Meg Benedicte – Quantum Vortex™ Energy – Increasing Our Vibration – 6-3-11

Meg Benedicte

Quantum Healer, Meg Benedicte, discusses one of the key strategies to personal transformation – increasing our energy frequency higher! All of life vibrates in the Unified Field of Energy in a range of frequencies — and we need to substantially increase our energetic vibration to Ascend. In every particle of our being, we are connected to the infinite intelligence of the quantum field.

The very nature of our humanness allows access into the field of all possibilities. As we open our cells to hum and flow in alignment with the rhythm of Nature, we begin to move in harmony within the Quantum Field. Our bodies and minds are in sync with the fluid motion of Creation. Our very beings become a pulsing, thriving electromagnetic energy field of manifestation.

In 1994, Meg experienced a profound awakening that activated her inherent template for utilizing the Quantum Vortex™ as a powerful tool for transformation. Through extensive research in Bio-Energetics and Quantum Healing, Meg Benedicte discovered the magnitude of change possible when tapping into the Zero Point Field of vortex energy. According to research physicists, a spinning Torus Vortex provides access to the most powerful force in the Universe — the GForce.

With this transformational quantum technique, Unified Field Therapy®, Meg Benedicte can access unlimited free energy to eradicate disease, polarity and the decomposition of time. She helps clients to quickly shift consciousness, unlock karma and remove energetic patterns so they can clear out-of-date 3D systems that limit their human experience. By utilizing sacred geometry and Phi Harmonics to enhance wave inter-action with the Quantum Vortex™ that is coded to bend space, access the 5th Dimension and open the Crown Chakra portal to the Higher self.

For the past 20 years, Meg Benedicte has been sharing these dramatic findings with global audiences in telecasts/webinars, various speaking events, radio shows, blogs and articles, CD Meditations, and her book, Soul Realized: Unlocking the Sacred Keys of Becoming a Divine Human.

Author: Higher Density Blog

My Spiritual Path and quest for Ascension led me to begin Higher Density Blog in late 2012. Sharing discoveries, exploring 5D Abilities, Universe within, Unity Consciousness, New Science, Galactics, Awakening Humanity and Arts of Creation weave the fabric of Higher Density Blog.

7 thoughts on “Meg Benedicte – Quantum Vortex™ Energy – Increasing Our Vibration – 6-3-11”

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