Thrive News – Color Vibrations – The Magic They Have On Our Lives

color therapy


Re-blogged from Thrive News

The clothes we wear the car we drive and the houses we live in all have a color and at sometime in our lives we were attracted to those colors. Ever put a shirt on in morning and been pleased with it only to find by the afternoon you change it for another shirt one that feels more appropriate to your mood. Color expresses our mood our character and our relationship to the world. There are positive and negative energies in all colors and the way we feel enhances those qualities.

Being aware of color magic can change your world, for example the normal non thinking thing to do, is when you are upset or a little withdrawn you will choose dark colors navy blues, blacks dark greens etc. Those colors you chose just reflected your mood perfectly without a thought. Now the next time you go to put on a new set of clothes check your feelings emotions and general well-being. If you find your feeling down then choose a color that will lift your mood rather than keep it in its present state. Example:  I’ve had a rotten night’s sleep got work early I’m tired already, with a little more thought on how can I make this day better I choose a bright red shirt to give me some energy a set of long white trousers to uplift my mood detoxifying my spirit. Next I choose bright blue shoes to remind to look up ! its color of the sky.

Within a business setting or going for that interview bright flamboyant colors not so appropriate if you are feeling strong and confident go for navy blue or black with a splash of color. Choose a color with the energy you need help with. Lacking a little softness in your approach try a little pink. Striving to be noticed a little orange here and there will attract eye’s looking your way. Not to over stated though.

How do I feel right now ? Go to our color wheel page where you can find out what mood your are in at this moment. – Ian Scott

Re-blogged from Thrive News