LISA RENEE – Time Shift Blog – Consciousness Descension into Matter into Matter


Lightworkers Linked - Where lightworkers can easily find and connect to  other lightworkers and who are committed to being of service to others
Lisa Renee


The Transduction Sequence describes the process by which consciousness undergoes several stages of Descension, passing through multiple layers of dimensionalization in order to manifest into a matter form. Consciousness uses a Blueprint, architecture to express itself in matter. A Core Manifestation Template is designed for consciousness to express itself into the biological form that is located within a specific dimension of time and space. As an example, the original angelic human 12 Strand DNA template is expressed through the holographic template of the 12 Tree Grid, or Kathara manifestation grid. Consciousness units arrange themselves into dimensional grids which form into layers of morphogenetic fields, containing specific instruction sets that build into energy spirals that make up the merkaba fields.

The Merkaba fields are what help to sustain the energy that builds the entire Lightbody construct, in which there are male-female sets of counter-rotating electromagnetic spirals of the consciousness energy. The male-female sets of consciousness energy spirals generate a DNA and RNA imprint. The DNA architecture is the masculine principle, while the RNA is the feminine principle. The DNA-RNA messaging circuitry must communicate together in balance. The DNA and RNA imprint project the entire lightbody hologram which organizes the light of the consciousness into a bio-energetic field, or auric field.

The auric field organizes into multiple layers of energy matrices that act as small computers, and these are the Chakras, the lower exist in the particle layers and the higher dimensional chakras exists in the anti-particle layers. The anti-particle chakras are Morphogenetic Chakras and they inform the instruction sets absorbed into the lower dimensional chakras, who can open the higher contents when they are able to hold the higher frequencies. Over time the chakras dissolve into each other when absorbing the higher dimensional frequencies.

The chakras send their processed energy as intelligent spirals into the nadial capsule which forms around the manifest biological form. The nadial capsule is comprised of the three-dimensional layers of the harmonic universe, in which the consciousness is stationed as an identity. The Nadial Capsule instructs how the consciousness must organize itself into the manifested DNA and RNA cellular biology. The DNA-RNA in matter sends its intelligent design to the Nadial Structure, which acts as the blueprint for energetic transmission and energetic receivers that form into the blueprint for the physical Brain and nervous system. The central nervous system transmits into the molecular structure and then into the nuclear core in the 1D Atomic Body, which informs the Dark Matter Template.

This nuclear core sends intelligent consciousness energy from all combined blueprint layers into the central nervous system, which sets the metabolic and biological base rhythms. These biological base rhythms are imprinted from the Soul and spiritual intelligence into the Blood, which form into the historical spiritual records. This blood record forms an imprint that is recorded in the brain to produce and distribute Hormones, and the natural chemical reactions that are recorded in each organ and gland, and into all cellular tissues.

When we understand the interaction of the consciousness imprints from our Soul and spiritual intelligence recorded into our Blood and biological form, then it becomes obvious that the human body is filled with the personalized spiritual records of that unique consciousness being.

(Source: Ascension Glossary – Consciousness Descension into Matter Biology)

20 Signs You’re Becoming Your Higher Self – via Viral Novelty .net – 1-8-18

Published on Jan 9, 2018
20 Signs You’re Becoming Your Higher Self January 8, 2018 by Viral Novelty

Descending and Ascending – Ascended Master – God Self – 7-3-18 – via Rose Rambles dot org


By L’Aura Pleiadian

Thanks to  Rose Rambles dot org

Matter, form and DNA, the sacred Blood Line…The Knights Templars..the guardians.

Consciousness in form through DNA respond in resonance to Light Frequencies.

St. Germain appearing in form, is a transformative transmission of LIGHT frequency. His appearance has graced my life, many times.

The knowing, the activation, the transformation are beyond words or description.

Knowing that we too are here to Ascend and that we have Descended into form, is all part of the experience of knowing Being in the Age of Aquarius.

Like Christ, Buddha and the Ascended Masters, we are here to KNOW that we too can appear at any time, anywhere, and that we too, will live as our eternal form THROUGH our form.




MARION LEE – Merging The Higher And Lower Selves – by Michelle Walling @ How To Exit The Matrix

Merging The Higher And Lower Selves


By Morgan Lee

Since the 1st of March 2018, when many experienced either consciously or unconsciously significant embodiment, expansion, or a leap in consciousness, most are becoming aware of experiencing a major alignment or merging of the higher self and the lower self.

This is creating some moments of major confusion for some. Times of bliss, joy and happiness in flow one moment, and shifting into total doubt or anxiety the next. Often wondering what on earth is going on. Like living in 5D for a few days, only to fall into 3D wondering if everything experienced so far, was even real at all.

It can also feel like having two programs or software running alongside of each other. The old programs still trying to run the show, at times and the new program/ software slowly taking over.

And it can also feel like there are literally two minds attempting to live in the one body.

There are also two distinct emotional experiences running alongside of each other too. One may be in pain at the letting go of something and in the experience that pain, but at the same time, a presence of peace, acceptance or higher knowing is also present. Like feeling like there is a higher hand lovingly holding the space through it all.

One part of self is going through the experience, the other part observing the experience and conscious awareness of both parts at the same time.

The Human has free will and so with each choice, one is literally choosing to align with either the old program or the new program. And in each moment of choice, one is either firing up old neural pathways or creating and laying new ones.

The more one attempts to run the old programming, holding on to attachments or resisting movement towards new, the more uncomfortable one can become.

The higher self programming is moving some towards purposes, missions, maybe new ways of being, and many are finding that they are having to surrender and let go on a regular basis, in order to allow for that alignment to occur.

Some will abruptly walk away from old lives, of security and stability, maybe end relationships, walk from familiar situations, leave jobs, homes, etc. and many will move toward a whole new way of being altogether. Often there are no real shocks in these moves, just the reasons that prevented them from occurring seem to be gone.

At the same time, as one’s old self and life is dismantling, we are also experiencing new gifts such as astral travel, time travel, bi-location, dimensional play, expanded intuition, quantum jumping, time line jumping, increased clarity, increased universal knowledge, wisdom and intelligence, etc.

Morgan Lee, Facebook post March 6, 2018

Gustavo Castaner @ Mind Body Soul Spirit – 22 Signs that You are Embodying your Higher Self – 9-26-17

Embody Higher Self


by Gustavo Castaner

1. Higher Sensory Perception

Your intuition is developing at a rapid rate. Other higher senses like clairvoyance and clairaudience can also be turned on. These higher senses allow you to access information and wisdom that otherwise would be unavailable through the use of your rational mind. Harmonious lucid dreaming and out of body experiences are also ways to access higher dimensional information.

2. Knowing Your Soul Purpose

With your higher senses turned on, it has become crystal clear what your Soul’s Purpose is. Not only you know what your mission here on earth is but you are fulfilling this mission by taking action and walking your path. Your are fulfilling your basic human needs of self-growth and contribution by being on the path of eternal self actualization and being at the service of others.

3. Meeting Your Soul Family

Your frequency has attracted you to people with whom you resonate at a soul level. When you met these individuals you felt a strong and undeniable connection with them, like if you had met them before (from a past life). Even if they live on the other side of the world, the spiritual ties between you are so strong that years can go by and when you meet again is like no time has passed.

4. Meeting Your Twin Flame or Soul Mate

You are in a relationship with a person that highlights and enhances your best qualities. As well, this person will mirror back to you everything you need to work on yourself. This relationship thrives on self-growth, contribution, higher giving love and fulfillment. A necessary step for the manifestation of this relationship is cutting cords of attachments and karmic ties with previous relationships.

5. Synchronicities and Accelerated Manifestations

Your connection with the universe and life is evident. Your questions are answered through synchronicities and hidden messages are easily revealed to you by the power of your higher senses. You find messages and answers in books, nature and even random conversations. As well, you become aware of how strong and powerful your intent has become. Whatever you focus on manifests at a much faster than ever before.

6. Taking Responsibility For Your Happiness

As you embody your Higher Self you realize how powerful you are and how you co-create reality through your thoughts and emotions. You take full responsibility for your own happiness and you stop blaming other people, the government or any other outside sources. Victimization is a thing of the past and you take full charge of your healing and evolutionary process.

7. Embracing All Emotions

You have finally transcended the spiritual bypass that some emotions are ‘bad’ or ‘negative’. Instead you embrace all e-motions and instead of repressing them you allow them to flow through you. You can use anger for passion or motivation. You can easily empathize with others while maintaining the integrity of your field.

8. Holographic Nature of Reality

Like Rumi said ‘You are not a drop of water in an ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop of water.’ The holographic nature of reality is encoded within you and you can sense the interconnectedness of everything. It is obvious to you that we live in a multidimensional matrix and that you have a multidimensional anatomy. You also feel very attracted to sacred geometry.

9. Alchemical and Healing Powers

Whether it’s hands on healing, soul retrieval or any other type of healing modality you have learned how to direct your intent and manipulate energy to remove energetic blockages. You can easily connect to your Higher Self and disengage discordant energies that hinder your spiritual evolution. Often you will assist others in their healing and ascension process with your siddhis.

10. Activating Your DNA

DNA activation is the process of accreting more light into your morphogenetic field by activating the dormant strands of DNA that correspond to your Higher Self. You have at least a 12 strand DNA template that allows 12 dimensions of consciousness. DNA activation is the key to spiritual ascension and the embodiment of your Higher Self. It’s quite common for a person who goes through DNA activation to progressively experience all the other signs mentioned in this page.

11. Unconditional Self-Love

Your 4th strand of DNA corresponds to your heart chakra. One of the main benefits of DNA activation is being able to access and embody a state of unconditional self-love. No longer do you feel the need to extract love from other people, instead you see yourself as an infinite source of love. A sense of wholeness begins to unfold as you love ALL aspects of yourself, including your shadow self.

12. Integrating and Transcending Your Shadow Self

Your shadow self is the part of you that is running in reverse. It is mainly made up of archetypes, personas and complexes. Some examples are the Professional Victim Persona, the Rescuer Archetype, the Sorcerer, The Tyrant and the Absolute Perfectionist. The shadow self is what causes self-sabotage and causes you to create chaos in your life. The shadow self is created by making decisions that are not aligned with your Higher Self and manifest as reverse codes in your DNA.

13. Frequency Resonance

As you continue to raise your frequency you notice how some people begin to fall out of your holographic reality. You understand that your frequencies no longer match. The same can happen with your job or even your country of origin. In turn your higher frequency attracts you to a new grid of people, places, times, things and events that are in line with your Higher Self.

14. Honest Yes and Honest No

You are not afraid of saying ‘no’ to other people when you inner guidance tells you not to do something or go somewhere. You are not afraid of other people’s reactions and you are true to yourself. Every time you are congruent with what you want and what you don’t want you feel more powerful. As well you embrace the art of an honest ‘yes’ when the universe delivers what you desire. You don’t try to appear ‘humble’ or ‘spiritual’ by rejecting what you truly desire in your life.

15. Harmonious Family Relationships

‘If you think you are enlightened, go spend a weekend with your family.’
Ram Dass

You have realized that enlightenment doesn’t happen in a cave. You have cleared the cords of attachments and karmic ties with your family. Gone are the days where you kept experiencing the same old family drama. Your family members have shifted their approach to connect with you to higher ways and you accept/love them just how they are.

16. No Guilt, No Shame

Shame and guilt are the two lowest frequency energetic blockages in humanity. In order to embody your Higher Self you have let go of the identification with shame and guilt. You have cleared the guilt and shame you inherited from your parents through the DNA and you have released the shame and guilt that has been implanted by society and religions. Instead you choose to embrace the states of joy and bliss. You have become immune to guilt manipulating strategies often used by victims.

17. Making Decision In Line With Your Higher Self

Instead of making decisions based on fear, righteousness, competition or lack you are making decisions in line with your Higher Self and ultimately with Source-will. You are aware of Source’s intentions: the Law of One, Unconditional Love, Cooperation, Evolution, Perpetual Motion, Cause and Effect, Non-Judgment and Free-will. Even though we all have free-will and can ultimately go against Source-will (you’re unconditionally loved), you’re aware that making such decisions will trigger the Law of Cause and Effect and create a karmic imprint to re-mind you must heal that karmic miasm at some point.

