Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – Heart Activations – Tis the Month – 2-16-15

From Your “Hostess of Light” Gillian MacBeth-Louthan:
As we enter the month of the heart and all that entails we enter places of emotion we are not prepared for. All places and times merge together in a patchwork of feelings that cannot be explained away. Spontaneous eruptions of tears and fears come to the surface as we walk forward into more light and enlightenment.
As we entered 2015 a great sadness and heavy dense feeling entered many of us. We wept and mourned for things that had not even occurred. We felt the presence of the ‘great comforter’, the one that holds the hearts and hands of Earth, as we as a planet experience biological despair. Many have already left the earthen playing field, some four legged and fuzzy, some the last of a powerful generation and some just dear wonderful friends that got tired of being too human.
As the baby boomers step up to the plate of light, it is their turn to stand at home base, hit the oncoming changes, and shift with precise accuracy.  Crossing their figures and wearing their lucky socks they hope for a grand slam but will settle for 2nd base.The biggest part of being human is feeling. It is all the senses wrapped around each other in a perfect DNA spiral.
Feeling is what makes us human and vulnerable and yet at the same time holy. We as human try to run and escape the feelings by whatever means is necessary. But like a Wiley coyote they turn around and bit us in the butt. We should have figured it out by now, but we cannot escape emotions and feelings no matter how hard we try. Like a shadow at high noon, they are always in our face and under our skin. Pushing prodding making us irritable.  Life is already demanding asking more of us than we think is possible.  The effect is a like a planetary Saturn return all go in front to the cosmic principle.We all keep doing good, every day in every way. We follow all the rules of light and play accordingly. We accrue blessings left and right that seem to fall into a sinkhole not to be retrieved again. Karmic interruptions of life and others keep one on bended knee. What do we as a planet need to do to get the big bad energetic storm to subside and move away from our energy field. Time is quickened karma is quickened and nerves are quickened. This new playing field and cosmic chess set keeps us hopping like the Easter bunny eating his own bounty. We seek the sweetness and simplicity of life, the good that has somehow seeped away.

We feel time running unchecked, as it demands more and more from our already tired humanness. Our list of things ‘to do’ getting longer and longer, no matter how fast we rush hither and yon. Our personal and family drama is self-consuming and has us by the short-emotional hairs, no matter how far away we are from its primary location.

Emotions run amuck, making a mess of things. Our logical brain seems to stop as we ride our animal brain which instructs fight or flight.   It is at this point that many will just sit down and let go. Free will seems to have left the building, and even though the molecules respond to our directions, we cannot influence the molecular choices of others, as to their life or death or choices in-between. The call of the wild this year will be ‘Thy WILL Be Done’…. Period.

Nothing to do with religion or belief or doctrine of old; Just plain old facts. As life beats again your personal and collective hologram, hold your personal point of light intrinsically, then let go of the outcome, (thy will) allowing another of a higher power and light to drive the vehicle for a while. In your heart of hearts you know what is truth. Yet inter-dimensionally that truth may not hold fast. Like the first time driving a stick shift instruction is needed in order to navigate safely thru the new wormholes of realization.

It is not that we are doing anything wrong it is that we are trying to connect with what was and what should be. Like your smart phone dialing a fifties phone number, no matter how hard you try there is no connection. Allow the Light (thy will) to escort thru this new playing field showing you how to work the dials of this level of light.  There is not a wrong or right way but a more efficient way that allows more. Trust is a biggy as we all will walk through the many mansions in our heart. Emotions will spring forth from unknown sources as cleansing of the heart and soul is required for entrance into this new stratum of light. Hand over what is heavy in your life and heart to that which we once sprang from. Whatever your beliefs let go and allow the light to drive for this segment of the cosmic highway.



Heart Activations: ‘Tis the month’

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As the vibration of the heart peaks out from the snowy hill tops we are asked to look at our human heart and see its true value.  There are so many flavors of love, as ‘true love is a many splendored thing’. Once love has touched you, you are forever changed.  Love is movement and seeks to fly on the wind like a seed of hope seeking abundant land.

Love is constantly evolving shifting changing, never staying the same for more than a fortnight, but leaving an eternal impression that will influence all lifetimes. The saying ‘that love beckons love’ is true. For only when there is love in your heart can you reach out and embrace another. Some flavors of love are only there once for a fleeting moment, never to be tasted again.

Your HEART and the healing of Earth are one in the same, opposite ends of the same rainbow. As this year gains momentum and the sun gifts, us with one solar charge after another, parts of the heart that have been closed down due to past sorrow now awaken with a loud roar. The heart wants what the heart wants, and what it wants at this time in human evolution is to heal and be clear of emotional debris.

