space, awakening, 11:11, awake, how to, life, wake up, helpA simple shift in perception can change everything. One moment we can be feeling low, dull and off-course and the next moment total euphoria. We create our reality by our perception of it and recently I’ve been delving deeply into the concept of our awakenings and of living an ‘awake’ life.

Last weekend I experienced a slight shift in perspective which changed everything. I was driving along the coastal road which links my friend’s house to my house and many people were out walking along with each other, or alone, or with a pet. But all of a sudden everything changed.

It was as though I seeing two versions of the same thing. One version I was in my car down on street level with everyone, and the other version I was out in the cosmos with stars between me and the earth. I could sense that it had all only been in an instant: our entire inhabitance on earth. I was seeing that only an instant ago we had all been thrown together on this rock, stuck there by an invincible thing we’d termed gravity, and we were all just going about our day pretending we know what’s going on.

It all seemed hilarious.

We were pretending it was all normal and mundane, yet we were moving about in these funny limbed containers we call bodies which (mostly) do what we tell them to do, and we were all stuck to a spinning rock floating in the universe.

We exist in this awesome, weird and powerful reality yet we drag our feet through each day moaning about this or that, caught up in the perceived seriousness of it all, thinking woe is me.

And that’s how we miss it.

space, amazing photo, wake up, awakened, awakening, help, how to, live, happyA long time ago we put our shutters down and started to sleep walk, we closed our eyes to the miracle of each moment, of everything around us and in us, and we decided that because we have defined everything and memorised terms, definitions and information that we know everything. We think we’ve got it all figured out and then we get bored.

Imagine for a moment that we were all sucked off this planet, hurtled out into space and placed down on another planet – say Jupiter.

Imagine those initial minutes when you realise you’re alive, then you look up and realise other people are there with you and they are alive as well.

Can’t you see it?

Everyone looking just as confused as you feel but incredibly grateful that they are still conscious and can move around. Then you begin to get curious. You are  amazed at everything. You inspect and marvel at yourself, you marvel at the ground beneath you, even at the tiniest grain of dirt. And as you look up, and look around your eyes are wider than they’ve ever been.

Now take that same feeling and bring it back down to earth, to your life. To right now. What if you were an energy inhabiting this body, co-exhisting with other beings inhabiting bodies too? Would you still live your life in the same way?

What would it take for you to forget that you think you know what’s what, and open to child-like curiousity?

We are still children. All of us. Whether we are 5 or 85.

Children of this marvellous universe that beckons us to dive in and explore.

universe, wake up, awakening, perception, change, live, happy, how to, help with anxiety, help with depression