10 Steps to Enhance Your Natural Telepathic Communication Abilities – The Golden Light Channel – -5-20-14




Note from Goldenlight: as our higher dimensional capabilities are being awakened during this time, I’ve noticed that my telepathic abilities have increased. I can send someone a light-encoded “packet of information” which is kind of like an energetic telegram with a message/visual image, and have noticed when I do this, people pick up on it! This has happened countless times recently. In one case, I was discussing a photographer with a client of mine, and we were looking at her website. I hadn’t spoken to this photographer in around 5 or 6 years. When I called the photographer that same afternoon, she said “You’ll never believe this, but your name just popped into my head!!” Or in another case last week I wanted to send a message to someone that was quite complex. She contacted me the next day out of the blue after not speaking for several months and I was able to relay the message. Things like this are occurring more frequently now in my life. The clarity of the message both given and received depends on the skill of the person sending and the other person receiving. Receiving messages from the higher dimensions is easier because these beings are highly skilled in this form of communication, so they are easy to tune into.

Telepathy is the natural form of communication in the higher dimensions and transcends all language barriers. This is how our star nation families will communicate with us when we intersect our realities with theirs (and vice versa). We can all begin to practice this technique now to develop this higher dimensional skill so that we are prepared as we shift into a higher frequency vibration. By the way, “channeling”, which is a term that I try to shy away from now as it has an extremely bad reputation and connotation, is simply telepathic communication with the higher dimensional realms. The ability to accurately hear/see/feel a message clearly affects the clarity of the message brought in. When I bring in a message from these realms, I am simply transcribing a message as it comes in, which come in as visions and I can also hear the message. I usually start a formal message transcription by connecting in first with my higher self, then with my Council of Angels, then any individual archangels or Ascended Masters with whom I wish to speak. Although lately I can just pick up on conversations with St. Germain and my mother who passed away last winter. It seems that my telepathic skills and ability to connect with these realms and to hear and “see” these messages are growing stronger. I was never able to bring in messages like this until the summer of 2012 when I had a spiritual process called “The Reconnection” done…it was after this that the messages started coming in; first from my Council of Angels, then with the ability to connect with other higher dimensional beings such as the ascended Master St. Germain, members of my Pleiadian family, and later my mom after she passed away. I also learned that this ability to bring in messages from the higher dimensions is one of my life contract items that I agreed to joyously before coming into this lifetime on earth, so this ability is kind of hard-wired into my energy structure. Even more recently I learned that all lifetimes and all realities are happening simultaneously. Now there’s a mind twister! I think the golden energy ball/lightbody is the transport mode for connecting with these realities. Fascinating stuff! Love, Goldenlight


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10 Steps to Master Telepathy–Mind to Mind Communication


By Abhishek Agarwal | Trans4MindAbhishek’s Paranormal Den

The word “Telepathy” has been derived from the words “tele” meaning “distance” and “pathy” meaning “feeling.” So Telepathy actually means getting feelings through a distance. To elaborate, Telepathy is the communication between two minds, separated over a distance, without the use of the five known senses.

At some point or the other, we all have experienced Telepathy. Maybe you were thinking of someone you haven’t talked to in months and you suddenly get a call from them. Or when two people are together, they might say the same thing at the same time. These are spontaneous mind-to-mind communications that tend to occur frequently between closely related individuals.

In this article we will go through the steps required to practice voluntary Telepathy. Here are the steps:

