Judith Dagley – Entering MAY, 2016 – Five Planets Stop To Ask – “Are You SURE?” – 4-27-16

JudithDagley 5_3_15

Judith Dagley   –   Entering MAY, 2016   –   Five Planets Stop To Ask   –   “Are You SURE?”   –   4-27-16



Segment 2.
It really is dramatic, the way five planets are literally stoppng in their tracks, the last of which is Mercury who is stationing as I write. This does not happen very often! Not since a decade ago have we experienced such a collaborative phenomenon, and that was also by design. If you remember your state-of-being ten years ago, you may know why they did.

FEEL why,  I should say,  just to be clear. FEELING what you are experiencing will give you a lot more information than “thinking about” what you are experiencing ever will. That has always been true. NOW, however, it has become exponentially true. Fortunately, if  there ever was a “time” when the resistance that some still have to FEELING their own experience will finally be recognized as a useless and exhausting endeavor, it is NOW.
