Why Seeing Lights is a Sign from Your Angels

Reiki With Friends

Doreen Virtue's picture


Angel Lights

About fifty percent of my audience members worldwide report seeing flashes or sparkles of light with their physical eyes. They’ve been checked by medical doctors and opthamologist eye doctors, and their health isn’t creating the lights. The angels are.

These lights look like camera flashbulbs or shimmering sparkles. Sometimes, they’re white lights, and other times, they’re bright jewel shades of purple, blue, green and other colors. Several people have told me they had their eyes examined by optometrists because they worried about their visions of sparkling lights was abnormal. Yet, the eye doctors told them that their physical eyes were perfectly healthy. These are sober mentally healthy individuals who are seeing lights.

That’s because these lights have non-physical origins. I call this phenomena “angel lights” or “angel trails.” When you see these lights, you’re seeing the friction or energy of angels moving across the room. It’s…

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Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

One thought on “Why Seeing Lights is a Sign from Your Angels”

  1. Hi , good morning , beautiful day .took a candle bath with salts,etc.today.soon after I seen distinct luminous twinkleing to my left,1 minute later I felt I should look at the digital time….it was 11:12, 1 minute after I had seen the twinkling, I often have these syncronicities and numbers.


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