Galactic Family – Veil of Amnesia is BE-ing Dismantled – Heaven on Earth – via Paul Butler @ Prime Disclosure – 8-11-20


Sandra Walter

2d  · Decrees are an honored Mystery School technique for #Ascension. ⁠⁠Our out-loud commands, decrees, invocations and prayers have a direct effect on our #DNA, which produces our experience in the physical. Decrees affect our realities.⁠⁠Use Mastery Decrees every morning, or anytime for alignment. ⁠⁠Like any spiritual practice, it’s like training a muscle. Heart-powered Creator-in-Carnate muscles and neural pathways in the brain are reprogrammed with consistent reinforcement, and produce the Embodiment experience through your DNA.⁠⁠Prepare: Connect with your heart center; the Pure Source-spark of Diamond Light within. Take a moment to feel your Heart intent.⁠⁠Say aloud:: In the name of the Divine HUman, Creator-In-Carnate that I AM. I welcome in and forth my Higher Self, Christed Self, Almighty I AM Presence, Angelic levels, Master levels, Galactic levels, and all of my Divine aspects across all parallel realities seen and unseen. Unify in this now moment. Let us activate and transform this outward projection and experience to reflect my Divine Infinite Self, the pure essence of Source (God) I AM.⁠⁠<Say your Decrees: One or many >⁠⁠I ordain this under all graces and forces of the Infinite Creator Source.⁠⁠I call this forth to the highest level allowed by Cosmic Law, in Divine alignment with the Divine plan and templates for my pure and true organic Ascension.⁠⁠I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You. So it is.⁠⁠Refocus on the heart center. Take a moment to feel your Heart and integrate.⁠⁠Explore Mastery Classes at⁠⁠Because #Ascension⁠⁠#starseed#lightworker#wayshower#sundayuntiymeditations#decrees


Through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,We, the space bound members of your Galactic Family, wish to speak with the many humans who are now located on the surface of the beloved planet Gaia. We, the members of the higher dimensions of reality, are often known as “Your Galactic Family” because we are, indeed the higher dimensional expression of the awakened and awakening “humans.”In fact, more and more of your “humans” are beginning to awaken to the reality that they are actually Galactic Beings who have volunteered to take a third dimensional earth vessel in order to assist Gaia during Her time of “Great Transmutation.”Please remember that, transmutation does not just mean “change.” In fact, transmutation means change into a higher frequency of reality. For many eons, we, your Galactic Family could not land on Gaia except in the most secret of manners. Keeping the truth a secret was vital because too many humans were not ready to have that higher dimensional information.In fact, too many humans would become frightened if they saw one of our Ships as they could only believe that beings from other worlds would come to Earth to take over that reality. Of course, humans would believe that because their ancestors “took over” the Native Americans when they wanted to expand their area because they believed it “belonged to them.”In fact, they believe it belonged to them because they took it away from the “native Americans” who were there long before them. Fortunately, some things have gotten much better over the decades, but some things got worse because now humans have the ability to take over more and more of what they want.How did it occur that the humans tried to take what they wanted instead of become a helpful member of their reality? The first answer was that there was still some, in fact many, humanoids who had not yet remembered that Gaia was a living being and needed to be treated in the same manner that the humans treated others.But, as you can now see, the humans who wanted “power over others” still wanted to “take over” rather than to “become a member of” the new planetary world that they had discovered.Hundred of years later, those humans and their offsprings continued with that behavior. However, as we, your Galactic Family, come to you within this NOW, we are happy to say that many humans are beginning to release their need for “Power over Others.”Many of these “humans” are actually Galactics who have volunteered to take a human earth vessel to assist Gaia, who is also know as Mother Earth, to expand Her frequency of planetary reality from the innate third dimension into the fourth, and hopefully, even the fifth dimensional frequency of reality.Gaia is indeed your Mother Planet, and you, “The awakened humans on Earth” were once members of those who are now known as “The Galactics.”Over your many incarnations of returning to your Galactic Family for the “Rest and Relaxation” of a fifth dimensional and beyond realty, helped you to remember the higher worlds while your were wearing a third dimensional vessel. In fact, more and more of you were able to return to Gaia’s Earth with a “strange” remembrance of a higher dimensional reality that was based one Love and Light! Fortunately, there were some areas of time on Earth in which there was great love, light and creativity.Unfortunately it was more common to find Gaia inhabited by humans who were destructive and who wanted to have “power over others.” Fortunately, there was also humans who sought to remind humanity of their true higher dimensional heritage.It was those who remembered their own Higher SELF that greatly assisted other humans to expand their consciousness and remember that they had come to Gaia to assist Her to expand Her Planetary Energy Field to the frequency of the fifth dimension and beyond.Of course, the humans who could not remember their own Third Dimensional self often fell into the lies and illusions that the “dark ones” released so that they could have more and more “power over others.”Also, unfortunately, many of these “power over others” humans became leaders who did NOT care about other people or the planet. These “lost leaders,” as we the Galactic’s call them, came into positions of “Power over Others.”Because these Lost Ones could not love themselves (and there was many reasons for that lack of love for their self), the Lost Ones became lost in their own need to have “power over others.”If only these Lost Ones could remember that if they loved themselves,they would be able to love others.It is the ability to love others, not in just a “romantic way,” but to love others in a “respectful” way. But, since the Lost Ones could not love themselves, they were unable to love others.However, they thought with their broken minds and hearts, if they could have “power over others” then it did not matter if they had “love with other or love within,” because they chose instead to have “Power Over!What is the solution for this need for “power over?” We, your Galactic Family have asked that question ourselves many, many, time. Many of our Galactic, have even taken incarnations on Gaia to try to find the answer.But, the main answer that we could find is that, since Gaia is a “free will planet” each human must find their own way to remember that there are many higher dimensional beings who are circling Gaia with their Star Ships to find a way to assist humans without breaking the “free will” clause.However, everyone on Earth does not have to “override” the free will clause as only 51% of the humans on Gaia need to be awake enough to remember that there are many frequencies of Gaia’s realty from the lowest third dimensional frequency of reality into the fifth dimensional frequency of reality.If only 51% of humanity were able to expand their “innate unconditional love” to encompassGaia’s energy field, they could begin the Dawning of a reality based on the higher third, fourth and even fifth dimensional frequencies of Love and Light!We, your Galactic Family hear you saying to us, “We have tried and tried to live our lives in Love and Light, but there are so many challenges here.”We the Galactics wish to totally support you, and we can see that Gaia’s Earth is going through a process of change. “Change” just means to make it different, so we will remind you all that “Transmutation”mean to move the energy fields into a higher frequency.This transmutation into a higher frequency of Light and Love will greatly assist Gaia in her process of transmutation back to her innate, higher dimensional Planetary SELF! Please remember that Gaia speaks to you all via her weather and via what is occurring on Her planetary SELF.We, your Galactic Family, see that Gaia, as well as all her beings, including Her human beings, are also going through a process of transmutation into a higher frequency of reality. Yes, we the Galactic, can understand why humanity can feel lost and alone in the midst of the many challenges that beloved Gaia and ALL Her beings are undergoing.Fortunately, we, your Galactic Family, as well as your own Higher Dimensional SELVES, are aware of the Great Change that is occurring within your NOW! In fact, we, your Galactic Family, are All sending YOU Love and Light.We are also communicating with the humans who are able to believe it is possible to communicate with Higher Dimensional Beings. YES, we, your own Higher Dimensional Family are ALWAYS with you!In fact, we invite you to communicate with us so that we can assist you. It is best if you write down your communications, as your 3D brain is just now in the process of remembering how to activate your innate Higher Dimensional SELF!Please be patient, but do not forget to keep in contact with your Galactic Family, as they are, and will continue, to assist you to remember your Own Higher Dimensional SELF who exists in the Higher Frequencies of Reality!We await you in your dreams and meditation so that we can best assist you and send youUnconditional Love and Higher Dimensional LightYour Galactic Family


