9 -11, A Chance For World Healing – Spirit of the Rainbow


Reflections on the lessons that the tragic events of September 11th 2001 have for humanity. Music by Dan Phillipson.

Children of the Sun – Calling All Ambassadors of Love to the Middle East – 9-3-14

Middle East TransmissionsChildren of the Sun: Calling All Ambassadors of Love to the Middle East, September 1, 2014, http://childrenofthesun.org | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

Calling All Ambassadors of Love to the Middle East. We Are Serving as a Group Vaccine Stabilizer to Help Eradicate the Virus Called Hate.

Beginning this Equinox, September 23, 28, October 5, and 12. Go to Map and Register

Children of the Sun Foundation launches a most penetrating campaign to assist in transmuting the hate virus and its entire energy hologram that has kept the Middle East locked in a barbaric loop of prejudice, war, violence and killing.

Our immediate priority is to empower the land and the people to rebuild their life force so that the entire energetic system can be re-trained to reject the dis-ease of conflict that has plagued this entire area for centuries.

This missive is to help clear blockages, repair and reconnect the energy grid system. We will purify elemental matter and transmit highly alkalizing healing light. Our group forcefield will deliver a transference, likened to a walloping love vaccine, purposed to trigger eradication of a most deadly, hate empowered virus and its contagious influence.

We begin in the Middle East due to the current level of turmoil. We head next to Africa. If participation numbers are high, we will keep going strong.

We are one Group Avatar in transforming action… NOW!

Let’s Stop the Crimes Against Humanity in the Middle East



High Levels of Contagious Toxicity is Releasing. Our Unified Love Can Make a Transforming Difference!

It is undeniable that the escalating tumultuous events in our world are the direct result of the increasing frequencies of light purposed to lift the illusory veils of matter. The planet is deeply purifying to shed its density and birth a new form.

Releasing toxicity is causing heightened tension at every level of the e-motion barometer. Viral outbreaks are some of the worst cases seen in many years.

There is a potentially catastrophic virus that is now rearing its head, instigating mass recruitment by its very nature. This one is more deadly than any other known to human kind. It is the infection that has kept our planet in the clenches of elitist domination, scores of wars and inhumane acts of gross proportion.

This is the virus called ‘hate’. As acts of rebellion accelerate in our world, this contagious infliction is replicating in greater numbers, with the capability to cause a global pandemic to the likes of which the world has never experienced.

With all humanity now connected through technology, this surfacing energy of extreme separation is revealing through every crack and cranny to be cleansed. It is a hateful deluge that is even blatantly promoted to coerce instability, especially inflaming through mainstream and social media.

It is shocking to witness the levels of negativity, judgment and condemning gossip that is happening and publicized to the whole world. To whatever degree, all nations are infected by this virus, as is the general mass of un-awakened humanity.

The Middle East and African continents seem to be amongst the key battlefields from where the extremely polarized nature of global hatred continues to be played out, due in part, to soul vulnerabilities and a devastated Earth energy grid.

The planet’s immunity in these war torn regions is so traumatized that is has little to no ability to rise above suffering and stave off invasive substance. A greatly weakened life force is one of the reasons why these lands cannot retain any type of new programming for peace.

From our evolved state of Unity Consciousness, we have the ability to bring a dramatic shift to any and all outplay not aligned to love.  This assistance cannot wait a moment longer. We are marching now, into the Middle East as an invincible Army of Light.

Let’s review, in very simple terms, a highly creative approach…

Understanding the Viral Patterning of Hate

A ‘virus’ is essentially an infectious agent that replicates inside the living cells of other organisms, attempting to corrupt the system. If the immune system is not strong enough to destroy it, the virus latches on to a cell host and infection ensues.

Once inside the cell, the virus hijacks the cell’s replication functions and makes copies of itself. These viruses burst out of the host cell, destroy it, and then go on to infect many more cells.

In other words, viruses invade, attach on and then reproduce, like wildfire. They then spread to recruit from other areas. This is exactly what the infection of hate does. It forces entry, instigates others to join… and then spreads its viral tentacles as far and wide as possible.

All viruses that use humans as their host are highly contagious.

For those of you who are watching world outplay, you can apply these ideas to what is happening now with all of these rising conflicts and the energy Behind them.

Vaccines Can Eradicate Viruses

You stop a virus by rendering it non-infective. Some of the most important health advances in history have been vaccinations, preventing wide scale suffering and death from numerous infectious diseases.

In today’s world, vaccinations have become controversial due to many more options now available for medical treatment. For some fun, though, let’s review the idea.

A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular dis-ease. Generally speaking, a vaccine typically contains antigenic material that resembles the disease-causing microorganism. In other words, a vaccine is often made from a weakened form of the toxin.

We Are the Vaccine For Hate!

The majority of us in this network have spent years undergoing deep purification to heal all of our hates, conflicts and separated natures. Likened to a vaccine, we are the weakened (healed) biological form of the toxin called ‘hate’.

We are transformed and have re-membered unity. Our entire field of energy carries the unity code and the healing solution for anything not aligned to love.

We are Primed to serve as a potent vaccine for the virus of hate!!!

This is exactly what we are going to do as a Group Vaccine Stabilizer to bring transforming love into the region and trigger eradication of this destructive program.

From the empowered frequency of Unity Consciousness, we will administer a ‘love vaccine’ to the body of all souls who are destined to evolve.

fivesix<img class=” wp-image-229297 alignnone” style=”border: 10px solid white;” alt=”six” src=”https://d1br7wc30ambms.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/six.jpg” width=”213″ height=”140″ />

The Middle East Transmissions

Immunization of the Elemental Nature

The primary strategies…

1. We will clear, build and retrain elemental immunity

The Middle East region is so infected by the viral patterns of hate that the immune response of Earth’s elemental nature is sorely wiped out.

From our strong collective body, we will give a great boost to the region’s immunity so that it can begin to rebuild itself. This is likened to us serving as a giant vaccine injection. Our love will permeate through cell membranes intended to dramatically weaken impassioned causes of conflict and the desire to kill other humans.

As the weakened (transformed) agents of the ‘hate’ infection, Earth’s elemental immune system will instantly recognize and respond to our higher frequency as the desired evolved pattern. It then will learn to identify the un-transformed version of ‘hate’ as foreign substance and start transforming it, to the energy of ‘good’.

This has great potential to help the elemental substance to rebuild its required level of immunity so that it can more easily transform future encounters with the hate particles. This includes the land, the people, the water, the atmosphere and the oil.

2. We will improve energetic flows

We will help release blockages and inflammation in the physical matter so that vital energy can move freely and in its natural course. This includes the removal of contaminants within the energetic pathways such as the ley lines, gas belts, the plates and structural joints.

We will focus extensively on repairing and reconnecting the crystalline Earth grid in this region so that galactic light and its solar encodement can fully penetrate.

While numerous lightworker groups have done this before, there have been great obstacles, making it extremely difficult for efforts to fully effectuate. The difference now, is that the Earth is purging with a lot more matter substance that is shifting. This is a perfect time for us to get into the trenches and simultaneously assist.

3. We will repolarize traumatic imprints

We will transmute the traumatic imprints of violence, conflict and killing. This is motivated through our high-spirited command for Divine Intervention to repolarize the memory fields including the Akashic Records, morphogenetic template and the entire holographic insert of separation.

4. We will quarantine and shield the entire region

Viruses also have to be isolated to help bring its germ spreading, highly contagious effect under control. Even though some countries in the Middle East are not currently at war, the infection has still spread. Therefore, we will secure the entire region in a giant quarantined container.

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FREE Registration Here.

Everyone can serve in these pivotal transmissions!

If you do not have in-depth experience in energy transference, an audio will be provided that expertly guides you through the steps. (For donation.)

Four Extraordinary Transmitter Roles:

1. Country Sponsor – land & people

2. Water Purifier – liquid matter

3. Matrix Stabilizer – air & ether

4. Matrix Stabilizer – Earth interior

Description of service roles

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Donations to Children of the Sun 

Please support our forward movement. All of our programs are dependent upon public donations. Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. is a non profit public charitable organization, operating number #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA. © Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. You have permission to share our free public information through any medium as long as it is offered at no cost, it is not altered, and the proper credit is given to the Foundation.




Food Forests – Natural Building with Permaculture Jax

Sustainable North Florida

Permaculture catches on in Jacksonville FL thanks to these three visionaries. Take a tour through the edible urban yard of Val Hermann and Eli Bajalia. Then join Alex Ojeda during our community’s first Annual Natural Living Skills Weekend.

Steve Beckow – Toward a New Philosophy of Community Building through Mutual Aid, Part 3 / 3 – 8-15-14

community 22By Steve Beckow, Karen Wilson and Kathleen Willis

The Company of Heaven are not only asking organizations such as ours to ask for help. Here Sanat Kumara makes the same request of individuals.

