MICHAEL LOVE – What is The 5D Earth Project? – Creating a Better World for Humanity!


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The 5D Earth Project 2019
The goal of 5D Earth Project is to assist as many people globally as possible in waking up to their divine higher nature and to provide knowledge that will help them improve their life and their spiritual journey.

We speak a lot about vibration, frequency and Ascension. Its all the same thing as everything in the universe vibrates at a specific rate.

The Ascension of humanity is simply about raising one’s frequency by a number of methods so their physical body and entire being resonates much faster than it does in the 3D world. Everything we speak about is scientific in nature and can be proven mostly by one experiencing this spiritual transformation.

It is truly amazing and once you start on the path of awakening, you will find peace and joy and freedom that you may have never known!

What is the 5th Dimension? Let’s start by saying “Earth is the 3rd dimension in a 12-dimensional universe and 5D is what is commonly known as heaven! This heaven is more of a state of being or vibrational reality more than it is a place to go to but it can and will manifest outwardly as one’s physical reality when their internal frequency vibrates to match the 5th-dimensional level.

It is also important to say this heaven is already existing now in a higher dimension and it layers right on top of the physical 3D Earth. All dimensions do! We like to say it is here right now and you can experience it if you can raise your vibration (Ascend) to it.

The change in consciousness from the 3rd-dimensional frequency into the 5th-dimensional one can be a super-intense experience with some manifested biological symptoms, some of which include: increased headaches, fatigue, mental confusion, deep emotions, and various aches, pains and illness. This is not something to fear and in every case where we have seen one panic and run to the emergency room, having every major medical test done on their body, the diagnosis is always, “there is nothing wrong with you.”
We are here to say that you are the programmer and caretaker of this biological vehicle and your DNA listens and executes every spoken word and vibration you give to it so speak to it lovingly and calmly and tell it what you want it to do and it will respond accordingly. The same thing goes for your every-day life! You tell your life how you want it to be by your words, your thoughts, your emotions, your actions and all of your vibrational energy and it shall be made fully manifest with no exceptions, every time.

It is time great one to take full responsibility for managing your own energy properly as an advanced being in every way. So many have a fear of their own power and greatness (fear of the unknown) and it’s easier for them to pass the controls over to someone else to do the saving and the fixing. This is not the way of the highly evolved being.

Adjusting to the dualities and out-of-sync resonance of these two frequencies (3D and 5D) produces tension on the body, mind and soul in a confusing battle of will in the midst of confusing 3D chaos, war, and disease blended with experiences of incredible 5D beauty and bliss.

This adjustment phase is the period in the evolution from 3D to 5D known as ‘the burning’. ‘The burning’ is a process one undergoes to literally burn away all karmic residue, clear out all old 3D energies and programs that no longer serve or resonate with the soul and this is where one sheds the body of all lower 3D vibrations that cannot pass into the less-dense 5th-dimensional reality.

We want to make it clear that you will continue to exist in 3D to enjoy physical manifestations but you will begin to perceive and operate in 3D from a 5D perspective.. You will be the higher, more advanced, 5D-upgraded version of you as you interact in the 3D matrix.. If you find yourself being the lower vibrating 3D-you (in 3D) as you will at first, you can instantly become aware again of who and what you truly are and how things work here and change your consciousness state back to the 5D version of you while standing right in the midst of 3D. Remember that 3D beings can only see the 3D-you so dont expect anything more. Just be the silent, intelligent observer of it all and know that it is what it is, and it is all ok.
3D has no thing to do with 5D or the other way around. The only common factor in both dimensions is you. All we say is, “be the higher being, always.” higher does not mean ‘better than anyone’, it means more improved, more advanced and less primitive. It means more loving and understanding, less judgemental, not attached, non-expectant and more aware of your multidimensionality and how you are ‘being’ in all of it.

We often hear of and speak about ‘dying’ to the old way of being but this death is not a body death in the 3D-sense and is better described as dying while you are alive.

While this may sound a bit drastic, it isn’t.

