MICHELLE WALLING – 11.11 PORTAL – High Magick, Manifestation, Mandela Effect – by In5D – 11-11-16



by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Guest writer, In5D.com

This is an urgent message for all those who know they are here to bring in a new reality to Earth! Read this article in its entirety as soon as possible, as it has time sensitive information pertaining to the 11.11 portal, the result of the shocking U.S. election, and our new jobs as co-creators of a new reality.

Attention wayshowers, lightworkers, game masters, psychics, time travelers, starseeds, indigos, magicians, gods, and goddesses! This article and the three videos are presented for your understanding of the most powerful 11.11 portal we will have experienced in this lifetime. I will also share with you my findings of what you can do on Nov. 11, 2016 to continue to bring about the new reality that all of us have hoped for.

I have experienced a bizarre and jaw dropping day today, Nov. 10. I have time traveled, jumped timelines, and witnessed magic since leaving the house early this morning. I will not go into each and every detail and synchronicitybecause I need to immediately share the importance of the 11.11 portal but I will share a few things so that you know how serious I am about this. In short, I have seen evidence of our reality morphing very fast now, and when this happens it shows that manifestation abilities are at an all time high.

Today I watched my breakfast sandwich morph from having no egg on it one moment, only to be handed back to me in an instant proving that there was egg on it after all. I literally sat with my mouth open and wondered what the hell just happened. The Mandela Effect proved itself right before my very eyes, showing that we are shifting timelines and portals are opening for manifestation and change in our reality.

As I was trying to leave Florida to visit my family in Texas, I never made it out of Florida. I was listening to Barbara Marciniak’s “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” video, and after reaching I-10 in Florida, I drove 2 hours west and then found myself re-tracing my steps, heading east after stopping to get gas. Before I realized what had happened, I lost 4 hours of time when I finally saw that I was back where I had already been. After analyzing what had just happened and realizing the importance of the next day, Nov. 11, I decided to continue to drive back toward home in Florida after all because of the importance of what the 11.11 portal was all about.

After hearing all of  Barbara’s “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library“, which had me all wired up full of energy and ideas, I was led to look at my new You Tube videos. The very first video was from Magenta Pixie. When I listened to it, it all came clear as to why I had to go back home for the 11.11 portal. Magenta has two videos out about the 11.11.

Here is Magenta’s first 11.11 video, published yesterday:

In November of 2016 we are moving through a series of “critical mass node points”, also known as stargates. We will move into one of these stargates on the 11th of November, due to the frequencies of oneness. This is called the 11.11 stargate, and occurs on November 11 at 11:11 am or pm, (or truly any time of the day on November 11). “The significance of the 11.11 runs deep and is multi leveled” according to Magenta.

I recently wrote an article called “What Does The 11:11 Repetition Mean To You?”, which I was drawn to share just two weeks ago that shares some significance of the 11 repetition. At the time I wrote it, I wasn’t even thinking of November 11 but now I see the significance of the master number explanation.

11.11 is a special stargate because it is a precursor to the 12-21-16 stargate at the winter solstice, which will bring into fruition what you wished to manifest on the 11.11. This is huge after a big shift in the collective consciousness like the one we just witnessed where we had the election surprise because it gives the manifestation a huge PUSH. According to Magenta, even BREXIT had a part in preparing for the election energy push. This manifestation energy continues through the first three months in 2017 to the spring equinox.

A “node point” is a node of convergence of your higher selves, or your simultaneous lifetimes where timelines meet. At a node point, you can use the manifestation intention, codes, and wisdom of your other lifetimes to create magic. At this point, there is no time and all selves stand within the divine blueprint of perfection. As this is what we would like to achieve in our reality, we can bring this through the node point or stargate.

In Barbara’s “Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library” video, she described that time travelers who came from the future to the time we are in now had to follow “time stamps” to navigate time, since it doesn’t really exist. Time stamps are major consciousness shifting events that happen and mark specific points in time. She named a few points that many will recognize, like the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, the splitting on the atom, and the splitting of the second. At that moment, I realized that Tuesday’s election, and more specifically waking up to Wednesday to find Trump had won, was indeed one of those time stamps. In other words, it was a “node” and timelines had shifted because of the election outcome.

