Julie Henderson – We Can Change The World – Mind Is The Matrix Of Matter – 2-1-14

Max Plank



The late and great metaphysician, Stuart Wilde, said that if and when your energy is moving faster than the world around you, you have a kind of destiny, or a calling, something that pulls your mind and emotions and etheric into another place beyond this dimension that we inhabit in the name of growth and evolution. If you’re not busy being bogged down or stressed out by certain things that most people are, if you aren’t in any dodgy situations, and if your focus is primarily on learning, discovery, renewal, healing, serving others, resolving conflict, keeping the peace, or being creative… then somehow you begin to serve a separate (but not better or worse) purpose. At that point, when you’ve reached a new “plateau of self-discovery,” and things become comfortable, you are supposed to begin a new search for the next destination encapsulated by more advanced learning, rich experiences and discoveries. By enhancing your life and your journey, you automatically raise the energy of those who are pulled to you.
Sometimes “rock bottom,” whether it be in relationships, home life, or career, can be transformed into a new plateau of learning, self-discovery, healing, or crux of renewal. Often the personal triumphs accumulated in the process influence or open the door for another person to become more, or simply become part of “the Whole” again, which exists within their eternal selves. If we can guide at least one more soul back to the God and the Divine living with them by way of our individual transformation, then somehow our presence here becomes a force of Grace instead of a force that works against Gaia and the natural evolutionary flow. We’re called to serve in whatever way we can with whatever means we have at our disposal, and of course with whatever talents or skills we can bring to the table. We’re not all great scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, or movers and shakers wielding great powers of influence. Instead, we’re just average people who’ve woken up to a new truth, a new potential for our shared and co-created realities, or at the very least a means of evolving beyond the constraints and restrictions of prescribed reality as we see and experience it day to day.
Whether or not we are prepared, we are called to pick up the proverbial torch and shed light on the path for another. The Underground Railroad comes to mind, as does every subversive movement on behalf of gaining independence, freedom, knowledge, strength, empowerment and liberation for the awakened soul and opened heart. At some point, we have all discovered a loophole, a gap, a secret passageway, a wormhole, or an offramp that led us to a new perception, a greater understanding and awareness of ourselves and each other, or an acceptance of our responsibility in looking after Creation, this planet, the animals, other human beings and the God-force within our own being. We become reverent, humble, grateful for the least significant but most valuable things we have going for us in our lives. Whatever blessings are already in place, whatever nourishment provides a foundation for higher learning and the continued pursuit of our soul’s salvation and transformation, is something to be thankful for every single day. It allows us to discover the underground without the added burden of mechanical survival tactics in a competitive, Capitalistic society devoid of virtue and Dharma.
matrixIt’s not clear where or when or how the transition and great shift will come about collectively, or if it will all at once. It has been happening gradually in stages so as not to shatter the world by rocketing the planet’s collective vibration all at once. If it’s happening more frequently at the individual level, then it will inevitably take shape at the global and macrocosmic levels of consciousness. The best of what we are and all that we are capable of achieving as evolving spiritual beings is yet to come. There is a path, a secret passageway, a hidden tunnel, a loophole and a gap that each of us maintains within our own awakened being. We shed a light on that path for ourselves, not realizing that perhaps one or two others, as a result, might have a chance of following a more fortuitous song line back home to the Heartland, to the Divine, or to the sacred places in this world and the infinite parallel worlds of which we are all a part. We are all hazy-wave-potentials which become observable particles by way of a perceivable matrix, but as the perceptions and consciousness that create the matrix naturally change, we become instead Eternal Dancers: swirling, vibrating, illuminating gusts of atoms and sacred dust that compose us as infinite, multidimensional sources of energy. At that point, we enter the Sacred Void with humbled reverence, proper gratitude, and acceptance of the fact that we, once again, know nothing. With no particular knowledge, no authority over anything or anyone, and no need to defend a Truth that needs no defense, we just ride, float, dream, or dance…
