Prepare for Ascension – You Are Taking Your Body! – by Lory Pollina

by Lory Pollina

There can come a time, at a certain point in our spiritual practice where internal clarity and attunement make it apparent that our bodies need a more refined diet. We feel physically the need for a more conscious approach to what we are ingesting, whether it is with food, drink, smoke or chemicals. For most Americans, one has to truly consider the benefits or deterrents of what the fare of the Standard American Diet offers as the emphasis is more on pleasure than on health. This approach caters to our senses with little emphasis or understanding of what foods contributes to the maintenance of healthy body chemistry. Most westerners are ignorant of the fact that the body is an amazing healing machine that only needs the right fuel to maintain the natural balance of acid to alkaline in our blood. This along with other supportive practices, like exercise and rest, keeps us healthy and at peace within. It helps to understand that the universe and our bodies are miraculous and built to last if we consciously cultivate and care for them. However, the western approach to the care of our bodies is more that of planned obsolescence. The food and beverage industries leave it to us to choose the right fuel amid a wide spectrum of choices. While it is for us to discern, it is challenging to not be misled amongst advertising and marketing practices that are most often deceptive. Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, sugar, drugs, chemicals, meat, cheese, dairy, corn, soy, wheat, flavor enhancers, preservatives, pesticides, along with stress, sedentary lifestyle, and shallow breathing, all work to create an overly acid-based environment in the body.

While this might be a subtle point, it becomes monumental when we understand that an acid-based or animal based diet described above, as opposed to an alkaline-based or plant-based diet, creates the breeding ground for many symptomatic illnesses we face on an ever-increasing basis in our world today. Look around you. Who isn’t complaining of some form of illness? This rich and satisfying way of eating unfortunately does nothing to help us find optimal health, well-being and peace. It instead keeps us driven by caffeine, sugar and alcohol to achieve, ‘fit in” and keep up with an ever-increasing demand of our energy. It also makes it hard to avoid the excesses that naturally come with sanctioned get-togethers at bars, coffee shops and restaurants. We eventually either come to self-care by disciplined spiritual practices which lead us to clarity and refinement of our physical vessel or by the insistence of our body in the form of illness asserting itself to get us to change our ways.


Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

One thought on “Prepare for Ascension – You Are Taking Your Body! – by Lory Pollina”

  1. “While this might be a subtle point, it becomes monumental when we understand that an acid-based or animal based diet described above, as opposed to an alkaline-based or plant-based diet, creates the breeding ground for many symptomatic illnesses we face on an ever-increasing basis in our world today.”

    Eating meat is not what causes high acid in human bodies. Often acid is caused by eating refined and processed foods, like refined sugar. What is refined about it? They essentially remove the NUTRIENTS from it and leave only the carbs, so first, those carbs that would normally / naturally provide energy have now become essentially toxic WITHOUT THE NUTRIENTS TO PROCESS THEM. Yeasts thrive on those sugars. That is what causes high acid. Many so-called “cancers’, the tumors, are not anything more than the body encapsulating an overgrowth of yeast in the tumor, to isolate all that yeast away from itself. Too often, people then have those tumors operated on and the doctor cuts into it and releases all the yeast back into the body. AND NO WHERE IN THAT PROCESS DOES ANYONE TELL THE “PATIENT” TO EAT NATURAL, WHOLE, ORGANIC FOOD instead of conventionally grown or worse yet GMO food and worse yet refined and processed food.


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