Saul via John Smallman – Your task is to flood their arenas with Love.

John Smallman

 Saul  via  John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday February 18th

Let go of your doubts because you truly know, deep within, that what we tell you is true, that humanity’s awakening is imminent.  We need to keep publishing and sharing uplifting reminders on this subject because people tend to sink back into doubt as they read and watch what is reported on the mainstream media, which is most depressing.  However, the end of that nonsense, that insanity is close, hang in there and keep re-posting our messages freely as many rely on them.

All of your loving hearts actively loving and demonstrating love in action are bringing about the essential changes necessary for humanity’s well-being on Planet Earth.  All on Earth are highly honored for the part that each one of them is playing as the illusion crumbles and the veils or mantles hiding Reality from you dissolve.

There is only One.  God, the divine Source, the benevolent and beneficent Creator, the Mother Father God whose field of infinite, endless, and unconditional Love envelops you in every moment of your eternal existence desires that you awaken from your dream, indeed nightmare of separation so that you may delight once more in the entirety of amazing wonders that a state of acknowledged, accepted, and fully experienced Oneness provides.

The illusion shields you, by means of a very fine cloak, from true awareness of your divinity, your Oneness with your Source, Our Source, the only Source, in which all exists.  You are all forever blessed and cared for, and you can never lose, discard, or separate yourselves from that loving embrace in which you are firmly, gently, and most lovingly held.  You are One with the Divine, All That Is, and nothing that exists can change that everlasting and hallowed Relationship.

So, I say again “Let go of your doubts!”  They are misplaced because you are One with the Divine Being who created you as an inseparable part or aspect of Himself.  Even so you remain utterly free to create and diversify as He does.  You once used that freedom rather unwisely to build the illusion, which was but a momentary aberration on your part.  It will shortly dissolve because it is unreal, a game to explore the imagined possibility of something impossible, namely separation from the One.  What is unreal is like smoke or mist, ephemeral, easily dispersed.  Dispersal or dissolution of the illusion is currently under way, and the evidence of its crumbling foundations can be seen all across the world as people refuse to be controlled and manipulated by those to whom, over the eons, they have given away their power.

For a long time it seemed that you had no choice.  Then some courageous ones among you showed you that power over you is only possible when you allow it.  Democratic ideas were promulgated, the power of the few was reduced, nation states were established.  Then they too began to accumulate power, power that you gave them in the mistaken but understandable belief that they had your best interests at heart, that you could trust them. Your divine nature is Love.  In Love all is transparent, nothing is hidden, and trust is always honored

You have a saying “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely,” and the truth of that has finally become unmistakably apparent, in fact blindingly obvious to all.  You are now in the process of making it clear to those who have effectively been lording it over you that their corruption is plainly visible, and showing them that this inequitable and wrongful state of affairs will no longer be tolerated.  Consequently the organizations, local, national, and international, that have been set up by a powerful but totally corrupt elite to control humanity can no longer be maintained or supported, and the evidence of their imminent collapse is visible everywhere.

To free yourselves and humanity at large is your task.  Of course you are already free, you have always been free, but that has not appeared to be the case.  As you look around, as you view the world, you see that many are effectively enslaved, struggling to survive in a hostile environment, an environment from which others are stealing the very heart and lungs of your beautiful planet.  The very energy sources that they mine and waste, with thoughtless irresponsibility and seemingly complete unawareness of the planet’s inability to replace what is stolen from her, through the labors of those they control, are not required.

There is no necessity for you to mine the planet to provide for your energy needs, because abundant energy is available through wind, wave, and solar sources.  You have the technology to develop these resources fully while protecting the land, the sea, and the air on which your human existence on the planet depends.  But a small group of powerful men and women have chosen to hide these technologies from you so that they may keep you enslaved while they attempt to enchant you with lies and false promises about making the world a better place for you to live in, all the while continuing in their misguided attempts to maintain and expand their power and wealth.

But their power base continues to disintegrate, and as it does these clean and efficient technologies will be fully developed, far faster than you might imagine is possible, resulting in all your energy requirements being met cleanly, freely, and efficiently.  And as that happens technology to assist in the reversal of the ongoing and unconscionable damage that has been inflicted upon the planet along with the ability to repair much of that damage will be unveiled and activated.

The New Age has dawned, but it has not yet become clearly visible because the smoke of ongoing battles is restricting your view.

The present noise and smoke of battles, loud and intrusive as they appear to be, are the last remnants of an older age in which such activities were the norm.  That age has passed.  The disturbances still occurring are fraught with confusion as opposing sides, teams, players, armies – whatever you wish to call them – struggle to understand their suddenly arising inner feelings of abhorrence at what they are doing to each other as they continue to engage in futile hostilities.  They see, at last, that their disagreements cannot be resolved by violent means, something that they have not previously understood, and yet they have immense difficulty in conceiving of a way out of the catastrophic mess in which they realize they are so heavily bogged down.  Lack of trust, encouraged and fortified over the eons, is an enormous problem for them.

Your task, you the Light holders, Light bearers, and wayshowers, is to flood their arenas with Love.  That is right, you must flood the arenas – the battle fields, the cities, the buildings, the negotiating tables, and the varied representatives who are engaged there seeking to establish peace – with Love.  Whenever you sit to pray, contemplate, or meditate, hold the firm intent that those who are negotiating – regardless of their initial inner motives in attending these so called “Peace Conferences” or “Summit Meetings” – are absolutely overwhelmed by the Power of Love.

The Tsunami of Love is, as you are all well aware, an infinite field of divine energy that has been enveloping Planet Earth and all her inhabitants for some time now, and Its affect on humanity has been growing and intensifying during that time.  It cannot be thwarted, avoided, misused, or ignored.  It is here to assist you to establish the lasting peace on Earth that you so desperately desire by the intent that each one of you directs.

Let go of any remaining fears that you continue to hold hidden in your shadow side, the unconscious depths of your being that you have for eons been afraid to acknowledge.  Every human has a shadow side, an unconscious field of feelings and desires that they have been trained to bury and deny.  But while buried and denied that shadow side has power over you – the power of FEAR.

But fear, like all that you have denied and buried is unreal!  Look deeply within and you will see that those denied and hidden urges are just a heap of tiny and insignificant fears that you believed would control you if you acknowledged their existence.  When you deny them they have a habit of arising unexpectedly and seemingly controlling you and your thoughts and behaviors.  However, when you allow yourselves to see them and acknowledge them, it very quickly becomes apparent that they have no power.

You give them power by refusing to own them, and then you engage in conflict to protect them.  That is insane, and modern psychology has become aware of that.  Unfortunately it too has been in fear and has often prescribed drugs to enforce the denial, and apparently provide you with relief.  It does not work, because you just have to increase the amount of energy you expend in maintaining that state of denial.

Acknowledge your feelings – separation, abandonment, fear, anger, judgment, blame – feel them without acting on them, and notice that they fade and weaken as a result of your acknowledgment.  They are not and can never be permanent because they are unreal states, emotional responses to perceived threats, but nothing Real can be threatened.  Threats are meaningless expressions of fear projected outwards where they are then perceived as dangerous.

Just remind yourselves that you are, each and every one of you without exception, divine beings created for eternal joy and ecstasy, and that when that is not what you are experiencing you are having a nightmare, and nightmares are but ephemeral misty imaginings that will dissolve with the daylight, the brilliant Light of God’s eternal day, where you are always present in glory with Him.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally – -13-15

John SmallmanSaul  via  John Smallman


Saul Audio Blog for Friday February 13th

As the energy of the divine field of Love continues to intensify all across the planet, bringing enormous changes to how you perceive one another, expect world peace now!  Because more than 95% of humanity most earnestly intend for it to materialize it will come into being.  It is your natural state.  War and conflict are not, but have enveloped you because your sense of separation has filled you with fear.

That fear is lifting because so many of you have, over the last several decades, met freely with people from other races, creeds, cultures, and religious faiths and discovered that you have far more in common with one another than you had imagined, and have realized that what divides you is simply fear and distrust of the unknown.  And you now see that that is not something you need to fear.  The unknown is yourself, the shadow side that has been buried and denied by every single human being, the normal desires and feelings that being human entails.

What you all really want is to be loved, unconditionally, and in your separated state you have closed down your awareness that you are eternally and unconditionally loved by God Who is Love.  That is what separation means – a strongly felt absence of Love! Separation itself is unreal!

The love that the vast majority of humans experience is always conditional, and that is not Love.  The result is that there is not one amongst you who has not at some stage felt deep within themselves a sense of abandonment, of worthlessness, and that is so intensely painful that you have had to bury it and deny it.

Even those of you who are consciously following a spiritual path based on God’s infinite and unconditional Love for all of creation, do, like all others, experience that sense of abandonment, of worthlessness.  We in the spiritual realms, no longer trapped in form, keep reminding you, through those loving souls who act as channels or go-betweens twixt humanity and the spiritual realms – Reality – that your underlying sense of worthlessness, of not good enough is utterly unwarranted.

As divine creations of an infinitely loving God none of those anxieties and self-doubts are, or ever were or could be, in any way valid.  Love is everything that exists, there is nowhere beyond or outside of Love, and as we keep telling you Love is always without conditions of any kind.  And every single one of you is held securely and eternally within the field of divine Love.

You have an old saying “all is fair in love and war,” (The proverb “All is fair in love and war” has been attributed to Lyly’s Euphues, published in 1578).  And many of you have at times fought for the love of another thinking that it was “the honorable thing to do,” because you thought it showed that you were serious, and that the one for whose love you fought would thereby be impressed.  That attitude led to and encouraged war – “love of country,” a political slogan to divide and conquer, “love of God” a religious slogan with the same aim.

Humanity’s interpretation of love and its apparent meaning has caused untold suffering over the eons, but that insane interpretation has been slowly unraveling, mainly as a result of the increased amount of questioning that self righteousness and dogma have been exposed to over the last few hundred earth years.

Initially to question “authority” was severely frowned upon, mainly by those who considered themselves to be the authorities.  But, more recently, the slogan “question all authority” has gained an unstoppable and irresistible momentum, leading to whistleblower’s revelations about the endemic corruption worldwide that those in positions of worldly power have engaged in and kept hidden from the populace for eons.

Lust has been mistaken for love for a very long time, and because of the intensity of that feeling and desire – for sex, property, money, or power (all of which can become irresistible addictions, and, of course, all addictions are simply desperate calls for Love) – it has tended to override and in fact crush or bury the normal feelings of honesty and integrity which are absolutely essential in relationships of any kind and at any level.

You were all created free by God.  You then used your freedom to build the illusion – an unreal place of severe limitation – immersed yourselves in it, learned to believe that it was real, and then almost convinced yourselves that it was the only reality.  Some of your scientists are still working very hard to prove that that is indeed the case!

As more and more people began to claim their freedom to think and behave as they chose, instead of being controlled by the authoritarian mores imposed on them by religion and society, respect for the rights of individuals to live freely and unjudged, following whatever personal lifestyles suited them, has grown.  The understanding of the meaning of the word “free” has also grown, and so has the understanding that “to love is to set free.”

It is this growing awareness throughout humanity, although frequently not yet clearly expressed, that Love is your nature and that Love is the only solution to any issues or problems, that is leading you forwards towards your awakening with such rapidity.  That moment is close.

The wondrous effects that the Tsunami of Love is bringing about all across the world are quite amazing, and all of you are aware of at least some of them.  When doubts arise within you about Reality, Love, God, the divine Source, and the plan for humanity’s imminent awakening, remind yourselves of the occurrences or events of which you are aware that prove conclusively for you that you are not being misled, that you are not insane.

Ask for a Love squeeze from your favorite saint, angel, the divine Mother, Jesus, or to whomsoever it is that you address your worries and concerns.  Expect to be comforted, to feel the Love that envelops you, and you will.  Even the slightest or faintest impression or sensation you experience is the result of your call to us and of our instantaneous response.  You are never alone, forgotten, or abandoned, it is just your immersion within the illusion that produces that sensation.

Continue to hold the intention for yourselves and for humanity to awaken.  You are on Earth at this moment to do just that.  You knew that you would find it very difficult at times because the illusion seems so dark, so impenetrable.  But you also knew that you could not and would not fail because you are never alone as you hold your brilliant Light on high, showing the way to so many who, without your Light and your Love, would have given up.  On Earth, as humans, you really can have no idea of the immensity of your power and how it is spreading constantly across the world bringing hope, comfort, and yes, certainty, to so many who would otherwise succumb to the numbing unbelief that the illusion feeds on.

You are all divinely honored, blessed, and filled with Grace in every moment, and the task you have set yourselves under God’s constant guidance will be achieved exactly as God intends. No other outcome is remotely possible.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – The Power of your Loving Intentions is Tremendous – 1-28-15

John SmallmanSaul  via  John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Wednesday January 28th

Humanity is on a roll towards the moment of awakening!  As you read the mainstream news media reports of conflict, wars, crime, and corruption all over the world that may not seem to you to be a valid assessment, but I assure you it is.  Yes, there is much going on that is unloving and causing suffering in the world today, but it is for the most part  the result of an enormous clearing and releasing of the old energies of fear that have maintained and supported the illusion and those who would suppress and control you through it.

The unloving energies, mostly of fear, that have been predominant on Earth for eons are dissolving as more and more of you turn towards love in your relationships, and make the intent to be loving in every situation.  The power of your loving intentions is tremendous, and those who would maintain the old ways through fear and force are now desperately attempting to raise the level of fear across the world because they urgently need those energies as they attempt to fortify the underpinnings of their power base and prevent its collapse.  This they cannot do.  The Tsunami of Love is unstoppable and totally irresistible and it is sweeping away the energies of fear that have held you in the thrall of the dark ones.

You are well aware of the massive uncovering of lies, deceits, and corruption that governments and international corporations have been involved with, as investigative journalists and whistleblowers determinedly and courageously publish vast amounts of evidence that has been concealed in order to allow those in positions of worldly power to carry out their destructive agendas.  Arousing your fears has been one of the ways they used to justify their unjustifiable secrecy, claiming that it was in your best interests to allow them to do things in secret to keep you safe.  It has now become abundantly clear how badly they have deceived you and betrayed your trust in them over the eons.

A few of your politicians while promising transparency during their election campaigns over the last few decades have totally failed to deliver on those promises.  Some indeed had good intentions, but the power and influence of the political machine run wild presented them with insurmountable barriers on that front, and so they turned their attention elsewhere.  And the increasingly raucous attempts by the mainstream media, under governmental and corporate control, to instill worldwide fear of terrorism are failing abysmally.  Humanity will never again submit to fear.

Love is the power, the energy field of infinite potential in which creation rests in constant alert awareness.  That potential is the creative idea that God unveiled at the moment of creation, and it is eternally present throughout Reality, available in every moment for his children to develop and expand.

Fear is the absence of Love, absence of that creative potential.  It is illusory, but when believed in leads to depression, helplessness, and hopelessness.  Do not engage with it, because you do have a choice, and when you choose fear instead of Reality, Love, you give power and energy to the illusion, and that you do not want to do.  There is no one among you who enjoys being in fear, no one!  But when you are in fear you cannot avoid projecting it outwards, sharing it and extending it.  Instead refuse it, and embrace Love, you can do that, and you have limitless assistance from those in the spiritual realms to ensure your success.

Fear is also a state of mind, an unpleasant and personally power draining aspect of the illusion.  Love is Reality.  Embrace Love and fear dissolves because anything that is not in alignment and harmony with Love is unreal and cannot therefore hold out against It, being of the illusion it just ceases to exist.  Increasing numbers of you are realizing this every day, and are refusing to be cowed into submission any longer.  The days of darkness, fear, and unquestioning compliance are over because humanity has chosen to awaken from the nightmare in which it has been resting for eons.

The underlying assumptions upon which most of your laws rely are being deeply questioned, and those assumptions are being proven, in nearly every instance, to be false.  A new era has truly dawned, and initially that appears to be rather unsettling.  That is hardly surprising because you have become so conditioned to obeying mindless rules and regulations that when they are removed you feel for a moment quite unsteady.  It is like experiencing a momentary sense of dizziness if you stand up too quickly after a catnap or after your meditation, but it clears quickly as you return to fully conscious alertness.

So, I shall remind you yet again: Love Is . . .  there is nothing else.  Anything that is not in alignment with Love is utterly unreal, and is only seemingly real when you close your hearts, allowing illusions to fill that empty space from which you have chosen to shut out Love.  Open your hearts, invite Love to embrace them and flow through them to all sentient life, and experience the peace and contentment that that open state reveals.

Love is eternally and infinitely peaceful.  When you operate from Love, from your natural state, there is no fear, no anxiety, no conflict, no damaging competitiveness, just glorious and harmonious cooperation.  In that state worries and concerns dissolve because there is no room for them as you are completely filled with Love, and nothing else is sought or needed.  Needs of all kinds are the tools of fear, tools that are now being seen to be broken and irreparable.  In their place lies abundance waiting for your acceptance of it so that it can, by your allowing, dispel all humanity’s needs.

All is in place for your awakening and for your release from the illusion.  When you take your daily time alone in meditation, prayer, or contemplation be sure to remind yourselves that you are never alone, that you are always in the company of your spiritual guides and mentors, who watch over you constantly offering you the love that you have so often sought, with a noticeable lack of success, outside yourselves.  Love is your nature, and you are never separated from It, just temporarily unaware.  Open your awareness, allow Love to embrace you warmly and enthusiastically just as It wants to.

With so very much love, Saul.


Saul via John Smallman – Wonderful Surprises in store for you for 2015 – 1-1-15


You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love.

The New Year, 2015, is nearly upon you, and I can assure you that it has some wonderful surprises in store for you!