Also see: Energy Update – Political Shocker Reveals New Timeline

All day today I saw 11 repeated at least 20 times (if not more) in my reality. 777, 211, 1111, 220, 222, 88, 888, and more. I would not pay attention to any mile markers for miles and miles and then find myself looking over at that very moment to see a 222. I hadn’t thought about looking at my odometer and then would look down to see 84,7111.1. I wasn’t looking at any license plates and just happened to look up at a 777 with 3 letters in front of me. All was pointing to yes you are on the right track, and yes this is indeed happening now.

I am seeing the evidence I have asked for to prove that we are indeed shifting. As Magenta mentions in today’s video, many people knew something big was about to happen, but many may have misinterpreted it into mass E.T. landings or something quick or and catastrophic. This is way more beneficial and important than that. Not only that, but the 11.11 portal she is seeing is larger than any other portal she has seen in her lifetime. It’s larger than 12-21-12, and they will just continue to get bigger and bigger until our reality shifts. Please take the time now to listen to her urgent update to her 11.11 portal here, as it seems that Magenta gained a whole lot of clarity today also.

Today’s Magenta video:

As Magenta mentioned, there seems to be a full spectrum of how people reacted to the U.S. election results. Some people who are awake and aware are not giving the election any of their energy, while others are devastated, confused, and are even crying and hysterical. Something huge shifted, an opening to a massive awakening, and not everyone is handling it the same.

I can also report that Gregg Prescott and I are not Trump supporters (nor were we Clinton supporters). But on Wednesday morning, we felt so happy and knew that something big had just happened. We felt as if a huge weight had been lifted, and Magenta references something huge happening in her video. Gregg also had a Mandela effect event occur today while I was off driving all day in circles. He got a bottle of Windex out and took it to the other room to clean a table. When he returned to the kitchen, there was another bottle of Windex on the counter, as if he never took the first bottle! Call it a timeline shift, overlap, or merge, though it is hard to label it in our understanding.

When we have these things happen to us, we should trust our heart and our intuition. In other words, I said, to myself “Oh, I see, all of the synchronicities led me to this one moment and I understand the anomaly” (after a brief moment of thing WTF just happened!”. Gregg did not freak out or get frightened when he put the first bottle of Windex down next to the second bottle that appeared out of nowhere. We had each other to witness and share with (on the phone) and that definitely made it easier to handle.

Our new job as wayshowers is to hold the space for those who are in fear about what is happening and what our future holds. We can do this because we know that we are creating a new reality, and to do this, the old one must crumble. This means we must exhibit calmness and unconditional love for others and ourselves. It is time for us to be the example and vibrate at the zero point frequency of creation and sovereignty. It is also important for us to share this information far and wide to our brothers and sisters so that they realize what is happening will be wonderful.




SOULSTICE RISING – by Kara Schallock – The 11:11 Gateway of 2015 – 11-11-15

Thanks to Dreamweaver 333

by  Kara Schallock

I channel the Ascension Notes approximately every ten days. They include the latest Ascension energies and guidance on how to use them in every day life, anchoring the higher dimensional energies into our bodies for full integration.
Please go to the Donation page to make a donation that supports this work.

The 11:11 Gateway of 2015 10-Nov-2015


The 11:11 Gateway of November 11th feels to me to be the most powerful of all gateways.

Perhaps it is because it is an Angelic Gateway and I am absolutely connected with the Angelic Realm, as most of you are as well. It also occurs in an 8 year, which is symbolized by Power. Much is being shared about this particular Gateway and I share what this might mean for each of us. It is further empowered by the New Moon, Diwali (the Indian Festival of Lights) and a massive solar flare. Diwali welcomes Laxmi, the Goddess of Abundance and this welcomes a greater Abundance in all our lives. Diwali is the welcoming of the Light, as is the 11:11 Gateway.

