Ron van Dyke – White Dragon Ambassador’s View Of World Events – 9-29-14


The Ambassador promised in both parts of the Red Dragon’s spiritual training videos that he wanted to give an overview of what’s happening in the world. He covers many subjects in this video; and even makes reference to one of my heroes: David Icke. He encouraged us to listen to David’s latest video; and he sent me the link following our recording. The title is: Future Shock – Change through Mental & Emotional Trauma, Of course I was most interested in what he had to say about the banks and the foreclosure issues many Americans and others around the world are facing as the banks try to steal people’s homes. To me, this is much more valuable information than the reports on the Bible study groups, although I am not saying that spiritual preparation is unimportant.

Message Of Peace To The World – Ambassador to White Dragon Society – Ron van Dyke Vlog – 7-9-14


This conversation starts out with plans to fund worthwhile humanitarian projects worldwide; then the Ambassador for the Dragon Family gives a message of peace to the world. He calls on people within the different religions to start following their prophets and coming from a place of love. Bear in mind that he has studied Judaism, Christianity and Islam intensively. His message is one we need to hear and follow if we are to create the peaceful planet we long for and clean up the mess we have created. As always, he makes it clear that the Dragon Family is waging a peaceful war on ignorance and financial tyranny. It that latter realm, they are behind the new banking system being created by the BRICS nations.