By: Elizabeth Peru


Dear Cosmic Community,
Recently, I wrote a blog post that (at the time) I said was my ‘most important ever’. Do you remember it? It spoke about how the Coronavirus was serving as a global ‘wake-up’ call for millions and how humanity and Earth were both on the path of accelerated ascension. Indeed, with energy moving rapidly since March 2020 and our evolution being given every opportunity to quicken, this blog post is on par with the previous, as one of my ‘most important ever’. 

The information, visions, probabilities and guidance that I’m about to share with you, can provide us with a roadmap for humanity to learn from and to grow through over the coming months and years. Indeed, as I’ve said previously the next decade of 2020-2030 will see the greatest change on our planet in 10,000 years. And there are TWO very distinct energy streams now presenting, that we can consciously (or unconsciously) decide to move along.

These two energy streams represent ‘quite distinct’ future paths for humanity to embrace – much like our now ‘morphing’ duality. One path takes us towards a society where soul and spirit is honoured and where peace, freedom, unity, energy discipline and personal respect flourish – along with a grounded understanding of physicality. Very similar to what our ‘soul life’ (back home in spirit) is actually like. And the other path takes us along an energy stream where fear, judgement, oppression, separation and a disrespect for soul and spirit, set us upon a course of unfolding devolution, keeping us in a cycle of pain, as we experience a heavy Earth plane.

Yet, the signs are clearly here beloved ones, that we are and we ‘can be’ heading towards having high-enough numbers globally (a critical mass) to be weighing the scales in favour of the path of personal evolution, self-responsibility and honouring the soul within all. If you desire to create, be a part of and live within a ‘golden age of peace, stability and prosperity’ then your focused attention and energy projection over the remaining months of 2020, is our vitally needed key…


So, let us begin by looking at the energy stream which so many souls have come to Earth to create and enact upon, that being at its essence, the great ‘path of love’. Just imagine, that from the approximately 108 billion people who have ever lived on Earth, you’re here NOW. Your soul is here for one of the great transitions of humanity. You’re here to do your best in bringing forward the light that you are. Expressing yourself through using your innate ‘natural’ skills earned from lifetimes of experiences on Earth and elsewhere. You’re here to ultimately shine your soul forth, expressing love (the power of the universe), as you elevate and uplift our planet by showing us who you really are (light being). And you will learn to do this by (at first) immersing into the darker, heavier energy on Earth and then coming to find and appreciate your light and beauty within this – transmuting the negativity and rising above it, through the journey of human evolution.

The ultimate goal of path 1 is UNITY of the negative and positive, dark and light – living in equal balance with these forces in your everyday existence. So, you still experience duality (light and dark) but you have a higher understanding of it and are not consumed by it.

Now, this may all sound surreal or even unimaginable to you, yet I encourage you to stay open to the deeper reality that creates our physical home. For tens of thousands (potentially hundreds of thousands) of Earth years, humanity has been focused upon the world of matter, and on a predominately physical existence (3D reality) on Earth. Indeed, there have been many within every generation who have woken up within the maze of human life (with its mental, physical and emotional challenges) and they’ve recognised the soul that they are. They have awakened to their spiritual origins and have lived as a human, knowing that they are a soul. Yet these special ones, have generally been within the minority within each great civilisation. That is ‘potentially’ – until now. 

2020 – 2030 Leading Your Soul’s Path

Since the year 2000 and the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter (which happens once again in ‘Aquarius’ in December 2020) we have been waking up to our spiritual origins in ever-increasing numbers. Have you woken up and been on the path of remembering who you, at ‘some point’ over the past 20 years? So, many have. Since 2000, and the exponential growth of technology and the rise of the digital world, we’ve been more connected than ever, allowing us to share concepts and ideas that spark our soul – creating a domino-like effect. This has given rise to a global population who now believe (in the majority – especially those aged between 18 – 49) that life exists after death and that there is a higher universal power.

Humanity’s Great Wake-Up Call and Re-set
And so, at the advent of 2020 the Covid-19 global pandemic has changed our world forever and seemingly ‘so quickly’. Yet, for those who have been consciously working with the 5D (fifth dimensional energy template of creation) which embedded around our planet in June 2019, this is no great surprise. We knew that the old 3D systems would break down quickly, especially as we began transitioning into the Aquarian astrological age in January, but even still, the rate at which life is shifting, is incredible. This indeed does indicate, that we have enough awake souls, ready to all move (at once) into a higher vibration way of living upon Earth.

