October Vibrations Forecast

By: Natoya Hall

October Vibrations Forecast

By: Natoya Hall

Blessed Full Moon in Aries Starseeds! 

I am writing this transmission in a portal of transformation and the knowing that we are knee-deep in our Journey of embodying some serious upgrades. As I was downloading this transmission last night and really for September I’ve been witnessing the Grandmothers surrounding us; the Divine Mother’s presence is pronounced and really strong on Planet Earth right now. I am guided straight out of the gates to say have patience with the process and trust that who you once were is being upgraded to embody multidimensional templates. This Forecast goes deep, so I urge you to please read with your heart. 

 The Lions Gate portal was MASSIVE and really important in grounding this next level of our journey. This is where the Throat Chakra started its metamorphosis and really urged us to SHOW UP in our lives differently; truthfully. Your authenticity is needed to shift the denseness of this 3D paradigm and if you are paying attention it IS happening. The veil of illusions are being uncovered and at every corner, there is truth being revealed. Summer was EPIC. It was around this time that I really started to see the Mother wound start popping up and the teachings of the womb came up strongly also. The womb is the Divine Mother, Mama Luna and the Cosmic opening of our Creation capabilities. The Mother wound is important because you are the descendants of 7 generations of the traits, habits, magic, subconscious patterning of your Grandmothers. This stream of consciousness runs through ALL of us. Why is this important? Because it is through your Mother Wound that you will transcend your limitations to your true self. You see, you are the missing puzzle and the last puzzle. Everything that comes after you will be created within a new mainframe of consciousness! What is gender to you and how has it played itself in your life? If you are identified as a woman, how do you feel when it comes to the responsibilities bestowed upon you this lifetime? Are you ready to really start to be seen and RESPECTED in your power? Are you ready for this role? If you are man identified are you ready to collapse the patriarchy and start to move and teach other men how to drop the bullshit paradigm that has left the taste of violence in all forms against every species on this planet? And if you are non-binary are you ready to shift the Heartbeat in how we love? Accept? And have empathy towards what is outside of violent programming norms? The Mother Wound governs ALL of this and it is the Divine Mother rewiring you through very sharp, new creation codes called by Judy Satori and confirmed by my Guides; The New wave of Ultrasonic Frequencies. 

Ultrasonic frequencies are Sharp and work on a cellular level to upgrade you very rapidly. These are very different energies you have been feeling and witnessing. They are morphing the cells, the organs, the DNA and the major operating system of the body; the nervous system, Immune System, Spinal column and Adrenals so you can embody more light without collapsing your mainframes. These energies come in and cause massive tension, stiffness, intense buzzing, vibrations, zap-like energies, it raises your blood pressure and the heat in the body. Wherever you are holding traumas or denseness is where you will feel this immense transmutation. This is working with the skeletal system so it is really affecting your bones, joints and movements; you may feel stiff as a board and look bloated like you are carrying a lot of water in your body; you are, but your cells are expanding and when this happens, I’m sorry, you blow up like a blowfish. 

 With this Higher light sweeping Earth, you will have a lot of distortions come up about yourself and really come face to face with your deepest shadows. These shadows go lifetimes deep and they are not always comfortable to see but you have to step into the darkness to draw out the light or better yet, make friends with the darkness and see what a masterful teacher it truly is. These past few months I’ve witnessed so much fear, illusions, people being two-faced because they are under the ideology that their illusion of self is what the world needs. The World needs who you are afraid to be, who you wrestle with at night; it needs your brilliance however that may show up and yes, it’s massively uncomfortable at first but completely shatters your life as you know it and sets you FREE. Every lifetime has made you into the person needed right now in this lifetime and is activating your unique cosmic code. I realized that the coming months of Fall and Winter were going to bring on a massive wave of increased energies and I’m not speaking of COVID because by now you should know that GOD is deliberate and nothing is a mistake here. This battle is Spiritual and we are ALL Warriors Of Light including those transitioning to teach and elevate humanity’s consciousness.

 What I am being guided to say is do the deep, uncomfortable shadow work because 2021 needs ALL hands on deck. We will continue to see the fall and dismantling of every system created in a 3D paradigm and this will urge you to make sense of things through your energy field, through your higher mind and the cellular upgrades happening to you as we speak.

 2021 And Beyond: 

 You will assimilate to your surroundings very differently meaning how you eat, breathe, love, have sex, move in your body is all changing. You are beginning to exist as energy beings and not of matter; this is how you begin to shapeshift your body and your realities. You are moving or traversing through many realms, timelines and dimensions because you are seeing that light and energy moves through all illusions of space and time. Everything will be governed by ENERGY. You will see the motives of others before they speak because you are seeing them through the lens of energy; you are seeing them as their past, present and futures selves. Here’s the big one; you will be able to change the molecules of that person place or thing, given the permission to do so. The Astral Realm has been busy but that’s a whole other conversation for a later time! 

 I need you to listen to this next sentence with your heart and not your head or your Ego. Black People; especially Black women have a very important role to play in the metamorphoses. I’m going to be completely transparent here, when I heard this message a few years ago it freaked me out. Many things came up personally for me and my ego-mind brought up all the fear in this realization, this is why I haven’t said anything until now. I realized quickly that we were going to be the ones to really shine a light on White Supremacy, Capitalism and how we the people have been oppressed under this violent and brutal 3D paradigm. I realized that light was finally going to be shone on how we as humans of light have been treated and pave the path for all our brothers and sisters to fight the fight of unity. Lower frequencies and entities will use this time to divide but you, beloved starseeds know that to collapse and rebuild we need each other and we need to step out of the Ego mind to do this. We as Black People are going on the front lines to lead this charge; let me be very very clear… we are leading the charge but we cannot win this war without our brothers and sisters of all races. This is where we unify in love and in knowing the bigger spiritual battle at play here and this how we win. So it is written and so it shall be done. 

 Lastly, I want to relay the message that if you have been having a hard/intense time in 2020 realize that we were ALL put on “hold” so we could take in these new upgrades and expand on our gifts and abilities. 

Your mission and blueprint as changed Beloved Star Family, and, what you originally decided to come down to Earth to do as your Soul work is being re-written to accommodate your levelling up to a higher, deeper, multidimensional life expansion/expression.  That means that what you thought you wanted to do has shifted into what you must do because the purpose is deep and calls forth your passion and wisdom on a deeper level. You’ve been Upgraded! 2021 calls on your new expression of Light.

Until next time Divine Starseeds

So much Respect and Love Divine Beings Of Light 

Lastly, I want to relay the message that if you have been having a hard/intense time in 2020 realize that we were ALL put on “hold” so we could take in these new upgrades and expand on our gifts and abilities. 

Your mission and blueprint as changed Beloved Star Family, and, what you originally decided to come down to Earth to do as your Soul work is being re-written to accommodate your levelling up to a higher, deeper, multidimensional life expansion/expression.  That means that what you thought you wanted to do has shifted into what you must do because the purpose is deep and calls forth your passion and wisdom on a deeper level. You’ve been Upgraded! 2021 calls on your new expression of Light.

Until next time Divine Starseeds

So much Respect and Love Divine Beings Of Light 

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.