SOULSTICE RISING – The 12:12 Gateway of 2015 – 12-8-15

Soulstice Rising Ascension Newsletter

I channel the Ascension Notes approximately every ten days. They include the latest Ascension energies and guidance on how to use them in every day life, anchoring the higher dimensional energies into our bodies for full integration.
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The 12:12 Gateway of 2015 08-Dec-2015

We are building momentum to the next big Gateway; that of 12:12, occurring December 12th. As a result, there is a lot going on not only in the world, but within us all. This is accentuated also by solar winds, which especially affects our inner and outer poles (think duality). This energy takes us through the 12:12 Gateway and continues through the Solstice. So be clear with your communications and be patient with yourself and others. It is best to not engage in any battles, but be the Compassionate Observe and be in Detachment, which is observing without judgment or attachment to what is happening or the end result. If you have always been the “fixer” or the “peacemaker,” let those roles go (along with all roles you’ve played till now).


Remind yourself that everyone chooses how they want to be. Who you are within creates your outer life. So if there is some clean-up to do, this is a great opportunity to do it. Do not take things personally and view all dispassionately so you don’t react. You needn’t do anything, but hold the space of Love through being your Authentic Self. Be aware of what you’re learning, including deep illusions you hold about certain things.

We are called to completely let go of our past in a very powerful way, which includes past lives as well. We are also being called to simplify our lives so that all we have around us is inspiring without adding extra weight; these can be things, emotions and old beliefs as well as people. The lighter you feel, the clearer you are and it helps you move through big energy in Grace. Notice where you hold on; this is where you are attached. This is perfect for this season, isn’t it? We get so attached to certain traditions that it is almost impossible to let them go as they are perpetuated by the larger world-hype, yet even with traditions (of the old), we often do them without Awareness. Choose with eyes open.

Since the 11:11 Gateway, we have been integrating our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine selves. This will be completed by the 1/1/2016 (another 11). This is also integrating Oneness consciousness as well. If you notice yourself resisting change (and this can be in the form of defensiveness), release it in the Sacred Rose and remind yourself that you are Divine; you are Divine in physical form. Break through any barriers that hold you back (anywhere you feel victimized, fearful, stifled or non-joyous). You can surely move the energy by doing something different. This can be as big as taking a trip to someplace unfamiliar or as little as taking a different route to work or play. For me, who likes doing things in a big way, I went to Costa Rica, which was so different in all ways that surely it helped me bust through anything holding me back; even things I’m not aware of. You see, moving the energy helps us be clear about what fits in our new life and what doesn’t. Each day I ask myself if doing something is aligned with my Divinity or not and always follow that guidance, without wondering why. I just let it go and trust in my Guidance. While the shifts I experienced may not be visible to others looking at my life, I feel great shifts within including a complete shift of Ascension “symptoms.”  My Awareness is quite acute and I am constantly receiving Aha! moments of things I wasn’t aware of before. So be sure to shake up your energy and comfort zone as much as you can and observe your own shifts.

Moving through the rest of this year can be both exhilarating and precarious. To many it may feel like you are in free-fall mode (the picture I see is a person jumping off the cliff and free-falling till their wings are employed in order to reach the other side). While we are in the Moment, we do not yet see what is next. This is where Trust comes in. We continue to integrate our new consciousness. I love the term “out of control,” for that is what it might feel like, especially for those who like to be in control. So yes, it can be like being in two worlds at once. This is nothing new; we have been straddling the two for a while now. It feels like endings and new beginnings; only we don’t yet know what the new beginnings are, for we are pleasantly rooted in the New Now, taking one small step at a time. Let this be O.K. for you; there is no rush. What I do know is that we are integrating our Divinity; our Souls; bit by bit.