As we physically step through this Gateway, we upgrade our own Light in a powerful way. Doing Ceremony is powerful. Meditate and as you become more peaceful, see that a beautiful golden gateway appears before you. Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, the Dominions, the Virtues, the Powers, the Principalities, the Elementals and all other Angels greet you and encourage you to step through. As you walk (or fly or glide) through this beautiful golden gateway, you are greeted on the other side by a shower of golden Light that purifies you of all that is not Love, and beyond this gentle shower is a land that glistens with Diamond Consciousness. Other Angels take and show you things that are just meant for you. This is a definite shift in consciousness for you. Not limited to 5th Dimension reality, you enter a multidimensional Awareness of who you are. You are adorned with the sacred garments of your Divinity as you welcome a new, yet familiar, upgrade in your expression. You are a Beacon of Light and Love upon Earth. You shine your Light wherever you go and in whatever you do. You let go of your seeking and become the Knowing of your Divinity. There are no more questions or questing. You have finally acknowledged the beautiful being you are.

The time is Now for you to be all of who you are in complete Knowing and Faith. You emanate Love wherever you are. It does not matter if you consider yourself a Lightplayer (not worker) or not. It does not matter if you perceive yourself to be less than or what mental perceptions and intentions you have. You are Light and you are beautiful. The Transformation you experience stepping through the Gateway is true and anchored in your being. You are Divine and you carry this Essence within you, touching all.

Take time to ground these New frequencies onto Earth and within you. Rise up and be who you are without the nagging old beliefs that you are not Divine. As you look at yourself, with all your challenges and successes, be proud of what you’ve achieved in such a short while. Embrace fully New Life, even while you continue to gently let go of the old. As you welcome this influx of Light into you, you step more fully into being the Earth Angel you are and realize that you are an integral part of the evolution of humanity and Gaia. It is still a choice. You may continue to deny the Beauty of you or step more fully into the Truth of you. You might complain that it must not be true for you, because you still have challenges and doubts and fears. Yet, if you look deeper, you will find the powerful Authenticity of you. Minimize the doubts by embracing the Light you are. After all, what is it that keeps you returning to this Truth, even when you are in such doubt? If you go deeper, you realize that even your doubts and fears are overridden by Divine Love. You are at a point where you simply cannot stop the flow of Love, no matter what your thoughts are. It is impossible to stop the ocean waves and it is impossible for you to stop the current wave of Ascension into being much more than your intellect would have you believe.

Remember that in Ascension, we stay in our bodies and on Earth. It is for us to bring the high dimensional Light here so that more awaken and Gaia rises in vibration. Of course, there are those who choose to leave Earth, yet this does not necessarily mean they have abandoned their purpose; they simply are choosing to help from another plane of existence without the distractions of living on Earth. For those of us choosing to stay, we agree that we are the ones grounding the higher dimensions onto Earth through shining our Light brightly. Walking through this 11:11 Gateway helps us do that.

We have been preparing for this through all the releasing we have done mentally (old beliefs and constructs), emotionally (past wounds and old worn-out victim energies along with ancestral karma), spiritually (the release of separation) and physically (our physical bodies are shifting). Most of us have experienced many “ascension symptoms.” These have all been a release of old energies we had not yet released completely (remember that we release in layers, going deeper each time) to make room for all the Love this 11:11 Gateway brings for us, if we’re willing. These include dreams (some judge them as nightmares; yet they are not nightmares; they are old energies releasing), disrupted sleep, discomfort around the 2nd and 3rd chakras especially, headaches, wildly swinging emotions, feeling hot then cold then hot again, nausea, vertigo, intense ear ringing, buzzing in different parts of the body and other phenomena. These are not only the releasing of the old, but also are increases of Light Codes/energies to prepare for this Gateway. Flow with it all.

