9 Temple Activations ~Downloads of Golden Light – Expansion of TIME * Paul Butler @ Prime Disclosure – 1-14-21


Kwana Mikaela

tl6mSponasorhed  · 


New Energies are coming in ~7:00pm(EET)Soft liquid. Restructuring in Light Body 💎
Crystalline frequencies 🎶
Collective is SHIFTING⚡

Philippe FrançoisYlegtSstuperdnnShaoysnfahstoorlodtss2es:rdu41dPM · A breakdown, a Reset, an update just before the baptisms of fire coming from the Sun today January 3, 2021it is a process of dissolution in the light of everything that has been falsified..These outages are also energy dematerializations that no longer have shortages.. by states of failure where we stay like this stopped, for a few moments or more… like prostrate, in stasis. To be exhausted…living ′′ white ′′ in consciousness… emptiness..the screen of consciousness and consciousness disappear…, back to origins, to Source..It goes through states of non states… where we are somewhere else and here at the same time..These breakdown areas (with 3 D modes of operation) make you no longer know what to do or where to go.. you don’t want anything anymore… the soul is actually disconnected from the 3 D world…it’s the collapse and disappearance of modes of operation, behaviors, conditioning, habits, automation and others….it is the old one who fades and disappears from our life….the mind is short-circuited by frequencies.. there are no more thoughts… we fall into states of peace.. consciousness without thoughts, fullness, grace…de vacuity….All this experience is learning, putting our eternity into practice…….. the heart of eternity..allowing us to experience the passage into the Spirit world…. the real world…


Abigail Wainwright

mtSgpionso19rhned · Twin Flame Ascension Collective Report

The vibrational shift into the New Year has been occurring, allowing space for the deepest healing of all abandonment wounds to happen. This has been playing out within the Twin Flame collective & needs to be acknowledged as to why communication & situations have been difficult as this is a massive karmic cycle closing out.There is an incredible download of Golden Light coming through to assist the collective to go through this process & to trust that even though the ground has felt incredibly shaky, it also is being rebuilt stronger than ever. All of the darkness that seems to interfere with your life & Divine Union is actually your shadow projection ready to be faced as each counterpart begins to own their Universe & manifestations.Divine Union occurs as soon as you claim it & acknowledge it from within. You Are One & nothing can keep you from yourself, but your own self made limitations.Everything that has occurred up until this point has prepared your being for the 3D part of the Divine Union that has already occurred in 5D. Look how it has been Divinely orchestrated to clear out all rejection, betrayal, sexual wounding, shame programming, self-sabotage & self-abandonment. This is a very powerful year of manifestation & deep soul integration. As you open to yourself & fully commit to yourself, your counterpart will reflect this back completely. This moment, all lack, scarcity & fear protocols are being wiped away as the slate is cleared for the Alchemical Marriage.All of the denser energies are clearing rapidly & on a collective as well as historical level. All of the deepest fears are coming out from the roots now. Trust that this means you are reaching your Divine Union both inner & outer. You are doing this, & your Beloved never ever abandoned you. They have always loved you, eternally as God does. You have won, it is done. ~ Abigail Wainwright

Pars Kutay

tSlaipo9nshored  · The most important and profound Message that Humanity is receiving for the Age of Aquarius 2021 from all our Galactic Families… from Higher Dimensional BEings… Angelic Kingdom… and Ascended Masters is to. . .“CONNECT Directly to God SOURCE WITHIN At ALL Times.”We don’t arrive to a Divine NEW EARTH / HEAVEN. . . It Arrives Through Us.The Teachers We Seek are LOVE and WISDOM and They are WITHIN Us!This Spiritual Connection is one of the most powerful things that we could do in life and would lead to our own Self-Realization.With Sacred LOVE of ONE 💜Pars Kutay


Asara Adams

LATEST ENERGY UPDATE BY THE PLEIADIAN-SIRIAN-ARCTURIAN COUNCIL OF LIGHT ~ January 3, 2021“We are Here NOW.We LOVE you.We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.As you have crossed over the threshold into your New Year 2021, humanity has accomplished a Mighty Feat.As a collective, your SOULs have opened the Portal for a major SHIFT in your Reality.Many of you might experience dizziness, spaciness and feeling tired, while feeling exhilarated and joy at the same time.The dizziness, spaciness and feeling tired comes from a complete overhaul of your four lower body systems (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.)Your entire DNA is BE-ing Activated and every Cell, Atom and Electron in your body is changing profoundly into LIGHT accelerators.The vast Influx of LIGHT CODES and the expansion of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness in humanity is taking place right NOW.Your feeling of Exhilaration and Joy is the indicator that you are completely stepping into your Divine NEW EARTH Reality.On a SOUL level you are celebrating this important accomplishment and your Heart is allowing for Massive amounts of Cosmic Christ Consciousness to flow through you and expand into your world.Dear Ones, you are BEginning to get a taste of what it feels like to live in the HIGHER Dimensions!You ARE the Love, the Divinity, the Abundance, the Health, the Oneness, and the Wellbeing you have been waiting for.It is All Happening NOW!Allow your SELF to take a moment and to let the Energies integrate within your BEing.Ride this Wave of JOY and LOVE, as all doors of Divine Wellbeing are opening for you.Soon things will BEgin to come into your life to nudge you towards the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for your life, as well as allowing you to step further and further into your HIGHER Dimensional Reality.Acknowledge these signs and Go Inward to connect with SOURCE to allow for your next steps to unfold.Above all, Celebrate each moment of your NEW Life!You are Blessed, as you are a Blessing for the world.We are holding the vision of the NEW EARTH with you and from our vantage point it is Glorious.We are with you, every step of the way.You are Loved beyond measure.We are with you… Always. We LOVE You.WE are YOU.Namaste.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!

Channelled throughAsara Adams




Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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