We are very rooted in being multidimensional, so that we experience many things all at once. While the energies accelerate, we also are mindful of our daily Earthly tasks. We can be all of who we are and at the same time live in the mundane world (yet not of it). We can be with others who still live in the old, while we are who we are without the old misery of not wanting to be with anyone except those of a similar mindset. This actually keeps us grounded and by being authentically who we are, others around us have an opportunity to grow as well. Some will; some won’t. There is no judgment or expectation either way. Any view of linear-doing (focusing on one thing at a time till completion) is being dissolved, for as we know, linear thinking, doing and time are of the old. Know that there is a blending of our old selves and our New Divine Self, so doing everything with higher consciousness is the ultimate at this time. Resist nothing; be in the Flow. No; Be the Flow.

To stay balanced, focus on your Heart; your Divine Center. Breathe into it; meditate with your focus there and be in touch with the Divine Flame within your Heart. In this way, you can be clear about many things…next steps to take as well as what no longer flows in Joy. From there you can choose with Awareness. Trust that any form of duality is no longer supported. Therefore, you might even try to be in duality to no avail. It’s true…you just cannot go backward. You may want to return to the old; for there at least you knew what to expect; yet that is going back into your comfort zone, which is all based on old securities, which are illusions.

As you spend more time being your Authentic Self, your perspectives and perceptions shift higher. You view life from an Eagles’ point of view and at the same time live fully on Earth. The Eagle flies above the mundane and is supported by the wind currents, as we are supported by our Divinity. Be in Integrity with all you do, say and are. Stay conscious and aware of every choice and action you make. This lifts you higher. As you are completely aware, downloads easily come into you, which further anchors Christ Consciousness and beyond. Remember that there is no stopping place, so even Christ Consciousness evolves into Universal Consciousness. Whatever consciousness is integrating within you, know that you become clearer and even more aware than you are now. You will continue to receive insights that you hadn’t really thought of before and new ideas of how to express your Soul. We move even more deeply into the New. When in the New, you do things you’ve never done before, for your Courage is at an all-time high.

The 12:12 Gateway: On this day our own sun channels Source Codes from our Galactic Sun. These Codes enter us and then flow onto Earth (automatically; for whatever consciousness we hold flows out in waves, touching all of life). The beautiful Light that flows into us on this day continues to build till (and through) the Solstice on December 21. The 12:12 Gateway helps to bring together more of the perceived schism between the old and the New. This helps greatly to further anchor Unity consciousness in that there is no us and them; we are One. This is so important during this time of such derision as witnessed in the 3D world. It is a time that the union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are more anchored within us in Balance and Love. You see, as we hold and exude the high dimensional Light, it weaves through the old world, helping it to rise in Love.

New Life is becoming more obvious, as you notice that your old ways of thinking and being have been transcended by Love. This is highlighted at this 12:12 Gateway. For those still holding onto the past (oftentimes in the form of traditions), this can be a tough time, for so much Light is pushing us forward as if we are surfing a huge tsunami of Love. For those open to the energies that are flowing forth, you find that you are more unconditionally loving and accepting. This is a powerful Gateway that is especially enhancing your Heart; thus you notice that you are more Love than ever before. Keep your Heart and High Heart open, for this helps you receive more easily the upgrades this Gateway brings.

Realize that the Source Codes that flow into you go deep into your cells, DNA and all chakras. Your New Blueprint is more activated, which brings new Awareness and different ways to express your Soul. Be grateful for all you receive. If you are guided to be with others, either physically or etherically, that is your choice. Being alone is fine as well. Just be willing to receive; that is all that is required. Keep it simple as always.

You may also ask some questions of yourself so that you may open more…
1.    Do I love all people on Earth?
2.    Do I try to control others or events in my life?
3.    Do I take full Responsibility for my life and realize I create my life and all in it?
4.    Do I feel victimized in any way? Do I feel life happens to me and not for me, in order to grow and shift?
5.    Do I truly know I am Divine and see all others as Divine as well?
6.    Am I willing to change anything in my life in order to live truthfully and authentically?
7.    Am I congruent with my words, actions and feelings? Am I in my Integrity…willing to be truthful with who I say I am?
8.    Is there any area of life where I am fearful?

There may be more questions you can ask. Your answers will help guide you to any changes you need to make in order to be more You. You clear the way for this incredible 12:12 Light entering you.