18. Inner and Outer Abundance

Lack and limitation are a thing of the past. You have embodied a state of absolute inner abundance that is being reflected onto your holographic reality. You no longer seek to extract love, approval and appreciation from other people, you are the source. Happiness is within you. As well you have transcended the spiritual bypass that money is ‘evil’ and you know that money is just energy, made up of consciousness just like everything else. You enjoy financial abundance and use this abundance to create a more harmonious reality for yourself and others.

19. Mind Unplugged From the Matrix

One sign that your mind has been unplugged from the matrix is that you can clearly see the hidden agenda of those who desire to control this planet. You no longer resonate with the news and their ‘official story’. You inner truth detector can sense when someone is lying and you have become immune to the low frequency strategies and implants that constantly try to tell you ‘you are not enough’. Mindless consumerism and the herd mentality seem absurd to you.

20. Bye-Bye Idolatry

As you awaken to your co-creative powers and God-like nature, you no longer put other people on a pedestal. Your inner guru precedes any external guru and you see teachers as a reflection of your own unlimited potential. The forces of your worthiness and deservedness drive you to achieve whatever you set your mind upon. You have become the master of your own reality.

21. Overflowing with Gratitude

Gratitude is your attitude. Gratitude is your prayer. The sense of lack has become foreign to you, instead you cannot stop counting your blessings. The feeling of gratitude multiplies whatever you have and brings you even more positive experiences. You are even grateful for the challenges and setbacks that are inevitable in life, you can’t help to see them as opportunities for growth. And you probably have a gratitude journal.

22. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Life is meant to be fun, you know that. Being extremely rigid and disciplined suck the fun out of everything. Even though you are adamant when it comes to working on yourself and achieving self mastery, you always allow yourself to make mistakes. In fact making mistakes is part of the learning process. You have a great sense of humor and you don’t take yourself too seriously. Your inner child is thriving and you often feel energized, inspired and overflowing with creativity.

About the Author:
Gustavo Castaner is the founder of and Gustavo specializes in helping people change their frequency so they can embody their Higher Self and manifest higher vibrational relationships. 


RAPHAEL AWEN – Embracing Descension As Part Of Ascension – by Soulfull Heart Blog – 8-17-17


By Raphael Awen

All this talk about ascension and nothing about descension…

My path this week took me into several 3D expressions, one of which was working some marathon hours for an online gig that paid really well, after hardly ‘working’ for like 3 years. Another of which was getting a personal cell phone up and running after doing without one for years, and getting tripped up on some of the functionality. Another of which was researching how to get access back into the US after being refused entry to open up possibilities of future green card status. What a PILE of 3D realities all combined into 1 week!

I so felt a frequency lowering energy with some questions inside about why am I feeling so dense and so obsessed about all this? Where is my bigger trust? Etc.

When I came up for air to breathe and feel last night and this morning, I so feel a larger support team around me and a larger trust place that is right here. The ‘problems’ are yet to resolve, but they feel more like opportunities than setbacks.

A big piece in all of this is feeling the me who lived in these frequencies full time not that many years ago and loving that me. This is the descension we are being invited into in our ascension process. The universe doesn’t want to just take your higher frequency you into a new place, but rather all of you. This includes the you who can’t quite trust like the rest of you can. This includes the you who holds any self judgments and self criticism. This includes the you who has come to be so well adapted to living in the 3D matrix of reality that now struggles to let in a new and foreign reality.

Embracing a path of ascension IS embracing a path of descension at the same time. They are one and the same. Ascension is not an escape, but a rescaping and inscaping of the full landscape of our being into the all we desire to become. The frequency lowering experiences as well as all the we created in the third dimension all wants to integrate into what is arising now. It’s all sacred.

Raphael Awen is co-creator, teacher, and facilitator of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit for more information about sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

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The Mind Unleashed – 2 Signs That You Are Embodying Your Higher Self

The Mind Unleashed   –   2 Signs That You Are Embodying Your Higher Self

1. Higher Sensory Perception

Your intuition is developing at a rapid rate. Other higher senses like clairvoyance and clairaudience can also be turned on. These higher senses allow you to access information and wisdom that otherwise would be unavailable through the use of your rational mind. Harmonious lucid dreaming and out of body experiences are also ways to access higher dimensional information.

2. Knowing Your Soul Purpose

With your higher senses turned on, it has become crystal clear what your Soul’s Purpose is. Not only you know what your mission here on earth is but you are fulfilling this mission by taking action and walking your path. Your are fulfilling your basic human needs of self-growth and contribution by being on the path of eternal self actualization and being at the service of others.

3. Meeting Your Soul Family

Your frequency has attracted you to people with whom you resonate at a soul level. When you met these individuals you felt a strong and undeniable connection with them, like if you had met them before (from a past life). Even if they live on the other side of the world, the spiritual ties between you are so strong that years can go by and when you meet again is like no time has passed.

4. Meeting Your Twin Flame or Soul Mate

You are in a relationship with a person that highlights and enhances your best qualities. As well, this person will mirror back to you everything you need to work on yourself. This relationship thrives on self-growth, contribution, higher giving love and fulfillment. A necessary step for the manifestation of this relationship is cutting cords of attachments and karmic ties with previous relationships.

5. Synchronicities and Accelerated Manifestations

Your connection with the universe and life is evident. Your questions are answered through synchronicities and hidden messages are easily revealed to you by the power of your higher senses. You find messages and answers in books, nature and even random conversations. As well, you become aware of how strong and powerful your intent has become. Whatever you focus on manifests at a much faster than ever before.

6. Taking Responsibility For Your Happiness

As you embody your Higher Self you realize how powerful you are and how you co-create reality through your thoughts and emotions. You take full responsibility for your own happiness and you stop blaming other people, the government or any other outside sources. Victimization is a thing of the past and you take full charge of your healing and evolutionary process.

7. Embracing All Emotions

You have finally transcended the spiritual bypass that some emotions are ‘bad’ or ‘negative’. Instead you embrace all e-motions and instead of repressing them you allow them to flow through you. You can use anger for passion or motivation. You can easily empathize with others while maintaining the integrity of your field.

8. Holographic Nature of Reality

Like Rumi said ‘You are not a drop of water in an ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop of water.’ The holographic nature of reality is encoded within you and you can sense the interconnectedness of everything. It is obvious to you that we live in a multidimensional matrix and that you have a multidimensional anatomy. You also feel very attracted to sacred geometry.

9. Alchemical and Healing Powers

Whether it’s hands on healing, soul retrieval or any other type of healing modality you have learned how to direct your intent and manipulate energy to remove energetic blockages. You can easily connect to your Higher Self and disengage discordant energies that hinder your spiritual evolution. Often you will assist others in their healing and ascension process with your siddhis.

10. Activating Your DNA

DNA activation is the process of accreting more light into your morphogenetic field by activating the dormant strands of DNA that correspond to your Higher Self. You have at least a 12 strand DNA template that allows 12 dimensions of consciousness. DNA activation is the key to spiritual ascension and the embodiment of your Higher Self. It’s quite common for a person who goes through DNA activation to progressively experience all the other signs mentioned in this page.

11. Unconditional Self-Love

Your 4th strand of DNA corresponds to your heart chakra. One of the main benefits of DNA activation is being able to access and embody a state of unconditional self-love. No longer do you feel the need to extract love from other people, instead you see yourself as an infinite source of love. A sense of wholeness begins to unfold as you love ALL aspects of yourself, including your shadow self.

12. Integrating and Transcending Your Shadow Self

Your shadow self is the part of you that is running in reverse. It is mainly made up of archetypes, personas and complexes. Some examples are the Professional Victim Persona, the Rescuer Archetype, the Sorcerer, The Tyrant and the Absolute Perfectionist. The shadow self is what causes self-sabotage and causes you to create chaos in your life. The shadow self is created by making decisions that are not aligned with your Higher Self and manifest as reverse codes in your DNA.

13. Frequency Resonance

As you continue to raise your frequency you notice how some people begin to fall out of your holographic reality. You understand that your frequencies no longer match. The same can happen with your job or even your country of origin. In turn your higher frequency attracts you to a new grid of people, places, times, things and events that are in line with your Higher Self.

14. Honest Yes and Honest No

You are not afraid of saying ‘no’ to other people when you inner guidance tells you not to do something or go somewhere. You are not afraid of other people’s reactions and you are true to yourself. Every time you are congruent with what you want and what you don’t want you feel more powerful. As well you embrace the art of an honest ‘yes’ when the universe delivers what you desire. You don’t try to appear ‘humble’ or ‘spiritual’ by rejecting what you truly desire in your life.

15. Harmonious Family Relationships

‘If you think you are enlightened, go spend a weekend with your family.’ Ram Dass

You have realized that enlightenment doesn’t happen in a cave. You have cleared the cords of attachments and karmic ties with your family. Gone are the days where you kept experiencing the same old family drama. Your family members have shifted their approach to connect with you to higher ways and you accept/love them just how they are.

16. No Guilt, No Shame

Shame and guilt are the two lowest frequency energetic blockages in humanity. In order to embody your Higher Self you have let go of the identification with shame and guilt. You have cleared the guilt and shame you inherited from your parents through the DNA and you have released the shame and guilt that has been implanted by society and religions. Instead you choose to embrace the states of joy and bliss. You have become immune to guilt manipulating strategies often used by victims.

17. Making Decision In Line With Your Higher Self

Instead of making decisions based on fear, righteousness, competition or lack you are making decisions in line with your Higher Self and ultimately with Source-will. You are aware of Source’s intentions: the Law of One, Unconditional Love, Cooperation, Evolution, Perpetual Motion, Cause and Effect, Non-Judgment and Free-will. Even though we all have free-will and can ultimately go against Source-will (you’re unconditionally loved), you’re aware that making such decisions will trigger the Law of Cause and Effect and create a karmic imprint to re-mind you must heal that karmic miasm at some point.

18. Inner and Outer Abundance

Lack and limitation are a thing of the past. You have embodied a state of absolute inner abundance that is being reflected onto your holographic reality. You no longer seek to extract love, approval and appreciation from other people, you are the source. Happiness is within you. As well you have transcended the spiritual bypass that money is ‘evil’ and you know that money is just energy, made up of consciousness just like everything else. You enjoy financial abundance and use this abundance to create a more harmonious reality for yourself and others.

19. Mind Unplugged From the Matrix

One sign that your mind has been unplugged from the matrix is that you can clearly see the hidden agenda of those who desire to control this planet. You no longer resonate with the news and their ‘official story’. You inner truth detector can sense when someone is lying and you have become immune to the low frequency strategies and implants that constantly try to tell you ‘you are not enough’. Mindless consumerism and the herd mentality seem absurd to you.

20. Bye-Bye Idolatry

As you awaken to your co-creative powers and God-like nature, you no longer put other people on a pedestal. Your inner guru precedes any external guru and you see teachers as a reflection of your own unlimited potential. The forces of your worthiness and deservedness drive you to achieve whatever you set your mind upon. You have become the master of your own reality.

21. Overflowing with Gratitude

Gratitude is your attitude. Gratitude is your prayer. The sense of lack has become foreign to you, instead you cannot stop counting your blessings. The feeling of gratitude multiplies whatever you have and brings you even more positive experiences. You are even grateful for the challenges and setbacks that are inevitable in life, you can’t help to see them as opportunities for growth. And you probably have a gratitude journal.

HOW TO RE-CONNECT TO YOUR HIGHER SELF – Ryan Stolinski, – 12-8-16


Courtesy of

By Ryan Stolinski,

Stop, Drop, Connect!

In the experience of my outer-self, I (Ryan), have witnessed many situations where the use of this simple technique could have saved any involved parties from becoming snared in the web of outer influence. This ‘web’ of outer influence is as apparent as the oxygen in the atmosphere. It permeates everything in this physical reality.

This outer influence is constantly knocking at the door of our consciousness – begging for entry – and for some, it is an open door policy. This leads to all forms of discordant creations and experiences. When you are not in control of what comes in and out of your consciousness, you are similar to a loaded gun in the hands of a blind shooter.

Now, I DO NOT mean this in any way that may insult, criticize, or judge ANYONE. I DO desire to hold a mirror to humankind and reflect what is occurring day to day, moment to moment, on our Beloved Gaia.

This is what I have learned in my experience and this technique was taught to me by my Higher Self. I was asked to share this in hopes that it may find you on your path to help forge a solid connection with your God Self. So, without further preclusion, it is with great pleasure that I share this technique with you. If there are any questions, PLEASE feel free to email me or comment so that I can help clear up any confusion or queries you may have.

