Crystalai – DNA Harmonic Alignment – 7-29-14


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Crystalai  /  Dr. Angela Barnett
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The reason that human beings often feel like lonely, isolated strangers who spend their lives

trying to figure out why they are here, and believe that they  must seek and strive in their lives

rather than freely enjoy and manifest reality like we would do in a Normal System is because

our DNA has had certain base tones and overtones disconnected.

This means the beautiful harmonious structure that is supposed to exist within every cell in our body

has become a disconnected harmonic field causing minor modes and disharmony in our bodies and in our lives.
The reason that Jesus Christ said “FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO”

is because just 3400 years before Jesus arrived, human beings had their memories completely removed.

They did not have a clue who they were. They were disconnected from their Souls.

Remember that the Soul Level is the dimensional 4,5,6.

Our Souls were in Tara and our Bodies were on Earth.

We were broken apart from our Soul Memory. What Jesus said was very literal.

They literally did not know what they were doing.

And that state of amnesia has been the basis for our entire World as we Know it.

At that time in history, people broke into small groups and created languages and cultures.

They made up realities. They created the language and structure of reality that they wanted.

That was how the world was created.

Now, is the time for the End of the World and the return to our Normal Reality.

That begins with having our memory returned to us.

Our Consciousness of our Entire True History is within the Morphogenetic Consciousness Field

that has been reactivated within the Crystal Core Domain of Mother Earth.

That means the Etheric, Starry Earth within the Earth we stand on.

That Consciousness Field can be activated now and we can connect our consciousness

into that memory field of who we really are.

When we do that, we remember that we are actually a part of an entire Cosmic Self

that is so far beyond any controller on this

man made world that we would laught at anyone who thought they could control us.

We would remember that it is actually impossible to die or even get sick

because we are actually living in the Source Field of Eternal Life Energy.
Ascension is a Musical Event.

The word God vibrates at the highest and fastest frequency

within and beyond the Universe and the Cosmos.

But, it isn’t the Word that vibrates – it is the frequency and the frequency signature

of the Idea of God which holds this frequency of the Divine Template of all Creations.
The Breath of Source is the highest frequency of the eternal creation.

We ignite that spark of Source within our selves when we breathe the crystal light energy

into the spark of Source in our Crystal Hearts.

This is what all of the music on this website is created to do for you.
That Breath of Source Consciousness contains the frequency signature of the Divine Template.

The Divine Template is the formula or the foundation from which all of the grand Creator’s creations are formed from. The grandest creation is man, who is made in

God’s image and likeness. The image and likeness of Source is the Divine Template.
Each Soul is that Divine Template. Let’s look at what the Soul has been and is going to on the Divine Scale.

Let’s say that the Creator was this grand musician who was orchestrating the most glorious,

luxurious, joyous symphony ever to be heard.
Let’s say that Composer wanted to hear His perfect frequency signature or key signature

performed in the most harmonious

harmonic weaving and braiding of glorious sounds as they transformed His perfect frequency –

still the Highest Frequency into Music or Sound.
Let’s say this grand creator decided to base his glorious symphony of Love on eight tones.

Or maybe it was 12 tones. Or maybe it was 16 tones.
Lets say it took 8 tones to create what this great musician wanted to produce.

So, everything he creates is based on 8.

That eighth dimension contained the man made in the imageand likeness of source.

And that man was a co-creator who could create

symphonies through the ears of the Elohim of Hearing who lived in the 16th dimension,

exactly one octave- or 8 dimensions above the  dimension of the God Man.
Now, let’s imagine this distorted creature who has no apprceciation of music or harmony comes along

and wants to create the most distorted structure that is completely disconnected

from the Source Field of Eternal Creation.

He knows that all he has to do is remove some of the notes from the scale

so that the harmonies can never be truly harmonic.

So, these fallen angelic races disconnected the parts of our base tones and overtones

that should be connected to the higher levels of our selves.
We had our physical bodies disconnected from our spiritual bodies.

Man is in reality Spiritual – not Physical The Spiritual overtones were disconnected

and the higher base tones were disconnected from our bodies and from our planetary body.
That is the formula for turning a Star into a Planet and an Human Angelic into a Human.
The base tone rhythms of Earth must connect their frequencies to the overtones

of the spiritual parallel reality of Tara.

In the normal reality system all of our base tones

where correctly connected to the overtones within each DNA strand.
In order for the Fallen Angelics to disconnect us from the Mind of God-

our Spiritual Mental Body and our Etheric Emotional

Bodies, they first disconnected certain base tones and overtones from each set of DNA within each Chakra area.
The reason that human beings often feel like lonely,

isolated strangers who spend their lives trying to figure out why they are

here, and believe that they  must seek and strive in their lives

rather than freely enjoy and manifest reality like we would do in a Normal System

is because our DNA has had certain base tones and overtones disconnected.

This means the beautiful harmonious structure that is supposed to exist within every cell in our body

has become a disconnected harmonic field causing minor modes and disharmony in our bodies and in our lives.
The reason that Jesus Christ said “FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO” i

s because just 3400 years before Jesus arrived, human beings had their memories completely removed.

They did not have a clue who they were.

They were disconnected from their Souls.

Remember that the Soul Level is the dimensional 4,5,6.

Our Souls were in Tara and our Bodies were on Earth.

We were broken apart from our Soul Memory.
What Jesus said was very literal.

They literally did not know what they were doing.

And that state of amnesia has been the basis for our entire World as we Know it.

At that time in history, people broke into small groups and created languages and cultures.

They made up realities.

They created the language and structure of reality that they wanted.
That was how the world was created.

Now, is the time for the End of the World and the return to our Normal Reality.

That begins with having our memory returned to us.

Our Consciousness of our Entire True History is within the Morphogenetic Consciousness Field

that has been reactivated within the Crystal Core Domain of Mother Earth.

That means the Etheric, Starry Earth within the Earth we stand on.
That Consciousness Field can be activated now and we can connect our consciousness

into that memory field of who we really are.

When we do that, we remember that we are actually a part of an entire Cosmic Self

that is so far beyond any controller on this man made world

that we would laught at anyone who thought they could control us.

We would remember that it is actually impossible to die or even get sick

because we are actually living in the Source Field of Eternal Life Energy.
In order to return to the harmony that is naturally ours in a Normal System

that wasn’t invaded by Fallen Angelic Race lines,

we can now begin to harmonize and tune in to the missing base tones and overtones

within each DNA strand and Chakra Area in the body.

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

One thought on “Crystalai – DNA Harmonic Alignment – 7-29-14”

  1. This information really shed light on all our insecurities, emotions and fluctuating moods..omg I now truly understands why we are receiving so much assistance to regain full consciousness..


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