The Light you are shines brightly to light up not only your path, but the paths of others. Shine brightly, courageously and uniquely. That is what this Gateway helps to empower…it helps us be our Authentic Soul-Selves in all our Brilliance.


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If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!


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Shanta Gabriel – 12:12 – The Awakening of the Transcendent Heart – 12-12-15


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Dear Ones,

In an explosion of Unity consciousness, the Christed Light is ignited within your High Heart on December 12. In the Light Field of the Transcendent Heart, new life begins to awaken; a life that transcends the old ways of belief and opens doorways into Unconditional Love. This is a power so sweet that compassion fills every corner of your consciousness.

Every year, the field of the Christed Light enters on the twelfth day of the twelfth month to open the world to love and compassion, to forgiveness and choice. You have all experienced the sense of innocent hearts opening around the holidays. This is the Christed Light, which can now embody the transcendent heart of those who are present for the 12:12 empowerment.

The field of the Transcendent Heart is available to all during this precious moment in time. It only requires an intention for your receptive channels to be ready so your heart opens to the higher frequencies contained in the Golden Light of the Christed energy. When your heart is open and there is a willingness to receive, the connection to your new thymus chakra becomes activated at the 12:12.

This center acts as a holy vessel to receive the divinity of your new Transcendent Heart. It is the golden light of the Christed energy that brings holiness to the sacred chalice within your high heart.

Although this is not a Christian teaching, the connection to the master Jesus is within the same light field that embodied his instructions to Love One Another. Within this golden light is a pure download of Unconditional Love to uplift and support your time on Earth. As all beings receive this love, they radiate golden light into the world. You may also experience a softening in your heart that allows you to see the world from a greater place of Balance, bringing more Peace into every area of your life.

Prepare the way within you with your prayers and intentions. Let your heart soar free. When this flame is ignited, you will never be the same as a chain reaction of Unconditional Love forges a template of Unity within your energy system and the sacred vessel of your thymus chakra. With every beat of your heart, this energy of Love will catalyze your cells to higher frequencies of Light. After the 12:12 empowerment, whenever you tune into your High Heart there will be a new awareness of the Compassion within you for yourself and all humanity.

At the moment of 12:12 on the 12th day of the 12th month, the pure light of the Christ ignites the sacred vessel of your high heart with Compassion and Unconditional Love. In a very pure way, all are served by the power of Divine Love as an imprint precoded for your awakening consciousness. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightning rods as they receive this immense golden download of  Christed Light that fills the high heart and grounds unconditional love into the Earth.

When there is no resistance, you can open to this Grace-filled presence and spark the Divinity in every cell of your being. You are encouraged to take 12 minutes at the 12:00 hour on the day of December 12 to bring to your conscious awareness to the invitation that allows the golden light of the Christ Consciousness to enter into your heart.

Concentrate on your high heart as a sacred vessel to receive this Light. Imagine that the Transcendent Heart of divinity is a pure field of Unconditional Love within you now. Allow this radiance to fill your entire body with golden light.

As the light of the transcendent heart is released, previously untapped levels of wholeness open to accommodate the higher energy frequencies. Peaceful empowerment of your high heart’s energy systems allows new expansion for you to anchor and integrate Divine Love into a world in need.

Light Up All Realms of Your Existence

Beyond all sense of polarity, there is a place within you that embraces light and dark bringing all into oneness within the human form. The Transcendent Heart is one that expands to include the greatest level of Divine Light with the darkness that appears to exist in the world. We cannot assume a transcendent reality that does not include the darkness, but instead features new levels of divinity that light up all realms of existence.

There is a new freedom awaiting the embrace of all aspects within your being that allows you to soar on wings of Divine Love. The Golden Presence of the Christed light field can then permeate your high heart and open the pathways for Unconditional Love within every aspect of your self and all beings.

A loving heart knows no boundaries when this expansive field awakens. As you and the polarities within the self come into unity, the light of the Transcendent Heart is released and Wellbeing becomes your new reality in 5D living.

