Sarah Elkhaldy – Knowledge Is Power – Benefits of Conscious Awareness – 2-12-15

Sarah ElkhaldyWhy is knowledge power? How does awareness give you more free will?

When a person chooses willful ignorance over obtaining knowledge and becoming more aware of themselves and the world, they do not gain any immunity by this free will choice. Instead, they leave themselves under the rule of the “General Law” otherwise known as The Matrix.

In that level of being, you are bound by all the mechanical laws of this reality. You have no higher consciousness, therefore no higher connection, and you function from a somnambulistic, sleep-like/trance state of mind, which makes you easily manipulated and gives you no individual fate (since fate is tied to persons with a connection to something “higher”). Therefore, you share the collective “fate” of the sleep reality, because you have made no choice with your own freewill to become consciously aware.

But, when one utilizes their free will to choose awareness, they are protected on 3 fronts:

1) Application: A person who chooses to actively apply their gained knowledge to make better choices, ultimately leads to protecting themselves.

A simple illustration of this would be if someone begins to research GMOs. The understanding of this information has led them to seek out healthier quality food sources and now opened up a door to changing their entire outlook on the body and on health. This is applying your knowledge, and is the most basic form of aligning your free will with better choices, based on your knowledge.

2) Discernment: A person who chooses to become more conscious, is better able to both utilize and exercise their discernment.

Discernment is the ultimate facilitator of free will and conscious choice. It allows you the foresight to take preventive measures before even encountering troubles, and the ability to accelerate learning by contemplating and deciphering the deeper meanings in our daily events. Discernment is our compass in navigating our way through reality. The more you exercise discernment, the more free will you’re accessing because within the use of your discernment is the key to unlocking more options/pathways that once were not available.

Why were those options not available? Many reasons: we didn’t see them, the options were not present because we did not take actions that would have aligned us with those options, we did not have enough awareness at the time to choose them… many reasons. A common reason is those options were not available because we did not understand enough about the topic/the person/the world-whatever it be-to perceive all of our choices clearer. Options present themselves when we are conscious enough to recognize them. This requires discernment.

A person who has the awareness to perceive a broader spectrum of options, or rather the quality of their options, can align themselves – through choice – with actions geared toward the desired aims, bringing about the desired results. But none of these options exist to someone who does not use their free will to seek understanding of themselves and their world.

When consciousness is not present, suffering usually takes its place, and we are given the choice to become conscious by examining the relevance of our experiences and the events that acted as catalysts to our new understandings, or to cycle in our suffering. Hence the ancient wisdom “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”

3) Frequency: Your level of Being is measured in vibrational frequency. The higher your level of awareness rises, the higher your vibrational frequency rises. Then your frequency begins to guard you. With the choice to gain knowledge and awareness comes the activation of the higher spiritual realms, which we have now connected to through our vibrational frequency “synching up with” them. This resonance, or harmony between our vibrations and these higher realms, establishes a psychic connection that offers protection from negative entities and their harmful intent.

The more one wields their free will toward consciousness, the harder it becomes for negative entities to breach your realm because you are aligning vibrationally with the higher realms that provide more protection and are available to those who use their free will to evolve themselves — no longer making one simply a food source to the synthetic reality. The negative higher entities can only manipulate our ends to the extent that we are not aware. Therefore it is within our non-action – our free will choice to not choose – that our consent for enslavement is given.

This is the cosmic fine print. The universe deals in contracts and clauses and in this free will universe, if one does not choose to observe their free will and act on it toward their sovereignty, then neither does the cosmos observe it. That is how the usurpation of our reality is allowed: Default settings (“don’t blame me, blame the self-reflecting universe”). Thus knowledge is power.

In all of this the very best news there is to take away is:

Nature favors the brave. Have heart on your quest for knowledge. Don’t lose faith in the journey if it appears purely negative. You will not be left stranded in stardust. The higher realms call out to those who wish to align with them. Trust that this reality can serve you, if you allow it to.


“Knowledge Is Power – The Benefits of Conscious Awareness,” by Sarah Elkhaldy, February 11, 2015 at

Original link: Knowledge Is Power – The Benefits of Conscious Awareness

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Paul Lenda – Making the Transition from Fear to Courage – By Graham Dewyea – 1-7-15

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Many souls around the world today are still living much of their lives and consciousness in the state of fear. It’s a sad thing to see but it’s a reality that can been seen all around us.

Many systems (various social, political, religious, and others) within society perpetuate the energy of fear, and such systems will continue as long as the consciousness of courage does not exist within us.

By having courage, we are able to stop experiencing the fear being perpetuated by those systems and take off the illusory shackles imposed by them.

The transition from fear to courage is a very big step and often requires much effort and energy, but it is entirely possible with a little determination and perhaps some external support. Not only is it beneficial for us to confront our inherited fears but also for society as a whole.

The less power that the systems within our cultures and societies have through their use of fear, the quicker they will disappear into the sands of time and liberate consciousness wherever it may be imprisoned.

