The Magnetic Changes Around Us Reflect that Magnetic Changes within Us. | The Shift of Time and Energy! — Infinite Shift

What an amazing feast of energies July has been, and continues to be!! Every morsel gives us something new to use within our lives, within our field of energy. However, like all energy, it must be applied, used. For me personally, I feel like I entered a brand new training camp that is exhilarating, and […]

via The Magnetic Changes Around Us Reflect that Magnetic Changes within Us. | The Shift of Time and Energy! — Infinite Shift

James Fielden – Invisible Forces Abound

Invisible Forces Abound

James Fielden .com

We move in a world where gravity, magnetism, electrical force and sunlight hold our lives together. Vast, unseen powers sustain the ability of each earthling to live and move, work and play. These universal forces are fundamental to our existence yet are so steady that we are unable to separate them from our ordinary awareness.

Just think about what immense, transparent forces course through us while we read, shop, eat and talk. Beyond the reach of our senses we are saturated with radio waves, x-rays, infrared, and radiation from billions of stars that dance and decay across the Cosmos. Vast levels of influence are all around us; invisible forces abound.

In a similar way, could it be that we are unable to discern the Source of all life, that most basic fabric of ourselves, until we are quiet and centered in pure thought?

It is natural for us to want to know more, and since wisdom and knowledge is the result of life and its experience, we can say with confidence that each of us is guided to unfold this awareness. Indeed, the more we contemplate what vast forces play around us, the more we may become amazed at how our own marvelous insignificance is encouraged to advance.


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Russellian Science – Creator’s Still White Magnetic Light of Omniscience

77GSlinger·576 videos

Defining the term Magnetism of Russellian Science and the “still magnetic light” which is the source of all Mind Idea behind Creation.

@1:25 Please note: this should properly read “The word Magnetism “FALSELY” connotes a physical attribute. We had trouble with the original line and edited it, but created a meaning which was unintended and inconsistent with what we are trying convey. Magnetism is not a force, nor is it material or physical. It is spiritual, being that it is of the Creator’s still magnetic light of zero curvature, stillness and abosolute cold, which is the Magnetic Universe that controls and dominates the electric Universe. It is the immutable fulcrum of enery power, kowledge and love which creates all electric motions that give form to our Electric Universe.

This Part quotes “Atomic Suicide?” and teaches the fundamental principles that help to define the Still White Light of the Creator’s Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent Mind (Heaven) as authored by Dr. Walter & Lao Russell to mankind. Mind may only be known. It cannot be sensed or measured with any devices of mankind. It may be known through the use of mankind’s own mind as an extension of the One-Mind of the Creator.

“It (Science) is, at long last, realizing that the action universe of motion must have a fulcrum which does not move. This will lead to the placing of energy in the fulcrum Source of this universal mirage of motion instead of in the mirage-extension where Science now places it. When that day comes, science will first question the universal vacuum for CAUSE rather than search within effect for cause. When this transformation takes place in man’s thinking science will have leaped ahead one thousand years in that day.”
~ Dr. Walter and Lao Russell – from “Atomic Suicide?”

For a deeper examination of the term “Magnetism” used by Walter and Lao Russell, which is radically different and bears no similarity to the academic defintion, see this three part series:…

Produced by:

matt presti & Robert Otey

Music – “The Divine Iliad” by matt presti