At the 12:12, this hierarchy of light touches all your cellular functions and the gateways open for new radiance and life-force vitality within your being. Renewal of self-generating systems within your DNA that were a part of the original blueprint are awakening and the new crystalline light body breaks through your physical shell to change your world from the inside out.

Rejoice — and allow the opening of the new fields of Light for the Transcendent Heart within your being!

I am Uriel of the Transcendent Heart, awakening new vision and preparing the way for an expansion in the sacred vessel of the high heart within all beings. An enlightened mind and heart can awaken the world. It is amazing to see the difference one person who is filled with Divine Light can make. When you join in the Christed Light with other heart-centered beings, there are no boundaries.

Prepare yourself with gratitude and clear intentions, and you are lifted through the portals on Wings of Love at the moment of 12:12 to receive the Christed Light into the sacred vessel of your Transcendent Heart. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

for Archangel Uriel

December 1, 2015

Eddie: AscensionGuidance – Throughout the years, December has always been a very uplifting month – This year, it is not letting us down either – Some of us are already feeling and experiencing the 12/12 portal – As I AM – 12–11-14

        Throughout the years, December has always been a very uplifting month. This year, it is not letting us down either. Some of us are already feeling and experiencing the 12/12 portal. As I am writing this message, my left ear keeps pumping like a bass, it’s not unpleasant, just interesting. A lot of body shifting is taking place, clearly. The 12 Chakra System is integrating/activating and we may be receiving more Lightbody Upgrades.  As we release the Old, we are integrating more Light within ourselves, we are literally becoming the Pillars of Light and Love we have always been destined to be in Physical Embodiment.  That, however, can be a bit overwhelming for the body, so make sure you rest enough, hydrate, meditate and stay grounded, so that the integration goes smooth.

The experience of this 12/12 Portal will be different for everyone. Overall, it is all about moving into a Higher State of Being in a way that it’s totally unique to you and your choices that are being made on a Soul level. We are Now merging „Heaven” and Earth together and we are headed towards a greater harmonious balance, first within ourselves and then collectively. This started many years ago and it is an ongoing process. Take a moment to think about how much things have changed over the years but also more recently, in a short period of time. We are definitely on the Fast Track! How much have you changed ? Internally especially. *Pat yourselves on the back, cause job well done*

Of course, there will be moments when we’ll be thrown off balance, but when we get back up, we’ll have reached a Higher Level of Balance and with that, New Understandings inevitably come.

In my weekly message, I spoke about the relationships theme that’s going around these days, if you didn’t check it out, you can click here to do so. As a continuation of the 10/10 and 11/11 Portals, I feel that the 12/12 is another gateway to Unity Consciousness (aka Christ Consciousness). This one gives me the feeling of completion, like everything we have worked for on the inner planes will come to fruition in the next period of time. Being in the flow of Unity Consciousness is not only about your relationship with others, but more importantly, your relationship with yourself. By relationship with yourself, I mean loving and embracing all aspects of your Being and ALL You are, a beautiful Source Spark.

As we are moving „up,” we are also going deeper within, discovering, learning, remembering, exploring, creating and expanding. This Portal is an Opportunity for you to experience all that on a much Higher Level and with New Perspectives that are more aligned with the New Earth. Once again, it is all up to you if you choose to take advantage of this Opportunity. The choice is always yours.

Your relationships with others will shift as well, you will experience new deeper and richer connections with some people. Your relationships at this moment will expand and reach new levels as well. You will feel things so deeply that they cannot be put into words or try to make sense of them, don’t even try cause it’s pointless anyways. These are feelings you most likely haven’t felt in a long, long time and probably don’t remember, but your Soul will always remember.




This Portal is definitely a good time to be still, simply allow your Spirit to be uplifted and allow the changes to happen as they are all in alignment with your Highest Good.  I just smelled cookies fresh from the oven while writing this last sentence, but no one’s baking or cooking LOL. That’s how Joy smells like for me and that is a great sign.

I hope you guys have a Joy-Full week and Happy 12/12 Portal!