“Seek out the support groups that you need.

“Go to the community, whether it is electronic or physical, seek out and ask for the helpful people to appear in your life quite literally and then it is very important to engage with them. Give them a chance, take time, make the effort to get to know them. Allow the new friendships to form.

“We will help you. Because you are not to be on the Earth alone so you need – yes, need – those who are like-minded and like-hearted in physical reality. We will assist you. But you have need to begin to seek them out as well.” (1)

Asking for help from the lightworker community causes the community to arise as a contextual entity in response and then begin functioning. The Company of Heaven seems to be showing us this and want this.

Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon described what the Company of Heaven sees when we engage in acts of mutual aid and support:  “What [we] are witnessing is neighbor helping neighbor, community helping community, government helping government.” (2)

On another occasion he described what we’re doing when we engage in mutual aid and support:

“You have your websites – yes, of course the Council of Love, the 2012 Scenario [now the Golden Age of Gaia] – but many of you have built concrete platforms for discussion, for community, for truth. This is not simply something that is esoteric or etheric. Yes, it is electronic. It is ‘in space’ as you would think of it but it is tangible. It is real. …

“These are tangible dreams coming true. You are building situations where your community is coming together [emphasis added]….

“These are tangible ways in which you are saying ‘We are united in heart. We are united in purpose. We are not united by those who believe they can control. We are not united by anything but love and by hope and by vision for a very different future.’” (3)

Kathleen 22The Company of Heaven through Tazjima offered a vision to help us awaken to our roles in building the global community generally, a world that works for everyone, that we now call Nova Earth.

“A new world is coming into being and you are here to assist in its birthing. You are the midwife and the pregnant woman, the father and the mother. Together you are bringing forth the Christed child [the Self, the Atman, our original nature], within yourself and your world.

“The Christed frequencies are returning to this world and you, with your glorified light body and unified force field, will anchor those energies here.

“You chose to be here for a purpose, a holy purpose. Open to your greater being and discover that purpose for yourself. We believe that you will be amazed to see how gifted you all are even now.

“You have vastly underestimated your capacity for creation. Now you have an opportunity to begin to utilize those skills that you have mastered in other dimensions, to bring them into physical reality, on this planet, here and now.” (6)

We have to ask ourselves: How seriously do we take this call? Do we act in a way that shows that we take it seriously? What are will willing to give and give up to serve this Plan? You can ignore our request, but we’d rather you didn’t.

Creating community at the level of service organization, such as we are (all of us – readers, editors, listeners, hosts, charity workers), is one small step on the path to Global Community, as AAM pointed out through Celia Fenn: “The New Earth will allow for the recognition of One Planet rather than many nations. It is the next step in the Collective Evolution of the Global Community.” (4)

SaLuSa explained in 2013 that “the plan you know as NESARA … along with abundance [the Reval, St. Germaine World Trust, etc.], will quickly establish a flourishing community. The real answers to your problems are relatively simple, but finding the right people to introduce them is not so easy.” (5)

We think that the various lightworkers who’ve volunteered to play a role in administering the abundance and other Nova-Earth programs are “the right people” and we’re also coming to realize that challenging us to create our own plan for sustainability by asking for support from a broad coalition of lightworkers is part of how the Company of Heaven is training and testing us.

Our Request

Steve 107We restrict our attention to the Nova Earth Team, although we realize that the need is much broader than us. What are our particular needs and how are they to be met?

Our need as a team is, at this moment, to raise $16,000 ongoingly, month after month. That target covers our staff and operational costs for the Golden Age of Gaia, InLight Radio, the Hope Chest and the other services we provide.

Our staff have maxed out every other source of credit and aid over the years, many have contributed all they had, to wait for the arrival of abundance, to administer lightworker-service programs.

For however long we have to wait from here on in, we have nowhere else to turn to for support but to the people we serve.

Our present requests for the Hope Chest total $10,000 a month. That may go up.

We’ll be reporting more fully on the needs that people have who approach the Hope Chest. And we’ll be reproducing some of the thank you letters to you, the donors.

After the Reval, it’ll be a straightforward matter to see to our needs. Well, we’ll be seeing to your needs. But now is difficult.

So no amount is too small. With the numbers that come to commune here (40,000 hits a day and 2,000 daily subscribers), we hope that even small donations will count big, but only if people will commit to small amounts in large enough numbers.

Of course, we appreciate the larger one-time gifts, but the smaller, consistent ones are the ones which are going to remove our constant concern.

This process of expansion is as difficult for us as it may be for you. We’re all of us stretching and stretching and stretching.

That’s our best plan at the moment.  If that doesn’t work, we’ll look at new arrangements, which we may have no idea of now.

Will you help us? If so, hit the donation button at the end of each of these three articles. The request is to use the “monthly” option for either or both of the Team and General Lightworkers options.

In Summary

In summary, then, we thought that the Company of Heaven would ease the way for us and provide us with everything we needed to build Nova Earth.

But at least at this juncture, we think they have other plans for us.

They’ve said to us that they want the lightworker community to come together and provide for the needs of those who, like the monks of old, have stepped outside the prevailing social order and are actively involved and totally committed to building a new and spiritual world.

Wayshowers are offering all their specializations and special initiatives, fufilling their mission, staging global peace meditations, producing accurate world coverage, founding gender equality projects, lobbying for peace, developing free-energy machines, etc.

Remember how we all dreamed this could happen? Well, this is the time when we’re making it happen. Like we did in the Sixties and in the Seventies.

If it’s ever going to happen, it’s going to happen now and it’s going to happen because we did it.

We’ve let go of the training wheels and we’re riding the bike.

We are building community at the level of organization. Later we’ll build it at the level of coalitions, then of world issues like global peace and gender equality, and finally with the entire globe.

If you agree with us, we ask you to show your support by making a continuing, voluntary monthly donation (or subscription) to the Nova Earth Team — and to other lightworker service organizations building Nova Earth.



For “Site and Team Donations,” click on the “Donate” button, left, or head to the Hope Chest logo in the right-hand margin of the site.

For “General Donations” to the Hope Chest for lightworkers, click on the “Donate” button, left, or head to the Hope Chest logo in the right-hand margin of the site.

Cosmic Vision News – Journalist Geoffrey West – News Around, Upon, Within and Beyond Our Planet

cosmic vision news

Click This Link To Listen To The Broadcast

Dave Schmidt Report – Meeting With Ambassador of White Dragon Society – 8-8-14

Dave Schmidt


Steve Beckow – Universal Brothers and Sisters, Sovereign Citizens of the World, and Members of Team Earth – 8-7-14

African ChildrenI came across this article while searching for another and I’d like to repost it today.

Another task before us once we’ve gotten a sense of what it means to be human is to achieve the contextual breakthrough of becoming sovereign citizens of the world and members of Team Earth.

I’d like us to consider four propositions as we enter into our global conversation on how to approach this work.

Universal Brothers and Sisters

The first is that we’re all related as children of God. We’re all universal brothers and sisters. What does that really mean?

Our brotherhood and sisterhood does not relate to the color of our skin, our nationality, our religion or any other external features such as these.

It relates to the fact that we‘re all fragments of the Divine, or as the prophet put it, firebrands plucked from the burning. (1) Our soul or Self is Light of the One Light, which the religions have called the Christ, the Atman, the Buddha Nature. It’s a pearl of great price, a treasure buried in a field, and a mustard seed (God the Child) that grows into a great tree (God the Father).

It’s that Self, which is eventually fully known as the All-Self, that’s the essence of our brotherhood and sisterhood. It’s as the One Self that we’re all related.children It’s as that Light that we’re all children of the one God.

Sovereign Beings

The second proposition I’d like you to consider is that we’re all sovereign, plenipotentiary monarchs over our own domain.

When God the Mother birthed us and sent us on our journey from God to God, she made us monarch over the domain of our bodies and our field of awareness.
Apparently our domain extends to other worlds, other dimensions, and other bodies but that remains all hearsay to me. I know only this body and this field of awareness and I‘m monarch over it. I’m fully responsible for it and have sway over all it does, is and has. And the same applies to you.

So it’s as plenipotentiaries, by God’s command, that we sit down at the table commonly and treat with each other to build Nova Earth.

Citizens of the World

The third proposition is that we’re not only sovereign beings, we’re also sovereign citizens of Planet Earth. I don’t feel my citizenship any longer to just one country. I’m a citizen of the planet now, as are all of us.

And it’s as a citizen of the planet, with no more power than you but no less, that I sit down to treat with you in the building of Nova Earth.

When I invite us to see ourselves as citizens of the world, I invite us to get that context down to our bones, down to the cells in our bodies.

To be sure, we Nova Earthlings, Nova Terrans or Nova Gaians respect the laws of the lands we live in but we center our being in, and act from the state of, being citizens of the world.