I thank you,


Technique for re-connecting to your Higher Self

1. STOP! – Stop the body! *In circumstances where this is not possible, try as best to bring mechanical functions of the body to a minimum*. Once you have ceased all movement and it is possible, find somewhere to sit, stand, or lay. The important thing here is to get somewhere that you will be able to relax the body and be completely undisturbed.

You can either close your eyes or keep them open. (Ryan, personally, keeps his eyes open in order to ground it fully into the physical experience.) If you are fluent in the art of meditation, this should come fairly easy. Now that you have ‘timed-out’ and relaxed the body as much as possible, the next step is:

2. DEEP BREATH – Take a very deep breath into the belly, filling the diaphragm with as much oxygen as you can pull into the nose. Hold for a second or two, then release from the mouth. Blow out with a bit of force, but not much. As you blow out, imagine all of the tension in the body going with it. *It helps to imagine this tension as a color so when you blow out, you can visualize this color being exhaled with the breath.* It may take a few deep inhales to feel even partially relaxed, so take as many as you need, but also keep in mind that the object of this technique is to re-connect you to your God-Self.

Make sure that this is your main focus and intent and you are not distracted by simply trying to relax the body. Be sure not to become frustrated if your body seems rebellious. If you don’t feel fully relaxed, it’s okay. The purpose of this is to dissolve the grip of your connection to the outer world/physical reality. Once you are still, and you have taken a few deep breaths, it’s time to allow the feeling of your Higher Self to move back into the body.

3. FEEL! – This part of the technique is very important. You must allow yourself to FEEL the sensation, around and within you, of your God Self moving back to the forefront of your mind and body. This can manifest in a myriad of ways. For Ryan, the heart begins to flutter and beat a little more intensely than usual and what is perceived as a ‘tingly’ sensation overcomes the body. Remember, although you must feel it back into place, every individual will experience and create this feeling in their own way. It may be a tingly feeling, a ringing in the ears, a feeling of love, comfort or peace overtaking the body and consciousness or many other ways.

The easiest most effective way to perceive this is to move your consciousness into you heart. Keep in your mind’s eye, your heart and the sensations occurring within it. For some, as the heart beats a little harder and the body gets the sensation of love or comfort from its Higher Self, the reconnection will be instant. Depending on how skilled you are at allowing the flow of the Universal Energy to do its job. For others, it may take a few minutes of removing the connection with the outer world. Those who take a little more time in bringing back this connection, your goal is to let go and never to try to force this feeling. This will only serve to block it more. Simply remove your focus from whatever experience has distracted you from your connection to your Higher Self in the first place and move it to your heart.

Be sure not to attach to that either as that will also block it. The goal here is ‘Detached Awareness’. You will notice this working because you will actually feel lighter and unburdened by whatever distracted you in the first place. It will feel as if a wave of calm and peace have come over you. That is what it physically feels like to be in full connection to your God Self. Now that you have regained the feeling, it is now your job to keep your consciousness fixed in the NOW moment.

4. BE HERE, NOW – After you have relaxed the body and mind and you can feel in your body the calming, loving feeling of your True Self, you can easily fix your consciousness in the NOW Moment. You will know you are firmly in the NOW moment when any past or future experience is wiped from your consciousness. It helps sometimes (if your eyes are open), to place focus on an object, purely for a point of focus, in order to prevent your consciousness from drifting to memories or future imaginings. Your job at this point is to keep this feeling and experience of the NOW moment locked in your conscious awareness for as long as you possibly can.

Whether it be for 1 minute or 25, the benefit of this is immense. Specifically, as you achieve this state of being for the first time, you actually set up a reference point for all future uses of this technique. Meaning, the state of being you achieved, is now the reference point for all other times you desire to use this technique in the future. As you become more and more familiar with this connection and its feeling, you will find it nearly effortless to ‘get back’ to or to stay in this state of being.

Think of it as a trail cut into a field of high grass. The first time seems difficult because the grass has not yet been tamped down into a noticeable footpath. After the initial time, the path need only to be walked on frequently to keep it that way. After some time of walking this ‘path’ it becomes permanent. As you begin to hold this state of being more frequently, it becomes more natural and fluent to conjure this state of being after you have been distracted from it in the outer experience.

Eventually, this state of being becomes permanent and all outer experience will seem as though it has no effect on your mental or emotional state. It’s important to realize that this technique takes practice, just as a football player trains the muscles for peak performance. In the beginning, it may take some time to do but, eventually it will become first nature. This will than become your permanent state of being and you will always know and feel your connection to your Higher Self. When the Higher Self is the controlling force of your life, know that the Universe will bow in command to your every loving desire.

With Great Love,
The Mighty I AM Presence

I hope this helps you all and you can get the benefits of being fully connected to your Higher Self/God Self at all times. There are thousands of ways to make this connection happen and become permanent. This is just one technique that I (Ryan), use anytime I get distracted by outer worldly influences. May it grant you the freedom from the effects and causes of the outer world and may you forever know who you TRULY ARE!


About the author: Spreading Love and Light through messages, articles, and all facets of media and resources. I AM Ryan.  Please visit my Path of Beauty blog.

DENISE Le FAY – The Slow Merging of Higher & Lower Selves in the Physical Body & Incarnate Self – 12-7-16



DENISE Le FAY   –   The Slow Merging of Higher & Lower Selves in the Physical Body & Incarnate Self   –   12-7-16

There’s been periods throughout 2016 when I knew my physical body and DNA were rather dramatically evolving again. My first human thought usually is if any of these weird changes I’m feeling are age related, and no doubt some of them are, however most are added changes due to it being the third 9 energy year (2016) within the Ascension Process and Galactic Alignment.

heart icons 12I’ve been very aware of some of these changes because the way my physical body responds to certain things, usually emotional things, is wildly different from anything I’ve experienced in my life. The first time I felt this was early in my physical, biological Ascension Process around 2000. I was driving and my Mom said something funny and I laughed out loud. Nothing unusual about that except that I was instantly shocked by the dramatically increased amount of energy in me and my body when I laughed. To me it felt and sounded HUGE and I was surprised, confused and slightly embarrassed by such amplified force blasting out of me through my laughter. I’d never felt that before because it had never existed before and it was a really startling change.

After some time I realized that what I’d felt, and from my perspective heard, was a tremendous increase in the amount of energy I had within my physical body, and when I laughed it felt and sounded massive and unusually loud and powerful. It took some getting used to this sudden change in how much “voltage” I suddenly had running through me and my physical body back in the early days of the Ascension Process. Of course this Process has never stopped or ended since then, but continued and increased in the amount of Light Energy I (and you reading this) was consistently taking on and embodying as I energetically climbed these many evolutionary Ascension Stair-steps over the years and decades.

heart icons 12Decades ago my Mom told me the story about when I was a baby all she had to do was lay a blanket on the floor, put me in the middle of it, and I would not leave the blanket. After she told me this, I told her why I didn’t leave the blanket and it was because I was afraid to and would not crawl out into the “world” because I knew from infancy where I was and how unsafe life on 3D Earth really was. That’s a difficult burden to carry from infancy and not have it crush or break you in any way(s). The only other person I’ve read talk about being consciously aware of where they had incarnated is Inelia Benz, and she said she cried uncontrollably for days before their family doctor had to sedate her. My personality—plus my conscious memories of many Team Dark “monster” beings—has been to go into stealth mode so the “monsters” of this world and beyond hopefully wouldn’t notice or sense me down here, quietly immobile on my blankie! Scream and cry and make a lot of noise and commotion? Not me, I’d do everything I could to become invisible and literally fly under Team Dark’s (TD) radar as much as I could get away with for as long as I could. That is why I never left the blanket as an infant. Different story the older I got however because, like it or not, I was/am a ‘Volunteer’ and I had/have a job to do while incarnate here during this very important Ascension Process and evolutionary shift out from under those very “monsters”.

heart icons 12Another important life awareness and early memory I’ve had since age two or three years, was a time when my Mom and Dad were driving the three of us somewhere. Keep in mind that this was back in the early 1950s and baby carriers and car seats etc. didn’t exits. Because it evidently was a longer than usual drive we were taking, Mom had laid my crib mattress in the back seat of the car, covered it in blankets and surrounded it with protective pillow barricades for me. It was my own little travel “nest” in the back seat of their car.

At some point during this drive I felt a never before experienced emotion and physical body sensation that was powerful enough to cause a two-year-old to remember and recognize it for life. What I suddenly felt was an all-encompassing sense of safety, security, empowerment, peace, physical comfort, emotional comfort, spiritual comfort and HighHeart memory of and direct sensations of with Higher nonphysical HOME. It was blissful in those rare moments, those highly unusual feelings of being utterly safe, protected, nurtured, loved, LOVED, comfortable and consciously aware that I was a multidimensional being that existed simultaneously in higher and lower frequency dimensions and “realities” while being very young Denise incarnate in physicality, again.

I’m stressing how real this was on both emotional and physical levels because I, as Denise, had never felt safe, secure or comforted being reincarnate on physical 3D Earth now! The profound extremes between feeling like constant prey in the Dark physical Land of Evil Monsters, and, feeling that Divine Source had my back was a terrible, lovely, disturbing contrast, especially for a very young child. But, such are the lives, experiences and awareness of most Forerunners/Starseeds/Wayshowers/Higher Frequency Beings of Light in what’s been incomprehensibly negative and Dark for so very long.

universalheart5I’ve mentioned many times how very difficult life has been for me since early 2014, and 2015 wasn’t any improvement either but more about dealing with all the changes caused by my Mom’s sudden 2014 stroke and subsequent worsening dementia. Things, situations, places, people and ways of life have been winding up, winding down, imploding, exploding, falling away, disappearing and dying and all of it has been part of this Ascension Process. A few days ago I was reviewing the years from 2014 to now, the end of 2016, and it’s honestly been hard to grasp in its entirety. 2014 and 2015 were wild years of sudden and dramatic change and I know this isn’t remotely over yet. December 2015, the first energy “Wave” of that year began for me very differently from all previous Ascension Process years and decades. Last December 19, 2015 I suddenly felt like I had a seven foot-long spear going through my physical body at and through the upper chest area at the HighHeart. Needless to say it was amazingly painful as my HighHeart and surrounding area went through greater evolutionary changes.

I’ve often been able to clairvoyantly See the different evolutionary higher Light energies coming into this dimension and my physical body as lines of Light. Back in 1999 and the early 2000s, I could See these different lines of Light coming into my body and/or my head in very specific angles and degrees, somewhat like laser lines of evolutionary Light, that needed to enter the body and/or specific organs and chakra areas etc. in highly specific geometric angles. Some of these lines of Light would connect with another line of Light, usually at endocrine glands but not always, again in highly specific angles and directions etc. that were intentional, not random or accidental. I’m not very familiar with Chinese acupuncture and meridian lines in the human body etc., but what I’ve clairvoyantly Seen over the decades of these Ascension Process lines of Light entering my body and head have reminded me of a type of Divine geometric Light  “acupuncture” energies let’s call it, that further activates certain DNA to evolve, change and expand at specific times and so on. Said another way, these very high frequency evolutionary lines of Light enter us, our bodies and consciousness, our body “grid”, our consciousness “grid”, our emotional HighHeart “grid” so to speak, at specific angles and directions that are sixth dimensional (6D) and geometric.

So if you too have clairvoyantly Seen a line or lines of Light energies coming into your body and head at clearly defined angles and intersecting with other lines of Light, then you know that there’s a higher blueprint being followed and overlaid on and within us and we call it compressed evolution. If you can See it, it’s rather stunning in its perfection and clarity despite how often it makes us feel! Lead to Gold…

Since November 2016 I’ve had this same sensation of a seven foot-long spear (line of Light) going through my HighHeart, upper chest area of my physical body. My beloved cat partner entering his death process and suddenly dying last month didn’t make that any easier to endure and things have felt like unseen bombs have continuously gone off left and right, red and blue, light and dark ever since. Put quiet simply, it’s been really horrible in multiple ways for a long time now. Like I needed to even say that to the people reading this!🙄

universalheart5Having said all that I need to quickly add that off and on since December 2015, I’ve very much felt this growing sensation in me and my physical body that clearly lets me know that tremendous evolutionary progress is being made in between the explosions and pains of our current lives. Like my experience as a two-year-old in my little “nest” in the backseat of my parents car, I have been clearly feeling that old familiar sensation of HOME now in me, in my physical body, right here, right now.This is, from my current perspective and level of awareness, the ongoing merging of my Higher Self with my Lower Self in Denise’s physical body and incarnational timeline during this Ascension Process. Hot damn kids, we’re doing it!😀

So far to me this ongoing merging process feels like increasingly being at ease, at peace, empowered beyond belief, safe, comfortable, in love/LOVE with self and Self and Source because they are all One within me and my physical and energetic bodies and evolving consciousness. So too for you reading this but it probably feels a bit differently to you and that’s normal and to be expected.