  1. Sender And Receiver
    We will need two people. One will be the Sender, who will attempt to transmit thoughts; the other will be the Receiver, who will attempt to receive the thoughts transmitted by the Sender. Prior to the experiment, decide clearly if you are going to be the Sender or the Receiver. If you don’t, you both might end up being Receivers or Senders! Avoid that confusion. For this article, we will assume that you are the Sender.
  2. Belief
    First of all, it is very important that the Sender and the Receiver both believe that Telepathy is possible. Even if the belief is not 100%, an open-minded attitude is a must. In fact, it is best if the participants not only believe in Telepathy, but also actually deeply desire it to occur. If you are a skeptic, and if the doors of your mind are closed, you will get very poor results.
  3. Physical Relaxation
    Telepathy is most effective when the Sender and the Receiver are both totally relaxed physically. Also, being in positive health makes you concentrate better. Try not to practice when you are unwell. Relax yourself using any relaxation method you find best. You can either breathe deeply a couple of times, or use the progressive relaxation method.
  4. Mental Relaxation
    Clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Make your mind tranquil. Let thoughts come and go, but don’t get attached to them. Focus on your purpose. Since you are the Sender, your focus will be to send your thoughts across. Your partner, the Receiver should focus his mind to be receptive to your thoughts.Make sure that both of you do not have any distractions around. A disturbed environment will be detrimental to your progress. A calm and quiet environment will give maximum results
  5. Visualization
    Before beginning the transmission, it is important that the previous steps are well followed. They will set up the foundation for your success. With your eyes shut, visualize a very clear picture of the Receiver. Imagine that he is a few feet away from you. Visualize him in full color. Feel that he is actually there. If you want, you can even look at a colored picture of him before the experiment. This will help you visualize him properly.Now imagine a silver tube connecting your mind and his mind. This tube is the channel through which your thoughts would be communicated to him. Visualize this tube to be full of energy. Know in your heart that this tube is very effective and will do the job well.Please note that visualizing the tube is not a must. It is just a very effective aid to help you focus and gives your thoughts a well-defined direction. Instead of this tube, you can even visualize that you are talking to your friend over the telephone.
  6. Transmission
    Now imagine that your thoughts are being transmitted through the tube – from your mind to his mind. If you are thinking of transmitting a mental picture of an apple, visualize a bright, red, juicy apple traveling across our tube. Make the picture as vivid as possible. Charge the apple with emotion. Believe that Telepathy is real. Desire that your thoughts reach your friend. Imagine the feeling you will have when you succeed. This is very crucial. Emotions are a very powerful trigger and give excellent results. Very often, Telepathy experiments fail because the thoughts lack emotional charge. Make sure you do not strain yourself to send the thought. You have to be relaxed and composed.
  7. When to stop
    While you are sending your thoughts, there will be a moment when you will have a strong feeling that the thought has been transmitted. This is an unmistakable feeling that cannot be faked. Whenever you get such a feeling, the job is done. This might take a few seconds to several minutes. If even after 15 minutes, you do not get this feeling, you can abandon the experiment and try at a later date. Trying further will not help much because your mind would be exhausted.
  8. The Receiver
    Throughout the experiment, the Receiver should keep his mind blank and should try to receive the thoughts being sent by you. He should avoid trying too hard. Forcing himself to sense what you are thinking will sabotage your attempts. His mind will be most receptive when he is relaxed and at ease. He will get several impressions coming to his mind. He should keep a pen and paper next to him, and note down whatever thoughts come to his mind. He will probably feel that he is making things up. But that’s ok. This is how Telepathy works.
  9. Compare results
    Once you are through with your experiments, compare your results. Check all the impressions that the Receiver has written down. Does it contain the thought that you tried to transmit? The more you practice, the more accurate results you will get.
  10. Repeat the experiment
    You should then repeat the experiment – either immediately or at a later date. If you have got some success, your confidence would be quite high and you would want to repeat it immediately. But if there was no success, do not get discouraged and try the next day. Regular practice sessions are a must, because only consistency will make you better. You should also alternate between being the Receiver and the Sender. This will tell you what you are better at – Receiving or Sending.

Keep it short
Keep your experiments short, maybe 15 minutes or less. This will prevent boredom and fatigue. Your Telepathic ability is at its peak when you feel most energized.

Have Patience
One of the most important conditions of experimental telepathic work is patience. Don’t be discouraged if you do not find much success initially. Any psychic experiment, including Telepathy, takes some practice before you see results. Once you practice for a few days, you will start getting more successes.

Stay away from skeptics
Skeptics have got one purpose in life: to sidetrack believers. Stay away from such people because they will put doubt in your mind and will dampen your spirits. Your results prove to you that Telepathy works. Skeptics will not help you much. Sharing your results with them will only discourage and hinder your accomplishments. Only try to share your experiences with like-minded people, people who are positive and encouraging.

Exploring your own Telepathic abilities is an incredible journey. Although it will be fun and exciting, developing a strong foundation will take time and patience. Never expect too much success in the beginning. But the good news is that Telepathy can be learned and cultivated very easily. With regular practice you will become a Telepathy adept! You will always be correct in sending and receiving messages, with astounding clarity and accuracy.

Abhishek Agarwal to know more about Telepathy, visit Abhishek’s Paranormal Den. You can also download his exhaustive free 167 page ebook on Astral Projection.

– See more at: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2014/05/17/10-steps-to-enhance-your-natural-telepathic-abilities/#sthash.JfdP0V1q.dpuf




Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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