Yes, I am being optimistic and up-beat because your task is to keep your spirits high so that you remain in the “fast lane” towards home, and one of my tasks is to assist and encourage you. But that does not mean that I am misleading you! I would never do that. However, many of you are feeling disappointed and let down because it seems to you that “the event,” for which you are all waiting so enthusiastically, has at best been delayed and at worst is a delusion that you bought into because the world situation appears so grim, and because you desperately wanted and needed something uplifting and inspiring to cling to.

Well “the event,” your awakening into your natural and fully conscious state, is more real than anything you have ever experienced within the illusory environment that seems to hold you unwillingly in its clutches. Truly you are not held unwillingly, you are just afraid to let go of the illusion to which you are clinging so firmly and consign yourselves into the loving arms of your Father, arms that He patiently holds open awaiting your acceptance of them.

You built the illusion, collectively of course, and you will demolish it. But its demolition will not be violent, there will be a very gentle but rapid melting away or dispersal of it as you collectively awaken into Reality. As you look around you now and see all the violence and suffering that so many are experiencing it is hard for you to conceive of such a dramatic change of scene, but humanity has made enormous strides on its path home to Love, and has made the irreversible choice to awaken.

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The tipping point, at which your collective embrace of Love outweighs your collective hold on fear, totally dissolving it, is the moment for which you have all been waiting. It is your move from the nightmare, which seems to enfold you all either as participators – willing and unwilling – or as unhappy observers, into an environment of harmonious and loving cooperation where you will work together with those in other realms who are on standby ready to assist you to heal yourselves and the planet when the tipping point is reached.

You can have no idea of the immense variety of technologies that those from other realms will bring with them to assist you in returning Gaia to the state of perfect health that is her natural state. Over the eons, as humanity’s many and wide-ranging forms of “civilization” have engaged in unwise industrialization, enormous damage has been wreaked upon her and is still ongoing today.

The technologies that humanity has been using recently to mine her for resources you consider essential or valuable are not in fact clever, efficient, modern, and safe, as large scale industrial businesses would attempt to persuade you, but just the opposite. Your alternate media has been doing an excellent job in uncovering and bringing to your attention the vast scale of damage that international industrial conglomerates have wrought upon Gaia in the last few decades, and much pressure in the way of public awareness and opinion is forcing them to reassess their operations and actually take the first essential steps towards reversing the damage that they have caused. They are resisting and dissembling, but the truth about their pernicious activities has been revealed, and they have no option but to alter their attitudes and behaviors to align with the loving attitudes of the vast majority who want humanity and Gaia healed.


It is that change of heart, of attitudes, that is accelerating your progress along your path to awakening. You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love, and you are therefore responding lovingly to resolve issues that have been troubling humanity for eons and which, until now, had seemed insurmountable and insoluble. Needless to say they are not. It is just that humanity has been split into many different factions – familial, political, business, national, cultural, and religious – with different and conflicting egoic agendas that have prevented you from coming together to address and resolve them.

That is all changing because the Tsunami of Love, which has been having an enormous effect on those of you who are consciously on a spiritual path, has been inspiring and uplifting you to engage with It and by so doing share and extend Its energy throughout all of humanity. This is the divine plan in action, and evidence of its inspiring presence can be seen in all parts of the world.

Do not be misled by the mainstream media’s almost constant focus on fear, and on their reports of threats of terrorism. Throughout humanity’s long history on the planet there have always been fears, conflicts, and wars, and for those directly involved there has been much suffering, but those conflicts have always been instigated by those who would control and suppress you as they still are.

Of course there are people who believe in the power of violence to bring them rewards, but they are in a very small minority. However, they have always noisily attempted to instill fear into their contemporaries and supporters in order to build fear based organizations that they can use as a means of control to achieve their own selfish agendas by ensuring that governments do their bidding. This state of affairs is coming rapidly to an end. People in many parts of the world are now very much aware of the endemic corruption in high places and will no longer tolerate it.


When support for these corrupt ones falls away, as it is now doing, they are quickly seen to be straw men, weak and fearful individuals who are utterly powerless without supporters and lackeys to do their bidding. Massive changes are under way as individuals reclaim the power that they had, in many cases unthinkingly, given away to so called authorities that had been established with the sole purpose of protecting the few whose one aim is power and control over others. Many of you refer to those seemingly all powerful ones as the “dark cabal.” Dark and hidden they may well have been, but not any longer. Their influence and notorious agendas are being disclosed with, for them, alarming speed, and in that disclosure lies their inevitable downfall.

Truly, the news is good as 2015 approaches, so continue holding your brilliant Light on high as you demonstrate Love in action. Visit your holy inner sanctuaries at least once daily and re-empower yourselves with the Love that is your core, your center, so that not only you, but also all with whom you interact each day are uplifted and inspired as you move forwards towards your assured awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

More from Saul

Saul via John smallman – You are Realizing that you are indeed Beings of Love, Created in Love – 12-29-14


[I am away from home, so no audio version of today’s message will be uploaded.]

The New Year, 2015, is nearly upon you, and I can assure you that it has some wonderful surprises in store for you!

Yes, I am being optimistic and up-beat because your task is to keep your spirits high so that you remain in the “fast lane” towards home, and one of my tasks is to assist and encourage you.  But that does not mean that I am misleading you!  I would never do that.  However, many of you are feeling disappointed and let down because it seems to you that “the event,” for which you are all waiting so enthusiastically, has at best been delayed and at worst is a delusion that you bought into because the world situation appears so grim, and because you desperately wanted and needed something uplifting and inspiring to cling to.

Well “the event,” your awakening into your natural and fully conscious state, is more real than anything you have ever experienced within the illusory environment that seems to hold you unwillingly in its clutches.  Truly you are not held unwillingly, you are just afraid to let go of the illusion to which you are clinging so firmly and consign yourselves into the loving arms of your Father, arms that He patiently holds open awaiting your acceptance of them.

You built the illusion, collectively of course, and you will demolish it.  But its demolition will not be violent, there will be a very gentle but rapid melting away or dispersal of it as you collectively awaken into Reality.  As you look around you now and see all the violence and suffering that so many are experiencing it is hard for you to conceive of such a dramatic change of scene, but humanity has made enormous strides on its path home to Love, and has made the irreversible choice to awaken.

The tipping point, at which your collective embrace of Love outweighs your collective hold on fear, totally dissolving it, is the moment for which you have all been waiting.  It is your move from the nightmare, which seems to enfold you all either as participators – willing and unwilling – or as unhappy observers, into an environment of harmonious and loving cooperation where you will work together with those in other realms who are on standby ready to assist you to heal yourselves and the planet when the tipping point is reached.

You can have no idea of the immense variety of technologies that those from other realms will bring with them to assist you in returning Gaia to the state of perfect health that is her natural state.  Over the eons, as humanity’s many and wide-ranging forms of “civilization” have engaged in unwise industrialization, enormous damage has been wreaked upon her and is still ongoing today.

The technologies that humanity has been using recently to mine her for resources you consider essential or valuable are not in fact clever, efficient, modern, and safe, as large scale industrial businesses would attempt to persuade you, but just the opposite.  Your alternate media has been doing an excellent job in uncovering and bringing to your attention the vast scale of damage that international industrial conglomerates have wrought upon Gaia in the last few decades, and much pressure in the way of public awareness and opinion is forcing them to reassess their operations and actually take the first essential steps towards reversing the damage that they have caused.  They are resisting and dissembling, but the truth about their pernicious activities has been revealed, and they have no option but to alter their attitudes and behaviors to align with the loving attitudes of the vast majority who want humanity and Gaia healed.

It is that change of heart, of attitudes, that is accelerating your progress along your path to awakening.  You are realizing that you are indeed beings of Love, created in Love, and you are therefore responding lovingly to resolve issues that have been troubling humanity for eons and which, until now, had seemed insurmountable and insoluble.  Needless to say they are not.  It is just that humanity has been split into many different factions – familial, political, business, national, cultural, and religious – with different and conflicting egoic agendas that have prevented you from coming together to address and resolve them.

That is all changing because the Tsunami of Love, which has been having an enormous effect on those of you who are consciously on a spiritual path, has been inspiring and uplifting you to engage with It and by so doing share and extend Its energy throughout all of humanity.  This is the divine plan in action, and evidence of its inspiring presence can be seen in all parts of the world.

Do not be misled by the mainstream media’s almost constant focus on fear, and on their reports of threats of terrorism.  Throughout humanity’s long history on the planet there have always been fears, conflicts, and wars, and for those directly involved there has been much suffering, but those conflicts have always been instigated by those who would control and suppress you as they still are.

Of course there are people who believe in the power of violence to bring them rewards, but they are in a very small minority.  However, they have always noisily attempted to instill fear into their contemporaries and supporters in order to build fear based organizations that they can use as a means of control to achieve their own selfish agendas by ensuring that governments do their bidding.  This state of affairs is coming rapidly to an end.  People in many parts of the world are now very much aware of the endemic corruption in high places and will no longer tolerate it.

When support for these corrupt ones falls away, as it is now doing, they are quickly seen to be straw men, weak and fearful individuals who are utterly powerless without supporters and lackeys to do their bidding.  Massive changes are under way as individuals reclaim the power that they had, in many cases unthinkingly, given away to so called authorities that had been established with the sole purpose of protecting the few whose one aim is power and control over others.  Many of you refer to those seemingly all powerful ones as the “dark cabal.”  Dark and hidden they may well have been, but not any longer.  Their influence and notorious agendas are being disclosed with, for them, alarming speed, and in that disclosure lies their inevitable downfall.

Truly, the news is good as 2015 approaches, so continue holding your brilliant Light on high as you demonstrate Love in action.  Visit your holy inner sanctuaries at least once daily and re-empower yourselves with the Love that is your core, your center, so that not only you, but also all with whom you interact each day are uplifted and inspired as you move forwards towards your assured awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – Go with your Intuition which is always Divinely Guided – 12-17-14

John SmallmanSaul  via  John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog forWednesday December 17th

Humanity’s progress towards awakening has been phenomenal over the last two or three years, although, if you are regularly ensnared by the mainstream media and its messages of mayhem and disaster, you might find it hard to believe that this is so.  But remember that is all part of the illusion which you are working tirelessly to dissolve through the power of your loving thoughts, words, and deeds.  Love conquers all in Its path, gently and irresistibly, and that is what you are all doing as you engage firmly and constantly with the Love field that surrounds you, effectively dissolving all that is not in alignment with it.

You all chose an earthly incarnation as humans in this particular lifetime because you so dearly wanted to assist as powerfully as you possibly could in humanity’s awakening process.  But of course when you enter into the illusion by incarnating as humans you also enter a state of amnesia.  Deep within you you know that you have an essential purpose in the grand divine scheme, and many of you seek help in finding that purpose by engaging with the illusion – taking seminars of various sorts, following wise gurus, or taking up a recommended practice that you hope will offer you the definitive answers to all your worries and anxieties.

However, the only way to find your purpose is by engaging fully with Love.  If you will do only this all your worries will fall away.  You will still have to cope with living in the illusion, and it will continue to present you with problems, but, instead of worrying about them and becoming anxious and stressed out, you will be able to deal with them intuitively guided by the Love that flows abundantly from the central core of your being, and lovingly assisted by those in the spiritual realms on whom you call.

There is a well known saying “a problem cannot be resolved at the same level of thinking that created it,” and attempting to solve the insoluble within the illusion – war, disease, poverty, etc. – does not work because all attempts, however well intended, remain at the level of the illusion.

Love is all that exists in Reality which is far beyond the illusion.  It reaches down to you, or, if you prefer, it reaches into the nightmare where you appear to be imprisoned, to embrace and awaken you.  Enormous numbers of you are aware of this at a deep level, which is why you are seeking a better way of life that honors all of humanity, but because of the strength of conviction required to see the unreality of the illusion it is extremely difficult for you to truly believe that Love will resolve all of humanity’s issues.  However, deep within yourselves you do know that Love is the answer.

Each day, or even each hour if you can, during your quiet time alone in your holy inner sanctuaries, make a point of intending to be aware of the divine field of Love in which you are so tenderly and lovingly held.  When you make that intent, without wondering whether it is true and without trying to make a logical assessment of its effectiveness for you – am I really feeling the Love? – know that the field responds instantly to you because that is its purpose.

Nevertheless, your egos are very well trained to deride or rubbish any loving sensations you experience and any awareness you notice that would assure you that you are indeed warmly held in the divine embrace.  They will attempt to convince you that you are just imagining those sensations, or that you are delusional and desperately in need of psychiatric help.  When your logical mind tells you that you are imagining these sensations and your intuition tells you that they are valid, go with your intuition which is always divinely guided.  It speaks very quietly, while your logical egoic mind does everything in its power to distract you so that you do not hear that quiet and loving inner voice which will never lead you astray.

The ego’s voice can always be identified because it fills your mind, your conscious awareness, with a constant stream of worrying and anxious “what if” thoughts, whereas your intuition is always calm, gentle, and comforting.  The trouble for you is that the ego’s voice is LOUD, and when you are worried or anxious it is very hard for you to relax and listen to your quiet inner voice of wisdom.

Most of you have had the experience of reacting spontaneously, with intense anger at times, when someone has pushed your buttons.  Then, maybe much later, you have regretted it and remembered also having at the same moment had a sense that the reaction you were about to engage in, that seemed to be controlling you in the moment, was at best unwise, and at worst a terrible mistake.  As the old saying has it “react in haste, repent at leisure.”

One of the major lessons that all humans are on Earth to learn is restraint.  But you are programmed from very early in life that there are dangers that you need to react to very quickly if you want to avoid pain and suffering.  And, for human infants, that programming is initially very useful.  Then as you grow into your power, becoming bigger and stronger than those younger or smaller than yourselves, it can be very enticing to use your power to boost your inadequate sense of self worth – inadequate compared to those bigger than you, or compared to adult authority figures – by frightening, intimidating or hurting others.  Doing so gives you “a rush,” a sense of invincibility that is very satisfying, and the danger is that it will become addictive.

If your upbringing has been abusive you may never have seen or experienced wise adult behavior, and so you may have learned to rely on yourself and never to trust anyone in order to ensure your survival.  Now, however, having chosen a spiritual path of growth, as you all have, you need to move away from your belief in force and compulsion as the means for your survival.  If you are still inhabiting an environment where peaceful co-existence is not an option then you probably need to move away.

If everyone on Earth who is in an environment of violence, hate, and oppression, refused to engage but instead moved away, then the violence would wind down quite rapidly as those willing to fight or looking for a fight would find themselves seriously short of opponents.  But this environment is illusory, and at the level of the illusion these problems cannot be resolved, because those involved do not want to remove themselves because they know that they are in the right and they have an intense need to prove it to themselves and to others.  And many who would move away are, for numerous reasons, unable to do so.

And this brings us to back to the task in hand, the task that you as Light workers and Light bearers have undertaken so courageously and lovingly.  That task is to be Love, which is what in truth you are, and to demonstrate that constantly in your daily lives.  You know that is why you are on Earth, you know you incarnated to fulfill this divine task, and you know that you have unprecedented help from all of us in the spiritual realms.

You cannot fail because you are divinely supported in every moment, so do not fall for the line of reasoning that suggests that for civilized humanity to survive – it is interesting to see who makes the judgment about who is civilized – bigger and better military and intelligence agencies need to be funded and supported.  And of course you will not fall for that line of reasoning because it has been proved beyond all doubt that it is utterly false.

Be Love, share that Love, and watch with joy as those around you do likewise.  Tremendous changes are in progress, and they are leading you irresistibly forwards to your inevitable awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – Many of You Believe or Think You Are Not Doing Very Well – 12-16-14

SaulSaul, “Many of You Believe or Think That You Are Not Doing Very Well,” channeled by John Smallman, December 14, 2014, at:  | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.

John’s audio reading of this channeling may be found here.

As Christmas approaches and you prepare to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, remind yourselves frequently that his only message is LOVE. Nothing else, just Love, which of course is everything!

During this season, when many of you get very stressed out, it is most important to remember this message. Just this one word: LOVE. Maybe you could print it up in a 48pt font in your favorite color on a large piece of card, and pin it up where you will be unable to avoid seeing it many times throughout your day.

The importance of being loving, and releasing any fears and anxieties to which you may be clinging, cannot be overemphasized. And remember, you have boundless help from all of us in the spiritual realms who are forever cheering you onwards towards your moment of awakening.

It is close at hand, so restate your intent to awaken regularly throughout your day because it is extremely effective; and when you do so, you open yourselves more fully to the field of divine Love that always surrounds you, allowing it to flood into your hearts. And yes, when it does so, it will most definitely bring tears of joy to your eyes; a perfect Christmas gift from One who loves you all so dearly.

You just cannot conceive of how dearly and lovingly we watch over you as you struggle with the seemingly endless rounds of daily chores that so demandingly fill your earthly lives.

You do not give up. Amazing! Your spiritual intentions require incredible devotion on your part so that the distractions and interruptions that the illusion lays in your way to entice you away from your path fail to do so. Your performance, as you work through your lessons to release all within you that is not in alignment with Love, is a joy to behold.

Many of you believe or think that you are not doing very well, that you could do better, or that you do not deserve God’s Love. Nothing could be further from the truth. Never accept any doubts about your worth that come into your mind. Your worth is infinite in the sight of God, always.

All doubts about your worth, your value, your pricelessness in the eyes of God, are of the illusion and should be dismissed, discarded with the trash, released with any other unloving thoughts that may arise, thus allowing His Love to fill every space in your hearts. It is your right and your eternal destiny to feel eternally loved, all that you need do is dismiss any doubts you may have on the subject and allow God’s Love to suffuse you. It will!

The field of infinite Love in which you have your eternal existence is VAST! The opportunities it provides for you to explore and develop your creative abilities in untold delectation are boundless.