But, if you’re also feeling a strong and constant growing inner sensation of being comfortable in your skin; of growing personal Sovereignty; of increasingly being out of range of TD and their influences; of not being able to relate to the old world or have any interest in it whatsoever other than to put it out of its misery once and for all, then you’re feeling the merging of your Higher & Lower Selves taking place IN you and your body and HighHeart. And yes it’s blissful, timeless, and yes it is crazy painful sometimes but who cares because it’s happening, for real! Higher HOME is here now—in the early stages—in many of us and it’s why there are those moments of timeless bliss and hanging with Source because Source and Self are merging and becoming One within each of us. Just imagine what reality will be like with hundreds of thousands or millions of Source-as-Self connected Sovereign human Light beings living and creating on 5D Earth.

universalheart5  All this sounds so wonderful, and it is, and yet this cusp-like, transitional between two worlds and levels of being, consciousness and reality really gets to be way too much sometimes. Off and on all year I’ve had more periods where I was so not of this world feeling and functioning that it was all I could do to go out into it and forage for groceries and toilet paper and have to actually physically speak to another human being! Off and on all year I’ve had times where I couldn’t string a sentence together well enough to communicate with a physical human. Typing is easier thank gawd but this is no way to have to exist, this half-in and half-out sort of business. This I AM Divine Source yet I still have to interact with repulsive unaware humans existing and functioning in old lower TD’s frequency range and are totally mind controlled and not to be trusted for a second. How long can this insanity and tension-filled gaping gap continue? Not long because I don’t want to do it for starters. Another big shift is close now thankfully because it’s impossible to be in bliss while driving your car or interacting with a cashier somewhere just like it’s nearly impossible to have to interact with unaware humans that honestly believe they’ve got it all figured out, are so clever and powerful and think you’re easy prey. Give me strength to be Neutral and unaffected by the silly shit in all its diverse forms…

There’s a lot going on now as we all knew there would be at the end of this third 9 energy year of completions. I’ve had to spend a lot of time almost every day laying down doing nothing and being very still while this merging continues. It will get easier but until it does, rest often, sleep whenever you need to no matter what time of day or night it is, eat what and when your body needs the fuel, be alone while this massive spiritual, energetic and physical evolution unfolds in you and your body, always move among the human zombies with Higher Awareness, and radiate your Light like crazy around the humans waking up and feeling their HighHearts birthing within them now. 2017 will be tons more of this for many more people so be ready for it and much more as best as you can.❤


December 7, 2016

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

gold thankyousmile5

heartcopyright Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is NOT given to use this article in any custom videos. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.


heartcopyright Copyright © Denise LeFay & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. Permission is NOT given to use this article in any custom videos. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Gustavo Castener – 22 Signs that you are Embodying Your High Self – 11-3-16



Gustavo Castener   –   22 Signs that you are Embodying Your High Self   –   11-3-16

Courtesy of



The Higher Self is the blissful superconscious, higher mind part of ourselves that is the expression of Divine Love, spiritual wisdom, and creative power. During spiritual awakening, our personal consciousness grows to become aware of the greater parts of ourselves.

We may feel energies, intuition and even psychic knowledge. We raise our energy vibration and spiritually purify ourselves to embody more of our Higher Self – the eternal Soul aspect of our being. Full spiritual realization and enlightenment occurs when we attain the conscious experience of blissful union with the Source of Life and all of creation. Everything is One and we are home!

1. Higher Sensory Perception

Your intuition is developing at a rapid rate. Other higher senses like clairvoyance and clairaudience can also be turned on.

These higher senses allow you to access information and wisdom that otherwise would be unavailable through the use of your rational mind.

Harmonious lucid dreaming and out of body experiences are also ways to access higher dimensional information.

2. Knowing Your Soul Purpose

With your higher senses turned on, it has become crystal clear what your Soul’s Purpose is.

Not only you know what your mission here on earth is but you are fulfilling this mission by taking action and walking your path.

Your are fulfilling your basic human needs of self-growth and contribution by being on the path of eternal self actualization and being at the service of others.

3. Meeting Your Soul Family

Your frequency has attracted you to people with whom you resonate at a soul level. When you met these individuals you felt a strong and undeniable connection with them, like if you had met them before (from a past life).

Even if they live on the other side of the world, the spiritual ties between you are so strong that years can go by and when you meet again is like no time has passed.

4. Meeting Your Twin Flame or Soul Mate

You are in a relationship with a person that highlights and enhances your best qualities. As well, this person will mirror back to you everything you need to work on yourself.

This relationship thrives on self-growth, contribution, higher giving love and fulfillment. A necessary step for the manifestation of this relationship is cutting cords of attachments and karmic ties with previous relationships.

5. Synchronicities and Accelerated Manifestations

Your connection with the universe and life is evident. Your questions are answered through synchronicities and hidden messages are easily revealed to you by the power of your higher senses.

You find messages and answers in books, nature and even random conversations. As well, you become aware of how strong and powerful your intent has become. Whatever you focus on manifests at a much faster than ever before.

6. Taking Responsibility For Your Happiness

As you embody your Higher Self you realize how powerful you are and how you co-create reality through your thoughts and emotions.

You take full responsibility for your own happiness and you stop blaming other people, the government or any other outside sources. Victimization is a thing of the past and you take full charge of your healing and evolutionary process.

7. Embracing All Emotions

You have finally transcended the spiritual bypass that some emotions are ‘bad’ or ‘negative’. Instead you embrace all e-motions and instead of repressing them you allow them to flow through you.

You can use anger for passion or motivation. You can easily empathize with others while maintaining the integrity of your field.

8. Holographic Nature of Reality

Like Rumi said ‘You are not a drop of water in an ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop of water.’

The holographic nature of reality is encoded within you and you can sense the interconnectedness of everything.

It is obvious to you that we live in a multidimensional matrix and that you have a multidimensional anatomy. You also feel very attracted to sacred geometry.

9. Alchemical and Healing Powers

Whether it’s hands on healing, soul retrieval or any other type of healing modality you have learned how to direct your intent and manipulate energy to remove energetic blockages.

You can easily connect to your Higher Self and disengage discordant energies that hinder your spiritual evolution. Often you will assist others in their healing and ascension process with your siddhis.

10. Activating Your DNA

DNA activation is the process of accreting more light into your morphogenetic field by activating the dormant strands of DNA that correspond to your Higher Self.

You have at least a 12 strand DNA template that allows 12 dimensions of consciousness. DNA activation is the key to spiritual ascension and the embodiment of your Higher Self.

It’s quite common for a person who goes through DNA activation to progressively experience all the other signs mentioned in this page.

11. Unconditional Self-Love

Your 4th strand of DNA corresponds to your heart chakra. One of the main benefits of DNA activation is being able to access and embody a state of unconditional self-love.

No longer do you feel the need to extract love from other people, instead you see yourself as an infinite source of love. A sense of wholeness begins to unfold as you love ALL aspects of yourself, including your shadow self.

12. Integrating and Transcending Your Shadow Self

Your shadow self is the part of you that is running in reverse. It is mainly made up of archetypes, personas and complexes.

Some examples are the Professional Victim Persona, the Rescuer Archetype, the Sorcerer, The Tyrant and the Absolute Perfectionist. The shadow self is what causes self-sabotage and causes you to create chaos in your life.

The shadow self is created by making decisions that are not aligned with your Higher Self and manifest as reverse codes in your DNA.

13. Frequency Resonance

As you continue to raise your frequency you notice how some people begin to fall out of your holographic reality.

You understand that your frequencies no longer match. The same can happen with your job or even your country of origin.

In turn your higher frequency attracts you to a new grid of people, places, times, things and events that are in line with your Higher Self.

14. Honest Yes and Honest No

You are not afraid of saying ‘no’ to other people when you inner guidance tells you not to do something or go somewhere. You are not afraid of other people’s reactions and you are true to yourself.

Every time you are congruent with what you want and what you don’t want you feel more powerful.

As well you embrace the art of an honest ‘yes’ when the universe delivers what you desire. You don’t try to appear ‘humble’ or ‘spiritual’ by rejecting what you truly desire in your life.

15. Harmonious Family Relationships

‘If you think you are enlightened, go spend a weekend with your family.’ Ram Dass

You have realized that enlightenment doesn’t happen in a cave. You have cleared the cords of attachments and karmic ties with your family. Gone are the days where you kept experiencing the same old family drama.

Your family members have shifted their approach to connect with you to higher ways and you accept/love them just how they are.

16. No Guilt, No Shame

Shame and guilt are the two lowest frequency energetic blockages in humanity. In order to embody your Higher Self you have let go of the identification with shame and guilt.

You have cleared the guilt and shame you inherited from your parents through the DNA and you have released the shame and guilt that has been implanted by society and religions.

Instead you choose to embrace the states of joy and bliss. You have become immune to guilt manipulating strategies often used by victims.

17. Making Decision In Line With Your Higher Self

Instead of making decisions based on fear, righteousness, competition or lack you are making decisions in line with your Higher Self and ultimately with Source-will.

You are aware of Source’s intentions: the Law of One, Unconditional Love, Cooperation, Evolution, Perpetual Motion, Cause and Effect, Non-Judgment and Free-will.

Even though we all have free-will and can ultimately go against Source-will (you’re unconditionally loved), you’re aware that making such decisions will trigger the Law of Cause and Effect and create a karmic imprint to re-mind you must heal that karmic miasm at some point.

18. Inner and Outer Abundance

Lack and limitation are a thing of the past. You have embodied a state of absolute inner abundance that is being reflected onto your holographic reality.

You no longer seek to extract love, approval and appreciation from other people, you are the source.

Happiness is within you. As well you have transcended the spiritual bypass that money is ‘evil’ and you know that money is just energy, made up of consciousness just like everything else.

You enjoy financial abundance and use this abundance to create a more harmonious reality for yourself and others.

19. Mind Unplugged From the Matrix

One sign that your mind has been unplugged from the matrix is that you can clearly see the hidden agenda of those who desire to control this planet. You no longer resonate with the news and their ‘official story’.

You inner truth detector can sense when someone is lying and you have become immune to the low frequency strategies and implants that constantly try to tell you ‘you are not enough’. Mindless consumerism and the herd mentality seem absurd to you.

20. Bye-Bye Idolatry

As you awaken to your co-creative powers and God-like nature, you no longer put other people on a pedestal.

Your inner guru precedes any external guru and you see teachers as a reflection of your own unlimited potential.

The forces of your worthiness and deservedness drive you to achieve whatever you set your mind upon. You have become the master of your own reality.

21. Overflowing with Gratitude

Gratitude is your attitude. Gratitude is your prayer. The sense of lack has become foreign to you, instead you cannot stop counting your blessings.

The feeling of gratitude multiplies whatever you have and brings you even more positive experiences.

You are even grateful for the challenges and setbacks that are inevitable in life, you can’t help to see them as opportunities for growth. And you probably have a gratitude journal.

22. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Life is meant to be fun, you know that. Being extremely rigid and disciplined suck the fun out of everything.

Even though you are adamant when it comes to working on yourself and achieving self mastery, you always allow yourself to make mistakes.

In fact making mistakes is part of the learning process. You have a great sense of humor and you don’t take yourself too seriously.

Your inner child is thriving and you often feel energized, inspired and overflowing with creativity.


Michelle Walling – Your Higher Self Is Ready To Join You (Descension) – 10-5-16



by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Guest writer,

Many of us are here in service to ground the energies of the shift into higher frequencies. In order to do this, a part of our multidimensional self needs to ground here to Earth while still being connected to the higher realms.

A part of the “work” I do is consciously connecting with my higher self, or the larger part of me that is outside of this matrix. I ask that my body be healed and cleared so that I can accommodate more of my higher self’s energies into this body. The higher self cannot merge into a low vibrating body nor can it stay if there are blockages.

I often ask my higher self to join me as much as possible while doing my meditation. I especially ask for guidance while doing my life coaching sessions, and it never fails me. I have learned to trust my higher self and most of the time it is driving my “vehicle” now without me realizing a difference, other than things seem to flow smoother when my higher self is more in the body.