Staying at Home (going within, with less distractions) – What an opportunity to learn and grow
With a third of the Earth’s population now in a much quieter mode than they have been for millennia, we finally have the ‘mass’ opportunity to be with ourselves, something that few people ever give to themselves. It’s when you’re quieter, not out and about everyday shopping, socialising, eating, drinking, going to shows and team sports, being on the treadmill of life etc. that you can actually give yourself an opportunity to reflect, renew and ‘know yourself’.

One of the key causes of pain and loneliness on our planet has been the disconnection from our own soul. Having a strong inner ‘soul’ connection gives you purpose, meaning and inspiration – it instills love and self-worth. When you’re connected to your source (soul) you’ll naturally top yourself up each day (fulfill yourself), so that you’re not always looking for that next high ‘outside’ of yourself to provide the fulfillment.


  • Dedicate some time to yourself each day for activities that help you to know yourself. Use any quieter periods that you have for personal development. Start to journal your inner reflections – write them down. Conduct your own ‘at home’ Sacred Vision QuestSpiritual RetreatEnergy Makeover or Learn How To Meditate and Be Still
  • Follow Guided Meditations that help you to know who you are and that can facilitate answers along your inner quest
  • Re-create your career path. Decide that you’ll contribute what you love and what you’re good at to society and make that become your living. When you work (contribute your talents) in an area that fulfills you, your energy field will naturally increase, which in turn adds to the high-vibration and conscious understanding of the 5D spiritual reality on our planet. When you’re living a high-vibration life, others will pick up on your inner calm and positivity. This in turn helps them to also shift their lives onto a path that is peace loving too. Happy, connected people rarely fight or become frustrated. They simply create a world around them that has no room for fear to exist. And in turn, this sets us all on a path of unity, love and acceptance. The more of us who can engage in daily activities that make our souls sing, the greater example we set for others to do the same. It all begins with you – it’s so important to be a role model for others
  • Decide to live a cleaner, higher-vibration lifestyle that respects all sentient beings of the light. You may choose a plant-based diet (if it suits you) as a way to increase your health and raise your vibration. From my personal experience, when I first woke up in the mid 1990’s, I naturally followed my intuition, which at the time told me to become vegetarian. I loved animals and couldn’t eat them anymore. Over the years I’ve become vegan and (personally) I credit this for keeping me healthy, high-vibration, physically ageing less, full of energy and light and importantly, connected ‘deeply ‘with my spiritual source. The same goes for the products that you put on your skin, use in your home and in your work. Create conscious choices. Look after your footprint on our planet. This is all in alignment with being personally responsible – which is the precursor to self-governance
  • It’s also vital to keep your physical body strong and fit, this in turn creates a healthy mental and emotional energy field. Whatever exercise works for you, whatever ‘you love’ – do it, everyday
  • If we can have hundreds of thousands of people working on their self-development, practicing self-responsibility, meditating, being considerate of their fellow souls of the light – and importantly living on purpose, then we’ll create a CRITICAL MASS of people exuding the high-vibration energy frequency of love, peace, personal freedom, harmony and joy. We’ll all be making responsible and wise choices that see us devoting more space to balance, family, play and personal time. What this WILL do is create a huge wave of positivity that will influence all of us. This is the path to self-governance that can be achieved on planet Earth. Each of us is then looking after ourselves, with the ultimate effect being that every soul is cared and supplied for. The current fear-based media conglomerates that work with old-style 3D governments and institutions (to keep us controlled and asleep) will have the oxygen sucked out of them, the house of cards will topple and the old regimes of inequality will become irrelevant. This may seem far-fetched, but it can happen. We also didn’t think that the whole world would be brought to its knees in 2020 – but it’s happened. Believe in the power of the individual to rise. We are on the path to a 5D reality on Earth, with every soul being aware of who they are and respecting their power with wisdom and integrity.

