ZORRA CALL @ Blog Talk Radio – 5-23-2020 – RV/GCR news, CV-19, Messages and Q&A


Zorra* Zaraya * Jane


Dear beloved Goddesses and Gods,

Are we living in separation, Light vs. Dark or Cabal vs. Alliance or Awakened people vs. those Asleep. ” We Are One” is a spiritual understanding and to fully comprehend this statement, we must understand it from the aspect of our Heartminds and not the intellect. The Truth is there is NO separation ever or ever has been. It is for us to know and embrace this Truth as we continue on this journey. We have seen separation only through our individual perspectives in this 3D reality which is what we are transcending. We are actually living in a huge transition in and out of 3D and into 5D. 

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday. With all of the activities in our world, take at least 15/20 min. per day to ground, relax and center yourself. Meditate, exercise and be outdoors more. Even listening to music you enjoy or talk and be with others is also very nourishing. Self care and self love are so important. Only then can you really give of yourself to love and care for others. Lastly, call upon your guides, angels, Galactics etc. for support and guidance and their love on your Ascension Journey that is progressing in accordance with the Divine Plan. Be attentive and watchful in life. Life is our best Teacher. 

Love, Peace and Joy Always to All,

Zorra, Saraiya, Zaraya/Billie and Jane/Quazar       email:

REPLAY: 5-21-2020 – Tradera Call with George Hoagland and Mark Kotler


Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.