There are times that the higher self retracts for a while. Lower density emotions can bring this on, however that usually happens so that you can clear out more for the higher self to bring more of its essence. At this time, I have observed many people in the In5d community exhibiting more of their higher self than their old 3d self.

The 3d self is run by the ego and is always in fear mode. That is because the 3d matrix reality uses fear and separation as the number one way to keep your vibrations low. The ego does not necessarily go away when your higher self merges with you. The ego runs the personality, but when the higher self takes the wheel, the ego takes the back seat.

While Earth is shifting, she needs beings planted on her that can stay connected to the higher realms. This keeps her from needing to have too many earthquakes or volcanoes. It also allows her to keep vibrating at a higher rate for her eventual shift from 3d to 4d and 5d in the physical. She has already shifted and separated realities on another level. We are still catching up to this in the slower densities, but it is accelerating.

If you have a sudden change in your personality, preferences, or relationships, your higher self may have walked in. Usually this would attribute to positive changes in your life. However, sometimes your higher self needs to walk in and shake things up a bit. It also likes to stop in to repair something like a relationship, especially if that relationship is necessary in your spiritual development. Some people aren’t conscious of their higher self stopping in, and that’s ok too.

If you have never thought of asking your higher self to join you, you can simply take some time to yourself and connect to your inner space. There are many ways to do this, but I like to imagine moving my consciousness (my thoughts and awareness) to inside my heart. I take a few deep breaths and ask for a connection. The connection has always been there but we have just forgotten. The more you do this, the stronger the connection gets.

Eventually, those that choose to ascend to a higher vibrational frequency will simply be their higher selves all of the time. The higher vibrational essence of their oversoul will have seated into the body and this will continue shift our reality. Everything is energy vibrating at a certain frequency, and whatever frequency you resonate at will determine what reality you tune in to. Earth’s higher self is assimilating with her, and she is supporting those who wish to vibrate away from fear and separation.. The re-connection to all that you are is now occurring and anything blocking it will be shown to you so that you can clear it.

Those that are working to integrate their multidimensional aspects are truly bringing heaven to Earth. They are building stronger bridges of connection, and when one person accomplishes this, it helps the collective. Change is inevitable in your reality as you change your vibration. If you are having a tough time right now, don’t forget that you always have guides by your side that you can count on. Be sure to utilize them by asking for adjustments to occur smoothly and painlessly.

Click here for more articles by Michelle Walling!

About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach, international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started her public career as a spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric contributing writer and Michelle is the webmaster,,,, and is the co-creator Michelle is the host of In5d’s Cosmic Awakening Show and In5d Network.
Her personal Facebook page can be found here.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – Hour With An Angel – Descension of the Higher Self – 7-28-16

Hour With Angel pic[Thanks again to Jeri for this transcription.]

Archangel Michael on The Descension of the Higher Self

Hour with an Angel, July 28, 2016

Linda Dillon                Channel for the Council of Love

Steve Beckow             Host, InLight Radio

Link to show audio.


Steve Beckow: Welcome Linda. We’ve been discussing memory loss. I’m battling that right now.

Linda Dillon: Hi, there. You know what? I think we’re all battling this sense of interdimensional slippage. Isn’t that better than memory loss? (Laughter) And I include not only all our listeners, and Suzie, but you and I, Steve. But I think that we are experiencing such a different sense of being or beingness that it’s hard. It’s almost like reaching into somebody else’s shopping cart or looking at somebody else’s shopping list to remember what it is that you wanted to say or wanted to buy. But, it’s nothing to be worried about. It’s just part of our shift.

SB: It is humbling. I find myself using words that I would have associated with people with some kind of memory difficulty. “Thingy,” for instance. “Thingy” is becoming my favorite word.

LD: “That Thingamajig?”

SB: Yeah, that thingamajig. (Laughter)

LD: That thingamajig called ascension? (Laughter)

SB: I now have a tremendous amount of sympathy for people going through memory problems. So maybe that’s what it’s all about.

LD: Maybe part of this is that as we reverse our aging process, we are actually at the baby stage where we haven’t learned human language yet and we’re so attached to where we came from, that we really don’t want to learn human language.

SB: (Laughing) Really! Oh, gosh! So, I just have to appeal to listeners for sympathy, compassion, mercy.

LD: We’re giving them the opportunity to practice their divine qualities. (Laughter)

SB: (Laughing) That’s right! Why don’t I give you some time, Linda, to make the transition and let that fellow…what’s his name? (Laughter)

Archangel Michael will be joining us and we’ll be talking about ascension. I do remember that!

LD: All those jokes, I’m sure, have to be St. Germaine’s.(Laughter)

SB: We’re going to laugh our way to ascension Linda. While you’re making your transition, I have to reinforce that my experiential floor has risen. So, now I feel very happy. And, I think Suzie mentioned this as well. So, I definitely am experiencing this gradual rise. And with that, let me introduce the Archangel who needs no introduction. Archangel Michael, welcome!

Archangel Michael: And welcome to you. Yes, I am Michael. I am Mi-Ki-El, Archangel of love, warrior of truth, bringer of peace. And I welcome all of you, all of you upon sweet Gaia and far beyond. I welcome our star brothers and sisters, all masters, all beings of light throughout the Omniverse. And with each and every one of you, as I embrace you and welcome you, I invite you as we all turn and bow and commit to the Mother. For this is the sense, the essence, and the source of our beingness, of what you have termed ‘journey,’ the infinite journey of One. And, while we come this day to speak of ascension, of shift, of becoming – understand the message that has been shared with you in many forms by the Mother herself, by Yeshua, by St. Germaine, that holy trickster, by myself and many – is about love.

We have asked and pleaded, encouraged each of you to love, to allow yourself to be love, to be the expression and to have the experience of love. But, most importantly, to be the love. For, my beloved friends and family – and by the way those words and terms are interchangeable, my family and friends – love is the essence of all. It is the structure, the particles, the composition. It is the energy of all existence, of all creation. But importantly, I am here to remind you, as we begin this conversation and discussion – because it is meant to be a conversation and discussion – that your essence, the formulation of your sacred self, is love.

You can see it. You can feel it. You can experience it. And, it is invisible at the same time. But, embrace it, my friends, because this is the truth of who you are. The love is the pattern, is the essence of the Mother, even the Father, the One, for they are conjoined. And, if you turn away, if you deny that this is your fundamental Self, then what you are denying is not only Her, but your sacred Self, your soul, your being.

Terminology, and how you have thought and delineated terminology, has in some ways become stratified. Now, we do not throw these terms away, because they are important, for they have become many of your reference points in understanding and utilizing and comprehending your own journey, let alone others’. But, we do expand on some of this terminology. Primarily, what I do this day, and every day, until the job is done, as you would put it, is I give you my love. I bring you, as messenger, with bows to my sister Gabrielle; I bring you the energy of love and I remind you of the importance and the essential nature of love.

The fulfillment of the Mother’s dream, also known as her plan, the divine plan, the divine unfoldment is the anchoring, the restoration of original form, of original plan. Yes, with many variations that we have built in to accommodate each of you. But it is the restoration of love in form upon this planet called Earth or Gaia.

Now, some of you, and do not think I don’t hear you because I do, have said, “Michael, Mi-Ki-El, and some of you have said this in a bored voice and some of you have said it in a cry of desperation, “Michael, is ascension still on? Is ascension even still an option for this lifetime, for my lifetime, for humanity, for the unfoldment and this time and this reality and this place?” The answer is yes. We will go into detail, but let us start here.

Ascension, in this phase of the Mother’s plan, in this phase of unfoldment, yes including transition, has never been more present. Now, as I have said, many variables, what you would think of as flexibility, is built into this plan because of the nature of free will – which will not be interfered with. But, let us also be clear about that. Simply because the Mother deems that we do not interfere with free will does not mean if you were recalcitrants, disinterested, or those who just choose to ignore the process, that it simply disappears, that we bow to those who do not want to participate.

That is not the truth of love. So, there are many options and adjustments that are presented. And we will get to that, but in the meanwhile, my beloved brother, Steve, where do you wish to begin?

SB: Well, there are two items of business that I’d like to accomplish in our discussion. One is to correct, if need be, my own impressions from some time ago that ascension followed the levels of enlightenment which are well known to Gaia’s sages, terrestrial sages, and I’m not any longer sure if ascension follows those chakra related enlightenments. That’s one. And the second is I’m no longer sure how the light body comes on. I’m no longer sure what the relationship is to the coming online of the light body to ascension. I’m not sure if the light body suddenly is going to blaze forth or, again, if that’s another gradual process. So those are two sets of questions that I have today for you.

AAM: Shall we begin with the process and stages of enlightenment?

SB: Please. Lord, could I just intervene for one second. I will be explaining any terms we use here in the transcript or in the footnotes to the transcript, so the reader doesn’t have to worry if they don’t catch the word that is being used.

AAM: That is all right and I will be very plain speaking. In your understandings – whether it is eastern or western, north or south – you have had delineations in terms of levels and, even in terms of the realm of human existence, twelve dimensions, twelve planes within each dimension. You have been given the construct and the understanding that one progresses step by step by step. And, the underlying or underpinning comprehension to that is that you cannot go to, say, step 24 unless you have completed 10 to 24, that this is a progression and your terminology so often used is a journey. And, I think you would all agree and even those who never listen to this program, if posed the question would agree, because do not forget, I speak to all of Gaia; that there is a sense of forward thrust.

There is a sense of progression, and that sense of progression comes from the feeling, but, more importantly, the wisdom and the knowing that all of you – and we will stick to this process of what is occurring on Earth and Gaia – all of you are in a process of forward thrust back to the Mother, Father, One, Source. So, there is this inherent sense that you want to move, move, move forward. And, in that, gain closer, higher, fuller, more intimate connection to your Self and to the all. And, that is what the journey and the process of what you think of as enlightenment is about.

There are similarities between ascension, and you may feel free to interrupt me, my brother, between ascension and enlightenment. But, understand, so often with enlightenment, the process, unless you are completely in Sahaj Samadhi, is that you are in, out, and at times separated from your abilities to fully integrate into your body. Now, in ascension, in this process of what you and we have called ascension, there is the process rather than leaving or elevating your consciousness to a level where you are connected, it is that you are coming and going at the same time.

Let me explain. You are bringing into your form – and there will be some bleed through in discussion of light bodies – but you are bringing into your form the conscious practicality, awareness of union with One. That is why we gave you the 13th Octave. It was to prepare you to be the inhabitants of your being in a level of complete union. So, let us explain, to be home with One, with Mother, Father, All, but also to be in your body.

Now is this an evolution, or perhaps what you would you think of as evolutionary jump, a quantum leap, and that is why we have used that term so often over the years? It is a quantum leap in terms of how you define what it means to be human. And, in that, the sensation, or the experience may often feel not necessarily true, but it may often feel as if you have skipped many of those previous layers or steps that we have talked about a minute ago.

But, let us explain. The ascension in many ways can be called descension. So, it is anchoring. Now, you have had this concept of separation, not only between steps and layers and processes, but in and of yourself. And, the ultimate separation, of course, is what you have called and experienced and termed death, when you have left your body. So you get to go home and to be free of this burden called the physical vessel. But this physical vessel has been so ignored, depleted, underestimated.

Let us just take a moment and talk about these beautiful bodies that you, in concert with your guides and guardians, the Mother, and many of us, yes it is a group process that you have formulated to bring to this planet and to this time of unfoldment to house this expanded energy. Far too often, and you have gotten so much better at this, but there was a tendency of always wanting to minimize, diminish, leave, float above, disconnect with your physical form. As if it were ‘lesser than’ or somehow did not serve you. It did not have your perceived purity or the grace that you wish to hold that quotient of light.

But that sense of separation from your form – which has been this magnificent gift that you have been fully engaged in and involved in the formulation – has been erroneous, has been wrong.

Let us explain why. You chose this beautiful form as the vessel that could literally hold the energy and all the changes that were going to happen to it because you are the prototype of the new race, which is the original race improved. To carry you through this ascension process, this body was intended to house the energy so that you would be the Nova being that walks this planet in fulfillment of the Mother’s wish.

In the consciousness of your soul and your connection to all of the awareness of not only who you are, but all that is. Now, this is hard because I am explaining in human words, albeit Saedor. But I am explaining in your terminology systems that you are not fully conversant or familiar with. So the paradigm has changed.

What you have been doing, because some of you have been sitting there saying, “Wait a minute. I’ve been waiting since 2012.” Well, let’s redefine that: “I’ve been waiting since the day I was born to be the fulfillment and be the truth of who I know I truly am.”