When you awaken from the nightmare in which the illusion has apparently enfolded you, where you can presently discern no easily-identifiable exit, unaccustomed joy will sweep over you as you begin to understand how amazing are the prospects spread out before you.

You have faint memories of Reality, and they have helped you keep on keeping on towards your inevitable awakening, but memories, as you are well aware, are no substitute for Reality.

Reality is your Home, and you have been feeling lost and alone ever since you chose to leave It by pretending to separate from your Source. As you have been told many times, you have never left Home; to do so is utterly impossible, but your imagination is mightily powerful and you succeeded in convincing yourselves that you had separated from It.

That conviction is the cause of all your woes. It led you to believe that you were living in a very threatening and dangerous environment; and what you believe in presents itself to you because your beliefs are very powerful.  As an analogy, it is rather like taking drugs to enter into an altered state of consciousness, and what you experience within the illusion is very definitely a greatly altered state from that of Reality.

While within the illusion, moving into an altered state can provide temporary relief, pleasure, or escape from the illusion, and sometimes horror. The altered state that is the illusion can never provide what you are truly seeking, namely a return to Reality.  That state is only available when you release yourselves from the illusion, and release from the illusion is obtained solely by embracing Love wholeheartedly and allowing It to dissolve all within you that is not in perfect and harmonious alignment with It.

The process that you are presently undergoing is precisely that. You are, with enormous help from all with whom you commune in the spiritual realms, gently disentangling yourselves from the ties and commitments that the illusion seems to impose upon you.

The illusion does not hold you, you cling to it, fearful that without it you will cease to exist. That is precisely what human fear of death is all about – absolute terror that when you die your existence is terminated, permanently. Hence the extreme efforts to which so many go to avoid or delay their deaths.

When you open yourselves wholeheartedly to Love, as you are all learning to do, and allow It to suffuse you, that intense fear declines as the Love suffusion expands, expanding your hearts as It does so. Most of you have met and connected with people who offer their love to all regardless of their race, color, creed, or social position, and who are always at peace with themselves and all others; people you would perhaps describe as ‘big-hearted’.

Those are just souls who are a little further along the path that you are all following. The Love they share so freely and easily flows abundantly through them continuously, and everyone notices It because all feel warmed by It. Love is never lost by sharing, It just expands to abundantly fill any space that is opened to It. That is what allowing is all about.

So, to re-emphasize most firmly, your path to awakening is the path of Love. It surrounds you constantly, awaiting your acceptance of It. To accept It is to accept everyone with whom you interact in any way at all. That is sometimes difficult for you, especially if you have recently experienced betrayal, as many have.  Recognize that this attitude – acceptance of all others – is an essential part of your awakening process, and ask us for help to release your fear of it.

Acceptance does not mean that you give your power away to another by accepting abuse; abuse in any form. It means seeing or being aware of the damage and pain that others, like yourselves, are experiencing, intending to forgive their abuses and betrayals, and then sending them love without putting yourselves in thrall to them or placing yourselves in a position that allows them to abuse you.

You are free. That is how you were created, and there is never any need or requirement for you to submit to another in any way at all, or for that matter to attempt to make another submit to you.

Honor one another as your Father in Heaven honors all of you, and by doing so, then awaken.

With so very much love, Saul

Saul via John Smallman – The Light of Heavenly Dawn is Brightening the Sky ~ through

Saul via John Smallman

12 7 2014 ~Humanity is getting the message:  Whatever the question Love is the only answer.

Many are gathering together all over the world to put this message into action on an enormous scale by intending to be loving in every moment.  And that intent has become extremely powerful and will continue to grow because it is the collective will of humanity.  Nothing can resist it, because once Love is recognized, as It has been, Its loving embrace is utterly irresistible.

Of course the mainstream news channels are not reporting on it because for them news is that which is disastrous or catastrophic, and they prefer to gloaton the scandalous revelations about public figures than to report the news that would inspire and uplift you.  Instead they choose anything that they think will strengthen your beliefs that the world is a very dangerous place in which government controlled military and security forces of all kinds must be maintained and expanded for your safety, even though history has proved time and time again that military solutions always lead to further suffering andnever to the solutions that humanity seeks.  So, finally, humanity is turning to the only solution, the One that has always been available, and that is cause for rejoicing.

Jesus taught Love by demonstrating It constantly.  Others have done so since then, and finally It is catching on!  That is cause for celebration, so celebrate instead of buying into the doom and gloom that those who have controlled humanity for so long wish you to focus your full attention on in order that that you remain in fear, thus allowing them to continue their stranglehold on power and influence.  Humanity has seen through the scam that politicians would have you believe is the truth:  “You need us to to work for you by providing a government that truly looks out for you and protects your best interests.”  The end of their enormously egoic and grandiose parade is approaching rapidly despite their best efforts to prevent it.

They have always been out of touch with the people – those who elected them and who have supported them, or on whom thy have forcibly imposed themselves – because their interests and agendas have always lain elsewhere, namely in their unending quest for personal, unfettered, and lifelong power.  That truth, which they have alwaysdenied, can no longer be adequately disguised.  Their reputations lie around them in ruins, and yet they continue to proclaim their probity.

Continue to hold your Light on high, it is extremely effective, as the human collective continues to expand its dance with Love.  Love is a dance because It is the energy of creation, constantly in motion to the harmonious “Music of the Spheres.”  Some of you already hear that music in your meditations or as composers, more are hearing it every day and being greatly uplifted and inspired by these heavenly sounds.  So sing along and further intensify this heavenly energy as you make yourselves consciously aware of it.

Heaven is your eternal Home, and within It music and dance help to characterize Its divine wonders in myriad displays of fantastic virtuosity.  On Earth, within the illusion, music comforts and inspires you, lifts you up when you feel down, and enables you to experience an emotional state that helps you release the stresses and strains of daily life.  In Heaven it is . . . well, heavenly, joyful beyond the bounds of anything you have ever heard, it brings you to rapturous ecstasy as you take your part in expressing it for the delight of all.  The joys of Heaven are awaiting your inevitable awakening with enthusiastic anticipation as that moment draws ever closer.

The Light of heavenly dawn is brightening the sky which for so long has been dark and sombre, clouded and overcast under the deep gloom of humanity’s intense suffering.  The illusion is an environment of separation, of abandonment, of terror, that you built unthinkingly and hence unwisely, to provide a place in which to play games that have been driving you insane.  Now you have chosen to arise from that state of insanity, to awaken from the nightmare whose terrors lately seem to have intensified for many.  That intensity is caused by their moving fiercely into your awareness giving you no option but to acknowledge them.

Acknowledgement of them is all that is necessary, then let them pass.  To engage with them is a distraction which delays your awakening unnecessarily, it is to submerge yourselves once more into the depths of the illusion which your loving intentions are dissolving.  It is like a conflict of interests, but such conflicts need not occur, and will not occur if you will just open your hearts to the field of divine Love that surrounds you, awaiting your acceptance of It.

You will accept It because It is the Reality that dissolves all that is not in alignment with It, and, of course, there is nothing that is not in alignment with It, because Reality is All that exists.  You can choose to remain attached to the nightmare indefinitely, but not eternally because it is temporary, it is decaying, and it will be dissolved.  Yes, it is familiar, painfully familiar, but it offers you nothing of value, so let it go and awaken into the joy that God has prepared for your eternal happiness.

To delay the gratification that your return to Reality provides makes absolutely no sense whatever.  So release your hold on the illusion, on the unloving nightmare that seems to have ensnared you in its myriad tentacles, and it will fall away as you rise up free and victorious.

With so very much love, Saul.…

Saul via John Smallman – The Light of Heavenly Dawn Is Brightening the Sky – 12-7-14

SaulSaul: The Light of Heavenly Dawn Is Brightening the Sky, channeled by John Smallman, December 7, 2014. Source Link: John Smallman’s Blog: Saul – The Light of Heavenly Dawn Is Brightening the Sky

John’s audio reading of this message may be found here.

John:   Good evening dear Saul.  Thanks for your last message.  I have just finished reading Elie Wiesel’s book, And the Sea is Never Full, the second of his autobiographical ones, it has left me feeling rather drained and tired.  Can you give me a hug, a loving energy replacement boost so that we can commune?  That is if you are presently free to commune.  Thank you.

Saul:  Good evening John, of course we can commune.  I’m always available, in fact all of us in the spiritual realms, the non-human realms are ALWAYS available to answer your calls, and the calls of any human who chooses to address us, any time and in any language.  We are here for you all, always, just call.

John:  Dear Saul, Thank You.  You and Jesus keep telling me this, and still I doubt, and I keep needing reconfirmation.  So again, Thank You.

Saul:   John you are most welcome.  Relax a moment then we can start.

Humanity is getting the message:  Whatever the question, Love is the only answer.

Many are gathering together all over the world to put this message into action on an enormous scale by intending to be loving in every moment.  And that intent has become extremely powerful, and will continue to grow because it is the collective will of humanity.  Nothing can resist it, because once Love is recognized, as It has been, Its loving embrace is utterly irresistible.

Of course, the mainstream news channels are not reporting on it because for them news is that which is disastrous or catastrophic, and they prefer to gloat on the scandalous revelations about public figures than to report the news that would inspire and uplift you.

Instead they choose anything that they think will strengthen your beliefs that the world is a very dangerous place in which government-controlled military and security forces of all kinds must be maintained and expanded for your safety, even though history has proved time and time again that military solutions always lead to further suffering, and never to the solutions that humanity seeks.  So, finally, humanity is turning to the only solution, the One that has always been available, and that is cause for rejoicing.

Jesus taught Love by demonstrating It constantly.  Others have done so since then, and finally It is catching on!  That is cause for celebration, so celebrate instead of buying into the doom and gloom that those who have controlled humanity for so long wish you to focus your full attention on in order that that you remain in fear, thus allowing them to continue their stranglehold on power and influence.

Humanity has seen through the scam that politicians would have you believe is the truth:  “You need us to to work for you by providing a government that truly looks out for you and protects your best interests.”  The end of their enormously egoic and grandiose parade is approaching rapidly, despite their best efforts to prevent it.

They have always been out of touch with the people – those who elected them and who have supported them, or on whom they have forcibly imposed themselves – because their interests and agendas have always lain elsewhere, namely in their unending quest for personal, unfettered, and lifelong power.

That truth, which they have always denied, can no longer be adequately disguised.  Their reputations lie around them in ruins, and yet they continue to proclaim their probity.

Continue to hold your Light on high. It is extremely effective, as the human collective continues to expand its dance with Love.  Love is a dance because It is the energy of creation, constantly in motion to the harmonious ‘Music of the Spheres’.

Some of you already hear that music in your meditations or as composers. More are hearing it every day and being greatly uplifted and inspired by these heavenly sounds.  So sing along and further intensify this heavenly energy as you make yourselves consciously aware of it.

Heaven is your eternal Home, and within It music and dance help to characterize Its divine wonders in myriad displays of fantastic virtuosity.  On Earth, within the illusion, music comforts and inspires you, lifts you up when you feel down, and enables you to experience an emotional state that helps you release the stresses and strains of daily life.

In Heaven, it is . . . well, heavenly, joyful beyond the bounds of anything you have ever heard, it brings you to rapturous ecstasy as you take your part in expressing it for the delight of all.  The joys of Heaven are awaiting your inevitable awakening with enthusiastic anticipation as that moment draws ever closer.

The Light of heavenly dawn is brightening the sky, which for so long has been dark and sombre, clouded and overcast under the deep gloom of humanity’s intense suffering.  The illusion is an environment of separation, of abandonment, of terror, that you built unthinkingly and hence unwisely, to provide a place in which to play games that have been driving you insane.

Now you have chosen to arise from that state of insanity, to awaken from the nightmare whose terrors lately seem to have intensified for many.  That intensity is caused by their moving fiercely into your awareness, giving you no option but to acknowledge them.

Acknowledgement of them is all that is necessary, then let them pass.  To engage with them is a distraction, which delays your awakening unnecessarily. It is to submerge yourselves once more into the depths of the illusion, which your loving intentions are dissolving.  It is like a conflict of interests, but such conflicts need not occur, and will not occur if you will just open your hearts to the field of divine Love that surrounds you, awaiting your acceptance of It.

You will accept It because It is the Reality that dissolves all that is not in alignment with It, and, of course, there is nothing that is not in alignment with It, because Reality is All that exists.

You can choose to remain attached to the nightmare indefinitely, but not eternally because it is temporary, it is decaying, and it will be dissolved.  Yes, it is familiar, painfully familiar; but it offers you nothing of value, so let it go and awaken into the joy that God has prepared for your eternal happiness.

To delay the gratification that your return to Reality provides makes absolutely no sense whatever.  So release your hold on the illusion, on the unloving nightmare that seems to have ensnared you in its myriad tentacles, and it will fall away as you rise up, free and victorious.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via john Smallman – The Power of Love has been Finally Recognized by Large Numbers of Humans – 11-6-14

John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Thursday November 6thAs you well know, God is Love, there is nothing else, and so you are all Love and God, you are One.  God is . . . no beginning, no end, whereas He created all of you as perfect beings, because all that He creates is by its very nature perfect, and He gave you everything that He had, All That Exists, Love.  By doing so He demonstrated infinite and eternal Love in action, and that is an eternally ongoing state or condition that never changes.  You all existed before what your scientists, astronomers, and astrophysicists presently describe as the “Big Bang,” the moment in which they believe the Universe came into being; other theories of its initial appearance are also being considered.  The truth remains that before the Big Bang, before the apparent separation from your Source, You are.

What you experience as a physical environment is an illusion that you collectively constructed to experience separation from the divine Source that created you in a momentary and insane attempt to prove that you had no need of that Source.  But you only succeeded in proving that you do.  Without It there would be nothing, which is impossible, but you were able to pretend that you were alone, unencumbered by the loving Source that created you, and maintains you eternally alive and well.  Now, in that brief moment, unaware of Him, seemingly unable to see Him or know Him, you experienced fear and the sense that life was short, followed unavoidably by personal termination in death, nothingness, extinction.  And that truly is a terrifying thought that you do your absolute best to block or deny.

However, over the eons, some have become aware that the world of form, that seems so real to you, is in fact utterly illusory, and that awareness has, of late, been spreading like wildfire.  Within yourselves, where the radiant Light of God’s Love burns eternally, you absolutely know that you are divine beings, one with Source, but the seductions and enticements of the illusion you have built continue to attract you to focus almost all of your attention there.  You are confused and conflicted . . . BUT the attractions of the illusion are fading very rapidly because it is becoming more and more apparent that the system that rules it just does not and cannot work; peace, joy, and happiness are not available within it.  Yes, momentary happiness is possible, but you are no longer satisfied with that or with the dawning realization that things are never going to get any better.

As long as Love is shut out, and political expediency and betrayal rule, there are NO solutions to humanity’s ongoing problems.  That realization is what is bringing you rapidly towards your awakening.  The power of Love has been finally recognized by large numbers of humans, humans who have for eons lived in fear.  Yes, to be loving in every situation seems utterly insane, that is in terms of life in the illusion which seems to be fraught with danger in every moment.  But many have now started to disregard that fear, to let go of that belief, and are being loving and vulnerable anyhow, and, as a direct result, finding that truly there is nothing to fear.  That is the first step on your path to instant awakening, and having taken it, you will never turn back.

And of course the examples of those forerunners is observed and brings a sense of amazement and wonder to others who could be called the onlookers.  If you are not yet behaving lovingly at all times, then you are onlookers, but onlookers who are about to participate, because it is impossible to remain long as non participators when you observe the joy those forerunners are having.  Your awakening is assured because you are already taking a very active part in it.  It is your collective will and it is irreversible.

God is Life, Consciousness, Awareness, Wisdom, Love, and so is every part of His creation, because He is – He is All That Is.  There is nothing beyond or outside of Him, therefore you are He, you have just temporarily lost your awareness of this divine Truth . . . temporarily is also unreal!  There is never a moment when you are not One with Him and with all of creation, with all sentient life.  All that is missing is your awareness, only nothing is missing, you are just refusing to be aware, which, again, is impossible.

The human life experience is indeed a strange and unsettling paradox.  You each chose to undergo it, to be participants in a collective state of unreality, of non-existence that you made seem extremely real, a place in time and space – both also unreal – where your very existence is constantly under threat of extermination from floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars, and diseases, to name just a few of your fears.  In fact life, as you experience it, presents you with an endless succession of terrifying possibilities which you then expend vast quantities of energy and resources trying to prevent from happening.  And because you cannot agree among yourselves about the most sensible course of action, and because of the apparent seriousness of the situations that you are faced with, you act unilaterally making your situation worse, and yourselves more fearful.

Fortunately you have had enough of this insanity, of this insane nightmare, and have collectively chosen to wake up.  It has taken you eons to reach the realization that your environment is unreal, a figment of your powerful and collective imagination that you can dispel whenever you make the collective decision to do so.  Here in the spiritual realms, where we are constantly watching over you and offering you guidance and assistance, we are absolutely thrilled that you have finally taken this momentous collective decision.

There remain a few who would do all in their power to maintain and continue controlling the illusion, and because free will cannot be violated they will, for as long as they choose, find themselves continuing to maintain an illusion, apparently the same illusion, and continuing to play their sad little games.

However their choice will not in any way at all interfere with humanity’s collective choice, its free will choice to awaken.  It might seem like the arrival of the biblical prophecy of the last judgment and the separation of the sheep from the goats.  But that was only a metaphor to assure those who were loving that they would never be abandoned.  In truth God would never abandon anyone.  He created all perfect, and He loves all infinitely and eternally, so He will just allow those who choose to continue playing their games until they, like the rest of the collective, have had enough.  Then they too will awaken into the wonder that is Reality, Heaven, God, your Source, and enjoy the ecstasy of their natural eternal state like everyone else.

