Transformation to a Light Body During Ascension

Embrace the Journey, Carol

What Is A Light Body?

The goal for all souls is Ascension, to merge, and align with pure divine Source energy.  The merging of a new consciousness that envisions the World spiritually, not materially. The divine activation of your Spiritual Awakening. A powerful transformation that awakens the encoded data to realign humanity. Our Light Body is the vehicle of our spiritual awakening.


It’s relative to this era, as it combines opposing energies into perfect balance. The masculine, the feminine, Earth, and the cosmos.  A union that results in an activation of light & protection around your body that can transport your consciousness to higher dimensions. May this remind you of the potential power you are capable of when you find Inner balance and raise your vibration. Through the evolving of our beliefs, and the needed healing of our past traumas & pain.

It is your Divine Faith that allows something Greater within to steer your Chariot!

Lightworkers have been called in record numbers to assist in facilitating the ascension journey here on Earth.  They realize this is humanities destiny, our determined life path or purpose to fulfill this life plan.  Destiny, unlike fate, has an element of choice. For destiny can be thought of as a pre-determined path in life, or a life purpose. Avoid feeling discouraged or distracted by the Chaos currently occurring, a necessary process, to Clear & Cleanse limiting Beliefs that have bond humanity’s potential.

Ascension Energy

As Ascension continues, the Physical body begins its transformation to a Light Body, as changes occur on a cellular level, adjustments from a – 3D Carbon-based anatomy to a – 5D Crystalline-based form. As your body gradually assimilates, to absorb the increased light of awakening.

Your Light Body, your Merkaba, is the Crystalline bridge of the 5th Dimension, the Aquarian Age of wisdom and divine love. The goal, to create a Universe of co-Operation, not one of distraction, separateness and division.

Awakening, expanding your spirituality are all part of the ascension process, to align more purely with you divinity. The path of greater awareness, of unity consciousness. As the rays upon the planet contain great energies of such. Energetic Spiritual upgrades to assist humanity on their journey to their true-self. A journey of re-membering who you are, is the needed awareness, to facilitate your awakening.

Awakening is the inner knowing that we are One with All!!

The Blessings

A calibration of your Light Body is a vehicle of Light energy, as humanity evolves, many seekers wisely look for answers from the past. The Ancient Wisdom teachings will replace our current misguided beliefs, and dogmas with ancient truths of the Masters.  Allowing humanity to see past the falsehoods of control, rejecting beliefs that bind, control and tether the soul.

With heightened awareness, you begin to replace “I,” of the ego-self, with “We,” as you evolve in unity consciousness. Spiritual connections shall deepen, as your Heart opens to your true self, your core essence. Continue to wisely use your guidance, your intuition, as well as your spiritual discernment to seek your answers. Do not be fooled or led by those who cling to the Old Paradigm; look within for your answers!

Seeds planted long ago activated by the divine energy of love, flood your planet Earth.

It may not appear to align with what you currently witness, but destruction of the old is a necessary part of our evolution. Hold courage & faith within your heart, knowing all will be revealed.

At first, these increased energies can create confusion, causing many to react from their lower chakras, as their unresolved issues come forward. As humanity awakens to this truth, the transformation is eased. All part of the planetary oneness for All of Humanity, to birth New Earth with the abundance of our birthright.  Rejoice!



Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.