Because for each of you being born, or 90 years old, or 120, for that matter, for everybody upon the planet at this time and moment, it was an insertion. You can think of that as one of the variable adjustments that was made to you…was the awareness that you were here for this ascension, shift, elevation, leap, process. So, this yearning and knowing has always been part of what you think of as your physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, causal DNA. Otherwise, it would not exist. You have always, as human, and you have incarnated many, many times, either on or off planet, it does not matter, but you have always had this sense of returning home to One. But upon the planet at this time, whether you are born today or tomorrow or 100 years ago, you also had the key, the flag of DNA that said, “I am here to assist, participate, and be part of this ascension process.” That is why you went for it and it is why you have felt that it is something vaguely familiar. And that, my beloved friends, is also why humanity as a whole, unawake and unaware – but the souls are always aware – made the collective decision to ascend as one. That was a soul collective decision, individual and collective. And, it was a spiritually mature decision that has made the Mother and all of us so joyous.

But, we will not go into that. Let us bring you back. So, you have been going through a concerted, what we would call a concerted ascension process. Now, have you all been walking up those steps at the same rate, with the same level of enthusiasm or knowingness as everybody else? No. That is the diversity of all these beings upon the planet. But, make no mistake about it. Whether it is very slow or very rapid, all of you have been involved, engaged in this ascension process of progressing. And, think of it as several strings. Progressing from the place of I am isolated, I am separate from Source, I am angry, fearful that I have been forgotten, to a greater sense of unity and belonging.

In that has been for many of you, a sense of greater happiness and might I say joy, and a sense of belonging and heart consciousness; that you are operating, that your GPS is more clearly your heart than your head. Now, never has it been intended that we would turn off the brilliance of your brain, which is also being activated and we will talk about that, or even your ego or your delightful personality. But, this has been brought – with your work and your cooperation – being brought into balance.

At the same time, second string, is the engagement, the growing understanding, the wisdom of your multi-interdimensional self, that there is an understanding that these levels of existence, these realms of existence are more fluid than previously thought and that they can be accessed more fluidly. And that it is not a cement block wall between each dimensional reality which is what the old third, false beliefs, had taught you. So, that sense of I am stuck in this ridiculous realm called the old third, has been evaporating for you and you have had the sense of magic or alchemy or creation or bliss or sitting with the masters, an expanded sense of the qualities and the physical experience of these various dimensional realities and that it is fluid like the Mother’s ocean rather than constructed like a steel grid.

Now, you may travel upon that golden grid, it is open and free to all of you. But it is not stratified, it does not block you.

The third, and now I bleed into your other topic, Steve, into the light body. Now, many of you have been envisioning your light body as something you were escaping to. Again, it has been a sense of escape, of leaving this skin and bones behind. But, that is not the plan. Think of it in this way. It is not stepping out of your physical body into your light body. It is incorporating your light body, and how you define that word “body” into physicality. Now also, let me explain.

Your physical body, and you have felt it – most of you have felt this recently – is that your previous balance of electromagnetic has shifted to greater electric. It is not that the magnetic is gone, because this is what keeps you, your feet, on the ground. It is not just gravity, it is your own magnetism, your own forms as well. And that is the construct of most of what is on this planet. But you are holding, if you think of electrical as a greater composition of light quotient, so what your body is doing is transferring and as you are integrating all these energies, not just the frequency of these, but of all, you are becoming more within your light body.

Now your light body is not only contained by your skin, what you think of as your physical form, but your entire field. But it is not to the elimination of your physical body. And, in the assumption of what you think of as your light body, it is not departure, it is integration and anchoring. And, that you are more fluid in and of yourself with the accessing of all your fields, you are also, at the same time, allowing activations of part of your brain that have never been fully implemented, as well as your central column of DNA. So much of your potential is being activated even as we speak.

But, the biggest piece of this, all of these transitions that I am speaking of in terms of ascension, is that you are progressing. You are, as you have said, Steve, you are becoming a more joyful, loving, caring, considerate, happier with yourself, surrendering to your Self and to the All, person than you have been.

Now, that is not in any way to diminish or misspeak of who you have been. Quite the contrary, because it has all been there all the time, it is simply being brought to the forefront. But, when you look at yourself, you are seeing that you have been progressing and that this is part of your ascension process.

Now, for some of you, you say, “But I still have days when I am miserable.” And, what I say to you, my beloved friend, is on those days what is happening is the energy from the Tsunami of One and your own light infusion is bringing to the forefront core issues, vasanas, unresolved situations. Simply that it may be looked at and very rapidly let go of. Because there is no room in your sphere, in your being for that negativity, for that which is barring you from that full connection to who you are.

Now, let me pause there and you may proceed, Steve.

SB: Thank you. You certainly set the scene and introduced the characters and now I’d like to know something about the plot of the play. What are the stages of ascension that we’re going to be going through in the near future, in the middle-term future, longer-term future, that we can call ascension? When is the ascension process finished? Is it finished upon Sahaj Samadhi, which is our natural state? Or, is it finished at an earlier stage. Can you tell us about what to expect in the future?

AAM: Yes. Now, also let me tease you and remind you as I have said before and that the channel always laughs at. There is always more. So, with that in mind, take a moment and think of, for some of you, the dismay that you felt when you did not ‘graduate’ in December 2012. And, now, my beloveds, think of where you are this day and how far you have come. Because, it is vitally important in this process, in the unfoldment of the plot and the story, that you realize that you have always been part of the story and that it is actually a live play, perhaps in London or Broadway or Beijing, and you have all been players on the stage.

And so, it is not that you have not been participating. You have been participating beautifully. And, I say this because too often you do not receive or really hear us when we praise you for the work you really have done. You have persevered. You have practiced fortitude. But in all of that, your patience and impatience, you have allowed the expansion of your framework and the joy and the love and the trust and the peace to sneak in.

So, to this we say, “Bravo! And Encore!” Because immediately, and that is why we are having these conversations with you, not only to reassure you ascension is still on, it is on right now. And so there are many bravos and encores right now. I am not talking about next year. I am talking about this week, next week, next month.

What to expect. We are in sacred partnership. Some of you will say to me, “But, Michael, I don’t meditate.” My beloved friends, whether you are portal or gatekeeper or wayshower or path finder, all of humanity, but especially you, you who are light workers and love holders, why have we even distinguished you as such? Why have we pleaded to you to let go of pettiness and unite in heart? Because the expansion that you are undergoing, that you are welcoming, that you are surrendering to is vital for the health and ascension of the collective. I know we have said this before, but heed what I say today.

Prayer, meditation and what you can think of as ritual: When you say to me, “I don’t do ritual, Michael,” might I suggest to you when you put on your shoes, when you put on your clothes, why do you not make a ritual saying, “These are my ascension shoes. These are my shoes that let me walk on air, clouds, water?” When you put on your clothes, why do you not make a ritual saying, “This is my ascension outfit. This is my joy clothes?” A ritual, if done with clear heart intent, does not need to be incense and candles. It is you declaring to the Mother, Father, One, All, all of us, saying, “I’m ready.”

And, when you make that declaration, when you formulate that declaration, not only are you participating in our, in the Mother’s, in your creation process, you are eliminating all those nagging doubts. What sages have said, the millions of things that you think are undone, all the unmet desires, all the addictions, all the distractions, you have just said, “No,” to them. So, in your sacred ritual of setting intention, you are saying “Yes,” to the forward thrust of you.

Ritual, prayer, and yes, meditation: You say to me, as many of you do, “Michael, I do not meditate.” Nova being, meditate. No if’s, and’s, or but’s.

Now, what does this mean? Does it mean that you are sitting in a temple with your legs crossed, in proper position? For some of you, it does. But, let me also be clear on this, your temple is your body, your expanded body, all of your bodies. That is your sacred space. And it is inviolate. It cannot be intruded upon.

When you sit, walk, lie, occupy your sacred space, beginning or ending – preferably both – with a prayer, a prayer of your heart, not necessarily formulated by some religion that wishes to control you. But, when you sit in your sacred space, in the silence of your being, what you are declaring, your actions, your intention, is the willingness to receive.

That is one of the wonderful functions that your sleep accomplishes. That is when many of the attunements and adjustments – the increase in your frequency – is taking place, because it can be a dizzying affair.

Many of you have been waking up with night sweats or feeling like you have your finger in the light socket. That is when we are working with you. But, this sense of meditation, of your willingness, rather than saying, “No, I don’t do that,” your willingness to sit in your sacred self and receive. And what do you receive, because you have asked what the plot is. You receive an influx of love.

What happens, if you think of your own tri-flame, of that blossom within your heart is growing and growing and expanding until it fills your entire sacred space. And then, it grows outward.

This is your next step: Fill your sacred space, which many of you do every day. And, then let it surrender to allow it to keep going. I have said to you many times that your field has expanded enormously until you are part of, with, the universe.

Now, you say, “I can’t comprehend that.” You don’t need to comprehend it. You are in sacred partnership. We are all children of the Mother, of the love. So, what you are doing is expanding into that love. Then you come back. You can use your prayer of thanksgiving as a grounding tool.

Now, why are we suggesting this as part of your ascension? Because we are asking, requesting, inviting your participation because, yes, you are the wayshowers. Do not worry that you say you come back and you feel spacy. That you cannot string two words together. Simply anchor, connect with Gaia. Drink water or eat fruit and allow that sense of being in your form, this body, to return and then proceed.

With each expansion, and there will be many, what you will feel is a greater sense of connection and well-being. Now, your ascension, human ascension, at this time on this planet in this part of the Mother’s plan, is not for you to join in this form of Samadhi and to simply stay there and leave your body. You will always be coming back. This is part of the process. This is part of that ‘becoming’ that you’ve been asking. Each of you are in various states, different steps on this pyramid in your process. It matters not.

What you might do, is if you find yourself on these steps, is turn around and extend your hand backward and assist those coming behind you and help them up. And, do not hesitate to extend your other hand forward and allow those who are ahead of you to give you a little helping hand. This is not an exclusionary process.

Now, how long does this take? You are already in it but, on the one hand it feels like there is a great deal of chaos. That is simply clearing of the debris we have spoken of. Your job, your ascension, is to stay in the sacred space and allow these expansions. You have asked, Steve, does this become the fullness of what ascension is. The answer is no. Then you ‘become.’ It is a process.

There is a moment of what you think of as flipping the switch. We have spoken very briefly of this. Where humanity, those upon the planet, how will I put this, that you are being brought to a level playing field that nova being, that yes, to use your term Suzanne, the hundredth monkey has been reached. Now, let me also say at that point, and this is why there have been these increases, is that you have been reaching that level of the hundredth monkey again and again. And that has infiltrated and activated and attuned many upon the planet.

So, it is not just us assisting you, it is you assisting you as well, you the collective. At this point, which occurs roughly in the Fall, late Fall, there is a time, and you are seeing it increasingly, but this is the level playing field I was talking about, when many choose to depart. Simply because of that free will factor. That they are simply returning home. It is neither here nor there. Upon your planet everyday hundreds of thousands, millions die, some very quietly, some dramatically, each in fulfillment of their wishes, their mission and purpose.

For some, yes sadly, it will not be the fulfillment originally envisioned, because all upon the planet have chosen to be here for this miracle. But, such is the journey of self. And they will be welcomed home with wide-open arms.

But, to use your term, Steve, it is the establishment of a new baseline of what it means to be human, what it means to be spirit and soul in form. And in that wisdom and knowing, there is a transition phase that we have spoken of, of adjustment. But does that mean that the journey stops? No. There is continued expansion and that is why you have called it and we have called it a golden age.

It is an age of expansion of being in the golden radius of love, of wisdom. So, it does not stop. You might think that you would call this becoming a race of super humans. What we would call it is becoming a race of humans. Does this even begin to answer your questions?

SB: It definitely does. It is certainly the beginning of the answer to many, many questions about ascension, which we try to jam into the confines of an hour. And, sometimes don’t succeed, often don’t because of the topic is so large. We have reached the end of that hour, Lord. And, I’d like to give you the opportunity to say any closing words you’d like. And, then we will have to bring down the curtain.

AAM: Oh, but it is a curtain. But, there will be another act tomorrow. Do not worry.

SB: (Laughter) Yes, and refreshments.

