Prepare for Galactic Disclosure 2020 – via New Dimension – 10-14-19


This is an actual photograph taken by the people of Costa Rica as the Galactics just recently showed up to gently let people know that they are present and are just cloaked. This is a medium sized mothership and there are thousands more like this that are even bigger in size.

They have chosen to appear in South America as they know that the airspace in South America is not as busy compared to that of East Asia or North America.  

Next year (2020) will be a very exciting year for the whole world.  The Prime Creator has already given the GO signal for the Galactic Federation of Light to start appearing in the skies of the world in large numbers.  They are now allowed to openly interact with the people of the world.  Yes, it is called the Galactic Disclosure.  They will no longer wait for the governments of the world to do the disclosure as they will do it themselves. 

The whole world will be able to see gigantic screen/monitor on the sides of these motherships/lightships which will broadcast some messages to the whole world much like what we see on our television channels today. And some of the people of the world will be invited to come up onboard the Ships and meet the Galactics in person.  Those people that are sick will be given free healing treatment.

Beginning July 2020 and onwards, there will be no more delay for Galactic disclosure.  Meaning, the End is Near!

The End is Near
What do I mean by that? Let me make myself clear:

  • It does not mean that the Earth is doomed
  • It does not mean that all life as we know it will cease to exist
  • It does not mean that there will be a Great Cataclysm  

Rather, it is the END of the experiment that was done on Earth.  And an end to the allowed time for the Annunakis and Reptilians in ruling this world. The End supposed to have happened way back in the year 2012.  But the Spiritual Hierarchy decided to extend it to give way for the preparation for the people of this world and to allow the secret controllers of this world a chance to give up and surrender.  That time will finally come to an end (for sure) next year.  The Prime Creator as well as the Spiritual Hierarchy have already decided to go ahead and allow the Galactics to directly interact with the people of this world.

It also means, each and every human being on Earth will be given a chance to know where exactly in the Universe did they come from in terms of Galactic Origins.  On every human DNA is an embedded code that identifies the true heritage of every single human being. We either came from the Pleiades, Atlantia, Sirius, Lemur, Andromeda, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Mushaba etc. And emphasis is given to the human beings but this is also especially true to the animals as well.  When a complete Galactic Disclosure is conducted globally there will be a re-orientation and re-education of the people of this world about their true history.  

This also means that Galactic travel will become possible.  We will be given a chance to travel and visit the home planet and or the star system where we originally came from. 

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

6 thoughts on “Prepare for Galactic Disclosure 2020 – via New Dimension – 10-14-19”

  1. Have never seen a UFO anywhere in my area. Just a few days ago I saw a huge cloud ship fairly close to my house. I sent my greetings and welcoming which was reciprocated.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. These are plasma merkabas. That is how we travel! These are our lightships not metallic discs! As mind control clears and we raise our vibes to match the new reality, we can begin to see it all around us. To infinity and beyond lol!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So much love right back atcha Duane! Things are going incredibly well! Great news! Just started hearing about the rings of Saturn as we are clearing the Nephilim timelines. This was some sort of a fixed inorganic structure and a huge piece of the galactic mind control matrix structure. It’s all being dismantled and soon our brains will be just receivers once again rather than running a false creation! 😘


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