Fear limits the growth of our personality and inevitably leads to a nature of inhibition and repression. When we exist in a state of fear, we put up an impenetrable boundary between ourselves and our own self-actualization.

It takes a bit of energy to transcend this level of consciousness, which is why we see so often that some people gravitate towards those who seem to have conquered fear and who offer to lead them out of the slavery that it holds. Unfortunately, these individuals whom they are attracted to are many times oppressive totalitarian leaders who take advantage of those who follow this logic.

It is unfortunate, but the subjective consciousness state of fear is a limiting, prevailing, and habitual state of expectancy that can be projected onto essentially any and all aspects of one’s life. Stress becomes the primary byproduct of the fear and creates its own problems as well, which are too many to mention here.

Embodying Courage

The perpetuation of fear will be stopped in its tracks once we embody the consciousness of courage. Courage allows for exploration and accomplishment thanks to our focus of awareness being on exciting, stimulating, and challenging parts of life. Progress occurs when courage is emboldened.

There is a passionate willingness to experience wonderful things that have not been explored before. Fear will been faced head-first thanks to a significantly-higher level of energy and any previous hindrances are gone. Self-esteem will go through the roof because there is a sense of “I can do this” which becomes progressively self-reinforcing. Productivity soars to new heights.

In courage, there is enhanced confidence that one feels within their being. There is an empowerment of the self, thanks to the realization that a person is not dependent on external factors. Everything that one ever needed has been within his or herself the whole time. Freedom is finally experienced as the shackles of fear are taken off and thrown away.

The significant shift from fear to courage allows for a person to now be able to realize and work on manifesting his or her inner potential. This potential can be aligned with one’s sense of an overall mission or goal in life that will be the primary focus from then on out. Pursuing our life goals would not be possible if we had a consciousness of fear since it would inhibit any action towards manifesting such goals.

With courage, our overall level of happiness grows immensely and everything is seen in a more positive light. People are perceived as being more friendly, societal problems are not seen as hopeless as they used to be, and many other positions of awareness are shifted. The evolution of consciousness from fear to courage can change our lives in such a dramatic way that we’d feel we’re living in a different reality than before.

Taking Responsibility

There is perhaps one factor that is more important to be mindful of beyond all others which has to be realized if we wish to make the transition from having fear to having courage: accepting personal responsibility. This critical action is a requisite for the shift from fear to courage and requires that a person gets rid of the idea that he or she is a victim of a perpetrator.

All social belief systems that are based on the suppositions of blame and excuses have to be transcended so that we can shift away from fear. None of this is easy since courage requires a higher input of energy than fear below it does. However, whether it is through the inner determination of oneself or the outer support of others, this critical transition is certainly an obtainable reality.

Understanding the differences between these two sates of consciousness is important to know before the process can begin so that we know what we’re working with. It can take a day or it can take a lifetime, but whatever the pace may be, once it occurs, the sense of self-empowerment can be the satisfaction one has always felt was needed in order to accomplish a most-fundamental self-realization.

“Making the Transition from Fear to Courage”, by Paul Lenda, January 7, 2015 at…


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Move Forward Wearing A Badge Of Courage – 21 September 2013


You are a conjunction of all of your fears, your tears and your dreams come true. You are conjunction of time and space and heaven and hell.  You are the destiny of this beauteous planet that you stand so willingly upon.  You hold the vibratory key that escorts many into a place of safety.  it is in this place of safety that you will lift them up so they do not stumble.  You will lift them by holding the fire light for them.  You will lift them in your song, in your laughter and in your grace, because that is what you have always done.  Unbuckle the humanness that keeps you so strapped in to all the roles that you play.  Know at this time and this intersection of light and life you are worthy of a majesty that you have failed to become in the past.

So many wear somber faces as if this life were so serious.  This life is a time of great joy.  We ask you to embrace all those shortcomings that you try so hard to cover up and prevent others from seeing.  We ask you to embrace and love all the stupid things you do throughout the day and all the imperfections that you wear so well.  For all of nature is as beautiful as are you.  The intertwining of the leaves, of the grass, of the wind and of you is the most beautiful of dances.  Your worth is priceless.  Do not cut yourself short.  Do not put on the brakes when you yearn so deeply in your heart to fulfill desires that are but a tiny seed of creation waiting to being birthed.

The time to address all your fears is now.  The time to move forward wearing a badge of courage is now.  The time to dream as big as your possibly can is now.  Do not be afraid of the predictions; do not be afraid of the prophecy whether it is true or not.  for the vibratory level that you live in a safe place that is beyond the reach of what makes others so fearful.  You must believe without a shadow of doubt.  Every valley of woe comes to a point of reflection in a collage of mirrors. Within that difference lives the gift. You have played many roles throughout time. Do not clothe yourself in the remnants of what once was.  I am White Buffalo Calf Woman and I leave you in love and truth.