Expanding our identity from being a Peruvian or a South African to being a terrestrial citizen is one step in the total evolution of our consciousnesses. It’s a desirable one, but by no means the end of the story.

earthday2010aWe’ll have to abandon it at some point. The purpose of life is not to realize ourselves as Earth dwellers, but to realize ourselves as God.

However, as a useful interim measure that will yield in time to our becoming a galactic being, and then on to wider domains of applicability on our return journey Home, being citizens of the world is a powerful and unstoppable idea whose time has come.

Members of Team Earth

As brothers and sisters, sovereign beings and citizens of the world, we are the team that will build Nova Earth.

As Team Earth, we’re charged with seeing to the wellbeing of the planet, her human population, and her animal kingdom.

We’re charged with restoring Gaia as far as lies within our power to do so, living upon her in an harmonious and self-sustaining way, and making a home for others that’s comfortable, equitable and fair.

A high priority is to build a sense of team that will attract all colors, religions, and paths to the work of terraforming and relieving the suffering that exists all over the globe.

* * *

Moreover, we cannot escape our circumstances any more than the souls who said the Sun was at the center of the local system, the Earth was round or gravity kept the stars in place.

We must labor, eat, and sleep. But we labor, eat and sleep as world citizens, as citizens of Nova Earth. And we labor, eat and sleep sharing the gains as well as sharing in the pains. Family8192

Some of our brothers and even more of our sisters are being mistreated in many areas of the world. While we obey the legitimate laws of the land we live in, we don’t need to obey – and shouldn’t – the illegitimate laws, dictates and customs that make children’s lives miserable, women suffer in a hundred ways, and nations endure poverty, want, and slavery.

There’s one word that rings louder than an atom bomb and that word is “no.”  There’s one word that’s sweeter than an angel’s voice and that word is “yes.” But now we need to learn how to use, and when to speak, both of them to greatest effect.

All that lowers our awareness, dries up our love and confuses our wisdom now must hear our “no.” All that raises our awareness, moistens our love, and releases our wisdom now must hear our “yes.” The matter is no more complicated than that.

As your brother, a sovereign being, and a citizen of the world, by the power vested in me as a child of God, I declare that all my brothers and sisters on the planet are free, deserve the necessaries of life equally, and merit the acceptance of the world without exception.

We citizens of the world gather together in communication every day, make contact with each other and agree to create a world that works.

We citizens of the world, speaking with one voice to have the world work according to the divine qualities and right conduct, declare a new paradigm that raises all bars to eliminate inequality, want, and servitude.

We citizens of the world say there’s no going back to the way it was. Our global citizenship is not the crystal ceiling; it’s the golden floor. It’s not the project’s conclusion; it’s only the invitation. It’s not the destination of our journey; it’s just the first step on a road we cannot see or know but can only sense and feel.

All of us share humanness and dedication to restoring and revitalizing the Earth in preparation for our final ascension. The cabal is leaving. The galactics are coming. The big push is not far away. Our consciousnesses continue to expand to help us along the way. We’re positioning ourselves to carry out what we came to do.

To get that job done, we come together as Team Earth.




Student may have found cheap alternative for water purification | Virginia Gerig | TEDxSHS

TEDx Talks

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Virginia Gerig is a high school student who is researching new cheap ways to purify water. During her research she found a cheap and effective way to remove arsenic from water which could potentially help solve the big issue of arsenic poisoning.

Virginia Gerig is a Staples high school Freshman who created an all natural method of removing arsenic from water. After working on this project for over three years she presented her findings to a group of teachers and students in 8th grade. Impressed by her findings a science teacher at the high school offered her the the opportunity to continue working on the project outside of school for credit. A year later she continues to refine her work with the hope of making her method even more effective.

Repost – Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee – Spiritual Responsibility at a Time of Global Crisis

Llewellyn Vaughan-LeeWe are members of one another. Ephesians, 4.25

byLlewellyn Vaughan-Lee

What is our responsibility at this time of global crisis? Many of us are only too aware of the precarious state of the world. We see and feel the tensions of terrorism, the plight of global poverty and hunger, and the ecological crisis that threatens our survival as a species. Any life form that knowingly destroys its own ecosystem is dangerously imbalanced. Our western focus on materialism and the power of greed is spreading over the planet, destroying its resources, polluting both the inner and outer worlds, desecrating the sacred that gives meaning to our lives.

It is easy to feel isolated or ineffectual, to think that the destiny of the world is in the hands of politicians blinded by power, or corporations concerned only with profits. But there is a part that we can play, a way that we can bring light into the darkness and work to awaken the world.

In our own journey we know that any time of crisis is also a time of opportunity. When powerful forces constellate, they carry the potential for transformation as well as destruction. What is true of our individual journey is also true for the world. The tremendous clash of opposites, of light and dark, which is threatening such destruction and seemingly polarizing the world, belongs to the birth pains of a global transformation. But in order for this transformation to be successful it needs our attention. It needs the participation of those who are awake to their own spiritual dimension and are committed to service; those whose consciousness can be aligned to something greater than their personal well-being.

At any time of real crisis our work is to look beyond the plane of action and reaction to where real help and grace are given. Through our meditations, prayers, and devotion, we align ourself with the love and power of the divine, with the energy of real awareness, without which we are left alone with our own self-destructive conflicts. In this time of global crisis, it is our responsibility to look to a level beyond the problem, to recognize that our personal and political efforts are not enough to undo the destruction that has taken place, to pray for help and to trust that help can be given.

Sadly, we have we tended to place meditation and prayer solely within the sphere of our personal relationship with the divine, not recognizing its larger dimension which concerns the well-being of the whole. Yet we have seen the power of prayer in the context of the larger world: after the tragedy of September 11th we had the tangible experience of people all around the world praying, working to hold a space of love and remembrance so that the energy of the divine could help to repair the fabric of life brutally torn apart by the acts of violence. This moment of global remembrance through prayer did not last, but it points to what is possible when we direct our attention to the larger whole.

Only the divine can heal and transform the world‹the forces of antagonism in the world are too powerfully constellated for us to resolve on our own. But the divine needs our participation: we are the guardians of the planet. Working together with the power and love of the divine, we can help turn this moment of crisis into a time of global awakening. And what is the nature of this work? In our masculine culture we identify work with ³doing² and activity. But to hold a space for the divine requires the feminine quality of ³being.² Through the simplicity of living our inner connection to the divine, living the awareness of the heart, we link the worlds together.

The heart of the mystic is like a doorway between the worlds. When our hearts are turned to the Real, we are a way for help to be given. It is so simple, and yet we so easily forget, and instead look outward for a quick fix or an outer authority to solve our problems.

Much of our present predicament comes from isolating ourself in the outer physical world, to such a degree that we have almost forgotten the presence of the inner worlds. And yet it is always from within that divine grace and healing come. Those who have committed themselves to spiritual work have turned inward, and through meditation, prayer, dreamwork, and other practices, have begun to reclaim the vast and powerful dimensions of the inner.

We need to recognize the power and grace that comes from within. In our own personal spiritual practice we know this inner energy and its potential. Whether we call it divine love or the energy of real awareness we experience how it can change our life, give us meaning and heal us. We also know that when we are together with others in meditation or prayer the energy is amplified. When we link together with others committed to the work of spiritual service we create a vortex of power that belongs to the true nature of life, its sacred unity. We affirm the power of oneness that is needed to change our world.

When different spiritual traditions work together the energy is amplified. The different threads of real knowing, the different ways to praise and remember the divine, come together to create a container more powerful than the forces of greed and corruption. Through this container we can bring the energy of the Real into the illusions of the world. As we step out of the enclosed world of our individual aspiration and recognize this larger dimension to our spiritual practice, we create a network of love and light that is a real force in the world.

As individuals we can turn our attention to our own hearts, to the inner dimensions from where real help is given. As spiritual groups, we can work together and bring spiritual power into life so it can transform the world. In these ways we will begin to participate in the real potential of our time. We can help the world awaken to the presence of the divine.

(Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee is a Sufi teacher and author of a number of books, including Working with Oneness.)

© 2003 The Golden Sufi Center, http://www.goldensufi.org


Conversations with St. Germain via Goldenlight – BRICS-Led Coalition of World Leaders – Raising their Consciousness to Focus on Planetary Harmony, Peace and Well-Being – 7-22-14

tibetanmandalaArya Tara


copyright © www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this credit without alteration and a link to the source message and to this website when reposting this message.


Hello dear St Germain was just reading about Bretton Woods when I heard you start talking…

Yes I was beginning to say that the world is shifting away gradually but steadily from the US Dollar which is quickly losing its status as the world’s reserve currency. The world is changing and world leaders are waking up and shifting away from reliance on the US dollar or anything US-related for that matter. The world is tired of the US-led wars, bullying and aggressive dominance and the leaders of the world are all seeking alternative solutions to US dominance, aggression and power.