So, while you remain within the illusion for a little longer, as you move into full wakefulness, release all judgment of others and engage fully with Love, intending to share It and send It and its many loving aspects to all who are in any way distressed, because that is God’s Will, and therefore yours too.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul – Awaken into the Reality that Awaits your Awakened Presence – 10-14-14

John SmallmanSaul Audio Blog for Tuesday October14th

Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday October14th

It is important for humanity, especially you Light bearers and wayshowers, to come to the awareness that there is no order of preference in the spiritual realms, there is no hierarchy, because all are the perfectly created and beloved offspring of God.  We may well have different interests, different creative ideas, different areas of responsibility, but in God’s eyes we are all equally perfect divine beings, because that is how He created us as part of Him, and He is eternally unchanging, infinitely complete just as He is.

In the spiritual realms we meet in harmonious cooperation to address issues that interest us or require our attention, but the overarching and all enveloping energy field in which we exist and operate is God’s field of infinite divine Love.

Intelligence, wisdom, compassion, healing, acceptance, forgiveness, and reconciliation are all inseparable aspects of Love that often seem to be separate when experienced by souls undergoing the human drama.  However, many of you have discovered (and many more of you soon will), that when you surrender to Love, when you let go of reasoning and attempting to understand others, and instead just allow yourselves to love them unconditionally, you become aware that in truth there is only Love, as we never tire of reminding you.

The vast majority of problems in human relationships, from individuals to nations, are as a direct result of egoic self-interested agendas that can only lead to mistrust and eventual betrayal.  As long as one wants to do better than another problems arise.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to do better, to improve yourself, but when it becomes competitive it always leads to conflict.  And as all are in truth One, conflict of any kind is obviously insane.

So, the Tsunami of Love continues to flow around you, through you, to totally envelop you, waiting patiently and compassionately for you to accept It, as eventually everyone will.  But there is no pressure being applied, It is infinitely gentle and infinitely patient because It knows that you will accept it and enter into a state of total joy when you do so.  It just continues to intensify, and will continue to do so until all awaken.  Is that not a most liberating and uplifting thought?

As you well know, having been told so often that it probably hurts, time is illusory, all is now, but within the illusion it seems to have been around for a very long time!  And as long as you resist Love, your natural and eternal state, and continue to compete with and judge one another so long will the illusion exist and seemingly contain you.  The illusion is the only place in which that which is not Love can exist, and of course there is no such place.  And this makes it extremely confusing for you as you go about your daily lives, coping with issues, problems, pain, suffering, conflict and betrayal that seem very real indeed.

Here in the spiritual realms we expect and anticipate your awakening with great joy because we know that it is inevitable, and that it is now!  So while we have great compassion for the suffering you appear to be undergoing, and which seems so real and painful to you, we always see the big picture, the Divine Picture in which there is only total joy and total Love.

We assist you by being present for you, available to you in every moment to hug you, to give you a “love-squeeze,” and to constantly reassure you that all is truly well.  You all know that when you relax into that quiet inner space, your holy sanctuary, and just allow the present moment to be, while inviting us (whoever you feel or intuit is your own personal contact person in the spiritual realms) to be with you and offer you guidance and comfort, you feel very much better almost instantly.

We can see and feel the upliftment of your spirit when you open to us, and that is most wonderful because it demonstrates Love in action to us again and again, the Oneness that we all share with our divine Father.  Or, Father/Mother/God for those of you who have trouble with words that seem exclusionary or divisive.  Just remember that all words are divisive, confusing, inadequate, because they are merely very poor symbols that are intended to point to God, Who is infinitely beyond words, beyond description, and can only be experienced.  And that magnificent experience awaits you when you embrace and offer unconditional love in every relationship and thus allow the illusion to dissipate, as it will.

Your onward progress towards awakening is powering forwards creating great waves of Love in the ocean of Love that envelops you.  You have an expression “Are fish aware of the water?”  And of course the answer is “Not unless they are removed from it.”  The illusion was built to allow you to remove yourselves from the ocean of Love, but of course it is impossible to remove yourselves from that which permanently and eternally contains you, as there is nowhere else. The illusion is illusory, but its purpose remains as long as you support it, and that purpose is for you to experience a state of existence without Love.

For many of you that state seems to have been achieved.  In the restricted and limited state of consciousness provided by your human vehicle you frequently feel unloved and unlovable, and that is a very unsettling and disturbing experience.  The awakening process has been ongoing since the moment of your apparent separation from God, and during those eons many reasons for the unsatisfactory nature of life on earth have been considered, and many attempts have been made to contact a god, a higher intelligence, a supreme being who, if suitably kowtowed to, might condescend to hear your prayers and your cries for help, and then possibly intervene to mitigate your pain and suffering, even imposing that suffering on someone else, your enemies.  Hence sacrifices to this unknown and terrifying entity.

Now you have psychology and psychotherapy to help you release yourselves from suffering, and it does help, a little.  It too uses reason to help you – who abused you, and why – and offers suggestions and support groups where you can go and tell your painful stories to sympathetic listeners who have had similar or worse experiences.  Again, this is helpful, but the real issue is constantly avoided because most cannot see it, and that is that Love is All.  There is nothing else.  When someone does become aware of this one truth and engages with it healing of a most magnificent kind occurs.

So, as always, the message from the spiritual realms, from Heaven, from God is “There is only Love.”  Accept this divine truth, embrace, share, and extend it, and awaken into the Reality that awaits your awakened presence where you will find only eternal joy.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – You are Permanently Overshadowed by the Divine Field of Love – 10-8-14

John Smallman

The tipping point, the moment for humanity’s awakening into full consciousness, is approaching very rapidly indeed, even in your experience of time.  Keep holding your energy on high, your Light on high, sharing and extending Love to everyone in every moment and in every situation.  Here in the spiritual realms we have your backs, we are providing you with enormous support, and the path you are following has no more exits as it brings you home to your final destination.  Be in joy because failure is impossible and the culmination of your collective efforts is finally bearing fruit, fruit of the most beautiful shape, taste, color, and texture.

You are permanently overshadowed by the divine field of Love, in which all of creation is gently and permanently enfolded.  God’s Will will be done, and you will all enjoy the most magnificent benefits resulting from the doing of His Will.  His Will is always done, it’s just that in your present state of severely limited consciousness the vast majority of you are unable to see that this is so.

You look around you in your illusory world of fear, anxiety, trauma, pain, and suffering and you ask “How could God allow all this?”  Well, of course He does not allow it, and He has never entered your illusory world to play insane games with you.  He gave you the power that is His, all of it, and because Love does not demand, manipulate, enslave, or direct, It allows, you were able to build the illusion, enter into it, and pretend that it was real.  And within it you established a set of horribly unloving rules and regulations, claimed that they were His, and then took it upon yourselves to enforce them most bruisingly on His behalf.  What incredible arrogance that was!

God is Love, PERIOD!  He would no more impose on you or control you than the ocean imposes on its multitudes of aquatic inhabitants.  He created you from pure Love (the only kind there is!) and then He gave you Heaven, He gave you free will, He gave you all of His Wisdom and His Intelligence, and the complete freedom to do as you chose.  You chose to play at being insane, and the evidence of your games is all around you – wars, conflicts, injuries, pain, disease, distrust, and betrayal.

Finally, within the last two or three decades, humanity’s collective will decided it was time to terminate these games.  The results of this decision can also be seen all around you as Love spreads Its influence into the darkest corners, bringing Light which is showing you the way out.  Remember, Light is Love, so the way out is to engage fully with Love in every moment, and more and more of you are doing this daily.  You cannot fail to awaken, because sleep cannot last indefinitely, let alone eternally.  Your awakening is imminent.  Hold that thought in your hearts in every moment, and make it happen NOW!

Yes, it is up to you to awaken, because to do so is a choice that you, because you have total freedom of will, must make.  It cannot be made on your behalf for you, you have to do it yourself.  You are each the directors of your own awakening, but you each have an enormous team of heavenly assistants who will do the heavy work.  You just have to make the decision to do it now – by shedding every aspect of yourselves that is not loving – and then allowing us to pull with you and for you.  You have infinite strength when you make this mindful and perfectly loving choice.  So stop delaying, stop wondering if it will really happen. Sit within, in your most holy inner sanctuary, and intend with all your heart to awaken.  It is very simple, but because of your myriad unhappy experiences within the illusion over the eons it is not easy.  You have to trust God, and in the illusion you have taught yourselves extremely well not to trust anyone, not even your mothers!  You always have doubts, and even the smallest ones can and do unbalance you.

Remind yourselves of what it was like learning to ride a bicycle, you kept looking back to make sure that your mother or father, or your friend, or elder brother or sister was still holding you, and in looking back you lost your balance and fell.  Do not look back, or down, just power ahead knowing that you are divinely supported in every moment, because you are.  If that divine support were not there you would cease to exist, instantly!

The Love enfolding you in each moment of your eternal existence, the Tsunami of Love, is the divine Will, willing you but never forcing or demanding you to awaken.  It is allowing you to choose to align with It, as you most surely will, because the divine Will is your will.  Presently you are just not too good at recognizing this, but recognition is dawning on you.  When someone treats you lovingly, or you see others treated lovingly it warms the cockles of your hearts does it not?  Well, the Tsunami of Love, in Its power and magnificence, will set you on fire with Love – and It does not and cannot burn! – if you will but allow It to.  So allow, and the tipping point will tip, and your awakening into the brilliance of God’s divine Light will rouse you from your deep but unreal sleep into the immeasurable joy of eternal day.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – The Infinitely Wise and Loving Supreme Intelligence Wills Your Awakening – 9-24-14

John SmallmanSaul: The Infinitely Wise and Loving Supreme Intelligence Wills Your Awakening, channeled by John Smallman, September 16, 2014,

John’s reading of this message can be found here.

All sentient life is eternal, as you well know.

Death, as humans experience it, is just a laying down of a tired vehicle that has served you well, even if some of you may feel that you have not been that well-served by your bodies.

At that moment your life does not end; consciousness does not fail you. But you do undergo an enormous and extremely uplifting shift in perspective. You become aware, once more, of God’s infinite Love for you; and that brings you tremendous joy.

You were created in joy to experience eternal joy, but you decided to take a break and instead experience separation. That break is now terminating because you have chosen to awaken into Reality, Oneness, a state that you never left, but just lost sight of, temporarily.

Here in the non-dual realms it is wonderful to see you moving so rapidly towards your awakening.  Your progress is now unstoppable and your momentum is increasing. Your collective intent to move from disagreement, conflict, and suffering to compassionate discussion and peaceful conflict resolution continues to strengthen.

Your true nature is Love.  What you have been experiencing during your time of apparent separation from your Source, the infinite loving Intelligence that contains and honors all sentient life, is an unreal state that has been held together and supported by the unloving attitudes and rules with which you chose to engage, in order to play some insane games in which all have suffered and have lost.

Any apparent victories have been very short-lived, and the winners have suffered just as horrifically as the losers have. Because what you do to others you also do to yourselves – there is no separation; all are eternally One!

Life as a human is of great value to the spiritual entity who experiences it. To be able to engage in that adventure – and it is indeed an adventure – is to be greatly honored.

Sadly, many totally forget or fail to remember the reason for their Earth life once they are engaged in it. We in the spiritual realms spend much time attempting to remind those who have forgotten that their lives do have a divine and essential purpose.

Many of those forgetful ones – and here there is no judgment, just observation – get drawn deeply into the dark aspects of this illusory game that all on Earth are playing. This leads to the endless tragedies and suffering that so many undergo.

At present in this moment of now, nearly all who are on earth chose to be here to assist in humanity’s awakening (all on Earth are asleep, dreaming the experiences and situations that are happening), which means that all are assisting in their own awakening as well as helping others forwards towards that inevitable moment of intense joy.

Everyone can awaken, but there are some, a relatively small percentage, who will choose to remain asleep and engaged in seemingly-endless hostilities.

These are ones who have been so severely damaged by their many Earth experiences that they are unable to let down their personal and individual defenses sufficiently to allow the Tsunami of Love, in which all are enveloped, to penetrate into their sorely hurting hearts.

Their fear is too great for them to take a chance on Love.  The Love field that surrounds them will bring them to their awakening, but they are not yet ready to surrender into the arms of Love.

Although their numbers are very small, their ability to influence others is very large.  They are now gently being moved away from those positions of influence. As they depart, enormous changes will come into effect all across the planet.

This will lead to unprecedented peace – a state that has not existed on Earth for a very long time. The human collective desperately desires peace, and has set that intent, mostly person by person, and so it will come about.

As you are well aware, many groups of people are meditating and praying for peace all across the world, every day, with increasing intensity. Increasing numbers of new members are joining those groups daily.  That intention is extremely powerful, and is of course further strengthened by the constant divine Intent for your awakening.

The holy Source of all that exists, the Creator, the infinitely wise and loving Supreme Intelligence, wills your awakening and has always willed your awakening. Now that the collective has freely made the decision to awaken into Reality, the power of the collective will is added to God’s Will.

Before that decision was made His Will was available, waiting for it to be made so that He could join with you and bring it about.  You will be overwhelmed with joy when you finally experience the Love in which He holds each one of you, eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.



Saul via John Smallman – The infinitely wise and loving Supreme Intelligence wills your Awakening – 9-16-14

John SmallmanSaul Audio Blog for Tuesday Sept 16th

All sentient life is eternal, as you well know, and death, as humans experience it, is just a laying down of a tired vehicle that has served you well, even though some of you may feel that you have not been that well served by your bodies.  At that moment your life does not end, consciousness does not fail you, but you do undergo an enormous and extremely uplifting shift in perspective. You become aware, once more, of God’s infinite Love for you, and that brings you tremendous joy.

You were created in joy to experience eternal joy, but you decided to take a break and instead experience separation.  That break is now terminating because you have chosen to awaken into Reality, Oneness, a state that you never left, but just lost sight of, temporarily.  Here in the non-dual realms it is wonderful to see you moving so rapidly towards your awakening.  Your progress is now unstoppable and your momentum is increasing as your collective intent to move from disagreement, conflict, and suffering to compassionate discussion and peaceful conflict resolution continues to strengthen.

Your true nature is Love.  What you have been experiencing during your time of apparent separation from your Source, the infinite loving Intelligence that contains and honors all sentient life, is an unreal state that has been held together and supported by the unloving attitudes or rules with which you chose to engage in order to play some insane games in which all have suffered and have lost.  Any apparent victories have been very short lived, and the winners have suffered just as horrifically as the losers, because what you do to others you also do to yourselves – there is no separation, all are eternally One!

Life as a human is of great value to the spiritual entity that experiences it, and to be able to engage in that adventure, and it is indeed an adventure, is to be greatly honored.  Sadly many totally forget or fail to remember the reason for their Earth life once they are engaged in it, and we in the spiritual realms spend much time in attempting to remind those who have forgotten that their life does have a divine and essential purpose.  Many of those forgetful ones – and here there is no judgment, just observation – get drawn deeply into the dark aspects of this illusory game that all on Earth are playing, leading to the endless tragedies and suffering that so many undergo.

At present, in this moment of now, nearly all who are on earth chose to be here to assist in humanity’s awakening – all on Earth are asleep, dreaming the experiences and situations that are happening – which means that all are assisting in their own awakening as well as helping others forwards towards that inevitable moment of intense joy.

Everyone can awaken, but there are some, a relatively small percentage, who will choose to remain asleep and engaged in seemingly endless hostilities.  They are ones who have been so severely damaged by their many Earth experiences that they are unable to let down their personal and individual defenses sufficiently to allow the Tsunami of Love, in which all are enveloped, to penetrate into their sorely hurting hearts – their fear is too great for them to take a chance on Love.  The Love field that surrounds them will bring them to their awakening, but they are not yet ready to surrender into the arms of Love.

Although their numbers are very small their ability to influence others is very large.  They are now gently being moved away from those positions of influence, and as they depart enormous changes will come into effect all across the planet leading to unprecedented peace, a state that has not existed on Earth for a very long time.

The human collective desperately desires peace, and has set that intent, mostly person by person, and so it will come about.  As you are well aware many groups of people are meditating and praying for peace all across the world every day with increasing intensity, and increasing numbers of new members are joining those groups daily.  That intention is extremely powerful and is, of course, further strengthened by the constant divine Intent for your awakening.

The holy Source of all that exists, the Creator, the infinitely wise and loving Supreme Intelligence wills your awakening, has always willed your awakening, and now that the collective has freely made the decision to awaken into Reality the power of God’s Will is added to the collective will.  Before that decision was made His Will was available, waiting for it to be made so that He could join with you and bring it about.  You will be overwhelmed with joy when you finally experience the Love in which He holds each one of you, eternally.

With so very much love, Saul.


Calling all Ambassadors of Love to the Middle East

We are serving as a group vaccine stabilizer
to help eradicate the virus called hate.

Begins at the Equinox
September 23, 28, October 5, 12, 2014
8 pm across all world time zones:

Saul via John Smallman – Illusory Infrastructure Disintegrates – 9-1-14


Saul Audio Blog for Monday September 1stAs many are telling you, humanity’s awakening or upliftment is very close indeed.  Keep holding your Light on high and make it happen, do not get drawn into the doom and gloom of world events because, as intended, this drains your energy and channels it to those who are desperately struggling to block out the Light of God’s Love.  That they cannot do, It is all-pervasive, It is bringing Light to the darkest nooks and crannies where there are still a few seemingly powerful unloving ones attempting to hide and rebuild what has irretrievably collapsed.

The dark is undone, it cannot withstand the brilliance of the Light that is pouring into every part of the illusion and dissolving it from within.  Many individuals are still resisting the Light because that is what they are accustomed to doing, but their efforts are futile because darkness is just an absence of light, and the divine Light of God’s infinite Love for humanity is all-pervasive.  The darkness cannot withstand the gentle onslaught of Its astounding brilliance, and so the attempted resistance of these misguided ones is ineffectual, it is weakening and crumbling.

