Lunaya Shekinah – Light Language – Birthing Higher Consciousness

Lunaya Shekinah

Greetings Divine Ones ~ ~ ~

I’m so excited to share with you this very special video which I have received divine inspiration from the highest levels of my being to create for you.

There are so many ways to anchor the higher frequencies into physical matter, but one which has been speaking to me since the ancient of days is the birthing of light language. This is a form of conscious union between the higher realms of light and the physical manifest plane…… even more than just the healing transdimensional nature of sound, the language of light is a divine coding blueprint of the higher mind, which impregnates the world of form through its magnetics, to attract, repel, and thus form new creations of the higher frequencies upon this world.

In this video I share just a few of my own examples of light language as it has come through me, in the form of sacred healing sounds and symbols. I also give some examples of other amazing artists who have created beautiful light language as well… the light language even shows up in bird song and I share some beautiful bird song which really resonates on this frequency as well. This video shares deeply a visionary perspective directly from my soul to yours about the nature of this sacred practice, and also gives specific instructions on how to bring it through yourself, in your own life.

My heart is truly bursting with love and joy as I create this gem for you. I pray that it will serve you well, and inspire you as it has inspired me. Please share your feedback with me about this if you like. I will also be posting more light language symbols and videos on the Light Science website.

With Love, Lunaya Shekinah

Light Science –

Created by Lunaya Shekinah –
Wren Bird Singing – Produced by Paul Dinning – Wildlife in Cornwall –
Sacred Geometry Footage – “Nature by Numbers” by Cristobal Vila
Intro Animation by Matthew DiVito –
Intro Music by MikTek –
Background Music by Jason Lewis –