A way to anchor and ground the high dimensional energies we are receiving (remember that the energy of the Gateway occurs before, during and after, for there is no time as we know it on Earth) is that when a situation comes to your attention, rather than reacting to it (which is the old way and you probably react in an old way as well), take a breath and see that there is a new way to respond. Often it is in a way opposite of the old way of reacting. For instance, if you are one who avoids certain situations, you may instead choose to actively engage and see it through.

This 11:11 Gateway strengthens the Divine Feminine and Masculine merge within us that has been slowly occurring for a while now. This is necessary, as it helps each one of us manifest our creations into physical form. We also move deeper into the absolute Heart-Knowing of our Oneness, which has been mostly an intellectual concept.

Be patient as the energies of this Gateway take a while to integrate. Address what emerges from you to attend to; for there are great opportunities to be much more than you previously thought possible.

Stay awake and present so that you do not fall back into old patterns and keep everything fresh and new. It is only when we go back to sleep that we’re lulled into the old ways of being. Trust that this Gateway is the opportunity to rise in our full Divinity, which affects all aspects of our being and life.

As you step through this Gateway, each Archangel blesses you with the essence they carry. Archangel Michael offers you Strength, Archangel Raphael offers you healing/wholing, Archangel Amabael offers you Love, Gabriel offers you a powerful voice, Metatron offers you Light-Body activation, Raziel offers Clairvoyance and Prophecy and Melchizedek offers you an upgrade of your chakras along with Rainbow Healing. There are more Archangels ready to greet you and offer you their gifts. Take each one in Gratitude and place them in your Heart. You are so very loved.


I post small inspirations on my Facebook Page between writing the Ascension Notes, if you’re so inclined…Ascension: Soulstice Rising.

THE ARCTURIANS – 11:11 PORTAL – Dropping of the Veils – Walk-In Souls – 11-7-15



THE ARCTURIANS   –   11:11  PORTAL   –   Dropping of the Veils   –   Walk-In Souls   –   11-7-15

Source:  https://lightlover1964.wordpress.com/


The Time for the PHYSICAL SHIFT has Arrived.

The Forerunners are fully anchored in Oneness and holding the highest SELF frequency possible as the energies of the 11:11 Portal are arriving in this NOW across All grids.

For the forerunners, this incoming wave will quickly remove the last of resistance of the physical manifestation of their inner grids.

They will see the true outside grid representation of their inner frequency as the new timelines become manifest.

Things will happen fast as their inner blockages are no longer an obstacle.

Forerunners will fully step into their ascension timelines, the ones THEY have completely chosen to create, with NO outside interference.

The time of “seeing” dreams come true has arrived and is accessible to ALL.

The 11:11 portal is an outside manifestation of the incoming energies which align magnetically to the number 1, the energy of new creations and manifestation. It also resonates to the number 4, the angelic consciousness, and will further activate all the angelic humans here to assist in the ascension of the Earth.

This energy combined with solar activations,(flares and such), will combine with galactic and astrological alignments to deliver the strongest possible energetic punch to ALL the grids to assist in this magnificent Shift of Ages.

The sun has been releasing non-stop flares, waves of photonic Light, for the purpose of assisting ALL in the release of density. This is in preparation for this massive incoming evolutionary wave which will reach its peak and fully anchor on the 11:11 alignment.

The more blockages within an individual’s chakra system, the more that FREQUENCY LIGHT UPGRADES, (FLU) will be physically felt. For the forerunners that have completed inner work, the energies will flow through them and anchor into the grids with minor physical body signs.

They will reach new levels of clarity, self-empowerment and unity with Source.

Remember that FREQUENCY LIGHT UPGRADES, (FLU), can be managed by each individual.
Do not view these physical signs as disease, for that puts one at the energy of disease, and lowers self vibration.

Set the INTENT for these physical shifts to occur with ease and grace, and be thankful for your awareness of them.

Fully connect to your physical body self and LISTEN to it. Your body has full knowledge of how to evolve and shift. It is your job to hear it.