AAM: Yes, the show must go on. And it is, because this is why I am encouraging you. It is not just seeking ascension. It is being ascension. It is the trust, the faith, the knowing, the love that you are in your process. And, when those issues come to the forefront, pass them to me, pass them to my sister, pass them to the Mother, it matters not. But pass them on, because they only come up so that you can wave goodbye. And stay, my beloveds, in your sacred space. Be the love. We will continue this conversation, my friends.

SB: Thank you very much Lord.

AAM: Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

©2016 Council of Love, Inc.


This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.

“Transcript ~ Archangel Michael on The Descension of the Higher Self, July 28, 2016,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at

LISA TRANSCENDANCE BROWN – Soul Embodiment – The Restoration of Our Original Body Template – Rose Rambles dotorg – 7-29-16



We’ve had 2 tones in the last few minutes, telling us we are going HIGHER in frequency now. We had StarGate activity upon waking an it continues subtly/strongly now. Very soft frequencies, yet very high and increasing more as we go….

Last night we had some new frequencies too… and I’ve not had a chance to write yet on the magnitude of these Embodiment Frequencies and the Soul anchoring/integrating all aspects fully in the cellular body…the correlation to activating our higher self, working to integrate over the years, descension of our higher selves in our physical body structure and the deep profound soul integration going on since reaching the Galactic Core in December 2015 and the depths of how we function and exist increasing substantially each month since then, for this immense embodiment phase, requiring more alone time in a very huge and pivotal way….

A packed schedule, I write as often as I can. So many live events, courses and working one-on-one/in groups with those investing all that they now are too. It’s beyond beautiful indeed! I am also taking more “me-time” where I can too, to honor my own profound integration process of my own soul… there are no words to describe this experience and how all is culminating as we proceed into merging the depths of our core existences and the purity of our NEW Earth EXISTENCE here, relationships, purposes, roles and the profound affect on our physical as our higher-consciousness-realities materialize faster in physical form for all now.

The heavy duty clearings, cleansings and re-programming over many years…. the restoration of our original body template (mine over a year ago), the activation of galactic schematics, genetic re-coding, the implementation/integration of our Diamond Light Encoded Template Overlay …. such a deep, sacred and profound experience this is…..

As previously unconscious collectives now awaken to confusion and chaos to open their hearts fully in order to move each further into full consciousness for their own realities, those who have dedicated everything/all of their energy & physical world things to being in-service now move into much higher frequencies of existence too. More deep peace, more love, more awesomeness and magical everything continues to come forth. We’ve gone to the depth of our own separation and “darkness” to transcend the separation from self as SOURCE from within. Now, the physical body just continues to upgrade, clear physical density, release the energy of all held cellularly at an exponential rate, while we fulfill missions/dreams/desires in-service here.


Courtesy of


Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Guide, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Mastery & The Embodiment of Light ∞

Polona Aurea Dawn – Ascension and Descension – The Sacred Dance of Divine Synchronicity – 2-22-16

 Polona Aurea Dawn Somrak's photo.


Dear Ones!

We are celebrating the Full Moon in Virgo-Pisces polarity, which reveals to us many deeply hidden spiritual Truths, as we are also beginning to understand and know that what is real in front of us is just as real as that which we know the Truth of Spirit. There is no separation between that, the only thing that is keeping us apart from this knowing are the many layers and veils that prevent us to clearly see and witness Truth just as it Is. For us to clear our pathway as Ascension Pioneers, we need to go through many layers and levels of the unveiling process, and this current Full Moon has the capacity to break down many different barriers between us and perceiving Spirit in form just as real as it Is in the spiritual Truth of non physicality.

There are still many Beings that are polarizing their spiritual experience, moving from one extreme to the other, and this Full Moon has the strongest capacity to merge the gaps that we have falsely co-created as the abyss between Spirit and the world of matter. As we are ascending and evolving, we are beginning to bridge those gap and fill up the crevices that we have created all on our own as a part of a much greater Group Soul agreement. We are doing this work of Light remembrance and refinement separately and together simultaneously. What we know as our multidimensional mission and Ascension is not always most easy to understand in a linear Human fashion. Our mind tries to grasp at such concepts, and yet no profound results ever come from it, only to leave the door of Truth open … to unveil greater Mysteries of the Divine. The Divine is a Mystery, period. That it shall remain, and that is why the infinite and eternal Life in Creation is so brilliantly fascinating to all of us, either consciously or subconsciously.

In order for us to understand earthly Ascension, we need to know the nature of multidimensional Ascension and vice versa. We are doing this bit by bit, layer by layer, as too much too soon would be too much for most of us, and it would also not be as interesting as it it through our chosen unfolding. In order for us to truly understand the Human nature of current consciousness evolution, we need to go through it ourselves, and no ascending Soul is left out of this game. We go through periods of intense and profound awakening, ascension and descension, ups and downs, as we learn to unveil and dismantle, release and integrate. This is how we are doing it on a Human level as well as our Divine Self, which are both merging on multidimensional levels of our personal and collective experience of Ascension. Ascension is a deeply spiritual transformation, and yet it’s a physical process just as well. It’s when our magnetism meets electricity, and together they co-create chemistry!

As we are growing, expanding and evolving, we are being met with many various relationships which trigger us, push our buttons and make us expand beyond the norm, beyond the currently known and embodied. They are the biggest catalysts for our Soul integration and embodiment, so therefore it’s deeply important to connect to like minds, no matter how young or old we are. As Ascension Pioneers, we are here to guide a very specific group of beings who are all volunteer Souls. We guide each other the most by sharing our experiences with each other through deep intimacy and understanding of Soul.

We are here to help the shift in transition to New Earth consciousness, a new ascending reality. These ascending Souls often plan a very challenging lifetime or beginning of the awakening journey for themselves, in order to have both experiences, the Divine and Human, all so that eventually they can fully unify from within and merge both aspects of Creation as One, for there truly is no separation. We are to take our journey and experience as totally perfect, for they know no mistakes, with everything always being guided, no regrets. There are certain experiences one simply must go through in order to have a better understanding of how things function in the earthly reality, to understand and expand the current Human evolution on all levels, from spiritual, mental, emotional and physical, rooting deeply into the causal, stellar and Galactic … always from above and beyond!

Everything we experience is a Soul agreement. Therefore it’s important to understand the process of physical Ascension, which is staying here on this plane of reality, in order to assist and serve Humanity and the planet in this transition. It is not about going somewhere else for these Souls, for it’s all about staying here and walking our mission by remembering what it is. For most, it’s simply becoming the highest most activated version of ourselves so that we can spread those Light codes of Joy and enlightened Presence by radiating them. In order for us to do so in a physical body, we must first embrace all of the fears and limitations of the Human body and experience. So that is why Ascension happens in stages. First stage is awakening and going “up”, remembering these Divine gifts and Higher Self communication, being mostly vertical and remembering that pure Divine connection.

The second stage is “moving down”, which means descending so that we move that Light into every fragment of the Human experience. And this requires patience, trust and higher understanding, which is Self compassion. The third process is merging both, the up and down, feminine and masculine, above and below, to create the “beyond” … which is transcending the current evolutionary state and becoming a New Divine ascended Human in a neutralized polarity Essence of Unity consciousness. That summons it up in a nutshell. So as we live your life day by day, we simply take notice and observe where we currently are in awareness and where our Life force wants to move and what it wants to expand into. We are asked to be in meditative presence, make notes and journal about our experience, speaking to both our Divine and Human consciousness without separation, as both experiences as merging and unifying. We are becoming our Higher Self, it’s no longer perceived as something outside of us.

Just as we enter into different stages of our evolution, so do our relationships reflect that as well. Every relationship has the power to show us where we currently reside in our awareness and what within us wants to naturally expand, so that we can embrace more, become more … until we are nothing but pure Love in Human form. We are currently in a “surrendering” stage of our Self Reunion, which means that we are beginning to feel so humbled by our Human experience that we want nothing else but to embrace the totality of it in every way humanly possible. This means no exceptions and exclusion s. We want it all, and we want it Now! We are no longer feeling our Human experience to be any lower than anything else we may feel in deep Spirit Presence, for we know that it’s born of our Spirit and then it becomes a beautiful form, waiting and longing for more Love, more refinement. Love truly does heal, for Love is the cause of all that was perceived as not healed/whole, and therefore is unlocks the Gates to all that always was whole and complete.

So as we change and evolve, we will notice our ascending relationships do so as well. We are evolving so much, and therefore we no longer witness our relationships as linear, we don’t see people simply as coming and going, appearing and leaving our stage of Ascension. They are ascending along with us, even if they seem to be on their own apparent timelines and have a consciousness of their own, which they truly do. Human relations are and always will remain a mystery. We are not here to finally “get it” or solve them via our Human rational mind. We are here to simply witness them in all their glory, magic and mystery … to be in awe and totally inspired by them, whether we consider them positive or negative at a certain point in our life. They are leaving and coming back, unfolding, blossoming, leaving, separating, coming back for more, unifying and dissolving, integrating and disintegrating, which is a total Divine perfection of Human imperfection.

So as we embrace this knowing, we are ready to release what we currently felt was true about the nature of relating and living our relationships. The more we ascend, the more we also descend, for these are two sides of the same coin. As we do so, we witness the nature of our relationships in such a mysterious way, and we more so than ever before feel them as the reflection of Great Divine archetypes, some of egoic separation and some of Great enlightened Presence and Divine archetypes. These are all to be witnessed for what they are, not what we wish them to be, and from there on a new journey of relating in our Divine Humanness can begin!

Our multidimensionality is making love to our linear concepts and all that we used to know and perceived as “right” we can Now see as random acts of “spiritual ego” in play. We know only for each segment of the journey and no more than that, as well as we also know deep spiritual concepts, and yet … we know nothing at all simultaneously. To know and not know are dancing with each other, the sacred dance of Divine synchronicity as we are embracing so much more than we ever thought possible in our New Human Self, the Homo Luminous! We are the Miracle of Life itself! Our Life is not just this lifetime, and we are everlasting in so many endless ways!

And so as New Humans we tend to grow in Love, and that is what all of our journeys are all about. To be so thirsty for Love that it truly has the power to bring us to our knees … to humble us to see and feel all Life as so sacred, so pure and holy! As we understand this process, we naturally heal by embracing this awareness in stages and layers of your Human evolution. And so, this journey is very precious and special. May feeling this help You on every stage of where You are at, and remember that everyone is perfectly designed by your Soul, whether You are consciously aware of it or not. Our abundant nature is born from our frequency and as we raise it more shall be revealed and more will blossom!

Get ready and be prepared!

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22 Signs That You Are Embodying Your Higher Self


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How do you know you are embodying your Higher Self? Learn the 22 signs that you are embodying your Higher Self and discover how much spiritual progress you’ve made so far.…

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Jesus via Meline Lafont – The Descending of the I AM Presence – 12-22-14

jesus10072014_00000Message from Jesus

Question: “Is the descent of the I AM Presence (in biblical lore known as the ‘Glorification on the Mountain) the same or somewhat comparable to the process you underwent on Mountain Sinai where you became a glorious lightbeing in front of two friends who witnessed it all?”

Answer: My dear child, I Am Jesus and I talk to you now from the heart of Love and through the unconditional Love. I Am your brother, your son, your teacher, your enlightener, your guide… I am you and you are me into infinity. It is my delight to talk more extensively about the descent of the I AM Presence which is closely linked to your own enlightenment and to your awakening on a pure, enlightened level.

The moment that your I AM Presence makes itself known to you and starts the process of his/her return towards your Earthly form and aspect, the physical spirit is in a state of consciousness that enables the recollection of everything into the unity that you are. This recollection boils down to a certain reblending of all your Earthly aspects and your Galactic aspects with your higher Light and with your essence, which is your I AM Presence, the highest degree and essence of your existence.

When the descent is in its early stages, all possible shapes and creations of the ego aspect of your Earthly Being have to be transmuted and eliminated completely before your I AM Presence can take back its rightful place because a very pure state of consciousness is a prerequisite whereby all possible thoughts and density, everything pertaining to the ego and stealth are fully removed from your energy fields and from your embodiment. They no longer remain as an intrinsic part of them. This is the phase in which many of you find themselves now and where you appear to always go through as the confrontations with the ego part of the Self and of another you, is in its full procession,

The enlightenment that I experienced in a previous life and that I have shown on Mount Sinai is indeed a process that is comparable to what you are now going through as it will provide an enormous enlightenment on an inner level and also on an outer level through your physical body. You are radiating such purety where no single thought can exist in nor can it be formed. It is a pure state of Being which accepts, becomes and then radiates out the purity of the Light of your Being. You are becoming pure Light of consciousness in your Earthly shape which will gradually transmute your embodiment into Light.

