Angels of Light

The Angels of the Light can help to bring to you your guardian angels and to allow them to help you to a very simple ways that enhances the quality of your life and take charge of your life.


The Angels of Light are the messengers and helpers of God’s work. Working with The Angels of the Light helps out during difficult times or can help you to communicate with your angels, or to enhance your life in many other ways. The Angels of the Light can help to bring to you your guardian angels and to allow them to help you to a very simple ways that enhances the quality of your life and take charge of your life.

Get Comfortable

people woman and dog

For the better concentrating it is better to wear comfortable loose clothes. Find a place where you are least likely to be disturbed and be sure to turn your phones off. It helps you to focus and increase your energy when you do some preparation work or ritual to set the energy and your intention. The more prepared you are to have a powerful experience, the more powerful the experience will be for you.

Increase the Energy Around You


To increase the energy of the room, you can light a candle, put some crystals, plants, flowers or scents and a soft music that is relaxing and will help you to increase the vibrations. Ring some bells, use some smudge or say a prayer. Before engaging in meditation, you must be aware, know, or trust that everything that happens will be for your highest good and state that in your opening prayer. This is a sacred act and a sacred communication and should be treated with reverence.

Say a Prayer


Let us ask the Angels of Light to come closer and surround you in their light. To surround you in protection from the most high and that only benevolent and high vibrating angels can enter and then begin. Ask that Archangel Michael and his legions of protection angels surround you, and the place that you have chosen and know that it is so. Then, set your intention for your desired experience using the power of your will and the words. Choose your words wisely as they are indeed very powerful and are the magic by which you create.

Prepare to Meet Your Angel of Light

angel statue

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and adjust your body. Ensure your spine is straight to increase the flow of energy through your channels and meridians. Take deep breaths in. Inspire more slowly, more deeply than usual and relax- then expire slowly, feel the body become totally calm, deeply relaxed. Continue to Breath like this until you do. Invite your guardian angel or other Angel of Light to come to you. Feel them approaching. Feel their loving presence and the light they share as they wrap you kindly in this blanket of love. Relax-feeling this protection, this light, this extraordinary love that they have for you and bask in the glow.

Get to Know your Angel

young woman

Ask the name of the angel and rejoice with the first name that comes to mind. If you do not get one at first, do not worry about it, you can try later or next time, or assign them a name that is meaningful to you. Your angels do not have an ego as the human does and recognizes and responds only to love – A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. As you are wrapped in love and your guardian angel’s security, notice the other angels that are around you and the love that each one has for you; Breath in all the love that they offer and remember how you are deeply loved. Thank all this love you have received from the angels and when you are prepared and ready, we can move on to healing your heart.

To Heal the Heart

People man praise

Feel the outside of the heart. Is the energy around it calm and healthy or are they feeling violent, injured, violated or hurt? It is okay to feel whatever feelings come up as this will help you heal. Now feel ‘The Interior of the heart’. Is it full of love, appreciation, and gratitude, or is it full of hurt, anger, or envy? What needs to be healed? Invite The Angels of the Light to bring you a cure to treat the heart and feel how many come to help you – let them do the work the way they want and be open to the healing. Let the tears fall if they need to so that they can wash away what doesn’t serve you.

A Healing Waterfall

spiritual woman meditation

Let the angels take your heart to a beautiful cascading waterfall of light. When the heart is in the water, feel and notice all the sorrows disappearing. Let the angels take the heart to be blessed and relax and enjoy the healing that is taking place as your heart is healed. Be open to all that is happening. Share your loving gratitude for all that you receive. Let your heart be purified and blessed to re-enter your body, feel the angels touch your aura, for it to be closed. Say thank you, say I love you and be healed.

When you are ready, open your eyes and focus your thoughts on gentle feelings and love.

You are Supported

Religious Woman Praying

You are never alone on your journey and The Angels of Light are always available to you to call upon should you need extra courage, strength, and support during these changing times. Allow yourself to be surrounded by their loving light, heal your past and present hurts, and trust that you can surmount, and transform any part of your life through the love of god and his messengers of light. When you are whole and healed, you are God’s love.

Common Ways Angels Send You Messages

If you want to start noticing the presence or guidance of angels, one of the best things you can do is increase your present moment awareness of them. Read next feature >

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.