The Awakening of the Indigos and Blue Rays – 9-25-14



There is a mass awakening occurring for the highly sensitive, creative, and empathic beings known as the Indigo and Blue Ray beings. I am addressing both as they are both experiencing many of the same issues at this time.


The Indigos and Blue Rays come from different lineages but one of the main differences between the Indigos and Blue Rays that I will mention here is that the Indigos are mainly either still children or young adults at this time, they can be very outspoken and tend to go against the grain of main society and have always felt like outcasts. They are unwilling to conform to societies standards if it isn’t congruent with the way they believe things should be done. While they may attempt to go with the flow, they cannot suppress how against the “system” they really are, and simply cannot and will not accept things that do not make sense to them. Indigo’s are very perceptive, intuitive, and outspoken. They have a keen awareness and don’t understand why others don’t see what is so obvious to them. It’s actually insulting and beyond frustrating to the Indigo’s to have those in a position of authority try to manipulate or control them!

The Blue Ray’s on the other hand are older than the Indigo’s. They too have felt like outcasts all of their lives. They grew up in a world that was not highly evolved spiritually. They had to conform to societies standards and suppress their true nature. They grew up experiencing a sense of isolation and feeling different than others while those of like mind were few and far between to relate to.  Blue Rays have felt powerless, timid, and vulnerable most of their lives. Only in recent years have they begun to own their power and realize their self worth. They have a tendency to suffer from low self-esteem and lack self-confidence. The Blue Rays believed they weren’t good enough and quietly lived their lives without speaking up or making waves because they didn’t believe they had much to offer or think it would make much of a difference due to being oppressed for so long they just believed what they were told.

The first wave of Blue Rays are now around middle aged, they have embraced their divinity and have reclaimed their true spirit. The past few years have been a struggle to truly release themselves from old patterns and belief systems that have been limiting and harmful. The awakening has promoted Blue Rays to sever the cords with co-dependent behaviors and truly stand up for them selves once and for all, which has been both liberating and scary all at the same time.  In fact, many Blue Rays have Indigo or Crystal children or grandchildren who are teaching them how to have confidence and be more assertive!

As the higher energies and frequencies are coming into the planet and the veils are thinning we are all being pushed on one level or another to awaken.  The Indigos are discovering who they really are. They are being prompted to search for answers to their true identity and are awestruck to find that they fit almost every attribute and characteristic of an Indigo Child. Knowing their origin finally grants them permission to truly love and accept themselves for who and what they are and embrace their uniqueness rather than feeling shameful or resentful for being different. It’s empowering for them to know who they really are and honoring their sacred life purpose.

Many of the Blue Rays and Indigos are feeling misplaced and lonely. Regardless of the fact that there are so many more of like mind and heart for them to relate to, they are still experiencing a feeling that something is missing. Planet Earth is not their original home. They came here to participate in the grand awakening, either as an energy holder, to make a difference, or take a stand. There is still a feeling of discontent and discomfort that this planet is way too harsh for them by the cruel realities of the way we treat each other, animals, and the earth, and the corruption in our political, religious, and economic systems. They desperately want to connect with others and be settled in a place that feels peaceful, loving and kind.

The Blue Rays and Indigos are so deeply sensitive and empathic that they become overwhelmed, frustrated, and fatigued very easily. It is a constant balancing act to maintain their equilibrium and not take on the energies around them. Indigos are a hardier breed, a tough nut on the outside and deeply sensitive on the inside. The Blue Rays on the other hand are the opposite, having had to endure so many challenges in their lives which strengthened their outer resolve, they are stronger than they give themselves credit for, however, their ultra sensitivity makes them appear weak to those who misjudge or underestimate who they are.

Many have a deep desire to make big changes in their lives and are feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with their present lifestyle conditions. Yet no matter how hard they try, at this time, things will not budge. The conditions are not ready for major changes. It is a time to collect resources, figure out our options, and take time to reflect. Lots of rest is required as there seems to always be something to deal with, so in between bouts of lots of activity, is time to go inward and connect with nature and honor our true spirit.

In 2013, there will be many more opportunities to attract and connect with our Soul Families, Soulmates, Twin Flames, find a place we feel at home in, and embark on our new life purpose and be drawn together to begin implementing all of the ideas and inspirations that are within us. Now is a time to fully awaken and blossom in our divinity and allow things to just be. It is a time to dream big and set our intentions. The more we truly know who we are, what we want, and how to get there, the easier it will be to manifest it in the years to come.

Copyright © Notes to Myself by Stefanie Miller of A Magical World – Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:

Judith Kusel – The Awakening – Deep Within – 7-15-14

The awakening in consciousness is the true movement of higher energy fields, into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of mankind and planet earth on multiple levels and in different forms.
When one thinks of energy one has to understand that in essence all energy is made up of minute particles of light, which vibrate at a certain frequency. Therefore the new energy now works on multiple levels, and that is color and sound. Both combine to form the nucleus of the new technology which will become the way of life, in the New Golden Age.
First of all in order for us to be able to tap into and utilize this energy and the energy fields being released to the optimum, we have to awaken from deep within. For in reality we ARE pure energy – our bodies are pure energy, and the earth is pure energy.
In the 3D world this energy was sluggish and very dense, and now that we are moving into the new dimension, this energy is becoming lighter and less dense. This is because the light quotient levels are going up, and thus we are able to absorb higher frequencies etc.
Our greatest source of energy absorption comes in two major forms or structures in the body: the chakras or energy wheels, and the 33 vertebrae of our spinal column. The other energy fields are there in the crown of our heads, in the heart center and in the coccyx bowl. It is when all of these are functioning as one single unit that we can raise our vibrations to such a conscious state, that we can easily teleport, levitate, and thus live off the prana, or vital force alone.
The Yogis in the Himalayas have done this for thousands of years, so it is in reality nothing new – it is just that we have forgotten vital components of how to do this.
I was listening to someone playing the Tibetan singing bowls, from the biggest to the smallest, and I could feel the energy vibrating through my whole body. As each set of bowls was tune to a certain tone, this tone then had the deep tones and the high tones, and all in the one single key, which was either A, D, E, F or whatever, and each one of these then attuned the chakras in question. As this happened, I found my whole spinal column reverberating, as the spinal column in one huge tuning fork, and it is through this incredible instrument that enlightenment happens, in attunement to the chakra wheels. Note the word ATTUNEMENT, for indeed that is what it is.
In that moment I understood, that we are like a violin – and the Master musician has to fine-tune us, so that we vibrate at exactly the correct tone or chord or musical note. If one single string on this violin is not perfectly tuned in, the Maestro cannot make beautiful and profound music, for the one string out of tune, will add discordant sound.
It is inherent to man to be in any way discordant, for we are made up of the same stardust, of which the Universe and all of Creation have been formed. Thus within ourselves we have the music of the spheres. It is a matter of being retuned, and restrung by the higher energies, so that we can at last claim our cosmic heritage and become and grow in perfect harmony with the rest of the cosmos.
Yet, in essence this is a very personal thing. As much as we can ask other people to bring our own energy centers in higher alignment, in as much something within us will not be tuned in, until we do the inner cleansing and clearing work.
What clogs up our energy systems the most is all the emotional baggage which we tend to accumulate and lug around with us. Some of this has come over many lifetimes and in multiple existences.
Every time we hang onto anger, or pain, and nurse resentment, discord, and blame ourselves and others, we clog up our systems, just like a drain gets block when too much debris is washed out it and the system gets clogged.
Sometimes these resentments and blame move through generations, and the bitterness is brought from one generation into the next. This clogs up the whole DNA and ancestral lineages.
In places where there has been war or intense trauma, that collective pain stays there for thousands of years after this has happened. I have stood on battlefields and the trauma there was palpable. Such collective trauma clogs up the earth’s energy fields and needs to be released.
In essence the rising of consciousness is a personal responsibility and a personal quest. Not one of us will have had the same awakening, or the same initiations. It is a very unique and special experience for each individual soul. There are many levels of awakening and many levels of consciousness. To each his or her own – this is what makes us unique and special, yet part and particle of a greater whole.
However, as each one of us consciously wake up and consciously clear our energy systems, and consciously work towards the greater good of whole, then we affect the level of consciousness all around. One has a ripple effect on many, and the more the one works with the many, the more the one becomes the many, and becomes a powerful catalyst for change.
Never under estimate your own power to effect changes. You might not even be aware that you are impacting on the lives of others, but you are in your own unique way. We are not all meant to be leaders in society – a lot of highly evolved souls chose to incarnate and lead ordinary lives, and do this work in total obscurity. It is not always those who make the most noise, who have the most potent effect on society. Most often changes come from the unknown and the few.
In the greater cosmic sea, every single soul is validated and every single soul is worthy in his or her own right. Never under estimate the power of ONE, for here the law of the One and Many is applied.
Just like one single cell in your body, has a ripple effect on all the other cells, so does your presence cause a ripple effect somewhere and somehow here on planet – whether you are aware of this or not.
This is time of mass awakening.
So many of us already have been through the mill and back again, and now step into a great maturity as souls, so that we can lead the others. This does not mean that we can stop doing all the inner work – it merely means that we have found a type of inner balance and peace, which will help us through the next few years, until 2024, when the Golden Age will truly be anchored in, and on multiple levels.
As with all, there will be massive earth changes and changes within society by then. It is up to us to hold the light steady, and to truly step up and out in mission.
(Judith Kusel)

Max Igan – The Awakening

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The Awakening – What is the New?


Dear Ascension Pioneers!

When You look around, what do You see? You will see many different realities/truths enfolding simultaneously. But that is not important. All that matters is for You to find your own. What is your truth? What is your reality? Your reality is how You live your truth, while also being aware of everything that surrounds You. Ask yourself: “What is my New?” Does it matter what others choose to create for themselves, if there are infinite realities and possibilities and You can only choose/create your own? Great Self empowerment comes as a result of this simple realization/awareness!

Also, we all have people who greatly inspire us, and we love and adore them. But nevertheless, even those people are not our source of wisdom, they are only our challengers/uplifters … as we walk our own path. Our truth is our own, and no one knows our journey better than us. Many times we will be challenged to listen only to our Self and inner Divine guidance over what others say and what their personal truth is. Of course, we still continue to respect and appreciate their presence in our life, but we walk “alone”, standing deep in our truth!

This is our never ending initiation!

Within Divine Love, Polona