DANIEL SCRANTON – Accessing the Frequencies of Power and Freedom ∞ The Creators – 3-17-18

“So, there are a number of choices that you make in any given day. You decide a great many things about your lives, and this is a way for you to access your true creative potential. You see, when you make decisions, you give yourself authority. You are the one who gets to decide many things about your life, about how you go about your day — what you eat, what you wear, which way you drive your car, what you do with your leisure time.


You get to make so many little decisions every day, and this is an important thing for you now to acknowledge. We want you to feel how powerful you are, and simply telling you that you are all-powerful Beings, does not have the same impact as giving you examples of how you display your true power in your lives.

Notice that many of the decisions that you make throughout the day, you do so out of habit. You make the same choices you made the day before. You have not given yourselves yet the opportunity to notice how many choices you have. This also allows you to access the frequency of freedom. Freedom and power are two frequencies that we know many of you feel you lack.

That is why we are using this opportunity to point out how much power and freedom you have, but you do not exercise. Use these little choices that you have throughout your day as your excuse to access those frequencies, and notice how good it feels to recognize yourselves as the powerful and free Beings that you have always been and that you are now stepping into the knowing of.”

Listen to the audio here

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Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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