As the illusory infrastructure disintegrates you can see the results everywhere as political instability grows all over the world.  Politicians are now left stumbling and confused as the systems on which they have relied for so long to report their dissembling and rhetorical pabulum, while showing their confident and frequently arrogant masks to the public, are superseded by the far more realistic reports from the now pervasive alternate media.

The truth will out, and there is no one who can prevent it, as more and more cracks are revealed in the “party line” of the western nations and the differences in their individual political agendas forces them apart.  A time of great change is upon the world which is leading you rapidly towards your awakening.

To awaken is your divine destiny.  You have been asleep and dreaming for eons, and the dreams that you have dreamt have caused you much pain and suffering.  It is now time to end this unhappy state, and that is what all these changes are ensuring.

In the midst of these in many ways unsettling changes your task remains, as always, to hold your Light on high, and as you do this you have unlimited assistance from those in the spiritual realms who watch over you constantly.  However, it is essential that you ask, and do so frequently throughout your daily activities, for their guidance and assistance so that you have their strength to support you in being at all times loving in thought, word, and action.  By asking frequently you keep reminding yourselves of the major task that you have undertaken, and from which it is amazingly easy for you to be diverted by the worldly distractions that you encounter as you go about your daily lives.

The illusion is all about distraction, distraction from your purpose, your pre-planned spiritual path on Earth as a human.  You collectively built the illusion to experience separation from God and, because He gave you everything that He had, you had the necessary intelligence and the capability to design and construct something extremely realistic, seemingly utterly separate from Him, and which in every moment is set on drawing you down into the separating darkness which it uses to hide His Light from you.

In that darkness you are holding His Light, Your Light, on high, but you are also prone to doubting yourselves and your faith in Him, and His infinite Love for you.  This, needless to say, is very confusing and disconcerting for you, which is why you need all the assistance that we – here in the spiritual realms, which is your Real and eternal Home – can offer you.

That assistance, although constantly offered to you in every moment, disappears from your sight when you allow yourselves to be drawn down into the chaos and confusion of the illusion.  In the illusion there seems to be constant, in fact endless conflict, disagreement, and deceit as different factions of humanity take sides against one another and attempt to prove that they alone are right and all others are wrong.  When each believes this there is no meeting place, no possibility for discussion because each just shouts louder and louder to drown out the voice of the other.

You often see this kind of behavior occurring in groups of small children, it is part of the process of growing up, maturing, and learning to socialize effectively, compassionately, and wisely.  Unfortunately, many seemingly intelligent ones remain at this stage of arrested development, captivated by their ability to outsmart others.  They carry it into adulthood, develop it further in whatever human field of endeavor they choose to follow, and the unfortunate results of this arrested development are evident all across the planet.

The Tsunami of Love enveloping you all is the Light that is melting away the darkness that the illusion cherishes.  In darkness there is separation because you are unable to see one another, all you see is the mask, the human body, which is maintained as a defense against the Light of your true nature.  When you behave or operate from Love your true nature shines out, your unnecessary defenses dissolve, and the Love that is your nature embraces everyone with whom you connect in any way at all.  And by living lovingly you are able to see the inextinguishable flame of Love burning constantly in others which they have attempted to hide or disguise out of misplaced fear.  When you embrace Love your fear just dissolves, so do it!

Today’s message is: Open your hearts and accept the Tsunami’s loving embrace, let your Light shine forth brilliantly so that the contagion of Love infects every heart on the planet, and delight in the amazing awakening that then occurs.

And in fact millions of you are already doing just this, which is why humanity’s awakening is assured, inevitable, and unavoidable.

With so very much love, Saul.


Saul via John Smallman – Love is All, and you will awaken into the Glorious Brilliance with which It shines – 8-24-14


Those of you who continue to harbor doubts about the validity of these loving and inspiring messages from those in the spiritual realms please release them, because you know that they are totally valid.  The dream that is the illusion is coming to an end.  However, its last moments of “life” are very disturbing for you all because of the pain and suffering so many are experiencing, and which many others are observing with feelings of helplessness.

There are those who would maintain the illusion indefinitely because it appears to give them enormous power over others.  Their numbers are very small, but they have seemingly invincible egos, and over the eons they built up an hierarchical structure, placing themselves at its peak, and from which they have attempted to control, suppress, and abuse humanity.  That structure is collapsing, and there is nothing that can save it because its time is up. Humanity is moving forwards to a place where individual freedom and sovereignty are divinely assured, and where there is no room for the machinations of those with self-serving personal agendas who continue trying to maintain control of an insane and broken system that is completely beyond repair.

If you look back at your history it does seem that the power brokers – heads of families, heads of tribes, church leaders, dictators, presidents, royalty, and controllers of multi-national corporations – have been inordinately successful in their egoic drive to win at all costs, but that perception is illusory.  Power over others, as seen in your world, is very difficult to maintain because others are always attempting to wrest it from those who hold it.  Every moment of their lives is spent defending it, and that constant defense frequently costs them everything – their loved ones, their families, their friends, and their ill-informed supporters – as they renounce love, loyalty, honesty, and personal integrity in their desperate attempts to hold on to something that is purely ephemeral, in fact quite unreal.

Finally and inevitably that sense of power, of invincibility turns to ashes, leaving them quite bereft.  Truly, the only loving thing that you can do for them is to intend to send them love and compassion to help them to awaken from the nightmare that they have built for themselves and which seems to have destroyed them.  As you well know, there is no separation, all are one, and the divine Light of God’s Love is present in all sentient beings.  It is just that in some the cloak or veil under which it has been hidden is thicker or denser.  They too will awaken when they are ready, and will then be welcomed Home just like the prodigal son in the biblical parable.  Remember, no one is ever cast out or abandoned, all that is necessary is for a seemingly lost one to awaken is to release itself from anything that is not in alignment with Love.  That can indeed be very difficult, but the opportunity to do so is never withdrawn.

Only Love is Real.  There is nothing else.  Focus on that one and indisputable Truth, and enjoy, in fact delight in the sense of freedom from worry or anxiety with which your faith in that eternal Truth fills your hearts.

All else is smoke and mirrors, a system that has attempted to convince you that life is always under threat, a short-lived, one time only experience as a human in a dangerous environment from which there is no escape except through death into everlasting oblivion.  When that belief invades your consciousness it strengthens your sense of separation and abandonment, seemingly leaving you with no option other than to do everything in your power to grab for yourselves all that is seen as valuable, regardless of the consequences, or to sink into the depths of depression, a state that you may try to alleviate or combat by the use of various chemical stimulants.  And that of course is what those who hold the reigns of power have been doing for eons, but to no avail.  The illusion is unreal, and even those who would seek to maintain it are very fearfully aware that it is collapsing irrevocably despite all their efforts to maintain it.

To seek value and satisfaction in the offerings of the illusion – wealth, power, recognition, esteem – leads only to severe disappointment, because what you truly seek is a return to Oneness with your divine Source, and there is absolutely no substitute for the infinite joy of that your natural state.  And, therefore, that return is the only way out of the apparent separation and sense of aloneness that you experience and in which it seems you are ensnared.  Humanity has collectively realized this, although it may not have yet been expressed in this way, and the resultant resolve and efforts of so many to put right the wrongs that plague so many of you is the intent to return Home, to become once more aware of being One with your Source.

Go within, to your quiet undefiled inner sanctuary and be with your inner guidance, your intuition, then ask to feel the Love in which you are eternally embraced.  Remind yourselves that you are divine beings, perfect beings because that is how you were created.  All that God, our divine Source does is by its very nature perfect, without stain or flaw of any kind.  And determinedly intend to open your hearts to feel God’s loving embrace.

Your experiences to the contrary are of the illusion and unreal.  But the illusion was very cleverly constructed by your collective intent, and it is very hard for you to see its unreality.  You are far more than it seems you are when you focus your attention on your bodies.  Your bodies are of the illusion, but nevertheless, they seem very real as you experience pleasure and pain, suffering and happiness through them, in an intensity from which it is very difficult to stand back sufficiently to recognize that they are just temporary vehicles.  Vehicles that you have chosen to occupy as incarnated beings showing the rest of humanity the way Home, by holding the divine Light within you on high, while intending to demonstrate love in action at all times.

Of course, despite your holy intentions, you do forget your purpose from time to time, and you get drawn into the confusion and chaos of the illusion.  When you have an “aha” moment, a sudden realization that you are not upholding the Light as you had intended, do not berate or judge yourselves.  Instead forgive yourselves for sinking into the illusion, thereby temporarily losing your way and your awareness of your sacred path Home, and give thanks for the “wake-up” call with which the realization has presented you.  Then refresh your intent to hold your Light on high, knowing that your are ably and constantly assisted in this divine task by those in the spiritual realms whose duty it is to watch over you and watch out for you at all times.

Remember, this message is to encourage and inspire you to release your doubts about the validity of the many spiritual messages that are presently being received by so many of you faithful Light holders all across the planet.  The moment for humanity’s awakening is very close, and that is why you are being informed of this by so many channels, and of the essential need to maintain your focus and your faith in God’s eternal Love for you.  Love is All, and you will awaken into the glorious brilliance with which It shines eternally throughout God’s divine creation.

With so very much love, Saul.


Saul via John Smallman – The Old Order is Failing, Collapsing, Disintegrating – 8-19-14

John Smallman

Humanity’s awakening has been divinely promised and is at hand.  Nothing can prevent it because not only is it God’s Will, which is always achieved, but it is now also humanity’s collective will, and because you were given free will your will is always honored.  Until quite recently individual wills, divided and confused as they were, had made humanity’s collective will very difficult to discern.  It was collectively unstable, changeable, confused, conflicted, and chaotic, but now it is coming beautifully into alignment and is determinedly seeking world peace, person by person.  Although, if you pay too much attention to the gloom and doom on the news media, you might well believe that nothing much has altered, and that humanity’s endless dance with conflict and betrayal continues unabated.

However, over the last several decades, with the vast increase in educational opportunities for large sections of humanity, much scientific study and research has been focused on meditation and on the effects it has on those who practice it.  That research shows that it is hugely beneficial to those who engage with it, and that when large numbers meditate as a group the effects are felt all around the world, and fear and anxiety decrease exponentially.  Consequently those who are spiritually gifted and guided among you have been spreading the word about its benefits and willingly teaching a variety of methods that assist people to access their deep inner space where peace is always to be found.

This why all those from the spiritual realms, who speak to you through your human channels, keep stressing to you the importance of daily meditation.  There has been an enormous increase over the last ten or fifteen years in the numbers of people across the world engaging daily in meditation.  The effects of that turn inwards, towards spirit (meditation always leads to spirit, even if the meditator does not acknowledge it, and the peace found there is spiritual) are clearly visible in the worldwide growth in movements for peaceful change.  Awareness has grown that life as it has been lived for eons on Earth, conflict after conflict with intensely self-centered agendas set by those who plan and commit to them, has to cease or you will destroy yourselves and cause horrendous damage to the planet.

So we continue to remind you to meditate.  Your meditation, as you have been told, has an enormous effect on the human collective causing an agitation in consciousness that leads even more to meditate.  The vast numbers meditating regularly are bringing about the changes that you have been hoping and praying for for a very long time.  Allow yourselves to believe the good news that your intuition brings to you when you allow and encourage your egoic minds to take a break from flooding you with disturbing distractions.

When you contact your intuition, your higher Self, your favorite ascended Master, Archangel, the Holy Mother, or the Holy Spirit what you “hear,” “sense,” “feel,” or even “see” is always wisdom of the highest order, wisdom that you can trust and depend upon.  Within the spiritual realms all are aware of and engaged with their Oneness in a cooperative and harmonious outpouring of Love to heal you all, but can and do still respond to you individually as the One you choose to address or call on.  The advice that you receive is always wise and loving, it never judges, blames, or condemns, and that is how you can be sure that it is truthful guidance that will assist you in the moment as you ask.

Keep on asking because you do need our support, and by asking for it you open yourselves to receive it.  As we keep telling you: All are One.  Therefore what you do as One, by asking for and accepting assistance from us, is to follow your chosen spiritual path, and that changes the world.  There are always, in every moment, many of you calling on us, and those calls are all constantly amalgamating into a most powerful request for assistance to which we are constantly and lovingly responding.  However, when you allow yourselves to be overwhelmed by the fears and worries of the illusion you drift off your path, your spiritual energy field then weakens and you become far less effective in the work that you incarnated to do, because you are effectively buying back into the illusion of separation.

This is not a judgment, it is just an observation, we do fully understand how difficult it is for you to maintain your focus in a world where conflict, competition, and disingenuous agendas appear to be the normal and necessary modes of behavior in order to survive.  You do get dragged down, your spiritual energy field does weaken, and it seems that you are alone and abandoned in a very unsafe and threatening environment.  And when you ask us for help it maybe seems to you that you have not been heard or that we have not responded to your call.

The energy field of the illusion, the busy workaday world in which you have to operate, is very loud!  Consequently, unless you make a very determined effort to go within, to your quiet and holy inner sanctuary, it is extremely difficult for you hear us, sense us, or intuit our presence and guidance.  In fact it may well appear that the raucous noise of the world’s energy field has recently become even louder and more insistent that you attend to it, making it more difficult for you to access that place of inner peace and calm.

The old order is failing, collapsing, disintegrating, and in its final moments it is desperately clinging to its last vestiges of power and influence, so it does appear to be louder, noisier, and more overwhelming in its assault on your senses.  Remind yourselves frequently that it is in its last moments, that its grip on the engines of power is slipping, and that the noise that it is making is the sound of grinding and splintering gears that are broken and seizing as the fear and worries of humanity, that were its lubricating agent, are withdrawn.

Love is smoothing and calming the hearts of humanity all across the world as it flows relentlessly but gently into every nook and cranny, into every dark corner that would resist its warm and healing embrace, and even in the darkest of places Its powers of persuasion are proving irresistible.  Love’s endless willingness to hold all, without exception or conditions, to Its soft and tender bosom in a refreshing and reassuring hug that confirms unconditional acceptance of even those who feel the least worthy of entering into Its presence is bringing you all Home to Reality.  It is waking you up into the glorious brilliance of God’s utterly entrancing and unending day.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul: There Are Enormous Numbers Of Light Bearers, Workers, And Way-Showers On Earth At This Time




There are enormous numbers of Light bearers, workers, and way-showers on Earth at this time.

 Saul Audio Blog for Tuesday August 5th

Your awakening is assured.  I am just reassuring you because so many of you have doubts, sometimes intense doubts, and those doubts need to be assuaged so that they do not drag you down into the gloom and uncertainty of the illusion.  You are all in the process of rising up out of it so that you can look on it and those engaged there, seemingly very firmly anchored in it, with loving compassion and without being drawn into the pain and suffering that so many are undergoing.

Your task is to spread Light, Love, and healing to all with whom you interact, and in order to do that you yourselves need to feel the Light and the Love within yourselves.  You can only share what you have, and first you have to know that you have it, then, without thinking about it, you just easily and generously share . . . Yourselves!  You are divine beings of Love.  Keep reminding yourselves of this unassailable truth, and then as you go through the day you will feel good about yourselves.  When you feel good about yourselves you demonstrate Love in action and you share and spread that Love just by being yourselves, and all those with whom you meet and converse will be uplifted by your presence and will feel good about themselves too.

When people feel good about themselves they automatically open their hearts to allow the Tsunami of Love to enfold them in its divine embrace, and to open the hearts of humanity is the purpose of the Tsunami of Love which is flowing through each one of you 24/7.  If you are weighed down with worries and doubts the flow is weakened, so make a point of letting go of anything that drains you emotionally or energetically, and ask us for help to do so.  We need you to hold your conduits fully open because the flow of Love has become torrential at this critical stage in your awakening process, and it needs your conduits or channels to be fully open and unrestricted so that It can flow freely everywhere, and to everyone on the planet.  You are incarnate at this moment in humanity’s awakening process to assist in this mighty and wonderful task, bringing the Light of God’s Love to all on Earth.

Let go of any doubts you may have about your abilities or competence to do this divine work.  You were all invited to take part in humanity’s awakening process because of your abilities and competence, and you all responded with a most enthusiastic “YES!”  You are not here by chance, no one is, nor, if you are suffering as many of you undoubtedly are, as punishment.  You are here because you are divine beings who most willingly chose to assist in this amazing event, knowing that it would at times be difficult and painful.  You also knew, and deep within yourselves you still know this, that failure is not even a remote possibility because what you are engaged in is working with the divine Will which is always perfectly achieved.

There are enormous numbers of Light bearers, workers, and way-showers on Earth at this time.  Make the intent to meet up with one another, either physically or via the Internet, and be open to making new contacts.  The Love that you are all holding and sharing is constantly drawn to Itself in others, so you will be divinely guided to meet others who are on a spiritual path that is assisting in the awakening process if you will allow yourselves to be open to it.  To make new contacts with people on the path to awakening strengthens your own faith and intent, and adds to the divine momentum taking you all forward toward awakening.

We are very aware of your ongoing doubts and anxieties, especially as the news of war and conflicts along with earthquakes and floods seems to indicate that all is not as it should be.  It seems that peace is getting short shrift all over the world, and that there is not an end in sight to the hate and anger that is driving many toward further conflict.  But, as you have been told by a number of reliable channels, this is all due to the enormous quantities of buried or denied issues that the Tsunami of Love is demanding that humanity addresses as the moment for awakening draws ever closer.

