Time For Us To Lead Ourselves – James Gilliland – ECETI UFO

Videos From The Underground·388 videos

James Gilliland of ECETI explains more about the Annunaki. Some were beneficial some were not. ECETI is one of the leaders in the consciousness movement. http://eceti.org/


Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

6 thoughts on “Time For Us To Lead Ourselves – James Gilliland – ECETI UFO”

  1. Very cool Mr. Elliot. I am starved for missives from the mailbox. I’ll admit it, I even open junk mail. (Hey, maybe it’s a check with a lot of zeros at the end.) Such a sad existence for me when my one a small rush of importance is ripping open junk mail. Bills can wait around, so a real letter sounds excellent. Will subscribe.Cheers, Iris


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