The incoming energies will act as a springboard for the full descension of your Higher Selves.
Aspects of self at higher dimensions, assisting in this shift.

Disclosure of SELF.
For example, if a soul is experiencing the Arcturian civilization, that aspect of themselves will anchor into the 3d physical consciousness and become ONE with the human self.

Each soul picks their galactic experience for a specific purpose to assist in this shift of ages, that is why such galactic lineage was CHOSEN for a purpose.

All galactic civilizations participating in the third dimension have ascension and descension timelines, as this is a duality universe.

The time to Honor your galactic lineage is now.
Disclosure is PERSONAL and occurs Individually from within FIRST.

Galactic Light families follow the Law of Non-Interference.
Their goal is to assist ALL WITHOUT generating an ounce of fear, as Fear energizes the LOWER GRIDS, and instantly lowers the vibration of ALL.

Light Ships will not show themselves if their appearance make ONE soul on this earth feel Fear.)*
It is up to each individual soul to prepare and raise their vibration to access the ships,to see them, if that is their choice.

When souls enter into this universe they begin at the highest dimension to slowly lower into 3rd density.
The process cannot be rushed as descension has to be carefully achieved through the dimensions.
Frequencies cannot be raised or lowered too quickly as the physical vessel cannot survive massive shifts too quickly.

Dimensions are frequencies which are levels of consciousness. Within dimensions there are ascending and descending realms.

The first separations from ONENESS with Source, are Gender and Color Rays.
Source Light, White Light, vibrates too high for a physical 3d vessel, it must be lowered by separation, so that it can incarnate.

Each Ray has a specific purpose and experience that it seeks, same with gender.
These are individually chosen.

The soul then CHOOSES their GALACTIC Experience by deciding the civilization that it wishes to explore at the first level of separation of consciousness.

Then it continues to CHOOSE and separate into lower dimensions and realms,(civilizations are timelines) to prepare for the physical earth experience.

The choices of galactic civilizations are infinite. Therefore one soul can have,(for example),an Arcturian aspect of SELF, a Pleiadian SELF, a Syrian SELF, an Angelic SELF, a “Dragon” SELF, an Orion SELF,… etc…many aspects of SELF across different galactic timelines all participating and assisting in THIS shift.

All those aspects of self a step down in the level of consciousness, of frequency. All those galactic aspects of self are always ascending and descending as well.

The 11:11 energies will bring cohesiveness to all selves and will fully usher in the dropping of the Veils.
Each soul will be able to “see” what their frequency,(consciousness), ALLOWS them to see.
It is a stair step process.

Everything is not seen at once as consciousness has to expand to be able to comprehend each aspect of the greater self.

This will be a different process for ALL. Some souls will begin to “see” corruption in the medical field. Others in the pharmaceutical field.

Food industry.
Weather manipulation.
All Illusion.

Others will be at the energetic frequency point where this incoming wave will decalcify their third eye.
They will “see” the true galactic origins of those walking besides them.

The veils will pierce the illusion and show all souls as the galactic citizens they truly are. This is the next step in assisting the Earth in becoming a citizen of the Galaxy.

Timelines of ascension and disclosure have been fully anchored and are now accessible to All.
It is at this massive incoming shift that many souls will choose to no longer continue incarnation and chose to exit this reality.

Some have no choice because their physical bodies cannot make the shift. Others wish to experience descension and separation timelines in a parallel universe. Many have done what they came here to do to anchor this shift,(volunteers),and are leaving for other dimensions and experiences. Some wish to continue in the ascension timelines, but as unconscious Creators.

The reasons are many but when their bodies have made the shift and have upgraded and evolved, therefore they CAN continue, but the souls wish to exit this reality, that is when Walk-Ins step in.

It is a different experience than being born into a body, but an experience available to those that choose it.
This brings forth a high frequency soul that has none of the earth programming from childhood.
Since the physical vessel has made the shift, the higher vibrating souls can step in without harming their vessel.