There’s also a second path that we could move along over the remaining months of 2020, which will then impact our next decade and beyond. This second path, relies upon people ‘not waking up’ and instead wanting to go back to the way things were in 2019. This energy stream is akin to being in a relationship that you know needs to end, but both people remain in a quandary, feeling uncomfortable and eventually one or the other ends it – badly. Most of us have experienced this scenario at some point. It teaches us that when you know something isn’t right and it needs to shift, the best thing to do is to address the situation (as it unfolds) and move it to resolution. This keeps everyone’s energy high and is not destructive, but constructive.

If we allow the fear of Covid-19 and subsequent lifestyle shifts to get a hold of us, it can rapidly diminish our spiritual connection and personal power base. Fear incites negativity and keeps people controlled and trapped. The old 3D systems, are trying to keep their paradigms alive in 2020, but they know they’re up against it. You need to know this too! The last thing we would want, is for a world war to break out, with ensuing famine, oppression and more deaths and a waste of lives (which is possible over the next ten years if we don’t take this opportunity to evolve – seriously). This type of warring energy is beneath us and not of the fifth dimensional frequency. You have a distinct choice right now and the making of it, begins in your very homes, with how you treat your families, friends, neighbours and wider public. How you conduct yourself (with everyone around you) is influencing all of us. You can’t hide your energy field. We ALL feel you and are impacted by your thought streams and actions.

If we do go down the path of further oppression, as we focus upon increasing fear, criticism (rather than critique) and a slant towards negativity (rather than the positive), it could be a long, slow road back. The negative, fearful, dis-empowering (and potentially destructive) path on Earth is a well-worn one. It could feel familiar to you and hence, why you always choose to walk upon it. But, this time around, you can consciously choose to take the path less worn – the new path that heads towards a New Earth. You’re creating it, with each ‘knowing’ step that you take towards it.

Indeed, we do come to Earth (as souls in physical form) to experience ‘duality’ the forces of good and bad, love and fear, positive and negative. Together these forces make-up oneness, but on 3D Earth they seem like very separate and distinct forces. Hence, why we try them both out, we sample both – to study each side in depth, something that isn’t so possible back home in the spiritual dimension – which is a space of pure unity.

The negative line has been lauded so much on Earth over thousands of years, that many of us are born into family lineages that gravitate towards this energy stream. It then makes it a ‘hard push’ for you to break out of this line and deliberately choose to focus your intent on the positive aspects of humanity and Earth life. You can do it. Soul loves a challenge.

Now, in the midst of overlapping duality and unity, life can and will seem chaotic. This is what we’re experiencing in 2020 and indeed, have been ever since 2010 – with increasing force. We need to stay focused and true to the visions that we hold for how ‘we want’ life to look over the coming decades, even hundreds and thousands of years.

You can do this right now and indeed you must. No matter how much you get sucked into the fear based systems struggling for dominance on our planet, always stay true to your soul’s ultimate higher purpose – remember who you are and then make sure that you act like who you are. Know that there are millions of souls on Earth, just like you, who are also creating an empowered 5D future.

Together, we will create a new day. We must be patient, dedicate to our visions and never, ever give up. After all, you may be back here one day and we want you to experience the highest possible vision for Earth in ten thousand years from now. Hold it now and project it forth.

Now, in conclusion, what I’m about to say is of ‘major importance’ in helping us to create the path of an empowered future reality – The New Earth – and your heart is the key…

Your heart space needs to have a clear energy field around it in order to fully emit the full potency of your soul. Fear, mistrust, worry and concern need to be wiped from your energy field. To do this, you’ll need to make conscious moment-to-moment decisions to act differently by not engaging in low-level, fear-based situations. Steer clear of them.

Your heart is the ‘soul chamber’ in your physical body. It’s the emitter and receiver of love – which, is a fine wave form of electricity that is the very fabric of our universe. So, what you can ‘personally’ do to keep yourself clear and high – is so important.

Look to where ‘in your life’ you’re holding onto any anger, shame, hatred, judgement or anxiety. Are you holding it in your energy field? Is it dis-empowering you? If so, you may feel a tightness in your chest around your heart, which is doing its best to burst forth and lift you higher.

Your heart must be free to express your soul’s essence. If you can clear your own energy field and free your heart, our positive wave, will be unstoppable. We’ll bring spirit to the physical framework and the long desired ‘Heaven on Earth’, ‘The Golden Age’ – will become reality. And that is something, which is firmly, a possible future path…


Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.