Ascended Master Hilarion – Archangel Michael – Earth Changes – Holding Your Frequency – 8-27-14


Matt Muckleroy


Message from Ascended Master Hilarion  /  channeled by Cindy McGonagle
August 27th – September 28th, 2014  /
“With the alignment of the earth, the moon and the stars and the planets at this time the Pacific Tectonic Plates are under great stress and will continue to seek out places to relieve stress, more fissures will be reported as the San Andreas Fault separates from itself.
Meditation on a daily basis is essential to keep your mind at peace during these unstable times. Connect with your inner spiritual Guides, your Angels and Guardian Angel and request them to help you have peace each day. Find a place in your home that helps you to relax and be calm with yourself for at least 15 minutes at a time. Relax, breathe, ground yourself with your breath.

Take a deep breath in and bring it all the way from the top of your head down through to the center of the Earth and then take another breath and bring the Earth energy mixed with your energy back up your feet and out your heart chakra as love to the planet. Practice grounding yourself whenever you start to feel anxiety or depression. Feeling dehydrated can also bring on anxiety, so hydrate yourself with plain water drinking at least 8 (8oz) glasses a day or more. Going outside in nature like in a park or your backyard can do wonders for your state of mind.
Sweet children of the light the starseeded ones, awake enough to remember your Divine Connections to the realms and frequencies of the celestial bodies and planetary systems that make up your soul family of the light, these times ahead are exciting for those of you who have a daily spiritual practice of meditation, a time spent with your Angels and Guides and with nature. You are the ones that will be the teachers for others now awakening to their own multidimensional abilities. You understand how to use frequencies to heal the planet and help others to join together to make the Earth experience a more glorious adventure for all.
Nature is the key to help you to be able to truly function at your optimum level. Not only through the foods you eat but through the beauty that surrounds your home, and where you spend your daily activities. Being in touch with the Elemental Kingdom of plants, animals, and understanding the elements of fire, air, water, earth, and spirit you are able to integrate and restore health to your energy fields. Drink water, light a candle when you meditate and connect with spirit. Go barefoot on the grass or on the earth, listen to the songs of birds in the early morning hours as the sun arises, or in the evening at sunset. Breath in fresh air and practice grounding it with love into the earth and most of all enjoy the life you are creating with every thought you think. So it is, So be it.” Ascended Master Hilarion
Message from Archangel Michael
“My sword of light can remove any and all energy chords of emotional baggage that you may be carrying around. Request me to cut and remove all chords, and restore you to your Highest Self.

As you begin to carry more Angelic Light frequencies your light will begin to awaken others. This awakening is a self-actualizing awakening that takes place on a soul-frequency level. Have patience with yourself, for the raising of your personal frequencies requires a surrendering process to many things and people who no longer resonate with you. Like grains of sand running through your fingers, you must let go of expectations of another’s actions, and pay attention to your thoughts that you are sending to yourself.
Your Angels can help lift you up but you must make the continued effort to stay at that new level or frequency. The ego really has to do with self judgement and self criticism. Having goals is a great as long as you let of of how the outcome will present itself for your highest good. Your Guides and Angels are always willing and able to help but you need to have a time for them to communicate with you. When your day is so busy, a quiet moment to check in with your Guides needs to be part of your daily routine like brushing your teeth. Take time to open up to their messages and Divine Guidance. So often the Guides are standing back watching you during the day waiting for a moment to assist you. Practice requesting a message from them and after you ask the question write the next thought that you receive in your mind-that is their telepathic communication sent from your Guides to help you.
A life that integrates higher wisdom is a more productive, successful and fulfilling life that one that follows the ego’s demands, and reactions.”

Archangel Michael
Channeled by Cindy McGonagle
© 2014 Cindy McGonagle © 2013 Cindy McGonagle Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.