SHARON CAVILL – You can Talk to the Angels – Here’s how – 11-8-15

angels, spirit guides, healing, love, vibration, energy, psychic,SHARON CAVILL   –   You can Talk to the Angels – Here’s how   –   11-8-15

Let’s get one thing clear, making a connection to the spirit world is possible and can be a reality for all of us. Whether we’re aware of it or not we all have this ability.

It might help to think of it as a seed within all of us, that some people water, feed and nourish and others don’t. As we know with plants and grasses they have the ability to grow without any care or nourishment provided, such as out of cracks in walls or pavements, but sometimes they need a lot more nurturing and attention to get going.

If you’re interested in making a connection yourself, then initially you need to just allow the possibility to be there first and then start working on it. Give it a chance to develop before cutting it off and believing that you can’t do it.

It’s easy to just believe that it’s possible for others and not you, it’s harder to give it a go again and again and again, even when it seems nothing is happening. It’s harder to persist and decide you want to work at something you don’t even know for sure is possible. Choose this route 🙂 and a whole new world can open up for you.

If you do choose to dare and give it a go, the most powerful place to start is with your own heart. Beings, spirit guides, loved ones who have passed over, and angels all vibrate at a very high frequency. And we, alas, as human beings vibrate at a lower, much denser frequency. This is how we can exist all around each other but so many people aren’t even aware there is more than just our physical reality, the most dense of all, existing.

angels, spirit guides, psychic, healing, love, life

So if you feel like this is something you really want to do, then start with hanging out with your heart. Breathe into your heart space and notice what it feels like when you feel loving towards someone or something. What does that physically feel like inside your body? What else do you notice?

Do you feel tingling? Buzzing and flutters in your chest? Like something is gently touching your hair, or blowing on your hand?

The higher you can get your vibration to be the easier you will find connecting into the spirit realm.

An exercise to try:

Take a few deep breaths and set the intention to make a strong connection to your love energy centre. You can also ask for help with this – just say – I call out to my angels and guides, and ask for your assistance with helping me feel love within. 

Next focus your attention on your heart chakra – the centre of your chest. Continue breathing as though you’re breathing right into that spot and blowing it up like a balloon.

What do you feel when you do that?

You might feel like your heart is hard or like there are walls, continue breathing into that space until it starts to soften. You can also breathe out any heaviness that you carry in your heart.

Breathe in love, breathe out resistance. love how to angels, healing, spirit guides, how to, learn

Then say aloud or in your head:

I invite in my guardian angel and ask for your help to make a strong connection to the spirit world.

I open up all my senses, including my knowing. 

Notice how you feel as you do this. Continue breathing into your heart the whole time, and notice any sensations. I usually feel tingling going up and down my back, and flutters in my heart when the angels are connecting in with me.

You might feel inclined to repeat the above statement 3 times, even though you’ll probably notice a sensation or feeling before you’ve managed to get it all out.

What do you notice?

Another way to do it is to ask for help from someone. I help people all the time to make real, tangible connections to the spirit world in one-on-one sessions via skype. And yes, even people who have never connected in before or don’t believe they’ll ever be able to. Contact me today and arrange your free skype consultation, or for more information you can visit my business website here:!spiritual-hypnotherapy/c1s88

With love,

how to, help, guide, spirit guide, angel, psychic, medium, therapy, hypnotherapist, past lives

how to, therapy, healing, hypnotherapy, wellington, life, love, help, anxiety

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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