They are beginning to see that a large percentage of wars are being created covertly by the US and that no one wins in war, there are only losers. Nations are devastated, people are devastated and the earth is devastated. World leaders are beginning to raise their consciousness now, just as populations are, and wanting to create solutions that benefit all instead of harming all beings and financially benefiting the elite.

The new BRICS bank is a huge step forward in this direction of shifting consciousness, and soon world leaders will begin to work cooperatively for harmony, peace, and prosperity for all rather than for empowering the cabal and elitists of the world. They will begin to cooperatively and harmoniously look for solid solutions to poverty and disease and are swiftly realizing that with the formerly powerful cabal out of the picture, the world can actually be restored to harmony, the wars can stop, and the healing of the world can begin.

Large humanitarian projects can now get off the ground without cabal interference and siphoning of funds and the Great Repair of the world and humanity can begin. The BRICS-led coalition is at the forefront of this movement to bring the planet and its population into harmony once again. The main objective is to disempower the dollar and the cabal and bring the world back into balance. This is the task set before all who join this coalition which represents a shift in consciousness from darkness to light, and from service to the elite, to service to the planet and humanity.

These cutting-edge world leaders are realizing that we are All One and that war, poverty, and disease affects us all and affects our planet… So the kinds of things they will be finding solutions for in the coming days are cleaning up planetary contamination, assisting world populations in building cooperation, health, well-being, and making sure the basic needs of humanity are met, so that spots in the world that have severe drought and starvation can be healed and helped.. They are looking at the global picture now, with the disempowerment of the US-led cabal the utmost priority on the list. The shift away from the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency is the first step in this new paradigm of enlightened world leaders taking every measure possible to create a better world of peace, harmony, love, and well-being for all.

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, copyright © www.thegoldenlightchannel.com Please include this credit without alteration and a link to the source message and to this website when reposting this message.

Sabrina Reber – How Do We Make a Difference In the World When So Much Destruction and Chaos is Occurring? – 7-23-14

EarthinVioletFlame-1Written by Sabrina Reber, Raise Your Vibration, July 22, 2014 | Thanks to Awakening Daily.

There are many positive things we can do to help transition the world from a place of fear, chaos and duality into a world of unification, balance and transformation.

Our outer reflections/outer environments are a reflection of humanity’s inner environments, and we as a group consciousness, are reaping the karmic consequences of our mass consciousness falling into the lower vibrations of fear, blame, powerlessness, victim consciousness, separation consciousness, control and greed.

Our current painful circumstances are reflections of many, many lifetimes where we as a group consciousness have not lived in alignment with our higher souls and we have ALL gone against the spiritual laws of the universe.

However, we can use the power of our free will to counteract our previous directions of energies into more life affirming, loving, light filled energies that will help us transmute the negativity on Earth so we can create a better future for ourselves and the generations to come.

In order to change our futures we must change our NOW, and we need to do this by stepping out of our boxes of limitations where we continue to approach our transformation by doing the same things that got us into this position in the first place. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result.

Many of us, have not expanded our consciousness and we are still spreading the projections of our unhealed egoic negativities out into the mass consciousness by amplifying the feelings of fear, victimization, helplessness, confusion and disempowerment instead of doing the very powerful work on our own selves that will generate the inner transformation that we need in order to transmute the lower vibrational energies here on Earth.

It is imperative that we pull ourselves out of our repetitive, negative behavioral patterns that continue to distract ourselves and others from going within to do the very powerful work of inner soul alchemy where we turn our own darkness into the light of greater awareness. Below are several tips to help you become a light worker/light warrior.

In order to be a light worker, we must do the work necessary to connect with the inner light of our higher souls so when we pray, meditate or invoke the light to go to other areas in the world our axiatonal lines within our energetic beings will be opened enough for light to actually move through our systems and into the grids systems of the Earth.

Without opened axiatonal lines and opened heart chakras…we will not be able to pull light down from our higher souls to make the difference we desire to see here on Earth. We are the ones we have been waiting for…..it is our love, our light that will bring forth the changes we so desire to see. Do the spiritual work necessary to ACTIVATE the LIGHT within you, and then call it forth so it can be activated within others – this is our true work, to activate our own inner light that will activate others and raise the vibrational frequency of the planet through energetic resonance.

1. Increase your own personal vibrational frequency and light quotient. When you engage in the spiritual practice of meditation – where you choose from your own free will to spend time with your inner being – your inner being/higher soul/god self will shine light on all the distortions within, so you will have a better understanding of yourself and the traumatic energies, negative behavioral patterns and distorted beliefs that need to be transformed.

If we choose not to face God, which means we will choose not to face the self….we will remain blinded by our own egoic defenses and we will not be able to tap into our higher consciousness, which will help us generate change within our being and the templates on Earth. When we change our SELF, we help create change on the Earth.

2. Once you begin to spend time with your inner being and God/dess through the practice of meditation, you will need to integrate the LIGHT you have received in your meditations into your daily life.

The LIGHT is knowledge and it will remove the veils of darkness, forgetfulness and amnesia from your mind so you can SEE the ego and shadow consciousness working within you and within others. For once we were blind, but now we will see. Seeing our inner darkness does not mean it will be healed if we choose to deny what we are being shown and choose not to transcend our old behavioral patterns and distorted energies within ourselves.

Denial of our own inner workings leads to projection where we project what we do not want to own about ourselves onto others and blame them for our pain. Denial and projection create duality, chaos and oftentimes leads us to war within and outside of ourselves.

3. Once you have done the inner work on your self and increased your vibrational frequency – by increasing your light quotient – you will need to step into your power and help others raise their vibrational frequency by BEING THE EXAMPLE for others to follow. Figure out what makes your soul sing and do it! If you are an artist, you could create beautiful inspirational artwork that promotes consciousness expansion and beauty.

If you are a healer, you could teach others how to heal themselves instead of trying to “save” them or rescue them….teach them how to heal themselves. If you love to cook, you could share healthy high vibrational recipes with others and also teach others about superfoods or healing foods.

If you are here to help animals, work with a program that is actually helping animals and making a difference – not  a program that is posting horrifying images that continue to perpetuate pain and horror on this planet. In other words, choose to do something that supports the energies of the New Earth. We need to release the negative, fear filled, dualistic energies of the old Earth and step into the new energies by actually integrating them into our being through our actions.

BE what you want – if you don’t want the horror to continue, BE what you want to create and stop supporting the horror of it all. Education and awareness is important so teach people tools that they can use to actually create the changes they desire to see in their lives that will eventually be reflected in our outer environments the more each one of us changes the SELF.

4. Everyday, use your free will to call upon the Creator Of All That Is to send The Legions Of Light down to the Earth to cleanse, purify and transmute all negative psychic energies, negative thought forms and negative entities, that we have created, into their highest expression of LOVE. Ask the Creator Of All That Is to send beings of light into the areas  of the world where the most fear and chaos is occuring. Ask for everyone’s highest and best good to be served and for the divine plan to be fulfilled with ease and grace. I also suggest everyone say The Great Invocation at least once a day:

From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of humans.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of humans.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of humans –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of humans
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where darkness dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

Thank you.

5. You could also invoke the very powerful Violet Flame Mantra for the entire Earth. When you state this mantra, visualize the entire Earth being penetrated and completely consumed with the violet fire. First say a prayer and set your intention for what you would like to occur.  ”

“Creator Of All That Is, I ask for you and your Legions Of Light to please be with me as I invoke the violet flame of transmutation for the Earth and all beings. Please send to me St. Germain to assit me with this process. I ask for the violet flame to spread across the Earth – in all time frames and all dimensions – transmuting all negativity, illness, disease, fear, karma, negative thought-forms and chaotic energies with ease and grace and for our highest and best good. Thank you, it is done.”

Now state the violet flame mantra while you visualize the Earth consumed with violet fire for 5-10 minutes:




More on Violet Flame:

http://howtoraiseyourvibration.blogspot.com/2011/03/violet-flame-visualization-for-yourself.html   http://howtoraiseyourvibration.blogspot.com/2012/08/violet-flame-to-transmute-negativity-by.html

6. Understand that on the highest levels of creation, All Is In Divine Order. Everything that is occurring are lessons we can evolve from. We just need to choose to evolve and not re-volve in the same karmic issues. This is the dimension of free will and we have the choice to work with universal laws or go against them and we also are the Creators of our entire life experiences.

The greatest service we can give to humanity is to help humanity awaken to this fact – that each one of us are extensions of God and Goddess and we have the energy and the power to generate change within our lives through our actions, thoughts, beliefs, prayers, spiritual practices and the appropriate use of our focused energy to create what we want.

When each person begins to invest their energy in life affirming activities that enhance their light and their vibrational frequency – and they withdraw their energy from the things of their past that created painful soul lessons, thoughts, feelings and emotions – then each persons self created world will change and the outer world reflection will change as well. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Change the SELF to change the world. ~ Sabrina http://www.raiseyourvibration.com

If you would like assistance in the raising of your vibrational frequency so you can help change the world you may be interested in the RAISE YOUR VIBRATION book.

