NEW DIMENSION – Pleiadian Message Explaining Everything – 10-8-17

 Pleiadian Message

The Pleiades was one of the star systems that was mentioned in the Old Testament Bible.  It was the Pleiadians who built the Stonehenge in England.  They came to Earth as one of the members of the Galactic Federation of Light.  Majority of the people of Western Europe can trace their ancestral lineage from the Pleiades.

The purpose of the Stonehenge was to allow small scout ships we call as UFO to land on Earth and unload some equipments and people coming from a nearby Mothership orbiting near the Earth.  The rounded shoulders of the Stonehenge is where the scout ships rest which acts like a mini spaceport.

Since coming from other parts of the Galaxy, the pyramids positioned in Giza helps guide the space travelers by pin pointing the Earth from among the myriad of stars in space.  The pyramids designed by a Pleiadian named Hermes was made to beam a signal in space that can be detected by the Galactics while traveling in space.  That was one of the main purpose of the pyramids, it was like a lighthouse that guides the sailors from the vast ocean for them to reach the destination. And of course they are not using fossil fuel, gasoline or petrol to travel in space.

The Pyramids was not built as a tomb.  The pyramids are even a lot older than the Kings/ Pharaoh’s of Egypt.  The Pyramids in Giza is at least 100 thousand years old.  It was installed for the purpose of space navigational guide.

It beams various signals in space that can be identified by the Galactics.  The area inside the pyramid we traditionally called as kings chamber is not a chamber for the king.  It originally contain technological equipments that beams signals in space.  Which is why there are precisioned holes drilled to the pyramids for it to emit and beamed the signals in space.  The equipments were removed by the galactics to prevent the invaders from using it as a weapon.  And that is the reason why the chamber was found empty today.

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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