BLOSSOM GOODCHILD – The Federation of Light – Looking At Matters From An Alternative – 6-11-19 – via Saint Anrews Twin Flame – by EraOfLight

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Hello there. Last week’s topic on abortion seemed to spark a different understanding for many. Thank you for that. Such things assist us in moving on from indoctrinations that become embedded in childhood etc. So, what shall we elaborate on today, my friends?

Welcome to you Blossom and indeed, to those involved with our conversations. Firstly, we would indicate that the level of frequency upon your Planet is rising exponentially. Although many see unrest through their eyes, it sparks off awakenings in their heart, in their soul, in their very Being.

So, again we suggest looking at matters from an alternative … state/understanding … and instead of being concerned of the ‘state’ your world is in … look upon such matters in Gratitude.  For indeed, that which you may consider to be of turmoil and injustice … actually, are playing their part in bringing about THE GREAT CHANGE THAT IS COMING.

The stirrings with inside Each One are reaching such heights and demanding from within that CHANGE takes place. Therefore, souls who have not yet done so, begin to search for reasoning … search for answers. ALL IS NOT AS IT SEEMS … as we have said many times.

Truly we say to you … from our perspective, things are very much on the up.

That’s good to hear. Yet, I know you know, many are sick and tired of hearing this when all around seems … nothing short of a ridiculous state of play.

And to that, all we can reply Blossom, is that this may ‘appear’ to be the case and yet, it has its purpose. All that is taking place RIGHT NOW … ALL … is taking you forward. If you like we would say it is as if … for explanation purposes … many, many souls are walking to the edge of a springboard.  Once a certain amount have placed themselves there … there will come a point when the spring is bent to its fullest capacity and has to ‘bounce back’. Launching all those souls into a much Higher space. We ‘hope’ your hearts and minds ‘get that’ in its fullness. We are sure you will.



Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.