Thank you for sharing this copyrighted article. Please apply proper credit to Sabrina Reber and the http://www.raiseyourvibration website. Thank you




Steven Cooke – Cleaning Up Our World: How a Solar-Powered Water Wheel Can Clean 50,000 Pounds of Trash Per Day – 7-22-14

Healthy Harbor is looking to make the Baltimore Inner Harbor swimmable in less than six years. And their solution is a solar-powered water wheel.

By Brandon Baker, EcoWatch – July 17, 2014 – http://tinyurl.com/lc67bop

A large wheel has been strolling the Baltimore Inner Harbor the past month, doing its best to clean the trash that has littered a city landmark and tourist attraction.

It’s called the Inner Harbor Water Wheel, and though it moves slow, it has the capability to collect 50,000 pounds of trash. The timing for John Kellett’s solar-powered creation is crucial—hands and crab nets simply can’t keep up with the growing amount of wrappers, cigarette butts, bottles and other debris carried from storm drains into the harbor.

“It looks sort of like a cross between a spaceship and a covered wagon and an old mill,” says Kellett told NPR. “It’s pretty unique in its look, but it’s also doing a really good job getting this trash out of the water.”

The wheel has become an integral part of the Healthy Harbor Waterfront Partnership Initiative. It receives power from the Jones Falls river’s current near the harbor, which turns the wheel and lifts trash from the water into a dumpster barge. A solar panel array keeps it running when there water current isn’t enough.

Graphic credit: Healthy Harbor

The wheel is now docked to the harbor. Each it runs, it removes an impressive amount of debris. So far, it has never collected less than eight cubic yards of trash.


Healthy Harbor hopes to make the body of water swimmable in less than six years, and the Water Wheel could be a big part of that.

“The water wheel has been a time-saver for us,” said Bill Flohr, who runs Baltimore Harbor’s East Marina. “It seems to be collecting probably 95 percent of what we normally had to pick up by hand.”





Chemtrail Reporting Forced on Mainstream Media

chris credit


Christina Sarich – Hope for Fukushima – New Technology Offered for Mere Dollars to Remove Radioactive Particles – 7-13-14

radiation fukushima nuclear cleanup 263x164 Hope for Fukushima? New Technology Offered for Mere Dollars to Remove Radioactive ParticlesThe Keshe Foundation, registered in the Netherlands as a non-profit organization interested in promoting world peace, is offering the regular farmer and others near the Daiichi plant and around the world a new technology to remove radioactive contamination for mere dollars. A video explaining the means to decontaminate radioactive particles is being disclosed to the public for the first time.

Utilizing technology which was meant for creating food in deep space and not originally meant for nuclear clean up, an Iranian nuclear engineer named Mehran Tavakoli Keshe is offering a way to help people eradicate the nuclear toxicity from the soil, water, and air – about 160 tons of highly

radioactive materials including uranium, plutonium, caseium, strontium, and others.

These radioactive particles, or ‘energy packets’, sit within our land, water, and soil as ‘energy packs.’ These materials can be extracted, according to Keshe, very easily. Using everyday objects found on farms, such as rusted nail or chicken wire, the scientist explains how to remove the radioactive particles.

Scrap metals are the key. In fact, the rustier the material is, the better it will work. Rust is just oxidation, and with the addition of a material called caustic and some boiling water, along with a low-volt electric charge, you have a way to remove radioactive particles.

The container (preferably plastic) has to be closed for a minimum of 24 hours, and then without touching the water, you pour the water into an electrically conducted table, or other site. A very small amount of voltage will help create the right condition to remove the particles. In 5-7 hours, and after repeating the process several times, you help to create nano-materials at ‘zero-cost.’ According to the Keshe Foundation, this is an inexpensive and easy way to use nano-particles for decontamination. Apparently it has been used in Russia for years for radioactive decontamination.

To learn how to use this process yourself for ‘less then $10 -$15 dollars’, you can click here to see the entire video.

Read: Effective Protection Against Fukushima Radiation

Can they be trusted?

The question is, can we trust a foundation with roots in nuclear technology, and a statement admitting aims at developing space technologies? According to their website, the foundation eradicated numerous issues:

  • Global warming / CO2 problem (achieved)
  • The energy shortage (achieved)
  • Water problems (achieved)
  • Food problems (mostly achieved)

These are, after all, entirely part of the elite class ‘problems’ inflicted on the human race. The Keshe Foundation does show very inexpensive devices to clean drinking water in Africa, but it also claims to have technologies which mimic the energy of stars. There are likely many untapped resources to clean up Fukushima similar to this one. As people come forward, hopefully, they will reach the masses, and not be held as ransom by those in government and other politically powerful positions.

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/keshe-foundation-offers-new-technology-hope-fukushima-clean/#ixzz37PfVW4oF
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Message Of Peace To The World – Ambassador to White Dragon Society – Ron van Dyke Vlog – 7-9-14


This conversation starts out with plans to fund worthwhile humanitarian projects worldwide; then the Ambassador for the Dragon Family gives a message of peace to the world. He calls on people within the different religions to start following their prophets and coming from a place of love. Bear in mind that he has studied Judaism, Christianity and Islam intensively. His message is one we need to hear and follow if we are to create the peaceful planet we long for and clean up the mess we have created. As always, he makes it clear that the Dragon Family is waging a peaceful war on ignorance and financial tyranny. It that latter realm, they are behind the new banking system being created by the BRICS nations.

Thrive Good News – Episode 9 – 7-5-14

Thrive Movement

Click This Link To View Episode 9 of Thrive Good News

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee – Spiritual Responsibility at a Time of Global Crisis

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

We are members of one another. Ephesians, 4.25

byLlewellyn Vaughan-Lee

What is our responsibility at this time of global crisis? Many of us are only too aware of the precarious state of the world. We see and feel the tensions of terrorism, the plight of global poverty and hunger, and the ecological crisis that threatens our survival as a species. Any life form that knowingly destroys its own ecosystem is dangerously imbalanced. Our western focus on materialism and the power of greed is spreading over the planet, destroying its resources, polluting both the inner and outer worlds, desecrating the sacred that gives meaning to our lives.

It is easy to feel isolated or ineffectual, to think that the destiny of the world is in the hands of politicians blinded by power, or corporations concerned only with profits. But there is a part that we can play, a way that we can bring light into the darkness and work to awaken the world.

In our own journey we know that any time of crisis is also a time of opportunity. When powerful forces constellate, they carry the potential for transformation as well as destruction. What is true of our individual journey is also true for the world. The tremendous clash of opposites, of light and dark, which is threatening such destruction and seemingly polarizing the world, belongs to the birth pains of a global transformation. But in order for this transformation to be successful it needs our attention. It needs the participation of those who are awake to their own spiritual dimension and are committed to service; those whose consciousness can be aligned to something greater than their personal well-being.

At any time of real crisis our work is to look beyond the plane of action and reaction to where real help and grace are given. Through our meditations, prayers, and devotion, we align ourself with the love and power of the divine, with the energy of real awareness, without which we are left alone with our own self-destructive conflicts. In this time of global crisis, it is our responsibility to look to a level beyond the problem, to recognize that our personal and political efforts are not enough to undo the destruction that has taken place, to pray for help and to trust that help can be given.

Sadly, we have we tended to place meditation and prayer solely within the sphere of our personal relationship with the divine, not recognizing its larger dimension which concerns the well-being of the whole. Yet we have seen the power of prayer in the context of the larger world: after the tragedy of September 11th we had the tangible experience of people all around the world praying, working to hold a space of love and remembrance so that the energy of the divine could help to repair the fabric of life brutally torn apart by the acts of violence. This moment of global remembrance through prayer did not last, but it points to what is possible when we direct our attention to the larger whole.

Only the divine can heal and transform the world‹the forces of antagonism in the world are too powerfully constellated for us to resolve on our own. But the divine needs our participation: we are the guardians of the planet. Working together with the power and love of the divine, we can help turn this moment of crisis into a time of global awakening. And what is the nature of this work? In our masculine culture we identify work with ³doing² and activity. But to hold a space for the divine requires the feminine quality of ³being.² Through the simplicity of living our inner connection to the divine, living the awareness of the heart, we link the worlds together.

The heart of the mystic is like a doorway between the worlds. When our hearts are turned to the Real, we are a way for help to be given. It is so simple, and yet we so easily forget, and instead look outward for a quick fix or an outer authority to solve our problems.

Much of our present predicament comes from isolating ourself in the outer physical world, to such a degree that we have almost forgotten the presence of the inner worlds. And yet it is always from within that divine grace and healing come. Those who have committed themselves to spiritual work have turned inward, and through meditation, prayer, dreamwork, and other practices, have begun to reclaim the vast and powerful dimensions of the inner.

