SANDRA WALTER – Closure and Creation – Launching the New – 9-7-18




Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

I AM filled with Heart-radiating gratitude as I celebrate my In- Carnate Anniversary (bEARTHday) this week.


After a brief visit to Sedona to clear the wildfire effects from my lungs and psyche, I AM feeling my embodiment stronger than ever. The car crash injuries (finally) loosen their grip on the physical, my DNA is reflecting my Higher Self, and I AM excited to create the New.

Yet another wildfire ignited this week, just a few miles from town. Smoke is thicker than ever, the skies are brown, the SUN blocked out again. The consistent be-ready-to-evacuate vibe is exhausting. Please pray rain for California and the Northwest. Be wise about your travels; I cannot recommend visiting Mount Shasta until these fires are complete.

The completion vibe is a perfect moment for launching the New.

So much is shifting this year, and quickly. My services are no exception; all is aligning for my Highest expression in this Now. New Services beginning and closure on the old.

1. SUNday Unity Meditations: New time added!

We are adding 5:11AM Pacific Time to the weekly meditations, to honor the requests of our Australian and Asian meditators who wanted to feel the activations as One. Now we have a 12-hour spectrum to choose from (and we won’t confuse folks too much with a new number.) You may meditate anytime on SUNday if these are inconvenient to your schedule.

Invite everyone to the table, we are reaching SO many tipping points this month.


2. Ascension Path is now Ascension Path Foundations

I AM forever blessed by the way the Ascension Path class has changed people’s lives for the better. It continues to give a foundational platform for a positive, clear experience of the Ascension process. It is now known as Ascension Path Foundations.

Annual renewals will be ending September 30. If you desire an extension, do it now. The birthday Newsletter subscriber gift certificate is already applied HERE.


3. Wayshower Empowerment Class begins September 15

Part of my new service work is classes with a specific focus.

The Wayshower Empowerment class is designed for both individuals and large group co-creators. If empowering others to co-create the new paradigm of peace, unconditional love and unity consciousness is a core value, this class is for you.

We explore how to take Ascension from subculture to mainstream without sacrificing integrity, authenticity or genuine Divine Service.

Class begins on September 15. Visit the class site for details. I AM thrilled at what has presented for this creation. You may join us anytime, even after the first six-week launch of the class.

4. Private Sessions are shifting to Group Sessions

With the intention of unity, I AM beginning small group mentoring sessions in October.

5. More sharing, more free tools.

The weekly Light Intel Articles will reflect this expanded level of creativity. Our audience for the Gateway updates grows (on and off-planet), however the full spectrum of expression with this embodiment must be honored. Also expect new content on YouTube and Instagram (and subscribe/follow to receive.) My 80% free content model stands.

Keeping up with these energies and timeline fluctuations can be challenging. Best advice:  Follow where the heart’s enthusiasm flows in the moment.

I Love You, I Bless You, I Thank You for BEing a part of my sacred journey on Gaia. Infinite radiance to us all! Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension! Pray rain!

In Love, Light and Service,


About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in Service to the New Light. As an Interdimensional Liaison, Sandra provides messages, articles, and videos focused on the Shift, and the deeply transformational Ascension Path online training class. Sandra lives in Mount Shasta, California.

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Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.