The heart is a sacred symbol for the vibration of love. In religious texts the heart has had mystical significance, as a metaphor and as an organ. The heart is genuinely believed to have spiritual and divine attributes. Many philosophers and scientists, including Aristotle considered the heart the seat of thought, reason and emotion often rejecting the instructs of the brain.

The solar emanations come directly into the human heart as soon as they are birthed on the Sun. Many will feel physical pain as the heart struggles to clear away the tragic remains like one looking for love letters after a string of tornados have hit. All that was stuffed away in nooks and crannies, comes to the surface to be seen in the light of a new day.

This heart evolution is necessary for all of earth as we move forward in time. Love is the key that will turn the hands of time in a direction that will fulfill the Creators desire for mankind. First one must love all their good, bad and ugly thru the fullness of time, Knowing without a shadow of a doubt it was all necessary.  Humans seek peace in every country but it is not until they fully love the creation that they are, will they ever find that peace. Peace work is exactly that, heart to heart, piece by peace.



  • The heart is a powerful generator of electromagnetic energy. Producing the largest electromagnetic field of any organ
  • The heart has 60 times more electrical field than the brain.
  • The heart field is also a transmitter. Our heart is a biological oscillator that can entrain other hearts even at a great distance
  • Both the heart/brain receive and respond to intuitive information, but the heart receive the information first
  • Heart rate increases prior to future emotional stimuli. The heart processes emotional events seconds before the body experiences the events
  • The heart acts as if it has a mind of its own 60-65% of the heart cells are neuro cells/like brain cells


The numerical power of the numbers in the year 2015 are powerful and authoritative. They emphasize the need to attain and reach for something more. Reaching for what seems so far into a future that can only be seen through a pinhole laced with haze and confusion. 2015 births a new octave of holiness. Recycling beliefs that no longer fit the paradigm of old, the unexpected is birthed and the encrypted is deciphered.

There was a time in the recent past when computers were not part of the daily experience and now they are the norm. What comes to be in 2015 has never been a part of your consciousness, so you have nothing to compare with.  2015 allows you the opportunity to align with all that was before creation, in the form of pure undiluted possibility. The alpha and the omega and every molecule in-between invite you to partake of their truths, for what you seek shall be found and what you ask will be answered, as you enter the free flowing experience of all possibility; like newly fallen snow with no footprints on it, you will walk upon a clean path.

Learning to truly see, to create, to make real by looking through the quantum portal deep into the proverbial rabbit hole takes its toll on your dormant imagination. It is time to change the description of what once was thought to be defined. A call to duty is announced to all that are willing to expand. Without playing favoritism with any particular side of creation you exchange the cross for the crown. Encircling what you want with clear intention, dotting your “I AM’s” and uncrossing your “t’s” will be an empowering daily event. All time and no time embrace creating an experience of time being fruitless and fruitful simultaneously.

You have finally come to the realization that your thoughts are the source of your power. Any and all limitations are also the source of your power. Any darkness you battle can also be a source of power.  Like transforming lead into gold. 2015 issues a decree to become the Champions. As One who rises from battle and continues to move forward on the sheer ‘will to do good’, the knight continues on the journey of light.

You have changed forever never to return to who you once were. You sit perched on a new branch of self and light.  All that you do or do not do is created by you and you alone.

By seeing the existing blessings in your transformative lives you will create a connection for this wave of blessedness to adhere to. The more thoughts you have of blessing what is in your life right now the more energy is generated, and the easier the new connection will be made. Thoughts of thankfulness and gratitude beckon this wave of blessedness; thoughts of negativity repel it. The Blessedness travels to every shore that will welcome it

The fruits of all past labors of life and love can be supped upon. What was once thought to be lost is found within ones very own life. Energy spent in helping others was placed into a universal account that has accrued to mighty proportions. Nothing was every lost or wasted or tossed away in thoughts and actions of goodness and kindness. All actions of inherent good have been counted and accounted for by the universal abacus. All time spent in prayer and kind thoughts for others has been exponentially expanded and multiplied beyond earth’s ability to count. A great amount of heavenly rewards finds itself on the road to the masses.

2015 is a portal to internal illumination and true spiritual fulfillment. It offers a place and time of reconnecting to the Great Light that has appeared to be absent for many years. One is finally escorted into a position of personal power. The vibration of 2015 is an eight. It awakens within humanity an ancient DNA that was made from scratch using an old recipe of stardust and earth. 2015 unties the ‘time slip-knot’ creating an open road to travel upon beckoning one to quest in a new direction. Fractals restructure themselves into different patterns of thought as the light within the unexpected and unexplained is turned up so high that even the 3 blind mice can see. You are leaving the energy of what has so distracted you and moving into a place of sharp focus. Chose to see all or nothing, do not turn a blind  eye to any possibility.

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

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