We need to recognize the power and grace that comes from within. In our own personal spiritual practice we know this inner energy and its potential. Whether we call it divine love or the energy of real awareness we experience how it can change our life, give us meaning and heal us. We also know that when we are together with others in meditation or prayer the energy is amplified. When we link together with others committed to the work of spiritual service we create a vortex of power that belongs to the true nature of life, its sacred unity. We affirm the power of oneness that is needed to change our world.

When different spiritual traditions work together the energy is amplified. The different threads of real knowing, the different ways to praise and remember the divine, come together to create a container more powerful than the forces of greed and corruption. Through this container we can bring the energy of the Real into the illusions of the world. As we step out of the enclosed world of our individual aspiration and recognize this larger dimension to our spiritual practice, we create a network of love and light that is a real force in the world.

As individuals we can turn our attention to our own hearts, to the inner dimensions from where real help is given. As spiritual groups, we can work together and bring spiritual power into life so it can transform the world. In these ways we will begin to participate in the real potential of our time. We can help the world awaken to the presence of the divine.

(Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee is a Sufi teacher and author of a number of books, including Working with Oneness.)

© 2003 The Golden Sufi Center, http://www.goldensufi.org


Steve Beckow – A You-and-Me World – The Organizing Principle for a World That Works – 7-2-14

Werner 33Yesterday I looked at the context called “a world that works for everyone,” which was created by Werner Erhard in the 1970s. (1) Today I want to look at the organizing principle that Werner put forth for such a world.

In 1980 Werner referred to that organizing principle when he said “a you-and-me world [is] a world that works for everyone.” (2)  I actually vividly remember him saying the following words to describe his vision:

“Sometime around now – it may have happened five years ago or fifty years ago – … the rules for living successfully on this planet shifted.  We can no longer hope to live meaningful, purposeful lives using the rules of a you or me world. It’s becoming clearer and clearer to those who will look that in order to live successfully on this planet, we must discover and live by the rules of you and me.” (3)

He described this context as “more radical than a revolution.” In place of the exclusionist principles common in society, Werner offered inclusionist principles based on each of us taking responsibility for our world and letting go of our polar, confrontational leanings and dependency on a “savior.” He said:

“Here, purpose and meaning in our lives do not come in response to a common enemy or in the wake of a popular leader, but from individuals willing to take on and create purpose and meaning for themselves.

“It is the beginning of a transformation in the quality of life on our planet for each of us, with no one left out. We can choose to make the success of all humanity our personal business.” (4)

The Vietnam War was fresh in everyone’s memory. There was awareness among a few of how the population had been manipulated into going to war. But there was nowhere near the knowledge of the forces that wanted to win control of the world that there is today.

No one suspected what was happening behind closed doors. It took 9/11 to wake many people up.

Werner was talking into a space inhabited by protesters and activists who had begun by marching but ended by burning banks and eventually devastating the downtown areas through which they marched.  No one’s hands seemed clean in those days.  Werner seemed alone in emphasizing accountability and integrity.

Werner’s call for a you-and-me society, a world that worked for everyone, with no one left out, was about as challenging a perspective for me as any that I’d ever heard before. It wasn’t simply its global reach that was revolutionary; it’s that it included very many people whom activists at that time regarded with disdain and missed few opportunities to ridicule.

Werner described the kind of world we lived in here:

“The world isn’t friendly to the experience that your life works; the world isn’t friendly to the experience that you have relationships which are meaningful and nurturing. There’s no room for that out there. There’s plenty of room to be very slick and clever and successful. You’re a slick operator? Terrific! The world’s truly friendly to that. But if you’re decent, you’d better hide it.” (5)

Proposing his vision was radical enough. But Werner didn’t stop there. He campaigned for it.

And he wasn’t helped as much as we are by rising energy and the prospect of global prosperity and a shift in consciousness.

Our work to create Nova Earth is helped by the uplifting impact of the energies sent to us from the far reaches of space and from other dimensions. But Werner had no such help. He was a lone person facing into all the unworkability that prevailed at the time.

That unworkability included the undermining of foreign economies, the seizure of nations’ natural resources by multinational companies, the assassination of leaders of other countries who tried to establish democracy, and constant warfare in every region of the globe, disguised as anti-communist and later anti-terrorist.

No one at the time imagined that all this was a strategy to take control of the world from the people and create a “New World Order.”

In 1980 Werner wrote that:

“In this new context, making a difference becomes a way of life – individuals live their lives out of the knowledge that each of us has the responsibility and the power to create a world that works for all of us.” (6)

No one that I know suspected at the time that this generation would actually face into a global shift in consciousness. People like Werner did the heavy lifting for this global shift and cleared the space for us to consider forgiveness on a planetary scale.

Facing into the challenge that Werner issued was the first introduction for many of us of what we now know as “unitive consciousness.” As Werner put it:

“When we start to examine our assumptions about our relationship with the world, we begin a process that results in a discovery. We discover that not only are we related; we are actually members of a vast human family.

“Along with this discovery comes a deeply experienced sense of responsibility for all family members, and a desire to do something, to make a contribution that will make the world work for everyone.” (7)


(Continued in Part 2.)

Werner 22(Continued from Part 1.)

He and his associates created one organization and workshop after another with incredible speed (the Hunger Project, the Breakthrough Foundation, Hermenet, etc.) to address the challenges of the work. His stated purpose for the Community Workshop was particularly revealing:

“The problems of our times are so massive, so pressing, that they cannot be handled by individuals alone. The time for solitary heroes is over. We can no longer rely on old ways of thinking, old patterns of leadership and followership.

“If we are going to create a world that works for everyone, we must learn to function in communities; to be effective and produce results in participation with others. …

“The [Community] workshop is an opportunity to be responsible for a convergence of vision and circumstances which results in true community action.” (8)

He held that the world of his time was run on the basis of survival. In fact, the fundamental insight that brought on Werner’s  own transformation was his realization that he too was skewed toward survival:

“I saw that the fundamental skew to all knowledge, and to the unenlightened mind, is survival, or, as I put it then, success. All my knowledge up to then had been skewed toward success, toward making it, toward self-realization, toward all the goals, from material to mystic.

“In the next instant – after I realized that I knew nothing – I realized that I knew everything.” (9)

A survival-oriented world gave rise to a you-or-me way of life (looking out for Number One, as one author described it). “In a you-or-me world, nothing makes a difference,” he said.  (10) Trainer Angelo d’Amelio referred to the rules of such a world:

“I know how to win and to make others lose. I know the rules of the ‘you or me’ game.  I’ve been trained by society in these rules.” (11)

We could engage in individual acts of kindness and charity that “proved” our benevolence, which Werner would have called “gestures” and “pretense.” But we were not to allow others into the winners’ circle or share our knowledge with them of how to win. Angelo said:

“You can share the fruits of winning but don’t share winning itself with them because you [may] have to start wrestling again and, when you do, it’s still ‘you or me.’”  (12)

In a you-and-me world, “I win by virtue of your winning. It’s true but,” Angelo added, “you’re not allowed to think in this way. It’s not natural. It’s naive, stupid.”  (13)  We know that the strategy of the CIA at this time was to ridicule those who witnessed UFOs so as to keep us from knowing of the presence of the galactics. That strategy was not limited to one field; it was practised against anyone who tried to make a difference in the society of the times – if they were not assassinated (like John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, etc.).

Angelo asserted that “a completely-developed, whole human being will naturally select as a context for life that life will work for everyone.” (14) Others at the time were calling this context win/win. The work to make the world such a place was to be found precisely where we stood, he held.

“If you want to make a difference, if you want your life to matter, you must devote yourself to finding out what’s wanted and needed where you are.

“You need to go home and find out what’s wanted and needed to make the world work where you are, to create a you-and-me world context for life.” (15)

Today we’d say that a you-and-me world is run on the divine qualities, such as forgiveness, trust and love. We’d talk about how everyone in the world is connected and that our separative consciousness is what caused the problems on our planet.

Werner chose to leave America when Scientology threatened his life and his daughter accused him of sexual assault on the promise of a large bribe (which she never received).

My understanding was that he went to Russia and was largely responsible for glasnost and perestroika and to Northern Ireland where he assisted in achieving peace there. In these years he established the Mastery Foundation and trained peace negotiators and leaders.

I can’t think of another person who’s labored harder for world peace and for a world established on a firm foundation of workability. There may be people who have but I personally don’t know of them.

Now we’re on the brink of creating a world that works for everyone, based on the organizing principles of inclusion, universality, non-judgmentalness, etc. In my own view, in many ways, we’ll be reaping the crop that Werner sowed.

I certainly acknowledge my debt to the man whose associates turned me completely around the day I walked into that training room. He taught me principles that moulded my thinking like no one else has.