These issues are old but still strong angers and resentments that people who have been abused and betrayed by those they trusted implicitly – nearly everyone on Earth at some time in their lives – find themselves unable to face because they were so terribly painful when they occurred.  There is often also a sense of guilt because these sufferings occurred when they were small children and small children are often made to feel guilty for things that others have done.

If you find yourselves feeling stressed out, exhausted, and perhaps bursting into tears for no apparent reason, it could be your own stuff demanding your attention (although normally there will be indications, memory flashes to alert you to the fact that it is your stuff), or it may be that you are, having agreed to do so, helping others on the planet, people you do not know and have never met, to release their pain and suffering because they are so energetically drained they are unable to do so on their own.  It is a spiritual task of enormous significance that you have undertaken because you have much experience in releasing those kinds of suffering through your own well developed powers of forgiveness.  And know that if this is the case then you are truly greatly blessed, and will be welcomed Home with most glorious accolades for the untiring efforts with which you have helped humanity to awaken.

If you are experiencing these kinds of symptoms then be very kind to yourselves because they indicate that you are yourselves undergoing a huge strain that drains your energy.  If you feel yourselves unable to remain awake, then take a break and go somewhere for a sleep where you will be undisturbed.  If you are at work, and no facilities are available, perhaps you could use your car, or a nearby church as a place of quiet refuge.  Otherwise you could, and probably should (I hate using “shoulds!”), claim illness and go home.  It makes total sense because your ability to do your work is severely limited when you are in this kind of weakened state.

Know that you are all dearly loved and dearly honored for the immense tasks that each of you have undertaken to assist in this awakening process.  What you are doing is no mean feat, it is very demanding on every aspect of yourselves, so treat yourselves kindly at all times, especially if you think you have offended someone or made a serious error, and therefore do not hesitate to forgive yourselves – God always does, instantly!  You are under tremendous stress, acknowledge it and allow for it in your daily lives.

With so very much love, Saul.


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Saul via John Smallman – Fear Freezes, Misdirects and Confuses

John SmallmanSaul

Here in the spiritual realms – the numerous levels or areas beyond your illusory 3D environment – we are very busy preparing for your awakening and adding the finishing touches to the great celebration that has been prepared to welcome you Home.  And yes of course celebrations have often been talked about in reference to humanity’s awakening, so your interest now is undoubtedly in the actualization of those celebrations, in fact: WHEN!?  We try to suggest time lines bearing in mind that time is of the illusion, but time is what you experience and the seemingly endless waiting is very stressful, tiring, and disappointing for you.

The awakening will happen soon, and in reality it has already happened, because you never went to sleep for more than the briefest instant, but it still seems to you, caught up in the apparent reality of the illusion, that you have been kept interminably waiting for this wondrous event.  And we work hard to help you keep your spirits up while you wait by encouraging you to focus on its inevitability and its imminence.  Deep within you, and for the most part barely accessible to you, you do know that awakening is imminent and inevitable but, as you struggle with daily life and the hope and intense desire to awaken, that waiting can be exhausting, debilitating, and extremely frustrating.  That is why it is so extremely important to visit your inner and sacred sanctuary daily, and remain there until you feel a sense of relief, a strengthening of your faith, the warmth of our love for you, and even a sense of amusement as you consider that when you have awakened, and the illusion is gone, you will be absolutely overflowing with delight and merriment.

To remain focused on the inevitability of humanity’s awakening is essential, do not be distracted by the depressing bad news events on which the media and indeed the general populace place almost their entire attention.  As you go within, feel the Love, feel the intense inner knowing that the divine plan is unfolding just as divinely intended, and remind yourselves that the Will of God, the Will of the One, your will is always achieved.

We know how difficult it is for you to detach from the unreality of the illusion because your physical bodies are anchored there, and you are apparently anchored and constrained within them, experiencing all the physical sensations on which they depend for feedback so that they can remain strong and healthy . It is indeed confusing and unsettling for you, and even more so when you suffer illness or injury and the further restrictions those conditions impose on you.  For you it is an enormous paradox, an incomprehensible state of affairs, over which it seems that you have almost no control, especially as part of the experience of being embodied is to learn to control the body and have it behave as you desire.  We do understand, and we are deluging you with spiritual assistance in every moment.  To which you no doubt feel like replying: “Well how about some physical assistance that we can feel and enjoy?”

And you of course then answer that question immediately by reminding yourselves that you do feel assisted when you go quietly within and allow the distractions that plague you to fade away for a moment or two.  We are constantly with you, supporting and encouraging you, and we will never leave you on your own, even for an instant, because it is our lovingly assigned duty and a great honor to be with you while you work so diligently to bring humanity back to wakefulness.

You have all adopted the intent to awaken, you did it before you incarnated to experience this lifetime, and although you often forget your spiritual purpose as you go about the daily business of just being human, the intent remains firmly established within you.  It is an intent that will not be overridden.  The fact that you forget you made it, feel that you are not competent for the task you have undertaken, and doubt your ability to actualize it cannot in any way interfere with the divinely guaranteed outcome.  All will awaken!

Think of all those you know and love in this lifetime, remind yourselves how dear they are to you, bask in the feelings of warmth those thoughts of them bring to you.  When you do this the flow of divine Love through you, as a channel or conduit to humanity and to Gaia, strengthens and intensifies.  This was the vision that you embraced prior to incarnating, You, an unobstructed gateway into the illusion, through whom Love flows continuously, like a vast snow melt, as frozen hearts soften, dissolve, mix, and integrate into that wondrous all pervasive Tsunami of Love, the One, of which you are all essential aspects.

You are bringing humanity to wakefulness.  It is apparent everywhere when you open your eyes to see, instead of allowing yourselves be numbed into a state of severe depression and hopelessness by the outpourings of doom and gloom with which the mainstream media attempt to force feed you daily.  Prove it to yourselves by going on-line and just searching out some good news to counteract the depressive effects of the media’s never ending flow of misery that they would have you believe is the overall state of affairs planet-wide.

Yes, there is misery in many places, all of which can be remedied, and to be aware that this is so and to send Love to those who are suffering is a major part of your work on Earth.  BUT the good, the inspiring, and the uplifting happenings far outweigh, by an order of magnitude, what those who pull the strings on the world stage and in the mainstream media wish to direct and focus your attention on in order to keep you in fear.  Fear freezes, it misdirects, and it confuses.  Just look at some of the political discussions and arguments that are reported by the media.  They frequently do not address the real issues, just the symptoms, which are then dealt with at length and with little if any wisdom.

Love is your nature, humanity’s nature, and It will always be your nature.  Its apparent lack in the illusion is only apparent.  You see It flowing freely in areas where natural disasters occur, even if only fleetingly in the immediate aftermath.  Then fear is allowed back in as shortage of the necessities of life encourages people to fight for them.  But truly there are no real shortages, Gaia provides amply and abundantly for all on the planet. Shortages are constructed to enable the “authorities” to regain control.

You have all seen this happen.  And yet there are millions of kind and generous souls spending their lives far from home and loved ones to relieve these unreal shortages and support those in need.  They experience severe frustrations with the inadequacies of the systems, meant to assist them, that prevent them from doing their jobs properly.  The will to good is there, as is the Love to support it and ensure that it is achieved.  You see this happening after floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions as neighbor helps neighbor and even the military cooperate.  Then very quickly the “authorities” take control and the freely flowing kindness, compassion, and cooperation cease as agencies argue with one another over who is in charge.

When Love flows no one is in charge, there is no need because all can see what needs to be done and each does what is required and what her competence enables her to do, and a synergistic and cooperative flow ensues in which all are most effectively engaged.  Love is always the answer, whatever the situation, the problem, or the issue that needs to be attended to.  So continue to be loving, to extend love to all with whom you relate or with whom you interact, AND to those who appear to be causing the problems and the suffering that plagues the world, and by doing so awaken humanity.  That is why you incarnated, and I assure you that you are totally capable of achieving what you set out to do.

With so very much love, Saul.


Saul via John Smallman – Humanity’s Return to its Natural Fully Awakened, Fully Conscious State has never been in doubt – 7-18-14

The fun has started!  Your awakening is, for all of you, unbelievably imminent!  Yes, you may well be thinking “Here we go again, setting ourselves up for another enormous disappointment!”  However, this is most definitely not the case.  Please prepare for the most amazing event ever to occur in humanity’s long and frequently most unhappy history.  You are at the tipping point, your awakening is inescapable, divinely assured, and consequently there is absolutely no possibility of your slipping backwards into the mire that is the illusion.

I am sure that this statement is, at the least, rather unsettling for many of you because there have been so many apparent delays and disappointments over the years, as you have continued to determinedly and lovingly hold your Light on high as wayshowers intending to lead humanity forward to its spiritual destiny, to awaken into its natural and blissful state – Love, Oneness with one another and with your heavenly Father, your Source, God.

After so many “false starts” it would be amazing if enormous numbers of Red Flags did not arise in your minds as you read or listen to these words.  Be ready to drop them because your awakening into eternal joy will erase all the fears that caused you to raise them.  There is no need for them because you are coming Home to Reality – Oneness with God.

Since the moment of your apparent, and I stress the word “apparent,” separation from God you have been on the path Home to Him – just like the prodigal son in Jesus’ story or parable in The New Testament.  And, just like the prodigal son in that parable, you have all, from time to time and from human incarnation to human incarnation experienced the uplifting ups and the catastrophic downs of this illusory journey.  But, as in that story, when you finally arrive Home, dishevelled, depressed, and fearful, your Father is already running to meet and greet you with His loving arms WIDE OPEN!  He KNOWS that you are coming, and He calls immediately for a great celebration to welcome you Home.

He has missed you, and your imminent return brings Him immeasurable joy.  And, of course, your joy on awakening will overwhelm you initially, until you remember where you are, and recognize that you have returned Home to where you belong, at One with Him, and realize that the ecstasy, the infinite joy, and the complete freedom from fear and anxiety that now enfold you are what you left behind when you engaged in the illusory experience of separation.

Until you experienced that illusory state you did not know, and could not possibly have imagined fear, suffering, and anxiety.  And on your return Home – your awakening into your natural state as a divine and fully conscious child of God – all that has caused you pain and suffering will be gone as though it had never existed, and, as you will clearly understand when you awaken, it never did!

Humanity’s return to its natural fully awakened and fully conscious state has never been in doubt, except in your severely limited illusory minds where doubt and anxiety is endless.  You are all divine beings created by God to enjoy eternal life.  No deaths and rebirths as humans were planned for you, just an eternal life of ecstatic happiness eternally connected to your Father Who’s joy was increased by the joy that each of you experienced.

But you developed the “teenage syndrome”, the intense desire to demonstrate to your heavenly Father your independence from Him and your ability to live happily and freely without his guidance, interference, or oversight, and so you chose to build and enter into the illusion.  It was like drawing a very detailed picture that tells a story, and then imagining yourself within it, altering the plot as your interests and desires changed.  Finally you became so absorbed in this unreal world that you could no longer see that it was unreal and illusory, and you forgot that you could adjust the story line.  You forgot that the Reality in which you had been created as children of God, and in which you were sublimely happy, was your true and eternal Home and heritage.  In fact to make the illusion seem even more real you erased all your memories of your heavenly Home.

You were lost!  And so you began a spiritual quest to find the supreme intelligence whom you were convinced had created this world of pain and suffering in which you were trapped.  It now seemed that you were helpless and weak beings whom the imaginary and vengeful god that you had invented could destroy at any moment.  You believed that you were unwilling victims in an insane and frightening world in which this vindictive and powerful being had confined you in order to control you and have you pay him obeisance, and then take delight in watching you suffering the punishments that he imposed on you.  Or, you believed that this physical world was all that existed, that god was an illusion, and that this life was your one and only chance to experience life.

Holding either of these beliefs left you with two choices:

1) Recognize that as a human of limited abilities and intelligence you needed to find God, a loving father, a superior and infinite intelligence who had obviously created the world, and beseech it to save you from the pain and suffering that you were undergoing – which is a result of your unwise choice to build and enter into the illusion and then forget that you had done so.  But of course you were unaware that you were the cause of your pain and suffering because you believed that God had imposed them on you to punish you for your sins.  You then spent your time beseeching this infinite intelligence to have mercy on you, to save you from the horrors that you believed He had created to punish you for your sins, sins that you had invented and judged as unacceptable to Him.

2) Enjoy the illusion and experience every possibility that it offered you to have fun, to develop your egos and your independence, irrespective of the results that that unthinking and self-centered behavior might have on others.  Within the illusion, each individual found himself to be the absolute center of his own personal universe, able to claim that god, if he believed in a god, was on his side and that anyone else with whom he engaged was there purely to be used and abused as necessary to advance his personal ambitions and agendas, because this would place him in good standing with the god he had invented to support him.  And any pain or suffering that you experienced was as a direct result of others, your enemies, whom your god wanted you to destroy!

Neither of these choices makes any sense at all because God is Love, unconditionally accepting of all of His children, and He is constantly calling to them to awaken into Reality where their eternal joy is assured and guaranteed.

God is Love.  You were all created in Love, from Love, and by Him for eternal joy.  Anything that is not in alignment with Love is unreal, non-existent, and all that you have to do, need to do, is to let go of and completely release any aspects of yourselves that are not in alignment with Love – judgment, conflict, non-acceptance, attack or defence, dismissal, disrespect, intolerance – and open yourselves to accept and receive the abundant flow of Love that surrounds you in every moment, allowing It to completely suffuse you.  When you do that the Love that fills each one of you expands through you and embraces everyone else in the infinite field of Love where there is only the One.

Truly, you are blessed and honored, because here in the spiritual realms we see very clearly the trials you have very courageously chosen to undergo, and the difficult lessons that you have chosen to learn and which are absolutely essential steps on your path to awakening.  And now the time for learning, for appreciating and dealing with the difficulties that your chosen paths have been constantly presenting you is drawing to a well-deserved moment of closure.

You, the Light bearers and wayshowers have completed all the lessons that humanity chose and needed to learn, and you have passed your “exams” with flying colors.  Continue your daily meditation, prayer, and contemplation practices as, through your heartfelt and God driven intent, you bring humanity to the point of awakening.  Your reward is your release from the limitations and suffering with which the illusion presents all who enter into it, and that release is close.  As you spend time daily intending that humanity awaken, the power of that uncompromising intent ensures that it is achieved.  Your demanding task is complete, so sit back, relax into your quiet inner sanctuaries, and enjoy the awakening as it happens, moment by moment.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – You Are All Mirrors To One Another – 7-13-14

All are One.  You have all heard this many, many times already, but as humans, as apparently separate unconnected individuals, it is very difficult for you to really comprehend this absolute Truth.  In the illusion separation seems intensely real, especially if you become suddenly and unexpectedly parted from a loved one.  Individuality is an intensely felt sensation when you dwell on it, and apart from moments when you are physically embracing someone you dearly love, you are very, very glad to be an individual, totally separate from those seemingly weird strangers among whom you wander as you go about your daily chores.  Most of you would most definitely not want to actually be one with anybody else, even your most dearly beloved, because you value your own personal experiences so highly and fear that they would be gone if you lost your individuality.  Plus of course, you would not wish to undergo any of the unpleasantness, pain or suffering that the other experienced.

But in Oneness there is only joy!  Suffering and pain are of the illusion, and when it dissolves they will be gone, permanently.  And deep within yourselves you all know this which is why, when you fall in love, you do want to merge with your beloved, even if only temporarily.  You have faint memories of Oneness, of the joy and ecstasy of that state, and it is for that that you are looking when you are seeking out another to love and be loved by, or when you choose a celibate spiritual path seeking God directly, or even when you elect to follow a combination of the two.

You were not created to be alone, you were created One with your Source, God, and that is indeed an idyllic state in which to exist; and it is your natural state, the state that you so desperately seek but can never find as a human because the illusion blinds you to Reality, hides It from you.  Humanity as a whole has finally realized this collectively, although by and large it has not seeped into the individual conscious awareness of most of you.  And consequently many of you continue to seek and find alternatives which never bring lasting satisfaction or contentment, but often bring much pain and suffering.

You are now in the process of becoming aware of this wondrous truth, that you are indeed all One, and as this awareness grows so does the strength and intensity of the divine flame of Love burning eternally and inextinguishably within each one of you.  From time to time you sense It and feel wonderful, but then the distractions of daily life in the illusion drag you back down, and you begin to doubt the accuracy of your senses, and dismiss them as fantasies, unreal dreams, when it is the illusion, the daily chores of existence as a human that are unreal.

When you feel uplifted, empowered, joyful for no apparent reason, then embrace that feeling, welcome it and allow your hearts to open even wider so that even more of it can pour in, because that is the Tsunami of Love about which so many are talking.  When you focus on pain, suffering, sadness, and other similar feelings you effectively block the entrance to your hearts, shutting out Love.  Instead, when you experience those kinds of feelings just accept them and then invite Love in to dissolve them.  Love has infinite power and will dissolve anything that is not in alignment with It, and when It does all It is doing is blowing away the mist, the fog of which the illusion is constructed.  The illusion truly is just smoke and mirrors.  All you have to do is to allow Love in to blow it away.

The thought of Love frequently frightens many of you because, within the illusion, it has come to mean self-negating sacrifice of self on behalf of someone else and is often confused with altruism which means to care for others or another but not to the exclusion of self.  Children are brought up to pay respect to their parents, their elders and “betters.”  When they resist or complain it is common to lay a guilt trip upon them, or worse.

In their early formative years as human beings children need to behave self-centeredly so that they can learn independence, a required competence for survival in the illusion.  As they mature and grow through their early teens, the loving, generous, and compassionate behaviors that their parents have, it is to be hoped, demonstrated most of the time while they were growing up will have been learnt quite effortlessly, and then the children will follow that example.