Think of the caterpillar into a butterfly analogy..
The caterpillar literally feels pain as its old DNA- biological form morphs from the inside out and is then reborn as the new beautiful creation. This is the way it all works in this ascension.

The good news is, you don’t die in this body as a 3D human would. The other good news is the ones who did and do die, did not die completely, only their body ceased to function and they are still very much here and they will meet you again soon as the new beautiful creation they have and will morph into. In the body or out of the body we cannot say if their evolution is complete. After a perfected level 12 state of awareness is achieved, being in a body or out of one is a free-will choice in this unverse.. If the evolution of a being has not reached level 12 (the program for this ascension), they will return into a body as an infant over and over if the body ceases before complete level 12 evolution occurs.. Activating 12 strands of universal DNA is the complete mission for this project.

Project, ‘5D Earth’ is achieved at level 5D (March 21, 2019) when all Starseeds on Earth are lifted inside the 5D boundary and then the re-creation of the earth will begin and it shall be made manifest for all beings of earth to see and enjoy.

It is critical that you let go of all need to be in control of everything because as we say, “if one does not embrace the light, it will engulf you”. The more you hold on, the rougher it’s gonna get we assure you this fact. Only in letting go of the fear of the unknown do you become free to be able to rapidly achieve the 12 simultaneous states of consciousness matched to this universe. The 3D wave of unconscious humanity will have some major challenges in this area but when it is the time of the grand 3rd wave of ascension, 2/3 of the earth shall maintain a solid 5D core vibration in their bodies on behalf of the humans to assist them in their great task.

Unto this point, we have not mentioned the first thing about the 3rd wave of unconscious humanity’s ascension but we will say that if money is gone or electrical power is gone for some reason for a time or any manner of major natural disaster occurs only then will their hearts change and their eyes become open.. We certainly do not wish for any of these things and the universe will have its way in this ascension but we will always be here to assist as we always have. We will do all in our power as 2/3 of the earth stands together to see that things go as smoothly as possible and according to the divine plan for humanity’s evolution. We have seen all of this in detail but will only speak more in-depth about it in the coming weeks and months.. At the moment every celestial being in this universe is working in a massive coordinated way to see that the Starseed community makes it to the 5D level on schedule.

*It is important to note that a 3rd wave timeline of events has no thing to do with the 5D timeline. These two different vibrations have totally different experiences. The 5D being will observe the 3D timeline but will do it from a 5D perspective. “It is what it is”, are the words we say.

With this fact in mind, again we say, “we will do everything to assist and buffer it all without breaking the universal directive of ‘non-interference in a species’ biological evolution’.
3D is not our current timeline and it has no effect whatsoever on the 5D being’s timeline.

Angels have always been the watchers of men and we have helped them the entire time in unawares but we will not lower our frequency back down again because it would destroy the entire ascension project that’s been underway for eons and would also destroy all three waves of beings ascending to the new earth and the new heaven. We understand that the best way to help is as it always was, to hold as much light as we can in our own bodies for the sake of those we are assisting. We know that you are simply us and this is how we can help without participating physically. The 3D timeline is physical and the 5D one isn’t. We will do our magic the way we know how so no worries!

Dear ones, if you haven’t noticed, the entire cosmos and all the sentient life-forms it contains are changing rapidly into a higher order of life.

The change itself can be a bit overwhelming but this is all your great plan we remind you so it’s important to do the inner work now on you and take your focus off of everything and every one until you are made stronger and wiser in every way to be able to perform in all of this easier.

Remember we are all now-here with you to assist and we have been doing this all for many of you this whole time waiting until you were able and ready to do it on your own..

While we will remain here to assist in every way, but know that it is now time that you take responsibility, take this very serious, do what you must do no matter what the fear is. Begin to do this on your own great ones and we will hold your hand as you do.

Fear not and go forth in faith and courage and no bad thing will befall you as you make your evolutionary quantum leap.

You are ready?

God-speed great beings of light.

5D Earth Project Director,
Michael Love

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.