“There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” –Max Planck, Quantum Theorist
All this may take on our part is for us to shed a little light on the unbeaten path for a brave soul like ourselves, and beyond that, a shared celebration of a journey that delivers us into realms of freedom, bliss, liberation, joy, happiness, resolution, forgiveness, understanding and magnanimous compassion beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations in this realm or any other. Those worlds are inches from us at any given moment, and they are sustained by our focused thought, sharpened instincts, heartened intent and determination to deliver ourselves safely into those Heartlands and their unending celebrations of life’s sacred nature. With each day that passes, more and more individuals are waking up without any care or need for conflict, without any desire to combat corrupt, tyrannical systems that are bound to collapse in on themselves, and without any concern as to the world’s condition. We know and trust that She will renew herself. We trust that God, Creator, Maitreya, Kuan Yin, Jesus Christ, Krishna, and all other avatars of God-source Energy are sovereigns of this renewed Earth, both before, during, and after Her great transformation.
If each and every one of us suddenly decided to believe in and support a different matrix when we woke up tomorrow, the world would change overnight. If we chose freedom instead of fear, courage instead of cowardice, strength instead of weakness, love and compassion instead of anger and misunderstandings, or forgiveness and mercy instead of holding grudges, then we’d be gracefully gliding through some kind of utopia instantaneously. There would be nothing to sustain the previous matrix grid of collective shame, fear, anger, deceit, betrayal, lies and illusions. The energy and vibration of our collective souls would suddenly cast off all lower-vibrating tendencies and dark masses to exchange them for warmth, tenderness, love, generosity, humor, hospitality, compassion, respect, dignity, honor, cleanliness, purity, graciousness, honesty, integrity, virtue, truth and all things Godly and righteous. We’d be living in a kind of Heaven on Earth.
“And what we’ve discovered at the core basis of the universe, the foundation of the universe, is a single unified field of intelligence; a field that unites gravity with electromagnetism, light with radioactivity, with the nuclear force. So that all the forces of nature and all the so-called particles of nature – quarks, leptons, protons, neutrons – are now understood to be one. They’re all just different ripples on a single ocean of existence that is the unified field… And that field is a non-material field. It is ultimately a field of consciousness and everything in the universe is nothing but that. Planets, trees, people, animals – we’re all just waves of vibration of this underlying, unified, superstring field…” –John Hagelin, Particle Physicist
The seed of those heavens and celestial realms where that bliss exists lies in waiting to sprout and be cultivated in every awakened mind. It’s not difficult to imagine a world where these gifts and that measure of Grace can be achieved and sustained; the only difficulty is in trusting that we can collectively produce that shift en masses, all at once. It is possible, but it’s challenged every day by those who fear change, those who fear love and want to hold onto their anger, or those who simply don’t understand what it means to be free, to be liberated, and to be Divine. The Hopi adequately described the catastrophic destruction that such beings would encounter by trying to rigidly hold on during this time of transformation. Naturally, anything asymmetrical, impure, inorganic and not “of God,” would be eradicated or fall away in the case of a Great Cleanse. And nature would be restored to its most simple, pure and rare state. A matrix of peace, an era of chivalry, and an age of enlightenment would disintegrate the old matrix and meticulously weave a new grid of liberation and creativity in its place. It’s possible. That shift is nigh in every awakened mind and heart, and our mind is the matrix of matter.
Suggested: Stuart Wilde www.StuartWilde.com
Julie Henderson is a native to the San Francisco Bay Area whose journey and writing has appeared in the anthology, Hitched! Wedding Stories from San Francisco’s City Hall, ed. Cheryl Dumesnil. She has also been featured in a controversial interview in Curve Magazine, and her writing has been published in various women’s journals and literary magazines. In addition to writing, she is a 3-D installation artist, photographer, singer/songwriter, metalsmith, and urban Taoist.

VĂ­a Collective-Evolution http://ift.tt/1cF5GHn


Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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