James Need – You are a Vibrating Pulsating Being – Every Thought you think is Pulsating Through You – Creating the World Around You…

Every thought you think is vibrating a signal from the base of your heart. It is your thoughts and the way you think and feel in your mind right now, that is building and creating the world around you…

The time is always now. It is your thought patterns that are creating every aspect of your reality. If you can change the way you think and feel about something, then you change the way it manifests into your experience. If you can change the way you think and feel about someone, then you change the way they respond to you in your experience. So it is always up to you. You and only you are the creator of you. Don’t let the world around you dictate how you think and feel- think and feel the way you want too, and let that dictate the world around you…

This is starting to become a ‘conscious creator’ of your reality, instead of a ‘default creator’ of your reality…

If you continue to think about the lack of something then you will continue to experience the lack of it. But if you can start to shift the way you think and feel to imagining and pretending the abundance of it right now, then you begin to change your point of attraction, and therefore the way it is manifesting into your experience…

When you truly understand and realise how powerful your thoughts really are, you will no longer continue to dwell on things that don’t make you feel good. You just know it is up to you to keep finding good feeling thoughts about every person and every subject in your life. You just know that you are always now, that life is always now, and that it is the way you are thinking and feeling in the present moment, that is building and paving the path in front of you…

So just relax. Enjoy life. Enjoy the present moment. Just keep finding better and better feeling thoughts about every person and every subject in your life. Delude yourself in your thoughts as to what’s going on around you, and think and feel about everything the way you want to. This is not deluding yourself to reality- it is taking control and creating your reality…

You are so much more powerful than you can ever imagine. You really are a powerful and effortless creator of your experience. Just go there in your mind and forget everything else. It is only you who can get in your way…

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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