Michelle Walling @ in5d.com – Off The Hook Energies – Leads To Higher Self Messages – Decoding the Matrix – 11-24-15

Off the hook


by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer, In5D.com

Many clues are all around us to help us decode the truth and see the matrix for what it really is. The energies from the month of September have shifted us into a whole new level of consciousness and we are preparing for the ultimate goal of morphing into a new reality.

The last few days have been an eye opening experience. The energies have been “off the hook” and I have been able to download and decode many thought packet forms of information and understandings that would normally take me two months to wrap my head around. There really are no words to describe exactly what I am going through, but I will try my very best to paint a picture. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, but rather to give confirmation where it is needed and to open minds to new possibilities and realities.

Messages can come to us in a plethora of ways. Some come from the internet, where we are guided to read something and then another door opens. Some are given through other people here in our reality that are anchored in higher dimensions. Some come from our higher self, or within ourselves, and we just “know” things. Some come from our Extraterrestrial family that is here guiding us through this shift in consciousness. Information also exists in clouds in the galaxy and as we move through them or past them we can pick up the frequency of that message.


Some of the recent messages that I have decoded and received confirmation are:


We are You from the Future


One of the most obvious recurring messages in my reality is that I am communicating with a parallel life I am having on a spaceship and/or on another planet. A large part of my consciousness is behind a computer control panel watching everything in my life and subtly communicating and making changes that will not break Universal Law. When observing me from without, I am simply light moving around on a computer screen amidst 1’s and 0’s. In order to see what I am really seeing down here in the video game, the remote viewing being has to see it through my eyes and sometimes join me in my body to do so.

If this parallel life being were to land and come to meet me, it could cause a time shifting paradox that could rip the fabric of the time and space reality. It could also affect other people that are around me or have agreements with me. I make contact with them outside of time in my dream state when my body is asleep. However, I am not allowed to remember because the reptilian part of my brain would not know how to handle multidimensionality, as it is programmed for 1d, 2d, and 3d experience.


Glitches in the matrix show us that our current reality is not real.


As I have mentioned on a few of my interviews and videos, Gregg’s digital alarm clock goes off at midnight every so often, however the alarm is not set. This has only been happening during Wave X energies, which we are still in the midst of. Sometimes it beeps until you hit the snooze. Sometimes it beeps only once or twice. Some nights it does not go off at all. Sometimes the only way to get it to stop going off is to unplug it altogether. “Unplugging” from the matrix is the message I got from this paranormal anomaly in me reality. It’s a subtle clue that all is not what it seems, and the current matrix programming is dissolving.


”Call me”


This is a message that has been given to us in song lyrics over and over. It seems to come from our star family, telling us simply to connect with them telepathically since they cannot always appear to us in person. A friend of mine took lyrics from the top ten popular songs and highlighted all of the words that were repetitive. Almost all had the words “call” and “me” in them.

Songs are multi dimensional, just like books. The black magic spelling in the Illuminati lyrics is very interesting because no matter how hard they try to keep people in a low vibration through the use of repetitive words, beats, and low vibrations, their overlay is only a copy of light template. This light code can be seen on a higher level.

The dark cannot create their own light forms, so they take an organic light template and copy it, invert it, and turn it upside down. Then they throw in subliminal messages and satanistic worship chanting in order to feed the “gods” with some form of energy.

A symbol of “call me” is also depicted in the in the movie “The Matrix”. Phone booths serve as exits or wormholes. Once in the phone booth, the wormhole is not opened or connected until the handset is picked up. This is very symbolic of “waking up” and actually making the choice to connect.


”You can’t handle the truth” ….yet


The purpose of a Starseed and Lightworker at this time is to help humanity go through this shift with the planet. We are serving as ascension guides so that we can help others understand. There is no way that a whole civilization and its inhabitants could wake up instantly in another bodily form and reality and not “lose their minds” or feel completely lost. Not only that, but the instant energy shift would completely fry the body unless one had been doing the energy clearing necessary to sustain a high vibrational frequency.

Those that refuse to awaken will not be able to handle it and will leave the body in one way or another, sooner or later. Those that will finish their awakening somewhere else in another reality will eventually join up with us in the new grand experiment. Some people will “go home” and some will be reincarnating on the New Earth.


