23,135 viewsMar 26, 202082110

Christine Day

The Pleiadians have provided us with a vibrational Patterning to assist us in overcoming the effects of the Coronavirus. This is a gift from them to humanity. You will receive this Patterning, which will create a higher frequency vibrational energy to boost your Immune system and combat the effects of Coronavirus within all cells of your body. This Patterning activates a new higher vibrational essence, which flows and is absorbed through the immune system and cells of your body. Within the Patterning there are multidimensional layers of this essence for you to access and absorb. The frequency of this essence is designed to fortify the respiratory system and immune system from the effects of the virus. A Sacred Sound has been given to accompany the Patterning. Your unique frequency of this sound is like no other in the Universe. Your cells recognize this frequency and open, as the sound acts as a key to a doorway within the Patterning. Each time you bring your unique frequency of this sound into the Patterning the cells of your body are able to absorb another layer of this higher light fluid frequency essence held within the Patterning. Take your time, building slowly and aligning to the multidimensional layers held within the Patterning. The video is designed to enable you to fully utilize all of the multidimensional frequency layers held within the Patterning and to bring this essence within your body systems. You are taken in a step-by-step process to activate this Patterning throughout your systems. Remember the Conscious breath is a special breath that bypasses the ego mind. This is a full breath in the mouth and out of the mouth. You need to utilize the Conscious breath when working with the Patterning. This is the time for each one of us to reclaim our power through the reconnection to the natural sacred elements of our multidimensional Self. By consciously bringing this Patterning into your body daily you are choosing to set in motion this higher vibrational connection to your Higher Self. Blessings, the Pleiadians and Christine

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.