Divine Feminine Vs. Divine Masculine

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Ask Teal Website –

The restoration of balance within the human race is not about decreasing masculine power while increasing feminine power; as if we were sitting on some kind of cosmic scale. Instead, it is about both rising to power simultaneously.

Now you’re probably thinking… “Wait, men have been in power for thousands of years.” What if I told you that this perceptions isn’t true? The truth is that men have not been in power for thousands of years; far from it. Instead, they’ve been stripping power from women for thousands of years.

There is a big difference between gaining power in and of yourself and stripping power from another. When you strip power from someone else by brute force or by manipulative subjugation, you do not increase your power one bit. Instead, your power stays at the same level while you diminish the power of another.

You are not powerful because someone else is weak. It is true that all people, whether they be physically male or physically female have both male and female aspects present within them; this is why from an energetic standpoint, gender is inconsequential. It is also true that one day, our race will have no gender.

But as of now, this polarity actually serves our expansion. We cannot resist what we are and where we are and find balance. Most of us (men) are trying to embrace femininity within ourselves because we resist our masculinity. And most of us (women) are trying to embrace masculinity because we resist our femininity.

So how do we get out of this cycle? We embrace the very thing we’re resisting. The human race is not ready to come into a place of individual androgyny. We must first learn how to embrace the polar expression of ourselves as women and as men.

When both sexes rise to power, one cannot triumph over the other because neither is more powerful than the other. There will be balance.

James Pask – A Healers Journey – From Ascension to Incension – by George Kavassilas

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James shares his amazing journey into self discovery and knowledge of self-healing through non-traditional methods; using the readily available physical and spiritual nutrition of the Earth to resolve core health issues within people. We also discuss in great detail the limitations of the new age healing modalities as we deconstruct the cosmic matrix that is enslaving our human family through programs of enchanted entrapment. Are 4D healing techniques that require external energy (“white light”, “universal light”, “source light”, etc.) to be brought inside you, actually energetically tagging us for harvest? To find out listen to this incredibly powerful episode of Super Woo radio. George also discusses the some of the key ingredients that he used to overcome a decade of severe illness. This one’s a paradigm breaker! Enjoy.

James Pask website

Carlos Arredondo – Hero – Boston Marathon Rescue Efforts

Cowboy-hatted peace campaigner and bereaved father was seen racing to help victims of blasts at finish line

Boston marathon Carlos Arredondo

Carlos Arredondo carrying a bloodied US flag at the scene of the Boston Marathon explosions. Photograph: Darren Mccollester/Getty Images

The aftermath of many public disasters sees the swift emergence of a public hero to counterpoint the tragedy. With the Boston Marathon attack, this person is even more extraordinary than usual: the cowboy-hatted peace campaigner and bereaved father Carlos Arredondo.

The 52-year-old Costa Rican immigrant is visible in a series of photos and videos taken immediately after the twin blasts near the finish line. The distinctive, long-haired figure sprints across the street to tear away fencing and scaffolding to reach victims. Reports said he used his clothes and towels to try to staunch bleeding.

In one graphic photograph, Arredondo can be seen seemingly pinching shut the end of an artery on the part-severed leg of a man being carried away in a wheelchair. “I kept talking to him. I kept saying: ‘Stay with me, stay with me,'” Arredondo told the newspaper Maine Today.

It emerged on Tuesday that the man in the wheelchair later had to have both legs removed. Jeff Bauman, 27 had a double amputation at Boston Medical Centre. He had come to see his girlfriend run.

Arredondo’s story appears equally dramatic and harrowing. He was reportedly waiting at the finish to greet a runner, who was competing in the race in memory of his son Alexander Arredondo, a lance corporal in the US marines who was killed by a sniper in 2004 in Iraq. Carlos, a self-employed handyman, reacted to his son’s death by setting fire to himself inside a van, suffering severe burns. He subsequently became a peace campaigner, in part in remembrance of his son.

A 2007 New York Times story recounted how Arredondo took a pickup truck around the country, carrying a flag-draped coffin and photos and mementos of Alexander, including a football and his Winnie the Pooh toy. “As long as there are marines fighting and dying in Iraq, I’m going to share my mourning with the American people,” he told the paper.

In December 2011, Alexander’s younger brother Brian, then 24, who had become depressed after the first family tragedy and begun using drugs, killed himself.

Video footage after the blasts shows Arredondo, gripping a small blood-soaked American flag, shaking in shock as he describes the scene to people on the street. He said the apparent cause of the blast was an improvised explosive device.

How to Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin

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Listen to Paula Gregorowicz, the Comfortable in Your Own Skin Coach talk about the 3 C’s of being comfortable in your own skin – clarity, confidence, and courage. From an appearance on “Talk 2 Me with Life Coach Natasha Sherman” on TV 30 Princeton, NJ. Used with Permission.

Courage Does Not Always Roar – Bobi Seredich

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“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.'” Maryanne Radanbacher.