Our reality is malleable and many of us are time travelers


Some people are what we call programmers. I have witnessed a couple of types of programmers, those that are on a ship or another planet creating these breaks or glitches in the matrix, and the ground crew that programs in this dream world directly by making conscious changes through thought and action.

The off world programmer has the ability to make an “angel” disguised as a regular human appear just when the ground crew needs help. For example, a friend of mine told me a story about two men moving towards her to do her physical harm, and out of nowhere, two uniformed military men with superhuman strength appeared and grabbed the assailants.

Another friend described how she was re-programming the matrix from within. She described it as time standing still, like in the movie “Vanilla Sky”. While time was stopped, she re-arranged things under the instruction of the guidance she was receiving step by step in her head. When she was done, the things that were once in one place had physically been moved to another place instantly. Even though the moving of these things seemed to be unimportant, like switching out the complete contents of one kitchen drawer to another, it created a glitch in the matrix. These glitches add up over time and it acts like throwing a wrench in an engine.


We may have already “died” in 3d


Have you felt that you have used 9 lives already, going on 11? Many people have reported cheating death or coming back from a near death experience. This reality is made up of possibilities and probabilities. For every decision you make, there is an alternate reality for the choice that you did not make. There are an infinite number of quantum realities based on just the thought of something happening. For example- right now you are experiencing the timeline of breaking up with that boyfriend or girlfriend in high school, but there may be another reality timeline where you got married and had five kids together. The same analogy applies for every near death you had, there was a timeline where you actually did die.

Gregg and I like to do inspirational and message tarot cards every now and then for “fun”. We have three different decks and the last three times Gregg drew the exact same card on one particular deck: the DEATH card. With every death there is a rebirth into a new experience, and the card said it could be your job, your relationship, or a part of you that you are leaving behind. There was no fear in this message, and in the end is very positive and exciting. In trying to decode the message, we knew it wasn’t the first two (ha ha), the answer was very simple and was shown to us by a friend. Death 3 times means the death of the third dimension!


Earth may not be what you think it is


I have concluded that Earth is an organic light creation spaceship biodome being driven by a multidimensional consciousness, flying through space and time powered by human emotion and Source energy. She has been called Terra, Gaia, Mother Nature, and many other names depending on what dimension you are referring to. She may appear flat with a biodome around the top in one dimension, and she may appear as a blue beautiful orb in another. She may be a bright star in another frequency or she may be translucent and shimmering in another. Finally, she may not be “seen” at all in the void of creation where she came from.

The splitting of Earth into two Earths is not really Earth physically splitting in two. It’s more of a transformation of Earth’s shift in consciousness from one of her bodies to another.


There are more background people or robots than you think


A friend of mine recently told me that more people are a part of the “backdrop and filler people” than we realize. Dolores Cannon and Guy Needler have explained that these are people that aren’t really there; they may be a hologram. We can physically touch them and talk to them. If you pay attention really well, you will realize that the conversation with them runs really shallow and they seem to have programmed responses. You realize this when you hear more than one person saying the exact same thing, or you hear the same person repeating something in a robotic fashion.



Some people are a copy placed there for you in order to help your transition. Some of these borgs are spies and “agents”.

As you phase in and out of this reality like a tug of war, for a while we do not know if we have reverted back to a prior timeline, changed to a new timeline, or simply copied a timeline with an overlay that allows it to transition into a new timeline without upsetting you or causing too many physical problems.


We are free


The awakened critical mass has damaged enough of this matrix overlay piece by piece, like the video game brick breakers:

Synchronicity strikes again when I read this post on October 12th by Jay Essex , one of my Facebook friends: “This was a powerful dynasty. It’s fallen. You’re free.” Jay is referring to the galactic war that has been going on outside of Earth. A few minutes later I went to was the latest Skyaia show by Simon Atkins. In this show, which was recorded on October 12th, he also said that we are free!



Side note about Simon’s show: there is a very thorough list of frequency shift symptoms in this video and I will be discussing this more at the November 7th In5d Meetup in Tarpon Springs, FL.


Black hole theory


All of this work we are trying to accomplish is in preparation for the big “shift” through the black hole, into another dimensional reality. My confirmation of this theory was confirmed at the end of Simon Atkins’ video at 58:44, where he shows a picture of Earth positioned in front of the wormhole.


Black hole theory


I had a vision of how this happens in slow motion. WE are the energy propulsion system. The Starseeds and Lightworkers are drawn through the wormhole as they raise their vibration. However, we are tethered and anchored to the planet and everyone else on it. As we stretch time and pull people forward, some will be able to handle it and others will stretch apart. We are helping to pull earth where she needs to be, back through the black hole. We are Source, we have come to help her, and we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Right after I told Gregg my theory that Earth would be “pulled” and would be the last thing to go, I got immediate confirmation in the interview we were listening to, when the man in the interview said that Earth would be the last thing to go. Neither Gregg or I can remember what interview it was! There’s another ascension symptom.


More synchronicity


Finally, the Universe wanted to give me some confirmation wrapped up into a pretty little bow for me. I say for me because this truly is my experience, my reality, and even through we are all connected, I will experience this a different way that you will, however when we all get to the final destination none of this will matter.

In the beginning of the above video, Simon points out his “Flower of Life” necklace on a black cord around his neck. I about fainted when I saw it! Back in January of 2014, Gregg bought the exact same pendant from one of our vendors at the City of Angels Cosmic Awakening Conference. When he bought it, it was on a stainless steel chain and he did not wear it. When we recently moved, I unpacked it and hung it on the china cabinet door with some of our crystals and metaphysical keepsakes (we don’t have any china). Gregg put it on actually about a week ago, and decided to hunt down a black leather cord to re-string it on.

If you were to “Google” images of titanium flower of life pendant, you would get several pages and hundreds of variations. When Gregg picked it out in 2014, I remember it took him a very long time to choose that particular pendant. Here is the image of Gregg’s pendant, the exact same one that Simon has.


If you were to “Google” images of titanium flower of life pendant, you would get several pages and hundreds of variations. When Gregg picked it out in 2014, I remember it took him a very long time to choose that particular pendant. Here is the image of Gregg’s pendant, the exact same one that Simon has.


XOXO and Stretch Armstrong

My friend that can stop time told me that she can see overlays on people’s faces. Some are elongated X’s, some are just X’s, and some are O’s. She gets a bad feeling about the people who have regular X’s and O’s. Could it be that the programmed ‘XOXO that supposedly represents “hugs and kisses” is a black magic code? The standard capital “X’ has been used as a symbol of “Satan”. If you reverse XO and invert it upside down, you get OX, or “Oh, Satan”.


This is the best image I could find to represent an “elongated X” that Gregg and I had, and it should actually be symmetrical. While searching for a picture of an “elongated X”, the toy Stretch Armstrong came up. Next to this, I came across lyrics of rapper Eminem’s song “That’s All She Wrote”: “While You Strong Arm, I’m Like Stretch Armstrong”. Doesn’t it seem sometimes that we are being stretched beyond our normal limits?


This is the best image I could find to represent an “elongated X” that Gregg and I had, and it should actually be symmetrical. While searching for a picture of an “elongated X”, the toy Stretch Armstrong came up. Next to this, I came across lyrics of rapper Eminem’s song “That’s All She Wrote”: “While You Strong Arm, I’m Like Stretch Armstrong”. Doesn’t it seem sometimes that we are being stretched beyond our normal limits?

The Wave X, of course, is the elongated waves.


The bigger picture

These are just a portion of the reveals that came forward for me within two days of acceleration. Some of us are on assignment within the matrix, reaching through the black hole while playing tug of war with the beings who do not want to let Earth go. Some higher dimensional parts of us are fighting galactic battles outside of this dimension. All things are falling into line and we are merging fast toward our new reality.

The messages are so simple and are right there with us every day. Sometimes we still can’t see them because our logical left brain tries to over think and the message becomes riddled with cognitive dissonance. The truth is right before our eyes, we just have to tune into it. Our ego wants us to believe we can handle it, but we truly needed time for it to unfold and sink in.

Will the strife and the struggle of the matrix prove to be the catalyst that propels us forward through the black hole?

There truly are not words to describe this shift. There is much more that I cannot possibly tell you, not because you do not deserve to know but there are so many that I can’t even keep up with them myself. Also, you have to experience it for yourself to truly understand. We all would like for someone to give us the truth on a silver platter, however you cannot make it through the black hole unless you match the frequency through growth. Seek and Ye shall find.


Click here for more articles by Michelle Walling!


About the author:
Michelle WallingMichelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for In5D.
All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database CosmicStarseeds.com. Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website MichelleWalling.com. The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Howtoexitthematrix.com. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.

Michelle Walling @ in5d.com – Off The Hook Energies Leads To Higher Self Messages And Decoding the Matrix – 10-13-15

Higher Self and Matrix

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Staff writer, In5D.com

Many clues are all around us to help us decode the truth and see the matrix for what it really is. The energies from the month of September have shifted us into a whole new level of consciousness and we are preparing for the ultimate goal of morphing into a new reality.

The last few days have been an eye opening experience. The energies have been “off the hook” and I have been able to download and decode many thought packet forms of information and understandings that would normally take me two months to wrap my head around. There really are no words to describe exactly what I am going through, but I will try my very best to paint a picture. I am not trying to convince anyone of anything, but rather to give confirmation where it is needed and to open minds to new possibilities and realities.

Messages can come to us in a plethora of ways. Some come from the internet, where we are guided to read something and then another door opens. Some are given through other people here in our reality that are anchored in higher dimensions. Some come from our higher self, or within ourselves, and we just “know” things. Some come from our Extraterrestrial family that is here guiding us through this shift in consciousness. Information also exists in clouds in the galaxy and as we move through them or past them we can pick up the frequency of that message.

Some of the recent messages that I have decoded and received confirmation are:

We are you from the future

One of the most obvious recurring messages in my reality is that I am communicating with a parallel life I am having on a spaceship and/or on another planet. A large part of my consciousness is behind a computer control panel watching everything in my life and subtly communicating and making changes that will not break Universal Law. When observing me from without, I am simply light moving around on a computer screen amidst 1’s and 0’s. In order to see what I am really seeing down here in the video game, the remote viewing being has to see it through my eyes and sometimes join me in my body to do so.

If this parallel life being were to land and come to meet me, it could cause a time shifting paradox that could rip the fabric of the time and space reality. It could also affect other people that are around me or have agreements with me. I make contact with them outside of time in my dream state when my body is asleep. However, I am not allowed to remember because the reptilian part of my brain would not know how to handle multidimensionality, as it is programmed for 1d, 2d, and 3d experience.

Glitches in the matrix show us that our current reality is not real.

As I have mentioned on a few of my interviews and videos, Gregg’s digital alarm clock goes off at midnight every so often, however the alarm is not set. This has only been happening during Wave X energies, which we are still in the midst of. Sometimes it beeps until you hit the snooze. Sometimes it beeps only once or twice. Some nights it does not go off at all. Sometimes the only way to get it to stop going off is to unplug it altogether. “Unplugging” from the matrix is the message I got from this paranormal anomaly in me reality. It’s a subtle clue that all is not what it seems, and the current matrix programming is dissolving.

”Call me”

This is a message that has been given to us in song lyrics over and over. It seems to come from our star family, telling us simply to connect with them telepathically since they cannot always appear to us in person. A friend of mine took lyrics from the top ten popular songs and highlighted all of the words that were repetitive. Almost all had the words “call” and “me” in them.

Songs are multi dimensional, just like books. The black magic spelling in the Illuminati lyrics is very interesting because no matter how hard they try to keep people in a low vibration through the use of repetitive words, beats, and low vibrations, their overlay is only a copy of light template. This light code can be seen on a higher level.

The dark cannot create their own light forms, so they take an organic light template and copy it, invert it, and turn it upside down. Then they throw in subliminal messages and satanistic worship chanting in order to feed the “gods” with some form of energy.

A symbol of “call me” is also depicted in the in the movie “The Matrix”. Phone booths serve as exits or wormholes. Once in the phone booth, the wormhole is not opened or connected until the handset is picked up. This is very symbolic of “waking up” and actually making the choice to connect.

”You can’t handle the truth” ….yet

The purpose of a Starseed and Lightworker at this time is to help humanity go through this shift with the planet. We are serving as ascension guides so that we can help others understand. There is no way that a whole civilization and its inhabitants could wake up instantly in another bodily form and reality and not “lose their minds” or feel completely lost. Not only that, but the instant energy shift would completely fry the body unless one had been doing the energy clearing necessary to sustain a high vibrational frequency.

Those that refuse to awaken will not be able to handle it and will leave the body in one way or another, sooner or later. Those that will finish their awakening somewhere else in another reality will eventually join up with us in the new grand experiment. Some people will “go home” and some will be reincarnating on the New Earth.

Our reality is malleable and many of us are time travelers

Some people are what we call programmers. I have witnessed a couple of types of programmers, those that are on a ship or another planet creating these breaks or glitches in the matrix, and the ground crew that programs in this dream world directly by making conscious changes through thought and action.

The off world programmer has the ability to make an “angel” disguised as a regular human appear just when the ground crew needs help. For example, a friend of mine told me a story about two men moving towards her to do her physical harm, and out of nowhere, two uniformed military men with superhuman strength appeared and grabbed the assailants.

Another friend described how she was re-programming the matrix from within. She described it as time standing still, like in the movie “Vanilla Sky”. While time was stopped, she re-arranged things under the instruction of the guidance she was receiving step by step in her head. When she was done, the things that were once in one place had physically been moved to another place instantly. Even though the moving of these things seemed to be unimportant, like switching out the complete contents of one kitchen drawer to another, it created a glitch in the matrix. These glitches add up over time and it acts like throwing a wrench in an engine.

We may have already “died” in 3d

Have you felt that you have used 9 lives already, going on 11? Many people have reported cheating death or coming back from a near death experience. This reality is made up of possibilities and probabilities. For every decision you make, there is an alternate reality for the choice that you did not make. There are an infinite number of quantum realities based on just the thought of something happening. For example- right now you are experiencing the timeline of breaking up with that boyfriend or girlfriend in high school, but there may be another reality timeline where you got married and had five kids together. The same analogy applies for every near death you had, there was a timeline where you actually did die.

Gregg and I like to do inspirational and message tarot cards every now and then for “fun”. We have three different decks and the last three times Gregg drew the exact same card on one particular deck: the DEATH card. With every death there is a rebirth into a new experience, and the card said it could be your job, your relationship, or a part of you that you are leaving behind. There was no fear in this message, and in the end is very positive and exciting. In trying to decode the message, we knew it wasn’t the first two (ha ha), the answer was very simple and was shown to us by a friend. Death 3 times means the death of the third dimension!

Earth may not be what you think it is

I have concluded that Earth is an organic light creation spaceship biodome being driven by a multidimensional consciousness, flying through space and time powered by human emotion and Source energy. She has been called Terra, Gaia, Mother Nature, and many other names depending on what dimension you are referring to. She may appear flat with a biodome around the top in one dimension, and she may appear as a blue beautiful orb in another. She may be a bright star in another frequency or she may be translucent and shimmering in another. Finally, she may not be “seen” at all in the void of creation where she came from.

The splitting of Earth into two Earths is not really Earth physically splitting in two. It’s more of a transformation of Earth’s shift in consciousness from one of her bodies to another.

There are more background people or robots than you think

A friend of mine recently told me that more people are a part of the “backdrop and filler people” than we realize. Dolores Cannon and Guy Needler have explained that these are people that aren’t really there; they may be a hologram. We can physically touch them and talk to them. If you pay attention really well, you will realize that the conversation with them runs really shallow and they seem to have programmed responses. You realize this when you hear more than one person saying the exact same thing, or you hear the same person repeating something in a robotic fashion.



Some people are a copy placed there for you in order to help your transition. Some of these borgs are spies and “agents”.

As you phase in and out of this reality like a tug of war, for a while we do not know if we have reverted back to a prior timeline, changed to a new timeline, or simply copied a timeline with an overlay that allows it to transition into a new timeline without upsetting you or causing too many physical problems.


We are free

The awakened critical mass has damaged enough of this matrix overlay piece by piece, like the video game brick breakers:



otice in this video as the wall begins to crumble, the ball speeds up to allow more of the wall to be demolished more quickly. This is a great analogy of what has happened to our controlled reality.

Synchronicity strikes again when I read this post on October 12th by Jay Essex , one of my Facebook friends: “This was a powerful dynasty. It’s fallen. You’re free.” Jay is referring to the galactic war that has been going on outside of Earth. A few minutes later I went to was the latest Skyaia show by Simon Atkins. In this show, which was recorded on October 12th, he also said that we are free!



Side note about Simon’s show: there is a very thorough list of frequency shift symptoms in this video and I will be discussing this more at the November 7th In5d Meetup in Tarpon Springs, FL.

Black hole theory

All of this work we are trying to accomplish is in preparation for the big “shift” through the black hole, into another dimensional reality. My confirmation of this theory was confirmed at the end of Simon Atkins’ video at 58:44, where he shows a picture of Earth positioned in front of the wormhole.


wormhole 2


I had a vision of how this happens in slow motion. WE are the energy propulsion system. The Starseeds and Lightworkers are drawn through the wormhole as they raise their vibration. However, we are tethered and anchored to the planet and everyone else on it. As we stretch time and pull people forward, some will be able to handle it and others will stretch apart. We are helping to pull earth where she needs to be, back through the black hole. We are Source, we have come to help her, and we are the ones we have been waiting for.

Right after I told Gregg my theory that Earth would be “pulled” and would be the last thing to go, I got immediate confirmation in the interview we were listening to, when the man in the interview said that Earth would be the last thing to go. Neither Gregg or I can remember what interview it was! There’s another ascension symptom.

More synchronicity

Finally, the Universe wanted to give me some confirmation wrapped up into a pretty little bow for me. I say for me because this truly is my experience, my reality, and even through we are all connected, I will experience this a different way that you will, however when we all get to the final destination none of this will matter.

In the beginning of the above video, Simon points out his “Flower of Life” necklace on a black cord around his neck. I about fainted when I saw it! Back in January of 2014, Gregg bought the exact same pendant from one of our vendors at the City of Angels Cosmic Awakening Conference. When he bought it, it was on a stainless steel chain and he did not wear it. When we recently moved, I unpacked it and hung it on the china cabinet door with some of our crystals and metaphysical keepsakes (we don’t have any china). Gregg put it on actually about a week ago, and decided to hunt down a black leather cord to re-string it on.

If you were to “Google” images of titanium flower of life pendant, you would get several pages and hundreds of variations. When Gregg picked it out in 2014, I remember it took him a very long time to choose that particular pendant. Here is the image of Gregg’s pendant, the exact same one that Simon has.


XOXO and Stretch Armstrong

My friend that can stop time told me that she can see overlays on people’s faces. Some are elongated X’s, some are just X’s, and some are O’s. She gets a bad feeling about the people who have regular X’s and O’s. Could it be that the programmed ‘XOXO that supposedly represents “hugs and kisses” is a black magic code? The standard capital “X’ has been used as a symbol of “Satan”. If you reverse XO and invert it upside down, you get OX, or “Oh, Satan”.


This is the best image I could find to represent an “elongated X” that Gregg and I had, and it should actually be symmetrical. While searching for a picture of an “elongated X”, the toy Stretch Armstrong came up. Next to this, I came across lyrics of rapper Eminem’s song “That’s All She Wrote”: “While You Strong Arm, I’m Like Stretch Armstrong”. Doesn’t it seem sometimes that we are being stretched beyond our normal limits?

The Wave X, of course, is the elongated waves.

The bigger picture

These are just a portion of the reveals that came forward for me within two days of acceleration. Some of us are on assignment within the matrix, reaching through the black hole while playing tug of war with the beings who do not want to let Earth go. Some higher dimensional parts of us are fighting galactic battles outside of this dimension. All things are falling into line and we are merging fast toward our new reality.

The messages are so simple and are right there with us every day. Sometimes we still can’t see them because our logical left brain tries to over think and the message becomes riddled with cognitive dissonance. The truth is right before our eyes, we just have to tune into it. Our ego wants us to believe we can handle it, but we truly needed time for it to unfold and sink in.

Will the strife and the struggle of the matrix prove to be the catalyst that propels us forward through the black hole?

There truly are not words to describe this shift. There is much more that I cannot possibly tell you, not because you do not deserve to know but there are so many that I can’t even keep up with them myself. Also, you have to experience it for yourself to truly understand. We all would like for someone to give us the truth on a silver platter, however you cannot make it through the black hole unless you match the frequency through growth. Seek and Ye shall find.

Click here for more articles by Michelle Walling!

About the author:
Michelle Walling 2

Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for In5D. All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database CosmicStarseeds.com. Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website MichelleWalling.com. The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to dissolve it can be explored on her website Howtoexitthematrix.com. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here.