However, what often happens is that stressed out parents will have demonstrated manipulation, guilt, and conflict, and those lessons will have been well learned and then put into practice, whereupon parents exclaim “why on earth are the children behaving so badly, they’re impossible, and after all that we have done for them.  How could they be so ungrateful!”

Do not forget that you are all mirrors to one another, in any situation or interaction – loving or hateful – you are meeting yourselves.  That is hard for most of you to accept.  Forgive yourselves, forgive others, and allow Love to take Its rightful place in your hearts where It will dissolve all that is unloving and shine forth brilliantly offering Itself, as you truly desire, to all with whom you interact in any way at all, no matter how briefly.

Once again it is important for me to stress to you the vital importance of taking time out daily, alone, and safe from interruption, so that you can access your intuition which is always calling to you gently, offering guidance and comfort.  It is the Voice of your true Self, the Holy Spirit, or your favorite saint or angel, in fact anyone in the spiritual realms with whom you commune regularly.

You may even have no conscious idea of someone in the spiritual realms answering your calls for assistance – you may not even be aware that you make such calls – or calling to you or responding to you, nevertheless, when you receive an inspired insight, or when something important comes to mind that you had forgotten and could not afford to forget, that is guidance from your friends and loved ones in the spiritual realms.  Remember to thank them!

But you can only access that intuition, that loving guidance when you temporarily quiet your chattering minds.  Hence the need to take time out at least once every single day.  And when you do you receive unlimited encouragement and assistance, all that you have to do is accept it, and enjoy the sense of peace that it brings you.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – Demands of your Human Lives can be Very Intense – 6-14-14


In the spiritual realms we can clearly hear you calling for your awakening to happen, now!  And, like you, we also look forward most enthusiastically to its imminent and inevitable arrival.  No doubt to many of you it seems to be forever coming but never arriving, but its apparent non-arrival is just part of the illusory environment in which you are experiencing your human existence.  Yet to know that is not much comfort when it seems that you have to keep on experiencing all the problems and suffering in which the illusion immerses you.

Today I will attempt to raise your spirits as you continue to hold your Light on high, and as you continue to hold the extremely powerful intent for humanity to awaken from its seemingly endless and frequently very painful dream.  Your awakening is assured, in fact it has already happened, you just continue to remain unaware because you have become so attached to the bodily life as humans that you experience in the illusion.

This human life seems very real, and many of you have a deep underlying fear that without your human bodies you will cease to exist.  And fear of death is endemic on the planet because it seems so final, so terminal.  Very few have an adequate awareness of the reality of the spiritual realms that would convince them reassuringly that life is eternal, and that human death is just the laying down of a vehicle that has served you well, but that is no longer needed.

In fact, through the eons, most humans have become extremely attached to the apparent reality of their bodies and are effectively in denial of the whole of Reality that awaits your joyful rediscovery of It when you awaken.

Yes, many claim to be of a particular religious persuasion, to believe in God, to embrace spiritual beliefs, and to believe in life after death, but mostly they do not live as though those beliefs were of any great importance or significance.  Generally this is because the illusion that you collectively built and maintain seems far more real and relevant to them than the prospect of eternal life in what appears to be an unforeseeable and hopefully very distant future.  The illusion remains alluring and enticing for the majority of humans as they keep hoping to establish a better life for themselves within it, and the thought of death is not appealing.

You, the wayshowers and Light bearers, are on Earth to help bring remembrance of the truth and knowledge of your spiritual origins, and therefore of your eternal spiritual destiny, to all with whom you interact during this earthly lifetime.  All humans know, at the center of their being, their heart, their soul, that they are inseparable aspects of God experiencing a very temporary and illusory embodied life in order to partake in and share lessons that they have, with much wisdom and spiritual guidance, collectively chosen to undergo.  However, the result of accepting that challenge, and it is indeed a challenge, is that they are on Earth with only minimal access to memories of their true nature.

To live as humans with full knowledge of your true nature as divine beings, inseparable from your Source, would be impossible because the nature of humanity is separation and your divine nature is Oneness.  Oneness is all that exists, separation is an illusion, and therefore to be human is to be enfolded in an illusory or non existent state.  While living as humans, and experiencing the state of separation that that entails, it is extremely difficult for you to grasp and understand the fact that human life is illusory.  It is far too threatening a concept for your limited minds to attempt to understand and make sense of.  Consequently you are forever seeking more satisfaction in your earthly lives, but never finding it.  There can be no satisfaction in your earthly lives except to discover that they are unreal and that you are divine and eternal beings temporarily lost in the fog that is the illusion which is shortly to disperse.  And you cannot fail to make that rewarding discovery.

By going within and persisting in your search for inner peace you can and will dispel the illusion, but it is vital that while doing so you do not allow yourselves to be constantly distracted by worldly worries.  So often people attempt to meditate or go within and find peace, but because the distractions of their daily human lives keep intruding on that inner space with demands that appear to require instant attention they find themselves unable to persist.  The demands of your human lives can be very intense, personal, and divisive, so it seems that not only are you the only one who can deal with them but also that you must deal with them, preferably right now.

However, if you look back over your lives you can clearly see many things that had enormous importance at the time were in fact of no real consequence.  Hindsight is very revealing in that it demonstrates time and time again that your priorities were frequently misplaced.  Remind yourselves of this when the “shoulds” on your to-do lists become overwhelming, and make a point of deleting the majority of them.

Your true priorities are to honor yourselves by giving yourselves quiet time daily to be at peace, then during that time to open yourselves to receive and feel the Love that envelops you in every moment, and then to share that Love with everyone with whom you interact.  Doing that is the most inspiring and uplifting thing that you can do for yourselves, and you will be rewarded by the improvements that occur in all your relationships, including your relationship with yourselves.

When you take that time out daily and go within, the first thing “to do!” is to restate your intention to feel the Love that envelops you, then remind yourselves that you are worthy of that Love, and that to experience It is your right and God’s Will for you.  Then clear your mind as best you can of extraneous thoughts and worries and expect to feel God’s Love for you.  Even the smallest increase in sensitivity to inner peace that you experience is God’s Love embracing you, so open to It and allow It to intensify.  This is your moment to relax into your true nature at one with Him.  The moment will not last, but you will never forget it, and so you will know that God’s Love is there for you, always.  This gives you the strength, the determination, and the enthusiasm to continue bearing your Light on high as you move ever closer to the moment of humanity’s inevitable awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – The Heat Is On – The Illusion Is Melting – 6-1-14

john-blog-pics-0135All on Earth are soul extensions of your true and higher Selves.  It is as though you dipped your higher Self’s index finger (if it had such an appendage!), which possessed all your physical senses, into the illusory environment that humanity appears to inhabit to test it and found the experience enthralling, indeed captivating.  So much so that it forgot Itself and became totally engrossed in the tiny – and I assure you that it is indeed tiny! – environment into which it had dipped that finger.  So engrossed that it altogether forgot Its own magnificence and the joy that Its eternal existence at One with Source, in Reality, in Heaven, brought It in every moment.

Of course that finger dipping lasted but an instant, nevertheless, it still seems to be ongoing.  The initial state of enthrallment has long since passed, and you, the soul extensions, are not at all happy with the situation in which you find yourselves.  You want to return to your natural state at One with God, and that desire and intent is leading you to wakefulness, to complete the necessary preparations that will allow the withdrawing of that finger from the illusory environment in which it seems to have become permanently ensnared – perhaps you could say that it has become frozen in the icy pond of time.

It is your illusion, that you imagined and built, and that you support by the power of your intent to maintain its apparent reality.  You are very conflicted about it because you have made it seem so real.  The idea of letting it dissolve into the nothingness from which you imagined it into being frightens you because, naturally, due to the severe limitations it seemingly imposes on you – within it you are beings of limited consciousness, limited awareness, limited intelligence, and limited creative abilities – you imagine that if it dissolves then so will you.

It appears to be the only reality, and you do not want to lose it and therefore, yourselves.  You do not want to cease to exist, as you imagine might, could, or even, most definitely would happen in those circumstances.  The very thought of the void, of nothingness, terrifies you, but such a state does not and could not exist because all existence is within God and is consequently eternal and everlasting.  You are all, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on your chosen life paths, self-aware, and therefore you believe that you exist because you experience and feel alive through your bodily senses, and that aspect of you that is aware, that believes, that witnesses is the eternal You created by God.

On an altogether different level your real Self knows that what it is experiencing with that “index finger” is unreal, and that It will return to a state of utter joy when It withdraws it from the illusion.  Your awakening is the process of withdrawing that digit from the dark, frightening, murky, and freezing waters into which the illusion changed as the sense of separation, abandonment, and aloneness with which it provided you overwhelmed you.

Your strong imaginative powers enabled you to make the instant during which you dipped your fingers into the illusory reality that you had built stretch out over eons, time being a powerful and essential aspect of the illusion.  It was through the use of your own God-given powers, given to you by your Father at the moment of your creation, that you built and developed the illusion, and now you are in the process of dismantling it so that you can return Home by withdrawing your support from it and allowing it to dissolve like melting snow, or to fade away like morning mist in the heat of the sun.

The heat is on, and the illusion is melting, dissolving, and about to fade away because nothing unreal can exist in the Presence of God.  It never has existed, and all that has seemingly occurred within it is as illusory and as unreal as the illusion.  You did a good job inventing and imagining it into being, but its moment is over, and wakefulness beckons.  You are a little like children totally absorbed and caught up in your games, so that they seem extremely real, and then you are called to supper and reminded that there is ice-cream and strawberries, and instantly the game is forgotten as you race indoors to wash your hands in preparation.

So, when you engage daily in meditation, and seek a loving hug from those on whom you call, remind yourselves also that ice-cream and strawberries, and many other things that truly delight you await your awakening:)

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – The way out of this exhausting and repetitious cycle is to let go of all your defenses – 5-28-14


The all inclusive and integrated oneness of God and all that He creates is becoming impossible for humanity to remain unaware of. Modern physics has made it abundantly clear that everything is connected to everything else! There is no separation; separation is an illusion that you have believed in and which has brought you much pain, but it is unreal. Because you believed in it you were fearful and felt the need to protect yourselves against others by building defenses – sarcasm, wit, humor, dismissal, judgment, and attack. Protection, defense, and attack are all reactions to your fear, the state that your apparent separation encourages you to believe in, but to engage with them is to inflict pain on yourself!

Everything you think, say, or do affects the whole of creation even though this is not apparent to you while you remain in your state of very limited consciousness. However, Reality, Heaven, Oneness with your Source can never be damaged or even offended because It is the supreme sovereign state of infinite Love, complete in and of Itself, containing and embracing all, and in opposition to nothing because there is nothing apart from It.

Any unloving – i.e. insane – activities in which you engage with in the illusion have severe and painful effects that can be extensive, but they are illusory like the environment in which they take place. Therefore if you choose to defend yourself or attack another the effects of those thoughts, words, or actions reverberate widely and painfully throughout your environment, increasing the sense of fear and insecurity that drives you into action in the first place.

The way out of this exhausting and repetitious cycle is to let go of all your defenses, and engage in every situation with love, your true and eternal nature. Nothing else works, which is why world peace has still to be established. However, because more and more of you are opening to the Love that is safely, eternally, and ineradicably established within each of you, and because you are choosing to respond lovingly instead of defensively whatever the situation you may be facing, the world is moving inexorably towards lasting peace. Deep within yourselves you do know this, so rejoice that the divine plan is unfolding as promised.

Signs of its unfoldment are to be seen all over the world as people refuse to be cowed any longer by the illegal, illegitimate, and in fact criminal suppression of their human rights that your so-called elected representatives in positions of authority have been imposing on you through the illicit laws that they have put on the statute books. Equally criminal is the use of civil or military “security” forces to make sure that these laws are obeyed. The immoral foundation on which the self-serving and illegitimate authoritarian positions that your elected representatives continue to cling to as upholders of “just” laws is collapsing beneath them, as their deceit and corruption continues to be unveiled by courageous whistle-blowers everywhere.

Refreshing changes are occurring all across the world despite the efforts of those in power – who “claim” to be working for your good and the good of humanity – to prevent them. So, celebrate! The old crushing and authoritarian regimes are effectively on their knees, as the extent of their self-serving and corrupt agendas becomes common knowledge, and as those who used to support them in their criminal and deceitful endeavors withdraw that essential support. Without cooperation and support no human endeavors can succeed. While accepting their apologies for the “sins” that they have committed, and to which they have admitted – for God is infinitely loving and forgiving, and so must you be, being inseparable parts of Him – do not re-elect them!

Personal self-aggrandizement and self-protection are the egoic natures to which they are clinging in desperation, because to face the truth of their self-centered ego-driven agendas, as so clearly demonstrated by their actions and intentions, is far too painful for them to even think of just yet. Their nature is Love, because all of creation is created from Love, and to acknowledge their shameful errors would bring them painfully face to face with their unconscionable and utterly unacceptable behaviors.

As a direct result of the whistle-blowers revelations they claim that they have, as a consequence of these incredible insights, mended their ways, and can now therefore be trusted to use their skills and abilities to work for you and with you – which is why you elected them in the first place. However, do not be fooled by the clever and inspired rhetoric with which they attempt to convince you that they have now truly understood the errors they have made, and for which they beg your forgiveness as they claim to be moving forwards to correct them.

They will do everything in their power to maintain the influence and control that they have enjoyed as authority figures over the eons and through many earth lives, regardless of the consequences for humanity as a whole. They have an intense need to hide from and disown the now revealed unconscionable behaviors in which they have engaged in this and numerous previous lives, behaviors which have now been most clearly revealed as shameful and even unforgivable, as their karmic debts are called in for payment in full in this lifetime.

They are, of course, just like all you Light bearers and wayshowers, beloved children of God. What seems to have happened within the illusory environment that you built to experience separation from God, from your Source, has not occurred. Consequently there is no need for forgiveness, nothing untoward has ever happened, and never could happen in the divine Reality, Heaven, that God created for your and His eternal joy. To forgive something that has never occurred is not possible, even though as humans in an illusory world much that is unacceptable does seem to have happened.

However, as humans undergoing intensely real seeming and painful experiences of betrayal and torture – psychological, emotional, or physical – it is necessary for you to forgive those who have apparently harmed you. While remaining unforgiving of these assumed and apparent mistreatments you close yourselves off from the Love that your Father offers you in every moment of your existence, because judgment, and resentment or condemnation cannot associate with or be in communion with Love. Love insists on unconditional acceptance of every part of creation, and there is nothing outside creation because the field of creation has no boundaries, it is limitless. By forgiving you release all within yourselves that is unreal – anything that is not in perfect harmony and alignment with Love – and open yourselves to the infinite and divine field of Love by which you are eternally surrounded, leading you forwards to your inevitable awakening. Forgiveness is an absolutely essential aspect of your awakening process.

To forgive is to admit to yourselves that nothing untoward, nothing unreal has occurred, and if that is the case – as it most certainly is – there is nothing to prevent you from awakening. At present your awakening is curtailed solely because, collectively, you are still holding on to resentment, to an intense desire for restitution. What you need to understand is that there is no need for restitution because nothing has happened, or could happen, that requires restitution.

You are all eternally One with God, the divine Source of all that exists, and God cannot be hurt, damaged, or offended, because there is nothing that is or ever could be in opposition to Him as He is all that exists. You are all, each and every one of you, essential and inseparable parts of that divine Source, so there is nothing that could attack or damage you. Accept this truth, open your hearts in Love, forgive all who appear to have hurt or offended you, and prepare to awaken. There truly is no other option, and why would you want one when this one promises you eternal joy?

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – If You are having Difficulty with Forgiveness ask for Help and for Clarity – 4-25-14

To leave the illusion behind is humanity’s divine destiny because humanity’s destiny is divine. It has ensnared, enslaved, and entranced you all for far too long and your unwillingness to release yourselves from it is all that holds you within it. You have the power and the capability to do so because you are divine beings, and, because it is your will and God’s, you will release yourselves.

Nevertheless, you are conflicted within yourselves by the intriguing but fanciful opportunities with which it tempts you, and by your desire to find the real meaning in life, a meaning that overwhelms and shatters the unreal dreams that seem to be your constant companions – wealth, security, a lover, and a beautiful environment in which to enjoy them. But the dreams seem so real! This is because you are very powerful beings, and you have made them seem very real, so real that they hid and continue to hide Reality from you, as was your original intent. Hence this intense inner conflict and your endless confusion.

However, your divine Father knew that your infatuation with your unreal environment would not last, and that it would bring you untold pain and suffering, so He, at the moment that you built it by imagining it within your brilliant mind, instantly provided everything you need to release yourselves from it and return Home. What He provided was the inextinguishable inner flame of His Love that calls to you constantly to awaken.

It is that inner flame that has you questioning the meaning of life and which also makes it very apparent that the meaning that you have been seeking – security, survival, wealth, and power over others – is insane not only because of its divisive nature but also because you are seeking for it within the illusion. And that insanity terrifies you, everyone is untrustworthy! Therefore you must constantly protect yourselves, so you build armies and weapons that you then are unable to resist using, further adding to your pain and suffering.

However, you have become exhausted by the trials and tribulations with which the illusion endlessly presents you, and you are becoming aware, more and more of you daily, that the only way to resolve your issues, your differences, your conflicts is through intelligent and harmonious cooperation. When you do that you listen to one another without judgment, allowing each to be themselves instead of attempting to change them into the kind of person you think – in your almost total lack of wisdom – that they should be. Then realization dawns that truly there are no differences, you all want only “the peace that passeth all understanding.” And that of course is Love, the divine energy field in which all of creation has its eternal existence.

It is a state from which you have never departed because there is nowhere else, but you have imagined and clung tenaciously to an illusory state, and you are now in the process of releasing your hold on it, of allowing yourselves to see that it is unreal, a sham. You have a saying: “If it seems to good to be true then it probably is.” Throughout the eons of the illusion’s enticing siren song to you, you have been chasing within it for something that has seemed to good to be true – safety, security, abundance, and bliss – but how could that possibly be found within an illusion, especially one in which betrayal and deceit are endemic?

