GEORGI STANKOV – Clarity on the Final Ascension Scenario – 8-26-18

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I was urged by the Arcturians with whom we are now in constant contact and who supervise the final stages of the ascension scenario to re-publish this pivotal article on the Astral Currency. It is the spiritual foundation for a total reset of the current Orion monetary system that holds the old dark matrix together. The latter is based entirely on the daily promotion of basic survival fears in the 1st and 2nd chakra by creating scarcity and outright poverty for the vast majority of humanity. These fears are now being consequently eradicated by the new circular magnetic rainbow energies that entered earth on July 27th.

The upcoming shift that will be triggered with our ascension will bring about in the first place a deeper understanding of our true past. No sentient human being can really identify with its civilisation, unless it is fully aware of its historical past. And the history of humanity has been totally falsified by the PTW. The current society is a deplorable image of this profound manipulation of human history. Only when humans fully accept that its history is much older than the 2-3000 years of written history and that Lemuria and Atlantis are not only an integral part of its past but are also deeply stored in our DNA and soul matrix, as we all have numerous incarnations in these civilisations that simultaneously exist in the Now, they will be also ready to embrace their true multidimensional, immortal nature.

In the last days we have begun to receive all kinds of codes and information about all our incarnations in different planets, galaxies and dimensions in preparation for our final transfiguration into multidimensional beings. The new 5D humanity will be also multidimensional and will be fully embedded in the loving community of highly evolved transgalactic civilisations, whose representatives we are here on the earth. Lemuria and Atlantis were the joint endeavour of many such advanced civilisations, some of which are now aligned in the Galactic Federation and help the ascension of Gaia. For instance, in the last days we are in constant contact with the Arcturians as we have incarnations within this 9D civilisation, notwithstanding the fact that we are Elohim, just as we are humans now.

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Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.