The research for this article comes from the “est Dictionary,” which can be found here: http://goldenageofgaia.com/spiritual-essays/the-path-of-awareness/est-dictionary/. Given that Werner’s views are so relevant to the work we’re doing today, I’ll be writing more about them as we go along.




The Open Source Solution – Corbett Report

Today – Calling Out All Of Humanity! – This Is For Our Sacred Human Collective! – Let’s Focus Our Intent! – St Germaine’s Group Prosperity Focus to Manifest the Global Currency Reset and RV – May 21, 2014 at 8pm EDT

St. Germaine 90Andrew: We invite all to join in with this Prosperity Focus on May 21 at 8:00 p.m. EDT which is being promoted far and wide on many websites. (See Goldenlight channeled message, below.) Please feel free to distribute this article and post on other websites.


Prosperity Focus – May 21, 8pm EDT

For anyone who has ever felt frustration to do with the unfolding of the GCR/RV or their own prosperity specifically, then this is a point in time where we can come together collectively to address it in earnest. There are aspects to this occurrence that have kept it just a fraction out of reach and in the future. But as St Germaine* recently pointed out:

Mass consciousness is like a wave that can turn the tide… And can influence history and key events…RV and GCR is a collective manifestation being created by all who are participating in it.

Of course it matters not whether you are a currency holder, as this applies to every aspect of prosperity for us ALL.

‘If the consciousness of millions of people is focused on this prosperity being released, then they will sway reality so to speak to bring about the reality they are focusing upon. THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY.*

We know this is only ONE piece of a much larger picture. It is the piece, however, that has captured the attention of such a vast number and so can be harnessed as the trigger to initiate so much more both in tandem and as a consequence.

We invite you to join us on Wednesday, May 21, at 8 pm EDT, for ten minutes wherever you may be (time zones below). You do not have to ‘know how’ to meditate to take part. This is a ‘group focus’ and a very enjoyable experience to boot!

We are simply placing our attention on what it is that we desire in a specific way. You may have your own way of doing this or you can use the suggestion below:

Imagine a time AFTER the RV/GCR or arrival of your prosperity has ‘already happened’ and BE there in that moment of your choice AFTER it has already happened. Immerse yourself completely. Look around and see where you are in that moment AFTER it has happened. Take it all in. What are you seeing that lets you know it has already happened. What is it that you are hearing that lets you know it has already happened and how are you feeling in that moment. BE there and completely revel in the experience. This is, after all, what you have been waiting for and it is NOW. Stay with this feeling as long as you can.

Let this focus be a celebration of this having already happened. The key here is to know in your heart that this has manifested and that you are taking part in it.

Please circulate this far and wide. The more who focus on what it is that they want in these ten minutes the more powerful we will be in making this happen.

Time Zones

*To view St Germaine’s original message via Goldenlight you can find it here on Golden Age of Gaia or on Goldenlight’s website here




Jackie Savitz – Save the Oceans – Feed the World

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What’s a marine biologist doing talking about world hunger? Well, says Jackie Savitz, fixing the world’s oceans might just help to feed the planet’s billion hungriest people. In an eye-opening talk, Savitz tells us what’s really going on in our global fisheries right now — it’s not good — and offers smart suggestions of how we can help them heal, while making more food for all.

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Calling Out All Of Humanity! – This Is For Our Sacred Human Collective! – Let’s Focus Our Intent! – St Germaine’s Group Prosperity Focus to Manifest the Global Currency Reset and RV – May 21, 2014 at 8pm EDT

St. Germaine 90Andrew: We invite all to join in with this Prosperity Focus on May 21 at 8:00 p.m. EDT which is being promoted far and wide on many websites. (See Goldenlight channeled message, below.) Please feel free to distribute this article and post on other websites.


Prosperity Focus – May 21, 8pm EDT

For anyone who has ever felt frustration to do with the unfolding of the GCR/RV or their own prosperity specifically, then this is a point in time where we can come together collectively to address it in earnest. There are aspects to this occurrence that have kept it just a fraction out of reach and in the future. But as St Germaine* recently pointed out:

Mass consciousness is like a wave that can turn the tide… And can influence history and key events…RV and GCR is a collective manifestation being created by all who are participating in it.

Of course it matters not whether you are a currency holder, as this applies to every aspect of prosperity for us ALL.

‘If the consciousness of millions of people is focused on this prosperity being released, then they will sway reality so to speak to bring about the reality they are focusing upon. THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY.*

We know this is only ONE piece of a much larger picture. It is the piece, however, that has captured the attention of such a vast number and so can be harnessed as the trigger to initiate so much more both in tandem and as a consequence.

We invite you to join us on Wednesday, May 21, at 8 pm EDT, for ten minutes wherever you may be (time zones below). You do not have to ‘know how’ to meditate to take part. This is a ‘group focus’ and a very enjoyable experience to boot!

We are simply placing our attention on what it is that we desire in a specific way. You may have your own way of doing this or you can use the suggestion below:

Imagine a time AFTER the RV/GCR or arrival of your prosperity has ‘already happened’ and BE there in that moment of your choice AFTER it has already happened. Immerse yourself completely. Look around and see where you are in that moment AFTER it has happened. Take it all in. What are you seeing that lets you know it has already happened. What is it that you are hearing that lets you know it has already happened and how are you feeling in that moment. BE there and completely revel in the experience. This is, after all, what you have been waiting for and it is NOW. Stay with this feeling as long as you can.

Let this focus be a celebration of this having already happened. The key here is to know in your heart that this has manifested and that you are taking part in it.

Please circulate this far and wide. The more who focus on what it is that they want in these ten minutes the more powerful we will be in making this happen.

Time Zones

*To view St Germaine’s original message via Goldenlight you can find it here on Golden Age of Gaia or on Goldenlight’s website here




St. Germaine via Goldenlight – RV and GCR Symbolize Paradigm Transition from Service to Self to the Higher Dimensional Awareness of the Well-Being of All – 5-19-14

St. Germaine 66St. Germaine: RV and GCR Symbolize Paradigm Transition from Service to Self to the Higher Dimensional Awareness of the Well-Being of All, as received by Goldenlight, May 18, 2014 – http://thegoldenlightchannel.com

Goldenlight: Hello St Germaine, I’m picking up on a topic you wish to discuss today…

St Germaine: Yes my dear I wanted to expound upon this topic of service to self vs. service to all and how this ties into your incoming global prosperity. This worldwide abundance which is soon to wash upon your shore so to speak is being ushered in with the assistance of the higher realms, with the contingency that this prosperity will be shared with humanity and spread around the globe, especially to the locales where it is needed most..

To the refugee camps, geographical locations where there is no running water or plumbing, and very little food… To populations within each country where the needs are the greatest…to the parts of the ailing earth that are in need of purification….to the animals who are in need of love and compassion…and to all living beings on earth.

The coming RV and GCR is symbolic of a paradigm shift from service to self (the old paradigm embraced by the powers that were and by the higher echelons of society), to service to all and service to humanity. This is the way of things in the higher dimensions.. We are all focused on the harmony and well-being not only of our individual selves but also on the well-being of the whole or the all or in other words of all living Beings in our Realm.

We could translate that, in earth terms, to the well-being and harmony of all living beings on your planet including humans plants and animals as well as the Elementals which are a forgotten realm.. And even of mother earth Gaia herself, for your planet is also a Being… a patient loving and kind being who has made an agreement to carry forth humanity into this Golden Age we are approaching and into the higher dimensions.

Your planet and many of the beings on it is raising into the higher dimensions and this incoming worldwide prosperity and abundance is a part of this transition.. And all who will be benefactors of this prosperity are assisting in this paradigm transition. So in visualizing this RV happening and in manifesting it into being, be ever mindful of how this financial prosperity will bring global harmony and well-being to all living things, including the planet herself, a planet which was on the verge of dying but has now transcended this and “arisen from the ashes” so to speak.

You are the stewards of this planet, and have been entrusted in the care of her surface. We will not go into the subject of the beings who live on the inner earth; these beings are a higher dimensional society descended from Lemuria, a higher dimensional society which became intertwined with Atlantis and suffered its own demise on the surface of the planet, but survived and moved into the interior of the earth and still thrives as a higher dimensional society in the NOW. This is a topic for another day.

Back to the paradigm of service to all vs. service to self: Yes it is important to take care of your individual needs first, turning afterwards to how you can assist in raising the vibration of other living beings (including humans, animals, plants, elementals, and the earth herself), through kindness, generosity, sharing, compassion, and in a general upliftment of all. In restoring the earth to its former pristine condition, in treating all animals with reverence and respect, and in honoring the plants, animals and elementals upon your earth, as well as in sharing your abundance, well-being and prosperity with all other human beings.