Forgiveness is the way out – of yourselves for being so misled and misguided by it, and of others for their apparent betrayals of you. In Reality there is only Love, and anything in conflict with or opposition to It is unreal. However, you do need to forgive. One of your wise elder statesmen (Nelson Mandela) remarked that resentment is like drinking poison and hoping it will kill your enemies. So, until you start forgiving and releasing any judgments or resentments, you are just consuming poison and making yourselves truly miserable, possibly even making yourselves extremely ill. And, as most of you are probably well aware, modern psychology suggests that to be able to forgive is essential for your general health and well-being.

If you are having difficulty with forgiveness, due to pain inflicted upon you, unjust judgments made against you, or for any other reason, then when you enter your quiet inner space ask for help and for clarity. Frequently clarity is lacking in one’s perceptions when a desire to withhold or refuse forgiveness is experienced. Remember, all the experiences undergone in your physical bodies are aspects of the illusion; the suffering that is undergone is illusory because you are all asleep and dreaming. When you awaken into Reality all pain, all suffering, all injustice, all betrayal will have dissolved because they are part of that illusory dream. Clarity will show you this now by reminding you of your true nature – you are a being of Love who is One with God – and you will be able to relax into forgiveness, whereupon you will find an inner peace that maybe you have never before experienced or have long since forgotten.

In the spiritual realms we are constantly at your service, you have only to call on us with sincerity and we will show you the way to embrace forgiveness with love and compassion for the one you wish or need to forgive – yourself or others – thus leading you into a state where the stress of resentment that was confining and controlling you just dissolves. We are here for you in every moment, and we want only to see you awaken into the eternal joy that is your natural state. We know that forgiveness is the quickest way for you to release your hold on the illusion because it cuts through all the other ties and bindings so that there is nothing else to prevent you from sinking happily into God’s loving Embrace.

So call on us and tell us that you sincerely want to embrace forgiveness, and instantly you will feel the warmth and acceptance of the field of Love that at all times envelops you. It will confirm for you that you are indeed a being of Love who was momentarily lost in the fog of the illusion, a fog that is now dispersing and allowing you glimpses of the brilliance that awaits your inevitable awakening.

With so very much love, Saul.

Saul via John Smallman – Surrender to Love – Peace Envelops You – 4-13-14

To awaken is to release your firm grip on the illusion and just watch it float away, as it most definitely will. You know that it is unreal, and yet it continues to captivate you. Most of you will not agree that it captivates you, but if it does not, then why do you continue to cling to it? I would suggest that you do so because it is familiar and therefore appears less threatening than the change that releasing it seems to demand of you. And yet, every day the illusion is becoming less and less real to you. You are going to let it go, and there is only the now moment in which to do so, so let go and jump! Only it is not a jump into a fearful void that awaits you, just a gentle surrender into the loving arms of Reality. It is far easier than you can possibly imagine, only your fear, your anxiety, and your doubts are holding you back, and of course those too are utterly unreal!

Here in the spiritual realms we are constantly showering you with courage, healing, and, of course, Love to assist you in making your final move into wakefulness, a move that you desperately want to make and which cannot be avoided. You know that you are going to make it, but many of you are procrastinating by telling yourselves that until your numerous anxieties, worries, and fears – about whether your pets, family members, and friends will also awaken and join you in the divine bliss that God has promised you – have been resolved you cannot release your hold on the illusion as you believe that you need to stabilize it until you are sure that they will all be taken care of. But you are sure, because you have been told over and over that no one gets left behind, that there will be no disappointments. Nevertheless, your doubts and fears remain, much encouraged by the fact that you spend so much time focused on them instead of on the Love that enfolds you in every moment; and indeed the illusion, by its very nature, offers very fertile ground in which those fears and doubts can proliferate.

Truly, Love does enfold you in every moment, because there is only Love, all else is unreal! When you surrender to Love, peace envelops you and you can feel it, but then all those nagging little ego thoughts – thoughts of being picked on, unappreciated, betrayed, or just ignored – come rushing in to disturb that peace, and you make the mistake of attending to them. However, you are all perfect aspects of the divine, created in Love and from Love, and so any egoic judgments that you experience – your own, or another’s – are meaningless distractions whose only purpose is to interfere with your spiritual evolution as humans.

You chose to incarnate to complete your spiritual evolution because over the eons the illusion (which you collectively chose to construct) has succeeded in convincing you that you are unworthy sinners in need of redemption. To be redeemed is just to recognize once again who You truly are so that you can awaken finally and eternally into Reality, knowing yourselves as One with your Source and with all of creation. And of course that is a state from which you have never been separated; you just chose to pretend that you were separated from your Source; to actually be separated from your Source is beyond all the bounds of possibility. You are forever eternally One with your source, period!

To awaken is to know this and experience it once more, and truly it cannot be hidden from you for very much longer. Humanity has evolved spiritually i.e. it has become aware of the insanity of so many of the cultural, philosophical, political, and religious beliefs and dogmas which it has happily allowed to rule its attitudes and behaviors. For eons it has offered its basically unquestioning obedience to those who had set themselves up in authority in return for their acceptance and recognition. Acceptance and recognition that were always conditional on “good behavior,” and which could be rescinded at any moment. And that collective awareness is what is leading you forwards to your inevitable awakening.

You have yet another saying: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.” To fool all of the people all the time has often been attempted, but it has always failed. In past eons these attempts were made locally, but recently the attempt has been, and is still being made on a global scale, but far too many of you are now seeing through the enormous lies and deceits that the power-brokers are presenting to you through their media accomplices as being the truth. And you are sharing your knowledge of this so that those who would control you can no longer do so.

Even on the mainstream media it is now quite apparent that something major is amiss. The controllers are no longer in control, and their panic is showing as more and more of their lies and deceits are being disclosed and brought out into the open for all to see. Their hidden agendas are no longer hidden, the dots are being connected, and the massive corruption in which they and their families and minions have been engaged are being revealed.

Humanity is a family within God’s divine kingdom that has been confused and massively misled as a result of its choice to attempt to separate itself from its Source. Within the Source all is clear, transparent, visible, nothing is hidden! Within the Source, where all that is conscious has its eternal existence, there is only the One, the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Loving, infinitely Wise Supreme Being that looks eternally with Love and delight on Its magnificent creation as it unfolds in the glorious brilliance of its endlessly fruitful domain.

The human family is now awakening, bringing further joy to God as He sees his children releasing themselves from the limitations of the illusion that have challenged and hurt them for so long. The brilliance of the eternal day is becoming even brighter, consequently no-one can remain asleep and miss the fun that is on offer. Endless joy is about to engulf you.

With so very much love, Saul.


Saul via John Smallman – Make No Mistake, You Are Waking Up – 4-2-14

John Smallman

“When are we to awaken?” That is the question we are constantly being asked, and our answer to you is that awakening is imminent. And of course that is the answer that has been offered to you very frequently over the last few years, some of you might even say over the last few decades. For you it is frustrating, disappointing, and, at the very least, most confusing, because it seems to have been going on for so long. You believe that here in the spiritual realms we have foresight, insight, and information unavailable to you, and you expect us to be able to give you positive and meaningful answers to that persistent question “When?”

But it is you who are in the process of awakening, it is you who have taken the collective decision to do so, and, therefore, it is you who are setting the pace. We watch you and delight in the progress that you are making; it seems that the moment is about to arrive, and then something untoward and unanticipated distracts you from the task in hand, and momentarily you slip more deeply back into that state of sleep from which it is your resolute intention to awaken. However, make no mistake, you are waking up!

But it seems to many of you that you are not, or certainly not quickly enough, as you view the wars, the crimes, the intense poverty, and the suffering that plagues humanity. However, all that you see throughout the world that is not in alignment with Love is of the illusion, and has been present from its beginning. What you see is not new, not strange, not unusual, it is, as you might say, “business as usual,” for the illusion is a place of separation and justifiable distrust because people continue to betray one another with predictable consistency, as they have done for eons.

Nevertheless, if you will make a point of observing the enormous changes in attitudes that have occurred in human beliefs and philosophies over the last few decades you have to admit that “business as usual” is declining as more and more of you decide that what humanity is presently experiencing just is not good enough.

Concern for others, apart from immediate family, and for other races and cultures, and for the planet herself has been growing exponentially of late, and as a result action is being taken to correct and repair the damage that has resulted over the eons, and particularly in the last two or three hundred years – intensifying in the just ended twentieth century. And those actions are beginning to bear fruit which is why, here in the spiritual realms, we are so sure that your awakening is imminent.

Because it is you who are, as it were, “running the show,” it is you who decides when awakening will occur. And it is apparent to us that your intent for it to happen is intensifying in every moment, so that it can be neither prevented nor delayed. And although you are running it, you are only a part of the divine plan for your awakening, set in motion at the moment of your apparent separation from your Source by God to ensure that you could not and would not be lost interminably in a horrific and imaginary nightmare that could only cause you intense and interminable pain and suffering.

And, I assure you, that to be aware of God and to be seemingly separated from Him would cause suffering beyond bearing. Consequently the apparent state of sleep presently enveloping you is also a protection against the inordinate suffering that full awareness of your divine nature would entail while believing yourselves to be separated from Him.

God loves you infinitely and eternally, and so He does all in His Power, apart from overriding your free will, to reduce and dissipate your pain, fear, and suffering. Turn to Him often during the day, when you go to your quiet inner space where His Love can embrace you, and reaffirm your intent for humanity to awaken and depart from the illusion. In so doing you once more align with His divine Will and accelerate your approach to awakening.

Remember that while you rest within the illusion you can and do keep changing your minds and your intentions, not the basic and irreversible collective decision to awaken, but your own individual decisions to do so, as mood swings and distractions weaken your focus on the essential task in hand. When that happens you effectively meander off the path, or slow down as you watch with shock and horror the hideous activities across the world, so well reported by the mainstream media, that are causing such havoc and suffering for so many unfortunates.

As we keep telling you “Focus on Love.” Love is the field in which all of creation has its eternal existence. Anything that is not in complete alignment with Love is unreal, although within the illusion it appears utterly and irrevocably real. The illusion, that you (the human collective) devised and constructed is alarmingly real to you because the power of the collective to mask and cloak Reality so that It is hidden from you is very strong. That, after all, was the intent when you decided to build and inhabit the illusion.

Over the eons many have seen through it but were unable to persuade the majority to look and see for themselves, because most felt themselves to be defined by it, and to see through it, they believed, would lead to their destruction. Once you have seen the Light and know that It is permanently available to you it makes no sense to live in the darkness which is the illusion, but within the illusion much courage is required for you to discard that to which you have become so accustomed and enter into the Light. It is too bright! That is the attitude that you have been changing so effectively and rapidly over the last few decades, and you are about to embrace that brightness and enter into it!

With so very much love, Saul.


Saul via John Smallman – The Light that each one of you is bearing on high is growing ever brighter – 3-26-14


We are cheering you on enthusiastically from here in the spiritual realms (which is, of course, right next to you, beside you, closer than you can possibly imagine!) as the moment for your awakening approaches. Getting closer to your moment of awakening is similar to constantly halving the distance between two items. By choosing that specific action you ensure that you can never actually close the gap and bring the items into contact with each other, the gap between them just gets smaller and smaller, but they will never actually touch. With your imminent awakening it is as though there was some kind of opposing force or energy field that is preventing it, and it appears to be intensifying as you get closer to awakening, and so more and more effort is required on your part the closer you get.

And that opposing force is anything within you that is not in alignment with Love. It is your inability to totally surrender to Love – your lack of trust, built up over the eons of human experience in the illusion, due to many lifetimes in which betrayal and disappointment have dogged you, seemingly constantly – that is impeding your progress. In this lifetime you have determined and intended to open to the divine field of Love in which you have your eternal existence, however, your karmic residue, buried deep within your bodies, is very fearful of trusting anyone utterly and completely, and it is that resistance that you are overcoming as you move ever closer to awakening.

You will overcome it, because it is your will to do so, and in this your will is in total alignment with the divine Will. To dissipate this lack of trust, this fear, it is absolutely essential that you do not neglect your daily periods of prayer, contemplation, or meditation. When you settle yourselves down to quieten your unruly minds, ignore the “musts,” the “shoulds,” the “to do lists,” and bring your attention constantly back to whatever you use as a focal point – the flame of a candle, a flower, a blank wall, your breath, etc. – without judgment of any kind for your apparent failure to remain focused. Judgment is just a further distraction, whereas to forgive yourselves for allowing yourselves to be distracted is an effective form of surrender to the quiet and stillness of this moment . . . and this one . . . and this one, for there is only one, and it’s now!

The Light that each one of you is bearing on high is growing ever brighter as you release more and more of the aspects of yourselves that are not in alignment with Love. It is becoming so bright that it is increasingly difficult for you to remain in a state of sleep. And it is your individual share of that one Light, that is All That Exists, that will overcome the lack of trust that has been preventing you from fully surrendering yourselves into the loving arms of your heavenly Father.

Every moment spent in the peace of that deep inner space within you strengthens and intensifies your intention to awaken. It once was possible for you to backslide, to choose to retreat from the moment of your awakening, but that choice is no longer available to you because you finally made the irreversible decision to awaken, and that alone is reason to rejoice. You know this truth, the fact that you have made this irreversible decision, deep within yourselves where there is only Love and where anything not in alignment with Love cannot enter.

Your salvation occurred the moment you decided to experience separation from your divine Source because such a separation is utterly impossible, and therefore the experience of it is and always has been totally illusory, and your salvation was therefore instantaneous. In fact, in that ancient moment, nothing changed, you just pretended that it had, and the result has been the illusory experience of separation, not real separation, because what is One cannot change Its nature and become separated from or divided against Itself. And in truth salvation is totally unnecessary because you were never lost or separated from your Source in the first place.

As you are well aware humanity is being bombarded with messages of Love from many in the spiritual realms whose one aim and purpose is to assist you to wake up. They are being channeled through many who chose to be the conduits through which these divine messages could flow in a form that is understandable by beings of severely limited consciousness, and life in the illusion is one in which consciousness is severely limited. This is constantly and clearly demonstrated by the insane conflicts in which so many of you engage. And the collective intent of humanity has finally decided that conflict will end to be replaced by harmonious cooperation for the benefit of all without exception.

The present state in which you are experiencing life as humans, with a few “haves” and billions of “have-nots” will not continue because it is not in alignment with Love, which is your true and eternal nature. It was part of the illusory game that you have been playing, but more than enough hardship and suffering has been delivered and experienced, and its time is well and truly past. That state is to be terminated by your awakening which can no longer be delayed. Unprecedented joy is about to envelop you all, you know this, and so your fears and anxieties are evaporating as the moment for which you have been waiting so patiently rushes into view.

With so very much love, as always, Saul.


Saul via John Smallman – The Collective Will of Humanity to Awaken has been roused – It will not go back to sleep – 3-3-14



Here in the spiritual realms (which are far closer to you than you imagine!) we continue to observe your sterling efforts to bring humanity to its awakening and we delight in the amazing effect you are having all across the world.  You are making it happen, and the momentum that you have established is utterly unstoppable. Remind yourselves of that when you are feeling alone or down; you are, of course never alone, and down is just a mood swing or very temporary energy drop that will not last.

You have enormous support from the divine field of Love that constantly embraces you which is why, despite your doubts, fears, and anxieties, you never give up.  You know at your still-point, your energy center, deep within you, that all is divinely taken care of, and that your doubts and worries are totally illusory, even though they can seem very real and valid.  And that seeming reality of doubts and worries that you consistently succeed in overcoming is one of the many reasons why you are so honored, so admired here in the spiritual realms.  Great joy awaits your awakening, and you will not be denied it because your Father’s Will is never denied, and His Will for you is eternal joy.

Humanity’s progress on the path to awakening continues to accelerate as the love that more and more of you are intentionally extending and sharing spreads across the world infiltrating every human community, raising spirits and hopes for a new way of living that lays down arms permanently, and engages enthusiastically in harmonious communication for the benefit of all on Earth.  The collective will of humanity to awaken has been roused, and it will not go back to sleep.

You are on course, you are heading in the right direction, and you have reclaimed the power that you had given over to the distractions of the illusion which have so beguiled you over the eons.  Momentary distractions will still confuse or waylay you – but only momentarily! – as you surge forwards towards your divine destination whose glittering Lights are drawing you onwards.  The end is in sight, and now, even as you are still seemingly immersed in the illusion, you can no longer fail to see it because you have opened to the Light and it is That which is drawing you in towards Itself gently, lovingly, and utterly irresistibly.

It is with great joy that we watch over you, our beloved friends and siblings, as you progress steadily along the path to awakening.  Your awakening has never been in doubt, but it has seemed to you to be taking an inordinately long time to happen. Don’t worry!  The Love that you are all extending and sharing so enthusiastically and powerfully is insisting on humanity’s awakening, and Love will not be denied.  And, of course, you yourselves are also insisting that you wake up, because you are truly slept out!

Those of you who remember happy childhoods can probably remember waking up, thinking “Oh another school day!” and then going back to sleep until your parents yelled at you “You’re going to miss the bus!” and then having to leap from sleep into instant wakefulness, much against your wills, rush to wash your teeth, grab some cereal, and scramble on to the bus.  But on Christmas Day, or on your birthday your waking changes suddenly from “Oh no :( to Oh YESSSSSS :) ” as you realize what day it is and you leap into life awake and joyful.

Well, the awakening that awaits you is way beyond any kind of joy or delight you may have dreamed of or hoped for, and there will be NO disappointments – PERIOD!

With so very much love, Saul.