The fact that there is no mental programming and limitation is what allows the higher frequency soul make this contract. These contracts are now being made for the 11:11 portal. These souls are part of the next wave of evolution, here to assist in the next phase of evolution from HUMAN to HUE-MAN.

The time of Walk-Ins that wish to experience ascension/descension timelines as conscious/unconscious Creators has arrived and will be ushered in, en masse, on the 11:11 portal.
Some will be joining their twin souls, if that is their agreed chosen path.

Twin Flames are also uniting for global service and anchoring Hieros gamos timelines.
Others are coming to join soul families to fulfill a chosen individual and global purpose.
Some are coming to just experience an awakening planet.

Some are walking in to the parallel earth to experience descension of a planet.
Again, the choices are infinite.

The next phase of evolution has begun for planet Earth. Heaven has been anchored on Earth and Earth has been anchored in Heaven.

Prepare to be amazed by miracles all around you.
We are the Arcturians.

We rejoice in being ONE with YOU.
We are YOU.
YOU are US.
We are ALL ONE with Source.

Words cannot describe our love for you, feel our Truth in your Heart.
It brings US incredible joy to be in service to ALL.
Call upon us if we resonate within your Heart.
We are here to assist in this magnificent shift.
Our love for you is unconditional and eternal.


**From the Arcturian Aspect of Myself, I bring you ALL Blessings. In deep gratitude and In Service from my Heart.
I share my heart and love with ALL.**
Follow Your Heart-Shine Your Light


by PAULLINE BATTELL – 11:11 Portal – Linda Grace @ Grace Elohim – 11-8-15

Thanks to Paulline Battell

linda grace 7.11.

by PAULLINE BATTELL   –   11:11 Portal   –   Linda Grace @ Grace Elohim   –   11-8-15



Prepare yourself these next days for the upcoming 11:11 portal…. use the powerful energy build-up, which is given by divine decree to assist you in becoming empty, naked and shedding the last layers of your illusive self, that need to make way for the omnipresent source of divine love.

Beloveds hold on, be strong at heart, surrender in this hour to the transition and metamorphosis of your self into diamantine photons of love, into a new template, beyond I-dentity, beyond l…imitations of any form and belief. Let go of your self like a falling leaf and trust you will be caught by the hands of the Almighty ONE. What appears as death, is just the circle completing and leaping into and onto a new and higher octave of light. A new evolutionary stage of your being-ness in this multiverse is being birthed right now.



Méline Portia Lafont – Human Perception – Another 11:11 Portal Activation – 11-11-14

MélineHuman perception and another 11:11 Portal activation by Méline Lafont

“1” aka One is what stands for you as A Human Being, A soul, An energy and A consciousness. It represents the soul of you in this lifetime with which you come to work as a human experience. Understand that you are all entitled and allowed to redeem that what is of you, but that it can only be redeemed BY you and through you. So all consciousness that is representing as you in this lifetime is something you have entirely into your own hands for it is you on itself.

Everything you perceive with and through your Human mind is something that is entirely up to you as to how you wish to perceive something that is of your own matter. We call that your personal reality because it is what you have come to create as your creation and environment. But what if I tell you that you can change your own reality and your own perception? You can and you will eventually change that which you have been integrating as your truth and swap it for other new conceptions of perceptions to which you are opening yourself more wholeheartedly and a new truth is birthed as well as a new reality.

By that formatting process, you come to understand new things in life as you open up more. There is a more open-hearted and open-minded attitude which allows your personal reality to change and shift into new areas of consciousness you are slowly integrating and activating in your own mind and higher heart. It is the language and the seeds of that which are your Higher Levels and those levels partake in the perception and the creations of your personal reality. What you see is what is your creation through thought, perception, vision and feeling, understanding and visualization.

So when you BE, everything as a reality around you will just BE which is a vibration of unity and peace as everything and every consciousness is vibrating along and reflecting from your state of being. When you are stressed and unbalanced, everything that surrounds you will take upon that form and vibrate along with your inner state of being so you will encounter more stress and even will be triggered by this. So if you wish to change your personal reality, change it within and address this in your own heart center. The more you are in balance and in Unity with Self the less your perceptions will be of division, war and separation as no distortion will be able to enter your reality.