Service to self underlines separation, destruction of the earth, cruelty to all other living things, and the lower vibrations of inequality, separation, and lack; whereas service to all encompasses not only your own needs and well-being but also the needs and well-being of other living beings and the planet as a whole. It is this service to self which almost destroyed your planet and was the catalyst for a paradigm shift of Great Change.

Many of you will be coming into millions, if not billions, of dollars and this windfall can do much to benefit the well-being of the Whole, including your entire planet, earth, animals, plants, and human beings. Eventually your planet can become a moneyless society… money is an Earth creation and does not exist in the higher dimensions, as the beings living there have embraced the concept of caring for the well-being of All.

Everything is energy and when all beings begin to emanate the higher vibrations of peace, harmony, joy, oneness, unity, love; respect, caring and compassion for other living beings, and all the higher vibrational feelings, then harmony and unity result. Many humanitarian projects and dreams are underway and steps are now being taken to fulfill them.. Let us meditate now upon all the good this wealth can create.

Rather than using wealth to control, dominate, separate, enslave and subjugate populations through Service to Self, what a joy it would be to create peace, well-being, harmony and prosperity on a global level, thus raising the vibration of the entire globe and all of humanity and all living beings. This is the new paradigm for the New Golden Age on Earth. You who are to be the recipients of this financial windfall will soon have the ability to do this, to be the Wayshowers and Pioneers of this new paradigm of cooperation, joy, abundance and harmony for all.

Let your vision be one of contributing to and fostering global well-being and let the extra wealth coming to you be used not for separation but for cooperation, not for division but for harmony. Show the world what sharing looks like, what caring for the well-being of not only self but also for others, of the earth, and of the whole looks like, and in return the harmonious and joyful feelings that will come from making the world a better place will be a feeling that is shared by all, creating a global harmony and well-being that is shared by all, not by the elite few.

Let yourselves be lifted up by these higher vibrational feelings of sharing, love, joy, cooperation, harmony, and well-being. To assist another in being well and feeling joy is to assist yourself in feeling joy as two cannot be separated, only in thought… for in reality all beings are one energetic vibration and all are from the same loving energetic source.. All are emanations of a loving Source Creator expressing Itself.

This RV and GCR is symbolic of a transition from Service to Self towards Service to All…..this includes focusing on your own well-being, self love and self care as well as others’ well-being, loving others, and caring for others…of resources and positive vibrations being shared by all for the good of all which in turn has the effect of creating the highest good for each being.. the positive energetic vibrations then circulate freely amongst all, eliminating strife, and accentuating harmony and joy. And in realizing this, each being acts from the standpoint of this awareness.

This is the way of the higher dimensions where we all cooperate for the well-being of the whole, knowing that to affect another is to affect oneself and vice versa. So let us focus upon this vision today and let us be grateful as we all are contributing to manifesting this harmonious and prosperous new reality filled with joy, laughter, harmony, peace, and abundance for all.

Your loving St Germaine

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, http://www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, the full message unaltered, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.




Message From Hilarion – Being Compassionate – Calling for Humanitarian Assistance In World Disasters – Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – 5-18-14


Beloved Ones,

The changes taking place throughout the world are doing so at an accelerated pace. The weather extremes are affecting many people throughout the world and it is becoming clear that humanity must work together to bring assistance and resources to these affected areas and to look for solutions to these problems. The signs are clear that cooperation and good will are much needed in order for humanity to overcome these major challenges. Many people are being tested in the challenges they are being compelled to go through in their personal lives. This is a time to go within to the deepest and most spiritual connection that each individual can align with. This is the focus and the higher purpose of the tests and challenges currently being experienced. It is incumbent upon all people to employ the greatest force in the universe, the force and power of love.

It is during turbulent times that the power of faith and compassion comes into play within people’s hearts and this is what is needed during these times. The light within must be kept radiant and constant. Those who have been walking the spiritual path of maintaining and increasing the light quotient upon the planet are now being called into active service. By this we mean that each of you is asked to maintain your vision of the new Earth reality and a better way for humankind. Do not be distracted by the seeming appearances of chaos in all parts of the world, for it is during these times that the higher vision must remain constant in people’s focus and prayers. Your light is much needed and required. As you maintain and increase your own light, we of the higher dimensions magnify this light to help maintain stability and balance. We work together during these times of world transformation and transmutation.

There is a saying upon your world, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” which means when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge, they do not give up, they maintain the higher vision and actively work towards it. Those of you who have already been tested are now in a position of giving hope and upliftment to a planet in the throes of extreme and accelerated change. You have many tools at your disposal and you must now employ all of them to keep your light shining bright. Maintain equilibrium and a detached perspective in the daily reports coming through your communication networks. Look for and affirm the highest outcomes in all situations that come before your awareness and work the plan, the Divine plan that you have come to bring into manifestation upon this world.

Be steadfast in your devotion to the highest outcomes for all so that your brothers and sisters can feel empowered as they meet the challenges that beset them. Use all of your God qualities as you serve the higher purpose. There is always a higher solution to every problem that comes before humanity and these higher qualities of a self realized human can bring the hope that is sorely needed by those who feel lost and alone in their struggles. Let them know that all is not lost, that at their core they are intact and as long as they remain centered in the truth of their alignment to the divine, all is well in the outer happenings that are occurring with increasing regularity. Be a shining example as a loving goodwill ambassador. If you are able, give practical and capable assistance to those in your sphere of influence.

Riding the waves of change can be exhilarating and exciting when an individual rests in the knowledge that at their core they are indestructible and inviolate. Know that you, the lightworkers of the world, are an indomitable force for good and stay true to this oneness of purpose. It requires dedication and persistence from each of you now. BE the greater light upon your planet during each and every moment. You have what it takes, each one of you.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.



Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.


May 11-18, 2014

Beloved Ones,

For many of you these are difficult times. Your physical bodies keep going through recalibrations and transformations and the symptoms experienced are oftentimes not pleasant. There are many feelings of deep sadness that come out of nowhere and it can put you into a depressed state. It is important should this occur, to put a determined effort into changing that perspective. Do something that makes you feel good, something that makes you laugh. Get outdoors and dig in your garden, feel a connection with the Earth. When people feel out of sorts, being out in nature is very soothing, grounding and healing to their human operating systems. It is also important to examine your inner thought processes and change those that hold you in an unhappy space. It requires diligent observation to see and to understand that you might hold thought patterns that do not serve the person you have become and the person you are expanding into each and every day. The greatest challenge here is to recognize these ingrained thoughts and accept responsibility for changing them.

This is work that no one else can do for you. It requires your full and ongoing participation and persistence. It requires diligence, strength of mind and purpose. It requires a commitment to your self because you are worth the effort. Do not ever give up on yourself! You will soon find yourself back in equilibrium and moving forward once again. That is the beauty of life in physical expression, it never remains the same, it is always in a state of flux and that state can be used to your greater advantage. Ask yourself, “If my life was a book, how would I want my story to go?” Then set down on paper what you desire your life to be, every detail, every dream you have ever had that still has not come to fruition. After you have written down everything you can think of, look through what you have written and see if perhaps you already have had the experience and didn’t realize it and note those as successes in your book of your life. Then think about how you want the rest of your story to go and what you can do to bring that into manifestation. Keep this and keep adding to it, rewriting and changing as you go through each day. You are refining and polishing your characters and your story!

This is your template, the one you look at as your master plan, and you must work it regularly, read your words each day with deep feeling and sincerity to create the experience. Make yourself the magnificent, wise, intelligent, loving and loveable, and healthy individual that you know yourself to be at the core of your being. Identify completely with this you that you know you can be and continue to make the story come alive in rich detail. Each and every one of you has the ability to create the reality you choose and with concentrated focus and effort, you can actually live it. It is your story, dare to dream big and cast your character as larger than life, with magical powers and a magnetic, amazing personality. Give yourself supernatural powers that can assist and help others to see themselves in a greater light than before, so that they too, can be the author of their own life story. Become so identified with this character of you that any other option does not exist. This template is the new and wonderful you that you yourself created.

Keep refining and honing your character to be the best that you can be. This is not a story of winning a competition against another, this is a story of your own personal and individual life journey. It is a journey that can take many twists and turns, as the ‘you’ character experiences the reality that you are creating. Write about every facet of your experience, the highs and the lows, the surprises, the disappointments, the heartbreaks, the richness of experience and the insights that you were gifted with in each one. All of life must be experienced to be made a part of your story; it is the only way that is authentic and true. Write yourself as the master of your life, filled with love, wisdom and leadership abilities. See yourself speaking in front of many people with grace, ease and poise, telling them about your incredible life as you walked your path here on Earth.

Each of you has a great story to tell. Each of you has and will continue to experience, the wonders of life in a human form. The universe waits to hear your story about your wondrous adventures before, during and after the greatest shift of the ages. You will have a captive audience, wherever your story is told, of that you can be certain.

Until next week …

I AM Hilarion

©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.



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