Message from Jesus 3/31/2021

Posted by MaryB on March 31, 2021 at 11:05pm in Channeling and Channeled Messages

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Days coming ahead will be quite difficult to manage.  They’re coming within the next few weeks, and we are preparing our Body of Christ for these upheavals.  All of you know who you are.  You know what your assignment is.  You know this is all planned and necessary for planet Earth to go these upheavals.  So you are to just stay the course, hold your light, be who you are, know who you are, hold the hands of those around you who need hand holding; hold your own hand and know that we are supporting you. We are holding you up.  We are loving you through every illusion that passes by.  And these are just passing illusions necessary to the enlightenment–to the unfoldment of mankind.  These days ahead may be rough for many, but you will hold your gaze steady, and you will be my steadfast ground crew, for you are forewarned and you are prepared for whatever comes your way.  We love you.  We support you.  We do not wish for you to go into fear.  We wish for you to go into your steadfast natures which you will hold throughout any challenges that come in your direction.  I am that One you know as Jesus, and I will speak with you again soon.

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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