The descent of the I AM Presence is the purity, it is your pure enlightened state that you embody, that you shape and that you are and you are going to reflect and radiate that in front of others. Be aware that this implies a very deep and intense process which requires a lot of time and adjustments for your physical body. However, once that you are that pure state of consciousness again you are able to radiate it in the blink of an eye and you can transform your physical body into your descended I AM Presence and you can remain in that state if you so choose.

I have just described the process that many of you are now up against and going through. It will entail many challenges in order to convert all the old familiar, obsolete levels of consciousness into a more thoughtless state of Being. It requires a lot of patience and adaptations to reach that certain state of Being without ego involvement, without thoughts, without expectations and even without words ; a state of Being where you just ARE.

Everything IS, no implications and no analysis of what something or someone is. There is only a way of Being that takes on the expression in his/her consciousness and that shapes you to who you now are in this Eartly form and beyond. The all-embracing key of this message is that each and everyone of you is a frequency of Being which vibrates with each one’s variation of expressions and creations.

The key to reaching this state of Being is to discard everything you have ever created, clearing the way energetically to where it once came from. To Be implies a state of consciousness where everything and everyone simultaneously radiates and vibrates identically the same. So dare to let go, dare to throw all overboard, even the most pleasant, comfortable ideas, feelings, patterns and creations. Dare to just Be and nothing else and this will facilitate the descent of your I AM Presence into your state of consciousness.

My turning into a Lightbeing on Mount Sinai was the completion of the descent of my I AM Presence where I reached a unity and where the creation of the individual and the embodiment no longer were necessary. This process awaits each and everyone of you in your own specific Divine Timing. Let’s start with the first steps that are the integration of your highest consciousness and your original state of being, which is your I AM Presence.

Steps 1 and 2 of integration and activation respectively are now taking place and this has everything to do with the descent of the I AM Presence, which is moving into your subconsciousness but also in the Etheric embodiment of yours, namely the level of the spiritual body, the outer level of your etheric layer around your physical form. This process will move quickly into the other levels as well reaching your physical embodiment.

Gradually you will begin to dwell more and more in a state of continual bliss and in a frequency of Love but simultaneously you will have the urge to disconnect yourself more and more from large crowds of people and from the disturbances still prevalent on this planet. By all means withdraw yourself when you feel the need to and do not get distracted from your heart center.

Being compassionate doesn’t mean that you have to go along in a situation thereby feeding it; quite the contrary. Being compassionate sees every human and soul as an intrinsic part of his/herself where you have feelings for and share love with. Consider each other as real brothers and sisters for that is exactly what you are. We were all born from the All That Is, so we all have the same mother and father to use an Earthly analogy.

I Am Jesus and I feel unconditional Love for all of you.

Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered and

Crystalai Blog – The Return To The Divine State – Ascension, Descension – 6-21-14

Divine Self

Image Source




We were all originally created in the image and likeness of God Source.

We are the immortal original Divine Ones.

We find this divine self as we return our physical into oneness with our spiritual selves.

We each have a parallel spiritual body.

That spiritual body is being returned to us at this time.

The return of the spiritual body requires the Sound Frequencies that carry the Music of the Mind of God.

We must re attune our bodies into the melody of the Divine One.

We are being given this opportunity to attune to the Full Spectrum of Light and Sound

and become the 5D MultiDimensional Selves that we were before the Fall of Atlantis.

The Window of Opportunity is 2017-2022.

It is our divine right and our divine priviledge to become prepared for this opportunity.

The frequency music on this website is the preparation for this time.

The audio recordings on Return to our Divine State explain the history

and the future of the Divine Plan the PROMISE OF THE PERFECT KINGDOM.

I describe the exact event that caused our Guardian Race to place us in Quarantine 12,000 years ago.

I then describe how the Polarity is being removed between our Physical Bodies and our Spiritual Bodies.

I talk about the problems that caused the need for the Quarantine,

how it is being corrected and how we play such a huge part in the ascension.

Each one of us is a part of the ascension process.


I explain how we tune in to our future self frequencies.

Our only possible future is the future that we tune in to.

If we keep remaking our present reality, the future will just be the same as the past and the present.

We must tune in to our future reality.

That future is the Spiritual Template that was stored in the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.

That is the Template of our Future Self- our True Divine Self.

We can learn how to morph into that Future Divine Self

through the Meditations and Frequencies in Crystal Core Domain

and Suns Portal to Source, Ascending Light Body.

The frequencies that are obtained through all of these alignments

are the same frequencies that I collect in the alignment with each individual’s Divine Template

that was stored in this Divine Portal that is being returned to us.

That is how I create the Eternal Life Albums.

There are many steps to this process of realignment.

We must tune in to our template within the Earth’s Heart and within Sun Alcyone’s photon belt.

We must tune in to our Water Body, our Plasma Body, our StarDust Body,

we must learn to align with the Aurora Fields to regain our Angel Wings.

We can also learn to use the Codes of Manifestation to help this alignment.

Everything we need to know about the problem and the solution

of removing Duality is outlined in this Four Hour Audio File.

There will be more details added in the future audio files.

I explain everything that needs to be known about communicating

with the Individual’s Ascension Master Teams.

I explain why the dreams occur during the ascension process and what they mean.

I explain other physical problems caused from ascension,

such as the melting of the seals in the Pineal Gland,

and why these are being reported by doctors as calcium deposits or the Pineal Gland wrapped in an orb of water.

These are just natural ascension symptoms,

and there is no doctor that will diagnose these symptoms correctly except for me–Dr. Angela Barnett.

There are many ascension symptoms related to the seals melting in the head and in the heart area,

the 15 degree alignment caused a very long period of back aches as our spine was actually realigning.

There were many hormonal problems created by the change of chemistry within the body.

Our blood has actually been changed into a new crystalline structure.

The hormonal problems have resulted in problems in the kidneys, bladdar and sexual areas in the body.

These are Ascension Symptoms.

The feelings of going crazy and being confused and uncertain

are a result of us going through CULTURE SHOCK of entering into a New Reality

that we have never experienced before.

These problems are most accute in Indigos and Angelic Humans.

Most regular people just think they are experience their normal day to day stress

and need to go to the doctor for weekly problems.

The Indigos get hit the hardest because we are preparing the path for the Angelic Humans.

The Angelic Humans have a very difficult time as well in the adjustment period.

The process of having our Spiritual Body actually walk into our Physical Body

creates tiredness and dizziness because of the higher frequencies being a slower rate of spin.

The sleepy feeling is also a result of the Ascension Teams wanting to take the body in for surgery.

Yes, we are actually having Light and Sound Surgery performed on our bodies

at night and sometimes in the daytime.

I also include several meditations between the readings,

so that you can experience the journey that the body goes through

to activate the dimensional frequencies and to bring in the stardust,

liquid light energy, electo plasma that melts the seals and activates the DNA

by watering the lotus blossoms in each chakra area with liquid light and sun’s plasma energy.

The Return to Divine State includes over

1. Return to Divine Self 2. Returning to Divine State 3. Future Self Frequencies

4. Meet your Merkaba 5. Crystal Star Merkaba 6. Quarantine Fence

7. Removal of Polarity 8. Crystal Core Domain 9. Suns Portal to Source

10. Ascending to Light Body 11. Spheres of Oneness 12. Restoring Water Body

13. Connecting Consciousness with Ascension Team 14. Neutron Body 15.

Helium Ignition 16. Codes of Manifestation 17.

Realignment New audio recordings for those who prefer to listen rather than read.

I’m will be putting two sets of audio recordings out for sale this week and next week.

THE RETURN TO THE DIVINE STATE is a set of Four Hours of audio recordings

that give an overview of the process that we are presently going through

as we prepare to Ascend into Terra Firma.

The recordings give every detail of the reason for this accelerated ascension process that we are going through.

I talk in great detail about how all of the frequencies that I record

align with all of the specific alignments of the portal from Earth’s Crystal Heart to Sun Alcyone

in order to prepare this portal for activation in 2017.

The process of this alignment can be experienced in the Frequency Meditation, Sun’s Portal to Source.

The return of the Portal through Sun Alcyone,

has to do with the Quarantine placed on Earth 12,000 years ago,

and how the Frequency Fence is being removed now and will be removed by 2017.

This will lead to the removal of polarity on all levels of the spiritual and physical, matter and ante matter.

The meditations are the journies that I take in consciousness

when I am collecting the frequencies into my Merkaba

and then bringing them back into my crystal heart

before I exhale them onto your Eternal Life Album.

Indigo 3’s have the hardest life on Earth,

but the easiest codes for walking between both worlds-

meaning easy to activate your 5DNA in 2017.

Read more:
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Caroline Aguiar – Integration of Our Soul Self – 2-18-14


By Caroline Aguiar | Thanks to the Galactic Free Press.

We’ve heard much about the process of integration with ones souls self, and how at this time, different  aspects of our soul, our Higher Selves, are returning to integrate with us so we may continue our ascension with more information about the truth of who we are, and our mission here at this time.

Many people are experiencing re-integration with their Higher Self.  Perhaps this is why we are also experiencing a flood of memories, also known as life reviews, because it’s these life reviews which put two and two together, and enable us to see the correlation between significant life experiences from our past to those which are occurring now.

Many people, myself included, have also experienced a deepening need for solitude, and contemplation.  This is when we quietly go within our heart center in search of balance, and this is where we are able to BE with our True Self.

BEing is extremely important in order for the integration process to occur because it doesn’t happen in an instant, or overnight.  The integration of our Higher Self is a slow process.  It’s one which brings forth significant physical, emotional, and spiritual changes within our bodies.  The time for BEing is when we connect with our Higher Self as it gently merges with our Soul Body.  Some may look upon this as a rapid bolt of lightning which shoots across the sky, but actually it’s gentle, subtle, and ongoing. It’s a process which stimulates our memories, and our knowing, as to the divine truth of who we are.

When I am BEing, I feel the presence of my Higher Self within my body, and in my heart.  Although my consciousness deepens to still point, I’m aware of sounds, and movement around me.  My body feels pleasantly relaxed, as if I were falling into a deep sleep while I feel myself drifting somewhere between wakefulness, and the dream time.

Depending on what I’m feeling, or if a thought comes to mind, I silently ask, and more learning takes place as my Higher Self assists me with  answers which will give me further understanding, and growth.  It’s at these times of BEing, when many conversations take place.  It’s when I’m in my heart center that I connect with my truth, and I understand.

It wasn’t until recently I discovered no matter how overwhelming people around me, or the world may become,  my heart center is the one place I can go to for comfort, and peace.  This is where I  connect with my Higher Self on a deep soul level, and I’m instantly brought back to center.  I simply switch my consciousness to this area, while warmth, and love radiate from within my heart.  Suddenly, from BEing, my energy is renewed, and I’m ready to carry on again.

Our Higher Self, and our True Self, are the same. While living in the world of duality, and illusion we’ve become detached from our truth.  As the integration process unfolds, we’re brought back into contact with our truth because our Higher Self/True Self brings with it the information we need to fully comprehend who we are.  As our Higher Self integrates with our Soul body, our truth emerges.  This is when captivity within the illusion begins to dissipate.  It’s like watching the sunrise on an early Spring morning.  Night is still present, but as the sun rises, slow, and gradual, more light begins to emerge, brightening the day until suddenly, everything is illuminated, and we see clearly again.

The process of integration with our Higher Self is slow, and gradual, like the rising sun.  There is great truth in every moment of BEing, and for this reason we’re encouraged to go within on a daily basis, and BE.  We’re urged to connect with our True Self everyday.

This is also why we need to slow down so we can take time for solace during our day instead of rushing through our daily routine.  Before we know it the day is over, and while in the midst of our rush to DO, perhaps we missed a great opportunity to BE.  Although difficult, I’m learning to take better care of myself, and this means allowing for time to BE during my day instead of rushing about, and DOing all the time.  This also means setting loving boundaries for myself so that I can do this without losing myself in the rush.

Integration with our Higher Self will bring forth great truths about who we are, and why we’re here at this amazing time in history; the ascension of our planet.  As we integrate with our truth, we continue to learn, and to grow.  We will also become better equipped to embrace our mission, if we havent done so already.  We are all participants in this great event, if we wholeheartedly chose this with all of our BEing, and truth.

Copyright © Caroline Aguiar. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: