Support the Allied Light Forces – Simple, Beautiful Way to Help at This Time – 2-10-18 – by Therese Zumi Sumner

Therese Zumi Sumner

TZ here; One member of the ‘Sisterhood of the Rose’ group Mary B mailed this suggestion a few days ago and the picture has remained in my mind and so I want to share her suggestion with PFC readers. You need to press the link provided to see this beautiful video in motion. Here is Mary’s message.

“I found this on the 2012 portal blog and thought that this would be a great way to support the light forces.

In order to energetically assist the light forces in the current purification (until the beginning of March), which extends to 3 earth radii from the center of the earth, we can visualize a rainbow vortex (from welovemassmeditation) in this area.

Such visualizations create multidimensional bridges for the light forces.…/Rainbow%2Bvortex%2Babove%2BEart…

If you highlight the above link by pressing the left button on the mouse and dragging the mouse to the end of the gif, then right click on your mouse while on highlighted area and then you can select open link in new window then go to the new window and right click on the picture of earth in brilliant colors and click Set as Desktop Background. You will change your computer screen to show this image. Then you can visualize and create multidimensional bridges for the light forces every time you look at the screen.

Victory of the Light. Mary”








Lisa Transcendance Brown




Click Below:


Divine Wisdom – March Ascension Energies – Light Language DNA Activation with Jamye Price




Message From Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff – More Weather Anomilies – Earth strives to bring Balance Within – 6-7-15

Hilarion by Marlene Swetlishoff

Beloved Ones,

As the days move forward there will continue to be more weather anomalies as the Earth strives to bring balance within. There are many ancient energies that were buried in the past now being brought to the surface. These are recognizable as feelings of sadness, anxiousness and worry, for in the past, many were the people who lived in constant fear, for their lives were not their own. They were subjugated and literally owned by others who controlled their daily lives with an iron fist. There was no empathy or regard for the sanctity of their lives and their lives could at any time be destroyed.

This energy is rising in the collective consciousness of humanity and is experienced with a feeling of heaviness, the sense of heavy burdens which are hard to dissipate and clear. Know, Dear Ones, these are temporary in nature and try not to become engaged when and if, they surface, in your thoughts and feelings. They are being cleared from the collective field by those who volunteered for this task. When one is aware of what is happening, it becomes easier to deal with it. Awareness means self-empowerment. It means that you were deemed able to transmute these energies through the power of love.

As these deep layers are brought to the surface, more revelations are also exposed to the awareness of humanity. All that was successfully hidden by those individuals who misused their power in times past can no longer keep it suppressed from public scrutiny. Humanity in general is waking up to the realization that their world is much different than they were told and perceived it was. Everyone is growing weary with the constant changes taking place.

These changes are bringing to light all that needs to be addressed in the world systems in order that more equitable and enlightened practices replace all that is not serving the individual and greater good of Earth’s inhabitants. It is a challenging endeavour but will become easier as these reformations occur. There will come a time when the consensus amongst all the people of the world will be that peace is their highest priority.

As it takes root, stay strong and steadfast as that consensus becomes the new reality here on Earth. Your loving efforts are bringing it ever closer.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion


©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and all live website links are included.


Message from the Water via Ute Posegga-Rudel – I Am the Mirror of Humanity – 6-2-15

Message from the Water  via  Ute Posegga-Rudel

Dear Friends,

I was walking on the shore of the Atlantic, blessing and embracing the waters with the love of my expanded heart. The forceful waves seemed to pause for a moment and suddenly, while some becoming very shallow, small, and translucent. They caressed my feet with great softness.

I stood and asked the waters:

Who Are you?
Who ARE you!
What is your true identity!
What is your mission and your function!
What is your work on this planet!

And the water spoke:

I am the messenger of peace, from the Origin that I am, the peace of Being, the peace of Divine Existence Itself.

I am representing the ocean of consciousness. I am giving you an image of your own Divine Nature, because, first of all, I do not only appear to you in this seeming element. But I also appear as moving waves to your awareness. I am representing both, substance and moving form.

So when you look at me, you see exactly yourself and how you function. I am your great mirror and I am what you are: energy. In truth I am energy, and not an element. I am energy, made visible in this form in your 3-dimensional realm. This might not be new to you, but you tend to forget. And as much as you neglect my waters of your planet, as much you do not love yourself, neglect yourself.

I am the mirror of humanity. And in fact your whole planet is imprinting me with information. My waters speak with the orchestra of the increasing and decreasing sound of existence. Listen to them. Listen to the waves, that YOU are creating. They are your thoughts, your feelings and emotions. They are also responding to the fabrications of your artificially created, illusionary world.

So, in order to recognize me as your own being, you need to look deeper, you need to look at my substance. You need to connect with my deeper substance to find yourself reflected in me.

When there is much turmoil, I reflect humanity’s emotions and also violence. I am nothing; my waves are just humanity who creates their own mirror in me. When you see me violent, when you see me killing life.

And when you see no life anymore in my waters, how many of you exist without life inside, who consider themselves to be pure, free of reactions to life, without feeling, but who have become in fact lifeless, automated beings. I reflect that at the shores where you see no longer life. That´s me, when life in me is gone.

I store humanity´s consciousness, I absorb it and reflect it to you back.

Still I am Love, as much as you are, and I open for you your space of heart to find yourself in the immensity and the apparent infinity of my Being and Substance.

There is only one Divine Consciousness, and it manifests itself in many layers in your creation. One of the most important layers are the waters. They are found in many domains of your universes, even though the density might be different to what you experience here on your earth. But the principle of water, the reflective nature of its light and energy and infinite Divine Consciousness exists everywhere in the universe.

On this basis of infinity and substance, my universal waters communicate with each other, being able to carry information over long distances.

I am without judgement, I just AM. I am reflecting the vast Divine Consciousness, and what is arising in It, back to you, so that you can learn about yourself, to turn to yourself with my help and example.

Do spend time at my ocean shores, at the shores of my rivers and lakes. Even a little drop of morning dew on a leaf is revealing you the Divine Nature of the Universal Waters.

But even the most polluted water maintains still its Divine Substance. The loveless information it carries does not touch It. What you can see with your eyes does not touch It. What you see is just a reflection of your perceptual senses. You notice a form and information, that is destructive, which is your own thought form.

To regain balance, seek my shores of clean, pure water, full of life, to recover, to rediscover knowledge about your own true nature. But even if you are not able to find easily these shores of purity and full of life, with your pure heart, you can find my true nature everywhere, that is also yours.

I Am in love with everything, that´s why I accept everything, that´s why I do not dissociate from anything. Learn from Me to not to be attached, although you might appear to be burdened on your surface with the image of unlove. Cut through all the surface illusion to find the Truth, the Essence of Being altogether.

You are that, I am that. Divinity is without limitation!

Message conveyed by Ute

Source:“Message from the Water: I Am the Mirror of Humanity,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, June 1, 2015, at…

If you wish to read this message in its original form, please visit: Ute Posegga-Rudel Messages from the Realms of Light

Copyright© 2015. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them. Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

SaLuSa via Multidimensional Ocean – Awake on Planet Earth – 3-22-15


SaLusa  via  Multidimensional Ocean

What a blessing it is to walk on mother Earth’s soil in a human body, with the knowledge of an ascended master. In truth this is only a few steps away for many of you. Throughout your day, you can come back to your senses; experience you being alive above the planet. Come back to your soul, come back to yourself.
You need small little pauses throughout your day, when you can just experience the life force within your own body. Just stop for a few moments or minutes, depending on your time. Experience your body being carried away at high speed in the arms of Gaia, enveloped by an aura of bliss and love. Feel the caress of your higher-self upon your Earthly body, feel your heart beat in your chest, sense the joy of having a vibrant and healthy body. Rejoice for you are alive, and every moment in live is a new beginning for you and your loved ones.
You are on Earth for many reasons, but the main one is to learn that you are part of a one and single being. That being is so big and powerful that it’ body is made up of many starts, and constellations. Planets are like electrons in a manner of speaking, and humans are part of that unique being. Humans have the unique possibility of growth into suns thanks to the love and consciousness that they can harbour within their consciousness.
As an awakened and conscious human being, your power is quasi-limitless. You are in contact with the forces above you at all times, and they are with you at all times. The only thing is that, as Earth humans, it takes a shock to wake you up to the fact that angels, archangels and other ascended masters from the entire universe are walking by your side.
You are connected with what is above your head to the infinite and to what is under your feet, dear ones. You are the most wonderful intermediary between the cosmos forces of universal love and light and Mother Earth. You are a flute, a wonderful musical instrument passing on vibrations and harmonics to Mother Earth, and to the Cosmos. You are constantly receiving and transmitting information in both directions.
Much knowledge is also communicated to you through your dreams from the higher spheres of existence. This is the reason why we are happy to see you take part in the Aurora dreamflight and other similar dreamflights experiences. Much is communicated to you during your sleep directly through your sub consciousness by us. In fact, many times, we are playing in your dreams information coming straight from the Akashic records, especially when it concerns your own lives and experiences.
Be aware of your dreams and of the messages that we are communicating to you, try to act on the messages that we pass on to you and not to forget them as soon as you awaken.
With all our love, know that we love you all very much.
Thank you, SaLuSa and Adrial

Channel: Laura Multidimensional Ocean

Saul from John Smallman – What is about to happen is the completion of an extremely complex process

Tremendous healing is occurring all across the planet as ever-greater numbers of you embrace the divine energies enveloping you constantly.  They have always been there for you, and now your awareness of God’s infinite Love for you all is spreading far and wide as those of you who have been holding the intent to be only loving over many lifetimes strengthen that intent and demonstrate it more and more of the time in your daily lives.  Living lovingly is the most powerful way to change yourselves – and thereby the world – and your successes in this field of endeavor are mounting rapidly.  No one on Earth is completely unaware of the field of Love in which you are enveloped, and although many do not understand what it is, they are allowing its influence to change their perception of how they wish to live and interact with one another.  And with their perception changed, then their intent also changes and their concern for one another grows.  Evidence of this can be seen all over the world as more and more gather in peaceful demonstrations against corruption, dishonesty, and plain incompetence in major corporations, organizations, religious institutions, and governments.  And, make no mistake, those demonstrations are effective!

Those who are demonstrating are doing so from a strong, loving intent, and they are well supported by the prayers and intentions of millions of others who, for whatever reason, are in no position to join physically with the demonstrators.  You are all powerful beings reclaiming your power, and by doing so you are bringing about the changes that you wish to see occur.  You are also being most positively supported at all times by the uplifting energies of those in the many non-Earth realms whose attention is focused on assisting you in every possible manner that is in alignment with the divine Will, as you stir in your sleep and move steadily towards your awakening.

When you feel the urge to complain about the (to you) apparent delay in humanity’s awakening, just remind yourselves that what is about to happen is the completion of an extremely complex process that has been underway for many human generations.  Wise men and women have incarnated over the ages with the message that Love is the path to the divine.  Sometimes they have been heard and their message understood and assimilated; at other times they have been persecuted, but over the eons that essential message has been passed down through many generations and through various religions and cultures, and it has been very firmly rooted.  Now the benefits of all those wise and holy ones’ efforts are bearing fruit as literally vast numbers of humans are turning towards Love and intending to be loving, because that message of Love is an eternal aspect of your divine heritage which, although hidden and unrecognized for a long time, is ineradicable.

That aspect is no longer hidden and is being recognized by increasing numbers of humans from all cultural, political, philosophical, and religious persuasions, as your intelligence evolves and draws your awareness to the insanity of so many of your negative and often condemnatory judgments of one another which have so consistently led you to war.  You want to change yourselves from judgmental beings into loving beings, and you want to see those changes reflected in everyone with whom you interact.  That intention is a collective intention; all of humanity is involved with it even though many are not consciously aware of having made this choice. And it is this collective choice that is growing the New Golden Age.  This New Age actually arrived at the close of your last Earth year, and since then it has been growing strong roots that cannot be damaged or eradicated, and it is now ready to come most gloriously into bloom.

Ever since you entered into the illusion, completely freely and willingly, you have been seeking the way out.  That sounds like a paradox, because it must seem to you that if you have been seeking to return Home for so long, surely you should have arrived by now.  The answer is that the illusion, to which you had given great power to severely limit your God-given gifts and attributes, was constantly providing enticing distractions which caused you to forget your intention of returning Home. Remember, you never left Home.  That would be impossible because there is nowhere else.  Nevertheless, the illusion was so well constructed – you are divine beings of enormous skill and competence – that it succeeded in convincing you, as was your intent when you constructed it, that it was the only reality, and that Heaven was a part of it to which you would return after the death of your physical bodies.  However, it also convinced you that if you sinned and were unrepentant, then when death occurred you would instead go permanently to hell – another illusory concept – and that led to large-scale fear and terror throughout humanity. As a result many have tried to convince themselves that they will not die, by refusing to acknowledge the reality of death until it occurs, while others have attempted to convince themselves that only the illusion is real, and that death, when it happens, is final, and at that moment life is permanently terminated.  When bodily death occurs many are quite stunned and amazed to discover that they still have life, existence, but without the body that they had happily identified as self.

As you have so often been told there is no death.  Death is an illusory concept because life is eternal.  Life is a gift from your divine Father, and what He gives lasts for all eternity.  Yes, you do lay down your bodies when they no longer serve you, and the appropriate moment for that to occur varies enormously between every one of you.  Having laid down your bodies, you review the lives that you have led, seeing very clearly all that occurred and understanding very clearly what you learned.  Then with the loving and compassionate assistance of your spiritual guides and mentors you make the decision whether or not to undergo another human incarnation. Whatever choice you make, you make with great joy and enthusiasm, because the reasons for your choice are utterly overlighted by God’s infinite Love for you.

Now, as the New Age develops and expands into a readily recognizable actuality, the changes that it is bringing with it, along with those that its arrival thus far have caused, are becoming undeniable.  Even the mainstream media are reporting some of the amazing changes that have started to take place worldwide.  The evidence that you have been seeking to convince yourselves that the New Age has arrived is out there.  It is very visible, and those who claim that they cannot see it are in denial – a state that they will be unable to maintain for very much longer – because, as all the channels have told you, the New Golden Age truly has arrived and is most definitely making its presence felt.

With so very much love, Saul.

John Smallman Blog

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo – Daimoku – Gohonzon – Lotus Flower

cla quattrocento·172 videos

Wikipedia  –  Nam(u) Myoho Renge Kyo

am Myōhō Renge Kyō (南無妙法蓮華經, also Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō); (English: To Honour/devote oneself to the Wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra)[1][2] or Glory to the Sutra of the Lotus of the Supreme Law[3]) is a mantra that is chanted as the central practice of all forms of Nichiren Buddhism. The mantra is referred to as daimoku (題目[3]?) or, in honorific form, o-daimoku (お題目) and was first revealed by the Japanese Buddhist teacher Nichiren on the 28th day of the fourth lunar month of 1253 CE at Seichō-ji (also called Kiyosumi-dera) near Kominato in current-day Chiba, Japan.[4] The practice of chanting the daimoku is called shōdai (唱題). The purpose of chanting daimoku is to attain perfect and complete awakening (enlightenment).



As Nichiren explained the mantra in his Ongi Kuden (御義口傳), a transcription of his lectures on the Lotus Sutra, Nam(u) (南無) is a transliteration into Japanese of the Sanskritnamas“, and Myōhō Renge Kyō is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese title of the Lotus Sutra, in the translation by Kumārajīva (hence, Daimoku, which is a Japanese word meaning ‘title’).

Nam(u) is used in Buddhism as a prefix expressing the taking of refuge in a Buddha or similar object of veneration. In Nam(u) Myōhō Renge Kyō, it represents devotion or conviction in the Mystic Law of Life as expounded in the Lotus Sutra, not merely as one of many scriptures, but as the ultimate teaching of Buddhism, particularly with regard to Nichiren’s interpretation.[citation needed] The use of Nam vs. Namu is, amongst traditional Nichiren schools, a linguistic but not necessarily a dogmatic issue,[5] since u is devoiced in many varieties of Japanese.[citation needed]

The Lotus Sutra is held by Nichiren Buddhists, as well as practitioners of the Chinese Tiantai (T’ien-t’ai) and corresponding Japanese Tendai sects, to be the culmination of Shakyamuni Buddha‘s 50 years of teaching. However, followers of Nichiren Buddhism consider Myōhō Renge Kyō to be the name of the ultimate law permeating the universe, and the human being is at one, fundamentally with this Law and can manifest realization, or Buddha Wisdom (attain Buddhahood), through Buddhist Practice.

Broken down, Nam(u) Myōhō Renge Kyō consists of:

  • Nam(u) (南無) from the Sanskrit namas meaning ‘devotion to’
  • Myō (妙) meaning ‘strange’, ‘mystery’, ‘miracle’, cleverness’
  • (法) meaning ‘law’, ‘principle’, ‘doctrine’
    • Myōhō (妙法) meaning ‘supreme (marvelous) law of Buddha’[3]
  • Ren (蓮) meaning ‘lotus’
  • Ge (華) meaning ‘flower’
  • Kyō (経) meaning ‘sutra’ or ‘teaching’

The seven characters na-mu-myō-hō-ren-ge-kyō are written down the centre of the Gohonzon, the mandala venerated by most Nichiren Buddhists. (The veneration towards the mandala should be understood as the veneration for what it represents: the Buddha Nature inherent to our life).

Precise interpretations of Nam(u)-Myōhō-Renge-Kyō, how it is pronounced, and its position in Buddhist practice differ slightly among the numerous schools and sub-sects of Nichiren Buddhism, but “I take refuge in (devote or submit myself to) the Wonderful Law of the Lotus Flower Sutra” might serve as a universal translation.

Soka Gakkai teaching

In Soka Gakkai, the (O)daimoku is the first of the Three Great Secret Dharmas (Laws) (三大秘法) (J. sandai-hihō) revealed by Nichiren. The other two being the Gohonzon, and the Kaidan (Precept Platform).[6]

Universal Mind Meditation – Guided Meditation – Kelly Howell

TheDazbar2·203 videos

Kelly Howell – The Secret Universal Mind Meditation {Guided Meditation}

Michael Tsarion – Origins & Oracles – Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology

PrometheanReachXVII·304 videos

Program 5
Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology

‘In Program Five, of the “Origins & Oracles” series, we learn about the real origins and meaning of the term – “Holy Spirit,” and we learn what humanity must do to secure its survival in the following years. We discover the actual roots of Christianity and find out what religious hierarchs have been hiding for over 2,000 years. Michael Tsarion investigates the suppression of women, the ecocidal tendency and the corruption in high places. Since, as Michael Tsarion says, the world elites have allegiances to hidden cults and secret societies, how can we expect them to honor their professed duties to humanity? In this all-revealing presentation we discover that the modern religions and political ideologies morphed out of seven great cults of power which ruled the world for millennia. The most powerful of these Cults was the “Stellar Cult,” dominant for over 10,000 years. Christ and the other Magi were initiates of this Cult, which gave mankind such sciences as astrology, astromancy, and the Tarot. Known as “Serpents,” they were the architects of the great temple structures such as the pyramids and the Sphinx. After the great Cults became corrupted they eventually gave rise to the modern exploitative religious and political hierarchies that prey off society today. We are still controlled by the elite bloodlines of these secret orders which continue to lead the world toward ruin and chaos. In this astounding presentation, Michael Tsarion demonstrates how religion and politics work to shape both the events around you, and the thoughts within you. “Astro-Theology” reveals the nature of the psychic and spiritual desecration which covertly operates upon us daily, and unlike the majority of other experts and researchers, Michael offers provocative solutions to our social and psychic predicaments.’