Pars Kutay

The dark grid… the veil of amnesia that was around our Earth plane… is BE-ing Dismantled NOW as we Speak!

Lisa Marie Wright

1h · The End of Seperationand DivisionA Return to Wholeness,The Law of OneWe are embodying it all…Let the rainbow inOne Crystalined HU-BEing RaceOne💜Together in Balance Harmony Wholeness Equality and Unity We Shine


The Word came in today that the age of deception is over! Access granted! A new equilibrium is complete. The point of destruction is no more. The war against the rose is OVER! This is the end of false masks of the luciferian agenda of tricksters, false prophets, and false counterparts.No longer does the dark hold the power of deceit against The Rose. No longer will lies prevail. No longer will wolves in sheeps clothing mask your Way. The Way of the Lord is here and has taken back what is owed to us now. It is our time to rise and shine out of darkness. The lucifarian agenda is over, and has served it’s purpose. Restoration of Christ and Christ in the Flesh is here.This is leading The Way to Heaven on Earth. Bright lights remain.📖 Revelation 21  And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.6 And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

Today it’s your turn! The Most High is saving your from mental slavery and mind control. However today is showing more than you have been saved and redeemed Beloveds. Another level of healing and purification of the mind, body, heart, and soul is happening. Blessings of your darma are showering into your life from the Heaven’s above now.

There’s a flip that occured for the Divine Masculine, through the 909 Gateway. The sword of truth has freed them from emotional loss and despair that created the wounded masculine. A rebirth occurred giving them the Light of God to align them with their emotional fulfillment with their Divine Feminine.

Magdalene, the Rose, also received karmic freedom from ancestral ties and loops. Now we can rise as the Divine Feminine Christ into our Holy Grail Unions with Prime Source Creator. This is all the works of God that has aligned this for you and us now. All Praises to the Most High 🙌🏻 Roses.

These are verdicts over the spell casting from the evil eye and envy that was blocking the Divine Feminine Christ. This ends cycles of mirroring, narcissism and betrayal. This freedom for you opens more psychic expansion and Feminine astral abilities, that are now taking shape and expanding for you, as your needs are filled emotionally.

We have been repeatedly told to keep following the Light since January.

📖 John 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

Keep walking away from darkness, eyes up on God. We are walking in the Light of Our Creator, heads held high, as verdicts are delivered over what’s been blocking the Divine Feminine Christ, the Sisterhood of the Rose and the Holy Spirit. This is their final ETERNAL death.

We are rebirthing now. Our cocreative manifestations continue to birth into our realities. We are all ONE and are walking together with Jesus Christ Home. 📖
Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Let it be known and shown! The truth will set you free 💙🕊💎




Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.