JESUS – Thank you for your LOVE! – via Andy Bojarski @ Healing and Love .com


Thank you for being you, the magnificent being of pure LOVE that you are and always will be.Thank you for coming to Earth 2,000+ years ago and selflessly pouring out your love and light from your heart as the Christ in a time and space when the darkness has reached its lowest point.

Thank you for showing us that Divinity is within our own hearts, that the light that burns within us all is the Christ Light that never burns out, and that we are always connected to our God self within.Thank you for always being with me in all my energy healings and for all the help and support that you have always given me.

Thank you for your beautiful selfless transfiguration, your resurrection, and your rightly deserved ascension which caused such an overwhelming flood of God’s Perfection to spread over the earth so that never again can so vast a darkness encompass humanity in any future age.

Thank you for showing us how to love unconditionally, from the heart, regardless of the situation or the level of consciousness growth in any human being.

Thank you for showing us that the light is supreme and never fails.

Thank you for the vast accomplishment of your sacred life that stands eternally recorded upon the atmosphere of this beautiful ascending planet which now acts as a magnet drawing mankind unto it like perfection that you are, that we all are, the CHRIST!.

Thank you for showing us that the God Self Within is the Owner, Doer, and Giver of all the things in our lives.

Thank you for coming here which was an initiation to all of us and a Cosmic Command to use the Power of Divine Love in all their future activities.

Thank you for your outpouring of Love to the earth at its darkest cycle and period which became the birth of the Christ Child in each of us allowing us to see the Divine Presence in all beings of God’s Creation.

Thank you for calling forth the Cosmic, Divine, Blue Print and revealing the Decree for the incoming crystalline golden age that we are now entering which plan is Complete Dominion over all things finite through the Full Stature of the Christ Within every human being.

Thank you for loving me and for all the walks and talks and many laughs we had together 2,000+ years ago during your preparation work as the Christ.

Thank you for revealing the Conscious Dominion and Mastery that it is possible for every human being to attain and express while still here on earth through their Divine Presence.

Thank you for your smile, your compassion, and thank you for your loving heart, and for loving me the way I love you.

Thank you for proving that it is possible for everyone to so call forth their God Self that they can consciously control all things human.

Thank you for being an inspiration to me and so many others and showing that you need to treat others as you want to be treated, and that this treatment is always through LOVE.

Thank you for being the living proof of our ability to free ourselves from all limitation and to express Divinity as was originally intended for the first condition in which humanity existed was wholly harmonious and free.


I welcome and await your glorious return to Earth and the blaze of your golden energies of the Christ Consciousness my brother, my friend, as you are always in my heart and my heart is always open for your Presence, the I AM THAT YOU ARE!!!

Love – Andrew Bojarski


Lastly, if you would like to receive a one hour free energy healing from me, please click HERE to sign up.  Just pick a date and time from the available slots and you are scheduled. 

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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