It is a challenge to be in the midst of the Human masses and to stay balanced and centered in YOUR truth (which is not THE Truth as the only One truth) for many of your reflections in another you, being a part of the collective, can and will try effortlessly to pull you away from your center in order to get you to partake in the Human collective awareness (drama) and state of consciousness. It is therefore that One is required to work on the Self constantly and effortlessly in order to anchor and infuse more of that balance and unity into the Human collective so that less distortions but more balance and serenity is present.

Many are facing challenges at this time, including the One (1), which is you, into the release of boundaries and old patterns which are held by you. In order to feel complete as the Oneness again, One needs to release every form of separation that is created through thought and it is there where boundaries and perceptions come from. Let be that which you have known for so long and open for that which is not yet known into this Human experience. All in all they are prospects of what is to come and it can and will be experienced through you if you simply allow. Understand that with your Human creations you change the world of the Human perception which is, in this case, that which is called the Illusion.

You change through conception of that which is allowed to enter and merge with you, this coming from your own inner heart and world of Being. To say it in simple terms; what you intent in your own personal image and reality, and it comes from your heart, shall birth the change of your own reality and shape the forms of what you are and desire to Be. If you are tired of the same old, same old happenings in your reality than make the change within as there are clearly some things still vibrating along with these same old happenings that are not released yet.

You are all brave and good souls who play things by heart and you get the most out of that intention as intention creates. You might want to keep that in mind when choosing for example to end a relationship or when deciding to leave a certain plane on Earth, or to start a new project. Everything that you put your intention to, that is heart based, shall create a certain balanced solution that vibrates along with your intentions. Be aware that even creations that come forth from mind based intentions do come forth as well and those enhance that what the mind creates which is not heart based but ego/mind based. The Logic of the human mind is ego as it fills in for you what is acceptable and “normal” (aka logic) and what is not. The heart allows all and respects all for what it IS.

Instead of trying effortlessly to change the “world”, change your perception of Self instead and then change will come forth through an immense shift of awareness. Since all which you are and are aware of is reflected in the outer world, that too will come to shift for you.

The 11:11 portal has always been a significant shift every time, and this year it will imply amplified energies continuing to grow into incomprehensible measures while climbing up the hill of changes. The numbers 1 (One) which are standing for YOU and Unity reflects the powerful message to bind all within: the You and the All through Unity. So that is what this portal is all about as you enhance the Unity within you and within All through the YOU who is the One.

For those who wish and choose consciously to work with and integrate the 11:11 codes on a deeper level, the 11:11 stands and assists with the following:

The integration/embodying of the One as the I AM Presence into the One/You that you are in this incarnation being a part of the Collective Unity (one) consciousness which is formed out of the Oneness of All That Is.

                1                                           1                      :                  1                           1

Integration/Embodying I AM    You in this incarnation      Unity/Collective     Oneness/ All That Is

Do not reflect upon these words but rather allow the integration of them instead as the messages will start to increase into vibrations that will reach beyond Human comprehension as you need to learn and absorb instead through acceptance and trust of the All knowing. You will become accustomed to this process of absorption for it will become a most natural part of you. The All Knowing and the embodying of your I AM Presence is a crucial part of this ability to absorb as it is beyond the tendency of the Human mind to grasp.

Allow, integrate and rest in balance within the higher mind of the Heart. Create with your bursting energies and step forth in your all knowing.

My Blessings to all and have a wonderful 11:11 portal

Méline Portia Lafont

You want to be able and channel as well and enjoy to bring forth your inner wisdom as a being of Light?  I offer a channeling course that assists you in the process of connecting with your Higher Self through deep Self work based on a foundation of self experience gained in my channeling process of years.

You can find more HERE

Find Méline on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AwakenSpiritFromWithin

Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered http://melinelafont.com