmoderated comments is not an option. This blog was never meant to be a forum and I can’t keep up with you guys.

I may be appearing on Cosmic Voice Radio with Thomas Williams and Drake. This will not be a show to discuss ET issues, or deliver news, etc.; Thomas Williams has asked me to discuss the topic of psychic attack and protection. The date has not been set yet, I’ll post a show date when we have one.